The Clinton News Record, 1928-04-05, Page 2CLINTON
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Proprietor. Editor.
A general Banking Business transact-
ed. Notes, Discounted. Drafts leaned.
Interest .Allowed on -Deposits. pals
Notes Purchaped,
Notary Rubric: 'Conveyancer.
Financia),' Real Estate and Fire In-
aprance Agent. " Representing 14 Fire
- -insurance Companies.,
Division Court Office, Clinton.
barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc.
Office Honra:-1.30 to 3,30 p.m.. 0.30
to 8.00 p.m., Sundays,' 12:30 to 1.30 p.m,
Other hours by appointment only.
Office and Residence - Vletorla Se
Office and Residence:
Ontario Street Clinton, Ont.
One door west of Anglican Church.
Phone 172.
Eyes examined and glasses fitted.
Otaoe and Residence:
Huron Street Clinton, Ont.
' • Phone 60
;(Formerly occupied by the late Dr.
C. W. Thompson).
Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted,
Office hours 9 to 12 A.M. and 1 to
G P.M., except Tuesdays and Wednes•
days. Office over Canadian National
Express, Clinton, Ont.
Phone 21.
DR. F. A. AXON �*
Clinton, O o D, Ont.
r S., Chicago, and
it,o.r.s., Toronto.-
Crown end ,Plata work • a specialty
D.11. McINNES'
Chiropractor—Electrical Treatment.
1)3 Wingham, will be at the Cooisaer•
slat;Inn. Clinton, en Monday„ Si.ednes.
day and Friday forenoons of each
Diseases of all kiwis ' snccesefuliy
)Lkensed Auctio
Auctioneer for the
of Huron.
Correspondence prom/Ale answered.
%mmedlatearrangements can be made
for Sales Date et The News -Record,
Clinton,- or • by calling Phone 203.
Charges Moderato and Satisfaction
•Clinton, Ont.
3lenerai Fire and Life Insuratnco,'Agent
tor Hartford Windstorm, Live . Stock,
Automobile and Sickness and Accident
Insurance, Iiuron and Erie and Cana-
da Trust Bonds. Appoigtnients made
to meet parties at Beuceiield, Varna
and Ilayfleld. 'Phone 87.
` � DIAN i A IUNA4�" AILW4
'mPratus will n:rlve:at,and depart from
Clinton as follows:'
Buffalo and Godorlch Div.
POlug depart' part .m
0.44 a.
/, , . o: • 2,52 p,m
going West, ar. "` 1120 a,m,.
ar. 6.08 de, 023 p.m.
ar. .10.04 p,nh.
London, Huron & Bruce Div,
Poing South, as 7,56 dp, 7.50 pa
being North, depart 6.50 p.m.
, ar, 11.40 11.51 tt.m,
f the McKillop
Fire Insurance
Head Office, Seafogils, Ont.
$!resfdent,":la::es Coliuotly Go
' vice, Jatiies Il;vans;`Beechwood; Sec,
Treasurer, Thos. 11, Hays, Sealorlh,
Directors::, George McCartney, Sea.
. Forth; WT. McGregor, Seaforth •
Grieve; Walton;. Wm: Ring,'Sea;
for h
23 McEwen. Clinton;' Robert P th
Iidrlock; John Benneweir, Broduagen;
las Connolly, Coderich.
Agents; 'Ales. Leitch, Clinton; J. W.
Teo,-Goderich; Ed. I-Ilnchi•ay, .Sea.
forth W. Chesney,' Rgmondvitie;
Jarmuth, Brodhagen ' -
Any -money to be paid in May be
vaid'to weer ,h Clothingg Co.,-Cllnfbm
pr at Cates 'Grocery, Goaerich.
Parties &ta']ing to affect Insurance
for transact other business will be
promptly ette.nded to on application to.
Buy of the above officers adcires;sed to
their reSpeetivo' pnit ofllCo. 1,00s03
ituipocte(l by:the Dirsetor who Ayes
teareet the G'goir_o9
i64o1.1l arty c� � ► I`Iovo1ir of idSAI,A A"
Grder* Tea aro patsies- , , hey #iaa°process of ouring
is differ ail# tiflel91 iia Toa -,=-Bath arefl�vi ii,
phr°e _s' A aD ,P" . Orith? . Tea i ceased irsr air-
tight • aliaeis ai lna�r> - r a In; 4 c�ici s— #esE�ip a�
3ge heirM-i at Iia��erso - F�siffi for this lea.
You knew I was here: Of course
the squaw -described •pre, and you
guessed who it was?"
"No. You know I'wouldn't have coin
if I'd known that, if I'd known it' was
you, .I don't - know why I came -7:
cept it was just because I couldn't
help it—"
Ivan's vivid eyes opened wide, .then
the lids dropped again,'- "Out with it,
man.' You'vecoeked.your goose and
have done 411 the damage you can. Is
it blackmail? If not, what are you
doing here?" •
Sarichef straightened and sighed.
"I was living on the other side of the
Peninsula. You knew that—and a
few nights ago—.I heard some one call
me -sone one told rile to come herr.--"
"You've good ears to hear across
the Peninsula!"
"I don't expect yon to understand,"
Saeichef returned with some dignity.
"I'm trying, to tell you -just how it
was. A few nights ago I got the idea
that some one wanted me—here—that
some one was calling me. It came
just as clear as an actual voice. I
tried to turn away and disregard it,
but somehow I couldn't. `Paul Sark -
chef, Paul Sariehef," the voice kept
crying—and it told me to come here
to this -very spot. You know how, a
man obeys a hunch. That's what it
was, I guess—a hunch -bat I couldn't
disregard it."
The, grim smile. flickered at Ivan's
mouth again. '.`How many nights ago
Was. this?"
"Four nights ago. I started the
next morning, and halfway across. I
Diet old Sindy, with her back loaded
with grub. She told me there were
people here, needing help, and I offer-
ed to carry her pack on over and let
her go back." •
"Four nights ago 1" Ivan turned and
met the girl's fixed, startled gaze.
"Dorothy; do you remember what hap-
pened four nights ago "
"The seance!" the girl answered
dully. '
"Tho seance! You haven't forgot-
ten, have you, that you asked to speak
to Paul Sarichef—and that Fortune
Joe called' hire? You remember how
all of us felt the tension as he broad-
cast that silent call? Sarichef was
not in the spirit world, but he answer-
ed just the same. He came, and he
doesn't know why. Was it hypnotism
or some other occult thing, or was it
just blackmail—who can- say?" •
But the wonder of this mystery
could not long obscure the real issues
that faced this baffled trio in the
fire's glow. They stood silent, as if
listening to the eta and the wind, but
their thoughts moved in sweeping cir-
cles. The two packers, curious but
wholly failing to understand, moved
and rustled in the darkness like wild
beasts; and enveloped in a' deep,
ett'ange calm that was reflected in his
inhnhibole face and 'quiet eyes, Pete
watched the slow unfolding of the
Ivan turned abruptly iron Snitcher,
and smiling faintly in appeal, stepped
in front of Dorothy. Her Wide -upon
eyes fixed, on his thin, stark -white
face; but her expression did not
change, .and sho ryas to baffled and
estranged by what had occurred that
at first she seemed hardly aware of
him. Ho reached for her hands, but
she pint, them away front him.
"Don't draw away," lie urged
quickly. Hespoke softly now, for her
ears alone, "Dearest, you must for-
give me." •'
"I -can't forgive you," was her sub-
dued answer. , Sipe „spoke without in-
flection, almost in that muttered mono...-
ono=tone with which one talks in sleep,
"You meet. It's the only possible
- Aiwa ys havehe
y the rn aglc .,
'WRIGLEY package i» '
Y pocket. )ocket. y:
• Soothes nerves, , allays a
p, thirst, aids
riA digestion.
• /N °6
• Wr
hSp VN`
?G1 �ery Mfleaeil A
• ~cnis
iSSUlf No. 14—'28
for the' ettiernnents, If you want to
come you may, but it vfon't be as my
husband, and you mut tweet.' appear
in the, United Stals tirstain. Y eu've
-asked ane to cheese between rly hus-
band's honor'end you, my husbanii a
xnuiiderer. I don see liow yon" 'ci'n
wonder' at •my answer. When I got
hone 1 will ,tell the whole truth and
course. You must realize that'. I don't -
expect you. to -forget right away -even
to vindicate me until I've at least'won
you to my point of view—but you; must
forgive. Don't you see it was all for
you? -
"I• am aware that I charged Peter_
with a crime lie didn't do—that '1
caused hint to flee, and that while he
was gone he died. But, Dorothy, this
world is of, the living. When people
are dead, they cease to be, so far as
the living world is concerned. You
have found happiness in me; don't
lose it again for anevil done long ago.
Don't let the dead past shadow the liv-
ing present.
"Every man• does wicked deeds, only
most of them don't get caught. Many
and many a man wants to do wicked
deeds that. he doesn't dare to do—to
gain his ends. Other men have loved
you, and have wished desperately that
Peter would die and leave you free
-but they haven't loved you enough
—they didn't have-, the courage to
make their wish come true. You know
your Christian teaching—that there
is no distinction drawn between hien
who wants to' do evil and hint who
really does it. The thing I did many
men would have been glad. to do, if
they bad dared to take the risk."
Ilo paused, -and the girl started to
turn away. Ivan held het`: gonile, his
hands at her arma : just • below .her
shoulders. "I don't want to talk about
it," she told him, •
"But you must hear me,' Dorothy.
I wanted you, arid I had to have you.
For a single instant Ivan held her
try, to clear Peter's name, and take!
the smirch off' his memory',"
,At.thts point she,paused, faltering;
and for ono ' brief instant she did
not know the cause of the sudden Mil
Hudson'. Bay ; asin
e.lf in Resources
Tit017ler and Mineral \X/ealth
Descl-ebbed by Dr. R. 13.
• . Std wart
Additional Pulp and Paper
wind of terror that blew through her
Mills Probable in INe r
being, closing, her 'throat and chok- nitrile
ing back her brave words. In that - Picturing the future of the Ilutlson
instant Ivan's attitude had changed. Bay Rasihi as a produettive suction of
Outwardly there was little sign; pos- the Dominion. the Hon. Charles Mo-
lily certain lines deepened on his Ci'ea, Ontario Minister of Mines, spoke
whiteface and his vivid eyes looked briefly recently before the Canadian
dull red, like glowing, dying coals, Institute of Mining and Metalluh'gy,
under his fine brows. • A wan smile', Toronto .Ilranch:
determined' rather than. cruel, curled
at his lips Nin. McCrea introduced .Dr: R. B.
It was not that he had misnnder-, Stewart, thief medical adviser of the
stood her words.', IIe was not such TiusTeoy•s 13ay Company, who gave :'n
a fool as to think this merely a burst jilt) :sated lecture. on "The Natural
of temporary indignation, soon to snurces of the Hudson Bay Basin."
to the railway
� Mr. McCrearefeyre
pass away. Dorothy had meant ex ' ct '
inee up
actly what she said, Yet her oppose ;to iTiudson11Bay and Jalnespshing tworent B&Yl as mo-
tion only made her more desirable to darn pioneers,, following the exaample.
him, heightened the fire of his 'rnad- set byNucleate the'explorer, In 1611.
nese, His strong arms went about Noting the 'inimeitao, area 01 the
her and he pressed his lips to hers.
Pavlof, who watched from the Tit[$sbir Bay Basin, more than 3,000,-
of the dugout, grunted softly, 000 ;square miles, Dr. Stewart .refer -
as -if' in reflection of -.his -master's red' -to the ,vast range of itis climatic
passion, Pete 'Made one .uneaoy'mova
conditions, extending from sub -Arctic
in the shadows, but he 'Weill not`: yet to t•
sure of 1116 ;couiee, and, preparations
were not yet complete, so he paused,
waiting for what might befall. 'Dor-
othy struggled in a sudden frenzy of
hate–and scorn; as if the kiss had
ravished her integrity. For a single on the Salmon River which: -supplies
instant Ivan held her helpless—just the' stoves of many of the northern
long enough to:show. her he was her stations of the company, themica be-
master—then he let her go. - ing producedinsmall quantities at
"Ohl" she -breathed. "You wouldn't Lake Harbor, the nickel deposits at
dare—"Cape Smith, lead at Mayfair River,
She halted because she was afraid gypsum and china clay in the Moose
to go on. Ivan was fully wakened
now. He was shaking off the Factory section; and quantities of iron
last ore to be found in the'Belcher Islands
.Geological Make-up.
Referring to the geological make-up
of the basin, the speaker Curtailed up-
on the granite to be -found along the
northern rims, of the bay, the lignite
Will Serve Vancouver Island
�� do
'The Princess Elaine", newest member of •the Canadian Peelle Rallway's.
Royal Family of s.teamshtlps, now on her 'way to Victoria, V.I., via tile,Panaiilcc
Canal, from the shipyards on the Clyde, Scotland. The "vessel will be used
for service between Vancouver, ori the mainland and Nanaimo on Vancouver
Island across the Straits of.Georgia, a distance of about 40 miles, and is fur-
ther qualified to ply between Seattle on the south and Slcagway on the north.
She will have a speed of 18 knots, is 2,000 tons groes register, will neve accom-
modation for about 1,200 passengers, and is specially 'dcei.gmedfor the trans-
portation of automatise, a turntable .being installed to reverse ears for dis-
embarkation. Om trial rune on the Clyde The Pi -Meese Elaine dld,over'
19 •knots..
For a Coconut
Carmei Pie
In a frying pan caramelize /7:7 cup•
fill of sugar, being careful, not to burn
it.The Sugar will .form:a ball, when
stirred, and do other odd things that
mystify the amateur, but it is all
right; keep -on stirring until there is
a liquid almost ready to burn, then
pour in, very slowly, 2 cupfuls scald-
ed milk. . With the addition of the
liquid the mixture will suddenly rise
in steam, so be ready for it. When
the milk is hot, turn off the fire. Sift
together 1% cupfuls of sugar, 3 table-
spoonfuls of flour and 1/8 teaspoonful
of salt. Mix it to a smooth pasta with
vestiges -of his conventionality as . a some of the hot milk, then turn it
y district, but noted that so far no gold back into the rest of the milk and
dog shakes off water, and with it deposits of any. consequence have cook it over hot water, stirring con -
went the veneer that westerncivilize.been located, although prospecting is stantly until the mixture is thick and
tion had bestowed upon him. This being carried still furthernorthward, smooth. Pour it over the well -beaten
yolks of 4 eggs, cook a minute, then.
add 1 teaspoonful of vanilla and 1 cup-
ful of grated coconut. Pour 0 into a
baked pie shell, add meringue and
brown as usual.
For a thick meringue for one pie,
beat until, stilt the whites of 2 eggs
and add 4 teaspoonfuls of sugar,beat-
ing constantly; never stir meringue.
Pile it -lightly on top of the pie when
that surface has cooled slightly, and
bake 15 :.minutes' iii a moderato 'oven.
(325 degrees 2'.), when it will be
cooked 'through and-golden-browei on
rock-ribbed waste of barrens beside
the sea had always possessed a deep,
'stirring appeal' for him; and tonight
he,yieldedto it as never before. It
called to his deeply hidden primitive
side, and what was left hint there in
the weird firelight, was .4iltogethor
The racial differences she sad' seen
in hint had been vague and of not
great ilitportance before; but now
they estranged her and terrified her.
(To be .continued.)
I loved you enough to risk my repu-
tation, . to do evil to a respected
friend, in order...etc, win you. Don't
you realize that this showed a love
of which your Anglo-Saxon Hien
would be wholly incapable? Poor
Peter was the victim but .he has
gone now, and you must seelc your
happiness in me, your husband!"
"ivIy' husband!" the girl echoed, as
if the thought were incredible to her,
"Yes. You are my wife. You don't
owe any more loyalty to Peter—only
to me. When you married me you
took me for better for worse—and'
that 11100110 you take my past crimes
on your head. You share everything
with me, and that -means you share
my past, too, Itwill go hard at first,
and you will be .bitter; but I *runt
you to•put it out of your mind. You've
got to be my, partner pow, even in hay
evil deeds. Dorothy, I want you to
respect, rather than scorn• that qual-
ity of nncouqueeable purpose in 100
that won't let me forego the things
that I want; asst."particularly I want
you to remember that it was all for
you, •Tire thing `is closed: and. done,
part 'of the •dead least and I" -want
you to nut it -out of .your mince"
The, grl)•raightenecl and sighed.
away," "I 'wish ou'd ' o " she Said.
Y $' Y y,
dully: "I can't' forget it and :never
can, •.and I can't forgive it . Every-
thing is over between us, Now let
10e go—I'm going into my tent,"
His hand pressed more tightly at
her shoulders, and he looked mean-
illgly into her eyes. "Into our tent,"
he corrected easily.
The girl sihtok:lier head; but her
expression did not change. "No. I
renounce our marriage. 'My door is
closed to you ferever." At this point
Iter slim body straightened, and her
voice—though it did not increase ,in
volume—took on a hushed, hnmristak
able tone of emphasis. "Understand
everything Clearly,, Ivan, now as 'well
as later.' I• :den;) eonsidol• nhyselt
you'.- wife from naw 00, I'm going to
my tent—you must go to yours: Your
halide have no , longer any right to.
held '24.1 To!norrow the guide's and I
will go away in the dory, in search
German' Donkey Notifies
and a fair proliabilitty exists of this
precious metatl being found in paying
Furs, the product of the district for
250 yearn, are still being sent out in
Large quantities, Dr. Stewart stated. •
Fish of Two Varieties.
"Hudson Bay is not teeming with
fish, as some people imagine," Dr.
Stewart said, referring to the scarcity
of any variety ecept rock cod and
white fish.' .tri tine, the fisheries, of
the basin may abaft' large production,,
but not for -sonfe ']years. Pulp' an tap
Engineer Where t St paper proditetioh :is already going Perfect' meringue can never be
O op ahead, With prospect of additional' -
baked in a hot oven,.because that does
not give the egg-white time to fisc
ariiduaily to its possible height; a
meringue baked too fast is thin and
leathery. If the oven is not hot enough
or the pie isremoved before the
meringue is cooked, the egg-whites be-
come watery again and the meringue
falls. -
Some experts add flavoring to their
meringues. Others mix with tate
sugar Ye of a teaspoonful of baking
Canada for general commodities, but powder, 'find still others add ea of a
it will not be for some years—nee- teaspoonful. of cornstarch instead; the
sibly never—that wheat will be ship• baking powder insures n rising of the
ped to any great extentt. The straits mixtitre, and the cornstarch, its stay -
are open longer than people imagine, ing tip,
proved futile. He was beaten, tickled,,( but the difficulty will be to keep Fort '
Berlin. --Railway officials emlyed mills 11?the near future. Black and
at the little station of Cochem in the white spruce, tamarac, balsam, poplar,
Rhineland-, or on jerk -water trains white birch and balsam pine are
stopping there, have given up an un- among tate prluclpal species of timber
equal battle with a donkey. found in the area. Fall wheat, grow -
This donkey is owned by the local ing at Moose Factory, had shown es
milk dealers' association and has the high a yield as that In the Western
important mission of pulling the cart provinces, and a good future hi agrl-
with the milk intended for shipment culture' was predicted by Dr. Stewart,
to the station, He .has taken it into "I believe the Hudson Bay area,
his head, however, to stop at a certain route will prove a boon to West
point alongside the track and to in-
sist that the baggage car must conte
to a halt there. Attempts tot get him
to move toward the baggage car in
case it was carried a bit beyond him
the hose was turned on him—in vain.Churchill's port open long enough to / co11�• a Th
lc would not budge, be of value to navigation by the new 99,.•+
to humor the beast and bring the milk . Rustlers Age
car exactly where the donkey decrees The American 'temptation A rustiess age, it seeens, Is on 'the
LondanDaily Express (itu.. Cons.): way. , Considerable progress is very
The Peacemaker : (The new American Immigration Bill quietly being made in this and other
ours r: It would be the is being framed to give still greater countries, we aro told {u the editorial
BrisbaneC e t columns of the New York Journal of
Tho engineers have been instructed rotate." •
that it shallstop.
greatest tragedy of all history it the preference to.Bi'Itish subjects,) .This t".o:mmerce, toward the pradtieton on
British Navy were Weakened at the is. a direct, challenge to the whole a conrmereial scale of a rustleso meta=
instance of those dreamers, who ima- movement for promotng emigration
gine that tb.e League could save us within the Empire. Every family that 1101 or alloy which will indefinitely
in the day of international upheaval. , leaves Britain for a non -British coon- reeler corrosion under most condi.
So long as the world is at peace the try Is a definite loss to the Mitre.tons. The stage is Using approached,
League may do very effectivo work as The Empire question is beyond every- , we are assured, 'when the material
a philosophy; when some bellicose na- thing else a population question. Bat.. will be cheap enough• for use on a
tion decides upon resorting to war as what Is being done to solve it? .. The 'urge scale. We read:
Govern- "Already five American steel cam -
a final arblte.r the League is "Idled, Dominions and the home
anal depends wholly for its success 'leant have been ecinaily to blame for Denies are pioclueing `rustled iron';
u pon the half dozen great Powers of not having.tltong:bt out and solved a low -carbon steel high in ehtwmium',
the world .thea cart use enough in -this central problem 10115 ago. While conton.t. The demand is growing con
flambee to preserve peace. That is theitremains unsolved our impel'ial bel'i- stantly and the interest in it is ex -
role that Britain has played for years teas is simply being n'nctcileil away pandi g rapidly. It can now bo
Record Sheep Heads Caught
made In bars, plates shapes, sheets,
wire,eustitigs, and in Marty .atlioi'
forme, Conceive the possibiiitles 13
retch a trustless and long-enduring:I
even when brightly enlisted, meteriitle-b
rigid ass• steel on bridges, buildings,
fences, abeam etal buildings, and so
"Three prooesse2 for itis' manufac-
ture are now available. The patent
situation, 'however, Is intricate and a
hindrance to development, but this is
grndxtally being' straightened cut,
.Tania German), •• cosine Annan,' of a `
Muth Tower -cost _product than the
slat ]Scan. As against.:) consider-
ably'high•er cost only four or five
yea's ago, 'rustling hon' is asow obtain-
able tr'oug'h principal producers at
abet twemty-five Bents per ermine,'
and as developments : continue, the
pries wit decline, as aluminum olid
years ago. -
So much for progress to date.• Is
the rustless age approaching?. With
This attractive frock is a practical
and smart style for all daytime wear.
Tho skirt has plaits at each .side of
the front and is joined to the Indica,
while the back is in one piece. The
dart -fitted sleeves are finished with
cuffs, and a belt fastens in front with
a buckle.. Ne. 1446 is in sizes 84, 30,
as, b0, 42 and 44 inches bust. Size 88
requires 4 yards 30 -itch, or .8 yards
54 -inch material. Price 20e the pat-
Home sewing brings nice cloth -•r
within the reach of all, and to follow
the node is delightful when it can he
done so easily and oetnomically by fol• •
lowing the styles pictured in our new
Fashion Book. A chart accompanying
each pattern shows the material as it
appears when •cutout, Every detail
is explained so that the inexperienced
sewer can make without difficulty an.
attractive - dress. Price of the boog
10c the copy.
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving number and size of such
patterns° as you want. Enclose 20c ill
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
it- carefully) for each number and
address your 'order to Wilson Pattern
Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
Patterns sent by return mail.
out doubt the age -long dreams of en -
Two fine e•-xanplos of the elusive nieunt0iu .hese were iecenily ca rtnred
by Jim Brewster,, of BreWSiter Trans'portatien tin., in the Banff Territory The
heads captured are records for the size, the ens on thc right. being 19' 'mete
with the other 111;:x, this measurement applies Prom t t highset point on the
horn to that on. the opposite side. -
These sheep are often Seen 'Prom the wh'dows of Canadian Pacific trait's
'which travehthrough that district and are 031 ell t4 greet indueenier.,.tbythei
sheer beacity, for fourises to rettien and hose, 111003-amps it. 'ploy na orally
)aloe poses, often' posed
On haeihtg
sheet. crag. 5P, noir-.ails),;to U
alaransd by -5 -light rustle and away they go, fast as, 1'. e wins., junuping her
sol ihere.; •poin•t to ano
They areg'ither until tl:ey'i'raeh a plateau et security.
P :. ins Worth .hunting' midmidthe 1-i'i'lcrho secures• one is usuall
immenselyrind of his 1Ii'owSSS with his rifle:
gineere and •nletahurgises are slowly
'coming true. By the sine of such a
e material—or possibly the strong light
aluminum alloys—corroding earS,'ust-
ing bridges, and -other crumbli'ig'meto-
1 rials may '5e011 be a )thing of the
past, The possibilities are thrilling,
t1, well cu]ttvatede incl 10 made up
e of a11. the nl4riti of preceding ages,; it
• le only the -one single mind educates)
by: all •lirevioes't1,me.—Jontenolle.
Y .,; Truth is the'liighost thing that man
may .ceps, -Geoffrey Chaucer.
'Where the Shoe Pinched.
The Strong Man from Norway was
ookod on the Orphenln Circuit, Ilia
specialty was breaking paving stens
with a sledge -hammer on his wife's
head. It, was a wow, (10 we used to
say in the old country, Suddenly the
bookings were ewttched: They put
him on the email time, whore he had
to do fotn• anci five shows a day.
lie slid it for several weeks, then
Canceled his contract. "Wh'at's 'the
matter=" they asked .tint. "Is, your
wife getting headaches?"
"Ol', no; it isn't that," apologized
the Strong Mian, "but Wmafraid sixes,
getting fallen arches.'
Brimful •of Foolishnest.
T1tibby—"Why do your titinlc tine hat '
looks silly on my head?"
Wins—"Because ori 'on your Bead that
hat's brimful of foolishness."
ST FOR ,t4.1,1, YOUR BAKING I'i s Cakes puns and Bread :- DOES .ALL YOUR BAKING BEST
eV 51