The Clinton News Record, 1928-03-22, Page 8TIIECF,IN'OL EW 2ECORD CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELERY 'STORE, MORS PARAGRAPH'S APH''S EXTENDED IN' TUE JNTERI;1 QF 1311SINESS our Money's Worth , as the title; ,yen 2' book. Its subject matter is economics, 'It's been 'bought ;by over 00,000 people, :gore than that many have read it, Why? :L`ecause it is a popular and useful' application of tho. problerne,,people face in buying food, clothing, .comforts and luxuries,. It: is as nrterestrng as a novel, perfectly frank, and contans"mucl , humor, It is authoritative informative, enter. taining. It's price is 02.00. The handiest and best way to han- dle a pan is by the handle and the handiest and best way to spread ink on paper is With a Fountain Pen..Ask the man who\ kno't's one ' Waterrnan's ifs the one in popular, demand: TJIURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1 St28' NEED CLASSES. --If your eyes feel` tired, weak or strained and Johnston's Jewel- , ery Store is the place to get tlrenr at the lowst possible ,price. Protect ' your eyes »ow—and enjoy perfect vision all your life. Rad eyes are responsible for innumerable ills. Don't neglect them! We will examine your eyes and tell you whether or not you , should wear glasses. Glasses repaired promptly -changed -or refrained, 11 R. H. JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto College. of Optometry Foe Jewellery and Repairs— Next Hovey's' Drug Store CR�thes of Qualit 'Choose your Spring Suit or. Topcoat, now and' be ready wfien the: season opens: - The =new samples ,arenow ready for your inspection:, .Beautiful,New :Fabrics,'latest styles, same old prices. We are' now agents' for' Tip Top Tailors, the largest one .price tailors in the'world. SUIT OR OVERCOAT MADE-T0.111EASbRE 224 00 - Also the Berger Tailoring' Co., one of the largest tailoring es- tablishments .in Cantida. • High class workmanship and high grade materials and trimmings are combined with low price to make this thegreatest value' in made - to -measure clothing offered in Canada, 4 PRICED FROM $20 0. TO 250 00 - Tip -Top and Berger Clothing are sold from coast to coast. Plumsteei .-Br�.: PHONE 25 Expert PLUMBING Work at a.` Reasonable Price 4Yo g'tiarisiitee that our p3lifiiliiii¢ Work Will give complete satis- facton andtient our prices are the most reasonable in town, When you phone here for alumbe p r you know that` the work will be done right nd at the right price, PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE, JUST PHONE 147w Sutter & Perdue PLUMBING HARDWARE ELECTRIC -WIRING .II Phone 147w e�waiv+� Have Your New Spring sun Made to Order A man's business success—as well as his social success—is often promoted by his neat personal appearance, Nothing equals the effect of the custom tailored suit. And it Bests no more than a ready-made one -therefore, it is within easy reach of Fall. We have a wide assortment of new spring materials, Come in and look at thet -then make your selection. Our prices are reasonable and: we will give you quick service, .. Davis &Herman Gusto at Tailoring t' Cleaning and Pressing Headquarters For QualityGroceries Ye S Groceries that you know to be clean, whole- some and'fresh"add to your meal's a zest that means better health. ; We combine quality, ser vice and valt>,ey That's why 'we are grocery head- quarters fdr housewives who KNOW Our stocle is complete in every' detail. Canned goods, package nrtidles, fresh fruits and vegetables to suit the most fastidious. Phone and deliver service;'' of course.' - 1 THE C, & S: GROCERS Branch 125j .. Main 125w Constance Mrs: Roy Lawson and daughter spent last week in Seafarth helping to look after the- former's mother, Mrs. Stewart. Mr. and Mr's, George Paterson of McKillop spent Saturday with their aunt and uncle, Mr, and Mrs, Adam iehoison. • fair. Jas. Mann and daughter, Mary. and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bird -of Brussels, spent Saturday with their uncle, Mr. Duncan Tudor. - Mr. Alam'Nichelson's sale on Sat- urday ,was• well attended. -Mr. Geo. Elliott of Clinton was theauctioneer, Mrs,• Moore of Toronto 55, Spending a week or so with'her son, Will. We don't know much about the tar- iff;-but we know that when our towns 'folk 'buy goods out of town that -Clin- ton gets the goods: and soine outsidl- town gets the money' and -when they; buy goods in Clinton that, Clinton has` the benefit of both goods and money.' Jack' Sprott may not Iike fat Inci.;wife may not like lean But;there's',one thing that they: both - like And that's a magazine. Itis possible to prudently and pro- fitably buy what you want without rdading advertisements, but why take: the risk. We try to make, our ade tell of live and reasonable subject matter and hope to create a continu- ity ,of ontinu-ity,of interest in them. Do they in- tercet you ? *sic has .'charms and we try to keep up-to-date in our stock of sheet music and folios, some, of it not so popular as to"be musically cheap and riot so classical ee not to be popular, of course music don't need to have charms if the'rnusician'be young and has them herself. • Coo"d buying doesn't necessarily mean paying the lowest price. Qual- ity is always the consideration of the skillful buyer. This is manifestly true if you have Window Shades in mind. ` Oiled cloth and Hartshorn rol- lers are the cheapest. although not the lowest price. ' Highland Linen Note Paper: is dis- tinctive You have perhaps 'seen advertised in many of the better mag- azines, well known throughout Can- ada and United States as unequalled in quality and value We have it, 84 sheets and 24 'envelopesin a box for 50c, or for 10e additional with "Clin- ton, Ontario" embossed at head of each sheet. Haire you a handy Dictionary at hand? Do you peed one? We stock them from 20c to 88.755 containing a complete and . colossal - collection of colloquial phrases in current use, the cost commensurate with current eon- Iner4iai cpnditipps the use of one will conduce towards inereased effective- ness and.•deoreased defectiveness in your understanding,- Your speech and your writing on the Highland' -Linear Note paper above referred to, The W. D. Fair of Often the CheapestAlways the Best �Illl'II1dGilillllliiimminn1.1 Noe/LOA Mr. and'Mrs. James Scott spent the week -end with Toronto, friends. Mr. and Mrs, G. D. McTaggart have returned after several week's stay in Florida. - 'Miss Maud W,atterworth of Toronto spent the week -end as .the guest of Miss: B. F. Ward. Mfrs. J. Bonthron .of Hensel' visitec' with Mx. and Mrs. E. W. Morrison over the week -end. Mr. and"Mrs. A. J. Morrish have been in Hamilton" visiting the foriner's mother, Mks. J. Robb: Dr, Gandier, who has been in Toronto taking some clinic work the past week, is expected home on Satur- day. Miss Murray of Toronto has been visiting her sister, Mrs. T. J. Lind- say, Broadview Farm, the pasi week. Mrs: F. W.' Hovey spent a few days over the week -end with her sons, Charlie in Ingersoll aiid Weldon in Detroit. Miss Flora Cook of Toronto visited her parents, Mr. and 1Vfrs. Henry Cook of North street, Clinton, dur- ing the past week, having come up to he present at the celebration of their golden wedding. • Mr. -A. Lucas was called to Brant- ford on Tuesday owing to .the ;crit- ical condition- of his daughter, Mrs. Wilson -who was severelyburned a few weeks ago. Mrs. Wilson died the same evening, • •- Misses-Linnie :N'ediger and Marjorie McMath,- principal and assistant teacher of the l3urwash " Public school are home this week, their school having- had to be closed on acocunt of an epidemic of mumps. Mr, and Mrs. Davis of Brantford motored to Clinton . en Sunday to visit the former's sister, Mrs. A. Lucas, who has been very ill:: They were acocmpanied by Mrs. Lucas' threg,,sons, Lorne, Allen and Fred also of Brantford. Mr, Frank Bathburn returned to Sombre at the end ,of -the week having come up to attend the fun- eral .of the late Mr: 'Thomas ,.7, Lindsay. Mrs. Rathburn is remain- ing, for a tifne with her mother, Mrs. Lindsay. - Rev. Mr. Graeey was called to"Toron- to on Monday owing toa death in his family: He will ,probably be absent most of the week and ex Deets' next week. to bring up ,liir household effects and his wife,and establish himself in the Baptis' parsonage here. Mr.:;.Gracey has been spending half time here :and half' time at Auburn since takinr charge of the two churches las' fall. , • re r'les a` Big cash values for balance of the rr�onth. March cl2 has bigmonth. Theseprices been prices will move these gods eluid,l(ly. SPECIAL 23c SALE u4 Ib,lbs.: pailGood SyrupRice, : ` .. ...... _,,..,,.,.. 330 3 lbs, Seeded Raisins , ",, •. 33c 5 pkgs. JellyPowder .. 33c pg 33c 3 Ibs, Dates -. .33c 1 Broom 3 We will'talce orders forese -h 3c t brooms to arrive Satuirdday Nlarc0i 31st. Special f br C'hursday,; Friday and Saturday plcgs COrn Starch .foie :25c 4 pkgs. Corn Flakes 5 cakes Gold Soap . 3 lbs. Tapioca . 3 tins Pork &,Beans . ... 4 tins Clark's 'Soups 3 'tins ;Dutch Cleanser , 3 tins Ayhn'er Soup , a • 33c 33c ,. . 33e A NEIGHBOR'S RECIPE . Lennon Corn Starch Pudding Juice of 1 lemon, 2 tablespoons cornstarch blended with cold water, 2 cups boiling water, '4. cup sugar, whites of 2 eggs. Put water, lemon and sugar on stove and let come to a boil; stir in corn starch and boil 10"minutes. Take .- from stove and stir in beaten eggs. Pour inmould to cool... Custard: Yolk of 2 'eggs, 0 cup sugar, salt, 2 cups milk, 1 teaspoon cornstarch, Special Sale Sa turday ..on.ly. 14 pounds Granulated Sugar °:-. for: $1-00 OVER 1'1 E WEEK -END SPECIALS ,2,- cans:Corn ............. 25c - 10 bars P,:& G, Soap , 43c 2, cans "Peas 25e 8 -lbs. Broken Sodas �' 2Bans-Tomatoes • 25c29c Mazola -011 Fancy Cakes, assorted .. 29c 3 lb. pail of Lard . 35c and 65c "y„ LooseBrack . Tea,special 15c .1 bore Fancy Asserted Cakes ', 33c . 650 - Saturday evening, at 7.30. Head Lettuce Leaf Lettuce - Celery," Red Bananas See our Easter Novelties, Egg Cups, Etc. - IN THE MORNING FIRST DELIVERY 9 a.m. IN THE AFTERNOON FIRST DELIVERY 2:30 .m. $ ORDER EARLY Cash ail�d. �W T. - O'Nell Service® J , ®48 . WHERE "SELLS FOR LESS" PRICE PREVAILS Auburn Quite a number'' of the Masonic brethern attended the funeral of the late Robert Huston of Goderich on Thursday, March 15th. Mrs. Thos. Straughan has moved down to herown house for :e while, Vii•. Clarence Walden has rented the farin° of the late Mr. W. Potter pf Blyth, Mr. Wm. Dodds Jae leased Mr. Geo. "Youngblutt's house in, the vil- lage and will move: Iii shortly., Miss Ellen Beadle visited with Mr. and Mrs; W.• Johnston of Nile for a few days last week. The Women's Institute meeting was held on Tuesday, March 20th, at the home of 'Wm, ,Chas. Howson. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Shaw enter- tained a few of -their friends on Wed- nesday evening ednesdayevening last:.. Mrs. Frost of Detroit is visiting with her sister, Mrs, Wan. Robinson. M'r. and Mrs, R. Farrow 'and fam- ily of Mitchell spent the week -end with; Mr. and Mrs. J. It Johnston. . Mr. Bert McGaw of Midland spent the week -end at the home of M. Sanunel Johnston. ' Coderich Township Mrs. Richard Burk passed away suddenly at her residence, Bayfield Road, near Goderieh; early Saturday morning, Mrs. Burk has been appal... ently, in good health until an hour before her death which was caused by cerebral hemorrhage. ' Mrs. Burls Was 49 .years of age and was the daughter of the late Mr. and *s. R. Elliott. She is survived by her. hus band,,•two' daughters, and one son, Mr. J. T. McKnight has .sold his farm on the sikteenth concession to Mr. Isaac Jones and intends having. a sale• of his effects on March 30th, 117r. and Mrs. 'MeKnight.have only re. ,s,ided in -the neighborhood for a eou- ple of years but they have proved good neighbors and their removal will be regretted. The death occurred at her home ou the 9th concession on Tuesday. of Mrs. Albert. Cantelon, aged sixty- nine years. Mrs. Cantelon was .only. ill a couple of weeks; 'flu and knout monia doing. their work quickly. , h ia, Cantelon was a native, of the township and had, spent all her life here, being a, daughter of -the late: Henry Steep.' -She is survivedwby her husband and a family of five sons: Wilbert of Moose Jaw, Sask.; Lorne. of. Indianapolis, Ind.; 'Roy of Stanley - township; Edgar - of Detroit and, Ralph at home. One sister, Mrs. Geo, Miller of • Goderich township, also survives. The funeral will take 'place-'froiir 'her :late residence on Friday After- noon the service to commence at two o'elock. Interment will be made in Clinton cemetery. . Inspector Eastman of the Depart; ment of-H0ghtivays hag been in •the vicinity this week auditing and check- ing up the township's road accounts. Concert in Turner's Church A play will be presented' in TURNER'S CHURCH, ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4th Under the auspices of The Friend- ly Circle class, Program commences at 8 o'clock, sharp. Music between acts. This is going to be something special. Don't miss it. Admission 35e and 25e. $8-2. COAL,! D. L. and W. Coal and Sennet -Sol- vay Coke alawys on hand for immed- iate delivery, Also a quantity of dry Maple Wood Orders taken at Sutter and Per - due's. and accounts may be paid there. W. J. MILLER & SON Orders taken at residence, Ontario St. PHONES: 46w and 48j . SAP EASON Will Soon Here • Get your Pans and Buckets now and be ready when the sap starts ,to run. • au/J ns Agent for Renfrew Cream Seperators Call and get Prices. HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 The Vogue'Millineryd Is now ready..with their .outstand- ing spring and animater creations. The :hats this, season are gloriously colorful, beautifully' styled, striking- ly distinctive. Ladies we invite, your inspection. The Vogue Spring Oiitfftthig 'Here we are again; Spring ,just. around the Corner.. House clean- ing time is almost here, we have everything the Housewife wants to beautify. her home, , MURESCO for a good wall finish, • S -W -P flat'tone for the wall. FOR THE WOODWORK CARMOTE, MEDIUM GLOSS ENAMEL, CARMOTE FLOOR RNAMEL AND VARNISH STAIN BERRY BRUSHING ,LACQUER One of the Best Brushing Lacquers on the Market. Just the thing for renewing old furniture -Just like new. Anyone can use it. Full line of wall and floor Paint and Varnish Brushes SAP PAILS AND SPOUTS OF ALL MAKES A Few Second Hand Ranges at a low Price $MIXED NAILS, 7I'OUNDS FOR 25c Clinton Hardware andFurnitureCo THE STORES WITH A STOCK • FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALERS Furniture Phone: 104 Hardware 195 Quality — Setvice Week -end Specials Keiller's Dundee 'Marmalade Redeem your 16 -oz stone jar reg 35c Coupon with coupon 25c Soap, P. & G., 10 bars... 43e Ammonia, -4 pkgs. 26c Soap Chips, 2 ib for.23c . Lux, par pkg .... .,10e Infants Delight soap,3 for 25c : Corn Flakes, 8 pkgs... . 250 Canned Peas, 2 for . . ` 25e Canned Tomatoes, 2'for,. 25c Brolcsn Sodas, 2 lbs,29c Jain, (Ras.) - 4ot oz, jar... 53e Apple. Butter, per can .. 25c Pure Maple. Syrup, qt, .. 75e Choice Figs, 2 lb... ... 25c Dried Apples, '2 lb, 25c Choice Prunes, 8 lb. 29c Dried peaches, per lb, 25c Se`adless:Raisins, 2 Ib. 29c 6 pkgs.'JelIy Powder, cup and saucers . 47c LETTUCE, . CELERY, CABBAGE, , BANANAS,,' - MARMALADE, ORANGES, GRAPEFRUIT. . L. A PHONE 111 PROMPT DELIVERY' BUILDING -SUPPLIES Lumber of all kinds Mall grades,' for special construction of any nature: Also Gyproc, Lime, Paristone; Lath, Ci•eo-Dipt Shingles, Plain Cedar Shingles; Hardwood Flooring, Doors and Window Frances,. Doors and Windows- Phon 88 Thomas; icKenzie Estate, Clinton Onr Speciaty is Iligh Grade Millwork. Residence, 61'