The Clinton News Record, 1928-03-15, Page 2LINTON ,CL INYON.. ONTARIO Terme of Subscriptioh-$2.00 per yea in advance,, to Canadian addreeses: $2.50 to the U.S. or other. foreign eouutries. No raper cliseontinUod until all. :arrears -. are _paid`.uules3 at the option of the publisher. Tho date to which every subscription is veld is denoted on the label. Advertising Rates-Traustent adver• ticteg, 12e per count lino for nest insertion; Se for •'each subsequent -insertion. Heading counts2 lines. Small advertisements, not to exceed ono inch; such as "Wanted," "Lost;" "Strayed" etc„ Inserted once for . 35c, each subsequent. insertion 15c. Advertisementssentin without in- structions as to the number of in• eertions wanted will run until order•' ed out aiid will be charged accord, !ugly, :Ratee for display advertising made known on application, Communications intended for publi cation must;', as a guarantee of good faith, be accompanied- by the:name'of . the writer. G. E. HALL, M, R,. CLARK, Proprietor. Editor. ititTAGGART BANKER A generale Banking;Buslness: transact. ed. ;Notes Discounted: Drafts Iesued Interest Allowed on Deposits. Sale Notes.Purchased. Notary Public, Conveyancer. Flnenclal, Real Estate and ;Fire In- •aerance Agej . Representing 14 Fire Ineurande Companies. DIvislo'n Court Office, Clinton. H. T. RANCE W. BRYDONE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publlo,'eto. . Office: -SLOAN .BLOCK • CLINTON DR. J. C. -GANDIER Office Hours: -1.30 to 3.80 p.m., 6.80 to 8.00 p.in Sundays, 12.30 to 1.80 p.m, Other hours by appointment only..; tOfflce and Residence - Victoria St. DR. FRED G. TI-IOMPSON Office and Residence: Ontario Street - Clinton, Ont. Ono door west of Anglican Church. Phone 172. Eyes examined and glasses fitted. - DR., PERCIVAL HEARN Circe and .Itesidence: Enron Street Clinton,- int Phone 69 •,(Formerly occupied by the late Dr. • C. W. Thompson). Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted.: DR. H. A. MCINT YRE DENTIST Office hours 9 to 12 A.M. and 1 to 5 P.M., except Tuesdays and Wednes- days. Office over Canadian National Express, Clinton, Ont. Phone 21. DR. P. A. AXON DENTIST ton, Ont. Graduate Cf C.0 D.S., Chicago, and Toronto. Grown and Plate work a specialty D. H. McINNES Chiropractor -Electrical Treatment, U1 wiughain, will be .at the Uoru ner. cial inn, Clinton, on. Monday, Wednes. clay and Friday forenoons Of each weep.' Diseases 'of all kinds successfully handled. • GEORGE-ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron. Correspondence ptomptl;•' answered. Immediate arrangements can be made . for Sales Date at The News -Record. Clinton, or by :calling Phone 203. Charges Moderato and Satisfaction Guaranteed. OSCAR KLO'P Honor Graduate Carey ,`,ones' National School of Auctioneering, Chicago, Spa. cial course taken in Pure Bred Live • Stock, Real Estate, Merchandise and Farm Sales. Rates in keeping with prevailing market. Satisfaction as. cured, . Write or wire, Zurich. Ont. .Phone '13-.9s. . B. R. HIGGINS Clinton, Ont. GeueraI Fite and Life Insurance.'Agent for Hartford Windstorm, Lille Stock, Automobile and Sickness and Accident Insurance. Huron and Erie and Cana. da Trust -Bonds. • Appointments made to •Meet parties at Brucelleld, Varna and liayfleld, 'Phone 37. - TIME; TABLE - Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton' as follows: 6ufialo and Godarlch Div. Going East, depart ' 3.44 a.m. 2.52 p.m. Going West, lar. 1L50 a.m. ar. 6.08 dp. 6.53 p.m. ar. 10.04 p.m, London, Huron & Bruce Div. Going South, ar, 7.66 dp. 7.56 a.tn. 4.10 p.m. _4„oing North, depart 6.50 D•m ar. 11.40 " :11.51 a.ni. • Oily teas grown 11,000 to 7,000 feet above sea levee ire used Iw,ri SAALAPA " 6 ratige Pelssae . sri l sa = the flaveaw 1s,.them6i'e mleho, ', itoo'e k°agraodad yn��nnel>t "pure id:�la�tla�r� catle�'�� �'4 she'.' -iki,-Bliy 1t rot -666 r� e&y s e > :. . PEKOE: 291 l b ,edison, ilicustkalL BEGIN 'MERE TODAY. • Peter Newhall; Augusta, Ga,, flees to Alaelca, after being told by; Ivan Ishmin, -. Russian violinist, -he had drowned Paul Sarichef, Ishmon's sec- retary.:Re jeinsBig Chris Larson in response to a distress signal at sea, giving Larson his sea .jacket, • Their launch hits 'rocks. Larson's body is. buried as Newhall's. Peter, rescued, finds injuries have completely changed his appearance. • - Dorothy and Islitnin go to Alaska, to return Peter's body: They- do not recognize Peter in their head guide. A storm ,strands 'them at the grave- Ishmin goes for supplies. Peter falls in a gully on a hunting trip. Dorothy finds --her greatest happiness in rescu- ing,hini. Ishmin returns, urging im- mediate marriage, NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY. CHAPTER GVI.-(Cont'd.) "I'dbe willing to wait, for your Bake, Dorothy --except for the, fact we'd be running the risk • ni never having each other at all, No one knows, what lies on the outer side of death. 'The only happiness- we can be sure of is that which we take now. Dorothy, I want you to marry =- tonight." His voice trembled with earnestness. Ile had gut his case very well. Even in the beginning Dorothy was not a ,conventional type, and lately, on this rugged slime,' she had come face to face with realities. Many things which. she bad regarded as essentails had been shown as froth, and she knew that vows plighted under this white sky could be just as holy as those taken.before the altar in her own church, The marriage would be legal; nothing else really nattered. The ceremony was at most but a symbol; and where and by whom it was per- formed she found she absolutely did not care. And all the time he had pleaded with her she had been biased in his behalf. He had shown her a swift way out from her own doubts and fears. Once in his arms,. bound to him by vowd, she- could shut away the misgivings that haunted her. - - She was pale, too, now, from tho violence of her mingled emotions but already he could see the nearing glory of his _victory. He was winning; he read the truth iii the clear, welling light in her eyes, in her trembling lips( in the hands that grew limp in his. "Yes -yes," she breathed at last. "Tonight?" he asked; "Or -right noav-" "This' evening -just after dinner. Just -as night falls. We'll make'it ar respectable as we can -preserve at least some of the conventionalities. We'll he glad later that we did." • He sought her lips, already with an air of unquestioned ownership. His eyes were no longer 'vivid; they were strange'and dark and inscrutable, and his voice was moving and deep. "Then you are mine -only mine. I've won you at last, Dorothy -it is part of the knowledge of our eastern women that the greatest happiness they ever know is in yielding utterly to the roan they love. Tell me --aren't you catching an echo of that happiness now?" She smiled soberly -a wan, mirth- less smile; that was not without ten- derness. "At least-l'm glad to know what -ream going to do," she told him. Acting on a hilarious impulse Ivan seized her pint and walked with her to the mouth of Pete's dugout. The head guide, still net wholly recuper- ated from the shock of yesterday's accident, gotslowly to his feet. "I want you to supervise the cook- 10. ook- l'he McKill. op , Mutual Fire Insurance Company- .'-. Head Office,' Seaforth' Ont.- • DIRECTORY: , President, ivies Connoll3";':Godoricb; ' Vico, James Evens, Beechwood Sec, Treasurer Thos. b hays, Sepiorth. • laire,cierse. George elc0artuey gea. forth; D.=1 lMaGtegoe, Seefdrth 1. G, Grieve, Walton; Wm Meg, Seaforth; 1Vi McEwen, Clinton Robert Perrles Harlock; John Bennewei, Brocihagen Jas. Connolly, Goderies Agents: Alex. Leitch, Clinton; J. W, Yeo, Goderich; Ed. Hinchray, Sea forth; W. Chesney, Egmendvilie; It, • G. Jarmuth, Brodhagen. Any money to be paid in may be paid to Moorish-Clothiug: Co,, Clinton, or at Cutt'e,Crotery, Goderiob. Parties desiring to affect Insurance or transact outer business win be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers addressed to their respective post _office. Losses I inspected by the'.'Director_ who it ele aearee,t 011e 6fen01-,ecP"` P • ra l yi %/ Add to the joy of the l% open road this pleasure - g/, giving refreshment.. - A sugar-coated gum that ti 0 affords double value. Peps i, perrnint flavor in the sugar. f coating anlpeppermint flavored gum ,inside. • _ . n )3tween or g Smokes ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS W. 'MacMillan and Company Delon Bank Belittler, Galt. Phone 568.: Also Toronto and Kitchener W. MACMILLAN, L.A. ., F-28 iSSU No. 11-78 1.. .' ing of an extra special meal tonight, Pete," ,he said. "The best of all the perishable things'we"can't take with us, and some' of the others besides, if you need thelia. There is going to be a celebration tonight." Pete looked from one to the other; and there was no exprhssion'that man could read on his homely, bronzed face. "What -what is going to hap- pen " he asked., He spoke rather softly, without em- phasis, mphasis, yet the sound moved Dorothy more than great music. She was in- stantly estranged, mystified; and no reality was•left in the smoking, sullen fire, the white sky and the moaning sea. Pete seemed to be struggling for breath. "There's" going to be a wedding," Ivan announced easily. "Mrs. New- hall and 1 have just conte to that decision." Watching`closely in spite of her- self, Dorothy thought)that the pian recoiled, almost imperceptibly, and for one hushed instan's his face was darkened by a queer, unearthly sha- dow such as she had never seen before. She had the weird feeling that some way that Shadow was like death. CHAPTER XVII. THE WEDDING.: All the summer flowers were faded: but Ivan's ingenuity devised a bridal was still 111 from Itis :accident, and the ' VVilson `Publishing company'- loaded pans passed him by, To Dorothy it was' impossible to' he - Neve that the appointer houll was al most at itani The :bleak day xas' dying: Oto 1_aci prornise'cl to gotp Ivatn' in the dais Already ".the outline d : the bills 'i ca softenedtho'alderthiek- ets were becoming a gray blur in the lowering gloom the inixriad•tones and huee of the -.s a, were darkened and , subdued. ,..Only the white cross that = marked the grave was still plain and bright. The twilight grew upon her like a sorrow. r Ivan smiled at her. "Is it time?" ho asked. "Any time now," she told him sixnp- "There's goingtobe a wedding," Ivan announced. a He walked over to the dugout and summoned Pete and -the two natives. It was all very expeditious and simple. He placed Pavlof, h18', Russian :pocket Bible that he could'- not read in :his hand, directly in front of the }white Groes of the grave, just above where the highest waves rolled on the shore. The other two risen, acting as witness- es, stot•d at one side, Then Ivan join err Dorothy at the door of the tent. "I'm going to play our own wedding music," he told her softly." "You'll enjoy the memory of it-- What would you •like?" "Something not too profound. 'Oh, Premise Me,' if yqu like." :This did -'nest represent the kind of music that Ivan personally preferred, and he secretly scorned this particular fir 1551 selection because of the many times he had heard it badly rendered; yet A SMART ONDPIECE PROM- Or OF because Dorothy had asked for it, he - SLENDERIZING LINES. would give it all he had-. Ht took his Modish distinction is, achieved by violin from its case; -omen, standing in this smart one-piece frock. - In View the twilight, the glow of the fie on his twinkling white hands and his rapt, A contrasting material is effectively almost beautiful face, he began to play. The sweetness of : that old song brought tears at once to her eyes,,but site did mot' :let the melody transport: her out of the grim. living present. She did not let her thoughts and de}eams soar -with -her again, only to ehatter her to earth. She was true to her promise to herself. It was el is in sizes 38, 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48 strange, weird picture:.the fire that l inches bust. View A, size 40, requires ' glowed and: leaped in the dusk, the 13% yards 39 -inch tnaterial, and % restless sea, the silent, watching -wit- yard contrasting. View B, size '40, nesses standing besde the whitecr ss requires 4% yards 30 -inch material, or 2% yards 54 -inch. Price 20a the pattern. HOW, TO ORDER PATTERNS. used for the plaited front panel, yes - tee, bands finishing the long dart - fitted sleeves, and laps. on the set-in pockets. - View'B illustrates the frock fashioned of ono material having the front of the bodice and lower edge of the loose sleeves simply bound, while a narrow belt across the plain book, completes, this chic frock. No. 1551, BIGtt.IC � O ; E a" �i IJCTIC)IN RS. ATTERYLESS.RADI Cars zdiT n �olgpatxy`Leada Field In Flrd uc tio.' Baiteryless- Sets Poloe'retluotiois iii y26, f45 and -300 SDA;the nos' -1503 lgodels,,of; the.famono Roger:s •Battetyless .I odios.' ,we:o llnC r e • i od. recently only ��br Rogais 'dealers. Theso . drastic ; eiiau es- are not a 'price "cut" on "special,•model.,, ' but constitute the creation of an entirely new and lowe11• price; level for all Rogers Radios from now on. These big.. reductions represent savings, Passed on tte public, through economies in purchasing, production and "tlist•,ibution of Rogers Sets due to the tremendously rapid increase -la sales :during the past two years. There can be no doubt but that, the inauginretion of these now prices will stimulate radio sales, for it is now possible for anyone to own a Battery-' less Radio with all its advantages and bouquet of scarlet autumn leaves in which strands of green moss were intertwined that was in harmony with their surroundings. With blanches of alder, rich with a glory of golden leaves, he decorated the camp, cover- ing up the unsightly piles of supplies, framing the door of the dugout and festooning the great rock before which he and his bride wouldstand, facing the cross. Neither Pete nor Dorothy assisted greatly in these preparations, Pete because of his weakness from yesterday's accident, Dorothy simply because she could, not rouse the itn- pules to make this marriage a holiday occasion. Ivan shaved, bathed and dressed with care, and the two packers set out to serve such a wedding -feast as had not been tasted since the Amer- ican occupation. White . breasts of ptarmigan, tchder clops of caribou veal, baked clams and baked salmon would comprise the body of the meal; then there would be reflector biscuits served with canned honey and raisin cake. Fortune Joe contributed, as a surprise, a salad inade of the white, crablike flesh of the devil -fish, and Pavlof prepared a Russian dish of doubtful content, In these, hours Dor- othy lay in a troubled "sleep .in, her tent; and Pete, in his dugout, sat gaz- ing darkly out to sea. ' 'Dorothy had been true to her prom- ise to herself, and she had shut all misgivings out of her ill:ed. She had decided upon her course, and she knew that only doukt and despair would follow any. attempt - to consider the matter further. Meanwhile Pete had searched heaven and earth for strength to stand up under the bitter- ness of .this hour. prophecy. The wind's blast was like a breath.. or death; it: shrilled over the hills and: fretted the sea in eddying. streaks and•dark, uneasy billows, and it blew the. fine, stinging Sand in in- visible cloud's. The fogs lifted and lowered, ghostly and wan; and any instant aright bring the pelting sleet. They intended to hold . the wedding feast in the open before the fireside, but this was given over as the lower- ing dusk increased the intensity of the ,cold Pavlof served his fine meal with a flotrriell in Dorothy's `tent;'he and FortuneJoe ate in the dugout as ever. Pete hilnself complained that ha :r,. •Jit .1.w; h'0" 1<.,CM : that marlied the grave. The song died away and the Brisk wind scattered the last, fine golden threads of melody; and then, urged by some impulse of his artist's soul, lvan began to .play again. , He had played "Oh, Promise Me" solely for Dorothy, but now he was playing.for himself, and partly per- haps for the man of his.own blood who waited. with open Bible at the edge of the sea. Something in the scene and the wind's wail had inspired him, and he chose- a selectionront the Peer Gynt suite, by Griog. It. was a wild, haunting thing, and in it he put his own pasion, the mood of his own heart. It was not a wise choice, if he cared for Dorothy's peace :of mind. The song moved her end bewitched • her, but,also it frightened her beyond any power of hers to understand. The wild music hemline, through the magic' of his genius, some way part of the night, the "very voice of this wild, eerie savage land into which he was cast. The wind beat at her face, chill- hng and appalling her, and its tiit+eat was that of a great, white winter that was even now closing down upon her. No wonder Ivan made response to this land so far 'crest that it was almost east, He was of it, and it of him, and its snood was echoed in his heart. (To be continued.) Save Egg Shells For This Children's Game Sorne day when you're making a dish that does not require the yolk and the white of eggs separate, blow out your eggs through a pin hole anis let the children' have the whole empty shells, With a shell for each of theist they can have au eggshell race such as Marton Caddell describes in the cur- rent issue of "Child Lite Magazine." "Each player," she says, "takes pox' sesdion of one and market it with hieinitials. Then the shells are all placed at the same starting point on a polished floor, and each player pro, coeds to blow his shell towards the boundary line, which previously has' been drawn at the opposite end of the floor. There is much confusion and a great dual of fun in this game. The wiunor is the one who first' gets his shell over :the boundary line. Prizes may be arranged; according to the order in which the shells arrivo" Peter (to his friend) -"Holy do 'you find your wife; stubborn as a rule, 1 suppose?" "No," replied Jinlcca "atub- born al a. mule," NEWelFeAVY TR3IAD , j®j yil• SI7l.QNN3ig TIRES zsaiw =ANY TREAD CORDS Size - - Price ,Tabes. 36x33 $ 4.95...51.50 so233 oversize 0.95 1.95 31a4 • 3.95 2.75 39x4, 32514, 3424 59.95 2.75 32241, 33243 3424312.00 2.95 3026 3325, 3425, 352515.00 3.75 3124.40 ' . 6.76 2.96 2924.40, 2824 40 27i 4.40, 2924.75- 6.96 1.95 29314.95, 3024.75 3.95 2.75, 21515.00, 30515 25, 31x5.25 9.96 - 2.95. 3025 77, p225.77, 3226.20 12.00 3:50'. Other sizes, Prices on request... We have your silo at equally low prices. All prices f.o.b. Toronto. Owing to the amazingly lew: prices.. .remit full- value ofyour order or enough to guarantee earner charges, and 11 Ser any reason yo0" find our 'goods are not snti5Laetory 110011 de- livery money 050t•es1 re:urt, Immedi- ately and svo will cheerfully refUnd. ORDER NOW. "THE' KEYSTONE .nuseaR,;, CORPORATION .• cuoen and Ontario` Sts., 'Toronto Write your name and address plain-. ly, giving number and size of such patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) far each number and address ,your order to Pattern Dept., Wilson Pattern Servic.:, '73 West Ade- laide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by return mail. A railroad appoints a florist to beautify with flowers, New let it ap- point an official bugler to jimmy open the car windows. -Dallas News, • economies at the price of -an oecliira'rg battery: set. - As a representative of the Q.R.S. Music Co:, the Rogers 'distributors In Eastern Canada, expressed it, "Three Years 'ago whentho Rogers was first Introduced it was the only_Bat.toryless Radio on the market." Not only does the Etagere eliminate all batteries, chargers, chemicals, at- tachments. and. complicated wires, so that all you have to do le ping it into your light socket and tune in, but it takes care of variations in lute volt- ages in different localities and in the same, locality :duffing different times of the day, so thci1e is no danger of burning out tubes. See your Rogers clea:lers for demonstration. - Too -Man-.Dei a't� Spoil the Child That is Scientits'• Warning to American Parents Cih•icago-The word "don't" is • one of the most harmful in the language to to a child, scientists' said re - Thely. The •1•ess! he hears "don't" the better' will his character dei'elop: A - par- ent who continually thunders the word at Ibis young son may expect to find Klin, at the long denser stage, a weak, spineless youth facing life with little more than a big collection of in- hibitions, "Le -t, him find Ms mistakes by him- self," is the formula that Dr, hi!il- limn Kilpatrick of Teachers College, Columbia 'University, offers to par- ents who would roar bheir children to become "men of destiny." Spealdng before the midwest con- ference on chairacter development, Dr. Kilpatrick `urged parents to let their •children begin facing the bat- tles of life at an earlier age. "It won't do the growing boy any good to tell him not to fight with other boys. in the strees," he explain- ed. xplained. "Let Grim scrap; let him gety•liolc- ed-and he will exercise more can; tion in choosing his next adversary. Each time you •say don't, you are Pushing,11im a step nearer to namby- pamm" "AbYisbaby:, no matter hew small, doesn't bare to be told not to put its hand on a hot stove, once ithas been burned," he pointed cut. "It is all right to warn a -oP-lid o the consequ- ences are apt to be disastrous; but in most rases it cannot learn to a,pprec- late danger except •by dipping its fin-' ger into it." Gabby G.ertie It's rather stupid to give a bride a shower *hen she has a tub fn' her prospective home." I am sorry, but at Buckingham Palace it is extremely difficult to get Continental stations. As a• matter of fact, I have given up trying to get Germany from the palace at all on Sunday nights.-KIng George V. 1 Michael Altman, wholesale grocer of Chicago, has attended theatrical 'e-;cfirst -nights for forty years and •has re- ; corded orded is forty -two -volumes his im- pressions of 5,000 plays, Ski Line View of Canadian Metropolis Montreal, Metropolis of the Domini- on of Canada, is so . fortunate as to possess a great natural playground in the home of the city so that it is but a few steps from the everyday matter- of-fact world of tradeandcommerce into sylvan retreats. Mount Royal possesses attractions in every season of the year and for every age. In win- ter time it affords numerous paths for the ski enthusiasts, providing level ways for the leisurely' and swift runs for those who want thrills. Mount Royal has the further distinction of being forbidden to the automobile at all times. Front the point where the camera man has found the nisi pair I rusting a wide view of the city and - the sourr'ounding district is obtain-' able. Manufacturing plants vie with the spires and just to the left of the middle distance the fame of Notre Dante contrasts with a vast grain ele- vator. At the right may be seen the great Victolta Jubilee Bridge connect- ing the Island of Montreal with the South shore, crossing tho St. Law- rence novo covered with its ~triter mantle of ice and snow. -(Canadian National Railways photograph), 117 V;,1•\4 c Whati'a difference! "Wfiat'"a delicious flavor the uncrushed fruit gives!! It's a ;Christie secret. In the §tore, QP on the 'phone always ask for Christie's Biscuits. EST FOR ALL YOUR BAKING ies, Cakes, ntll'm and Bread DE'S ALL YOUR BAKING °ST .fT tnu,.y-., .. a1*g; iia,,• inial t, v V CLL ."t !r