The Clinton News Record, 1928-03-01, Page 6THE LEGISLATIJRE WEEK. I3Y W
eMsi Dea16011-Wil/ Hal Re
Qui For a While' Arlway
xlTtNY; Fal3 '8tJ•�, r'enbir.,R e gs va µnna. °'1.:Y.' C. the,
Inei' t cenFveda at nna rho S1 is air en$Ire Dnrti+ivien. .
bAllot dike7 upas Thi mezuhcrs of ;
Newxtiandornavon coY Lha:-orct u
the .I'rinileg'ee ;and Elaetions ,Carom t l Bion of '4%8' 'deer; sassed to 80daYe,
tea of the Legislature met Ti idaywhish he'; paid • wa's; crv.atitug more
to begin v stugAiansof rho 1 hal- ,slaughter'anu less Sun lie Sine sug.
bete' picked 'up on' 'the street in Ot-' st'i'nncrea ing the .wolf ..bount-l_ of:
tawn laet October, as related in the'$16 T1118 swu was not sufficient to
Houde by, NV: E, N, Sinclair, rennin; .attract the. attentlenof the buntersl,
leader, They exhibited, a strong de- paid nne "Weaves, were e tternmtatini;
sire to call the individual wh'o- found doer.
the stray papers, but Mr. ' Sinclair ` - ROAD -BUILDING CRITICISED
wenld not reveal hits name. He pre- He wanted to thank the Gever0
emend a 'scrutiny of ballots now in I tsvent the 'speaker continued,-. for the
per 'ssien of the Clerk of' the Cream, '
grants which . had been ,given to Iris
to sae if the correct total is there constituency 'far road construction,
MONDAY, FEB. 20T41.but• declared that 55 per cent• of too
Bi1I No. $6, which entered the Le money, had bean wasted 'since it had
glslaturo at 8,20 in the afternoon, be- g^en1e into repairs which had been
came an Aet in exactly one hour, and washed away by time reins. He n'eVev-
received the . Royal ,assent five min- ed also that further extensions• of ptio,
utas later -=undoubtedly aspeed rec- vincial highways in the Muskoka die-
ord':fer the Assembly. Introduced by trit'should bo made t Oeortnect it With
Attorney -General Price, the hill ,other parts of the'province.
amends the Election Act, legalizing a Hon, Mt. I`inlsyson'dhew the men:-
einscrutiny of the ballots east in South leer's attentiten to the fact that the
Ottawla on Decerebet 1, 1926, ars re- Goveren'reent had already arrianged the
. guested'byW 11, N., Sinclair, Lfbdrai survey, and three) highways had been
Geeeker. • In 'received first and'secohd roUtell joitimg MuskolcaWith-Eastern
'needing;' was • vessel' ' by ' sections in" Ontario. "If the'inember can. persuade,
Committee of the, Whole, nae lean-the'Iilouse to give' us ` the neeessaa'y,
a' -third time =within: the holy. The$20,d� We wtU be only too glad to g,P
Lleatenant-Governeeecoming- down biteen." td do ''
by request' of the Premier 'gave assent' i' "That's just what I m trying
almost irn riedilately,'So.that the Piivl-1 `the. reply.
leges end ' Elections 'Committee• may I ITON. W. 11. PRICE, TO SPEAK.
open the ballot boxes ifso decided.' The other speaker in file debate, F.
Tilts and the debate pertaining thereto • R. Oliver (U.F.O., Grey South), de-.
Piled in the day. Glared that the Government had- a
TUESDAY' PEE- 21ST-, great duty to fulfill to the farmers in
encoura ,g co-operative marketing..
Tho order in whish the speakers did not agree that the main factor
tate the: fiber B the Miller; ure
de- inaging was 'greaten- production,
Bast .was: E. Blake dy, Pr; Lebssive, but the probleniof getting a market,
Elgin; F. G. T.
L. K nnedy ' and challenged the Department to in-
South ve, Pea; L. Kennedy, Con- duce - its 2eepresettatives to "forget
serv�ative, Peel; G. A. .li'I'eQuibban,
''Wellington' Northeast; Chadstapher . their inkewlarmness.,
-Gardiner, Progressive, East Kent, and; Toho debate was adjourned on behalf
Leopold Maeailate, Conservative,, of Hon.' W. H• Price, who ware absent
South York. Altogether it was a draug- •on the sick', list, by Hon. John S.
Hamlin: -The speech of ;the Attorney -
- Macauley, when -dM he suggested Gemini is awaited with interest and
that the Government look into the is expected to comprise the first
question. of providing .assurance of ; autheritative review of the operations
compensation to victims oto negligent of Government Control in its initial
motorists. year.THURSDAY, FEB. 28RD
MERCHANTS ROBBED. With Hon.. 3. R. Cooke, Minister
without portfolio, using the Govern-
ment's strap on Regulation 17; with
Charles G. Fletcher, young Libenlal
member for South Esseiceassailing the
A new angle of fire upon the ,ad-
inflnistration and enforcement a8 the
Liquor Control Act yes introduced by
Mr. Gardiner, who charged that. Gov
eminent sale during the last Christ- Government's attitude toward weekly
-mks season bad robbed MeiChants' in newspapers with an O.T.A. complex -
=all cities and towns of .ea-tensive l ion; and . with - W. -G. Meg (Frogs.
trade' which otherwise . would /la"idouth Huron')' advocating no :liquor
passed their way. The Ohatham etere,Ipeimits for holders of inotor-driving
lie' alleged, sold $50,000 worth i licenses, the debate in the Legislature
liquor during the -holidays At least:`vas ,advia ced'three more paces..
$40,000 of this amount would "have Crowded galleries assembled to hoar
been ,
ent tinder normal '•:ireume Hem W. H. Price on the Liquor Oon-
nd its
� tt• ti0t i ,
. ebances, in the stores.tial Act -its airline a
Mr. Milior, as. expected, took the: enforcement -but he was still indis-
Govei nnient sharply to task on the i' posed, so Mr. Ce*P spoke,
early elosing<if Lake Erie commexciall Mr. Pietaher criticize?}. W. G. Mar-
:tlshb g; Dr. MuQuibban "tangled" tin Con ervative clergymaot member
with • Bion, Dr. Tarbes Godfrey, Min .� from Brantford, for "slighting" refer-
inter of health, as he did' last session,
lames to Premier Mink and Hon. Vin-
inover the question of "free" distribu-, cent 1Vea''s5ey, Canadian Minister at
tam, of insulin; Mr. Sandy deprecated 'girashingbon.
the wide gap between costs.of Hydro -a PRAISES SERVICES or MASSEY.
Electric power to urban and rural "Down , in my section of the pro-
and Col. Kennedy extolled' vines which is close to the border,"
the wisdom of the Government in•se- ( , ,�
• lending ademliato representation en said Mr. Pletcher, I believe that there
%ho British markets, and thereby se.' is unanimity of opinion that it is
Automobile" Rivalry Keen
On Sunday, by setting a record of a
fraction below 307 miles an hour, Cap- .;
tain Malcolm Campbell of Great Bri
tain won the auto racing palm from
his fellow -countryman,: Major H. O. D.
Segrave, who established a world's
mark last summer. Campbell's new
record is` flow beingchallenged by
American speedsters, (1) LEFT to
RIGHT, Capt. Campbell, Frank Loak
hart, the Indianapolis ace, Ray Sieeeh,
another American rival; (2) ' Keech
driving T. id White's' Triplex, which
has 30 cylinders and is geld to develop
3,000 borne power; (3) Captain Camp.
bell standing beside his Napier Blue
Bird special which -1s equipped with a
secret British alp' ministry engine; (4)
Keech's car seen traveling at 175;
miles an hour; (5) a view of Camp-
bell's Blue Bird during a trial run;
(5) Lockhart driving his Stutz Black
Hawk at greet speed over .the Day.
Mona Beach course. In his final test
'bis car turned turtle and he 3s out for
t Daytona
good this year.;
Nearly a Million
a- ridieulotis situation - that when, for
example, a Sheriff wishes to advertise New nadians
renege system. It seems to he to be
a sale in a certain community he is
pat permitted to make use of the local -In Six -Year Period
the Government, advertises in a paper '
press, but,
following instructions from
which°ins perhaps 20 or 30 miles distant Majority from " Mother Land
from inhere the sale is to to held," and the United States
Mr. Fletcher referred to "Strong
the "withMan" Hanna's administration t @ A SPLENDID RECRD
liquor .haw, picturing hint `h
ti f th
monotony of a Samson in_ the poison Ottan a ^t�'nswerin$ questions in
house grinding corn:' Mr. Tisanes the House of Commons, it was shelve. of nearly £4,000,000, including a 10
responuibility of office was net heavy, that from -1921 to 1927 thorn : were .per 'cont. cut in the income tax, he
declared Mr. Fletcher, He had only 937,40$ immigrants arrlved;in Canada smiles,' as one says, 'on the: wroug
one class of conenedity to handle. He from Great Britain, 'the Continent of side - of his face'," commentts ' The
had nor to concern himself with adver- Europe and the United States. Of Evening Standard, "Not that he
tieing, his -wares were not perishable, •these 861,834tame :from the United grudges Canadian their good fortune,"
and he Bid not have to find a ln'arket Kingdom, 240,521 from the Continent. Tho Standard 'continues, "though he
for his goods. And yet he drew $20,- and 176,053 from south of the later- may perhaps envy them their Finance
000 a year for filling a job which, in national Bounlary. The cost to the Minister, but because he sees koro a
the Smith Essex member's opinion, country for brtuging in those immi- principle practiced in every country
would not bear comparison as far as grants was $7,204,936, of which over but his own. -This. principle is simP-
the importance of his executive funs- 50 per oent, was spent in conuectiou ly that public expenditure is to be
tion was coneernod-"with the esecu- with British immigration. kept within the strictest limits the
tive dentands required by the success- Heaviest In 1902-1921 country's needs allow."
ful opeitation of a corner grocery Time figures disclose that the banner
store:' year in immigration from the 014 '
Film Mardi nl, 1921, whee 74,262 newcora- Country was that . which closed onw'li ,� ��
Ano.her War
Lockhart 'Hae' Narrow Eseepe
Daytona Beach, Fla., Feb. 22. -Frank
Lockhart, internationally known race
driver of Indianapolis, narrowly- 'es-
caped instant death late to -day when
he lost''control of his powerful Stutz
Black Hawk, Special during an at-
tempt to set a newworld's automo-
bile speed record, and hurtled with it
into the surf while travelling at 225
miles an hour.
He was pinned in the driver's seat
England Envies'
-Canad::,'s Budget
London Paper Implies Do -
Example of
Economy Worth
London. - "when an Englishman
reads= the Canadian Budget, which
Provides -for a- reduction in taxation
curing better prices there fol Ontario
peaches than in Ontario itself.
highly desirable that Canada should
have official rapresentntion in the Un-
ited States. During the course of the
'last summer, when changes in the
In the Spacial Privileges and Me- United States imurtgration regula-
tion Committee Hon. W. Tp. Sinclair, tions tiueatened to throw out of. Mu-
, stood entrenched against . the Govern- ployinent , thousands of Citizens who
anent cohorts finder Bon. ,Chas, Mac- live in the border teems
pea and refused to probes, his 19 the United States, the services
"'elan:tering ballots" until the Govern- Vincent Massey contributed much to -
rant had counted the Ottawa .ballots ward straightening out that situation
as permitted an o
Liberal Loader Wm. E. N. Sinclair
told the . House that the committee
"will not make a fool out of me," and
pmeepared "to sit in until every ballot
Is counted, unless I'm Sent Own to
jail for refusal to give' evidendo."
Tho Liberal and Progressive groups
divided the honors when the debate into Liquor Control Act appointments,
was resumed -on consideration of the but into Government advertising.
Speech from'ulna Throne. In spite of
this fact, however, the administration
cif the Oonservatives carate in for a
lneaaure of praise from William New
th ' ACt shave. in a eatisftaetory way."
Mr. Fletcher adyeeated the lowering
of the license fee on a Ford runabout
from $16 to $9. "When," he said, "a
farmer places a box on. a Ford car,
that car is no harder on the roads
than a touring car, which pays the
$9 .fee."
Mr, Fletcher charged that the party
patronage system' had crept not only'
Many weekly news'1 japers the past
year had, he said, been cut off the
Government's advertising dist. il'e
bated from The Essex Free Press
h Withdraw
ors came to Canada. In the fiscal Date s.f Easter
year ended March, 1927, the number
of foreigners coming into this coup- -
try from European continental parts
Submarine Movie "Mare Nos- was 71,078, a figure that exceeded 187
from Offended Some Amthe a nmtn migrat en a rng British that
0 'Sensibilities period.
London. -0n top of the British ilial Pt ro?u Qnited
censor's banning of the Ii)dith Cavell Great
flim "Damn" comes the announce- - Britain Europe States
merit, that the Metro -Goldwyn -Mayor "1920.1921 74,262 20,805 48,059 baster as the -first .Sunda'y after the
Corporation has . withdrawn .the old 1921-1922 39,020 13,4704 2 0077 second Saturday in April, or between
ubmarino picture "Mare Nos- 1922-1923 34,608 13,18 Aril 9 and 16.. This question, which
war 9P
true." This was made by Samuel 1923.1924 72,919 41,169 20,521 has been the subject of Controversy
Eckman, Jr., panoral l;uinpoaman- 19244923 63,178 39,348 15,848 since the earliest days of Christianity,
ager of the corporation. He, hew- 1926.1926 37,569 88,873 18,778 was referred this year by the Council
over, denied rumors that "The tour 1926.1927 50,378 71,673 21,025 of the League of Nations to all mem-
of the Apocalypse" was al tmmlaratlon Costa hers.
withdrawn, saying: "It is gradually The Costs for bringing these new Opponents declared that if the bill
dying of its own accord."settlers were: Front • Groat Britain, was passed it might result in two
He also denied the scrapping of $3,761,842,69; from Europe, 3352,368.- Easters, one religious and the other
"Mare Nostrum" as the result of dip- 90; from tiro United States, 33,101,- secular, since Roman Catholics and
ever,tic pressure, It is a fact, how -
074.79 Anglicans might refuse to depart
that for over a year the Ger-Since 1923, the year in which the from the traditional way of fixing the
roan Foreign Office has been privately system of assisted passages was adop- datet,
,and informally workinn to have both ted, to bee. 31,"1927, there were 61,- Linder the bill v'v3iicli reached a
films, withdrawn.
267 new settlers brought in. Divid- second reading, the date would not.
` -` od into years, the figures, with total be changed till other European Gev-
6S;rs A %� annual abets, Were:
ernments•atso agreed to change it.
,iascfls Enld�.nger 924 9,726 $ 62,229
Lab t,;r 192¢-1926 .. 8,226 121,377
����•���� f
of the machine,by the stool frame of
the side, which was stove in by the
violent impact of the waves, but a
fortunate, circumstance landed the
car right side. up after it had turned
a complete somersault from the beach
speedway, and also kept the machine
from going beyond his depth.
,His face and: arms wore lacerated,
and he was thought to have suffered
a broken arm and possible internal in-
juries, but a superficial examination
'revealed no serious hurts. -
The driver was pulled from the sea
by rescuers and rushed to a hospital,
Empire L.--gaslators Canadian Fliers '
To Meet in C r nada . Not Y t Located
New Idea to Establish a Fixed
Easter Date Gets' Second
Reading at London
Parliamentary Association Hudson Straits Expedition
Delegates Reach .Quer Fails to Fad` Lewis
bec August 25 and Party
Ottawa•-.aTihe En Aire Parliamentary Ottawa. Wireless brings no news
Association meets in Canada this from Hudson Straits of Flying Officer
year. ` The delegates aro due to ar- Lewis and his trvo companions, -who
rive at Quebec, August'.25. About have been missing sines . All
50 members of the-Association'itave in t]to.thr bases
available foices.;'Sro
and neat Il-rtai, are isle on the' straits •. have been
expected from Great :Britain, Atm- estalil d
trails;: New Zealand Newfoundland, concentrated on the hunt. The De -
Africa - 7tndia, Malta, Rhodesia pertinent of Marine and Fisheries.
South hope that flyers aro still safe._
and -the Irish Prea State. Tho 'nom- Formerly at Vancouver.
mutes intend revising the itiner'aryl Fli Int•Sorgt. N.
to Permit of visits of the voters to Vancouver, B,C. G
Vert Wiliam, tete eastern townships itgs G. Terry, one of the airmen missing
and the Okanagan Valley. The hili from the Canadian Government's Hud-
oreS7 "proposed covers a period from son Straits expedition at 'Port Bur -
August 26 to September 30, and well, had been on the strength of the
takes In main points across Canada. Jericho Air Station here since 1924.
He is about 29 years of age and came
�red as He Li`ied ito anada after too war, in which he
� served as a non-commisaloned oeicer
in a British squadron of the Royal
All Nations. Must Co-operate
London. -Tho House of Commons
debated a 'bill, for Axing the date of
man (Labe -44, North Victoria), -who to the effect that newspapers which'.
o declaredathat he was not going to talcs had snouted the O.T.A. in the last
a back seat to anyone- in supporting election had been "blacklisted,"
m Government which would get the "IbIDIOI7L0US'SITiiATTON."
hese blit of the province. Tie believed cess" submitted Mr.
that the Liquor Central Act had in "The weekly press,"
al wad there.
game. respects been beneficial, though Fletcher, "is not political,
in his opinnon intemperance was pre- fare ahead not be subject to the pate
...._.._-, -'-'..._......r „_
Combing Hudson Straits
A �
✓34FF/N CgNb (4,;„
1e4 7*
Qy is LD a11SE°r'
.?din FDiGKcR LEST 6'
PORT BURW.Gt.l. et it -'
OPEN w ere
",9RiFTIrIG 1C,E !` ••� �
?or ecYen,
Simple Ceremonies in Vil- Ai ',Force. ,In the Spring of last tyear
lage Church Preliminary
Sutton Courtenay, Eng. -Under a
quiet, starlit sky the body of the late
Lord ',Oxford and Asquith was borne
through the single street of the dimly
lighted village between rows el quaint,
'half-timbered Tudor cottages to All
Saints Church, where it was placed
'on a catafalque in the nave -to await
'the burial. The temains of ono of
Britain's great war leaders were
placed in en English oak coffin on a
simple' wheeled bier, and preceded by
the professional crucifix and white -
robed. choir. boys on the impressive
journey to the church.
The Countess of Oxford and other
ntenYbers" of the family followed the
abler on foot. A short funeral service
Swiss held in the church, after which
hundreds of sorrowing villagers, feel- ,.
in keen personal loss in the death of tries Pair, which opened 055 MondaY
Bush L
their teat neighbor, passed before last in Shepherds of ex-
p e Amon the thousands
the coffin. The interior of the church Lando g
was lovely tvitit clustered wreaths. Whits was ono of sisal rope, where-
with they polio to take manila rope
Hugged to Death business, amounting to $10,000,000 an-
The only orang-outang nually, from America,
an -
13e1115. On exhibition bete are specimens
over born a captivity has becomgreat too' of both khtds of rope which have boon
victim of a mother's too great love, olposod for 12 mouths to ocean tides.
The rare baby, which was ushered After a year the manila repo is said
into the world five weeks ago at the to have lost 69 per cent. of its
local zoo, was found dead in, its cage strength and rho sisal only 63.
with its rifest Crashed. The only en
Lreperimenis have shows that sisal
can be grown in Kenya, Nigeria, en
the Gold .Coast, and in the Malay
using do 'teams are frantically search-
lianas and several parties g g
Three 1.
the barrow wastes of Labsadot and Baffin Land in. the hope of finding
FlyOfficer A. Lewis, Flight Sergt., Terry and au Eskimo, who formed Lite
itig O ; , ssi tg sena
crew et the Canadian Air Force survey plane :Mice has treirn m ,>tt 5 .
left Fort Burwell abort 11 r m. that. day, and several
last Priclay. The tiers f
1-1 ay were being forced down becatiise 01
' hours later sent a wigelcss message1 5
Shortage of fuer. It 15 saia they have enough, food to stave o'fe rtarvaticu for
et least three -weeks acrid every hope is held out for their rescue,
1925 -1926
2 180,026 A middy nes being examined to
1.928.1927 20;247 438,488 in r signals. "what three letters
Ordered to Contest All Eng- 1;927 (9 mos.) 20,620 682,414
fish Seats Where Lead- It was impossible to state the num-
ers Are Running "ber of immigrants who, after having
declared their occupation as agricul
Lonclon.-Tho British Communist tweets and their intention of engag-
party has received orders from the ing- in farming,; shad engaged or con -
Third. Internationale in Moscow • to tinned to: engage, in agricultural piif•
era •a e
Trades Union Colin
light all seats for which lead f
' suits,
Labor party and ra ea n n Orientals Admitted •
ell eve the next'eleetion. In the year 1927 there. were 94
If carried out, those orders nligitt lose Chinese acimtttod to Canada under
Lebo} seats' to Liberals or Conserva-
tives. permit,' and of these 40 entered as.
hactors and actresses, tour were mis-
hadThe Communist h in Great Britain cionaries and three were' teachers.
a'decided to light only such seats `Thirty-five of the 94 had already left
as' were `so overwhelmingly prole the country.
tarian that a split vote would not let
a capitalist candidate in." But the In the same year 493 'Japanese en -
.Daily herald, organ of the Labor tared Canada, distributed in 118 adult
party, says the Communists will obey males, 277 adult females and 98'0811
Moscow, whose orders "will override dren. The laboring Class accounted
any decision of the British party." for 154 of bent sexes, while -farmers
The Herald' adds, however, that the totalled 118 both sexes.
Communist vote is 8'' small to affect
an English election:
Labrador `T'.w:urrst
-Rush redicted
Wtnnlpeg-Au eneenu ei 'tourist
traffic to the fjords of Labrador in the
future, aiul the Harvesting of groat
timber incl. -mineral a'esources, were
predicted by Sir Wilfred 7,' Crouton,
M.D., it, acicireesing the'Canadian
Club here, Sir 'Wilfred traced the
growth of the Labrador coast since
tee time missionary work started
there in 1892, down to then resent
day. , IIe described the life of the
fisher. folic..
A timber -cart mete tul:oJ collision
ititlt iu taxicab; "'two loads of wood,
roared the taxi -tine -or at the carter..
"Ono iu yep cart, an' one melee yer
bliukiu' 'at:
Nerves Bn Cancer
Is. New Discovery
Important Development in
Research 'Reported from
Montreal. -_hu important. shill ;fol'
ward in canter eeeeareh has 'been
made by the 'McGill Pathological in-
stitnte, and the Royal 'Victoria lib's.
pitwi, it wee asiiiounced at McGill '[In
versity. Dr. ilorot Oertel, Statth40l iL
professor et psthology and dtredterol
the R2eClill `Pathological Institute,
gives details of the now contribution
in an illustrated article in the current
issue of the Canadian Medical Soul
nal: Ile establishes the extraordinary
fact ''of the presence . of nerves in
human canner and other malignant
Juniors, -
f the alphabet are invariably used
pressed her offspring to her Maas
so fervently that every rib in the lit-
tle WIG'S body was broken.
when urgent help is required?" asked
the examining officer. The middy
though hard ter a moment, and then
replied: "IOU, I should say sir:"
Sergt, Terry -was sent to Camp Bor-
den for a special course of instruction
1 nthe new type of Fokker machine in
use there.
Sergt. Terry is single and
relatives In this country,
England After,,
Trade With
Better Rope
Indus -
.Going to Strive for World
Business with Improved
Sisal Cable
London. -Tile zeal wherewith the
British are going after world trade
as displaved at the British Indus -
Planation is that the font. mother
Holljtlger Aline Rubbish dei for o'o rgr•e.
i...? ...,, x , �., ,. , ..•�.?a��, r"4 �.., oz-��b X t%m.._
MINERS sneer T. BeB hies et waste and inflammable
' t ei• Aiiito,:deatt•oyinig large riticLni, _
....the Hollinger to will he
While a ed bond 0 rases neat A OV17, interest in Timmins eentiee on wt.
the. mine, as ,shows l3 • • L+nota'
chosen -tone represent
from the stapes of hold Mr. justice Cvclson, iia u
into the disastoi to' be by
chosen to rel?resel t the miners at tea enquiry T will be askotl to ratify their, choice,
favor. '. B, Roberts (INSERT) and the union
et eree,e