The Clinton News Record, 1928-03-01, Page 5lYlarch 'Game zu1 1i]ee - a lio7i, albeit;,`
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n ss sort
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lila s (Nova' Scotts).,• Journal9
siig; eats ;that leaving of reads::
xough staije might Chipper"-nioter.driv=
ei+s to lir}ve Wxtli Care, , Tke' liaper.
states that;: a stretch • of smopt) . pave.-,
•`Ment seems th be a challenge+ -to seine
drivers to '•step on• it '• and while this:
bilis) of`speed n _oil, scnietl ng hap -
Pens and -there'is r „accident, ., Mots^
prints wall)
smooth roads-
maatd sone
'of the' -use; such a'road as It -engirt
to.:, be •tsed;;'but it- must be confe
that a,great man :;;people w o drive'
re h
cars 'do not _ Public Safety," says
The Joiixnal;' "m rst"he '.li ld ab e,
-eonvenienee •and; conifer) . „ where-
fore •),would be reasonable.: to. com zel •
•'reduction of speed'by,'making:`a peril-
oris pacer'in possible.,"
(lerielo ring the •:increase of t'notor.
agcidents it` would appear tliat some;
'tliing shotild be done:,to..sttip. thelil,`,
but surely some way night he found:
'oi'pumshing-the offender stifficientiy.
-'to discourage reckless driving
. ,
out penalizing alj : Motorists. .How
would -a jail term +serve, instead of a
fi).ie in cases ofreckless speeding?
Mr: Fred Heardvisited his aunt,
Mrs James Porter, in' Goderich for a
-:few days • this week.'
Misses Martha Rathwell'and Rachel
Taylor returned to their homes on
Wednesday of last week after 'having
' visited friends in ,Detroit for the
:past two months.
Mr. E. H. Johns of the Stanclai
Bank returned on Saturday after h
ang spent n few days in Toronto. H
-was present at the Standard Ban
Manager's Convention held in t h
Xing Edward.Ilotel.
Mrs, Margaret Green who has bee
in Detroit with her daughter for th
past two months, retuned to the vil
'lege on Wednesday of last- week.
Mr. A,, E. Irwin attended the fun
-oral of the :late 'Miss •Bessie Beatt
of Bridgeburg in. Seaforth on Tues
xday. The deceased, who was a niec
of IVTrs. Erwin, died in the Genera
hospital, Niagara Balls,' where' sh
• had been ill for several weeks.
Mrs. Cameron of •Tuckersnlitll i
visiting her sister, Ma's. Lloyd Mak
While working- on the ice on Sat
urday last one of the team of horse
owned by Walter, Wallis got a dip i
the icy water. The leo on which th
horse was standing broke away b
it managed to keep it's front feet o
solid ice although it was three parts
under. water. The fishermen who
' were working near grabbed the har-
ness and were able after a struggle
to get out. Several of the mon nar-
rowly escaped the icy dip, too, as a
take on which they were standing
broke off. This -occurred out on the
lake ,justsouth of the piers, where tho
supply of ice is being cut this year,
the river being too. dirty.
Miss Lucinda Reid is home .from
Exeter for a few days.
At the sleeting of the ratepayers
held in the town hall on Friday last
to nominate three trustees for Un-
ion school No. 8 of Stanley and God-
erich Tp„ as the public school hat
been designated since the corporation
of the village was annulled, resulted,
as follows: It was moved by Wm:
Sturgeon and seconded by ' Mrs. A
Seeds that Thomas Elliott be Chair-
man for the meeting, Moved by J.
Pease and seconded by G. Castle, that
F. A. Edwards be secretary for the
meeting. For the three year terra
'Thos., H. Elliott, nominated by A.
Dunn and seconded by G. Castle. E.
F. Merner named A. Brandon for the
'two year term and Mrs. Seeds sec-
onded the motion. J. Pease moves
that E. Featherston be trustee for
one year seconded by R. Elliott. As
there were no others named these
three were declared elected and the
meeting then adjourned. The newly
'appointed, board met on Tuesday ev-
ening. T. H. Elliott was appointed
chairman, J. Tippet, treasurer and
'truant ,officer. Mr, F. A. Edwards,
after much persuation, has consent-
ed to continue as secretary for the
corning year,
"Cranberry Corner's" a four -act.
comedy -drama, will be presented in
the town hall on Tuesday. March 8tl'
by the ynembers of St. Andrew's
church choir. The orchestra will fun-
•nish nuisic•between acts.
Mrs.- D. IVlountain, who has been
'visiting Dr. Leonord Whitley of Gor--
Trie, has returned.
Mr. Harold Johnston of London
.spent the week -end with his mother.
Mrs. Thomas Sampson of Palmer,
•stun spent a few days last week vis -
mg ,i lends :'';an relattges
girlie i!amanls 'oi the late
ere t}i)6�x4 fta'�iz `the.
e•of lies
biotheran lav , Itlz dlnles• Elslgy, on
;Thursday 1}st, bo the United cbyzeh
Whet e 'tile £uz}pial'.."',,'.-..'*4::•service;egiti :,
eructed• bi'rile RevB Sne11, :the btu-
ial took place at ;the ITnioSi'omete iy
Myth ';''1hose aitetdin' the'.f ri a
frons°kti cliataiiee were Mfrs',: J D .Ajit
site; ,`Leiunllatmtonl rs;;_",Rey, Dr
Md,.Well and, .sisters of', puss Ei)'s0;
Rev, W':'T: ITtles, a n4 hew;' Misr . z 1
Tambiyn, Toronto Mr. and .AW1rs
Hooner,., iYVlraarys; Mr•, • 13, Tyesmrah
and 'Mr:'at' Mrs,. Norman .Carter
,. o ,rtll, Mr :artd Mxs, 'Wan. ITiles
and ML.' J G. 11Pedd, Clitoar; ..1VI.
Frank and Douglas • canrpli'ell anti Ms,
.and• Miry: Bert Taylor, 'Westfield and
Mrs.. Thbs. Sampson•of. Paimerston.
•:;;;;Theinientlily meeting of the, Wo
'.men's Institute was. held 'in. the coin'-
ini ruty:'liall oR• •Thursday, Feb, 23rd,
with the_.president in.the clzair, Th
meeting.••was opened iii the °usual way
Mks; B•; `;Caldwell:' leadiifg,'`.in prayer-..
and Miss' Yiatie •Birown in. the..Lerd'e
:prayer, 'The busiiess was''thSn tram:-
sacred :Mrs. B. .Snell favoured the
'gathering with' an: instrumental Af-•
ter tliCT prograrn all regained td the
basement; whera an,'exeellent lunch
was served by Mi*s:; �R. •Toyvnsend, Mrs,
H. Moon, Mrs, B. -Snell Mrs, • M. Ross
and Miss S..C,'"Barr. .,Sixty-four were
The congregational meeting of
Londesboro .United church was held
on Monday evening last'with-a good
attendance. Reports presented frons
the various departments showed.'a
successful year's work, Two items
were worthy of special mention,
twenty-five new members.. were re-
ceived, and out of the current income
$458 was, expended on. repairs, im-
provements and a small balance left
The election for members of Ses-
sion andBoard afterwards resulted
as follows: The Session: -Geo -'Gar-
ret, Wm. Lyon, Jas. ,Collinson, R.,
Carter, Jno,' Garret, J. C. Adams, E.
Crawfor•d,•.'Wm. 'Moon, Jas. Elsley,
Stewards: -E. Adams, Thos. Adams,
D. Carter, M. Holtzhauer, Wm. Hun,
king, Percy ,1Vanning, Jas. McCool,
Fred Shobbrook, Charlie Stewart,
Robt..Townsend, F. Tamblyn, b. W,
Watson, H. M. Snell,
The services -'on Sunday were full
of interest. In the morning a very
impressive reception service welcom-
ed twenty-five' new members, who
took Sacrament together. In the ev-
ening one hundred views of the life
of Christ, were thrown on the screen
by the new lantern recently pur-
chased by the Sunday school. •The
service was very impressive.
A very pretty wedding was quietly
solemnized on Wednesday, Feb. 22nd,
at 6 p.m. at the Londesboro manse,
when Mary A. Fairserviee, elder
-daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fair -
service, Hullett became the bride of
Samuel B. Appleby, elder son of Mrs,
Appleby and the late Samuel Apple-
by, also of Hullett. The ceremony
was conducted by the Rev. James
The bride looked charming in a
frock of Valencia Duchesse satin with
hose to nmatch. The bridesmaid, Miss
Isabelle Fah•service, sister of the
bride, was attired in a frock of Val-
encia crepe backed satin. Mr. Ralph
Josling was best mail;
Immediately after the ceremony
the happy couple went to the home of
the bride's parents, where a dainty
luncheon was served.
The young couple have the good
wishes- of their friends" for a happy
Robert Higgins, recently • unseated
as reeve of Hensall owing to a dis-
qualification existing at the time of
his ,previous' election on January 2,
was returned to that office on Mon-
day with an increased majority oven
Owen Geiger, former reeve and the
author of the protest proceedings,
Mr, Higgins' majority on January 2
Was 11 votes, while in yesterday's
special election it was 28.
The contest was narked by un-
usual interest on the part of the
Hensall electors as *as evidenced
by the large vote polled. Mr, Hig-
gins received majorities in each of
the two polls, the vote .being: Poll No,
1, Higgins, 103; Geiger, 94; poll No,
2, Biggins, 101; Geiger, 82;- totals,
Higgins, 204; Geiger, 176.
• Mr. Geiger; after .„several. terms as
reeve of IHensallf was defeated at the
regular election this• year. by Mr.
Higgins: A short titre later he
launched protest proceeclings•on.the
ground that at the -time of the elec-
tion Mr. Higgins had been employed
auditing the books of Huron county.
County Judge Lewis, upheld the pro-
test, declared' Mr. Biggins' election'
void and ordered a new- election.
Monday's contest was the result,
Ideal Incubators and Brooders
_...-.. I?ELD
,Huron ,Stree
Clinton •
q ha follownrg
No, '2, Hullett
nmrlted with ar
'le '0), 'more e7ta
Printer Ro's's
1st:--Jxni 42`orxxsoti,:,1'"z0",
d Mar are " orrl 01
,$i(1=Rite CLz']zer6 168';
Jr, 4t$; Ag'nes. Mpzlriapi, $00,'
4tli . ri
h meynolds; ',322; Darl'°Rey
molds 285,- '
5th=Gerald Brown•+',
1VTary Ti'c's nil reseller: '
1,:arrda PS
AP1 L E • L
RyICE=At: the•
ri arise ,•
Lon'desboro'•oar Fol•;` 22nd,
• by=.the Rev, James AbeY,. Maty' A.
elder daughter - '11x1 - i11z
William Fairservice, to Samifel B,
Appleby, san' of.the -` late Saiue1^
Ai?Pleby, and of Mlrs, a Appleby,,; all
of ,IIullett township, ;.ai
VESEY Tn Gltnten.Pnli1ht Hospital'
on Feb 2&th,:bo Mr. and Mrs Cliae.
Vesel a soil; -James :Irwin
MUNN-In ;the Samaritan Hospital,•
,Bay City, 1Vhich., on Feb."15th;. to
,Dr. and Mrs. James: Munn, (Lois
Holmes), Seaforth, -a .son -Harold
DURST -At Royal Oak, Mich:', • on
Feb. 25th, -to TMr. and lilirs. E. M.
Durst, formerly of Colborne : town-'
ship, a daughter.
SNELI,--In ^ Hullett township, on?
Feb. 26th, Mrs. ` Humphrey' Snell,
in her 49th year.
BRIGHAM-In Toronto General Hos-
pital, on Feb. 22nd, Mrs. Isabella
Brigham, widow of the late John
,E. Brigham of 'Toronto.
Mrs. E. Phillips is visiting in God-
erich this week. •
A'play entitled "A Poor Married
Man,"- will be presented in the For-
esters' hall on Friday night, March
2nd, Proceeds •in aid of the Public
Library, '
is the Time
To Clear oaf all Winter Stock
We are offering 20 percent off all
Special Prices on Boys' khaki and
cottonade bloomers
Big Bargains in Shoes
Call and See our New Wall Paper
The Prices are Right and you can
take it Hone with you. No
waiting while we order.
Sherman Williams Paints always
on hand
'The choir at St. Andrew's united
church will present the comedy -drama
in the
on the evening of
commencing at 8 o'clock.
The Owatan Orchestra in attendance.
Also other local talent.
Admission 35c and 25c 51-1
Will Present Play
The young people of Sharron Un-
ited church will •present their play)
"I Can't .Afford It," in the church on
the evening of
commencing at 8 o'clock. Holmesville
Orchestra will provide the music be-
tween acts. Admission '35c and 25e.
Mi Show
To be held in the
at 8 pan..
and enjoy a good laugh, Deride Jokes,
Darkie Songs and Darkie"Melodies_
Put on by the Boys of Bruce'field
425 ' Male Voices 25 -
Admissioi 35c and 25c 51.3''
The family of the late George
Longman desire to express • their.
thanks for the many acts -01 kindness
l rt& expressions' of sympathy, also
the flowers sent, during then recent
sudden' bereavement; -
-The, Fasmly
5t. Patrick's Day BalinglSale
The• Ladies' Auxiliary of the pres-
byteriat church purpose•having-a sale
of baking and tea in the church base-
ment .on •)lie afternoon of. Saturday
March 1.7, from three to five o'clock.
,horses. for Sale •
Useful driving colt, rising 3, heavy
mare, 7 years old, will drive single, or
double, weighing about 1400 lbs. Ap-
ply to Sandy Parsons R R. No. 1,
Varna, 2 miles, west of village Phone
6301.6, Clinton' central, 51 2 u.
�p�ciD1l� w$c�a9t°',$
]lnrgpss'PpXbart, tudto 0.; )4/1,t
wtll )ze open , gvQr y. Tuesday Phe:
hoiisls nnttl further';' notFee twill be;
fi,otn 12 a sir +to 2 p;m Tf yqt, want,
PhotUg,, j lis t r1 oxo;;'. plaate, ,conte • in'
these.Eburs: , lyI ' studio- •i'l :' a '
y. it ' )ways
be'-ivarm so clo not u'o atrard'to brzhg;
rilehalilren m the`wlntoi ' ';:
r 1.
.L°A• CR;i
iYI'I .Sent
eed h•
Two intones -66w, and. 66•'
riing 1Vl18kraat
Ams W�
Farm For Sale
Lot 67, Bayfield line and• corner
7th con., Goderich Township, consis-
ting of '92 acres, clay loam' and in
good state of cultivation, fair build-
ings, good water and orchard. Will
be sold on easy terms. Apply to Er-
nest Townshend, R. R. No, 3, Clinton.
Baby Chicks
We specialize in Bred -to -lay Bar-
red Rocks. Our 500 breeders, one,
two `and three years old, are mated
with cockerels from pedigreed hens
with records of from 200 to 312 eggs.
Our pen in the Canadian Egg -Laying
Contest at Ottawa is at present in
5th place for Rocks, and during the -
past 'week led in highest test for
Rocks and stood third highest in
whole contest. Chicks $20.00 per 100
for March; $18,00 per 100 for April;'
ekpress paid. Special prices for largo
orders. Hatches every week after
Mar. 13th. Order early to get best
dates, James M. Scott, Sunny Crest
Farm, Seaforth, Phone 151r32, Sea -
forth central. a 51-tf.
Clearing Auction Sale
'of Farm Steck and Implements.
Mr. Wm, Colclongh has instructed
the undersigned to sell by public
auction at lot 19, adjoining the vil-
lage of Varna, -.on Wednesday, Mar.
'7th, at 1 o'clock .sharp, the following
HORSES: Grey horse, 6 years old,
general purpose; bay horse, rising 9,
general purpose ;Chesnut horse, rising
8, general purpose; grey percheron
fillyrising sing 4 • years. CATTLE -Dur-
ham cow, 4 years old, freshened 2
months; Durham cow, 3 years, fresh-
ened 6 weeks; Durham cow, 5 years
tofreshen in March; Holstein. cow, 2
years freshened 6; weeks; Angus
'cow, '3 years to freshen in April;.
Black cow, 4 years, farrow; .5 Dur-
ham grade steers rising 2 years old;
Hereford steer, rising .1 year; Here-
ford heifer, rising 1 year; 4 black
Polled Angus calves, rising 1 year;
Calf, 2 months old; 2 calves, 6 weeks
old. POULTRY -140 white Leg-
horn hens, one year old, high class
layers; 50 white and grey pullets,
5 Leghorn r•oester3. IMPLEMENT$
Deering binder, 7 ft. cut; Deering
mower, 6 ft. cut; Deering rake, 10
ft. wide; International steel roller;
Deering cultivator; Massey -Harris
drill, 10 hoe; Bissell disc harrow;
Oliver riding plow; Fleury walking
plow; seuffler; high wagon; 2 faun
truck wagons; set of sleighs, nearly
new; Portland' cutter, nearly new;
steel tire buggy; set of cultivator
wheels; 3 horse power gasoline en-.
gine; Fleury grain roller; set of 3-
section harrows; hay rack; gravel
box; pig rack; fanning mill; buggy
pole; stone boat; set of scales, 1000
lbs. capacity; iron kettle; 2 barrels;
car, fork, rope and pullies; Anchor -
holt, cream . separator, 600 1b capac-
ity; nearly new; set of breeching har-
ness; set of plow harness; set of sin-
gle harness; 100 bus. of seed oats;
some mixed grain; 150 feet of inch
piping; 2 ladders; wheel barrow; 10
cedar end posts; 25 small cedar posts;
0 brace pegs; a quantity of grain
bags; some barb Swire, and chicken
wire; forks, chains, shovels, saws,
a quantity of, basswood lumber, 6
Basswood 2" plank, suitable for grav-
el box side; Ford touring car, 1924
model''in good condition. FURNI-
TURE - Vacuum washing machine,
with wringer,; Maxwell wash-
ing, machine; Daisy ehur'ch -No. 3,
new; Pandora range; Perfection coal
oil stove, 4 burner; •kitchen cupboard;
glass cupboard; kitchen table; 2
small tables; >/z dozen kitchen chairs;
dining room table; side board; couch;
arpet sweeper; dozen: dining room
hairs; 2 rocking Chairs; New IIome
sewing .machine; in good wvorlting or-
er;_-2 oak rockers; `3 -piece parlor
lite, nearly new; hall rack, solid
alt; oak ,library .table,' nearly, new;
small 'puler tables;'. Doherty -organ,
octave; China .cabinet;; 3 bedr1oom
uttes, complete;z tcld t bed room
urte 6. -pieces, nearly , ne11, 2 'bed-,
tends, springs ancl•mattress; 2par-
er rugs, -9x12; 'pair of curtain
tretclsers' curtain polls;' pictures,
hanging lasnps; ;small lamps; •linol-
eum a;tid other articles too numev-
eus to Mention Everything- to be
sold as the. proprietor has rented his
farm, :.Cerins; Household furni-
ture, grain, i'owl,'lumber and all sums
of $10 and under cash; over that
;amount .8 months credit will be given
on furnishing approved ;joint'notes o1
4 per ,Cent straight allowed_ for easlr;
00 credit amounts. Wm. J Col
slough Proprietor, Geo. IL 'Elliott
Hurtsl � X 141ARe
Brig y'out p'oultly'a td',egps here';
and mako•zzrorie 15i1offt for.','; yptrself;+•'
i• `
sic ;
e : rhea .
. P vy, lieu@ aria.:;
<high-<tsicc advantage'.0f -thein nilly,
lin' G
r tons • Letadir), Dgi,-Gr rdtiim•
_� t}�
. Y Rouse
s O '
fftce 'L1'' '
,- 41 Residence, 214w
F r a
o le:
• O A C,f;144 seed oats, also yellow
•blossom~ aweet>clover, _ Ap 1 to
Py l
vanley`,Garrett, Londesboro: Phone
21-19 Blyth • central, bl- ._ s
We are' again in the market for
good logs of all kinds, either deliv-
ered' in our mill yards or bn the
stump.: Highest cash price ,will be
paid-Custoin sawing will,;be done at•
Bayfield, T'honiaa Wallis', 4th con._
Goderich .township,'" and Clinton as
usual during the • year. '
Rayfield P.O ,Phone 624-r-4, Clinton,
Farm For Sale
First-elass farm for sale, with or
without stock and implements. Farm
consists of 100 acres on con. 2, lot 8,
Stanley, all well drained, 15 acres
fall wheat, fall ploughing all done,
40 acres seeded to grass and hay.
Easy terms. Would consider nice
home in town: For further partic
ulars apply on farm to John B. Hyde,
or write . to Kippen P. 0. 50-2.
For Sale Or To Rent •
218 acre farm known as the
Schwanz Farm in the Township of.
Colborne. Can be leased for- three to
five years, or -will ,sell on small down
payment. Property fully improved.
Good- buildings. - Apply J. A. E. Bra-
den, P. 0. Box -510, London, Ontario.
Bailiff's Sale. •
By virtue of Execution issued out
of the Third Division Court, in and
for the County of Huron, and to me
directed, against the Goods and Chat-
tles of Oscar Tebbutt, at the suit of
Charles Barber I have seized 'and
taken into" Execution the undermen-
tioned property of the above named
Defendant, viz: -11/ Ton Ford
Truck. All of which property will be
sold by ,public auction, at the Gra-
ham House in the Town of Clinton,
on Saturday, the 3rd day of March,
at the hour of 2 o'clock in the after-
noon. Dated at Clinton, this 21st day
of February, 1928• R. Welsh, Bailiff
third Division Court, 50-2.
"Chick Hatching
Baby Chick Hatching,,,1500 eggs
per week, eggs, purchased from stan-
dard flocks and hatched' at $7.50 per
hundred for Leghorns, $8.00 -for
Rocks. A good hatch guaranteed.
J. Elgin McKinley, 'Zurich,• phone
•07r4, Hensall. 49-7.
On Feb. 14th, between Clinton and
Hensall, spare tire and rim for Olds-
mobile. Finder kindly communicate
with The News -Record or with Fn F.
Jackson, phone 14, Hensall. 50-1.
Farm •for Sale
On London -Road Stanley Town-
ship 97 acres; four acres good hard-
wood bush rest all under cultivation.
Barn 72 by 40 on cement stabling.
steel drive shed,frame poultry house,
brick dwelling fencing and drainage
good; five miles from Clinton, one
mile from Brucefield. Apply to
Frank Lane, Clinton or care of W.
Brydone, Clinton. 50-1.
In the Estate of Thomas Archer,
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims against the es-
tate of Thomas Archer, lateof the
Town of Clinton, in the County of
Huron, yoeman, deceased, who died
on or - about the ` 17th day of July
A.D., 1927, aro required to deliver to
John -W. Shaw, M.D., and W. Brydone
the executors of the said estate or
their solicitor, on or before the 10th
day of March A.D., 1928, a full state-
ment of their claims together with
particulars thereof, and the nature of
the securities, if any, held •by them
all duly verefied by affidavit.-
ffidavit.AND TAKE NOTICE that after
the said last mentioned- date the said
executors will proceed to distribute
the estate, of the said deceased a-
mongst the persons entitled thereto
having regard only to such claims as
they shall have received 'due notice
and in accordance therewith.
Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 15±8
day of February A.D., 1928.
W. BRYDONE, Clinton,. Ontario
Solicitor for the said Executors.
In the estate of 11Targar•et Craig,
NOTICE is hereby; given that all
persons having claims against the es-
tate of Margaret Craig, late of the.
Township of Goderich in the County
of Huron, spinster, deceased, ` who.
died' on or abont the first day of Feb-
ruary A.D„ 1928, are required to de-
liver to Fred Rott the executor of the:
said estate' or "his' solicitor on ;orbe-
fore the btli ,day, of- March A:D,,.1028,
'a full statement` of their claims to-,
•gether with .particulars thereof,' and.
the nature of securities if any, held
by diem all •duly verified by. affid.
AND 'TAKE; NOTICE that after
the said last mentioned ;date the said
executer will: proceed to distribute.
the estate of the aid'.. deceased a-;
inong tl the persons entitled thereto
having -regard"
only to such claims as
he shall have received due siotice: and
in accordance therewith.,
Dhted at Clinton, Ontario, this.lfth
clay of ,February A,D, , 1928,,
x' W BRYDONE, Clinton, Ont,
Solicitor for the said executor,
• 49-3,
an et s o
i t 9, is inter-
� �d
g' ower
rivets'required, 'and so; single )bat a teon
ear ��d boy can�°�
y �' place an entire set ;Oi
Plates �_es.�n 15 5 gnute5. Made fo
all'a es
be carried
hereafter o
r dor
lies .Of
luding McCormick', Deering, asset'
Frost & Wood Cockshutt Etc.
CLTN tbN ..
C. H.
VENNER, Eleda°ieiark
Electric o ,
Ranges, Fixtures, bulbs Irons, lana and other
• Appliances
Wiring and Repairs.
' Farm For Sale
100 acres, good soil, good buildings;
fine sugar bush; 41A miles from Clin-
ton. Will sell on easy terms. A. E.
Matheson, Seaforth P. 0. Phone
614-33, Clinton central. 38-tf
Wanted -Fox Furs'
Will pay $10 to $20 each for good
fox furs. Higliest prices for all other
furs. H. A. Hovey, Clinton. 43-tf
Farm For Sale
Choice 100 acres, lot 26, on Provin-
cial. Highway, 313 miles north of
Clinton, convenient to Public and Sep-
erate schools, property of the late W.
Morrison mostly under- cultivation,
small hardwood bush. Large brick
house, barn 68x58, good young or-
chard. Apply to George Carbert or
Mrs. James Brown, executors of es-
tate, R. R. No. 1, Clinton. 45-tf.
Cottage for Sale or Rent
Small, comfortable cottage, wired
for electric range. Garage on prem-
ises. Apply M. J. Moore, William
street. 38-tf
Farm For Sale
Lot 28, con. 15, Goderich township,
86 acres more or less, good land, well
with windmill, bank barn, hog pen,
6 acres hardwood bush, an acre of
orchard. Comfortable frame house.
Also 50 acre farm on London road,
Tuckersmith. Apply to J T. Mc-
Knight, R. R. No. 2, Clinton. Phone
604-r-4, Clinton central. 28-tf
Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed and re.
paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned
Rooms aver Heard's B-rber shop
W. J. Jago. 2283 -ti
Poultry and Eggs
- Wanted
We handle eggs every day
Poultry Tuesday and Friday
Call us if you want to get the
highest market price
A. E. Flinch
Victoria St., Clinton Phone 231
51 t!l
Even the stormy' days can be hap-
py ones for the children, when the
Heat Folks are in your home.
Build- Up ,a good ' fire - with Heat
Folks Coal.
Make a plate of candy,-'
•Hunt up a rainy day game or two,
And the 'children will play Happily
inside the house.
No wet feetl No sore `.throats!
No croup! 'Itt's worth trying.
Call the kkPAV Paild
for good, clean coal.
Phone 7
NEVERtoo late to start a
Shaw School Course
as the safest path to a good salary.
We invite yon to write for partic-
ulars as to courses and results.
'Shaw Business Schools, Bay -Char-
les, Toronto.
House For Sale ' t
Large red brick house, corner Or-
ange and Wellington streets, 8 rooms,
all modern conveniences. Possession
when desired. Also a barn an 1/s acre
lot on Wellington street. Apply to
Mrs. W. Jenkins. 06-tf-6p
Buy Your Coal NOW
It's a long time until spring. Three
more, cold winter months are ahead,
and the mercury will shiver down to
zero more than once before the flow-
ers bloom again. Have you enough
coal to last all winter? Don't
gamble with your -family's health and
comfort. Nt is much cheaper to buy
enough coal than to pay doctor bills.
Phone 182
Orders Taken at Lawson's Grocery
Phone 111'
I have a quantity of geed hard
wood, slabs and cedar.
Any coal accounts not paid by the
15th of March will be handed in
for collection.
Phone 155 Huron street
Singer Sewing Machine
Leased on Small Monthly Payments
Big Discount on Cash Sales
Now is the time to have your ma-
chine repaired and cleaned. Repairs,
Needles, Belts and Parts for all
Phone 1713 P.O. Box 201, Clintob
Buy a radio for the fancily
in doing so you will bo
giving them something which they
can enjoy the year around,
We are dealers for theiColster and
Kings'sets and will be pleased to give/
you a demonstration at any time.
Batteries charged and stored -1
for the winter
W. J. Nediger, Prop.
We have a complete line of
Toronto Asphalt Shingles and
Roofing for. siding or roofs if
you; are consideringroofing
compare ours, before buying,
with any other. This is the
best by test.
Always carry Bran, Shorts,.
Western Oats, best quality at
lowest price.
Phone 123
Flour. and Feed: Merchants wail
Grain Buyers