The Clinton News Record, 1928-02-09, Page 2Loa.k oavgia's. t'rancl Serot 00 'P06!, B3arnho by 4 a� utii �tl t nl lezia In i 505 Nearly Wont Away by Hands' o1 Curious`; .. TRS , • !NSPJRED 13YRO;� Wrotrr Foam Abtitzi �,t;, 019T.a )r) • To ms ei..1il:ccriptton-",000 pr -r 1222, ata ante, to t znadiai udiirerscs; 9 •�u:"(} to razz,115.13: or taller . tore ;n, count.c28. No :aper discontinued pilar all arrear- arc paid 11111020 ikt the .option of ,tho inib'c5'120, T13 iLite ,lo'lvh'ic11 cverg,->ub,cah4!ml 10. paid is denoted on the 1-1101, 'AtiVertlaing . R r '1ransienc +'adver- bsa 1; 12c ;icy count line, far itnt' 'foserllon, le for each subsequent- Insertion. ubsequent Insertion.:' heading counts '2' fines, Small adv22tisenlenta. 1.102 to, evicerQ one inch . } I as :"4) ante•11' •' o t' "sit e,i eta, ' laso led once f00 e. Y � 11587'tien 'i,f 't5c zrh�sub -quant i Advertisements sent. In, without l2. ,tructlona us to the nuinber'ot in. ver1lnns wanted will.lun t>ntil order:,: c:d out and 1x11l "he' charged aevoid- ta„ly :.l.atc.e for display advertising: made tcnno-n ori rlipllratton. Com rt,iications intended for pubic oal1on must, es a gua.tantee of. good. faith, be accompanied by the :name of nbe writer. G. E. IlrlFlli; M ?t. CLARK, Proprietor. Editor. BEitIN f1E RE •OD.AY Peter Newhall, ,Augusta, Ga., flees! to Alaska,`aftee tieing told by Ivan, Russian violinist, h" lead drowned 'Paul 0 nriche£, Ishmin's sec•. reia, y, i'oliowtng 2 quarrel. lent . and Peter's wife, DorothY;had urs d' 'liim to flee. I -le joins Big' Chris 7, eon in'response to, 'a'distress signal. at sea, forcing his,, sa jacket upon hue. Their launch hits reeks. Ltarson's body is buried as Newhall's, Peter,, rescued, finds injuries have completely changed his appearance. lshmin"and Dorothy go to Alaska .to return' Peter's body to Georgia.. They do not recognize 'Peter, who is che'sen head guide. A storm carries 'their ship to sea, stranding them at the grave. Peter rescues Islmmn from a charging bear whose 'cub Ishnlin wounded: Their ship does' not, return. Peter lays plans •for their escape"lie- fore winter sets 111, . NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY. M. DO 1yyE[[Epp�j (yHp�, R �� LIS BANNER A ;general. Banking.;Buslnese transact. ed Notes Discounted. Drafts 122110(1. Interest -Allowed• on Deposits. ^'Sale Notes Purchased, II. T. RANCE Notn-ry Nubile: C'onveyanber. Financial, Real . Estgtel and Fire 'In- curance Agent- Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies. Division Court Office, Cilnton. W. BR1'OONE . Barrister, Solicitor,' Notary Public,' etc. Office: SLOAN. r3Loc3, CLINTON DR. J. C. GAN,DIER Ot3ce hours; -1.30' to 3.30 p.m., 0,30 to 5,00_p,m.. Sundays, 12,30 to 1,30 p.m. Other bones, by appointment ouly. Office and Resrdei.c,' -- Victoria 81. DR.' FRED G. THOMPSON Office anti Residence: Ontario Street • Clinton. Ont. One door west of Anglican Church. Phone 172. Byes examined and glasses fitted. Did. PERCI. VAL'iiEAR1V Office and Residence: '.Huron StreetClinton, Ont. (Former) Phone 60 y occupied by the, late. Dr. C. Eyes Ex msee ined and Gla Glasses Fitted. DR. I.I. A. MCINTYRE - DENTIST Office hours 9 to'12-AM. and 1 to 5. P.31,, except Tuesdays and Wednos- slays. Office over Canadian National Express, Clinton, Ont. Phone 21. DR.. F. A. AXON DENTIST Clinton, Ont. Graduate of C.O.D.S.,Chicago, and R.C.D.S,, Toronto. Crown and Plate work a specialty D. H. McINNES Chiropractor—eloctrlcai Treatment.- ,1Ul. vs:m aunt. will be at the Uo:nluer- clal Inn, 'Clinton, on Alouday, Wodnes- duy and 'riday forenoons of each Disci,see of all kinds successfully handled. GEORGEI F .i.IOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the' County of Huron. Correspondence prompt!;- answered, 1inmodiate arrangements can be made tor Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton, or by calling Phone 203. Charges Moderato end Satisfaction Guaranteed. OSCAR KLOFP honor Graduate Carey .roues' National Moo] of .Auctloueering, Chicago, Bim- etal course taken in Pure Bred Live Stock, Real l3state, bterchandiee, and Farm Sales. Bates in keeping with prevailing market- Satisfaction aa. eared. Write or wire, Zurich, Ont;, Phone 18.93. days—land has comforted me when the wind b)eir—and• during those long hour- that 1: watched for'the Warrior to; tabu n.„ ,,. . CHAPTER XL --(Conti!.) "I de mean it..You've kept your, place so fax and I know you'll 'con- tinue . to keel) it. ''You- can watch; out 'for the breedswas well as I can, 'We'll call. it ddcided--only, if you don't mind, Dorothy, we'll wait ono more May, to see if the ship conies in." `Suis it. was arranged, and now, as the night lowered, Ivan and Dorothy sat by the fireside at the door of her tent, • Tonight Ivan !urged immediate mar- riage.: When Dorothy asked him how, exiled as they were from civilization, imntedjate marriage coudct,.be brought about, he had a ready answer. "Can marriages occur only in civilization?" h '11 1 e asked.. ' It's especza y sump e here -you know that Nick Pavlof is ertrpowered to inatzy people. As you Mast have heard, he has some sort of ight from the Greek Church—he4edi- ary;. I guess --and it -holds good through all this end of Alaska. A license is not -required when there is no way* get it—it's just a , legal record at best -and if you wish, that could be handled when we get to Sew- ard. Marry me tonight, Dorothy— then together we'll go,kway—to Rus- si -the. South ,Seas, anywhere." - His face wits' starlewhite; his eyes glowed litre the coals of dying•..fire. Her lips trembled piteously as she sought his hand hi the dusk. - "Don't talk- about 1t tonight," .site_ urged% -,a1- most pleading. "I'm so troubled—the future is, So uncertain—" FIe looked straight into her eyes, as if he would hypnotize her. "You're troubled only because you haven't aS yet made up your mind to accept me -a decision you Are sure to make in the end," he told' her slowly, with deep emphasis. "You Won't' quit be- ing troubled until you do—because you love me in your heart. For this same reason your future semis so dark and `uncertain. Dorothy, marry me tonight and put your destiny in 21 hand::" • "I don't want to think about it any more tonight;"' she told him earnestly. "Ivan, I wish you would play. Some- times music is like a light, helping me to straighten everything ' Be took the violin in his slim hands. Ile -hesitated, then began softly the immortal "Riegle" by Massenet. This song of tears, deathlessly sweet, brought, her very nearly to the answer of her•.problem. She did not actually come to a conclusion in regard to Dan's suit; but -sire believed she found the reason why she had- not yielded to him long since, and thus the source of all her uncertainty, her' haunting doubts a d. fears. This was a song of the dead, and through the niggle of its genius she wasable, vaguely, to pierce the veil of death. It was, indeed, a loyalty to Peter— tnistaken, perhaps, but yet'an emotion of great power that, had kept:' her from Ivan'S arms so long. Partly this loyalty was an echo of her remember- ed love for him, partly it was.born of her remorse for failure in duty to- ward him. And north that she stood at Peter's graver the situation had reaehed its crisis.- "Tell me something, Ivan' The girl spoke quietly, her low, deep, beau- tiful voice tremulous with wonder, and the soft, starlike lustre of tears in her eyes. "Ivan, do you believe in ghosts?" "Of course," he said. "Who doesn't? ado No 'one can Believe in; immortality "s 0 FT E WATER ' EVerywo,nl3li6' 1.9Ai8-oaRworli;', i: "It's 210 '2.0'1.3 t' "flattering to ma be mere assurance to you than IP' change my naive? that the ghost of a dead' man 'could May of the moment "Is that all=,to "You've been a wonderful help, too." "'Change name!' ;Me no go no re. Ev r :thin else"all clouded." tail: more. e She paused, and:. her face was s i y g dusk, ' "Ivan do you Yet was it not ell Dorothy white in the qu�gh' '1 ill get a Ines: age through did not doubt but that she had her to him?" answer. To change the name—and " know" Ivan .'spoke very surely that meant nothing more or. 1 don't., softly. "The dead have been called les than to yield her destiny to Ivan, back. What do you want to tell him?'' ,The man who lay dead was willing "I don't want to tell him "anything that she should, by the fact of mar- B. R. HIGGINS Gunton, Ont, General Fire and Life Insurance'Agent for Hartford Windstorm, Live Stock, Automobile and Sickness and Accident Insurance, Huron and trio and Cana- da Trust Bonds, Appointments m 10 meet ,parties at Brncefield, Varna andBayfield. Phone67. and •not, strictly speaking, believe in . -I feel that he knows' my, evtry riage,-disclaim his own proud name thought:, But I' want him to tell me and ta' the' name of another. something. >I want to know that he has- forgiven 'me , for any failure in duty ,,toward him—and I want ` his advice, how to go on." Ivan was fully receptive to her mood, and he sat a moment 'with bow- ed bead.• "We can try, Dorothy," he said at last. "We ca2.hold a seance -- surely every advantage ,is in Our'�ta- sor. Fortune Joe is a medicine'' man, and Bradford described what he called the spirit rite. He might get -,word through Who knows?" They waited a. while more for .fur- ther word from the other side; but the medicine man seemed only con- fused and faltering. "Can you tall' to Paul Sarichef?" she asked. "Maybe you can get in touch with him. • I want to know that e'rerything is forgiven -over.there. That all debts arc paid" (To be continued.)• • Mushro Recipes "Get. all five' of us, in a circle ? In cooking mushrooms it es- "Th'e bigger' the circle -the }letter. senttal to retain the'fiavor•wlnieh 1s so Shall'I summon the three )nen �'I • delicate Serve them as s00n as they But they chose to walk together to are prepared." If necessary let the the guides' quarters, finding. the men family wait for the 'tushrooms, but smoking in comfort before their low do not let the mushrooms wait for the farail Y. fire. Joe, iso t it true you die a Y medium?" Ivan 'began! addressing the For creamed mushrooms remove witch doctor. "That you can get word the sterane ,arid peel,Bone •pound of through to the dead? Mr. Bradford mushrooms. Melt five tablespoons told us you had a reputation--" , of butter, add the mushroois broken "'Fes. Me talk with dead,"'Joe in pieces and cook Por three minutes. answered simply. • Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge "Tanen tonight Mrs. Newhall wants with one and a hall tablespoons 04 talk with the elan who flour and pour ovex them half a cup lies buried here." Ile pointed to the of thin dream. Cook for five minutes, cross, wan and: ghostly :itself. in' the stirring •constantly. anally Bought:, by An- brostian Library Founder .atom -- h lock of� Lucrezia Bor- gia's 1 o 11 r jealously t in the Am- 7 11 ,.,jealousy cp brostian Library,'' Mllan,.toogether with a number or her love letters, as well as the letter Itself which 11500m - Ponied the lock, has been put, where it cannot be touched by Lim curious. For years it. `had reposed in a paper bon; now'it,hns been -placed In a spe- cial glass 'relirluary'-and stands 011 a shelf, where' the golden remnants of - a past glory can be seen. So many lock at 1 stroked. this oc h visitors lrye s 1 t it was 'being worn away:'' The hair is tied at Iwo ends with silk. just as-Lucrezia prepared it prior to sending it to her poet lover, Bembo, the- venetian, who', having- studied at the Uni'ers1ty of Ferrara, had return- ed there on a visit and Met the beauti- ful duchess, who had married Al. •phonse d'Este by proxy in Rome M. 1505, and had journeyed with her suite to her bridegroom's home in Fer- -ramm. Discovery Meant Death. you to try to broom d ishi pale, light, on the beach but a short A more unusual mus s distance below the camp. "He was made by sprinkling half a pound of Mrs. Newhall's husband, as you mushrooms, prepared as usua-1,'with. know—and she wants to get a mes- salt and pepper, dredging them with flour and cooking `three minutes in a hot saucepan with two tablespoons of -butter. a Add one cup of boiling water in which a bouillon .cube .has been dissolved and 'cook slowly five -minutes. Sprinkle with 'three. table- spoons of grated cheese. As soon as the cheese is melted arrange. thea mushrooms on . pleces of toast and pour Over then!, the sauce. Garnish', withparsley and serve at once: 'Soup offers an 'excellent - way to utilize the stents which may not be required in other recipes. Scrape the stems and 021 in thin slices. Add them to four tablespoons of melted butter, dredge' with two tablespoons of flour and add one slick 03 onion -cut fine. When the mushrooms are tender force. them through a fine sieve andadd milli or cream to make a thin. cream soup. Season with salt and pepper and serve with crutons. • A certain grumpy clergyman made his home life almost unbearable. His wife, however, rarely complained and seldom dirt anything that might bring on ode of his tantrums. lllmerghng from deep thought one. day, he said: "I often' wonder when I am in.Heaven how I s11a11 get my coat 02 over my wings." Whereupon hie wife* regard- ed him silently for some moments, To Pete, it was the crowning'toileh and then replied: "You need not wor- of the. whole," fantastic, tragic -comic ry about that. You difficulty will be adventure. getting on your trousers offer your Yet there was a solemn air to the tail." little meeting that was held straight- DR. traight , _ TIME TABLE Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton .aa follows: Buffalo and Godcrich Div. Going Last, depart ' 8.44 a.m, 2.52 p,m. Going West, ar. , '.11.50 a.m. dr. 6.08 dp. - G.53 p.m. nr. 10.04 pan. London, Huron &Bruce DIv.'- Going South, ar. 2,56 dp. ?.56 a.in - 4.10 Jere. Going North, depart 6.60 p.m. ar. 11.40 "- 11.51 a.m. The ` I .cKffiop Mutual F in race Compaq y flead DhRECTORYLrth, Ont. .:'' Frosident, •a: :es 'Connolly, Coderlch; Vibe, James Evens, Beechwood;• Soo, - Treasurer, . Thos.; E. liays,'Seaforth. Directors: George McCartney, Sea. forth; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; .J ,- Grieve, Walton; Wm. Ring, Seaforth; M. 141DEwon, Clinton; Robert Ferries. ' Rarlock; John Bonneweir, Brodhagso; Jas. Connally, Goderich,, Agents: Ales. Leitch, Clinton; J. W. Teo, Goderich; Lid. Hinchray, Sea - forth; W. Chesney, EEmondv111e; ,1t. O, Jarmuth, litrodhagen. Any . money to be paid In may be pard to Moorish Clothing Co,, Clinton, er at Cutt's Grocery, Goderich. Parties desiring to affect Insurance or transact other bus{ness w111 be promptly attended to on application' to any of the above officers addressed to their respectivepost office. Losses inspected by the Director who uvea dearest; t710 e;;epPo ghosts.coo The whole world knows of them—not just believes in them." "A great- truth has, just come to ole.". the ,girl was exalted. "I've known 'Rail the time, but 31 just wasn't aware" of it.. Maybe thee, isn't plain. I menu 'that I've sensed it, subeon- sciousiy—a11 'the time I've been here --in some back wait of myself; and'3 can't imagine why I've taken so' long foi my.eonscious self to be aware orf it. The music sent it Home to ate, just naw:' "It often takes . music, or some ether stimulus to the emotions, to send home the truth. What is it?" ho ask- ed gently. "Peter is watching over me./ I feel his 133120502 a just as surely as if he were in the fresh." CITAPTIIIR XII, THE SEANCE.. They were both silent as they thought of the immensity of this; the convoy by the. dead.' Ivan, always something of a mystic, caught free at once and leaned toward her in deep, est interest.. "Pete's spirit has held ole up1'a1l the way through," she told hint in a soft monotone that did not in the least conceal her emotion. "It kept me from being afraid, all these "IIe say—`change the manna"."' sage from him. Will you be willing to -try a seance?" . . "Don't know seance. 'Sometimes call —no answer. Maybe getanswer to- night." "You'll conn too, Pavlof—and Pete. We're going 'to make a little circle." ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS W. MacMillan and Company Union Bank Building, Galt. Phone 563. Also Toronto and Kitchener W' MACMILLAN, L.A. F-28 ISSU1= No. 0-'28 It was when Bembo left and was visiting the. Strout family at Villa ()stellate that the live missive's were exehanged'by'neaps of trusty mesrio10- t1olr aim i;eueraliy is good. gers who knew • that the discovery) , A IleouHar feature of these cases le meant death, as Alphonse d'Este Ives that the old "triangle," where. an out- _ Leider {lees a little faintly - wrecking, A�sige the qs al6t-y of Green Tea,b .thee tali �s' the brew when poured Into your cup be e:rrecrea B� ,added. ..The Pacer the colour , CIA '!blew the 'Amen Tea. C i>1>11Pa'wi;'ganY ether Green • Tea: with , aaSAL DA -_--140n 'can iequal'i; '.IQn flavour, 'Itoi t0 a>�s' clearness. Only 38 per erw - • r cobweb, 01` golden as light a,. a ctb ob g 6 laoas blrshln Cerin an �l Pp >3 . to Y. else arranging it over her sh,inldors, where it mrd a -cif colored i ith the e e seemed sv rays of the sun. Now this, lock is an as11y blond, for time has bereft it of its golden tints. LeniencyShown Sia errs - � Stirs French to Protest Paris—'"lhe Crimes '-of Juries,'' az one- critic describes the acquittals; of husbands, 2Jves` and lovers w110 shoot to kill, are stirring many to protest against conditions'. Many jury referns have been debat- ed in Parliament, but nothing has been dello. There, -remains, however, much agitation for the jury's partici- : 1)213010 �1n fixing penalties; now the -pro= rogalive of the Judge. It is argued net in murder trials juries often return i "not guilty" verdicts' rather titan take a chance on the judge being toe severe, This element of sympathy for the do- fendantls because most murder trlals now . 4nrvoly a women, either as the 1 Mg' or' the killed, Women of late do more shooting then men in Paris, anti �vw.vwv. Cardinal Borromeo,• when 'he col- seen Poltowed by gunfire, tigures more lected '3,000 manuscripts, including teflon in the provincial courts, while in th i tt 's between Lucrezia and Bem- Paris, the bright light, night life e e on bo and the .lock- of hair, founded the I centre, family quarrels result hi Ambrostian Library. For years this criminal deaths more often than do lock of hair had been almost forgot -° love affairs. ` .ten. "Then one day.the poet -Byron visited the library and was shown the lock. He wrote a poem about it and called it "the softest and lightest Bair in the world." From that day -until the present time visitors journeyed to Milan just for the privilege of touch- ing the hair' ;and gradually its color arid quantity dwindled until the ,direct- or of the library thought that little of this relic of a famous beautiful woman would remain: way on the grassy land just above the grave. The medium sat between, Dor- othy and Ivan;, Pete was on the other side of Dorothy and Pavlof next to him. Touching hands lightly, they sat intent. Fortune Joe had gone int° what seemed a half -trance; his head was bowed, his face white as if with un- utterable agony. They heard him moan softly, in the utter silence. "What you want?' he mumbled at last. "Me all tangled spirit keeps floating, up there, keeps coming back here. Who you want Jeri to call?" "My husband!" Dorothy answered quickly. "The elan who lies here dead -under' this crass)" • There was a brief spell of silence, then the native moaned again. There ensued a second of struggle in which liquid fire seemed to leap through the chain of their hands, Then Joe's trance secured to deepen, . "Dead mann-"-he here," he said slowly. "Man"' -died in the water— lay. undelllgross- What you i"varlt? ' ".811. ' mina : if he forgives every- thing," ve yr-thinng," the , girl whispered. Tears softened her voice. "Ask 'hila if :I am to -go ahead—anti do what Nall wants me to: do." , The medicine man's blanched face and subdued -struggles seethed toin- dicate tremendous difficulty in get- ting etting the questions through, and hear- ing their answer. His fade worked.. "You make fun or me,' he :moaned softly. "You laugh at'0me—" Dorothy cast one indignant glance abotnt the circle, saw that every face was intent and sober, then pressed tight the native's hand, "011, nol We're not laughing. Get what mes- sage you can for- me then—" She waited in ineffable anxiety for this word 'from beyond the grave. "The man—he here," the native mut- tered, half-initell* gently. "Ire drown —cut up by rocks. He say—'change the name."" This waS something concrete, and the girl trembled in the brooding n1ys- Bought By Cardinal. When Lucrezia wished to send to her lover a remembrance she cut this lock "from her head and placed it in the piece of, parchment, together with the letter;' whore it still remained when Cardinal Borromeo bought It. Besides the original. with the hair, there are others, elating to 'the same period, together with liembo's poetic. answers. In one missive Lucrezia mentions thilt it is no longer,,safe to sign her: own name, and that in future only the double initial F. F. will bear evidence that the letter is from her. Only a year 11ad passed since Lucrezia 11acl journeyed to Ferrara as the bride of the heir of the powerful D'lste family. Lucresia was so proud of her hair that during the journey northward from Rome she stopped five ,times for the purpose oil washing hor golden locks, according to true Venetian fash- ion, with a hair wash;.c+orpoundecl ac- cording to a recipe of _Catherine Stor- m. It is said that her two handmaidens spent much of ,their time brushing it. and nometimes gathering it into it British ,,Charity Bequests Decline in IO -Year Period „London.—Are . British' people less charitable than they used to be? : An affirmative answer is suggested by an article in "The Nineteenth Cen- tury," by Wyatt Tilby, who computes that whereas in 1918 the amounts be- queathed`kn wills to charity or other pnblie . or religions purposes were t more than 3 per cent, of the total be- quests, quests, in 1927 they had dropped to 2 per. cent.. As individual wealth has increased during the last thirty years it ie nng- gested that the decrease in bequests to charity is due to the fact that the state now does lne1'e for the 0021' nn iiiity, W11,i14 the ib1C'rease of taxation inclines the family to do more fur It- self waren money is bequeathed.. An old Negro got upmin oniric at a revival meeting and said: "B1'udders an' sisters, you knows an' 1 ltnows (tat 1 ain't been what I ougbter been. rst, robbed ben -roosts an' stole hawgs, a11' told floe, an' got drunk, an slashed folks with meh razor, an'' eneeod a11C1 swore; but I drank Heaven dere's one thing -1 ain't 'lubber don ---I ain't nab her lost mail religion, A ratan was' sniaalled alp ill a rail- road accident. The faintly received tl nvh•o saying: "Mr. Iless in railroad wreck. Both legs, both ..ens, bank and neck broken, and skull fractured," And n few hours later a second tits - patch arrived: "210t so bad as `at MIA reported. One.arm out broken." • Canadian Athletes Leave For Olympic Games 11 1'111l11NUlllll11l 11101i11i1r1111a111 19111 1168 1 )111 Canada's r'ep1'esentetiVes at ' the Olympic Gaines at Si Moritz, Swit- .erlaud, now on their way across the ocean, pourneeed from their" 1homes to the seaboard via Co edian, National Railways, Most of the party were photo. graphed `by the Oanadiaal Nationat. camera' man at Montreal en route to' Halifax. Photographs show; Lower left, The • Varsity Grails' hockey teem,. of Toronto; rig'lit, 'I,ehan' and Dupuis of Montreal and OLtanva respectively, shi-hrg reprcaen'tatives, tipper right, 4f111 'if THE BABY'S FIRST SHORT CLOTHES. - When baby is ready -for short clothes mother will be happy to find this -combination pattern, No. 1174, Which contains a short caat, with`. or without cape, short jacket and bonnet. Just -everything- for ebye»bu" land. The simple coat is made with a yoke; that always add, a litil- graceful touch to the straight line. The round collar,; gives a tailored finish. and is cut for eanii'•ert. The caZ,e adds warmth for the cool days. It maybe sowed In one seam with the collar to the eoat,'93' made and used separately. For the cool days and warm evenings, when just some ligl.t wrap is wanted, the :simple little jacket :with set-in• sleeves will quit.. answer every need. The bonnet, with a never that is be- coming to every baby- face, fits nicely by 'the use of small laps at the neck- line. Cut in one site, and requires 2% 3'a'lds for the entire outfit, Price '20c the patten. 11OW TO ORDER PATTIIRNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of sada patterns as'you want, En&.)so 20c in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap 'it carefully) for tach number and 1 address your order to Patter.. Dept.,. Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West Ade - !nide St., Toronto. 1'atto_ns sent by- teturn mall. Le -party aboard. the 'Maritime Ey press of the Canadian Natlonal Rail- ways; :left, Iloss Robinson, Toronto speed skating cliampion, who 'will re- present Canada, in the speed skating THE NEW RAGE °Making: any resolutiono ler the Now Year?". ...Why yea, 1 think i'll limit my eels' to five companionate marriages in 19773." -e-- RATHER e-:- RATHER LISTEN THAN READ HO: Do you read love sctorles: ' She: No; 1 like to have then' events.' toldto me. • e a> t ''Pies, Cafes, Burls end, Bread• DOES ASL °OUR I3A IN mor $4,511 FOR:. r•ii:'' ,.re5,. ,;,!11,40,17'.. 10,T) .%5 l,;to...'ligik,.K, Tr"+?i•�;?d`5 1:'.e fel„, o+y.` rer vellee e- t1 .N,.. it teese0