The Clinton News Record, 1931-11-05, Page 8diadeldimmosaeissaidelddidowinalaireorded diemmtememeemilawdeniesme CLINTON'S LEADING JEWELE12Y •STOR7 EYE SPECIAL IST EYES', TESTED FREE: Lowest Prices in years in Jewellery and Silverware. One New. Style GilletteRazor Free with 10 Blades also New Style Sharpener at $1. H. H. JOHNSON Graduate of Toronto College of Optometry . Next Hovey's'Drua Store.Jeweller andOptician . Keep !�nv Feet Dry. Buy yourself a new pair of Rubbers Ci 'Galoshes and a pair for all the membersof the family at these low prices., * .. CHILD'S RUBBERS,.up to' size 101-2 at 450 MISSES RUBBERS, -sizes 11 to 2 56c • YOUTHS' RUBBERS,1Sizes•11 to 13 550 BOYS' RUBBERS, sizes 1 to 5 F 65oc WOMEN'S RUBBERS, sizes 2 to 8 . 400 MEN'S RUBBERS, Sizes 6 to 11 15e SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON ALL LINES' OF HEAVY RUBBERS, RUBBER BOOTS, GAYTEES AND GALOSHES ALL NEW FRESH STOCK AND NO SECONDS Special Prices on all Lines of Boots, Oxfords and Slippers Plumsteel Bros. Exclusive Dealer -- Tip Top Tailors Ltd. DRESSED MUTTON, by the huff, per Ib...... iine DRESSED PORK, by the half, per lb. •00 MUTTON STEWS, per lb. 'Ic MUTTON ROASTS, per Ib. l0c MUTTON CHOPS, per 1b. 15e PORK SAUSAGE, per lb. 15e HAMBURG STEAK, per lb. 15e FRESH HORSE RADISH, per bottle 1Sc FOWL, VEAL, BABY BEEF, FOR THE WEEK -ENI) KINDLY ORDER THE DAY BEFORE FOR EARLY DELIVERY C. NNELL & TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKETt" Phone 162 Huron SPECIAL THREE PIECE STORE BREVITIES I UNCII,EON SETS Pule linen Cover 43"x43"; 0 r Serviettes, 12x12 ...:..,1.10 CUSHION TOPS Hand -painted on Velvet Assorted 'Patterns at . . i;1.00 C.C.I. STATIONERY 24 sheets, plain- paper, 12 en- velopes for 10c SPECIAL; 50 Sheet Pad for 20c 25 Envelopes for , 200 Total Value 40c 40c. VALUE FOR 25c "SOLDIER" SCRIBBLERS Smooth, ruled paper 5"x8" Each . . .2c APRONS Medium size stamped on goon quality cotton. Assorted pie-. signs., far 211c BOWLS Oven -proof set of six. Sizes from 4" to 9". 6 for 65c -NOVELTY CHINA PEPPER' AND SALTS 15e Per Pair FERN POTS Green and Yellow. Two. sizes 23 inch Pot for 5c 3'. inch Pot for Se BOOK OF AIRPLANES 24 pages of present-day planes For•25c The W. D. Fair Ga. 1'11133 CL INION=NEWS RECORD TII1 RSDA Y, JNOVEibLP,Z'I% 5 , ipal$ Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Kocher 1u;iiilt'est ie1i. 6 Mrs. F., French is spending a few weeks in Toronto. Rev. Dr. Hogg of Strathroy was in town on Thursday last. Mrs. W. Argent visited her daughter in Willowdale last week. Miss Frieda Wallis of London was • a week -end guest at her home in town. Mr. B. J. •Gihbings • was in Toronto on business the latter part of last week. i ,- , t a . • , Miss Isabel Beattie spent ' a few days at her home at Watford last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dow of Brueefield were the geusts of Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Corless on Sunday. Rev. A. A. and Mrs. Holmes went to Toronto on Tuesday, where they intend spending the winter. Miss Ruth Cartwright has returned to Toronto after spending a weeks' vacation at her home in town. Miss Cora Jervis of S. George and Miss E. Kemp of Lynden motored up and spent the week -end at their, respective homes. Miss Clara Gould, who has been i11 in the Stratford Hospital, whege she was finishing her course of training, returned home Saturday to recuperate.. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter 'tnd 1liss Marjorie were in Toronto at- tending the marriage of their son Ernest, which took place on Satur- day. Mr. Chris. Tebbutt left for the West on Tuesday. He carte east a month ago on account of the death of his sister, the late Ida Tebbutt. Mr. and Mrs. G.. E. Hall motored to Toronto and spent the week -enol with their son, E. E. Ball.heh it son," G. L. Hall motored up Pembroke to see. them. Mr. and Mrs.-Thoinas Oliver re- turned Tuesday from their honey - Moon trip to Chicago. They take up housekeeping in Miss Cante- lens house, Rattenbury street. i Mrs. R. II. Johnson'Nvaa at Hanover last week, being called there by the sudden death of her brothe.r- inlaw, who expired while in the act of milking a cow on his own Mr. Wm. Scott e4 'Bay City, Mich., his daughter -and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Kerhier, and little tarighter, of Port Huron spent the weekend with the fornter•'s bro- ther, Mr. Adan Scott of citnton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor and miss Della Taylor of Toronto spent the week -end as the „guests of Mrs. ' Taylor's sister, 'Mrs E. W. 'Reda - way. Mr. Taylor and family leave next week for Orlando, Flor- ida, where they will spent the win - .ter •inonths Mr•, and Mrs Ernest Crich and their daughter, Mrs. Brown and two chil- dren, of Pontiac, 1Vfich.,, spent the week -end.• et 'tire home of the for- nter•'s 'father, . Mrs. H: 'Crich of town. 'Mr. E. Crich came over to attend a meeting of. •Shriners in London 'on Friday. - Mr. Ezra.W'gshington, Who has been return- edfort Union all summer, r e ed home, last week, Mrs. L. Annie. and, her son,. Mr. C. Annis, and her mother, Mrs. Wlhite metered d op 'with hint and spent the week -end 'with his sisters, Miss Washington'. and Mrs. Southcombe. Large Comfortable Chesterfield, Deep Springy and a Comfortable; Large Wing Chair and Arlo Chair to Match • $125.00 O 0. I1 Finished in.beautiful Mohair coverings 'with floral designs on the reversible cushlo.s Its in Our Window 1.SUTTER, _ PERDUE ` L Hardware . Funeral Directgre Plumbiiig Furniture Phone 147'1 'Rlbctric Wiriiik os to OPSO p7:2tO C=tO>C� COUNTY NEWS •GODERICH: In police court re- , cently a Charge of theft preferred 'a •gainst George D. .Cooper of Nall - field by Ida M. Hackett, of the Sams township, was 'dismissed for lack of evidence. Mr. Cooper has the Jlac- ' lett farm leased. It was aliegdd that he took wood .off the fain which, under agreement,' he was not entitled to take. The agreement was produced in police court, but there was nothing in it staying, that Coop- er could not 'take wood off the i:aiin, It did say that it most be for .hid use, bars it did not say where he Fright burn it. The Magistrate stuck F.11 Fruils and tuber S COMMENCING New Valencia Raisins, 2 lbs. New Cooking Figs, New Dates, 2 lbs. Shelled Walnuts, per pound Cut Mixed Peel, per pound Prunes, 2 pounds Australian Seedless Raisins, 2 `Pumpkin (No. 2) 2 tins Star Ammonia, 4 packages Aylmer Soups, 3 tins Mince Meat, 2 pounds Broken Sodas, 2 pounds Breakfast Bacon, pound Pickled Cottage Rolls, pound Fresh Sausage, per pound 25c Mixed Fancy Biscu'ts 15c 2 lbs. 25c Macaroni, 3 pounds 19c 25c Clark's Pork & Beans, 3. tins& 25c 49c New Cheese, per pound' 18c 25c Granulated Sugar, 10 pound's 55c 25c TEA COFFEE COCOA, pounds 25c Blue Ribbon, Our Own & Chase &•: San- 19c an19c born's Tea, per pound 49c 25c O'Neil's Favorite, Coffee, per pound- 39c 25c Salada, Red Rose & Lipton's Tea,, lb. 55c 25c Our Own Tea, 3 pounds $1.00 19c Breakfast Cocoa.,, :per. pound R ,.19c, FRIGIDAIRE SPECIALS 19c 15c 19c Weiners, per pound Bologna, per pound Fresh Hams, per pound 19c 19c 12c Closed. Remembrance Day, November 11th, "Lest We Forget" CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA \iv Phone 48 • IL Where "Sells for•Less" Price Prevails Home Baking ands Candy Saturday, Nov. 7th commencing at 3 p.nt. to 630 To be held in shop vacated by Fruit Merchant—Next to LOBE'S Good Things to Et. -Come and See For Yourself. 43-.1. LONDESBORO ENTERTAINMENT An entertainment will be held in the Community Hall, Lcndeshoi o on Friday, Nov. 13th, at 8 p.in. This will be given by the women and girls of Burns and Knox United churches, Londesboro, and will eon- sist of Oriental Pageants, pantom- Ines, solos, duets, etc. Mrs. Colin Fingland of 'Walton, will contribute to the program by solos and recita- tion. Admission 25c, children, 10c. 43-2. strictlytto tlie'tvotciing 'of tlie `agree-. ment and 'dismissed the case. 1WyL4 LTO' N:, Mr :Toho McDon'alci of ` l'Midsor, 'has sold the 'Watton Sawmill to Mr. D'utican 3olinston 02 Walton. I^or some years the trill has only Been operatied'a short tinio each wmter'on custom Sawing. Whe- ther this' pftin will 'be continued by the new' owner has not been decided. t'lie Waltan'sawmill Was one of the enterprises ,which the McDonald faro ity, duripg the past sixty years were engaged in. The 'old still was burn- ed abeut 1S ,years ago and rebuilt by 11r. McD•onald, whiose father and uncle, Louis and Charles lyfeDon'ald erected the original sawmill. Wesley -Willis BAZAAR BAZAAR AND AFTER000N TEA Under auspices of Ladies' Guild of ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, CLINTON will be held in it. Paul's School Room on Thursday afternoon, Nov. 26th Sale commenecs at 2.30 and offered for sale at the several booths will be the following: Fancy Work Articles for the Kitchen, Touch and Take, Homemade Baking, Produce, Candy, Rummage Also a Fish Pond for'the Children. Tea served during The After`ridon.1" Conte Early and Have FPirst,,, Choice of Articles For Sale. l$-3: CHRISTMAS GIFT SHOP AND BAZAAR Will be held in the Council Chamber, CLINTON Saturday, Nov. 14th ccnuneneing at 2.35 o'clock under auspices of the W. A. BOOTHS: Christmas Gifts Aprons Touch and Take Home-made Baking and Produce. Touch and 'rake, for boys and girls. CANDY: Afternoon Tea will be Served. 1 EVERYBODY WELCOME ' COLD WEATHER 42-3• I THINK OF THE FIRES Spceials For Saturday r. k • it. Homemade TAFFYS & FUDGE PUMPKIN PIES and the latest Malted Milk Cake 0 SO GOOD Made'bY: BARTLIFF & CRICH Makers of Dainty Maid Bread, Cakes and Pastry • Phone 1, Clinton. T.E FP.ST MAKES US WE ARE CHOCOLATES REIUCED Hunt's Limited, Toronto, have Re- duced the Retail Price of Chocolates from 60c per lb. to He. This includes Assorted Bon -Bons and Hard Centres. This is the Ne'v Blue and Silver Box, 45 pieces to a pound box. Fc,r Fine Pastry call at our Store any Day, but don't fait to sainplu our week -end specials. Wendorf's Bakery . `Ctrl Y" G"iCrovtIty Mnksa'ts ` .of '"Vihnii Wheat" and "Snowflake" • PWON '' $ l GOING TO NEL Have your frunace cleaned and overhauled and in perfect condition; ready for use when yon need it. FOR FALL U�USE CLEANING YOU MAY NEED A NICE NEW RUG IN - CARPET, LINOLEUM, CONGOLEUM OR OIL CLOTH to replace the old one and brighten up some remit , We have the stock at the lowest possible price. WE STILL HAVE SOME WONDERFUL VALUES IN: DINING ROOM SUITES AND CHESTERFIELD SUITES WHICH YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS Then we have a lot of wonderful new Furniture, which will surely Please the eye. as Well as your Purse, including DINING ROOM, BEDROOM, LIVING ROOM, BREAKFAST ROOM SUITES, TABLES OP ALL BINDS, TEA WAGONS, FERNERIES. CEDAR CHESTS. A GREAT ASSORTMENT OF PICTURES, MOTTOS, AND SWINGING PHOTO FRAMES. Te are always proud to show yea our lamps because they are al- ways the latest styles at the lowest prices. •, , r,in and let us show you that we can save you stoney on any- thing you want to furnish your home. Clinton Hardware & Furniture Co. PHONE 195 FUNERAL DIRECTORS MONUMENT DEALER:: THE STORE WITH A STOCK Your kitchen stoves also night need new pipes or cleaning after the summer's use. Just call Us and we will be at your service immediately. T. IIrnkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 Mrs. Jones tells Mrs. Brown about the lovely Christmas Cake she made last year. You know it is so easy to make a goed :one with the fresh fruits, peels and nuts that McKnight'; sell at their store. SPECIAL THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY CLOSED ARMISTICE DAY—WEDNESDAY Sunlight Soap 10 bars for Maxwell House Coffee : per lb. 43c New Valencia Raisins 2 lbs. for Choice Corn 2 tins for r9c Taylor's Peanut Butter Bulk, per lb. 19c Crown Jars, each 25a Corn Syrup, 2 lb. tin 17c 5-1b. size for .. 35-) Aunt Jem. Pancake Flour 18r New Hallowe'en Dates, 2 at 25a New Cooking Figs, 2 lbs. .25c New large sweet Prunes. 2 25c Cascade Salmon, lge. 2 tins 25c McLaren Jelly Powder, 4 for 25ci 40a Selox, the dried soap 2 pkgs. for 251 Mincemeat, choice 2 lbs. for 25c Newlge. sw. Prunes, 2 lbs. I5c Palmolive Soap, :3 takes ..?sir Sea Ring Lobster, 1-4s..11r Sea Ring Lobster, 1-2's New Filletts of 1'Iaddie, 1b. "-Or New Finnan Haddie, lb. ..15c Sausage,, per lb. 20c Head Cheese, per lb. 15c Breakfast Bacon, lb. .. —230 Back Bacon. per lb 39e Cottage Roll, per lb. 23, Bologna, per 1b. 100 J.T. McKNIGH 89 SON CLINTON, ONT. PHONE 111 EAND SEE OUR. SPECIAL SALE of tvercoats Sweaters Wonderful Bargains in Sweaters from 95c to $5.00' Come in and pick out your ° Winter °'Coat Specially priced from•'. $9150 to $50.00 DAVIS & HE AN tl Ernr`St: ,,1'" ;l+Ty in 7,011 h .l kBA`17Sf�:y}54