The Clinton News Record, 1931-11-05, Page 6ge tlt,ge`6t
(Furnished by the Department of Agriculture)
O.A.C. Sale
Very satisfactory prices were
secured at the iee.ent annual sale
of surplus purebred stock held •at
the O.A.C.,receipts totalling $5,-
'764.20. About, 1,200 buyers from
all parts of'Ontar'ic and points, in
the United States and Quebec .at-
tended, and with a fine quality of
stock offered, bidding .as a whole
was;, brisk. The top price was $225
for a Holstein •bull, while in the
sale of Shorthorns a bull calf.
brought $210 and a heifer $200. A
total of $2,082.50 was paid' fee 89
hogs and in the sheep division 20.
ram lambs netted $402.40. Ten
hemi of Shorthorns brought' 81,315.
Beitish . Apple Market
Andrew Fulton, - -fruit growers
representative in Great Britain; re-
ports that unprecedented gnanti-
ties- of North American • apples have.
been reaching the •Unit ed Kingdom
with the result that supplies .are
greatly in .excess` c,f' demand. It.
Would apneas -he says, that •with the
large crop of'`rieples in North Am-
erica, and the poor domestic market,
shippers will continue to export so
long as they cam get the price of the
barrel back He urges that (enteric
growers should pay 'greater attention
to colour. and in the case of Wealth,
ies should ship only highly -coloured
No. 1 grades. . These latter have.
been commanding prices from $4.13 e Purchasing Feed seem.
to $5.10 a barrel. •Scarlet Pippins
have sold for $5:53 to $6.37 a' barrel. The advantage , of co -,operative
principally because of their good purchase of feed stuffs is sometimes
firm condition and high colour. The lost"through the feeding of these
en, ading of Ontario applies this sea- feeds which can be purchased in car-
een, Mr. Felton declares, has been ex- lot quantities without regard tp bal-
ceilent and has been warmly corn- ance or suitability of rations, Car-
mented upon by the buyers. "The let . purchase of feeding stuffs
orfolk" and Big ".O" ;brands' are shouldbe undertaken from the
ming well-known for their uni- standpoint of both economy and ef-
form quality and are' standing the ficiency. Dollars per ton is not the
depressed market conditions well, es all-important angle. The cost per
they are still commanding from $4,- pound of feted nutrients is more lin-
nt47' to $5.53 for good quality fruit, ac• portant and better still, the price
carding to variety, as compared with per unit of feeding value and the
other marks which are receiving less suitability for balancing home-growr
than $4.25. This is a 4plendid op- or other feeds are the important
portunity td"build up a reputation factors to consider. 'There are sev-.
,'cfer out Ontario brands and to become eral steps to feelow in the purchase
well-established for another season: of supplementary feeds. They are:
(1) Know what is on hand in the
form of homegrown feeds. (2) Know
Movement of Limestone what best balances the feeds on
hand. taking into consideration both
Since the railway freight reduction quality and cost. (8) Purchase sup -
end Government subvention policy elementary feeds in quantity suffi-
went into effect last April, a sum- dent to take advantage of the best
/nary of the movement of agricutlur• prices and lowest freight rates. (4)
al limestone is as follows: Know the produ'etion records of the
livestock fed.
Number of cars, 76; . number of
tens, 2511.92; total freight,'38,297.-
58,297:. 67;••. government rebate,' $1,563.20;
freight paid by farmers, $1,734.47;
average freight rate per ton, 81.31;
average freight per ton paid by sub-
vention, 62; average freight per ton
paid by farmer, 60; estimated aver-
age freight rate had railways not
co-operated, $1.74; actual .average
paid by farmers, .69; estimated sav-
ing per ton, 81.05; estimated total
saving to farmers on' the total ship-
'rnents of lintostc ie, $2,637.51 -
without, having the expouse, as at
present,; of having to go and view
the stock first., By the use of strict
grading of feeder stock- at the farms
and ranches by inspectors of the
Cutncil, any desired type and age
can be ordered with confidence.
New Weed Slides
A set of 55 colored slides on Farm
Weeds has recently been prepared`
by the Department of Agriculture'
with the co-.oper'atibn of the Motion
Picture ,Bureau. These slides illus-
trate all the ' bad weeds- growing in
Ontario, as well as many of the com-
mon but less' harmful weeds. '.Suit-
able comments' on each slide is fur-
nished with the set.
This set is available for use by
teachers, agricultural representa-
tives, weed inspectors and' any or-
ganizations interested' in Farm
Weeds. The set is loaned free of
charge with the exception of express
charges one way. Applications
should be addressed to 'Slide Depart-
ment, Motion Picture Bureau, Par-
liament Buildings, Toronto.
W,here Projection Lanterns are
not available these can be rented
from the Slide Department for a
nominal fee.
.', SELECTED FOR; TRIP- Report of Hog Shipments Ter the
1 •• mouth ending September 30, 1031;
.TO "ROYAL".. Clinton --(Total hogs, 470' • select
_ bacon, 1.65; bacon, 260;° butctsere, 38;
heavies, 5; lights 'and, feeders, 1.
The fifth , annual Royal Judging Auburn -=-Total hogs, 448; select,
Competition to select ten. boys to bacon, 124; bacon, 264; butchers, 46;
takeadvantage of the free trip ,to heavies, 10; lights and feeders, 3.
the Royal Winter' Fair, was held in iiensall—Total hogs, 581; select
Clinton, en` Thursday, October 20th. bacon, 133;;'bacon, 367; butchers, 62;
The forty-two contestants were ire- heavies, 3; lights and feeders, 11.
quired to judge three classes of live-
stocn, two classes of grain, one class 1ippen—Total hogs, 23; select
cf poultry and to -answer ten clues- bacon, 6; bacon, 14; butchers, 2;
lights and feeders, 1. •
Red Clover Seed
For the first time in many years
the 1931 crop assures a substantial
surplus of domestic red plover seed.
The annual consumption of this seed
in Canada is about three million
pclmds, while the 1931 production
will be between four and five mil-
lion. Usually red clover' has been
relatively high in price, but owing
to the heavy production 'this year
and the weakness of export markets
there appear good prospects foe
cheaper red clover seed next spring.
and with cheaper seed it might be
expected that consumption will be
so stimulated as to make use e+' all
the 1931 crop. Red clover is per-
haps the most generally grown le-
gume crop in Canada, and provides
cheap ;protein feed for live stack, in
addition to being a cheap source of
nitrogen for soil enrichment.
Weekly Crop Report
tions relating to agriculture.
The possible score was 650 and
the list et winners tagethet with
their score is as follows:
Honey and the
Huron Coe Locals—Total hogs,
2916; select bacon, 739; bacon, 16511
butchers,' 243; Heavies, 45; extra
Score heavies, .1; lights and feeders, 25.
Huron County-4Tgtal hogs, 6741,
select bacon, 1754; bacon, 4106;
butchers, 673; heavies, 107;•extra
heavies, 4; lights and feeders, 67.
Frank Archibald, Seaforth 566-
60Alfred Patterson, Lucknow 544
Delmer Skinner, Centralia 5.44
Jas. Turnbull, Brussels 54a
Thos. Hern, Jr., Woodham 618
Jack Ferguson, Clifford ...,532
John Broadfeet,.Brucefield 525
George Hetherington, Wingham 521
Tom Anderson; Lucknow Club Work
Lloyd Picot,. Bayfield ...Club Work
Mr. Picot and Mr. Anderson won
the trip by being the winners in' the
Gederich Township and Ashfield
Township (Peine Garden ..Clubs.
The shield donated by the Cana-
dian National Exhibition to the high
Novice was won by Frank. Archibald
of Seaforth. •
?The judges were Messrs. F. For-
syth and H. Goble, Dept. of Agri-
culture, Walkerton; A. G. Ireton, Do-
minion Live Stock Branch, Paris;
C. D. !Gc•ahani, Dept. oe Agriculture:
Stratford, and V, Langton, Dept. of
Agriculture, Markdale,
Judging of sbeep and beef cattle
took place on the farm of Roy Pep-
per, lot 38, concession 3, Tuckersniith
and that of live hogs on the farm o%
Howard Crich, of the sante towitehip.
The rain during, the early 'part of the
afternoon delayed the judging some-
what. but all was'comnleted and the
results. announced by 6.30 ran. The
1.931. cciiinetition was considered the
best in the history of the counts,
A few years ago the demand for
honey in Canada was considerably
greater than the supply, and 'because
of this fact there was little or no
difficulty in disposingof this nro-
duet at fancy prices. The combina-
tion of scarcity and good prices not
only acted as an inducement to
those who were already beekeepers
to increase their activities, but also
encouraged many, who otherwise
were not interested, to enter the
ranks of the honey producers, so
that now the supply is in excess of
the demand on the home markets..
During the period of easy selling the
producer had things very much his
own way, it was not necessary for
him to sort his honey into colour
classes or to be so very particular
regarding its qualityor the type .o t
container that he used, for honey
sold quite readily without too much•
fussing ali'out with it. To -day, how,
ever, there is much keener compe-
tition in marketing .and the consum-
ing public have become much mord
discriminating in their purchasing,
so much so that the producer can no
longer dictate the terms at which he
will sell,but the consumer is now
dictatingthe terms at which
will buy. Unfortunately, during, the
easy selling periods, habits were
contracted that appear to ' e very
hard to break, but which must bo
broken to successfully meetthe neo
conditions. Honey was packed un.
almost anything that would hold it
little or no attempt was m
grade it according to colour or qua -
it and it was practically all put
out tinder one common label o "Pure
Honey." The consumer hadne
means of knowingthe quality of
what he was buying other than an
examination of thecontents of the
container, nor had a any safeguard
that the second pu cha'se 'would equal
the first. That these habits are
hard to break is seen in the fact that
under the present selling conditions
they are continue to considerable
extent, fpr in 192 out of 911,880
pounds of honey inspected, it was
found necessary to regrade 29 per
cent and to reject 13 per cent of it
and of 252,066 pounds inspeete;Y'
during 1930,..'18.8 per cent had tq be
regraded. and of 442,866 pounds, 25,,
380 pounds had to be rejected. In`
present day selling ' the consumeri3
wants :must be c nsidered, and the
producer, who fail to recognize this
fact o,connot hope to successfully
market his 'product—C. B. Gooden -
It is a strange trait of most hum-
ans that they care little for facts
which would increase their store of
real knowledge. We spend many
hours reading trashy fiction which.
if devoted to the; acquiring cF useful`
information would make . us
really cultured. With the greatest
wonders of the universe overhead
every night few liersons know the
navies of half a dozen stars. Few
know or can distinguish the differ-
ence between a fixed star and a phi,
net. This is merely the illustratior
of how little Interest is taken in the
great facts of nature. Even with re-
gard to lcurrent events, small atten-
tion is paid to new developments,
which mean et) much to mankind,
The greatest discoveries of science -
are hardly ever discussed, while de-
cry tongue. W i e a tea ve y e
people are giving thought to the
marvelous developments of our won-
derful age, the vast majority confine
their reading and conversation to a
narrow range of the most trivial sub-
jects. Facts worth knowing are not
popular.—The Sudbury Star.
Must Again Reduce Great Buffalo Herd
Buffalo Steaks, Tongues and Tails' larger woad buffalo and consider -
Again Available For Consumer able interbreeding of the two species
1 has taken place. The transferrer'
tion When Annual Killing ' animals have developed rapidly in
the new area, where there is plenty
Carried Out of natural forage under both sum-
mer and winter conditions, and thus
Canada has restored the buffalo to
his former- pastures where the
wholesale killings of pre -railway
days had decimated the once great
Montreal, October 81:—d3uffala
steaks, tongues and tails, delicacies
which figured on the plainantan's
menu in Western Canada many years
ago,will again be available for
Canadian householders and for din- Since 1925 specimens of live hnf-
ors in hotels and dining cars of Si... faro from the herd at Wainwright
National Railways, aecord, i have been shipped to France, Bel-
Canadianing to an announcemet from Ottawa New Zealand, Scotland, Australia,
received by the Canadian National I Itnl and Holland and in addition to
Railways, that another 1500 ani+nils the stocking of other parks such ail
from Canada's great buffalo herd at' Elk Island in Alberta, where a small
Wainwright Park are to be slough- herd of, these animals is maintained
tered in the late Fall or early
gium, South Africa, United States,
T 5 1931
II'CiR,S 'A,1r,NOVEnd03ER., •
Ne -Mag a is Probe ReirtioNies lion Sliver's
A new type of Magnetic Probe --an electro-rnagneu of unusual strength, composed of an alloy of
cobalt and steel—which forms an invaluaele addition to doctors' instruments for the removal of iron
particles embedded in the skin, muscular tit.rue or the eye, is the latest development in Bell Telephone •
Laboratory enterprises. The humanitarian spirit aleays exemplified by Alexander Graham Bell, the in-,
venter of the telephone, has been refected in many auxiliary products of telephone progress. During bis
lifetime, Dr. Bell designed and a probing instrument similar in function to that recently
perfected, and thereby relieved much suffering. An increased knowledge of magnetie properties, w
enter largely into telephone construction; has led experimenters to the discovery of this important adjunct'.
to the doctor's kit. The insets above show, (left: hew particles` sero removed from the eye in the gay 'Wes •
•'riehtl a strann pleeten.ser:. nes ... •,•n*'::..: •, r,•ra n i:,.., , i'r.
A Ration for Milk Cows
In order to produce dairy products
profitably lurch cows must receive
a balanced ration of suitable feeds
At the present time when prices of
milk and butterfat are low it is more
than ever necessary to pay close at-
tention to the kind and quality ee of ground oats, ground 'barley and
bran with the addition of 150 pounds
of oil meal or its protein equivalent
to bring the ration up to standard.—
Leonard Griesbach, Dominion Exper-
imental Station, Fredericton,' N.B.
twee containing from 17 to 18 per
cent digestible protein should be
fed at the rate of 1 pound of meal
to each 3 to 5 pounds of milk, the
larger quantity being fed to cows
giving the most and richest milk. A
suitable meal mixture for dairy cows
may be made up of 100 pounds each
feed on hand and prices of feeds
which must be purchased, in order to
obtain the most economical ration.
Milch cows will consume large
quantities of coarse feeds such as
hay and roots which are grown at
home but they cannot consume en-
ough of these feeds to supply them
with sufficient nutritients to produce
a large flow of milk for a long per.
iod. A good rule to follow is to
feed as much hay as the cows will
clean up and 3 to 5 pounds of roots
for each hundred pounds live weight
of animal. The kind and quality 01
the hay`consumed will determine to
some extent the composition of the
meal mixture to be fed. Legume
hays contain more protein and min-
eral matter than does hay from
grasses and this fact should be kept
in mind when making tip the areal
At the Fredericton Experimental
Station, the amount of meal fed 19
cow depends on her production. The
heaviest producers consume the most
meal and consistently produce but-
ter the cheapest. Where a good
quality of clover or mixed hay and
rode or silage are fed, a meal mix -
bulffaln experiment,
which resulted in building up the
greatest herd of wild bison in the
world, has been watched with con-
siderable interest. Some years ago
the Dominion 'Government purchased
a herd of buffalo from a half-breed
on the Flathead Indian Reservation
in Montana, and had these animals
transferred to Wainwright on the
train line of the Canadian Nathc nal
Railways, where an inunense area of
prairie park -land was surrounded by
a strong fence, and the animal:
were given their liberty within the
enclosure. Froin that beginning
Canada has developed the greatest
herd of wild buffalo in the world,
and at the end of Meech this yeanl
there were more than 6,000 animal
in the Wainwright preserve. To
this number has since been added the
annual increase of about twenty per
cent, with the result that the park is
again overtaxed as to its grazing
it is now proposed to establish a-
bout twenty buffalo on a 400 arra
reserve in the new 'Riding Moun-
tains National Pnjrk in Manitoba,
where also moose and elk will be
possibilities and thinning out of the
herd has been decided upon by the
National Park Brandi, which con-
trols the buffalo experiments.
Fine- fall weather benefited the This is not the first time that ie
live stock men in that their cattle ho has 'been found necessary to reduce
eoitinued on pasture longer than Y the Wainwright ]nerd. Ott several re-
fers in geed -condition. Prices for b casions, large numbers of animal-
fresh eggs and poultry are quite have been slaughtered and their pro-
satisfactory but many. farriers are ducts have been marketed, with the
having difficulty in getting their f ll V result that Canadian 1touseholdet's,
Pullets started' to lay. An excellent travellers on Canadian National
crop. of roots and potatoes has trains and guests at Canadian Nat -
been harvested but farmers are ex t ode to Tonal betels have been served buffalo
• perioneing very - discouraging prices. 6 1 delicacies on hair menu. In addl-
Apple crops have Sten better than
was anticipated and are finding a y' tion to the number of animals kii•Y
• fairly ready market. There is a 1 b 1 f led,1several thousand young buffele
greater make of cheese and butter have been shipped from Wain -
this fall than has been manufactured wright to Wood Buffalo•,
for a number' oe years, 'due largely Park in Northern Alberta, where'.
to the excellent pastures.Many same Years ago government off:- I
farmers have a quantity of small j' vials discovered' the only remaining
seeds this year, and from, present in
dictations it would appear that there wild herd of wood bison on. the Con-
is a considerable supply of alfalfa, tinent. These young animals werei 1
rod clever, alsike and mixed seed for • loaded into Specially reinforced rat
'disposal. • tie ears and hauled over the Cana-
- National Railways from Wain.,
Wright to Waterways, on the North-
ern Alberta Railways, and fron there'
were trransferred by scow down the;
Clearwater route to Fort Smith, N,'
W.T., where they were • given thein '
liberty under , the ' eyes of Govern,- I,
merit wardens. This herd of wild'
buffalo has increased rapidly, and at 1
the end of March this year it ' was i
estimated that 'there wore farm ,
12,000 .to 15,000 animals at liberty.
in the wood buffalo range. The .
,young plains bison appear`. to .have
merged into theofiginal herd of the.
Western Cattle For Ontario
As a result of the recent vielt of
Icon. Robert Weir and' Hon. Thos.
L. Kennedy to the beef cattle 'rais.
ers of the western provinces, ar-
rangements are under way fog en-
suring a plentiful supply of .feeder
cattle for Junior Farmer Clubs in
Ontario. Arrangesr eats have also
been made for a systeme of standard-
, izaton
tandardp-izaton of feeder cattle, which will re -
suit in the establishment & a mail
order cattle business for farmers,
who will lie' able to purchase' cattle' ham, Dominion Apairist,
EXETER: Memorial services.
were heldSunday for the late Arch-
bishop Williams in Trivitt Memorials
Church, Exeter. The services Were
well attended and in the morninge
there were seventy communicants..
The Rev. Launcelot Vivien, LTh.,
preached from the first verse of the•
fifth chapter of Hebrews in the
morning. Part of the burial ser-
vice was given and the hymns
throughout the day were those which,
were special favorites at the late.
in 21/2 minutes after the water bons lose
In this town are many retailers who could
anal should have larger businesses.
The right way to get on in business is to set
sales mark for the year ---$5,000, $10,000, $20,-
000, $50,000—whatever: is reasonable and within
one's financial. ability.
Then the year's objective should be reduced
to weekly and m.cnthly amounts, in accordance
with the seasonal character of one's business.
Then the next thing to do is to calculate the
number of sales transactions needed each week
to produce the weekly sales objective. Thus,
.4fone's average sales transaction is 50 cents,
and if one's weekly sales objective is $100;
then, clearly, the retailer 'must have 200 sales
transactions every week, This may mean 200
So the retailer's job is to get into his store
200 customers each week --an average of 34: a
These customers to be secured' at the rate of
200 a week require to be (1) invited, publicly
and regularly, by advertisements in this news,.
papery (2) informed about the seller's mer-
chandise, prices and service—again by adver-
tisements in this newspaper, and (8) so well
served by the retailer that they will become
The main thing is customer attraction in re-
quired and pre -determined numbers, and this is
achieved by interesting and warmablooded ad-
vertisements in this newspaper:
Our Advertising Department ' Stands Ready to help
Retailers Prepare Customer -Attracting Advertisements