The Clinton News Record, 1931-11-05, Page 4Page 4Seeminausisammemormsamsmai' • d it It .G to Je 7tc de eli ill a THE CLINTON-NEWS RECORD' j COOPER'S ' O , . . STORE' NEWS to on a 1r c, e e Mxs. d wns}tip, THE NEW UNITED CHURCH c 11- y 11 . TINARY are now inPPla u o r demand andwe have Fanother Just received a of er shipment.,. "THE HYMNARY" will make Choice Christmas st as Presen is They are priced as low as 504 Leather her Edr tion $1.25 to $5.00 A. T.. COOPER The Store with the Stock PHONE 36 Leaders in Low Prices . i Vitamhies And we know- of nothing else in so concentrated PARKE DAVIS COD It is pleasant to'take It W.S.R.}IoImes,ePhm.B CLINTON, ONT. . ?excili L-• are where the necessary vitamins form as in STANDARDIZED LIVER OIL • and easy to assimilate. is for sale by ,{'mete PHONE , are 51 s 0 e v e e p u- t n F a e t E P e El ty r` jo a eh ,St $ wr G slr an Sa fit ,pit be en m der till wh est tial m C to in by wa elk' n kn for Hu bon reel and e f r fro due F Hal 1,1 Wal' 'Ai n8 ST. HELENS Miss Cora Neale of Grimsby renewing old acquaintances around 5t. Helens. Miss "Vera Todd of Kitchener home at present suffering from attack of the jaundice. We congratulate Mr.' and Mrs. Wee Jansen on their marriage a few lays ago and wish them many hap- py years of wedded life. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whetman sed son, Reid, of Paisley, spent lay last week at the home of firs. R. J, 'Woods. Rieharcl Martin and c„... VaryMrs. Irwin a visited at the home U1'r. Wm: Woods hist week. Mr. Walter McFarlane of Brussels e spending a few days with ltii dater, Mrs. Gordon McPherson. firs. Cameron, who has been en- ler the doctor's care, is improving Cicely. Mrs. W. J. Humphrey is spending i week with her sister, Mrs. Fox Viltitechurch. Mts. Arnold Barbour acid Bobby 'hiili 1s of Fergusilton ay1 visited on Tues with the formers mother, Mrs.' t. J. Woods. Messrs. Lorne Woods, Gordon llIe- ntyne, W. J. Wille, Mrs. Gordon, Miss M. G Rutherford and Mrs. Wal- ice Miller were among those who totored to Stratford to see the Pas- Son Play last week. Mrs. McVittie of Blyth is visiting ith her daughter, Mrs. Win. Tay- r. MIs. John Sherriff of the boundary ietl very suddenly Saturday mem` tg. The funeral was held. on Mo"- ry to Greenhill cemetery and wad .rgely attended. is is an ! ssof ' at i -t I ` i I (numbering ten shall laving place October bride's beth, i ratan was ' Thos. ( Johnson i who uncle, charming f with ceremony ' ed guests. Miss Moore Amid wishes the i dost for with return bury meeting Mrs. ternoon. ed..' presided which charge a becca Henderson of (Goderich. Twen- ty-five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren also survive. The funeral took place from the. residence of Mrs. Iienderson, Easi street, on Friday afternoca and was very largely attended, many being present froth out of town. The ser- vice was in charge of Rev. George T. Watts, of North Street United church, assisted by Rev. J. E. Ford. The Young hen's Quartette of North Street church composed of Allan Pentland, George Buchanan, James Sutherland and Ralph Henderson, ac- companied by . Douglas. Campbell, sang "Hark, Hark my Soul," The pallbearers were: Bert Markle, of Iiespeler, John Markle, of 'Guelph, nephews of leis. Snyder, and William Finegan of Ashfield and John Tib. butt of Gt,derich township, sone -in, law. STANLEY Mr. and Mrs. Win. Baird of Toren- to spent the week -end at he home k of Mr. George Baird. Mrs. John McCowan, and John lie- Cowan, Jr,, visited friends in I -lit: and Stouffville test week. Miss Mary Sharp of Clinton viiitn. ed at Mr, Goldie Graham's for a few days at the end of the week. Mrs. Harry Chesney, Miss Jennie Chesney and Mrs, Jas, Thomson et- tended the funeral of the late lir, lb in. Mogan at Toronto Iast Satin- day. Miss Ann Stewart of Windsor was home over the wee, -end. A. .T. Cook, secretary of the Min- er's Federation of'Great Britain, diet, on Monday hetes an Meese b route weeks atOf therage or forty-six He was secretary o£ an organization about 1,000,000 and was known as the "firebrand" of the La. Bout• Party. on a visit to Leningrad a few years ago he left the following writ- oath in the Lenin room at the Smolny Institute: "To Lenin's teachings, to the tre- mendous work begun by him, I devote all my strength its his disciple. Hail the Soviets!' Bail revolution!" :steemed Huron County Resident Passes at Advanced 'Age A highly respected citizen of rdeeich and formerly of Colborne wnship, in the person of Mfrs. ;