The Clinton News Record, 1931-07-16, Page 1e News -Record Est. •' 1878
No, 2527 ---53rd YEAR
101i 01:01)91616.1..RMOMW
ihe gide
Whether It is something. fox the shower, r a snore co
stly, pre-
sent"ioi the wedding'. We can supply you.
SILVERWIA,RE—in Tea Sets, Dessert Sets, Casseroles or Pie Plates
Etc,; Can now be'had here at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES.
Goods rnacle by reliable maker s andGlaranteed -by both. . the
manufacturer and us:
Don't forget we have a good assortment ; of plain andfaney
wedding slags:
Jeweler and Optometrist
Phone 174w and 1745.
The New Era Est. I840
JUIN XC;193.
le C epe, C Wiese,
Cottoniiis te.
Lower Prices t Clea
These Constitute the Balance o
Our Stock of Better Dresses
0 to $1$
All en Sale at
ne i 1 ,
indent° e
Wheat, 60c,
Barley, 20c,
Oats, 25c. '
Eggs, 8c to 14c.
Butter, 20c to 22c,
Live Heys, $8.75.
Mr. Albeit Seeley showed us yes-
terday a: rather peculiar specimen
of horticulture, a stock. of : Regal
lily with . thirteen perfect blooms at
its head. The blooms were of uni-
form size and each one as large as
one would ` expect to see. Another
stook Mr' Seeley said had• a roun
dozen of blooms but this one had' the
full bakers' dozen. •
Vie annual Grandmother's Day '
connection •with the, Women's Ins
tate of Clinton will be held on Mr
E. -Saville's lawn on Thursday aftez
noon, July 28th, beginning at, thee
o'clock. A splendid social and liter
ars; program, in which a number
grandmothers will take part, will b
given and a ten cent tea will be ser
ed. All ladies, but especially grand
mothers„ are cordially invited.
ninon County;. .Veterans intend
holding. °'their annual -picnic _at Bay-
field on W'ednesdat, July 22nd, -when
it is hoped a good';1epreseptation of
the veterans' .and their families will
be present. The ceiiemittee.are mak-
ing preparations fee the entertain-
ment and comfort of the, pieknickers.
There were a lot -of rather sleepy
people going about ,yesterday, they
having lost so .much sleep that
morning during.the electric storm
which kept up from about three-thie-
d ty until after' five: The flashes of
The following- Clinton students"
were successful in passing their ie-
cent Normal examinations: Miss
Grace E. Evans, Miss Edith Pater-
son and Miss Ruth E. 'Venner of
Clinton; 'Mess Hazel's Watkins . of
Summerhill and 7diss Grace Scott of
Seaforth, who took her last year in
Clinton Collegiate,
Mr, Luta n
ra, ,Public Utilitesilne-
man, E'xetet who was electrocuted an
Wednesday, of last week when about
to climb a pole(to make some repairs,
was married to a cousin of Me. Gar -
lightning and the rambling;of then net Cornish •of town, Mr. and Mrs.
der, accompanied by heavy rain kept Cornish attended the funeial on Fri -
up almost without cessation during day t,fternoon, , +.
all that etele, It was somewhat o.
rn nerve strain even to people who a"s a "�' DECIDE LEADER
ti .rule do not much mind an electric Everybody who possibly can do'' sc
s. storm. Except by those who are gar-
should be at the park this evening to
flexing hay crops the rain was not see the ball gamebetween Seaforth and
e unwelcome, It has rained heavily a- Clinton, as it will decide the leader
gain this morningx,but shows signs of this half of the schedule. ' The
of of, local boys need your support and if
y CHILD SCALDED' they play the caliber of "ball they
- • played on Tuesday evening they de-
Serve it. Be sure and home out to-
night, your presence will help the
boys to win.
A most regrettable accident hap-
pened, on Tudsday sto the little three-
year-old daughter .of Mr. and Mrs.
Joe lfugill of Tuckersmith when she
pulled a kettle of boiling cherries
over op herself, resulting in scalds Canada is a pretty prolific country'
which threaten thee' life. 'spite of the shortage of crops ; in
The mother had• lifted the kettle r parts of the west, and Ontario- can
of boiling fruit from the stove and hardly be beaten. In this province we
set it on a'table,prior to bottling the can grow everything essential to life
contents, when the child by some and even if "an apple a day" were
means pulled it over on herself. The demanded we are able to supply them
scalding liquid ran down over the from our own orchards the year s-
lower part of her face, her holy, round.
arms and legs, inflicting terrible
Miens. . At time of writing the child
is in a criticalstate but Tropes are
entertained for her ultimate recov-
Much sympathy for Mr,
and NW S. Hugell, a Younc'-
er child who is good health
and requires con e.
The Toronto Telegram had the fel
lowing reference to a Huron County
"Mrs. Mary Elizabeth VanEgmonr
Rudolph, granddaughter: of the late
Colonel VanEgmond, who participat-
ed with William Ly -on Mackenzie in
the rebellion of 1837, died on Monday
in her 80th year. She was born in
Egmondville, Huron County, named
after her grandfather, Colonel Van-
Egmond helped build the first road
from Hamburg to Gaderich, and dur-
ing the rebellion held the Montgom-
ery tavern, North Toronto, aeainst
the Loyalists. After Cher marriage
Mks. Rudolph went to the Southern
States with her husband, where he
was superintendent of a railroad.
They returned to Egmondville, and
after the death of her husband Mrs.
Rudolph came to Toronto, She was
a member of the Plymouth Breth• •
and is survived by a -daughter, Miss
Constance Rudolph, of tke Canadian
National institute for the Blind,' ane
who resides at 57 Hillsdale avenue."
Exeter softball team came to Clin-
ton Tuesday evening and in a keenly
contested game held the local boys to
a 5-5 tie.
This game was easily the best seen
here this season and if the locals
keep playing the same brand of ball
they have a good chance to win group
.The locals had Gerald Holmes in
the box for the first titue and he had
the goods with him. He made the
Exeter boys swing at good ones only
to miss and made Tem like it. . Del
Maltby was hack at his old place at
second for his first gatae this sea-
son and played in his usual form.
Clinton led in the scoring up to the
fifth innings, then Exete\ tied it up
Clinton went into the lead again by
making three runs in the seventh
then Exeter came through with a run
hi their half a f of the seventh and the
score stood five -three until the first
half of the eirtth innings, when Exe-
ter got a man on base and 'choir bat-
ter got a home run and tied the
score. Clinton- tried hard to break
the tie but couldn't manage it. Ar
it was getting n too dark
g g to la
game was called without any over-
play to break the tie.
On another page of this issue will
be. found the results of the Entrance
Examinations in East and West Hu-
ron, coliy of which, was sent us on
Tuesday ` and was put in type as
quickly as possible and posted up.
Looking over the list a good many
seem to have passed with honours.:
Clinton n n has
seventeen. l
of ee
n. NIi
Irene Afelnnes daughter Dr. and¥rs.
McInnes of Clinton, took the highest
marks of the urban candidates writ the Clinton centre, while Don..
ald Richards of Blyth headed the rur-
al candidates, . Sarah Whitmore of
No. 6, Tuckersmith, took the' highest
marks of any pupil in East Huron
Inspectorate, a total of, 660 out cf a
„possible , of 750. In reading the re-
sults for East Huron it will be noted
that an • (h) - follows some names:
This indicates the ones taking hoe -
ours. •,
'The past week has been an. anxius
one for both students and parents aro
The News -Record hes'been answering average of two damn tela -
phone calls a day about return,
as well as having' many visits to the
office. But the returns canle in\a
bout ,the ' same time they da each
year, a couple of days earlier, -in fact.
than some years, as they have some-
times . come in. on Thursday morning,
thus making' it difficult for us' to
handle and get to press early. But
that would not be so bad as having
them arrive Thursday afternoon, ai'-
ter'the. paper had gine to press: The•
weekly- newspaper, editors are always
just- as. anxious to get these results
and get them into type and posted es
the_ most impatient
to u '1
f r an
s e to
see them, and all concerned mai take
it for granted that they exhibit them
et the earliest possible moment af-
ter receiving the copy. East Huron
list same down Tuesday nsotmsie' and
was posted before noon:: West Hu.
rot did not come until the afternoon.
$25.00 $27,50 35.00
is felt
who have
not in
scant ear
Mr. T. H. Wigginton had the mis-
fortune to injure a finger very sev-
erely while working a power saw the
ether day.
NIr, and Mrs. le. Garden Murdoch
have taken the White cottage in Rat-
tenbury street, west, which was pur-
chased recently and improved by Mr,
E. Ward.
Misses Dor•gthv 4Marquis and Ella
Kerr, who recently were graduated
from Clinton Public Hospital, have
successfully passed their registration
tests and may now write "R.N." after
their names.
The gentlemen's golf tournament.
which was to have been held on the
Clinton golf course yesterday after-
noon, was postponed on account of
the rain and will take place on Wed-
nesday, next, July 22nd.
By some means and in a manner
net intended the name of Bobby
Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Cook,
was missed from the published list of
those who passed with honours from
division six to division five in the
Clinton Pubuii school.
The heavy coat of tarvia and gra-
vel put on Albert street by the coun-
ty is no doubt a good road builder:
but it affords no relief from the dust
nuisance, We used to be free of
dust after tarvia was applied but that
is not the case this season.
It was honest of those boys who
were swiping cherries from a tree
in the garden of a citizen to leave a
two -dollar bill 1 in repayment, now
wasn't • it'7 It may be that they did
not intend it but there the bank note
was found the following morning,
The Salvation Army
Special services will be conducted
at the local S. A. Hall by the Strat-
ford Salvation Army band next Sat-
urday and Sunday. A» open air meet-
ing will be held on Saturday at 9.15
in the up town section. Holiness
meeting at 11 a,m. and Salvation
meeting at 7 pan. in the hall ,an Sun-
day. Good music and special sing-
ing and speakers, All are welcome.
Wesle - ill United W is - Un ted Clzurclr '
The Wel/I.S. was held in the Sun-
day school room on. Thursday even-
ing last, the vice_president, Mrs, 18.
Fowler in the chair. Mss, W. Pick-
ard w • as lect
e edresi a
p d nt to fill the
vacancy left by the removal of
Mrs. Hogg, when she tools the chair.
Miss Sheppard .gave the scripture
lesson and Mrs, 3: McKinley gave
the chapter on the study book. Miss
Ellen Charlesworth contributed a
pleasing piano solo. Mrs' • W, J.
Nediger made the closing praa'er,
Presbyterian Qhtireh
;The union .services of the Presby-
terian, Ontario street and Wesley -
Willis congregations will be held in
this church for the next two'Sundays
both morning tied evening, the Rev.
. G. Faring in charge. The minis-
ter's sermon subject en Sunday'
morning next will be: "Transform-
tiara of. Life." Evening: "Re -digging
Old Wells,"
A . large congregation t.. attended
each service en Sunday, Niss. Nor-
ma Treleaven was at the organ and
the.maleq u ar•
each rendered a special number at
the morning service. The union ser-
vices have been well -attended' so far
anditis hoped the interest will eon -
Sunday school meets at ten o'clock
in each of the three churches,
The other day Air. H. 3. Thompson
sent into this office a box of fine,
sound apples grown in his orchard
on the 16th'of goderich township in
1930. Our staff voted them goo(
eating and this is the sixteenth oS
July and this year's apples are almost
ready for use.
The Orangemen in this part of
the country should be well satisfied
this year, as they had an opportun
icy of celebrating twice, many going.
to Stratford on Saturday and
Blyth on Monday.
Saturday was a fairly good dee-
ayalthough a shower or two fell, but
Afonday was a very wet day, the rain
scarcely tinting up from early in
the forenoon until late afternoon.
There was a fine crowd at Blyth.
in spite of the weather, however, and
they held their march and their con-
tests as usual, Two Clinton Wren
brought back prizes, Mr•, Fred Muteh
being adjudged the best fifer and
Mr. N. Biller the best drummer, At
Stratford on Saturday ,Mr, W. Mutely,
who is a member of Varna Lodge
off the honours as fifer ant
R. 'Webster as drummer.
Miss Madelon Glew is in. Goderioh
this week attending the • Chautau-
Miss Joyce Dougan is a guest this
week at the Cuninghance cottage.
Messrs. Toni and Bill Jackson of
Toronto spent the week -end it
town with friends. •
Misses Jennie and Rose Tebbutt have
i'etnreed after a pleasant visit in
Hamilton, t n, Burlington and Strat-
Mrs. (Dr,) Adams and children of
Windsor are visiting at the home
of the lady's father, Postmaster
Miss Nellie Bauslaugh of Sandusky,
Ohio, is Spending her vacation at
the home of her cousin, Mis, Sam-
uel Kemp.
Rev. Father . Sullivan was in Gode.
rich last Thursday morning con.
ducting the.funeral of the late
Miss Annie McDonald.
Misses Isabel Biggart, Irene Do-
herty, Norah Fremlin and: Dorothy
Steep are attending a Girl Guide
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Paisley and
sons and Mr. James Brownlee of
Toronto visited the former's moth-
ers Mrs. W. J. Paisley, last week.
Mr. and Mrs:''Fr'ed Elliott of Toronto
are spending their vacation at the
home of the for•mer's parents, Mr,
and Mrs. W. J. Elliott of town.
Mr, Robert Middleton visited his
parents, Sheriff C. G. and Mrs.
Middleton, for a couple of weeks,
r'etnreing to Port Credit on Satur-
Mrs. W. :MieDonald and Mrs,' A,.
AlfuIlongh of Godericly , were week-
end guests at the home of the Tat-
ter's 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. X)
Steep of town.
Miss Lois Andrews of Alis, Alberta,
who =toted dawn with friends
arrived yesterday to spend a few
weeks at the home of her grand,
father, Miagistrate Andrews 01.
Mr, and. Mrs ,George Middleton of -
Columbus, Ohio, returned rto their.
home on Saturday after a fort-
night's, visit with the former's
(parents, Sheriff C. G. and here
Mr Leto
d n
Mr and Mrs. Floppy l". �Routledge
s;inotored down last Week and pre
"the guests of the lady's sister, Mee.'
1J,' Steep, and ' other friends
Yawn, They stopped on the way ti'
visit a, -niece, Burs. W. A. Acheson
of Orangeville.
The Vancouver Sunday Province o1
July 0th hada long account of thee
wedding of Dr, Stanley MacKay Mc-
Queen and Miss Marion Holmes Parr,
a brilliant affair which tools place
in the Chown United church ofthat
city, on July 4th, followed by a re-
ception at, the home of the bride-
gmooin's parents. Dr, McQueen is a
son of Me. and Mrs: W. McQueen; Van-
couver. Mr, McQueen was for twen-
ty-five years city clerk of that city
He is an old Stanley township boy, a ,
brd{:her of Mrs, George . Watts of
Clinton and of. Mr. James McQueen
of Brumfield.
Mr. Edward Castle, -who has re:'
ed in Stratford for some time, 'h
purchased Mr. 0, , S. Hawke's •hou
andwill take possession shortly. M
cstle, who is a brother. of Mess
S. G. and A. Castle of Clinton, is
C.N.R. conductor but has not . he
enjoying the best of health 'late]
and has not bee"n working.
health is improving, -.however, : Ir
friends are glad to know.
Mr. and Mrs. Hawke intend r
moving to. Toronto and they will
very much missed in Clinton, wises
they have been useful and esteem
citizens and have a host of friends
The regular . W.I ,S, meeting o
the united church was held last We
nesday on the lawn .of Mrs. A. lam
ieson with fifty-six present, Th
president, Mrs. J. W.. Johnson, open
ed the -meeting and conducted th
business part, the program bcin
left in charge of Group No, 1, Mr
M.,'14tanning presiding•. A hymn w
sung and Mrs, D. iioggart led
prayer. ,Mrs"'C. Crawford read th
devotional leaflet'Miss -Bell Nott a
Miss Ida Lyon • ':sang a duet, Mis
Maud Lyon, -deaconess at Calgary
who is home on her 'holidays, gave
s eni to c on he,
PI did II
r work, which was
very interesting•. Ares. M. /Wanning•
Units a ehapter in • the Study Hooke,
Mrs. J. Armstrong favored the Etud-
es ience with an instrumental and Jo-
se antra' Tamblyn recited. Rev, J. W.
i', Johnson. closed with prayer. Group'.
rs, No. 1 then served refreshments and'
a , a social time was spent, the day be-
en ing ideal for an outdoor gathering.
y There was no'preaching . service -
:8 in the United church last Sabbath,
the pastor, Rev. J. W. Johnson, tie-
ing unable to attend through illness,
e.. We hope for his speedy recovery
be Mr. and Mrs, Barber and daugh-
re tern of Fergus visited at the home of
ed Manning Bros, for a few days re-
• eently.
:Air, and Mrs, Geo. McCall spent
the week -end with the latter's sis-
ter, Mrs. Sympson . McCall of Moe-
' ris.
Mr. and Mrs. B, Tyerman, Mr.
and Mrs, Norman Carter and Joyce
spent ,Surrlay at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Tamblyn.
Mr, and Mrs. W. Hyslop an
daughter of Detroit were recen
guests of Mr. and Mrs, Albert C
slough. e
'Mrs. Annie Colclotigh of Clinto
is visiting at the home of her so
Mr. A. Colelough.
Miss Isabel Robertson of Brant
ford is spending the next couple
weeks with Miss Norma Welsh.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Taylor have re
in their new home on the ninth m•
Mh's: Charles B. Middleton and so
Hugh, attended .the Orange celebr
tion in Stratford, •
'117x. and Mrs, Oliver Welsh an
family, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs
Guy Hicks and Mr. Joe Weir, wer
in Stratford Saturday.
Mr, B. Rathwell and family joilie
the Celebration in Stratford on Satur
day and Blyth an Monday.
iMr, and Mrs. G. H. Jefferson an
little Miss •G.atherine.- and .Mr. and
Mrs, E. Paterson. and Miss Edith
Paterson of Clinton were guests a
Mr. and Men.J, R, Middleton oe
Monday' evening.
Mr. and Mrs. James Ferguson mot-
ored to Niagara for the week -end.
Rev. G. R, Thompson, who has been
spending his holidays with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Thomp-
son, returned to his •parish, Ecum
Scum, N.S., last week. lee did the
journey by motor oar, •
Mr, Barry Ford and bride have re-
turned from their honeymoon And
are stow getting settled on their farm
in, the Huron road.
Miss Grace Churchill,'R.N., visited
Mrs. Archie Robinson for the past
Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Brundscn .
II, visited with the lady's sister, leers,
J. Blom of Mt. Forest on Sunday.
,Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Lyon spent
Sunday with the Kerslakes, near
r Mr. R. B. Jeffrey, of Toronto spent
Tuesday with Mr. and Atm. A, Sam-
e ieson,
a' At Knox United church manse eon
• Wiednesday, July 1st, Annie Stewart
Taylor was united in marriage to
Christopher Verna Dale by Rev,
e C. neater. Mr, Harvey Taylor,
• brother of the bride, and Miss Thet-
a ma Dale, the groom's sister, attend-
- ed the bridal couple.
r' Bev. Win, Fingland and Mrs• Fing-
land of Niagara Palls, who have been
visiting With the fortner's parents
here, left this week for Cochrane and
other points in Northern Ontario,
While here, Mr, Xringland preached
very acceptably in Knox and Burn`s
United churches.
Mr, Oliver Ferguson, who has
been spending his holidays at the
honye,af his parents, has returned to
Sarah Whitmore of No, 6 school,
14liss Edna Jamieson, teacher, is to be
congratulated upon winning the high-
est marks in the inspectorate of East
Huron, a total of 660. Sarah aiso
wins the Nixon trophy in bey 'own
school for the second year and now
_retains it. She is a brilliant and
hard-working student and we predict
for her success in her future schol-
astic ii,ee.
The July meeting of the Tether.
smith Ladies' Club was held at the
home of Airs. Landesborough, with
twenty-one niembers,' twenty-one
childeen, and thirteen visiting Lad-
p The Holl call was ans-
wered by "My Pet Grievance," and
Visitors were also called on to res-
pond, Though_ varied and amu,siug
the grievances were not serious en-
ough oto cause alarm, The majority
of the visitors present were members
of the Egmondville Club and .their
president, Nils. Coleman,' was called
on for a few remarks: She respond-
ed by thanking the hostess and presi.
dent for the invitation extended
them, Mrs: Kirke then gave a short
talk on Institute Work, Mrs. Fear
read an article on "The Never-
Catch-17p'cc " and Miss Pearl Pepper
gavelea, reading,."Things Worth
1,VId le." ' The yong folk gave the
remainder of the progtacs, Sarah
Wlhitniore actingas chenlady—read-
ings by Florence Whitman and Mar-
garet Crich; recitations by Irene, and
Erma Garrett and Beatrice Wiallers.
Song "Juanita," was sting' by all, and
meeting closed with all repectin
"The Homemaker's Objective." Ten
quiltswere bound and a' socia) hour
was spent on -the Lawn and verandah.
The August ,meeting, will by with-
d as th ladies e adres a •e
r , to be the
.guests .or theo
L radon Road Club .at
their Apgttst meeting.' The Eeptcm-
bar meeting will beheld at'the. home '
of Mrs. Fear.
Miss 'Mullet Snarling of Niagara
Falls is spending part of her vaca-
tion with her sister, Mss; G. R. 1i'ear.;
On. Friday, July 10th, the W.M.S.
df Knox and Burn's United churches
met at the home of Mrs. B. Allem,
Hariock, The chief item on tlse pro-
gram was an address given by Mrs.
(Rev,) 1`rrigland, on 'Karma of Ja-
pan, whio'h was listened to with in-
terest and profit by the members.
The hostess served a delicious Iunch
later and a delightful social time was
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Elliott and fam-
ily of Windsor spent a few days a-
round the village.
Misses Lois ,and Ruth Rathwell are
spending a few days'. holidays with
their grandmother, Mrs. John Beth
well. -
e a number Quit of people spent a
big day in Stratford on Saturday.
Miss Ruth Elliott spent Sunday at
ties home here.
Miss Margaret Chuter spent Sun-
day, with Miss Olive Erratt,
Mrs, Ernest Issard and fancily of
Montreal are spending their vaca-
tion with the for•mer's mother, Mrs
T. J. Stinson,
Quite a number attended the trous-
eau tea on Saturday afternoon at the•
hone of Mis. Alei. McConnell.
gulp. and Mrs, Harry Jesting, Mr.
and Mrs, C. • W, . Jasling and Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Cotton of Detroit spent
the week -end as the guests of Mr.
,and 'Mrs.' f. E. Mason. Mk. and Airs.
Cotton stayed over .for a day or so
and' Miss Marion Mason'aecotnpanied
them home for a visit.
Induction. service of the Rev. W. J.
Patton into the charge of Benmilier
and .Smith's Hill •appointments took
place at the latter United church, Th
service was well attended.
or. Edward Good is home on a.
visit. All relatives and connections
met at ,Besoniller on Friday evening •
in the former'± honor,
The Weatherman favoured us with'
a ,shower on Monday spoiling both -
the celebration of the 12th as 'well as,
the haying,
Wo. extend our sympathy to Aft:
and Mrs. Telford Nixon on the death
of the formers mother, who. passed&
way _Jul n
Y Go er'
Y d ich si
Ilia . cal
whose •borne was gat Donnybrook:
Rey. Mr. McLean' oe Wingham
spoke to Presbyterian group in the
hall on Sunday, taking his text fzorn.
Acts 2: 3rd verse, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
lirrgs of 1T'arriston favoured ' with it
duet, ;also.