The Clinton News Record, 1931-01-15, Page 4"EE4f3RD--
January 15 16 and '17
3 more days of Special january Prices in
20 Per Cent Discount on
Fancy China Dinnerware and Glassware
iesseeeteesseems • see,
SPB19:„BY-. ' • s.
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Ito „gr. and Mee, Obee.sPlater, (nee
, •
BAYIALLD • RIeLeod) a- daUghter (Barbara
f, ' '•• '
• 'There 'passed. to rest shortly Anir
.inidilight on Friday 'ene mho -was The annual meeting '•cfpayfield
triost respected in this corns. .Agrieultnral Societ3r is to be held in
nnthity and one of our oldest rest- the town hall onesWednesday after -
dents; in the person of .Mary Jana noon jen. 210- to reeei've reports of
Snider, . widow of the late Samuels the years ibutinesa and.'aPnoint offi-
Snider. Mrs, 'Snider, who lived with s1 cers, for 1931. Members are .urged
• her, slanghteis M.. Henry- MeClin-ii,j to be present. John lVfeClitre, presi-
• they, had'ithe. misfortune to fall and -slent, A. E. Erwin, secyhtarY.i •
break her leg early in November. The filnk meetilig of the school
since .twhen she "has been centined• .thustee,s."rwah\ held Friday, January
to her bed. At first she seemed to 9th. 'john A. Cameron, the newly -
Make goad progress towards remits- elected trustee was appointed chair-
crybut other trouble set in and for Mae, Mrs.; W. Hall was re-engagek
the past few weeks she has suffered. as careteker. The .secretarsc was
considerably, altlyough all Burkina& erdered to put tip nOtices. asking for
ce could do was applied for apPliEationa for, theposition a se-
' her rend.
!The deceased, whose ;maiden name
• was :IVIarysjane Sneakes Was horn, in
:PeinivIvania on November 2,. 1848:
1n 25a• she moved to Didiana with
her parents and here in 1867, she
„s became the bride of Samuel Snider.
' Five children were born to this hap-
. 'by union, Samuel A. Snider, 'Rebec-
01 Ann,• Sarah Almeady, Joshua
Reuben and • Jaeob Herbert.
When the ftrot came to
Canada they settled In .'lloronto and • • VARNA: -• •
then a few year later nurved to the
.Sauble: line, Stanley, .br 1883. In 1894
sMar.!and 14-s. Snider moved to Bay-
-field to the home where she died on
. January 10,, at the age of 82 years)
2 months and 15 days. Her husband
predeceased her some twenty years
ago,. A few- yeare after his death,
M. and Mrs. Henry 1114Clinchey
'came to make their home with her'
mother. WW1 the exception of a
.few years spent in Detroit they have
resided there ever sines. The lite
• Mrs. Snider, although a. -fragile little,
woman, was' very active for her
years up to the time at her accident.
-'Shd Sena. a -member of the Presbyter-
ian church, .Survivirtg are her 'three
Mra, Henry biti0linchey,
"Uri. C. E"Willitehill of Los Angeles,
- ai1a Herbert 'Snyder of Alberta., The
d funeral , svas holcl from the home
• Ates. iticClineheY
, , 111,celday, January 12, at two o'cloek,
the seiwice -tieing taken by Rev.
• •IVfe"Gale,assieted by 14)r. F. It 'Patill"
' and interment being made, in 331ty-
,•field cemetery. The .'• „pall-bearere.
weve: Joseph and Frederik,MtEen, Norman end David Stephenson,
• John, Dovirson arid Wt H. Speed. '
The SyniPattly„of all is ,titith Mrs.
XeClinchey and family 'in their be-
reaventenk. ,•
Ae •• widow of the
ietary-treeaurer and school' atten-
deuce. officer combined, such appli-
cations 't be in the chairman's hands
not later than Friday evening, Jed:
1607 at 6 p.m,
Mip.s Ploy dEdwards is visiting
friends in Kitchener and Waterloo.
Mies Lucy Woods is the guest this
week of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. . J. El-
liott of. Goaded township." •
• Miss Mary Muter of London
spent a week's holiday in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Clarke of, Win-
throp spent Suriday in the village. .
Mr. J. E. Barnwell of Goderich
spent Saturday 'with ftiends in and
around the neighborhood.
Miss Margaret Robinson is spend-
ing a few days with We. E. H. Epps.
On Friday evening d last
the A.Y.P.A. of the Parish of Varna,
Middleton and Bayfield met at the
home Mrs. John Beatty, Varna
when about sixty members were pre-
The meeting was opened by sing-
ing hymn 610. Rev, Mr, Pauli led
in prayer. The seripture lessen was
read by Das 'Les. Elliott. After the
reading of the minutes by the„vere-
WY+ Miss Mae Heard; Mr. 'Paull
spoke a few words of welcome to the
new memberesapd gtigedta.;and gave. n
talk on the and' prinCiees
the society,. the;. motto being, "Per
Christ.abd ddiesChurch.". A tenic,on
the Chicrilation 'of tilm.Bible was; then
taken by Miss Nina Heard. - F011ows
-jug. this, waa paper on; the life of
lutlyard given • by •?Miss,
Frances .Moesop and, Miss Edith
Beatty' gave onct 'ICipling's eelecs
- • , .
A very •pleasing violin selection
• late Richard Elliott, suffered a was rendered 11.Y.,.1Vfx.. Arthur peek,
' stroke of paralysis en Friday., On accompanied•by hike. P.aull on the
Saturday it was, thought advisable piano. Alvin 'Elliott recited "the
te remove hes •to Clinton hospital, poem "H", by Rudyard Kipling.. A
Phe- annual meeting of Teinity,
churels Guild -was held at the home
1Viks,..11. W. %hods on TluirsdaY
afternoons • After the minutes of the
lase sanniml meeting had been read,
and the reTorts af the secretary and
treasuree been presented, the elec-
• tion, of officers for the, ensuing year
steak Place. •
-,,--.714,nteetderiVi--30;%, Baker.'
' Vice president': 14.e. Geo. King,
,Seergary: 11101. N.' W. Woods:
. VielisUrer: M. McKay,
drabertn- she-Wetk 'Pe very ,ence.
,c404.91- iY-Oar, the Guild dilte-Ving
sietlee'send :hand 4t.$20842....fI1te
-10drAllessafternetne „eillenrIteg
to 15 40 The Fehruaryed megin:g is
he „held eir, the,cherae
'thet'firet9T-bsitsdayt of the udyithe,
After the meetingsamsdelosed tViti
contese ..fallowed 'periling titles .of
books ..frinri picture% The mernliert
were then divided into two sides each
side being again divided into cripples
tvho engaged in eon -tiling a • news
paper under the 'headings _World
News, LOA SoelotY, Women's, Page,
Financial, Sport, Radio,. Advertise-,
• ment Condos, Query °hub. At the
end of the -time given • the. papers,
were 'read by, Miss Lucy WiendC and
Mize Gaynall
as editor.' The resuiis were -Very
funny and many sheerly. laughs' .en-
joyed, Isunch was then served. ' va
vote of thanks 'Wee given
and Mfrs. Beatty for , their. king. 11„Per-
• The next Meeting i to be lieleen''.
'January 23r4 'Art the bistemant
Middleton ehereht This Mettiiig will •li,st
•be in charge of ;•the nitride thy:,
le,adershiP, Mv. KeirdTaYlolf:", :';
. •
%wouldn't . take rge th:e
emietery. theld 'Whe;
:Born: 011.'SiilitleY Jan. Ilth, haveEtilled ' wh
KIPPEN„ .,11,,,•.,...:1
, •
There has been a slight oho-Pao...4N
•the timetable • of the I-IiiiiOn and:
me trains and we would -like - to-,
draw •the attention of the public tei..
it. ; Train No. 162 leaves Eiplien frir
London at 8.03; No. 163 arriiyes' at.
11.18 a.m.; Nib. 164 leavesippen
fbr London at 4.21itile No.i.!165: ar:t,
3;Ves at 6.01 p.m.
'• Mr. John Whiteman, Kippeia.,:old4
est .find most res,pected citizen re,..
ceived many congratulations: ,;Satur-
slay, ,it, being his 08•th birthday.
Whiteman, is quite -well.. and,(iSillait'
for a man his grand age.•
Mies. J. Anderson' has 'agallti.,` amen
confined to her room.Wel'ilbe Siroii-
she. will:be Very .u.kuch 1mpraN,,e,d,,, ,..'
Mr, and Mfrs. At% .1VIcClymont„ ,Whii:
spent Christmiis.,,...liolidait seaSeii, in
London, retiirtiedilionie F,irde-Y.
MT. Geswold of London was-,la.vis.;
itor with Mir. John WorkM;,on.,
Mionclay, ginning ,up on busints-C; '
- ,;TheAilendid 'itInieviif.Mit;:c; :,:zlyIle:-
Elartii was .entfielt burned 4'WN,-04/.
YlinradaY, (.146,t', ;;Wj'hile..* tin.:, ' , Mrs.:
-*Marble Ware. tilVay. 'Tho.Vincipal
part . of the down stair effefts:::were,
saved by neighbors and by splendid
and quick action of Mr. W1.1,1farvey,
• who first noticed flames, bibite, Mite
the house and called help. Mir. i:mnd:
XTS. Ifeakfurtie are very giiittfulf-tri:
all neighbors and friends rim o---so-
rsplendidk helped. in 'this W4.'It and
'14qt:1444111W: tbing.s collected "and
ItelPhie in soi'Many ways. ! .:' ..."...'1.'
There has been a rumor th4i •Iciit- •
,nen elevator -was going to 101.closeitr."
•tut that is not comet as. "Ile ill
dill be on the job to serve hizmiatY
The ColborneTownship, ,Coungil
met in the hall, Carlow, on", ideriday
moving', With ;all members: 'present
and Oe eeye, Albert T. Goldthorpe,
•in the delicaitel As thts was jthe
meeting 6t 1931 the minutes of the
list."4:neetpig of last year *eye read
-appi:oved. '' The formeti jeffieeis„
tv'ecrei-e-efected with the ex4eption.ut.,,,
tlfe-treatii-er; R. M. hail
Tesigned. Out of:a snumbeis; of apfe
-Occults: fees -the- effiess-s-Regs j1.- • Glen
Will; appointed 'and Will .tali over
the hooks after they have been, and,
• ited. The council will advertise for
te; ledger-keetne-r•Tak''.V.te:stiterintene
dent of roads.
• Mrs- Tait dOlarlei 1,oyal is: visit-
ing this week •svitlisiefts? and VT. 11..
M. „Yeung in Toronto.
. Miss. Dorothy.. Robertson lett Sa
tirclay morning ,fer Termite. •
'John :Clark left-M1oM.4y
visit her daughter, Mrs. • Devlin
Hunt,. el 'Louisville, Ky. She is ac-
emrilintuied, by her son, Frank. They
plan to be away over two weeks. .
%fr. Gordon Lamb vent Wednes-
day -with Mr. and Mrs. A. -
Relieve itt readers, for 'it is true,
the Colborne corersiiondent saw a
robinat the top of an elm tree on
Monday morning. We also have had
the erows all winter, not a week
goes by that I have not seep Or beard
Mr. Roland Darling was renewing'
acquaintances here lately;
First. Meeting of the council was
held on Monday.
JP301V14 *E19k1)91/1r-u*N133r
LT *fliCtti
tn. ..
, ISQ*00.0„751-1.0 ta."..fond, of, this sort
,,d)ing',114 ,figureit out whatl. could
be . piirchased the "..inongy.,, now;
aikent ?-1(114"91',
- 'As thecill-inkibill Of "Ontario tor
1929 wba 56ildflfon doliarg" jet us'
li0V-tliTo "large amount
WOidcbij,belli4ag tbe Uneinployment
• eituatiop ,.province. , The po-
iiifiatibir ef'Datarie is 3,211,000 and
an,,a.nnual eXpeaditure
ineaus,,Aan...aye.rage, of $17 for,
annually„foTF,every.,Aan„tvvoniiin and .
.of.,-the,,,prOViriceothe .annual drink bill
.20:000 hags' of ;sugar
, 400:000'
200,060...hagsi of; floUri 482.75
.1 - s'd• ,sssess. is • .5r0 QQ0
200,000 bags-„lotipotatoeslati., .;
• $1.50 .; 4 300;00.0'
200,000gnienWi5uits of clothes',
• 200,000,nin1v.dvercoaits ,
., $10
200,000 women's dresses at:
200,006,4§,li1at'tresses at
::$10 2,006,000
Of iiiei,yeslideiatt'
206.):100 t •
shoes at $5 . . 1,1000,060
... ?350,01:40
. -4.- ..- • • ..
35e• . i350,000
4-'.08e !.. .;.'".:`**- I 89:090
25e. B501000
290,000 if?...
• • '
LpttU , 155 880 000
alinice , - 120,000
The men who wriuld„he miti of
. and breweries, ligotni ,stbree
and lireseerte warehouseo,. weisld be
'email as lent -Pared'- With the 'boom
there wiitild ge'in Prochreing! 56 mil-
lion dollars, werth of food and eloth-
ing. If all Persons w110 read, thi.e
article would:decide that as:: RS
they are coneerried that as die pros-
• pent. of. liqiicr store's being Closed itt
• °Marie to „help (milli this per -Mi
depreseien 'ere not very geed, they
d.s,• will do their part towards making a
debasing and demoralizing traffic
less profitable by abstinence from al-
coholic drinks' the unemployment
situation *chid be greatly helped.
The Rights Hot. P111119 Snciwden,
Chandelier of the :British Exchequer,
Who' is • well qualified- to give an op-
inion*,•on any eiencenie 'question, said
in the cense of a'recent speeeh: "I
do ziot say, that the abolition of the
trafik.under the existing se-
orannic system.: would wholly- solve
the unempleynient nrobleni•but I do
isty -,that. if the expenditure -were di-
verted into "ueeful dehannels,S the un-
empleyments.problent would lie re-
duced, to such ri»utll dimensions that
it would be a cmnparatively easy
matter for the State to deal with the
amount that still remained."
T (IRSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1931 '
r4:3S3-;.rd""s1S. 7.• 1
S4giii:444%t•ialig '
from' St: CJames' Chueh and Vicinity
attended the A.Y.P.A. Name'onP'
Friday evening &M.-. 0tli.; -which was'
held at'the home ,rif MT.; -,and Mui'. 7
John Beatty., ,•
• The neirt'A.Y,P.A.,i-iiibeting Will 'he
held on Friday, .Jan.. 23rd at St.
James' Church Milddleen
Misr • rage Stirling, who has been
hinne'''fbrqiie. 'past- 'Month, returned
to Torouto‘on:Fridity.
•Miss Lillian Picot was taken stud.
denly ill on Wednesday and rushed,
to the Clinton, hospital, where 'she" '
was operated on for appendicitis. -1Me
are..glati to stato a-
long ttice1.
The postponed • ,Christinsis, 'enter-
tainment was put on at No. 8 school
house on Friday night and Was a•
greatsuccess. The .program, eon-
sistedkif, faneY drills,lreadings; short
'plays andmusj, the Chiidren- alb
taking -their parte,very 'w II' It
fleets grit -credit' on their. teacher,
eand entertained
the" direatbiti 'arid 'their wives and
a numlisr, ql • the shareholders, of the
Goderich Telephone Co,. last' week.
Ail sat down to. a chicken dinner at
7 o'clock,. which as ranch enjoyed.
The eveningswas spent in gantes.and
music. The directors held. a ,short.
business meeting after,
,,k meeting, was' held en Monday
night' at the"lionie sof •Mr. Jas.' R:
tor, stait the-Vend...End BPet
Rings again and althorigh- not filled
up, -diets, 'aPp'ointed. their offieers
whiely'resulted is feliewsi •
President: Jas. .11. Stirling.
Sec.-Treasorer: Ken. 'Taylor, :
Direetorst john Middleton,: Maur,
ice Switser and >liken .Weodg. AnY
•one wishing, te,,. join should Iet 'the'
-directors know. at (mei,. s
The young people, ofsSharon are
hnev , ng• t PlaYSI
d''Beacts OP as Strings''.'whieli they will,
imesent itt the ehurah Friday 'ev-
tieing. of next week,, Jan. 23rd.
The Ladies' Aid of Grace ;United
church,: Porter's Hill, held theij.
A double short course in Agricul-
ture and Herne Economice is; being
held this month at Gerrie under the
direction of Mg. I. McLeod, ,Agricul-
tural Representative, arid his ansis-
tent, Ms. Barr. The course started on
Jan. 6th, and will Conti/Me until Jan.
30t11. It is being well attended,
thirty-four bays and thirty -We gins
being enrolled to date. .
The girls' eoUrse conducted un-•
der the Women's Institute Branch
and Miss 1Telen Garbutt of peter -
bore -is In.charge, during' the course.
For the first two Weeks Miss Ina
°noisier; a trainediturse, is also pre-
sent giving instructions and lee,
thres. The ,last two weeks • of " the
course Miss MI. McLaughlin of To-
ronto, a sewing expert, will give de-
nioustrations and lestructione. '
In the boys' department experts in
several subjects have been seemed.
Yesterday, jan. 14113„ Mr. 'Allen
Brown, Peterboro, lee -hi -sea on :Beer
kee,ping. Tornorrow, '• Jan!, • letb,
Veterinary &fence be dealt
with by Dr. Jahn Spencer ofi 43011t,..,
IITEGIIVIE 0. On Jan, 22ded Plowand
Plowing „Will be the special snbjects
Mr: James ,Wel.,ean of Rielendoneg Hill,
a man WMhts- •..held Prey:lima',
chanimonship 'for ,plowing oa More
than one occasion, vrill he the epealc-
er. On Jan. 23rd IVO. E. 11!... MarStoe'
Of- $t. 'talk &nPeultry
ppdond.the last two days, Jan. 2940;"
a two -clay Swine comse will be
dneted. The speakers will 'be; Sent,
by the 1D0flt1fliottd Live Steel< Tn4ne1i,
AftesSrs..W..S. 1VreMullen 4' Kltehene
S. G. Lefebere; of Eingsten:
0.,11.-producticin in. Canada reached
its highest peak in less accerding
to a statement issued by the Bu•ean
of Stetirsties. The dtetal: nutptit,S id
1d929 of gold.trom all purees in
,lo ,928,308 ouneea
ined et $39,801,663,sconmered With
nrOductien 'of 3,30,Q,S98 eunees!val-
A q...s31,482,0g14,19?4, s,i15 $00-
ce1;4idf Orissechs andstil a •Yuleqp„Ter-
')sr:•;c1,69:4176.*q4;1',4a21:4,I7v,0113.9?1.4: ItiBiz,611-2.
Ic.,91.4,104., 10,2,04. VilleeletS gears
s.PP,.7411.14,0tqaj..171Clig.14.1 ',13.efirhiedlIlr,s
1.!i•-.11.heNt.a.°'?.1.4ix!'c.:.Ciel;•;alfe'Ld.°311.7:0./Pri‘P 641.
opiue" i*4,.' iiirkland "Like
kle''''Coutribtited ......nraptOilly;, !the
vie" of the ioi . V p evince. 1
More than, 4,400,000 gallons of fish
Ml, exclusive of medicinal •cod liver
all, and more than 22700 ions of
fish meal were produced in the fish-
eries by-peoducts industry in Can-
ada last year, according to returns
made to the Canadian Government
,Departinent of Fisheries.
., Including 91,000 gallons of mai-
denly.' cod liver oil) the oil output to -
tailed 4,506,316 gallons and had a ,
marketed • rattle of $1,845,000
reund figures, :while the fish meal ,
production had a marketed. value a
meeting in the lhaiernent of .- the
entire% -Thursday, Jan.. 8th. .
!The 'officers- for the coming year
are ' • s
Hon, President: Mrs..I.larbert Cox.
President: Mrs. Geotge Proator.
'Vices- Mrs.' Leslie Cox. ' •
' 1Secretary: .Mrs. Victor 'Elliott.
• -Treasurer: 314es. Will Cox, .
Organist: Mks, AIelbert Gardiner.
Bnying committee: Mits. Gardiner,
lifit's Clara Harrison, '
Apdtterse • sitt, .•.13(.,3b21 -p Harmer;
Uilton r-
lOontest Captains: Miss Jennie
Burke, Mrs. Fred Elliott.
The meeting had one new member
and' one visitor and when adjourn-
ment came, all felt they tvere away
to a good start for 1931.
' ?The regular meeting of the Aid
will be held the second Thursday of
each month.
The Sunday School of Union
Ohurch, Goderich Township, has
elected the follotving offieers for
Supelintendent, Mrs. G. Harwood;
assistant superintendent, *Miss Mar -
&elite Faleoneir; treasurer, Miss
Eleanor johnston; secretary, Mrs:,
Everett MbIlwain; assistant sec-
retary, Arnold Porter; librarian,
Herbert Johnston; assistant librari-
an, Lorne Porter; pianists, Marian
Porter, Eleanor johnston; superin-
tendent cradle roll, Mrs. J. B, Orr;
Bible class teacher, Robert David-
son; assistant, Rev. G. W. Butt;
senior . Maas, Mrs. G. Harwood; in-
termediate, Marguerite Faleoner;
assistant, Mrs. George IVIcIllwain;
junior claste, Marian Colwell; assist-
ant, Lena Colwell; primary class,
Eleanor Jelniston; assistant, Esther
McElwain; beginners' Mass, Nora
Sowerby; assistant, Marion Porter;
auditors, •George McIlwain and iVfar-
guerite Falconer.
After a somewhat lengthly illness'
Richard Murphy of Exeter a -ed
away on Wednesday of last week in
e sixty-seventh year,
llfre Murphy was a native Of Gode-
iis township, being' the eldest Son
of Mrs. Murphy and the late Ifent'Y
IVIdurphy of this township, and his
death was the first break in a fam-
ily of eight, He had resided in
Exeter :for well on to thirty years.
Mr. Murphy was twice mart -loci. his
first wife being Agnes Brute of
Lonclesboro. She died about eight
years ago and he later was united to
ilfre. White of Exeter, who survives
him. He is also survived 12y- one
claughtee by his first marriage, ;Mies,
Mildred, ,g The brothers 'Mid
sistdrs who , suricive are;
Marphy of ,Geosse Man,; T. T.
Murphy 0., Goderielli -Bert Murphy
of Stanley tovniship;,,l‘frs. Fred G.
Ford, Clinton; lVfrs. Geo, Laithevaites
ElinblIrg, N. Dale.; . Mrs. . Elliott
yment, Keirold, N.. Dak. and Mrs
rrey 1VreCartney, Goderich town -
p.. His aged nigher also. sur -
es, The filneral teek .4O'er Ott ?ridgyafternoon, the Rev.
Iter -Jones of Ridgetown eon -
Hug, the burial seryice The'imt-
I was largely attended by mem-
s ofthe Masonic Order,' of which
deceased man was a member,
srs. T. T. and Bert Ulan/11y and
• Expansion . of the production o•f
fish meal and oil has been one of
the., noteworthy developments in
connection with the Dominion fisher-
iessoperations in recent years, and
further expansion may he expected;
-The larger -part of the, annual pro-
cluation of fish meal, a commodity
which is of exceptional value as a
foods for notary mut liveitick, is
exported to the United Staten,' Ger-
Aq13.9-11, and. ttlee•Netherlands.
Mita' '5V -the fish. till, %Odell is used
in paint ,mannfaeture ,and for a' var-
letY of other cum-Mei:Mal purposes;
Is alias eleOtted gongte the British
ialeS; •the Ilnidted'.`Stetee and the
Nethdridandi.' , • ,
,7-1 . Ex
, , • . ,wa
• Containing 'Many artidlei purloin- duo
•ed from three -Exeter. storde era
day, '-the alninidendd car,' found 10 ber
miles outside •syl Exeter, on the Mit- the
chel,•road'Ileedyof ag wek. ha
"‘ l,s .ssesbeen dentified aDe ane
awned by mirs
W. Gailoway, 111st. Thomas, ney
Whielf-Wak stolem,froin London on eras
Manday: V.hil0 driVing to 'Stratford ship
PrialicissAbbett logged the abandon- see.
ed a hi
. Ford and Mrs. UcCart-
all a.ttended their brother's `,Xim-
. 1VIany from Goderich town-
Ilullettss Len-ideal/ore and Chu -
.also attended:
c Which is said tiTslieve
been -stack' in'the duteh, City' detect -
titres suggested the theory, that' the
log, domposedief several fireartins,";.a
two siriteaSes, a eguple• of :fur
'coatis, SbekS anif'Shirba; itbdy have
been 'Stored in' Exeter 10 the ;her-
auder,. for remov4...4ind sale later.
Evidently, tile police investigation
iMil."41-4e.onie too hot;- and iiit'an endea-
vor to ebi3d (.41' the geode, a. ger
was stolen from London to ship', the:,
'to„ Toronto. As yejt- ,no„trace,
cuipiat gas been, •fourid.,:,-Ir an
'effiiirt 18 1eg'41,1lie Toad,'' -01010,-
pai pfetha'1.00.44'0., fr.gia'.(Me...
tlie.^1,14ter liOritiy:are'stores, i.1o
Used'. ".1kenieTWees "We "
. .
'IlLYTII: A twilight recital was,
held: in, the Queen street United
,chnrch by 16 pupils of Mss Eliza-
beth Willis, assisted, by ,Ngss Ruth
Wark, Gederich, and, Douglas Camp-
be11.0- orgaiiist and ehoirinaster of
• North,. street ;En,ited chureh, Gorie-
r* ,T"liOse:;-eaking part in the. pre
gram.' We're.; Winona ;flask, $oreen
,Keilysl:MISO..R. *al% Freeman Tun -
41 -Ley, Marion Hogerson,,Elia p'eitter,
,Eitbef.:Deiter, Olive Realey,
'Can.:Oen, ,itolbinson; Evelyn
„Wightinan, 4osel1a Cunningliani,
and ;Ilion
short,Addrees Wes. givenSiey :May; Fe
L Anderson ia tor f th Iih
e ll 0 .
_ _ • _
". S•1;•",,,• '
0 al purpie P0,41try, pecific
‘teeissPoultry Free fromWORMS
Id`,1 ,t' , •
Wro- Elrfarrin, wrote us a year tues stating that,hie peultrhad
isecome badly infected' with,worms. We advised him to use 2 Pas. of Royal,Pisiple
' Poultry .SPecifie' 'in -each 100 Ibis: of Laying Mush for two Wedbi mid Can'finsie
•throughoidtliti'qVisithr with 1 lb. After using it for three weeks he wrote us stating
that in three dayathe rioticed blond stinaka in the dreppingi, and that his eg0-1,=;ro.
• duction huMoise •up. 100%. Daring the Pall, Winter end Spring months
chased 60011bs. ot,thia Poultry Specific.' 15", received a letter from 2155the5bIttcr
partof that lie was ammed at the results he obtained, that his poultry
f''were cntirelY'free. from worms, and that during Angus% of tills year his .productien
we,, 100% larger then laic year, • • •'
• It win Our everYtinultsTroan, no mutter what nee he ia using, or if, he inixes 25,
,-, own, to add one pound of Royal -Purple Poultry SPee,the to eaSh htuldf4I1610101.0
of feed during the wholc,wason the poultry are shut in. While thifi great tonic de-
stroys the WOrung,, it ,at'tlie same time 'tones UP the birds, keeping,their digestive
°liana acfive the setae 01 10 they were on range, compelling them to take from 1G%
to' 20% ine're geire from the feed they eat. T,bis is naturally reflected in increased
. .
SOS production.
Worpseitwqicuiltry in often militate* for other didemes. TIM birds become very
• thin•and show'systustoms of diarrhoea, When badly infested they' Will the. •
• Fut.up in 30c. and 60c. packages, $1.75 anci $6.00 tins,
also 100-11s, "air -tight bags—$14.00, For sale by 4,600
dealers, in Canada. If your dealer cannot supply you,
tvtite dtiteet.
Royal Purple Laying Meal
We cats .aupply you with Royal Purple I.,,nytng bleat with or without. the
Poultry Specific mized in. Mr. T. L. Matheson, Innerldp, Ontario, tells us that he
• fed Royal Kuple Lisying Meat to GOO pullets lest year with the Royal Purple
Poultry Specific and got an average a re% production from the Middle of Dedem-
ber until thethidclle of March: He Usti status that he has received. the largest pro-
duction ofoggs he has eimr bald durIngthe twelve months he hes beest using Royal
• purple Lailnit"Mdel, and that a keeps his poultry healthy during the entire season.
IT your dealer catmot gapply yob we will be pleased to quote an a price, freight
Paid to Yoor station- , •
We are sole
VIMLITE (formerly known as Vitalite)
for Oda 'Wbederfut Wire...fined ptodlicti used for windows in Outlay honies,
'• sun -mortal, 4214 11 le15 through- the little -violet, growth rays from,thesuct thatqvill
' not pass thew' erclitusry glass. Writefor descriptive *Tulare,: •'.
We unirbe Verrtileased to send you iane of our hdoks
with illuetratione in colour, describing the cortunon.diseases
Of Stock and Poultry with particulate of the Royal Purple
, remedies for each, and details of all the different lines of feed
. very,POUltrYmall, ; 10
we manufacture, It dealt with 186-s0bjects, of vital latexes' f
to efarMer and '
NEWS- ORIIAPPENINGS Was offered to the school sending th
IN THE': •
.• • : • -the agen-of nine r -
e and 17 'inelusive,
e-prizt. Waa ;Won by' lVfain street,
XE').'• Lite home. of Mr, cl 2:71:°1'' 014 Ol: ' ''al -e 8ill
,-- , the
an antlity., had 29 wilting, -Some 4'
• - • .higlieit percentage of-Mibils between
Mrs. Leonard Wein, weer; of here
was the scene of a pleasant gather-
ing when they entertained a number
of theie. friends ancl , neighbors on
Friday night. • Social ;t
-eba, cards
and, games wee& en0Boyed. 'y way
of refreshment the company wag tc.! 3-,111mal mini 9r 1•51-7
and 'Ittraintts-epples for Which. this Ono., of • Clinton's energetic MKS..
particular sectiOnsis .famed T.1,e old- ness voltam who has not been cry-
er 'folk dwho attended had interesting ing hard *times at 811 but has been
going right along doing 'business itt
the old stand and who reports a lar-
ger Christmas trade- than last year,
was sent the 'following suggestive
little rhyme through the mail the
other day. Evidently . the sender
thought her a relative of '"the little
black hen:"
Said the little red roosters "Gosh all
hell -dories, things are tough:
Seems that worms are getting sear..
001', and I cannot find enough.
What's become of all those fat ones
is a mystery to me:
There were thousands 'through that
rainy spell, but now. where can
they he?"
whom took 'a very nigh pareMitage.
A. spe.,eial e,ollection has been taken
in the :wheal for "the' purpose of
Al.lying a prize to the Winners,
_ 4 ---17 7
retrurnscencee to relate to the .young-
er folk, telling of the early hard
ships with which they had to con-
tend. Some of the older folk have
been in the section since childhood.
EXETER: ,Borslen Sanders, eldest
son of Mrs. C. H. Sanders,. had his
tonsils removed during the week, and
has been advised te reinain itt. bed
for a -couple of Months to recuper-
ate. He hao not been too rugged
and it is thought that a good rest
will be the makings of him.
EXETER: W. 3, Kerniek, Maple -
grove Farm, on the Thames • Road,
east of town has .120 'White Wyan-
dotte hens Lone which he gets 97
eggs a day and believes in a very
• short time that they will teach over
the hundred per day.
117INGHAIVI: A very sudden death
occurred hfonday morning with the
passing of Irwin J. Pattison, The
sad news came as •a great shock to
the citizens of Windham as he had
been in his usual .. good health, al-
though he had complained on Sun-
day of WS arm. 1VA% • Pattison had
been ont tround Monday, had gone
in the house ,and was still cam:Plain-
ing of his arm: He sat down in a
chair and expired instantly, De-
ceased was born in East Wawanosh
and had been a resident' of this lo-
cality all his life .and was a Com-
paratively young man, His wife pre-
deceased him -about seventeen years
ago. Surviving are, one ,son, Charles Whers. fat round worms had passed
of Sarstia, his mother and. one sister squads, Antek in the rainy days;
Many at home; Mrs, Thomas Lcakey '
When . nightfall found hint' supper -
of Kincardine; Mae. Z. Johnstone, a, less, he. growled in aceente rough;
Toronto and ene brother, Jo'hu W
- ---• hungsy 4 a.Scrwl can. be; Can,.
4' Port • Elgin, Funeral -services :swede euee aye tough,"
The old black hen who heard him
didn't grumble or complain.
She had gone through lets of dry
spell, • she had lived through
floods of rain:
So she flew upon the grindstone,
and she gave her claws a -whet,
AS she said, "I've never. seen -the
time there weren't worms to get.°
She picked a new undug spot: the
earth wits hard and firm. -
The little rooster jeered, "New
ground, that's no place for a
The old black hen just spread her
feet, and dug both fast and -free.
"I must go to the worms," she said,
"The worms won't come to rite."
The rooster vainly spent his der,
rough habit.. by the ways,
•were conducted at his late. residence
John street on Wednesday after- He turned then to the old black hen,
and said, ,'It's.warse for you,
For you're not enly hungry, but you
unlit be tired too. •• •
rested \011ie I watched for werms.,
so I feel fairly pert:
But how are -you, withont worms
too? And after all that .win•k."
noon by the Rev. Sidney Davison,
pastor of .Lite United church of which
he was a member.
DUNGANNON: .Sainuel Sher-
wood met with eather a serioun ac-
eident while operating, his haypres-
deer - itt the fain of Alexander Hac-
kett of Ashfiticl, The press is driv-
en by a gasoline engine. The belt
flew off and; Mr. Sherwood: was
struck by. .* and rendered uneon-
scious. Being thrown to the ground,
7:40(lu' nb-deintIlt.12111'etLiel•. 11?hell,re :11111; 'in' Lill
striking him fo'r, seine time befere
the Moabite ettuICI be stopped bit
'rhe old black hen hopped :to her
pereli and dropped hireyes to
• sleep, , .
And murtmtred in a drowsy tone,
"Young mans hear this and 'weep;
I'm full of wenn*, ansi happy, for
- I've dinedboth hong and ,
!Tile weimm 'are tbare, as always—,
but 1 had to dig like--.-,," •
thoSeciiiiiilting in t6 'jerk- •
He had t0 be •C -a to the house • WEST w•A, WA OSII WILL STAGE
and was finally raible te be removed RECOUNT
to. his own lisms on the sixth eon- Judge J, L. kiiteran of t..ratford
cession of AsshPeld4 Ina shoulder and h gr anted application
abdomen received the worst of' tlie • made to him fin.- a recount of the
bruises, and 'it, *as leased. at first ballots east fob the reeveship in the
ideas be might be injured internally, mumcipal elections held hi the town -
Ile IS able' to ;move about some now, ship ef West Wedevatiosh on Monday,
although still very eere 'from his in- Jan. 5. FridaY, ;January 28, at 10
3itries. • •a.nt., is the time set er: the 'recount
. , d
, • . proceedings to ha ,bed. i the court-
' C4ODERICII: -The Separate School house, Goclerieh, ,Vole, Who
• ie -.conipciSed at the following .was fleea.tect'hy.1471,„j„,Stewart by
.nielinbers-the. first .cpur-:torioct hay-, two ,Votes,.. ask0/ki, the, recount:
ing been tiles -tea -this, year by, aegis, threttgls splidtor,*ilfey Ifol-
inationr liDe doqN,Joh: 4Pplicas
•soils •obishonn,A,Iberis-Stesos Thehrese don Was made on the Igrainicis of
Page, Patti& Mrkjsti4 sobs 4.5611...41.41f* rejeetekond
,and John Apain. Vibgdity ,eounted.. 1VIr.-tif,wart the
Ma3„-,,,-/S1114iet”III day Q layes t, 4 Go4J1i to .0e6 itt
sehool' diprqugriii4ied,,fifiejtfo, tifs'14:ta,greSig..„„Tik,..vole. in ;1,0, , West
tOinprango ;41444,,tioN,,..spowtite.,•tfership
),'...:ae.,Aart% 199;
all Hthiday throughotx,ttli'e .117011ard %/raster,
County of. .Huron,
41 0P001011 COst; SS. "