The Clinton News Record, 1930-08-28, Page 5;13TTJRSDAY, A1JGUST`28,'1930
The Border -Cities- Star says one
sof the troubles with golf is that it
.is apt to snake 'a hole in one's pots
ket book. Fact,: isn't it, neighbors?
Hanover is advertising for a town
,_constable and The Post suggests that
when he is engaged .his hours be
- : from late afternoon to early morn-
ing, as they hese,
'.[`he following, from the Goderich
Signal, in a report of a picnic of the
Eighty Club,serves to .illustrate the
vigor and sturdiness of the inhabi
• tants oftins good;old county of Hu-
"There were several members.
unable to attend because of
'pressure of the bixsiness:' One
gentleman, eighty-five years
of age, wile busy,digging pota
toes; another of ninety years
was busy painting his house and
still another cif 'eighty-four was
engaged et fishing, : the fishing
being so good that he forgot all
about the picnic."
« k b «
The new federal cabinet ministers
'have been returned by acclamation
-on returning to their constituencies
for re-election on appointmentetc'
cabinet posts. The formality
'quiring a sman tostand for re-elec-
-tion before taking his place as e.
Minister of the Crown dates back.
' many years and, while there has
been some talk of changing the law
'so as' to make this unneee'ssary, it is
unlikely that it will be done, for
-some time at least. In iiiany cases
it seems ' an unneeesary formality,
• especially if a man has been elected
•'to support the partyin power. ' In
• case of a minister being chosen out-
side the governing party or . outside
parliament altogether, of course, ane
appeal to the peoplewould seem net-.
pessary: Few constituencies, however,
•object to their representative having
-a seat at the cabinet table.
• « « «
The Toronto Telegram, •in eom-
menting on an article in the Ren-
frew Mercury re T. L. Church and
his 'bill to compel newspapers to
'priht the names of their owners, sets
font' some very sensible reasons
why such a law would be just to the
leading public. It says:
'Newspapers that have noth-
ing to conceal and`no special
interest to serve 'do not object
to publication of ownership.
It was those that were afraid
that their influence would be
weakened by such publication
that fought the Church bill.
That bill was altogether in the
interests of the reading public
and the well-being of the coun-
try. Readers are entitled to
know the identity of those who
are advising them and furnish-
ing thein with information.
Newspaper readers are entit-
led to know - whether -they are
being supplied with honest opiu
ions and unbiased news or
special pleading and propaganda,
The anonymous newspaper is no
better than the anonymous let-
ter, and its opinions are entitled
to no more consideration than
the opinions expressed in the
unsigned communications that
go into the waste -paper baskets
se-- of every self-respectieg news-
Most self-respectirig newspapers
• try to guard against being used• to
spread propaganda. The sentiment
against paid readers, to be used
without advertising marks as gen-
eral reading matte;, is growing un-
til many newspapers refuse to ae-
cept them, preferriug to lose the
advertising revenue rather than to
put the weight of their influence be-
hind some project whieh the 'adver-
tiser wishes pushed. The News -
Record has refused such advertising
for years and will continue doing se.
• The reading' public should be assur-
ed that the editorial columns of the
newspapers are not propaganda.
• What good argument can be put for-
ward for concealing the ownership
of newspapers?
Misses Margaret and Betty Carson
of London were guests with their
• aunt, Mrs. G. WI. Elliott, last week.
Mrs. ' Stewart Hall and son, .Char-
les, and daughter, Dorothy, who vis-
ited her grandmother, Mrs. J. Thom-
son, left .on Sunday for ;their home
in Grand Rapids. They were as-
• eompanied by Mrs. Adelaide McLeod
who will visit her son and other
..friends in Toledo.
Mrs. Walters and daughter, Eliza-
beth, of Grand Rapids are visiting
her mother, Mrs, J. Thomson.
The members of the Bell Tele-,
phone softball 'steam which played a
team under the management of A.
Steep in Jow.ett's Grove on the Bay.
'field Gala Day are coming back on
Labor Day for a return game which
'will be played, in the Agricultural
.:.grounds. • " '
Mr. and Mrs. Will Tippet left on
Monday for their home in ,$fi.11ings;
-Montana, sifter having sperm elle
month with the former's parents, Mr.
"'---` :and Mts. J. Tippet.
ST. and., Mos. T. W. Oates and
etwo boys returned to- their home in
London on Saturday after having
-spent the season in their cottage.
Mrs. G. L. Flock and two children
and Mrs. Molnor of Windsor are.
:spending this week ' of the Box
cottages.. " e -
Rev. and Mrs. R. H'.. F. Gairdner
and daughter,, Betty, left on Monday
for W'aehington, Pa., after having
spent sic weeks with the former's
brother. '
Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stanbury and
family returned to Exeter on Wed-
nesday after having spent the 'sum-
mer at their cottage.
'C' ,Miss Bessie -Metcalf of Detroit' acid,
Mr. William Metcalf of Badin, N.
• CaroIita ' are visiting their parents,
Dr. and Mrs.
Ws. F. -Metcalf.
Vt or Burt and family o fVora
tendon are spending the week with Lind
her parents, hrr. and Mrs. P. W. Os
and Mrs. H. 3. Peter and fam-
ily and Mr. E. A. Ball returned to
Stratford on Sunday ,after having
spent this month at their cottage,
Mr. and Mrs, William 'Greig and
children have returned to their
home_ in Toronto. •
Mr. and. Mrs. Kenneth' J, :MacDon-
aid and family and Miss Anna Mac -
Remits • left on Sunday for their home
in Flint, Mich„ after having •spent
the season in T. M'cNeil's cottage.
,Mr. and Mrs. 3, F. Nolan and' fam-
ily have returned to; London after
having occupied McDonagh's cottage
in Lakeside 'Park,
Ur, r. and Mrs: S. Clark and niece
and 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark of
London were' the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. F, G. Neelin"on Sunday. , '
Miss Marion Davison returned!
home on Saturday after having spent
a delightful week with her sisters
in London.
Mrs. L. $. Smith and little Glen of
London and Mrs. H. K. King andlit-
tle Harold Atwood of Sarnia are ,vis-
iting their mother, Mrs. Charles Par-
and Mrs. W. I...Barager and
family who •have• spent the season in
the Bayfield Highlands have tetarn-
ed to London. •
James Lindsay who was one of the
contestants in the Old Time°Fid-
dler's contest held in the Pavililon
at Grand Bend on Monday evening,
brought home a silver cup with hint,
having won second prize in the 20 to
50 year class.
.Dr, and: Mrs. Maxwell Brown
and two children, Mrs. W. H. Cald-
well of Bay City and Mr. and rMrs.
Theo. Caldwell of Midland Mien.,
were the` guests - bf 'Mrs. J. A..,Fer-
euson over the weak -end. Mr. and
Mrs: Roy' Jennings and daughter,
Virginia of Bay City and Mastors
Ted and Billie Caldwell of Midland.
Mich., visited with Mr. and Mrs. W.
R. Jowett.
1Mr. and Mks. T, G: Nesbitt
family returned. to London on S
day after having spent ;the season
Jowett's Grove.
Messrs. E. A. Featherston, C
Parker, Charles Parker and Mau
Switzer left on Tuesday'morning
Naicam, Sask. They are motor
by way of Duluth.
Mr, and Mrs. W. F. Hamlyn
daughter returned to London
Tuesday after having spent seve with Miss J. Stirling,
'Mrs. MacDonald and son of Sar
spent the week -end with her dam
ter, Mrs. A. Newton -Brady.
Miss Alice Stinson; R.N,, left
Monday for New 'York after havi
spent the past . six weeks with h
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S
son. Mrs. D. Prentice..who was h
over the weekend also returned
her home in Toronto the same d
Mr. and Mrs, Wini. Macdonald,
ter Norval Agnew, Bessie Vail
small son! Bobby, of Detroit are v
iting their patents, Mr. and M
Henry Weston.
Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Sturgeon
London spent several days last w
with the latter's parents, Mr, a
Mrs. S. Kipfer,
Mr. and, Mrs .Roy Poth of Toro
to visited with the latter's paren
Mr, and Mrs, W. R. Jowett, over 5
week -end. •
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McLaren a
twee' daughters of Port Elgin a
visiting Mrs. MecLaren's sister, Mi
J. Stirling. •
Mr, I. A. Cameron, Isobel and E
ans Cameron left on Wednesday 1
their home in Toronto after Navin
spent the ste inner with his broth
John Cameron. . •
Mrs. C. A. lilustard at
fa eft oh Wednesday for the
home in Toronto after having ap
the summer its camp at T, Mustard
'hrr. and Mrs. G. McKinnon an
daughter, Kathleen, broke. up the
camp, "The Miellfacs" and went t
Clinton last week. •
As the result of the driver takin
his eyes off the .read for a minute,
very serious aceideat occurred o
the Blue Water Highway just at th
bend in the road opposite Jowett'
Grove. The ca,r driven by Ea
Doig, was a roadster and its occu
pants were six young people, thre the front seat and three in the
rumble seat. They had just Borne out
of Jowett's Grove and were proceed-
ing towards Goderich` when some at-
tachment on the 'windshield became
loose, The driver was adjusting it
and, the ear was ' being driven
straight ahead instead to taking the.
turn. One of the occupants of the
seat. called to him that. he
was going into the ditch and in his
excitement he jammed the"hrakes on
instead of pulling the car' over to the
centre "of 'the read, with the result
that it turned over in.the deep ditch,"
Miss Jean Stevenson of Brussels"was
taken to Clinton hospital where she
lies in. a serious condition suffering
from a fractured skull, fractured
jaw, broken collar bone and internal
injuries. At last report she showed
signs of improvement, Miss Viola
Wiitse of Gerrie hod her collar bone
fractured, Lloyd` Doig of Gdrrie suf-
fered` a fractured ,collar bone and
arm, and Miss A. Errington, H. Mc-
Derntott and Earl Doig, all of Ger-
rie, escaped with minor injuries.
The accident occurred shortly after
four o'clock on Sunday afternoon.
• Mfrs. G. W. Kinn and laughter,.
Betty, returned to their 'home in De-
troit on Saturday after having spent
a few weeks at their.summer hone,
"King's Bluff."
'School days start again in the
public schools on • Tuesday next. Mr.
0. Kalbfleisch,. Principal and Anna.
Woods,• Assistant, will be in-: charge.
The following will be the stand of
the children when school .re -opens:
Sr'.. 4th: Geraldine Castle, ..Keith
.Gemeinhardt, Carsor`e Johns, •Brown
Lindsay, Maud. Parker, Emma Stur-
geon, Fred Sturgeon; Ir. 4th: Thom-
as Castle,,. Hugh McLeod, Charles
Parker, Ella -Smith, Janes Sturgeon,
Richard ' Weston; Sr. ' 3rd: Jean
Dunn Clara• Parker,' Doris Feather-
ston; Jr, '3rd; • Charles' B o '
Marr o
$rand n Kenneth nneth astle
Evelyn Gemetnhardt, Mae •Murrey,
Wild; • 2nd: Irene Leitch, Pearl
say, .Albert Osmond, William
mond,',Stuart Sturgeon;` 1st:,'
un -
Mas -
[Old Wesley Parsonage, Clinton, pn
[Aug. 23rd, Violet Elaine, daughter
of M',t•. and Mrs, T. Fairservice,
Londesboro, to Clifford C. Cooper,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cooper,
Stanley towilship,
KEY[ES- 'SCHWEITGER ---, At ,the
bride's home, Elmira, on August
20th, Ella Mae, elder daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, John Schweitzer,
l airview Farm, Elmira, to Ruskin
George Keyes of •East Windsor,.
son of Me. and Mrs. :Nelson Keyes
of Stanley.
SATJNDEStt O'CK—lin Victoria Hos.
pital, London, on Aug. 25th, Har-
^vey Saunderoock, aged 46 years.
ELAND—In In New • Liskeard,
Ont., on August 17th, Ann Eliza-
, Beth Crich,•widow of the late /eau
'Modeland,' in her 69th year.
GREALIS—In proud and loving,
memory ` of ,Private Clifford Grea-
lis,- who died in France, August.
27th, 1918. .
"In Qur hearts your memory lingers,
Sweetly, tender, fond and true.
There is not a day, dear' Clifford,
That we do not think of you."
—So sadly; missed at home.
JOHNSTON—In loving memory of
Charles It Johnston, who passed..
away August 29, 1929:.
Darling father, how`we missed you,
In the year that has passed by,'
Since you left us, sad and lonely, ,.
For a home up in ;the sky.
Yoh left behind you aching hearts,
that loved you most sincere:
That never didand never wilt forget
you, father dear,
--Sadly missed by wife and family,
Kenneth Brandon, Eugene Castle,
Robert McLeod, William Westlake;
Senior Pr.: Betty Brandon,' June
Brandon, Clara Clark, John McLeod,
Jack Murray, Nora Parker, Lorna
Westlake; Jr. Pr.: Doris Osmond,
Elsie McLeod; Beginners: Jimmie
Dewar, Lloyd Westlake.
The Afternoon Tea and Sale of
Home-made baking which was held
on the lawn at the hone of Dr.
Woodson Thursday of last week was
a decided .success and netted the
Girls and Women's Auxiliary a good-
ly sum to send to the, Columbia
Coast mission.
A Weiner Roast held at Baker's
Beach on Tuesday evening was thor-
oughly enjoyed by a"large number
of the members of the A.Y,P.A. of
St. James, Middleton, St. Jdhn's Var-
na, and Trinity Church, Bayfield.
The evening was spent in games and
Community singing around the fire,
,Misses Elizabeth, Mildred ad Eth-
el Cameron and J. Nie Reid returned
on Snndey evening from a three
clays' motor trip • around Georgian
Bay. They visited Tobermory ,,and
carne home via Oriilia and Toronto.
Mr. Harry Baker and Miss E.
Burroughs of London spent Sunday
with the former's, parents.
Mr. Earl Cranston of Strathroy
spent Sunday at his home here.
'Mr. and Mrs, Addison Snider and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Aldred
Shantz and two sons, all of near
Kitchener, spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Robinson Woods.
Messrs, Hugh Rutherford and Isaac
Miller spent Sunday visiting friends
in Stratford. Mrs, Miller and Mrs.
Gordon spent Sunday with -friends in
Mr, and Mks, Ed. 'Thome and fam-
ily spent Sunday visiting their
daughter, Margaret, at Guelph.
Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Miller and
Mr. John. Wallace visited at Port
Elgin one day last week.
• Miss Vera Woods of Toronto is
spending a couple of weeks at her
home here,
s W. L. Rutherford has return,
ed.home after a pleasant tour to the
()Id country,
Mr. Will Webster had the misfor-
tune to have his—hand very badly cut
on a circular saw on Monday.
Mrs. Wm. Dougherty of Guelph has
returned home after spending a few
days with her mother, Mrs, it, J.
'Mir. Mac Grant of 'Teeswater spent
Saturday with Mr. Wilson Woods. ,
Horse For Sale
A light driver. Write box 194 or
telephone 108. 81-1.
Money Wanted
$3;000 .required at once on mort-
gage on good farm. C. B. hale, Con-
veyancer, Clinton, Ontario. 51-1-p.
Fot' Sale or Rent
Eight -room house, wired for oleo -
tele stove, new furnace, new 3 -piece
bath, . easy terms to the right party.
Clifford Lobb, Grocer, Clinton.
For Sale
• Buick Coach, 1927 special, in first
elass'condition, with new tires. "Good.
price for cash, or might deal for
Ford. Coupe, Apply or write to Mre.
W. McAah,, 89' High etreet, London,
Ont. 80-1.
Housekeeper "Wants Position
fMiddleaged woman wantsposition
as housekeeper in town. Inquix* at
News -Record ;office. 81-1-p.
Baking Sale `
A sale of home
bakrn 1
g w nl be
auspices of the L.O.
B.A., 111 the store between ;Wendotf's
and McKnight's, •Huron street, on
Saturday afternoon, August 30th,
commencing at :8 o'clock. 81-1.
Cut Flowers
Wedding Boquets
Funeral Designs
Sent anywhere on Short Notice
Special attention to "out-of-town or-
ders. s
Chas. V. Cooke
Two Phones --66w and 66j
For Car, Fire and Life
Insuran -
go to
15 per cent Discount to
on Car Insurance
office next Rattenbury
House • Phone 52
Choice ram lambs of imported But -
tar stock.
Also a few older Ewes.
Clinton's New -Laid -Egg
And Poultry House
Eggs bought according to Domin-
ion Government Egg Regulations,
Inquire for our prices of eggs.
You will always find the prices par-
allel with the city markets.
' Fat hens and welleflnished 'chicks
always wanted --•Prices good.
Always phone our office for pukes
before marketing produces,'
N. W. Treinrartha
Phones—Office, 214j Residence,' 214w
DO YOU KNOW the details of this
new law, effective Sept. 1st,
DO YOU KNOW the offences for
which your driving license may be
suspended and under what conditions
it will be reinstated.
DO YOU x{'NOW, that unless you are
protehed by insurance you .must be
prepared to pay for damage for
which you are responsible or per
manetly lose your license.
DO YOU KNOW that the new law
affects you when in other provinces
or in U.S.A.
Be Insured and Know the Law,
Phone 208 Clinton, Ont.
Agent Mutual Life of Canada
Lumber and Roofing
'For Sale
Second hand lumber of all kinds,
also 41 squares of •Corregated Gal-
vanized Roofing, good as new—
ewPrice less than half.
Money Wanted
$400 wanted, best of security,
LLOYD A. MOFFATT Interest 7%. Apply care News -Re -
80 -4,
334 Dundas St., London, Ont.
Motorist Play
The Safety Responsibility Law of
Ontario will be effective on and
After September ist.
BUT -an insurance Policy covering
for Public Liability and Property Da-
mage will satisfy the full require-
ments of the law.
I will gladly mail you on request a
copy of the Safety Responsibility
Law. Ask for one,
When insuring be sure to select a
good reliable company. CIIEAPNESS
means the same in insurance as in
everything else, you may get CHEAP
SERVICE 'with it. Standard rates
will insure good service. The strong-
est companies in the World are at
your service through my agency and
their policies are guaranteed in Uni-
ted States as well as in Canada. Our
Slogan is:—Service and Security.
Clinton, Phone 253w, P. 0. Box 147
Representing the strongest Cana-
dian, British and American Compan-
ies, 10% Discount for everything on
all 5 point policies,
Tenders Wanted
For buidling wire fence, 20 rods
long, at School Section No. 11, Gode-
rich township. Tenders received up
to Tuesday, Sept. 12th. For parti-
culars apply to D. M. Lindsay, See. -
Treasurer, R. R. No. 3, Clinton.
The Voters' .List, 1930, for The
Township of Stanley,' County of Hu-
ron. •
Notice is hereby given that I have
transmitted or delivered to the' per-
sons mentioned in Section 9 of the
fist, *made pursuant to the said Act,
of alI persons appearing by the As-
sessment Roll of the Municipality of
the Township of Stanley, to be en-
titled to vote in the said Municipality
at elections to the Legislative As-
sembly and at Municipal EIections,•
and the said list was first posted up
at my office in Varna on Monday, the
25th day of August, 1030, and re-
mains there for inspection. I hereby
call en all voters to examine the said'.
list 'and if any errors or omissions
are found therein to take immediate
proceedings to have the same correct-
ed according to law. Dated at Var
na, this 2650 day of Aug. 1980.—•
Chas. C. Pilgrim, Clerk. 81-3.
To board, one or two school or
buIhhess girls. Modern home, all
conveniences, close to high school.
Phone 307. Mrs: S. Thompson, Gib-
bings street. 81-2-p.
For Sale or Rent
Comfortable cottage on Rattenbury
Street, %Vest, Clinton, formerly oe-
cupied by Thos. White. Containing.
SIX rooms, summer kitchen and box
noon, electric lights, hard and soft
water, good:garden with abundance
of fruit, good cellar, 'with fixed wash
basin and bath. Key at Mrs. Saville's
next door. Apply to Geo. H. Elliott.
Horse For Sale
Clyde horse, 8 year's :old, also a
dray with shafts and tongue,,' Apply
to J. Allison, Clinton, .• 79-tf.
Boarders der Wanted
s ed
Bright attractive rooms, all home
privileges, near school. Telephone
810 or: call at Mrs. Shipley's, Ontario
street. 80-2-p.
House For Sale
Small, well-built house, reasonable
price. For inspection and • further
particulars apply to J. J. McCaugh-
ey or T. If. Mair. 80-3-p.
For Sale or Rent
Comfortable 6 -room cottage, Rat-
tenbury street, west. Town watery
Hydro, furnace, good garden, garage.
Apply to A. J. Holloway, 80-4,
For Sale or Rent
Eight -room house, with 8 -piece
With, hot and cold water and soft
water in kitchen, furnace, garage,
garden and fruit. Apply at store. H.
P. Plutnsteel, 80-tf.
• Roomers Wanted
Aeoomodation for roomers. Con-
veniences, homelike atmosphere. Al-
so a garage for rent, Mrs. L. Hun-
khng, Albert street. 80-2-p.
Roomers Or Boarders
Accommodation for either room-
ers or boarders. Apply to Mrs. L.
Rath, Huron street, 80-2-.
Pasture To Rent
Good pasture, with plenty of wat-
er, lot 40, con. 3, Goderich township.
Apply to Henry Weston, Bayfield,
Pullets For Sale
Bred -to -lay Barred Rock Pullets,
$1.00 each. D. 111. Lindsay, Hedge
Row Chick Farm, R. R. No. 3, Clin-
ton. 79-tf.
In the Estate of James Alexander
NOTICE is hereby given that all
persons having claims against the
estate of James Alexander, late of
the Town of Clinton, in the County
of Huron, yeoman, deceased, who
died on or about the 15th day of
March, A.>5., 1030, are required to
deliver toIan
I e v
W. Alexander Y a der or
Herbert W, Alexander, the Executors
of the said estate, or F. Fingland, Sol.
leiter, on or before tiie 9th day of
September A.D., 1930, a full state-
ment of their claims together with
particulars thereof, and the nature of
the securities if held by then all duly
verified by affidavit,
AND TAI{E NOTICE that after
the said last mentioned date the
said Executors will proceed to dis-
tribute the estate of the said deceas-
ed amongst the persons entitled
thereto having regard only to such
claims as shall have received due
notice and in accordance therewith.
DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this
19th day of August A.D., 1980.
F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario,
Solicitor for the said estate. 80-8.
The Voters' hist, 1930; for the Town-
ship of Goderich, County
of Huron
NOTICE is hereby given that I
have transmitted or delivered to the
persons mentioned in Section 9 0
the Ontario Voters' List Act the
copies of the list, made pursuant to
the said 'Act, ofall persons appear-
ing by the Assessment .Troll of the
Municipality of the Township of.
Goderichto- be entitled tovote in
the said Municipality at elections to
the Legislative Assembly . 'and - at
Municipal elections, attd the said
list was first posted up in my office
Goderich Township, : on Wednesday,
August 13th, 1930, and remtins•'there,
for inspection, I hereby call on all
voters to examine the said list -anti
if any errors or' omissionsare. found
therein n to take immediate edrttte
ings to have the same' corrected ae-
on i
c g law.
Dated at' my of-
fice, this 14th day of August, 1980.
R,. G, Thompson, Township Clerk.
This is the bug season. Wage war on them
with Climax Biag Killer. For use on potatoes,
beets, cabbages,lettuce r'
, OSB. bushes etc.
NAPTHA GAS, guaranteedure.
GILSON NO. 21 Steel
Plough Shire, fits
any 21, plough also Quebec Sulky.
plete Stock. r Y
Price $2.99
Miller Hardware Co.
C. H. 'V•ENNER, Electrician
Electric Ranges, Fixtures and Bulbs
Irons, Fans and other "Appliances
Wiring and Repairs Phone 7
Eggs • and Poultry
Home on Tuesday and Friday fore.
noon to take in Poultry,
Eggs handled at residence every
day—graded by an experienced grad-
er, for whioh we pay the highest
market price.
Cream purchased for Stillman's,
A. E. Finch
Viking Cream Separator Agent,
Victoria St., Clinton Phone 2*'
House For Sale
7 -room house, hardwood floors in
front part of house, town water and
lights. Garage and chicken pen.
Half acre lot with fruit trees. Ap-
ply to John W. Nediger, Clinton.
New Agency
I ani agent for the Melotte Cream
separator and separator supplies, old
sep'trators, any- make, taken on a
new one; also electric pumping out-
fits, electric motors and grinders. F.
II. Powell, R. R. No. 8, Clinton,
phone 607r4; 72-tf,
Slabs For Sale
Orders left at my residence will
receive prompt attention. E. Ward,
Huron street, Clinton, phone 155.
WHY 15 IT?
Why do clients of many years
standing continue to send us their
troublesome collections?
Why is the volume of business we
handle increasing so rapidly?
Because onr service is eminently
satisfactory and our rates reason-
able. 1
1800 1930
The Collection Specialists
Guelph, ORANGEVILLE, OwenSound
70 -Gm -p,
Auction Sale
Of house and tot and household
effects, Princess Street, East, Clin-
ton, on Saturday, August 30th, at
1.30 sharp, consisting of the follow-
ing in part:
New Jewel Stove, Quebee style,
almost new; Art Souvenier heater,
with oven; New Home sewing ma-
chine, almost good as new; kitchen
cabinet; 3 kitchen tables; 2 drop
leaf tables; several small tables;
couch; lin ]e
u s• 2b
bed room suites,
complete; '4 springs,
matresses; bed
room suite in 1-4 cut birch; bedroom.
furniture; bedding; 12 kitchen chairs
6 coin 'bottom chairs; 2 rocking
chairs; invalids chair; settee; rug;
whatnot; 2 clocks;; 'writing desk;
chest of drawers in Mahogany; .chest
of drawers, cherry; kitchen cup-
board; washing machine Kissel
sweeper; garden tools; window sash;
carpenter's tools; cellar table; asap
Iadder; quantity of fruit; shovels,
forks, dishes, pots, pans and num-
erous other articles.
At the same time and place the
choice 9 -room brick house will be of-
fered for sale. This is a most de-
sirable property, with town wate,r
electric lights, 3 piece bath, good
cellar; good location, with 1-2 acre
of good garden hind.
Terms on household, effects: Cash,
. Terms on real estate: 10 per cent
of purchase price paid down on day
of sale. balance to •be paid in 30
days, Immediate possession can be
Aileen. G. IL Elliott, Auctioneer,
Maas M. Archer; Proprietress.
I • Chickens
ALtvE 35e• EACH
Phone 213, Clinton,
1 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed
Clothes cleaned, pressed and
paired. Woollen goods dry clean
Rooms over Heard's Barber sh
W. J. Jago. 228
Rupture, Varicocele, Varicose Vei
Abdominal Weakness, Spinal Defo
ity. Consultation Free. Call or wee
J. G. Smith, Specialist, 15 Downie
Stratford, Ont. 10-19
Keep Warm Wi
A. D. McCartney
Coal Dealer •
Queen Street Telephone
Implement Agen
I handle Cockshutt implem
and cream separators, Frost
Wood Implements and carry p
and repairs for same.
I am also agent for Allis -CI
mers Tractors.
Those wishing to `inquire ab
any of the above kindly call at
Queen Street, Clinton,
McConnick..Deering Agency
Having taken over the above
ency for this district I will keep
hand a full stock of repairs and p
of all McOormiek-Deering machi
and will appreciate a share of
patronage of the farmers suroun
Call at my shop, next door
Jones' blacksmith shop, Ring sere
Clinton, Ont., Phone 281w 0
sel eetT FOLKS-?'
Add to your heating plant a con
bin full of Heat Folks aftd you mu
tiply your heat. here is the way t
subtract from your usual trips
the cellar. Here is the way ;to
vide your ordinarycoal costs. 'The
is no "zero,' in the Heat Folks mu
tiplication table, but they eau spe
"heat'" and "cheer" with their eye
shut. ,
If you want to multiply your win
ter, pleasures and take. away its won
ries, you want the Heat Folks i
your:. bin.
Call the
for good, clean coal
J. B. Mtistal