The Clinton News Record, 1930-06-19, Page 7THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Low cost trip to the Pacific Coast. What a chance to see our Canada! The great prairies ... Jasper National Park ...Mount Robson and the Canadian Rockies... Vancouver and Victoria. Perhaps a glorious,craise'through the Inland Seas to Prince Rupert and Alaska •lo adk.s.D. oiwrertnoumannaia.t b offering.delightel variety of scenery. These fares are in effect from May 15,,. to September 30. Descriptive folders attractively illustrated Wray be obtained from any Agent of Canadian National Railways. t� L,.t.o.aj TO EVERYWHERE IN CANADA Rnin!nalious of Rebefaft A Column Prepared Especially for Women— But Not Forbidden to Men DOMESTIC SONG I like to walk among my shining rooms 'Tripping from window -seat to stairs, Up and down . the halls and back again .Dusting the table -tops and lacquered chairs. Here to stoop, and knead a crumpled pilloW, There to bend and smooth a rug in place; All the time my little Dutch elock ticking With its busy hands and friendly face, When dusk approaches with its pur- ple vesture I like to •tiptoe through the shadow- ed nooks, ;sighting lamps and drawing close the shutters, Peeping into leaves of cherished •books; There to stoop and fi11 a vaso cf flow- ers, ea 'There to pause and hear a song a- float, All the while my heart in quiet rap- ' tune. Sdomestic time to each d mestic note. nate. —Anne Harley. There are indications that the fad for "emancipation," on the part of women, as it is understood by those who imagine it to mean a license to adopt all the questionable habits of men, is on the wane and there are some few signs showing of a desire on the part of women to re- turn to the somewhat old-fashioned role of a modest violet or a clinging vine, Some may think that this is due to the more feminine trend in clothed,, but I do not think it is. Per- haps on ,the contrary, the change in style 'is due to this desire to be more feminine. If women had casteoff to some extent their softly feminine habits it was principally to show their indepen- dence as human beings. Of course', it wasn't necessary. Indeed, I think it was a mistake. Men are men and women are women and each have their own work to do; their own func- tions to fill in the world. But both are intelligent human beings and there is no real reason why one sex should be subservient to the other. Standing and working together they, can make this•old world a very good place in which to live. Working at cross purposes or against each other they can make it a veritable hell. But why, in the name of common sense„should they not work together. , For a time it seethed that a great many women, especially young wo- men, got the idea that the Creator made a mistake when he made man male and female, and they clid their best to ape men as much as possible. They dressed as much as possible like then, making themselves unat- tractive in the operation, they adopt- ed their habits as much as possible, especially their 'bed habits, such as stroking, drinking, using slang and profane language, going hither and thither at`wiil, often to places which they would much better have • FIRE at Bay with GYPROC FIRE seldom visits houses having Gyproc Wallboard ceilings, partitions, walls and sheathing. On the contrary Gyproc has saved many homes.. This pioneer Canadian - fire -safe gypsum board has a new Ivory coloured finish this year that makes 'decora- tion unnecessary (when pan- elled). It is just the thing to use for making extra rooms in the cellar or attic. Quickly erected, inex- pensive, structurally strong, GyprocWallboard gives per- ananent ire protection. Your dealer's name is lists d1 lice ow. Ask him s m t oda Y for full information or write for interesting free book, "Building and Remodelling with Gyproc:' GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE, CANADA:, LIMITED Paris • Ontario .eNEW [IVO 261 For Sale 13y Geo. T. Jenkins - - - Clinton, Ont. Thos. McKenzie Estate Clinton, Ont. ed, and neglecting all the finer, tkoie feminine aeoomplishmentsr For a time” this seemed to amuse men and these "emancipated" young ladies were very popular. But it seems the mets are tiring of it and they now -wish to have as companions and friends the real "girlish" girl, So, probably, that may be the reason why girls are becoming more femin- ine and we may expect to see a re- vival of interest in housekeeping, in sewing and all the feminine arts. if so, it will delight the hearts of a good many old-fashioned folk, who like womanly women andmanly men and who hate to seeeither one aping the other. Salads, appetizing and attractive, are never more appreciated than at this time of year when the family almost have to be coaxed to eat. Be- low is a recipe for a, ;stuffed pepper salad which will he found unusual and once made will be ,called for a- gain and again. Stuffed Pepper Salad: 8 medium sized green peppers1; 1 small cream cheese, 1-4 cupful grated Canadian cheese, salt; 1-4 cupful chopped pim- entcesi; thin cream; paprika, let- tuee; mayonnaise. Remove the tops from the. peppers , scoop out seeds, and boil five minutes in boiling salt- ed water, then remove and chilh Mix together the cream•cheese, Cana- dian cheese and phmentoes, moisten with creaen as needed, and season with salt acrd' paprika to taste. Peek into peppers, chill well, then slice and serve on lettuce leaves with a garnish of mayonnaise„ 'Phis will serve six. An interesting and up-to-date little booklet on home canning is being dis- tributed by the Bank of Montreal to its, customers through the local branches, and may be had for the asking. It is written mainly for the housewives on farms and is designed to assist them in making profitable use of foodstuffs which otherwise might he wasted, also to make pos- sible a wider range of diet for the winter months. The instructions are clear and detailed and cover every kind of food that may be canned and the different processes by which the work may be done, It is profusely illustrated, showing every step of the work being carefully explained. It shows how canning can give sum- mer food in winter; how the fresh - meat -in -hot -weather (problem can be solved; how food that would other- wise be wasted can be saved; how the housewife may always have at hand food for unexpected company or for busy days; and how the food bills may be reduced. A call at the bank will secure a copy. REBEI AH Every Church a School The Shriners will scarcely he gone when the Sunday School workers and young people conte. Toronto will be the scene of the international conven- tion of religious education on June 28 to 29. The. Christian Youth Con- ference of North America will also meet in Toronto, June 27th and 29th, Both gatherings will be at the Cana-. dian National Exhibition grounds, lately vacated by hosts of merry- makers and soon to be occupied by the. 0,000 leaders of Youth with the inspiring slogan "Every Church a School in Christian Living." Toron- to's finest: hospitality has beets pledg- ed these earnest and keen -minded Students and teachers of religion and many notable speakers are ;coning to make the occasion of enduritig sig- nificance. Canon 0, E. Raven of Liv- erpool, Dan Poling of New York, Dean Weigle of Yale, Prof. Soares of Chicago and the fatuous George A. Coe of Columbia University are to head the thinking of thousands of re- gistrants for the week of inspiring study and fellowship. Mindful of the Sunday School movement's back- ground of devotion and sacrifice a statue of Robert Raikes will be un- veiled as a permanent memorial in Queen's Park His excellency Vis- count Wlilling'don, Governor-General of Canada, will take part in these events. • SEAFORTH: Mee and Mss. John Beattie of Seaforth, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Florence Isabel, to MIr. Janes Arnold Stewart, . second situ :of Ma'. and Mrs. Harty Stewart of Seaforth, the =t- riage to take place early in July. THE RETURN OF "MUTT AND • JEFF" The latest edition of Bud Fisher's cartoon comedy, "Mutt and Jeff," will e b esen t*ed inthe Pr Town Hall,. Clinton, for one evening performance only, Thursday night, July 17th. The Mitt and Jeff' sones of car- toon eomedy presentations, undoubt- edly the host suceessful and best liked characters found on the "Funny Pages" of many thousand newspap- ers throughout the entire world, has now outlived the popularity of any other cartoon of all times. Likewise has the public liking for the stage play of the same name, held the at- tention of theatre, goers more years to •a profitable businesls, than has any play of its .character ever before boasted of. This season'l\futt and Jeff" is entirely new, excepting for those two well known artists, them- selves, Therefore do not say iihat you have seen "Mutt and -.teff," Like the Sunday paper,; they aro all new ev ery week so is the stage presenta- tion all new every season, " "Mott and Jeff" is a musical •show catering to the masses of the ordinary thea- tregoer. There ,isno o attempt at . ar- tistic production, it is intended for ludic 'out laughter and for no. other purpose. • Music and dancing forth a. pleasing environment, as does pretty girls and beautiful sdenio surround- ings, 1 TILURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1930 '` TO END. THE 'BUCK LAMB EVIL ,Bpi, - as always, some producers` Health' Service of the Canadian Medical Discounts be Continued a- Six or seven years ago it was':a- Assoclatlol]. greed by -lamb buyers that the buck Iamb moist disappear from the coin - THE BABY IN, SUMMER There are certain points which re- quire attention during • the warm, weather in order to keep the baby healthy, to protect him from disease, and to make him comfortable. There are some conditions associated with hot weather which.` are apt to cause upsets and disease in the infant. During the hot weather, a bath,, morning and night, is desirable, If the day is very hot, a cool sponge in the middle of the day will help to keep baby ' comfortable. The baby should be dressed accord- ing to the temperature, not to the time ,of the year. Iris elothing'should be varied from day to day and afrom day to night' as the temperature' changes. On a really hot day, a' diaper alone, of a diaper and a thin slaeeveiess shirt are sufficient cloth- ing. tFeeding should, of course, be just as regular in summer as, at other times. The baby may not gajtn in Weight during the hot weather, and he may take a smaller amount at his feeding, but as long as he is -well this need not be a cause for worry. Biabies (become thirsty and, during the ,summer, they will take a consid- erable amount of water, Unsweet- ened boiled water should be offered to the baby at least once between Teedings. (The baby is • much more cool and comfortable when he is not being handled -Leave hinr alone to rest and to be quiet. 'Veep all milk on ice so that it does not sour. Prepare all feedings ex- actly as ordered. Pasteurize all milk used. On hot days, the baby should be kept in a shady spot and not be ex- posed to the sun excepting in` the early morning or the•late afternoon. Insects carry disease germs as well as being a nuisance. The baby him- self and his food should always be protected Against flies and other in- sects. Sc'r''een the house, Cover the baby's crib and carriage with netting. Summer diarrhoea is not nearly as common as it was a few years ago because of the better care which is GODERICH: It is expected work on the reconstruction in concrete of portions of the north and south piers at Goderich harbor will get under way shortly. The federal department of public works, Ottawa, has award- ed the contracts to the Detroit River Consttvtion Company of Windsor:. There are two contracts, one for 484 feet of concrete work on the north pier and one for 800 feet on the south pier. The contracts involve an expenditure of about $54,000. The 0, S. Boone Dredging Company are continuing dredging operations in the harbor. Wp L. Forrest has com- pleted his dredging contract for dredging at Kincardine and has mor- ed his equipment to that place to rommence work. now being given to %babies. ' If 't does occur, it should be dealt/wit at. once, Stop all feedings; give as much unsweetened boiled water as the child widPtako, and'place hien un- der the doctor's care. Sumener diar- rhoea is a serious' and often fatal condition unless properly and promp- tly treated, rf the baby is eared for in the man- ner indicated, there is no reason to dread the summer. Questions concerning 'Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sooiation, 184 College St., 'Toronto,. will be answered personally by letter, menial Iamb markets,' Its 'meat af- fected the; lamb market unfavorably and decreased the general popularity of :lamb as a food: Furthermore, there( was no reason from the 'pro- duction standpoint why buck lambs should be tolerated. (Therefore, to give effect to the ed- national work that had been .done over a number of years, lamb buyers adopted a system. of price guts • on buck iambs. These have been success- ful in greatly' reducing• tile, numbers of this poor elass' of limit) coming to market, have .resulted in improving the demand for lamb by the consum- ing public and helped to- maintain strong prices for live lambs. • have persisted in neglecting to cast- rate their male lambs at the proper time and this neglect has resulted in a lot of poor quality lambs being rushed on to the market immediately before the dates that the price -eats on b'uck's became effective. To evereome this, " the dates at which' the price cute begin have been - adveneed and .made uniform through- out Canada. Effective on June 30 the price of all buck lambs of this year's lamb drop at all ntarkets`w,ill be cut.2 cents per pound, and, effective on September 29, the cut will be increase ed to 3 cents per pound. The objective is to have all male lambs for market castrated so that no producer shall suffer loss and to maintain and increase the demand for lamb neat, thus helping to support lamb markets in as strung a position as possible. To make it more digestible this delicious food is Shot from Guns This opens everi tiny food cell. ft makes Puffed Grains as completely digestible as though they had been cooked for hours. Hence they How 125 million explotsions in every grain makes Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice as nourishing as hot cooked cereals TASTE these deliciously flavor), Puffed Grains! ... They are the invention of Pro- fessor Anderson. He seals.grains of wheat and rice in huge bronze guns. Revolves the guns in a fiery furnace. When the guns are fired, 125 million explosions occur itt each grain. become virtually as nourishing as hot cooked cereals. And how crisp .. - crunchy ... delectably good to eat Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice are. They melt in your mouth. They give just the splendid grain nourishment everyone needs. Serve them for breakfast, luncheon and supper. Toast them with butter to make a new deli- cious kind of popcorn. Your grocer has Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice. The Quaker Oats Company. r • QUAKER PUFFED WHEAT AND PUFFED 5756 RICE o Help. CT12 everyone who plans to build a home, the ques- tion of roofing looms large in importance. If you choose haphazardly you may pay a heavy penalty in leaks, weather disfigurement, fire. If youu choose with care and exercise good taste your re- ward willbe a Brantford Roof of unique charm --a roof that combines rich, vi- brant colour harmonies with the last word in protection. ' To help you make the right choice the Brantford Roofing Company has prepared a fas- cinating series of cards, de- picting in actual colours the popular designs obtainable in Brantford Asphalt Slates. Blue black and tile red are the dominating' colours of "Singapore" which is laid in a staggered design. "Trini. dad" in ripe, rich hues IIIII n ;i/��,,a��,� �`'•�r., rq\fi/�r'�`\S\lrlti Att121iw,�� �l;�ry,I ^✓ ! is ti11447H: H - R 14 '41 N . +r ta bOr- oe� rowed from the West Indies is the result of combining red and tile red in_equal propor• Cons. The harmony of buff, bronze and olive in the "Vienna" treatment will bring warmth and person- ality to your home. Old-world w id charm and .colour warmth mingle in the red, tile red and purple design of "Mosque" a thatched treatment that has been popular since its introduction. "Mandalay" has, the ringing colour tones of Kipling's song, but massive in design, it presents an aspect of substantial dignity. t, "Cairo" with its colour har- monies is like a memory of Egyptian bazaars. "Barcelona" and "Madrid" 'recall to mind the sunny gardens of old Spain. And all these Brantford Asphalt Slate designs are permanently fire and weather resistant, Write for this colourful series of cards portraying the many style effects of Brantford Roofs for your home. Brantford Roofing Co. Limited, Hcad Office and Factory: Brantford, Ont. brunch Offices atfd Warehouses( Toronto, Windsor, Winnipeg,. Montreal, Halifax, Saint John, N.B. and Sc. john's. Nad. fu6