The Clinton News Record, 1930-04-24, Page 1The News -Record Est, 1878
The New Era Est. 1861
go. 2563 -52nd YEAR
APRIL 24, 1930 :.
. env ,'2'2 uikva ladq!4 'Watch
MISS AMERICA • .: another example -of Bnlova's: style leader- ,
ship, The, exquisite engraving is enhanced by 4 gleaming simulated
sapphires (or emeralds). The, name Buleva on the dial, ie your
guarantee of accuracy and dependability, -,
Jeweler and Optometrist
Phone 174w and 174j
You will require at Least one
3 -piece Woollen Sport Ensemble
We have anticipated your
requirements and are featuring
an attractive line at prices ranging
from $9,75 to $19.75
am les
Dear Sirs: -
Owing to the unprecedented demand which has resulted for
Royal York Clothes, we have felt it to be advantageous not only to
maintain the standard set for it, but to increase it inevery possible
To replenish the line and keep it as complete as -possible,
we have been fortunate in finding a large importing firm trenien-
dously overstocked and compelled •to liquidate their holdings into
cash. As a result, we have been enabled to- make an extremely
good buy and the new supplement ary books are being shipped to you
to -day.
You will find in these books a 'range of cloths outstanding
in value and most attractive,in pattern. Asa matter of truth, they
should actually be placed in the $35.00 range but we are =douse -to
help our merchant friends to. furnish outstanding value in the
Illoyal York line. '
We are of the opinion that the,seleetions going forward to
you will give a very considerable impetus to your special order sales,
Yours, FaitlfuIly,
Barley, 50e to 60e
Oats, 50e. -
Buokwheat, 75e. -
Eggs, • 20c to 25c.
Butter, 30c to .32e.
Live hogs, $11.00.
The first social gathering of the
Clinton Golf Club took the form of a
dance •in the town hall en Monday
e{ening, when a very pleasant -time
was spent by those present. The eve
ening ,was rather unfavorable and
some of those invited did not attend
liut those who 'did had a thoroughly
elleoyabie time. •
.:.The hull was very prettily decorat-
ed for the occasion, as was also the
council eharnber,+where a buffet sup-
per was. served.
Many young people were present,
adding gaiety and sprightliness to
the scene; the ladies had donned
their prettiest frocks, the Stratford
crchestra supplied vivacious music
and altogether it was a most enjoy-
able affair.
The. funeral of Hugh' Ross, former
resident of Clinton,- took piece on
Tuesday from- his home of Kings-
ville. Mr. Ross had been ailing for
some time, and his death occurred on
Sunday afternoon in his eighty-third
year. He was the son of James and
'Agnes Ross and was born in Bruce-
field;Ont. . He'lived for a number
of years in Wingham and Clinton.
Fifty-four years ago, on Jan. 10 he
married Ellen Maxwell. Eleven years
ago lie moved to Kingsville and he
had lived a retired life since that
time. He was a member of the
United Church. He is survived by
his widow, one daughter, Miss Jean,
at home, and one sister, Mrs. James
Maxwell, who has recently moved to
Kingsville. The funeral services.
'were conducted by 'Rev. J. A. Ag-
new, pastor of the United Church,
and Rev, S. P. Irwin, pastor of the
Church of the Epiphany. Interment
was in Greenhill Cemetery.
The musical recital given in Wes-
ley -Willis :United church an Good
Friday afternoon, under the auspices
of the choir, brought out a very fine
audience and every number was en-
joyed by those present,
The program as announced last
week was carried out and ecnsisted
of organ numbers by Mts. Morgan
Agnew, cornet rind saxophone num-
hers by Mr. Morgan Agnew, charm-
ing soprano solos by Kiss Ferrol
Higgins and Truss Mary Stewart and
two equally charming contralto solos
by Mrs, C. E. Dorgan, a duet by
Mrs. Merritt Nediger and Mrs. W. E.
Perdue and a trio by ME's, Howard
Fowler; Mrs. Percy 'learn and Mrs.
Harry Fitzsimons.
All weresacred numbers, oppro-
priate to the day, and each rendered
most pleasingly. The Rev. J. E.
Hogg gave a little description of
each, especially of the organ num-
bers, before their rendition, which
served to interpret them to the aud-
Mrs. Morgan Agnew, who was prim-
arily instrumental in arranging for
the recital and Whose -four organ
numbers were an important part of
the program,' is being warmly con-
gratulated upon the success of. her
Very suddenly and quietly death
came to James *Lindley, early
Thursday Morning last. He had re-
tired in his usual health the night
before but in the morning when he
did net arise 'and investigation was
made it was found he had passed
away in his sleep. He was lying
quietly, just as he had composed
himself for sleep, and it was thought
he had been dead some hours when
found. -
M;r. MoLinchey was born on a farm
on the Goshen line, Stanley, being a
son of the late Henry M'cL echey,.
and Lived there until he grew to nun-
hood. In, 1891 he was united to
Maly Ann Wiatts, also of Stanley,
and after their marriage they .set-
tled at Adelaide, Ont,, where he
farmed for a number of, years.
Since the death of errs. McLinchey
fifteen years ago he had Spent most
of his time with his daughter, Mrs.
Janes M;. Reice of Clinton, where he
died. He is survived by two daugh-
ters, Mrs. Reid and Mr's. Lloyd Keyes
of Stanley. Three brothers and four
sisters also survive: George of
Varna, Arthur and Albert and Kis-
ses Ellen and Eliza McLinehey and
Mrs, J. Stephenson and Mrs. W.
Hart, all of Stanley township,
The funeral was held on Saturday
from the residence of M4•. and Mes.
Reid, eeerviee )icing held at ten
o'clock, conducted by the Rev. A. E.
Doan. The remains were then taken
to St.. Ann's church, Adelaide, - where
service was held at half past one.
This service was in 'eharge of the
Ileo. Mh. BI•owniee of Strathroy, as -
sided; by the•Bev. Ilr, Doan, The
pallbearers were: -George and Alfred
Johnston, 11. Hayter, L. A. Anderson
and Fred Leonard, The remains
wore laid beet`de those of his wife in
Adelaidea et
e m eiy.
Many relatives and friends from
Clinton and Stanley attended the
funeral. i
Sympathy is felt /or the daughters
in their sudden bereavement.
hrreand Mks. Robert Holmes, , Pal-
merston .' Boulevard, Toronto, an-
nounce the engagement` of their
daughter, Sadie Alice, to Ms. Osmond
Fenwiek Adams, B.A.Sce of Graven -
hetet,, son of Mrs. L. E.:Adanis and
the late Me. John Adams, - Toronto,
the Wedding' to' take place quietly
this month.
The Mitchell Advocate • last - - week
'had the following .item regarding
a former- Clinton resident:
"Mi. 3. 11". Wasmann, who was born
on the outskirts of the North. Ward,
Kitchell, seventy years ago, spent a
few -days last week with his sisters
Mss. Geo. ' Bata, Mrs. John Elligson
and Nies. Robt. Etty of turns town. Ma,
Wasmann at one time yeCrs ago min-
ductici the blacksmith shop now own-
ed by Ms. Robt, Nichols. 1ror twenty-
nine years he lived. in Clinton, but for'
the past year or so he has 'been visit-
ing in different parts of Ontario: In
a week or two Ms. Wasmann will take
a trip to the Pacific Coest and on
the way there expects to can on a
number of qld friends. He has a
brother residing at Great -Falls, Mon-
Thomas A. 'Greig died at his home,
High street, on Thursday afternoon
last in his sixty-fifth yeas•. He is
survived- by his wife and a family
of three, two sons and a daughter,
William E. and Lawrence Greig and
Mks. Frank A. Jenkins all of To-
route, also two brothers, W. E. Greig
of Toronto and J.•C. Greig of Sea -
forth, and time sisters, MTS. James
Jackson of Winnipeg and Mrs. Thos.
Jackson and Mrs. J. T. Clark of To -
rota. - The funeral took pisoe from his
late residence on Saturday afternoon,
the Rev. 0. E. Dougan , conducting
the service at the home, assisted by
the Rev. J. E. Hogg. Interment was
made in Clinton cemetery.
Mr. end Mals. W, E. Greig, Mr.
and Mrs. Laurie Greig, Mr. and Mrs.
P. A. Jenicine, Mrs. Ts -Jackson and
Kenneth and Ewart Greig, nephews of,
Tcronto and Mr. and tiles, J. C. Greig
of Seaforth were here for the fun-
Ontario Street United Church
Next Sunday the minister's morn-
ing subject will be: "The Royal Re-
deemer Exercising Authority." Ev-
enings "Optimism."
'Sunday school and Fellowship ser-
vice at regular time.
Presbyterian Church
The minister's morning subject on
Sunday; "The Power of God's Gen-
tleness," Evening: "The Added
The members..of the I.O,O.F. will
be the guests of the officials and
congregation at this service.
Sunday school at the usual hour.
Wesley -Willis United Church
Next Sunday morning the minister
will begin a series of discourses on
Pentecost. The subject will be:
"The Background of Pentecost," Ev-
ening, "How Shall 'We Keep Sun-
,At the morning service last Sun-
day, a very beautiful window, erected
in memory of Miss Cathleen East,
was dedicated.
Mee. Matthew Mains announces
the marriage of her -daughter„ El-
eanor, to Mr. Charles M. Throes, on
Saturday, the 19th of April, 1930, in
the city of Chicago.
;Owing to the fact that the new
freight shed will not be ready for
the earlier date the Heine and School
Club has had to change its paper col-
lection date from Saturday, April 26,
to Saturday, May 3rd. Anyone heel
ing'papers ready kindlyleavein the
basement or woodshed until the -lat
ter date, when theClub will be glad
to see them. placed conveniently for
picking up in a 'hurry.- -
' Tuesday's dailies carried the news
that three Agar children, aged four-
teen, nine and six, two the children
of one brother and one of another,
were instantly killed in a level -eros -
sing accident east of -Saskatoon.
These were children of nieces of the
late A. E. Durnin, who was fatally
injured in a crossing accident- not
far from the Beene 'of this one a year
and a half ago, -
Mr. J. R. Thompson, second son of
Mr. and Mrs, IT. J. 'Thompson of
Goderich township, and a student at
11nron College, London, has been e-
lected presidentof the student coun-
cil of that college for 1930-31.
This is the highest position in the
gift of his fellow -students and proves
that Mre Thompson is recognized as
a leader amongst his fellcws. The
position carries responsibilities and
advantages which .Mr. Thompson, his
friends are very stare, will not fail to
discharge creditably and use wisely,
The many friends of Mi. Rey
Walker and Mr. W. Stackhouse were
pleased to see then- in church last
Sunday after having been confined
to their homes for the past few
months though illness,
Easter visitors in e3rucefiold in-
cluded: Nurse Rauatt of Louden;
Nur. and Mrs. Addison oe Loncicsborot
Mass Ada Reid of Elora; Mrs. L.
Kehl of Torten(); Me. Stan. Reid of
London; Mee. Grace Ross of • Wind-
sor; Mr. Stewart Knox of Windsor;
Miss Kate McGregor of Newmar-
ket; Mr. E. Stackhouse cf Guelph;
Nurse Bremner of Seaforth; Mr,
and Mss. Handley and daughter of
ilIrs. Hays and babe of Stratford
visited the lady's grandmother Mrs.
Alex. Rt:ss, last week.
Mr. and Mrs, Acheson and laugh.
ter of 'Roxboro visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Tough last week
Special Easter services were held
in the United church last Sunday.
The choir rendered suitable Easter
music Both morning anti evening and
the minister, Rev. W. A. Bremner,
preached on the Resurrection. Large
i crngregations were present at both
The Young Peoples Society were
present at both services Monday ev-
ening with a good attendance. The
president, Mr. Jim Mclintosh, oc-
cupied the chair. The topic took the
form of an impromptu debate', It
was decided to hold the Young Peo-
ples' anniversary services on Sen-
dai, May 18th, with the Rev. Gordon
Butt of Victoria St, Church, Gode-
rich, as the special preacher. In
connection with the anniversary ser-
vices the Young People will put on a
play on Monday evening, May 1958,
entitled "Fixing it For Father,"
Baptist 'Church,
Pilgriege Waugh and Donnan, who
have been missioning in Huron and
Bruce County are at present
missicning in Clinton Baptist church.
Services are held each evening at 8
o'clock- (except Saturday). Sunday
at 7 p.m. A hearty ,invitation is ex-
tended to all to attend these services.
The WIC.T,U, will meet ' in the
lecture room of Ontario street church
on Friday afternoon at three o'clock.
The total amount on deposit in the
Penny, Bank by the school children of
Clinton at the end of February was
$1,114.24, as against $544.16 a .year
ago. Thrift is growing;
Clinton Lodge LO.O.F. No. 88 will
attend divine worshie in the Pres-.
byterian church eii Sunday evening
at seven o'clock. They will meet in -
their lodge rooms at half past six.
The Hospital board wishes to ac-
knowledge the following recent dona-
tions to the elevator and fire escape
fund: Vieesley-Wiillis church, $34.60;
Mrs. Agnes Jervis and Miss Laura
Jervis, $1.00
Messrs, D. 'J. ' Atkinson, W. J, Mil-
ler, Hugh Miller and II. P. Plumetee1
are ' all able to be out again after
illnesses. They 5}e welcome once
more to their accustomed pieces in
business and social life. The Clinton -Women's Liberal
Club will hold a special meeting in
the council chamber on Monday ev-
ening, April 28th, at eight o'clock.
Di, St. R. Ross of Seaforth will be
the speaker and nil -woven interest-
ed in Liberalism are cordially invit-
"If every neighbor would rent a
house in every
tree toa
bird amn
somebody remarked rece ti
locality would be more beautiful and
less bug -infested" Anyone who
hasn't a bird house can easily pro-
cure one by applying to the Boy
- Mr, and errs. Ferris of Harrow
spent Easter et the parsonage vis-
iting Rev, J. WE. and .Mrs. Johnson
and their son, - M'eridith, who is
staying here,
Misses Esther and Mary Jamieson
of Toronto spent' Easter at their
hone here.
Among those who were at their
respective homes for the holiday
were: Mir. Arthur Lyon, Kitchener;
Ni'r. Eph. Gray, Stratford; Miss
Gladys Fairservice, Miss Rosalie
Crawford; Mr, Harold Johnston and
Mr. Jinn McCrea. of London.
'Mrs. Jinn Meson of Merlin is at
,present visiting when Mrs, A. R.
Allen. -
Mr. Chas. Govier returned to Paris
Tuesday after visiting -iris .sister,
Mrs. A. Webster. -
Mr. and Mes. Arthur Kerslake of
Exeter. spent Sunday with the lat-
ter's mother, Mrs II. Lyon.
NIs: W;m. Saundercock •-ef Windsor
is visiting friends in the vicinity.
Miss, Lavinia Brigham, Mrs. Ern-
est Adams, Mas. J. W. Johnson and
Mrs. J. S. Carter motored to Toren -
to TnesdaY.
We are sonny to report: that Mr.
•John Fingland is in very poor health,
Me. Harold Snell of Toronto is
spending the holidays with his par-
ents, Mee and Mt s. Il, Snell.
Mrs. James Hewett of Seaforth
spent then week -end with has'. daugh
'ter; Mfrs. Percy Manning, who is
still very ill. . •
Mrs. D. 1Veoeetain, who has -been
with her daughter. Mee, J. Pipe, of
Goderich;: all winter, i:eturned to her
home on Sunday $or a short stay,
Ma's.Y un blutt will bowith
her sister,- lips. Pipe, fir a time.
Dr. and Mrs. Whitely of Gerrie
visited with M. and Mas, Robt.
Youngblute en Sunday. -
oust Mee. Harvey Morris were
the guests of 'Mrs: J. Manning ,on'
Good`Pei day. e
The service in the United church.
on - Geed Friday evening was quite
a nded. Rev. Mor, : ,Johnson
took charge of ,the meeting. The
Cantata, "They Have Taken Away.
My Lord," rendered :hy the Friendly
Class of the S. 5., was enjoyed. Rev.
Mr. Forster of Knox church gave a
very' appropriate address,
The Easter Sunday morning ser-
vice in the United church was one
of the best ever held';, The Sunday
School . occupied the centre of the
church and also the choir loft and
rendered very suitable neesie. Miss
A. ,Snell gave the Easter story. The
Rev, Mr. Johnson took charge of the
baptismal service and also, conducted
the reception service, at which about
thirty new memberes were added fo
the church.
Ale the service on Sunday evening
there also was a good attendance,
The cantata that was given on Good
Friday night was repeated, after
which the pastor gave a splendid 11-
lustrated address, showing a large
number of slides on the Crucifixion
of Christ whidh were very instructive
The regular meeting of the W. I.
will be held in Community hall on
May the 1st, at 2 o;ciock• A paper
"Sweet Sixteen, It's Dangers and•
Delights," will be given by Mrs,
Robt. 'Wells. Readings by Mrs.
Redden ud eii a nd Mis.a1
C dwell. Instx°u-
mental, errs. R. Vodden. Roll call
will be answered by paying fees for
another year. Cnininunity , singing
and election of officers. Hostesess:
Mrs. J. Crawford, Mrs. J. D. Elsiey,
errs. H. Sundercock. Mrs. H. Shob-
brook„ Mrs. W. Howatt, . Mrs. Geo.
Cowan and Miss 5, C. Barr.
A wedding of interest to Landes -
bore friends was solemnized in the
city d Chicago on Saturday, April
19th, when Eleanor, daughter of the
late Matthew and Mrs. Mains was
united in marriage to Mr. Charles ;Vi.
Throne. The service of the Metho-
dist Episcopal church was read by
the Rev. Ralph Wakefield, pastor of
the Englewood Methodist Episcopal
church. Owing to the recent illness
of the bride's mother only the inn -
mediate families witnessed the eer-
oniony. Alter a short trip Mr. and
Nlra. Threop will reside at 500 W.
65th St., Chicago.
Miss Blanche Wheatley of Toronto
is spending the Easter vacation at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Wheatley.
Mr: and Mrs. Fred Stephenson of
'Brussels spent the week -end at the
home of the lady's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George Riley.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Glazier and chil-
dren of Stratford spent the holiday
at the hone of their aunt, Mrs.
Thos. Pollard.
Mr. and Mrs. Busby of Chathnni
visited at the home f the lady's
Parents, Mr. and Mfrs. Robt. Law-
son, over the week -end.
Miss Thelma Dale of Toronto is
spending the Easter holidays at her
hone here.
Mr. and Mrs, Adam Nicholson
spent Sunday as the guests cf their
aunt, Mrs. Joe Nicholson, Sr., of
Mr, Harold Colclough has engaged
with Me. William Thompson for the
summer months.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Clarke cf
Listowel spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. and islrs. Robert Clarke. •
The Ladies ,Aid of the; United
church will hold. their monthly meet -
tog in the basementof the church
on Thursday afternoon. There -will
be a quilting and lunch will be serv-
Me. Harold Glazier cf Clinton is
epending his holidays at the horse of
his aunt, Mrs. Thomas Pollard.
Mr. William Jamieson and Miss
Emma and llfaste .'Clifford of Kit-
chener spent the week -end renew-
ing old acquaintances around here,
CIifford remaining for the week -
at the home of les uncle, Mr. Robt.
Mr. and Mrs. Randall of Sarnia
spent Sunday with the tatter's aunt,
Mb s, A. Jervis,
Mirs. T. Campbell and sons from
Brussels spent Sunday with the for-
mer's mother, Mrs. Aleock.
Mrs. Bennett and family of Gode-
rich spent Sunday with Mrs. B. 3.
bir. and Mes. N. J. Willson end
family cf Sarnia are spending the
Eastertide at the latter's home, that
of Mr. Wl. H. Labia.
Misses Jennie -.and Rose Tehbutt of
Clinton spent Sunday at the hone of
their brothel), Ma.. Henry Tebbntt.
Mx. and Mrs. Russel Boyce and
little sons of Toronto have been vis-
iting the lady's sister, Mrs. J. W,
Herbert, at the Parsonage.
The Ilolmesville 'school opened, on
ellonday, the Easter holidays' not be-
ing taken' advantage of en account
of so, much tinte being lost last fall
owing to illness.
A special Easter service was held
in the church on Sunday last and an
offering taken for the W. M , S, A
girls' choir supplied the music, The
church was very • prettily decorated
for the occasion, ea very beautiful
basket of flowers being presentedb
Mee. Joy Snyder and Mrs.
Jervis in memof theh anher,
Mrs, W. 88. Lobb,ory Who was presidentot
'of the - W.IVhS, at the time of her
death two months ago.
Mrs. Patterson of Sarnia is the guest:,
of her sister, Mre. WI D. Fair,
Me, Eari Steepe and little son weree
up ;from London for Good Friday.
Me. F. et Paiaiey of Osgoode was air
'Easter visitor at hie home in town.
Mr, and Mrs: T. G. Scribbles and:
little' son have been visiting Ayl
aver friends.
lulls Kenneth Rorke of Toronto was
at his••liome in town -for the Easter
:week -end.
MIs. WI. E. Greig of Toronto is vis-
iting this week - with her mother,
M's's. J. Copp.
Mr. Ray Maslen of 'Toronto spent the -
Mister week -end with his parents
at Sunuueihii.
Misses Jean and Ethel Hogg are
spending the Easter holiday at.
- the parental home.
Miss E. Cuddy and NEss Mary Jam
ieson were the guests of the Manse -
over the week -end. . •
Miss - Martha Carlisle of Hensel'
spent the week -end as the guest or
Miss Irene Layton.
leers. Gordon L. Hall and little Mas-
ter Teddy of Pembroke are visit-
ing relatives in town.
Misses Sadie and Winnie Draper
of St. Catharines are house for the
Easter vacation Wipe.
Miss Esther Treivartha of the Col-
lege of Education, Toronto. was
hone for the
hrliday period.
Miss Mayf id Allin of Toronto was an
Easter guest at the home of Mn;.
and Mrs, G. W. Cuninghame.
Mr. Ernest Hunter of Toronto came
• up to spend Easter- with his par-
..ents, Mr•. and Mr -s. Robe. Bunter.
Mr. and Mrs. Tasker and two chil-
dren of Toronto spent Easter
with Mr. and Mts. J. Rath, Ontario
street. --
Misses Eleanor and Jean PlumsteeI
of the Western University were
Baster visitors at their home in
Rev. Dr. Medd returned to W!eliand'
Moliday after spending a few days
with bis brothee, bar. 3. G. Medd of
Miss Alnieda Crittenden spent the
Easter' holiday week -end with her
sister, Miss Annie Crittenden, in
gr. and Mss. Milton Chesney and
Mrs. George Chesney of Toronto
were -Easter guests of Mrs. H.
Dr. and Mus. le. A. Axon and Master
Fred were in Mitchell on Monday
attending the funeral of errs.
Axon's aunt.
Mrs, -'teem. Crittenden of the Terrace'
is spending the week with her
daughter, bars. Clarence Ball of
Grosse Isle, Mich.
Mr. Carl East of Toronto was a
guest over the Eastertide at the
home of his sister, Mus. G. W
Cuninghanle of town,
Miss Limnie Nediger, principal cf the.
Burwash Public school. is holiday
ing at the home of her parents,
elle and Mss. Vie J. Nediger.
Mrs. Abraham Krouse has returned
to her home at .5imcoe, after spend-
ing a week with her daughter,
Mee. Sydney Thompson of town
Mr- and Mrs. George Harciy of Lon-
don spent Good 'Friday and the
Easter week -end as the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cartwright.
Mr, and Mrs. Rycianan and Mrs.
Mc alley and Misses Vera and Irene
.Mooney of Exeter visited Mr. and
:Mrs. G. VnnHorne on Good Friday.
Mrs. J. E. Hogg returned on Tues-
day from a very pleasant sojourn
in Florida. She is greatly improve
ed in health, her friends are glad
to see.
Miss Marjorie *Math of Burwash
and Miss Winifred McMath of To-
ronto, are Easter guests at the
home of their mother, MIs. J. C,.
Mr. and Mee. A. Lucas returned last
week frons. Brantford, where they
were called swing' to the illness
and subsequent death of their
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Gould of Cline
ten and Me. and Mfrs. John Hunter
of Goderich spent Easter with
their sister in Kingston and their
aunt in Napanee.
bmiss Evelyn Hall returned to Toron-
to yesterday to resume her stud-
ies at the University after spend-
ing the Eastertide with her par-
ents, Me. and Mes. G. E. Hall.
Mrs. A. Weatherwax'and son, Bruce
..and slaughters, Catherine and Ray,
motored from Orillia on Friday and
spent the Easter holidays at the
home of the lady's father, Me. D,.
Canteen, -
Mr. and Mee. George Taylor and
Misses Jeanette and Doris attended
the funeral oe MTS. Taylor's aunt,
Mrs. Archibald Gillies of Kanka-
kee,, III., which took .place at Au-
burn on S nday last.
Mr. J. E. "Reinhardt of Kitchener was
in town this week, calling on
friends and, incidentally, paying
his annual sub. to • The News -Re-
cord. •My. Reinhardt says business,
is rather quiet in his town,
Mrs. David" Miller returned this week
to her home in Brooklyn, MY;, af-
ter spending some weeks with her
husband's parents, Mr. end Mee,
Hugh Miller. Mr. H. Miller is
improving after his somewhat ted-
nous illness. -
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Henson and' Mrs.
Leslie leduly of 'Toronto came up
nen E stex'tmde 't 'the odic
toa wn 1 s
s d h
Barents, Mr. and Mks. T. II. Cook.
Mee Hewson returned to the city on
Tuesday .but Mrs. Hewson and Mrs.
Manly are remaining far a longer'