The Clinton News Record, 1930-03-27, Page 7I liMMENUMMOMMENNIMINOWNIIPM A$.rF�'� NATIOPbiA P�4R Visit Canada's great criouatain country this 'summer. See the mighty scenery of our Far West. Make Jasper Park Lodge in Jasper National Park your mountain headquarters. Ride, climb, swim, golf, tennis, motor, explore,. PACIFIC COAST On to the Paci is ... A 500 mile trip from Jasper ...,past towering Mount Robson following the turbulent Fraser River to Vancouver. Every turn a new thrill + . . every mile a vista of spectacular beauty. or ALASKA . A 1,000 mile boat trip from Vancouver through the colorful Inside Passage. See glaciers, the Klondike, Skagway. Gorgeous scenery , , . Congenial fellow - travellers. Tours may be made by various routes, Fun information and re.orvation. from any r xi goat of C4nadia¢ �,�y,,Att, NatonalRanwaya,_ a" rta_diaii ata.ona1 Rnillafigllg of Reftekab A Column Prepared Especially for Women — But Not Forbidden to Men YOU HAVEN'T LIVED IN VAIN If you've' spade this world more cheery and you've made some heart less sad, As you've gone about your work from day to day; If you've lifted some one's burden, and you've made some soul more glad That you've stet as you have gone ' upon your way; If you've worn a smnile of comfort, if you've said the word to cheer; If you've tried to soothe away anoth- er's pain; If you from the face of sorrow tried to wipe away t'he tear, 'You're a good sort, and you haven't lived in vain. —Anon "Men are„old-fashioned about wom- en," remarked a well-known women writer recently. They are, thank goodness! They like women who are womanly; women who think the mak- ing of home and the carting for child-. ran, important! women who aro gen- tle of speech, kindly hi their judg- ment, helpful and forgiving to those who have fallen and willing to spend and be ,spent for others. The trouble is that a good many women seam to have got the idoa in- to their heads that in order to be up- to-date, independent and modem they have to ape Hien; they have to dress in mannish colthes; smoke, drink, use coarse and profane language and act generally like ill-bred stable boys. It is a foolish notion because it robs women o their greatest charm; m; robs them of their natural ioveliness. Men and women are different, they were erected so and must re- main so, unless we go against nature altogether. Women, as the mothers of the race, must always need and should always have the.protectionof men. Wiomen, weaker_ physically than men, must always do the tasks that fit their strength, leaving to men the harder, more difficult and den- gerous occupations. This is inevitable and being so there should not be any antagonism between the sexes. I am a firm advocate of the em- ancipation of women. I believe that' the world will be a better place in which to live when women are ac- corded their full share of responsi- bilaty in making its laws and planning its progress. Hon. Cairine Wilson, the first women senator, in her maid- en speech, noted the fact that the ap- pointing of women to higgh positions itt the state was no new thing, citing the case of Deborah, who -judged Israel in the days of the prosperity and progress of that race. And I have often thought that had the Israelites followed the leadership of Jehovah anti walked in tho ways 'He would have had then walk, the emancipa- tion of women would not have lagget' along to the present time. But, while I fully believe that wo- man should take her place beside neith- er ahead nor behind, man, although in some things men will continue to lead, while in others women will give leadership, yet in doixig this a woman need not lose her womanliness. In- deed she losses half herusefulness and all of her charm when she lays off her womanliness and tries to make herself over into an imitation of man. The Ontario Government, the Wo- men's Institute Branch, has sent out a very interesting little book entitled: "Food for the FamiIy," which ex- plains foods, the use of the different kinds of food and why and how fain- ilie s should. be fed on a balanced diet. In addition the book contains a great many recipes suitable for an ordinary family, also for school lunches and proper' feeding for babies. It looks to me to be every useful little book, one which would be of service in any- body's kitchen. Stretching is recommended as a healthful exercise and we are told +w;aIOn,a VERT SELL TELEPHONE IS A LONG DISTANCE STATION More Lines, Quicker, cher, Cheaper Service Last year we added about 14,000 miles of talking chan- nels to our long distance System!. Associated apparatus -- switchboard,cable, amplify- ing equipment has also been vastly extended and improved. • And lower rates oncalls to points 75 to 800 miles distant are now in effect. Long Distance now ' gives you quicker and better com- munication - witb the rlext town, or across tbp ea>- ent. And it costs lees than ever before. ,i, ,n'h THE-CLINTON 1VEW'S: tECORI) that it would make us taller, I do. not know whether that ft is so but a person really looks taller when walk- ing eruct and when some people grow old and "settled" they seem much shorter than they did when younger. Stretch before you get out of bed in the morning, Stretch the legs, the arms, the torso. Stretch during the day: arms high over !head.. Walk around a few turns on the toes stretohmg: up full height and taller. Put a marker on the wall high tip and try, to reach it with your hands. It will make you conscious of the need of exercise, of more air in your lungs, and of the height you might be .if you pulled yourself upright. Then, when you are at it, stretch down and touch your toes. -,-.jug to give more „pull on the waistline muscles, for' you will want the waist trimmed ' down to produce the .tali llusion.• . REBEKAH COLBORNE In- the Be/miller chureh. ou W'ect- nesday evening ' there was to have been the staging, of the play "I'll Explain Everything„” by the Eben- ezer young people, but owing to the illness of one of the actors, the cent - patty could not come. The Women's Association then engaged the play= ers of "Marrying Anne," of Smith's Hill church. Proceeds $31.00 for the evening. The C.G.I.T. group gathered mat- erial to entertain at a social evening on Friday to gather funds as an "Ex- pense Fund". for -local needs 'in aid of Missionary Society. .A, violin solo was given by 1V1;iss Eleanor Tyn- dall, aeeompanted by her sister, Isa- bel, readings by Mrs. Ohester I'aegan and Miss Vesta Fisher; violin selee- tion by Mir. Fordyce Clark, accom- panied by Miss Nellie Clark,;,a story lay Mai. Cummings on St. Patrieks Day, followed by a debate, "Resolved that a bachelor should 'pay a tax in order td help support his country." The affirmative was upheld by Miss Mildred Stirling and Miss Isobel Tyndall, the negative by Mr. Arthur Wilkens and Mr. James Corran. All three junior speakers are budding de- baters. The boys are both citizens only since last year. However, by the over topping majority of points brought out by Miss Stirling the af- firmative side won. Mr. Kent T. Wilson and Nellie Clark acted as judges. Then games were introduced to en- tertain till coffee and sandwiches and cake were served, OD Thursday evening the Carlow Euchre Club gathered at the Town- ship hall for another round of tables. Near the close of the program Mr. and 1VI1s. Arthur Clark were asked' to move over towards an appointed person, who spoke n. few words of appreciation of their good feelings and comradeship and they wore made the recipients of a reading. lamp. Mr. and M'rs. Clark were taken by surprise and were unable to even re- ply but their silence was eloquent. 111,fiss Annie Wjalter, who is in God- erich hospital, is at the present time very low. Wt hope for more en- couraging reports soon. Leeburn has engaged Smith's Hill young people to stage their pltty, "Marrying Anne," ou !March 29th, Material to fill in between acts will be as follows: solos by Mr. Tyndall and Mr. and Mrs. Kent, Miss Amelia Melllwain. 'We notice front the Globe that Rev. Dr. Colin 'Gorden Young an- nounces the engagement of his daughter, Jean Gordon, to Mr. Tait Clark, eldest' son of the late John Clark and 1\drs. Clark of Colborne township, the marriage to take place quietly on April 511, BRUCEFIELD Mr. Walter lldeh3eath, who has been visiting relatives and friends in the - village and vicinity for the past few months, returned to his home in Saskatchewan this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald McKenzie and family itf Detroit moved to Bruce - field last week and are now occupy ing• rooms at Ids. C. Shnp•son's. Mr. McKenzie has secured a position on board a boat and expects to go sail- ing in a few weeks. Dr, and Mrs. Wen. Swan visited at the home of the Dr's. father, Mr, Jas, Swan, this week. 'WHAT IT COST Hon. George S. Henry, Minister of Highways, stated to the house that during the winter of 1922-2$, the cost of cleaning the highways of snow and keeping traffic open was $151,024. Soaks Right in and Limbers up STIFF JOINTS Nowadays people . don't 'have to be tormented with inflamed, swollen, creaky joints. If you want your bad acting joints to limber up and work with smooth ness the sensible thing to do is to get something that is made for just It's up to you --just ask any drug- gist for a tube 'of Joint -Ease and give your troublesome joint a good rubbing to -night. ' When you rub this magical yet scientific , emol'ient on your sore, painful, stiff joint it has the uncanny power of penetration—it soaks eight in and away it goes thru skin and flesh tight down to the ligaments and tendons of the joint right where the trouble starts. Out comes the inflammation and down goes the swelling -a hard job is well and swiftly done—your joint is limber again it works smoothly —you. are - thankful. Joint -Ease ie,'a product of Canada and every good, drugstore in the. Dominion sells lots of it. Makea note of` this also for lumbago and lame aching back one good rubbing is • usually enough.—GO cents for a `generous tnbe and it's guaranteed --- you ;rust get results or money back, THURSDAY, MARCH 27,' 1.930 moved. It is much more sin 1 DIe to preventan o,t rest, and ^ve would tltt ' Health Service of the Canadian Medical c 1 11 repeat that prev er ran Iles in the maintenance of normal weight, in the development' of healthy muscles and in the correcting of constipation, Questions concerning Health, ad: dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College Street, Toronto, will be answered personally by letter. Association. VARICOSE VEINS Thee'' v ms awry the blood from all over the body back 'to the heart, The blood current in the veins. is ranch more slow than it is in -the arteries, and from the lower part of the body, the blood in the veins,is going up -hill. Varicose veins are .enlarged veins. They occur when, for one reason or another, the brood, instead of circu- lating freely, is eheeked to some ex- tent and so is held back in ..the vellus which becoome distended as a result, Phis occurs most comm'only in the legs and in the rectum. Anything 'which interferes with the Doily of blood in the veins is a cause. Constriction of the legs by tight gar- ters contributes to the condition. The pressure; of tumours in the pelvis, or If you have varicose veins or buil- an overloaded bowel in .constipation, -cher you can • start to -day to bring and semetintes in pregnancy, may re- them back to, normal size, and if you sult in varicose veins. Certain farina are wise you will do•so. of heart disease in which the flow of Just get an original bottle of bhiod'is not normal may also be a Moone's Emerald Oil (full strength) rause. If the tissues •surrounding at any .dtmg store and apply it night the veins are weak or of poor quality and morning to the enlarged ,veins. the veins do not .receive the neces- It is very powerful and penterating, sary support and, in their weakened, and only a little is required. state, •are apt to become enlarged.' After a few days' treatment the Overweight is a. common cause be- veins will begin to grow smaller and cause of the extra force required to by regular use will soon reduce •to send the blood through the abnormal normal: amount of tissue. Long standing pre- disposes to the occur ence of varicose Noone s Emerald Oil is also a marvelous healing agent. One ap- plication for instance stops the itch- ing of eczema, and a few applica- tions causes the' eruptions to chy up, scale off, and completely disap- pear. It is equally as effective in barber's itch, salt rheum, redness, and inflammatory skin trouble. People who want to reduce vari- vention lies in the correcting of the core veins, or get rid of eczema, constipation by proper diet and ex- ulcers, or piles in a few days should ercise. 'The cathartic habit does not not hesitate to get a bottle at once. correct constipation; in fact, it is onelt is so powerful that a small bottle of the most frequent causes of thelasts a Iong time. W. S. R. Holmes condition, and so the habitual use ofand leading drug stores sell lots of cathartics is indirectly a common it. cause of haemorrhoids, Those 'who stand ;for long hours may be helped by lying down each evening and by having the legs gent- ly massaged front the feet to the hips. Once the condition hasdeveloped relief may be secured through pro- per treatment, but, in all 'cases, the cause of the • condition, must be re - STANLEY , Mr. and Mh:s, Lloyd Keys and children spent Saturday evening with 1VIi, and Mrs. Ben. Keys. Mr. and Mrs- Alf. Ings entertain- ed t of their friends M'on- day evening, Varicose Veins` Rapidly Reduced Simple Home TreatmeiitorThat is Giving Amaaiug Results. veins. The prevention of this condition is, first 'of- a11, a question of keeping within the limits of normal weight and by having the muscles in good condition. through regular exercise. Varicose veins of the rectum, cal- led haemorrhoids ,or piles, are usu- ally the result of constipation. Pre- 1 Mr. Amos Keys spent Sunday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Lou. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Kerslake of ' S forth spent Sunday with Mr: a Mrs. Ralph Stephenson. . •My'. and Ms. Salty. Hannah Seaforth spent Sunday with Mr. a Mrs. Lloyd Keys. 111jr. Robert Webster has start to haul gravel for the new slaught house. WTNGITAdif: E. Seddon was e eeted president of the Wiingha Citizgns' Band at the reorganizati meeting. Other officers elects were: Vice-president, W. Reid; se retary-treasurer, A. L. Ilittgsto librarian, C. 'Cooke; property con mittee, II. Burgess and G. Beatti engagement committee, E. Seddor J. A. Hingston and A. L. Hingsto The band reports .a strong menthe ship and expects to. fill many on gagements during the summer. EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN AND FARM CATALOGUE TO INTENDING PURCHASEIS VP" RENNIE C ! tilblmTEII', TORONTO ALSO'AT MONTREAL• VANCOUVER BOOSTING CLI Buy—at—Home' G COMMUNITY BUYING DIRECTORY AND BUSINESS GUIDE The Merchants and Business men represented below are co-operating in an effort to prove to the residents of the town and surrounding community that values equal to any of the larger towns or cit- ies may be procured in local stores. A series of educational "Buy -at -Home" editorials will be re- produced weekly along with an individual write-up of each business. The benefit of Home Buying will be shown to the general advancement and progress of the community. Read the editorials, take ad- vantage of the weekly specals offered by the merchants, and BOOST THE TOWN YOU CALL HOME. IRWIN'S LINGERIE CREPES An exceptionally f ine quality with ten patterns to choose from and attractiv- ely priced at 1 29c yarn. TELEPHONE 00 DRYGOODS AND READY -TO WEAR VITAMINES ARE LIFE These are stored up in Parke Davis Cod Liver Oil itt 'a• more con- centrated form than in any food. This is the time of year that your get the best results from Cod Liver Oil. ;Get a bottle of Parke Davis Cod Liver Oil and feel the difference W. S. R. HOLMES THE REXALL DRUG STORE DID YOU KNOW— That Good Housekeeping Maga- zine was reduced in price? It's now 25e the copy. W. D. FAIR CO. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Fresh Pork Sausage, b. 25e J. T. McKNIGHT & SON TELEPHONE 111 DAVIS & HERMAN TELEPHONE 224 REGULAR 25c HOSE FOR 15e A. PAIR RASTER EGGS AND EASTER CHOCOLATES ALL NEW AND VERY SPECIAL VVENDORF'S urwrrrrrwrnew DILL PICKLES 7 FOR. 25c CONNELL & TYNDALL , FRESH AND CURED MEATS, ; ' TELEPHONE 102 THE FOLLOWING INDUSTRIAL MANUFAC- TURERS HEARTILY ENDORSE THIS BUY -AT- HOME CAMPAIGN SUPPORT LOCAL MERCHANTS AND HELP OUR TOWN GROW DOHERTY PIANOS, LIMITED THE CLINTON KNITTING CO. HURON SPECIALTY CASTING CO. CIVIC PRIDE AND GROWTH Every resident in this community points to its seeress anti growth with just pride. They refer to its schools, churches and civic institutions as being uuparalelled. Their merchants are known to be four-square in their business methods, but do we as residents back up our assertions of justified pride by giving full support and co- operation to the business interests that have tnade possible this community? If not, you should. Truthfully you can lay claim to many things, but unless you stand close by with your support of the business interests in your community, your pride is not sincere. Co-operation between buyer and seller (the merchant and resident), is what is needed, He deals squarely by you. Do the same with him. Demand creates supply. Your merchant will do the supplying if you create the demand. Every purchase made in this community (instead of outside) makes it larger, and you grow broader through your patronage. As stated itt a previous article the thing most need- ed in the business world today is confidence. More fidelity and trust between buyer and seller. Don't forget that right in your community, business is being done on a man-to-man basis. Nowhere can you secure better service, or merchandise, than right here. For- get the bargain sales, you never have or will get anything for noth- ing. Things of quality necessarily demand good prices. Those things which tend to cheapness, demoralize art and manufacturers. Buy on the quality basis, and by so doing you will find that it will last long after the price is forgotten. W. T. O'NEIL COME TO THE TEA AND COOKIE DEMONSTRATION ON SPRING FAIR DAY. EVERYBODY WELCOME Phone 48 Clinton • A Want Ad in This Paper is the Key to Success. WATCH FOR A SP'ECIAL SALE OF CHINAWARE AND GLASS TO DE PUT ON AT AN EARLY DATE. BETTER VALUES THAN WE HAVE EVER OFFERED, A'. T. COOPER Leaders in Low Prices , The Stere With the Stock MORRISH CLOTHING TELEPHONE 48 MEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS "ROYAL YORK" Clothes o tes 1Vlade-to-itleasure $2750 Znw.rw.w.a..rw.wrw,wm.w.. ELITE CAFE After Skating or Dancing come to ELITE CAFE POR QUICK LUNCH SPECIAL DINNER 40c LUM SAM, Proprietor TRY DAINTY -MAID BREAD BUNS and CAKES Made to Quality not to Price BARTLIFF & CRICH TELEPHONE 1 r,.r wrrrrw�wrw.v CLINTON PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSIO s ELECTRIC RANGE 4 -burner top, large oven, this only $85.00. 1 TELEPHONE 20 14.4~4.11.4,4144•04,4,11.V.1,14.4.414~~8~.0 NEW SILK ROSE NOW SHOWING All the new shades for Spring. Holeproof and Circle Bar Males. See our $1.00 full fashioned Hose,— It's a winner. PLUMSTEEL BROS. veel CLINTON CREAMERY WE BUY EGOS, CREAM AND POULTRY TELEPHONE 145 FO..MMTr RECREATION CLUB Try Bowling for Health and Recrea- tion. Everybody likes it. LADIES ESPECIALLY INVITED