The Clinton News Record, 1932-07-28, Page 8PAGE 8 o Bey Saving_ Prices for the Working Man SPECIAL PRFCE ON DEPENDABLE WORK BOOTS, built :[or hard wear, leather on paneho soles, leather insoles $2.19, $2.49, $2,95 WORK SHIRTS, plain blue, khaki and plaid, Special Prices 49c, 69c, 85; .$1.00 WORK SOX, wool or cotton 15c to 50c RED BACK BLUE DENIM RIVET PANTS ‘OR BIB OVERALLS, Good hill 'size and heavy weight denim, Special at $1.00 FINE SHIRTS, collar attached or separate collar, new stock, new patterns, also plain coiors. Special price 89c. SPECIAL PRICES FOR CASA ONLY. WE MUST HAVE THE CASH TO CARRY ON. ' P1 11 steel i iso PORE SAUSAGE, per lb. 10e PICKLED PORK HOCKS, per 1b. 7c BONELESS PICKLED BEEF, per lb. 12e NECK BOILS OF BEEF, per lir. 10e CHUCK ROASTS OF BEEF, per Ib. 12c LAIVIB STEWS, per ib. 12e COLEM'AN'S LARD, 1 lb. prints 90 SOHNEIDER'S LARD, in 20 lb. pails $L90 CHOICE SPRING CHICKENS FOR WEEK -END Cs '.,r NELL .: TYNDALL " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162Albert Street Chea red hal Three-piece Mohair Set, beautifully covered and designed. This is a speeial bargain for a limited time and can not be duplicated. ri SEE TIES SET BEFORE YOU BUY. ALSO SOME NEW OCCAS - e4 IONAL CI]:AIRS WiTI•I LAZY BACKS, FININSHED IN TAPES- TRY OR REP. WATCH OUR WINDOWS O SUYTER, PERflUE ALKEU A Hardware 11 Furniture Phone 147w Electric Wiring Nessaranarmsragaurensmasomorratmstanommemomagszo Funeral Directors Plumbing C e Of All STRAW HATS Regular $L25 to $3.50 for DAVIS & HE MAN CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING AGENTS FOR GILLESPIES CLEANERS & DYERS, SEAFORTH 0 0 O 0 p ..........,tea,® - LONG LIMIT 4ARGAIN FARES TO TORONTO and NIAGARA FALLS Saturday, July 30 GOING STANDARD TIME Tickets good in coach- Lv. Clinton: 7.08 a.m. . es only. No baggage Stops West Toronto TORONTO checked. and Parkdale $2.50 Ar. Toronto' 11.25 a.m.Ohildren 6 years and Saturday, July 30th NIAGARA under 12, half fare. • RETURNING FALLS • Reduced rates at To - From Toslontio, Regu- i . $4.00 ronto hotels. lar trains ona Return SaturdY See :testers for full and Monday. information. Convenient Conneotingservice by C. N. R.Steamer and Electric Line between Torontoand Niagara Falls.Tickets good for stop over at Port Dalhousie.Buy tickets early froniDepot Ticket Agent. CANADIAN NATIONAL THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Name your price! There's y*; G : if «all et e tIR THE SPALDING ERO.PLITF. The game's toughest ball—the only ball that combines maximum durability with first grade dis- tance. 75c. THHSPALDINGFIFTY. The long- est, most controllable and most durable ball ever made at the price. 50c. THE SPALDING THIRTY-FIVE, A longer and more uniform ball than any in its price field. 35c. Cru TM SPALDING TWENTY-FIVE. A ball with playing qualities and toughness little short of amaz- ing at 25c. Tie W. B. Fair Co. Often the Cheapest—Always the Best Mr. and Mrs. W. S. 11. Holmes spent a couple of days in Toronto last week. Miss Phyllis Collyer of London is visiting Miss Isabel Holmes ' of town. Miss Belle Farquharson of Toronto is the guest of Mrs. Frank Ping - land. Miss M. Mahaffy of the postoffice staff is holidaying at Mitchell and St. Marys. Miss Mildred Cook of Toronto was with Clinton friends over the week -end. Miss A. Bartliff of Chesley has been visiting her home in town during the past week. Mrs. H. A. Steven of Toronto visit• ed her mother, Mrs. C. H. Bartliff, over the week -end, Mrs. Armstrong of Toronto is in Clinton, for a while, as is her cies, tone each summer. Misses Isabel and Alice Beattie of the Vague are spending a few days this week at their house at Watford. Lieut. Pheobe Bolton of the Toronto S. A. Training School, visited with her sister, Miss Lena Bolton of town last weep. Miss A. M. Stone returned from Es- sex, where she had spent some days, on Monday. Miss Ward mot- ored to London to meet her. Rev. G. W. and Mrs. Sherman and Miss Donna Cochrane of Clinton and Rev. Mr. Richie and two daugh- ters, Ottawa, are on a motor trip up north. 'Misses Grace Evans, Madeline Van - Horne of Clinton, Miss Annie •Crittenden of Toronto and a eon- ple of other girls have been camp, ing .at Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Jefferson and little Miss Catherine, accompanied by Miss Edith Paterson, Left S'at- urday for their summer home at Inverhuron. Messrs. Newman Pat- erson and F. Moynes ,had gone up a few days earlier. Rev. D. E. and Mrs. Foster, who had been spending a few weeks at Trenton, the home of the latter's parents, . returned to their hone irl town last week. They were 'ac- companied by Mrs. Foster's par, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Colbourn. THURS., JULY' n, 1932 milmmodammmnimmwmummtsmmowwmnuwasog ITE Sr'E IA S FOR lc H ® d Y s id ®�1rp}jy�Hai �. � '' � 117 20 ib. C tato Sacks, u ed inti ,. ZEME „„„— SPECIALS FOR WEEK -END. VISITORS Savor Tite Hams, per lb. .... 40c._ Graham Wafers, with recipe 22c Fancy Assorted Biscuits, per lb. 29c Cheese Wafers, tin 35c Patterson's Sodas, in tint pails 30c 190 Hillsdale Tea, per lb. 25c OUR WEEK -END SPECIALS White Naptha Soap, 10 bars for 35c Gold Soap, 6 bars for 23c Lux Soap, 3 bars for 20c Snowflakes, 2 for 15c Sultana Raisins, 2 for 27c Fray Bentos Corned Beef, 2 for 250 Red and White Pekoe Tea, 1-2 ib. for 25c Olives, large bottle $�o�7 FRIfIDAIRE AND FRUIT FOR CIVIC HOLIDAY Picnic Hams, per lb. 15c. Fresh Sausage, per lb. 15c. Breakfast Bacon, per lb. 15c Sliced Bacon, per lb. • 20c Peameal Bacon, per Ib. 25c Clinton Creamery Butter, per lb. 190 Lard, 2 lbs. for 19c Oranges, 2 dozen for 45c 1 Grape Fruits, 4 for " 25c Bananas, per dozen 25c WATERMELONS, MUSKMELONS, TOMATOES WEDNESDAY MORNING SPECIAL Red Rose Tea, per 1-2 lb. Red Rose Tea, per M. 23c 45c See Our Specials on Large Bills --°-Gets. Booklet telling how to Make Refreshing Ice Tea, Coffee and Cocoa. 'Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails an9 Ws:, q .� CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 PEOPLE YOU KNOW Mr. and Airs, Stewart Paisley and sons of Toronto were in town for a couple of days last week. Missos Helen and Ethes Holmes of Toronto spent the week -end with their parents, Rev. A. A. and Mrs, Holmes. Misses Jean and Mary Chidiey of Toronto, formerly of Clinton, have taken a cottage at Bayfield for a few weeks. Mr, and Mrs. James Hodge of Galt were week -end guests at the home of their niece, Mrs. Murray McEw- an, Mary street. Mr. Foote and daughter of Mon, treal have joined Mrs. Foote, who has been visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. J. Torrance of town. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Proctor left on e camping trip to Muskoka on Monday. Mr. Proctor has erected a trailer -house, very complete in every way, and they are giving 11 a tryout. Masters John Cuninghame, Fred Hov- ey and Jack Perdue have been camping at Burks but have broken camp there and the •former two have gone to the Scout Camp at the Alaitland, Air. and Mrs, Gordon L. Hall and children motored up from Cayuga last week -end. Mr. Hall returned home Sunday but Mrs. Hall and children remained for a Ionger vis- it with relatives here. Mrs. Mary Willis and daughter, Miss Evelyn, of Newark, N.J., and Mis- ses Elizabeth and Grace Cadzow of Buffalo, N.Y., motorbd over and visited their. aunt, Mrs, Margaret Watt, for a few days during the past week. Mrs. Thos. Atkeil and her son and daughter of Regina, Sask., visited last week at the home of her sis- ter, Mrs, Adair Scott. Mrs. Ar- ita]] has, made her home in the west for ome years and is now on a visit to relatives in Ontario. Mr. Roy East, »,onager of the Royal Bank, St. Catharines, has returned to that city after spending a fort- night's holiday as the guest of his sister, Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame in town. Mrs. East and two children are on a three -months' visit with the lady's parents in Halifax. Dean and Mrs. Geo. S. Sellery oe Madison, Wis., were • week -end guests at the home of the former's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cooper. They took. a trip up to Kincardine, the home town of the Sellery family, which Dean Sellery had not visited for over twenty years. Mr. J. J. Keyes of Nashville, Tenn.. was in town yesterday and paid his subscription to The News -Re- cord, which hehas neverceased taking in during all the years of his residence in a foreign land and he alwals keeps his subscription well in advance too. NileNileKeyes, who is a former teacher, is now eomnected with the schools ofvill Nashville in an executive capacity. He says that }although Nashville is not a manufacturing town and is therefore not so hard hit as I `- some, still they feel the dullness in trade and the schools are going a- long with twenty fewer teachers than formerly and, while teachers' salaries have not been out as to monthly rate, they will be paid for only ten months this year. Mr, and Ma's. Keyes, their, son, Air. Charles Keyes, and daughter, Miss Dorothy, are oecupyeng a cottage in Jewett's Grove, Bayfield, for, their holiday period. HERE COMES THE BRIDE iSPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL WEDDING ORDERS 1 s 101- CIREENHOUSE PHONIllti { PLOWERSHOP PHONE3l WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS FLOWERS COST LESS SEI�; ; �j ��11NEEDS When you need Sprayers of -ail kinds. Wo have a good assortment. Also Arsenate of Lead and Paris Green at good ,prices. Scythe Blades and Snaths, the best for a lower price than other years. For a garden you need a sprinkling can. Corrie in and see us before you buy, suitable also for •filling your car. Be sure when you are passing to see our assortment and you will buy. , HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 . - s Save Ti le and a Thousand Steps i BY GETTING A FINE ROOMY KITCHEN CABINET with all the latest improvements and conveniences, in the White enamel finish, trimmed with black, or in the Oak finish, We also have some other very useful kitchen furniture, in - eluding Porcelain Top Tables or PIain Kitchen Tables, an abundance of Kitchen Stools in the various colors. These are a real bargain—while they last, IIow about a Walnut End Table at 95e—Look Them over. Many other useful articles for your home at prices that will surprise you. HARDWARE You will save some real money on Coal Oil Stoves and ovens. We have a large stock of Electric Appliances inehudingt PLATES, RANGETTES, IRONS AND TOASTERS, BULBS. 6 for $1. WAGONS AND TRICYCLES FOR THE KIDDIES—anti they're real, WE DO PLUMBING, TINSMITHING AND REPAIRING ALL & ZAPFE "Store With the Stock" Phone 195 Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J, Zapfe, Phone 103, Grand Re -a polling Sae To Our Many Customers and Friends During the last 2 weeks we have moved into the big store on the corner, and to -day we have one of the Finest Grocery Steres north of London opening its doors for busi- ness again. We want you to come in and see our new Store and share in the "MONEY SAVING VALUES" we are offering for opening days. THREE BIG DAYS T ULY 2s,12S,3o Below We List Some of Our Opening Specials BIG SAVINGS EXTRA VALUES FINEST GRANULATED, or YEL- 47c LOW SUGAR 10 lb. Limy 0 t MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE, 1 lb. Tins FINEST PASTRY FLOUR 24 ib. Bags for PURE LARD 1 lb. Prints, 2 lbs. for 41c 41c 17c SUGAR CRISP CORN FLAKES With FREE Shopping Bag, 3 pkgs..., 21 c FINEST BREAKFAST BACON Sliced or Piece, 2 lbs. for 27c 5 -STRING BROOMS 21c Each. . PEARL WHITE NAPTHA SOAP 10 Bars for 3 BIG DAYS SHOP EARLY J. T. MCKNIGHT & SON Phone 111. - One of The Superior Stores. Clinton. Ontario's Largest Group of Independent •Grocers. 1!' w