The Clinton News Record, 1932-07-07, Page 8PAGES q,;.- THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD A Few Real Specials in Our Shoe Department ME'N'S BLACK CALF LEATHER OXFORDS, up-to-date style and a good wearing shoe . .. $2.49 MEN'S GENUINE BOX CALF OXFORD Goodyear Wielt, solid leather, an :outstanding value in two styles at.•. $3.05 LADIES' AND NNRSDS' SLIPPERS AND OXFORDS, several Styles to choose,frotn, special values at . $1.98 24 PAIRS OF LADIES' WHITE CANVAS GOLF OXFORDS crepe sole, special price to clear ..... .........79c SPECIAL JOB PRICES ON CLEARING LINESOF ALLRUBBER • SOLED. SHOES AND SPORT SHOES. WORK BOOTS, solid leather and Panco soles. Special $•2.89 Plu steer. arose 1 S',CHNEIDER'S LARD, in 10 lb. pail $1.00 PICKLED BEEF, Boneless 12c PICKLED PORK HOCKS, per Ib.. Sc HOME-MADE PORK SAUSAGES, per Ib. 10c JELLIED HOCK LOAF, per 1b. 20c HEAD CHEESE, per lb. 9c SMOKED PICNIC HAMS, per Ib. 11e and 12c CHOICE COTTAGE ROLLS, per lb. 15e BREAKFAST BACON, whole or half side, per lb. 13c CHOICE FAT HENS, YOUNG —SPRING CHICKENS Choice for Week -end. C INNELL az TYNDALL` " CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET " Phone 162 Albert Street The Ii perial Economia Coforolloo Read about ii; before, during and after,,in the daily papers. The eyes of the world will soon be focused on Ottawa. Hope flavoured with con- fidence is the dominating sentiment with regard to it. HBs Royal High- ness the Prince of Wales says "Its failure is unthinkable.'' If we »nay be permitted to prophesy, surely much world good will be accomplish, ed if its memebrs will confer and concede rather than contend and contest. Why not leave your sub- scription to -day for your favorite daily newspaper. r raiginiaP Custom Made Suits $30.00 up Ready Made, two pair pants $19.50 Semi -ready Suits $22.50 to $27.50 DAVIS & HE'S°MSN CLEANING, PRESSING AGENTS FOR GILLESPIES CL 1 AND REPAIRINGEANERS & DYERS, SEAFORTH w TliF o Da Falx Cop TI1URS., JULY 7, 1932 , Salada Tea Ib. 45c Timrs 1 1d 6 Often the Cheapest ---Always the Best =7.....—"=0=I0=---..—.7.,=0= ® TOXO® —9OIiOt (I 11 0 p 11 ARSENATE OF LEAD, xt ease i; rs ARSENATE OF LIME, PARIS GREEN, OKING BUG KILLER. m 11 EVERYTHING TO KEEP THE PESTS OUT OF THE GARDEN Give your Plants all the chance to grow that you can. Save those plants that are dying from neglect. 0 0 CATTLE SPRAY AND FLY KILLER FOR THE HOME AND 11 p STABLE, ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES. SUTTER, PERODE & NKR Hardware Furniture Funeral Directors Plumbing Phone 147w Electric Wiring O v Sat Ne MEMEMEMZERREMEMMEMENNW.ruvmx¢nma�,rv�m,t . xy-t 'wm° 7t 6F Rini at .IR:IM..Y.1,' n,. .tu . a .11' dro14. P. . ,r. u d. M. • Frui s and Vegetables Oranges Juicy, per doze. Oranges Juicy, per doz. Grape Fruit, 3 for Carrots, per bunch Bananas, per doz. Lemons, per doz. Water ellons, Large Black Cherries, Peaches 35c 25c 25c 5c 29c 29c 49c Strawberries ant*„xa....o-..,:> .r::umz.su0.unlu'um^-..aa, iiem t Low rices f _ r Cas Iva,, tV• W .Jz.l .. :., Y. 4. ..qN 4x.w#nl. VS.W- a u, Frigidaire Cooked Hams, per fib. 33c Breakfast Bacon, sliced fib. 19c Pickled Cottage Rolls, Schnieders 19c Swift's Sausage, lb. Veal Roll, Ib, Kraft Cheese, Ib. New Stilton Cheese, Fancy Biscuits, eat Where "Sells for Less” Price Prevails sday 19c 15c 25c 25c 20c -29c and 35c SEE OUR LARGE SALE BILLS FOR OTHER SPECIALS 110111? us mums. I moil 11 Miss Helen Roberton is visiting at Chesley this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mittell spent the holiday and week -end in Toronto. Miss Jessie O'Neil of London was home for the holiday and week- end. Mrs. Levi Trick of London visited her sister, Mrs. C. J. Wallis on Mon- day. 14lrs. J. Walker of Galt has been vis- iting at the home of her son, Mr. G. A. Walker. Mr. Robert Middleton spent Domin- ion Day with his parents, Sheriff and Mrs. Middleton. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cross and fam- ily of Toronto came up for the holiday and week -end. Miss Margaret Davies of Chicago is spending a holiday with her broth- er and sisters in town. o Mr. E. L. Mittell, Clinton and Mr. C. 3. Salter of Toronto are spending this week in New York City. Rev. F. G. and Mrs. Farrill and fam- ily leave today to spend a holiday at Sauble Beach and Port Elgin. itrr•. and Mrs. J. Bawden and little Master Jackie of Hamilton were .in town for the holiday last week. Miss Jean Middleton of Toronto is. holidaying itt the home of her parents, Sheriff C. G. and Mrs. Middleton. Miss Frances Hawkins, who is on furlough from Japan, is visiting at the .home of her brother, Mr. W. T. Hawkins of ,town. Mr. John Hartley and Miss Pauline of Toronto called on Clinton friends the past week. They were on their way to Goderieh, Miss Gwen Holmes of the Cobourg College staff, is at the home of her parents Rev. A. A. and Mrs. Hol - O p 01 0 0=O�'•�• , .�0>QOO>�0 TUCKERSMITH The annual school picnic of S. S. No. 9, Tuckersmith, was held on the school grounds recently, and recalled the history of the school which .vias established 77 years ago. The first. school was a log building, which was situated on the farm now owned by Albert Alexander. The section then included a much larger area than at present, there 'being ' an attendance of 100 'pupils during the winter • Months. Among the oldest pupils who at- tended the first school are Mx. and Mrs. David 141;cC1oy, Mrs. Peter l,fac- ya , 4t•i,} tt`• iCS.H.�I,C���l�. A,T,C,11l, Teacher o:L' Piano and Theory Rattenbury St., W. Phone 182. 78-1. vttk+ia^A+ MIZISSYSSEEIMESES CLINTON'S BIG CORNER GROCETERIA Phone 48 IIS a.Ikti i414 ,Lr0pig,�tltti•01 4..cSP r:+i;i+�'t{z,...:S,rrl+,� HOLMESVrLLE Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Gibbings and son Ray motored last week from Kindersley, Sask., and are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. McBrien of De- troit have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ward and daughter of Listowel have been visit- ing the lady's parents, 11ir. and Mrs. J. Cudmore. Mr. Fred C. Elford, Dominion P'oaltry Husbandman, Ottawa, and Mrs. Elford, havo been visiting the lady's father and sister, Mr. A. J. Courtice and Mrs. S. T. Walter. Mr. Elford, who is always a popular vis- itor at the old church and Sunday school, gave an interesting talk at the Unitech Church Sunday School on Sunday. The lesson was on Moses and he told of crossing the Nile at the place which is said to be the exact -place where the infant' Moses was con- cealed among the rushes, and rush- es are still growing there today. Rev. J. W. Herbert administered Sacrament at the close of the regular service in the United Church Sunday morning. In the evening he answered questions placed in the question box and preached from the Oth Command- ment. mer, for the holidays. Rev. J. W. Herbert and fancily havo Strawberries Better late than never. We now have first class Strawberries for sale. Miss Joy Pridham of Toronto is vis- gone to their cottage in l4iusokka for, iting her aunt, Mrs. R. H. John- ston, and cousin, Mr. M. J. Schoeu- hals, Princess street. Miss Ruth Higgins of the staff of Whitby Ladies' College is holiday- ing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Higgins. Mrs. Lashbrook and daughter, Miss Reta, of Mitchell were holiday guests at the home of the lady's parents, Mx. and Mrs. E. Pickard. Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Corless and fam- ily and Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy at•+ tended. the Moore reunion, which was held at Stratford on Saturday last. Itt. and Mrs. E. T. Watson and fam- ily of Hamilton were week -end guests at the home of the lady's sister, Mrs. G. A. Wlalker, Rotten, bury street. Miss Jean Match, nurse -in -training at Stratford General Hospital, is holidaying at her home in town. She and her mother have also been visiting Detroit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wt'tllis of Strath - Toy and Mi. and Mrs. Murray Gos- sage of Toronto have been guests at the home of Col. and Mrs. I3. B Corrie during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Gibbings, Mrs. Hugh'MeConnell and Mrs, Pet- er "Cameron motored from Kin- dersley last week and .are visiting relatives in Clinton and vicinity. Mfrs. McConnell is a sister of Mrs. W. A. Grant of town. , Kay and Mr. J. F. MacKay, all living in the vicinity of the school. The first teacher was Robert John Sloan, followed by James 'Ferguson, Peter MacDonald, afterwards Iii. Peter MacDonald, M.P. for. North Huron, whose daughter, the late Dr. Caroline MacDonald, had such a notable car- eer in Japan; William MacDonald, Duncan McLeod, Miss Leslie, Richard Bacrett, Dr. James Gray, Samuel Hicks, Harry Horton, Miss Jarvis, Miss Sarah (Gemmel,, Rev Daniel Johnson, T. G. 'IShillingslfaaw, . who taught for over £,b years; Mass Ross, Mr. Alvin Dodds, Miss Finlayson, and the present teacher, Stiss Mar-. garet Gridve. the summer vacation. At noon on Thursday, July 30th, the marriage took place at the Hol- ntesville parsonage of Miss Doris Irene, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Huller, and Mr. William Jervis Batkin, son of Mr. John Bat - kin and the late Mrs. ,Batkin, all of Goderich township, the ceremony be- ing performed by the Rev. J. W. Herbert. ' The bride wore a pretty gown of peach georgette and carried a bouquet of roses. She was attended by her sister, Miss Kathleen, who wore glass blue georgette and also carried roses. Mr. Mervyn Batkin, brother of the bridegroom, was best man. After the ceremony the bridal party returned to the home of the bride's parents, where the wedding feast was partaken of. Later in the afternoon M'r. and Mrs. Batkin left on a honeymoon 'motor trip to London and other points. They have since returned and will commence house- keeping on the farm recently 'pur- chased by the bridegroom on the llth concession. Their friends wish them many years of wedded happiness. Wesley Marquis Base Line Phone 638r21. 77-tf. BASE LINE Miss Donna Stevens of Leamington is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. ,Stevens3.- of the Base Line. Miss Norma .$tevens of London spent Dominion Day at the home of her parents. HERE CODES THE BIDE SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL WEDDING ORDERS • r 'me f itU9gher F''1 ' f GREENHOUSE PHONEI76 FLOWERSHOP PHONE31 WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS FLOWERS COST LESS ?ffLOS When you need Sprayers of all kinds. W,e have a good assortment. Also Arsenate of Lead and Paris Green at good prices. Scythe Blades and tSnaths, the best for a lower price than other years. For a garden you need a sprinkling can. Come in and see us before you buy, suitable also for filling your cal`, Be mire when you are passing to seeour assortment and you will buy.. awkios HARDWARE and PLUMBING Phone 244 �. Enjoy the Out Side Life To help you enjoy your leisure hours, we are cutting the prices of our Verandah and Camp Furniture to the very lowest possible price. Better get your bargains while they last. We have a great Bargain in a GIBBARD SOLID WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE Very special price for this Month. A• NICE SELECTION OF DINING ROOM SUITES. Any Price you wish. Some of the Newest Styles and Coverings in CHESTERFIELD SUITES AND OCCASIONAL CHAIRS and you will be surprised et the Quality and Price. IN THE HARDWARE DEPT. We have our usual large stock of (lay Forks, Hay Fork Ropes and all enecssary supplies for this. Busy Season. WE DO PLUMBING, EAVETROUGHING AND REPAIRING, Etc. BALL ' ZAPFE "Store With the Stock" Phone 195 Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Directors, Monument Dealers N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103. .. oval , Thursday, Friday and Saturday SEE HANDBILLS FOR SPECIALS NEV�Watc'h for y the Opening of �+ y� v�y NE e."lU' COR14JE ir,' 91CuCiR l'Il which is being remodeled and redecorated right up to date. COME ONE; COME ALL, AND SPEND A HAPPY HALF HOUR WITI•I YOUR FRIENDS AT McKNIGRT'S THE STORE WHERE YOU ARE MORE THAN WELCOME BIG HEINZ DEMONSTRATION ON SATURDAY, JULY 9th ,Y, T. McKNIGHT 62 SON PHONE 111. este Speeial Our Chocolate Malted Milk Cake gave complete satisfaction a Special• -(Pry one of these for a Tasty Piece of Cake. a JELLY ROLLS WITH FRUIT OUR FANCY BREAD WILL PLEASE YOU—"TRY IT" ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF PASTRY ICE CREAM PARLOR ALWAYS OPEN Well1 LisP3a t rad Gonfeotcerioonlelru Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" Bread