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The Clinton News Record, 1932-06-30, Page 8
td, i u 0 0 O B A Few' deal Specials in Our Shoe Department ME1V'S &LACK CALF L4EATI3E1 OXFOS2 5 up-to-date style and a good wearing" shoe ;' , y�2.49 MEN'•S GENUI'N'E BOX OAL1r OXkORD, Gvedyea We1t, solid leather, an outstanding ,value in two styles at$3.95 LADIES' AND NNRSES' SLIPP19a AND-OXFORDtS, several Styles 1» choose from, special vahzes at.. $1,98 24 PAIRS OP LADIES' WHITECANVAS ,GOLF OXFORDS crepe sole, apecial price to clear 79c SPECTAL ,1019 PRICES O,N CLEARING LINES OF ALLRUBBER SOLED SHOES AND SPORT-SFIOES. WORK BOOTS, solid leather and P'aneo soles. Special .. r.. X2.30 Plu 11 steel I2oso HOME-MADE SAUSAGE, per Ib., only 10c P. M. COTTAGE ROLLS, per lb. 12c S1120If17D COTTAGE ROLLS, per ]b, 15e SOITNEIDE•It'S CHOICE BACON, per ib. 13e VEAL STEWS, per ib. 12o LAMB STEW S, per lb. 12e VEAL CHOPS, per lb. 20e SPRING LAMES AND SPRING CHICKENS FOR WEEK -END CONNELL "CLINTON'S LEADING Phone 162 hn �a TYN a +ALL+ MEAT MARKET" Albert Street Custom Made Suits Ready Made, two pair pants $30.00 up $19.50 Semi -ready Suits $22.50 to $27.50 DAVIS IS HiLIRMAi"U CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING AGENTS FOR GILLESPIES CLEANERS & DYERS, SEAFORTH Or�0" 10 ©r - "-._-+©aSOL: __q SOlr i ter �..,i! at r>'rs ARSENSTE OF LEAD, ARSENATE OF LIME, PARIS GREEN, KING BUG KILLER. EVERYTHING TO I{EIIP THE PESTS OUT OF THE GARDEN Give your Plants all the chance to grow that you can. Save those plants that. are dying from neglect. CATTLE SPRAY AND FLY KILLER FOR TIIE HOME AND STABLE; ALL AT REASONABLE PRICES. SUTTER, PERDIJE & ALER Hardware Funeral D' rectors Plumbing Furnituro Phone 147w Electric Wiring cocior _OQa orb[0 ___ O HOLMESVILLE Mr. and Mrs. 88.' D. Connell, Clin- ton, have taken np their residence at Conodale on the Maitland, where they will spend the summer. The Ebenezer United Chureh gar- den party held on the Iovely lawn of Mr. and Mss. Frank Jones on Friday evening last, was a decided �suecess. .A. splendid •program of readings, and musical numbers was given. The Holntesvil�le orchestra also assisted with the program. A reception and 'Ohristening ser- vice was held in connection with the usual morning service' in the United ehurolz here, the pastor, Rev. J. W .Ilerbert, !being in charge. Three members were added td_ the church by profession of 'faith, Mrs. William Lobb ands, Mr. and Mrs. Fred MoCullongh. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. McCullough was baptized. Tho choir rendered appropriate mu- sic. Rev. J. W. Eerbert and family in- tend leaving 1Wonday for their sum- mer home in Muskoka. Mr. Wilson McDonald, a . Canadian poet of sone note, who is summer- ing at Bayfield, read some, of his own ppems to an interested audience on Thursday evening Iast, Mrs. Leonard Birch and' baby Jo- anne of Detroit are holidaying at the home of her patents, Mr, and . Mts. J. Mulholland. • Mr. and Mrs, F. Draper, Robert and! Woodrow Gibson gf Detroit' were week -end visitors. of Mrs. 'W. Mul-• 4J11i. 11 m. and Mrs. Neal, Ferguson and Miss Kay Cole of Detrnit are spend- ing this `.week ' with ., Mrs. W. P&u>u• holland TIIE CLT1 TON NEWS -RECORD A llHolllleIng the Return of an old f Favollto CRO.RUIET SETS—Sonne years since wo had them on aecouttt of an almost prohibitive price, now however they have retruned in good quality and reasonable prices. !Six Ball Set with a five inch mallet or either four-ball or six ball set with an eight inch rualiet, and also a four-ball juvenile set similar to out• Standard Sets, but in reduced size for children's play. Our specials for the week are a brawn well giazecb tea pot at 29c and a canary' yellow mixing bowl at 29c. T!i Wo .f. Fair aoa Often the Cheapest—Always the Best h ,�IIVI�IINIIP°"I�iIIINImi� uti �� I. I 1 °y 101 iiihl�� 82aster• Jack Perdue visited in To- ronto aver tho week -end. NIr. N. W. Trewartha was in Lon don on business on Monday, Mrs, W; Jenkins is visiting with iter son and his fanuly in Toronto. Mr. Alex, Welsh is visiting relatives and friends in Stanley township. Master John Cuninghante is visiting this week with relatives in Pronto, Dr. acrd Mrs. Roy Rodaway of Rowa- nolce, Ill., are visiting the form- er's mother in town. lsi . E, Townsend of Montreai is vis- iting this week with friends and relatives in Clinton and Londes- bord, Misses Edna and Dorothy Brown of Stratford were week -end visitors at the .home of Mr. and Mrs, G. D. Roberton. Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Brown at- tended the Snell family re -union which was held at the home of Mrs, Geo. Snell, near Auburn, on Saturday. Miss M. J, Moore of Toronto spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Govett of town, before leaving for Bear Island, Lake Temagami, where she will spend the summer.' Miss Kathleen McKinnon of tho Napanee Collegiate staff was the week -end guest of her grandmoth- er, Mrs. J. Johnston of Huron street. Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Blanchard, who have been visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. Margaret Pickett, for several weeks, have gone to Muskoka, where they will spend tho summer. Dr, P. FIearn, wlto was in Toronto last week attending a meeting of the Provincial M'eclical A'ssociatlon, was accompanied home by his bra. ther, Mr. A. J. Hearn of the city who spent the week -.end with him. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hall- motored to Cayuga and spent the week -enc' with their son. On their return on Monday they were accompanied by their daughter, Miss Evelyn, who had been spending a fortnight or SO in Cayuga. Mrs. (Dr.) D. E. Ross, Master Don- ald and little Miss Mary of Los Angeles, Calif., arrived last week to visit the lady's mother, Mrs. W1. T. O'Neil. Mrs. Ross and family and Mass Jessie O'Neil have been at tho tatter's cottage at South- hampton this week. Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Crich and daugh- ter, Mrs. Brewin,; and hor little daughter of Pontiae, Mich., spent the week -end: as the guests of the former's father, Mr. Herbert •Crich •of town. They also attended the Ashton family reunion at Bayfield on Satitrhay�afternoon. Dr, R. G. and Mrs. ,Struthers, Misses Muriel, • Eleanor and Isabel and Master Donald, 'spent several days over the week -end as guests at the home of the lady's brother, Mr. A. T. Cooper. Dr. Struthers, who has •been •in China for the past seyeltteen years aS a'medieal mis- sionary of the Presbyterian Church and the United Church of. Canada. is now, . on furlough. They: leave ht July' to visit relatives in Cali- fornia !before returning i8.:.tho: early autumn to China. • THURS ,' JUNE "30, 132 1 1 The Biggest'.Cr®cery Sale in Huron County.. Simply Clearing out our Large Stock to make room for New Lanes and hitrdduc.ipg the New } ed ' nd Whjte Store ®f 4usess _.....4,,. .. , All Iiutstanding Accounts (excepting regular two weeks and monthly) wast be Settled at once 2)114 21144 f , 4214 11141 Dairing renovation of onr Store, all goods are re -marked, open ryfor �your ins ection and Sold at REDUCED PRUCES from centre aisles, P We are working at a Disadvantage but Will Gave You the BEST SERVICE we ¢ros- sibly can. ,...,Y !m 1y!1)1) INVITATjo "Wednesday evening from 7 to 10 we will be al Home" to our Customers and General Public, and invite you to call, and inspect our Newly Modernized Store .._.,.,,s,,, ... . . ,4 n„ a ,.„,. 441 Ann arsva�, saa:em July 7-5-9 will lie our "Big Red and White Sale,” See large Bus for Special Prices Where "Sells for Less" Price Prevails i�.",}�p•,.'"3 , � a..�t•"�i�A�4 �" r`�'�%, rr sr �,'•"�i CLINTON'S BIG • ® 111, , CORNER GROCETERI.A: Phone 48 Y Strawberries Better late than never, We now have first olass Strawberries for sale. Wesley Marquis Base Line Phone 638r21. 77-tf. PEOPLE YOU SNOW Rev. D. E. and Mrs. Foster leave to- day for Trenton, where they will spend sone weeks, 8Tr. C. Double of Stratford visitod at the ]tome of Mr. and Mss. Frank Layton on Sunday. Rev. J. C. and Mrs, Forster of Lon- desboro visited Mr, and Mrs, A. T. Cooper on Sunday last. Miss Margaret Reider of Kitehoner was a reeent guest at the hems of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Paisley. 113r. and Mrs. H. B. Manning were at- tending a Sun Life convention at Murray Bay over the week -end, Mrs. (Dr.) Roberts and daughter of Toronto are the guests of t'1rs. T. J, Watt, Rttttenbury street, west. Mr. Herbert Crich and Miss Gladys Crich attended the County Coun- cil picnic nt Bayfield on Thursday last. Miss ill'. Buchanan, Reg, N., of. St. Thomas has been the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Franlc Layton, this week. Mrs. Yungblutt of Londesboro spent several days the past weak •with her parents in Olhtton, . Mr. and Mrs, E. Brown. Miss Belle Paisley of Tecumseh, Mich., visited last week at the home of her brother, Mr. O. L. Paisley of town. Mr. and 14I s, E. Adams and son Lloyd of Huliett visited at the home of the lady's father, Mr, W. Brigham, on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wallis and daugh- ter of Rudyard, Mieh., visited at the home of the former'' brother, Mr. C. J. Wallis of town, over the week -end. Mrs. H. Plumsteel, who has had a visit with friends in Toronto, on her return was accompanied by Mrs. Chesney, who is making a visit with her. Misses Mary and E'tnma E. South- combe of Niagara Fulls, Ont., ary the guests of Mr. and. Mrs. G. D. Roberton and other friends in Clinton this week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl oltair and Misses Muriel and Dorothy motored up from Toronto to spend a few days with relatives. Mrs. Mair and children are remaining for a long- er visit. Mrs. Barry •Marsh and her son, Mr. Norman Marsh of Detroit, Mieh., are visiting at the Thome of the fornier's brother and sisters, Nr. G. N. and the Misses Davies, Hu, ron street. SUMMERHILL Mr. Geo. Phipps of: Toronto is spending some time with "his cousin, Mr. W. Marquis. 1 1 Lawn Ta on ST. PAUL'S CHURCH LAWN Tuesday, July 5 MENU: Shrimp Saiacl & Bread and Butter ilc Angel Food, Ch000late Cake, 5o. Tea, Se, Tea served £rotn 3.30 to 0.30 p.m. HERE CSMES TIIE BRIDE SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL WEDDING ORDERS 5'e 3Lor,Zst GREENHOUSE PNONEI76 FLOWERSHOP PHONE3I i WE TELEGRAPH FLOWI9RS FLOWERS COST LESS L SU!1VEfl EGOS When you need Sprayers of all kinds. We have a good assortment, Also Arsenate of Lettd and Paris Green at good prices. Scythe Blades and !Snaths, the best tfor a lower price than other years. For a garden you need a sprinkling can. Colne itt and see us before you buy, suitable also for filling your car. Be auto when you are passing to see otr assortment and you will buy. T. llawlihis HARDWARE. and i'LVM?d1NG, PLong 244 Lt Enjoy the Out fide Life To holp you enjoy your Ieisure hours, we are cutting the priees of our Verandah and Camp Furnituro to the very lowest possible priee, Better get your bargains while t]tey last. We have a great Bargain in a GIEBARD SOLID WALNUT BEDROOM SUITE Very special price for this Month. A NICE SELECTION OP DINING ROOM SUITES. Any Price you wish. Some of the Newest Styles and Coverings rn CHESTERFIELD SUITES AND OCCASIONAL CHAIRS tmd you will be surprised at the Quality and Price, IN TIIE HARDIV4RE DEPT. We have our usual large stook of Hay Forks, Hay Fork Ropes and all enecssat'y supplies for this Busy Season. WE DO PLUMBING, EAVETROUGHIN'G AND REPAIRING, Etc. BALL & ZAP E "Store With the Stock" Phone 196 Hardware, Furniture, Funeral Dlroctors, Monument Dealers N. Ball, Phone 110. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103, Empire Week at Superior St SPECIAL TIICTRSDAY, .FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Pink Salmon, tall 2, 23e Ayhner Soup, 2 tins except chicken .,lOr Aylmer Peaches, sqt. 2 tins for ,,,.,,,,33c es Rinso, large •pkg. ,..iOc� Orange Marmalade 40 oz, for 23c New Australian Rais- ins, 2 lbs. for ....27c Panshine, 8 tins for 25c Oxydol & 2 Klrk's Soap . , 23c Princess Flakes, large 21c Certo the Surejell 29c Eoyal York Tett, fttb, , 24c 1 Ib. for 47c Aylmer Catsup, new bottle iso Rubber Jar Rings, 2 dos. .15e MEATS Cooked Ran, sliced, per Ib. 35c Bologna, per lb. iSc Sliced Breakfast Bacon, Ib. 18e Variety Loaf,'per Ib. 25c Macaroni . and Cheese loaf 23c Wteiners, lh.. •18e YOU WILL ENJOY SHOPPING AT THIS STORE i, J0 T o CKN IUHT & SO PIIONE 111. a,a SPECIALS NEW AND DIFFERENT CHOCOLATE MAL TED MILK" Try Otte of these delicious Layers.. CHERRY LAYER. CAKfl FANCY BREAD, ALSO BRICK,SCONII & COTTAGE LOAVES FRESH CANDIES—MT at New Low Prices Wendorf's IBakerj anal Confectioneru Makers of "Whole Wheat" and "Snowflake" Bread