The Clinton News Record, 1932-05-26, Page 6PAGE s'
Timely Information dor the
Busy Farmer
( Furnished by the Department of Agriculture )
Prof. J. Eamon Hewitt, head of the
Botany pepartment, 0. A. C„ has
prepared a booklet which delves thor-
oughly into the various types of
weeds found in Ontario. It is well il-
lustrated and gives a vast amount of
7Yap the Borer
The suggestion has been advanced
that a trap crop of darn consisting of.
about half a dozen rows of early
sewn rapid growing corn, if put in as
early as the ground is fit, will in
most years lessen the amount of in,
jury done the main Orap by' corn
borer, if the main erop is sown a few
days later than the ideal date. The
trap corn should be cut low about the
end of the first week in August, when
a11• borer eggs have been laid and
should be removed and fed to live
A greatly increased demand fox
fertilizers for the 1932 crop season
is reported, much of the business be-
ing done on a credit sales basis)
Thus it is apparent that the Depart-
ment's policy of promoting the use
of fertilizers is bearing fruit. The
use of fertilizers in farming has pas-
sed he experimental silage in Ontario
and thousands of farmers are find-
ing them a practical aid in seducing
the cost of production through' in-
creasing soil •efficiency. . When used
judiciously they increase yield and
improve, quality Id' crops, adding ma-
terially to,the cash value of produc-
tion from a given area. It has be-.
come increasingly important today
for a fair measure of success' that the
fanner make use of every possible
opportunity to lower his costs of pro-
duction. The right use of fertilizers
suited to particular crops provides
one important opportunity.
Reducing Crap Costs
The ever present problem with
the farmer is bow to reduce crop
costs. This can be done in two ob-
vious ways: first, producing more at
the same costs; and second, produc-
ing the same at a lower cost.
Perhaps the most important me-
thod of reducing the cost of produc-
ing crops is to increase the yield)
Most of, the items. incurred in the
cost of producing crops are the same,
whether the crop is large or small,
so that every effort should be made
to produce large yields by the adop-
tion of all better farming practices.
Another method of reducing the
cost of production is the use of larg-
THURS•, MAY 26, 1932
er machinery and more labor saving
equipment, • Considerable improve-
ment has been made in.'resent years
ii} the introduction of larger and bet-
ter Machinery, malting possible tha
elimination of considerable manual
labee, Where the farm is large e-
nough to warrant the purchaseof
such machinery, this method consti,
tutes an effective means of -reducing
costs, The substitution of more pro-
fitable for less profitable,crops'is a -
other aidvanta g •e which may be d
rived from the cost of production
Cbl=o- ,
Poultry—A Farm Asset
Official records show that the poul-
try population of Canada has doub-
ted each ten years during the period
of the past thirty years. Each suc-
ceeding period of low prices for farm
precincts finds the poultry flock com-
ing to the farmers' rescue. At the
present time it can easily be shown
that the poultry flock properly bred,
housed, and looked after is, from the
standpoint of capital investment and
feed cost, one of the best paying
lines of Earn( effort. Each succeed-
ing year appears . to make it more
clear that the farm is the logical
place for the development of the
poultry industry with respect to both
egg and meat production. The farm
flock is a useful medium for the
marketing of otherwise unsaleable
products in the form of eggs and
poultry 'neat, Banks and loan touri
paries find the farm which has cl
poultry flock a much better risk than
the one which has none.
Finishing Beef Steers
Much of the value in marketing
beef 'cattle is Jost when they lack
proper finish. (George W. Muir, B.
S.A., Dominion Animal Husbandman,
'Wars the following suggestions for
finishing beef steers. '
The purpose of reducing the suc-
culent part of the ration towards
the last ;of the finishing,Period is ' to
harden up the.flesh with the idea of
preventing shrink in transit. Tilts
can be further aided by cutting out
the succulent feed entirely just be-
fore shipment and allowing the ani-
mals to fill up en dry hay', grass hay
being preferable to clover in this
ease. The grain ration May be main-
tained to the last provided• it is not
of too laxative a nature. 'Cutting out
the salt, "just previous to shiprnent,
will also help, the dry hay being' suf-
ficient to cause the animals to drink
plenty of water. 1
The appearance of the animals
counts considerably when selling,
both in the feed lot and an the mar-
ket. They should be clean and ttiinr
as it is possible to have them. Grad-
ing them( in uniform Tots, as to size
and finish, will also help greatly in
realizing a higher price.
Weed Control
Careful and thorough cultivation,
a short rotation of crops using var-
ieties of grain suitable to the soil
will solve the weed problem, stated
Arthur E. Martin, assistant ,director,
Crops and Markets Branch, in a re-
cent address to weed inspectors. Mr.
Martin recommended more extensive
use of early after -harvest cultivation
and summer fallow as a means of
cleaning up weedy fields. Practical
farmers have found that sow thistle
and similar perennial weeds can he
controlled by cutting hay earlier than
usual, plowing the land immediately
orwards, and follow up with thor-
ough cultivation during the renr.aini
ing part of the season. Pall wheat,
'buckwheat, rape and allhoed crops
are ".effective in. controlling sew
thistle. The latter gets its greatest
start in' oats and other spring grains
As a protection to productive farm•
land, road superintendents and oity,
toryn and village weed inspectors are
urged to keep all weeds cut on road-
sides, vacant lots and other urban
Agricultural Limestone
Agricultural limestone, because of
its relatively low cost, is oft -times
overlooked in the well planned soils
program of the up-to-date farmer. In
those sections and regions of the pro-
vince where acid or sour soils are
found, and where difficulty is exper-
ienced in 'obtaining stands of alfalfa
and red clover, .limestone may be
used to good advantage in correcting
this condition and as a consequence
not only making more available the
inherent supply of plant food in the
soil, but in addition providing a marc
satisfactory medium in which the
purchased plant foods in commercial
fertilizers may act. It improves the
physical condition of many heavy
soils. Worked into. the top layers
of the soil it helps prevent that
sticky, plastic condition fount] in
wet seasons. It aids' drainage. It
also produces a condition in which
important forms of bacteria do their
work most efficiently.
The time to apply limestone is
when it is most convenient to do so.
It is applied usually in the late fall ,or
early spring ,on land that is to be
sown to spring grain and seeded
down. Very often applications are by fungicides, particularly ]ate
made to i'neadows and pastures. It js blight, make their appearance, only
not advisable to apply limestone to once in several years, growers do'.
rand that is to he plowed shortly af-not go to the trouble of ,Apraying.
terwarsd, I Accordingto them the riek is worth
From one to two tons per acre ,wbile taking., To these may we say -
depending on•the acidity' or the siril that experiments carried fon for say/
and the degree of fineness of the
Bluestone, should be applied. This
may be done by spreading with •a
shovel or by use of a limestone
spreader. The latter method is of
course mare efficient than the form-
er. Inexpensive spreaders are obi
tainable and lighten the work in coni
nection with the actual operation of
(Experimental Farris Note)
One .must spray his potatoes if he
wants to ' grow them with profit,
Spraying is recommended far two
main reasons. g
1st—.It is a protection to the crop.
When early and thorough applica-
tions of. fungicides are made and
oentinued regularly during the grow
ing season, plants are protected a-
gainst the attacks of fungi and the
depredations of insects. Several
growers have objected that such pro-
tection could not be realized :but af,
ter inquiring upon their method of
preparing Bordeaux Mixture, the
time they started spraying, the num-
bar and thoroughness of fungicidal
applications, they realized they had
faulted in one :or more of these
points. Spraying when done pro.
perly is a protection to the crop.
2nd—It favours the development
of potato plants and thereby assures
a larger crop, In certain regions,
where diseases that can be controlled
eral years at the Dominion Labor-
atory of Plant Pathology at Ste
Anne de la 'Pocatiere show that Jure
ing blight -free years potato plots
that wore sprayed regularly through,
out the season showed .considerable
increase in yield over those plats
that were not -sprayed, and it would
seem advisable that growers in these
regions should spray a few times to
ensure a 'larger yield and protect
their potato fields against sudden
appearance.of the disease.
The advertisements bring you news
of better things to have and easier -
ways to live.
Colored or plain. For houses, barns,.
sheds, garages. "Council Standard"
or "Acorn" quality. Easy and quick
to lay, permanent, proof against fire.
Free estimates gladly sent. Send
Makers of Preston Steel Truss Barns, Gal-
vantzedTanks BarnDoor Hardware, Preston.
Led Hed 1Vaifs Double -Mesh Metal Lath
ventilators, .RolIdVFold Garage Doors. All
kinds Sheet Metal Building Material.
Guelph Si., Preston, Opt.
Factories at Montreal and Toronto
The News -Record is putting on a Short Subscription Campaign and, instead of asking Cash we are going to take
This is the Beauty of it, too, Eggs have been far too Cheap, lately, we are going to pay the farmer a nice little advance on present prices
For the Next Two Weeks, we will accept for all New Subsciptions, arrears in Subscription, all Current Subscriptions and one Year in Advance
The Clinton
S me
At Present Prices this would mean a premium of about 4c per dozen, Eggs to be graded by
oultry House, A. E. Finch or Gunn, Langlois Company, Limited
On Delivery the usual Slip will be given the Subscriber, and on presentation at this Office a receipt will be given on Subscription
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� I� iay'o ;f �➢'�#1 4t
arket Your Eggs Now at This
Advance jn rice