The Clinton News Record, 1932-05-12, Page 2PAGE .2 Clinton News -Record With which is Incor eeated T ERA 'H NEW EW Terms 'of Subscription—$2:00 per year in advance, to Canadian. ad- dresses; $2.50 to the U.S. or oth- er foreign countries. No paper. discontinued until all arrears are paid tailless at the option of the which everyr publisher. The date to w subscription is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising Rates -Transient adver- tising 12e per .count line for first g ucn subs e i 'fr each q Sc o msex' n. •fro insertion. Heading counts 2 lines. Small advertisements, notto ex- ceed one inch, such as "Wanted', "Lost," "Strayed," etc., inserted once for 35c, each subsequent •in- sertion 15e. Rates for display s• vertising made known on apps od ticut, Communications intended for pub- lication must, as a guarantee of good' faith, be accompanied by the name of the writer. G. E. HALL, M. R. CLARK, . Proprietor. • Editor, sce THE "Ztee MYSter A Thrilling Stony of the Old West BY 3IUTIRAY LEINSTER 'BEGIN HERE TODAY •SONNY BOLIVIAN, believing ,he 0 712 L S] ldp t 1 ed out t f OM1V ]neat been c ee has b o£ the Aztec•mine, takes to 'holdiing, up the mine.. payrolls. JANET LAU:RIE'R daughter of the man who hoHs'. legal title to the Aztec, cosines to Mioleville• to put astop to Ilol- inan's activities. :Suspecting- hint of oro thefts as well as tho payroll •robberies, Janet offers' a reward for his capture. She -is kidnapped by 'GARCIA'S gang, a' band of desperadoes. !Sonny follows and prevents. Garcia from harming the girl, then .escapes with -her. To his surprise, he finds that the girl suspects hint of being in league with Garcia, anda confederate ahi, be- lieving the kidnapping. hien the ore thief. TILFO'RD, manager of the inibe, imports same mien to guard the pay- rolls. .TWO of them walk into a sal- own, . getinto an argument wibh JAKE HORNABY, : driver of the stage and friend of Sonny Holman, and shoot himldead, NOW' GO ON WITH THE STORY t a say "What you gat to boft it?" THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD unns devoted, to happenings in which he hath taken part.. There was the holdup of the stage, wherein ;Janet had tried -'to -capture him.'The injury of the sheriff, ,when ho and Sonny together tried to round ' ers. �d ' •h 'r a �u 1 gang gg up Garcia's g b Janet's abduction and her return by "Sonny—mostly guess work, since she refused to talk about it. Sonny's' raiding ofi the mine office and his ap- propriation '' of the 'second payroll,. sent to take'the place of the one he bad first lifted from the ,stagecoach: Sonny!did not smile'as he read about the killing of Jake Iornaliy, thou gh: "N'othin'," drawled Sonny, "but; -The arrest of the two mine guards rtaidentifies' you an'yuh pared 'admitted 'outlaw brought back lcinda dn adn b Y netas the folks' that killed"Jakethe amusedwrinkles _about- his eyes es Where's,Thompson?" The 'cook ;jerked his thumb toward the i'anch-house. Sonny went in and :fennel the owner of the ,Girele Bar 'gazing at the Baine Times and Ar- gus-Leader Sonny was carrying. survey- ed' he Y him 11 $ on saw hot When Thompson p sed ed' him with a curious ani thoughtfulness. "1 don't kneee" he said delibeiate- Iiornaby today. • The Times and Asgus-Leader, c'nvith 1Gleason opened itis mouth and P M. 'D McTAGGART 'To finally wind rap my business I have moved my office to my home, Corner Princess and Shipley Streets. 'Office hours 9 to ' 12 a.m. and at other times by appointment., Please use side entrance. Phone 99. H. T. RANCE exemlacy d iscretion ' ,referred to spblce tenslessly. "lIe wont for ,his .the arrest as having Been' -made by gun first," he .cdeeiived. "our well- known and genial towns- • ",1 regn' ", drawledonnY" S . gently, man, Mr. John Doe,". and let it go at "you cull don't realize what- a law that. ' cigarette as he rode ahidin' place this 'here' Moleville is. Sonny rolled, a chi 1 trek ]tin his Yuh came here to guard the Aztec. and read, a and to the final his That's all right. But .luillin' 'folkses mouth when he came to had final c a - best kinlda frowned on here, even in the 'tai, that Janetd told ,of erthhazebeen a- best holcllup man s'ociety." - wakened .'- The stillness is the Rog aria ' -Zeph she had gone immediately to the jail yr1 -was breathless. 'One of the paint- with. Tilford, and that she had hailed ' edMen out the 'two killers. Then the od , girls giggled nervously. jumped, 1 arette dropped unnoticelel from Son- "Well," said the -scarred man tans.- hy`s lips. onn 1 y as the ulentlY, "who are. yeti, .anyway? An' Lordy,murmured S• what rah got to say about what we news sank in, "that lady h rewhates t," one •Sonny Holman -an a - "l He read on, turning .a ,fanc• A idly,"folks submitted Sonny name under the heading;, "Political mildly, are callin' me stuh Announeemetns" took his eye: Jelin Daee en" l'tn a kinds officious the Voters of Gila County: restin' deputy • sheriff outside o' bus- : To . • Mess hours. -I come t' take. you two I offer myself as a candidate for fellers to jail." sheriff. at the !coming election. While One of the inen behind Sonny I do not wish to cast aspersions on moved forward angrily. ' • the conduct of the present sheriff „ "cute Thompson," said wring 'tis tenure' of office, it is "Wait a mit gentlemen forced en ate. It is notorious that an Sonny gently,' "These ge ganized band of lawbreakers has 'are coin' quietly. They'll hon' ov- or t er their •guns real peaceable." been cperatiug in this - community far three years er more, without on - He moved forward without haste: position. It is noterrcns that high his hancis'swinging naturally,his way robberies, ore stealing and near: whole air that of a parson advancing dere have gone unpunished and un- to greet an old acquaintance. ; A opposed. It is known to everyone • sent ansa - at to p is sheriff p eat she t oven the ' tbl e m that ripple a i' indefinable cd 'received spread through the crowd in the sal- acitated by bullet wounds eon. One of the three intoxicated while co-operating with the outlaw cowpunchers, evidently advised of the Holman in a battle between factione gored and situation in a whisper from one of though his pale and blinking vest the dancehall girls, let out a drunken gazed about him with a lack" of e�:- roari of s approval. stuff, Sonny! Tha's the stuff 1" Gleason's lips twitched. "If you're Sonny Ilohnan,' he said tonelessly, "I'd better let yuh have it." • THURS., ' MA'Y Thompson looked out the winc1ow bet•. Did Garcia grab .'eel off?" and .raced to the don.•. Sonny bent to leok and saw one 'of theCircic Bet' 'cowboys riding for the, ranch - house, swaying desperately in the saddle,, and bolding on his horse's as. SInc rne, maize 'to keep from'toppling out. A eetiee who they w say, w ith 1 andcan ride back c1c yuh!" tat ihis I Loom i supso rt of smoke shot >; spu he came doggedly on, limp and weak "The eo !ell tend to that," Sonny and -apparently all in, flung over his shoelders. "Don't know." 'The ' cowpturcher caught at Sonny's sleeves as he was laid's'ently on the floor. "Saw some " riders coanin' toward us just beloro,'• aa$dia's gang. opened fire but. didn't ly, ".whether you're a. crazy tool- or • Sonny and Thompson alike plung- e Ile rushed out, barked an oi'clJr. e genius, Sonny. Why did your putt ed to meet him. • I at the cools and raced away upon the, that piece in the paper?" "Garcia's ging " gasped the coif'- big black stallion. As he rode 'the I I get some chuck from your cools?" 11 t I Miss ranch-' r the make iVf t toAbout "To' n•• 1, . Sonny grinned•. puncher reining up with. a terrtb c jumbled 'activities ab Laurier mad," lie, admitted, Cart "Tinned rustier. ]'lugged house sorted themselves into colter - Laurier. or . t ' 1 foreman, n aa been me of n 'eh f from b "The c s rifles ft re with tri Mete res. n 'mot e Buck a n tP B� • huge •> to .a g nclt • w:- cr Sour h able g - .. off f 1 do •turn 'cal .: Dr frantically 1 c:rs fxa 1 Y "Miss boo d ' l r. 1 one ' cl e•rrm s � 'sm ile y son. om ,> real Th I co p He 'ends fromthe� Laurier is out cean;paigning for.: Til- eyed head up Little Canyon way, b,ay, khe two hands ed til s add! has andoff on y. le ,t e. addtearing the s 1 inwere sic es- forward he said. W sagged he riff " gg for s s ford onies, :and, the cools wa two .othose outside,e' gunmen this end held himself up with bath hands. bucking p at. "Buck's Sashed in," he gasped, "There dancing about the corral after - a ofrth• In fact, now, inpB plunging house with a six-gun five the valley now; tallc]ng to my line was a dozen .of 'eni sho'otin' with buckled to of. mance them pro- rifles outer pistol range. I come' for times too large for him riders and trying to it an I'll ride Y Edam Tilford. She rode help. Bandage me up ' his bolt.. The conk reluctant!" abanc titre to vote u tpgo," Little Canyon .half an 'back with ,volt. Damn • 'em, they doned his pursuit of the horse lie o bushwhacked us• or I'd ha', got some. bandage the injured ream hour. anon' shot out .of the gate. - ny Sonny nodded. "Saw 'em. I don't iof 'em!" exactly 'like the company she picks lie collapsed, and Sonny caught sift," he admitted, hent if she asked er I'd ed hint. He was still protesting weakly nee. to vote for a .heilhend , as he was carried into, the •ranch kinda inclined to - oblige her. She's • right cute, Thompson. house.• bandage me up so's I can go Thou}psen eyed him soberly. I ni beak with yuh. They plugged Bitek a cattleman;' he said deliberately an' he was Huy pardner." "You say: Tilford is a croak. I don't The cook had came loping out of know. I don't' care, but I de thin} the bunkhouse on the first 'alarm. he's gAing to use. these gunmen 'of Nom, without orders, he began to his to stop Genie's ore stealing." pound furiously on the ranch 'bell "Sounds right likely," acknow- summoning every man within ear - ledged Sonny. "I'11 be 'kindle obliged shot.!But there were not many. Two to 'hint. I don't' like anybody to men were running from the corral. steal from the Astec but este." "I'm The foreman -was out of the hay- " Inop •a cattleman;' big gang Shed and already saddling- up without Thompson. "Garcia, has a big gang hearing more than the shots the all 'organized, for. awe= stealing. Ie injured cowpuncher had fired to at - he's stopped from that, what will he tract attention. do?" Thompson was in the house at the Sen ray crossed 'his knees. telephone. Ile had got the next "Rus- tle," he admitted. "Rustle -cattle. Your cattle, 'mongst others." ranch on the wire and was jerking "Arid so," said Thompson, "I'm go- savage sentenecs into the transmit- ing 'to attend to the formalities you ter, outlining the situation and ask - didn't bother with, so you'll actually ing for help and the spreading of the alarm. be a formally. enrolled candidate' for sheriff. You're really going to rue. He jumped up as Sonny came in. for the jab." with' his burden. "Going after "Suh," drawled Sonny with dig- them," he said curtly. "I've asked nity. "I am a respectable holdup for helu. You'd better keek 'out of man.. I ain't a politician." . this, Sonny. • That reward's out for "But this is something you've got you and some damned fool might try to rope you 10." ,•lie grapped a belt with two hol- sters from the wall, buckled it on, and seized' a repeating rifle on his way out the door. "Frien," said Sonny gently to the inan in his arms, "what about Miss 1 Laurier? She, had two fellers with Notary Public, Conveyancer Financial, Real Estate and Fire In- surance Agent. Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies. Division Court Office, Clinton, • Frank Finglaittd, B.A., LL.B. Bu`. instead of much dancing' and hilarious mern•iment, the Hien were prone to talk to each other in low tones.' • Insteeel of laughter, there was a buzz of angry, uneasy Three wandering cowpunchers, on their way to the Panhandle in search of a job, were jovially intoxl, atecl and surrounded by shrilly giggling girls, but the rest of the men glower- ed and talked to one another ins of to their willing -hostesses. Gleason and has companion made for the bate the scarred man swag Gleasonfollowed quietly, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public] S u cc essnr to W. Brydone, LC. - Sloan 'Block -- Clinton, Ont, CHARLES B. HALE ' Conveyancer, Notary Public,' Commissioner, etc. Office oveJ.E. o y'SONDeug Store CLINT V. T. FOLEY Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Estate and General Practice in all Courts. Money to loan. New Bank of Toronto Bldg., London, Ontario.. Phone: ' Office Metcalf 1723; 6resi- dence Metcalf 2172. pression that was more daunting than the most ferocious of frowns would have been. The hum. "'of talk wavered and broke as the pair ranged, themselves before the bar. Eyes swept covert- ly to them and away. Gleason tapped two fingers, on the bar. The bartender hastily thrust out two glasses and a bottle. B. R. HIGGINS Notary Public, Conveyancer General Insurance, including Fire Wind, Sickness and Accident," Ante - mobile. Huron and Erie Mortgage Corporation and Canada Trust Bonds Box 127, Clinton, P.U. Telephone 57. DR. J. C. GANDIER Office Honest -1.30 S0dato ,30 3 12.30xn., to 6.30 to 8.90 p• 1.30 pm. Other hours by appointment only. Office and Residence -- Victoria St. DR. FREEY G. THOMPSON Office and Residence: Ontario Street Clinton, Ont, One door west cif Anglian Church Phone 172 ' Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted "Charge it to Tilfone," growled the scar faced man. "Yes, suh," said the bartender. He had turned pale when they came baek into the place. Ile waited for farther ceders. No one would be waited on while these two required his services. ' The sear faced man grinned sud- denly at hint and mermured to Glee - 011. Gleason melded and spoke tone- lessly. "My frien' was wondeiin'" he said in his monotonous voice, "if the hnuse wash' planum' to set up drinks for the crowd. Be thought he heard yuh sav so" "Yes, suh," stammered the bar- tende. - Ills hands shaking, he began to prepare for the emeriti drink. "Yuh'11 all drink with us," an- nounced the soar faced man jovially 'to the weir -ling, sullen crowd. "We'll monose a little toast. To hell with Srnny Holman an' his friends." There was a stirring, and nut- ".ids the saloon the clattering of horses'es> hoofs. The k site nte n to onc - ad as if he were ready to dron be- hind the bar the instant bullets start- ed flying. But the stirring died away once more. The swinging doors op- ened and two men came in, then two ,others, The place became suddenly and deadly still. Sonny Holman struck a match and lit a cigarette he ball evidently just rolled. "I beg yore pardon," he drawled, "niv heariin' ain't so good. But I thought I heard somebody sayin' to 'hell with Sonny Hnhnan., Was I right?" The pair at the bar swung around alertly. The faded blue eyes of Gleason. regarded Sonnywithout ex- pression. His companion sneer.•ed. '1Sure -did," he agreed truculently, • DR. PERCIVAL }LEARN Office and Residence: Huron Street Clinton, Ont. Phone 69 (Formerly occupied by the late Dr C. W. Thompson) Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted DR. II. A. MCINTYRE DENTIST EXYR•ACTION- A SPECIALTY Office over Canadian National E press, Clinton, Ont. Phone 21 His hand. dropped in an infinitely quick movement. But Sonny's own hand flicked to his holster in a !Key- less gesture that was sheer poetry in its perfection. His gun bellowed —and Gleason's hand closed over emptiness. Sonny's bullet had strucl Gleason's holster, bored through it and flung a broken six-gun backward to the floor. •- 1Sontty's gun was bearing upon the sear faced man before the echo of his first shot had ceased. "An' you. any frien'?" he drawled nalitely, "I don't hunt coyotes as a rule, but I'll plug yuh if pub ask for it." x• of Kelman s gang. - to—„ I do hot need to dwell on my own qualifications for the office I seek. There were distant little pop- ll'fy aim is simply to do away with I Pings as if someone were firing a the laxity of law enforcement that i six-gun• rapidly, not at a target but has disgraced the county for yearn to attract attention. The rapid beat• the support of . ing of a horse's hoofs sounded and Past. I will appreciate drew nearer• citizens who value the geed name of dr"What their ,e°mmemity and state, and pledge any hest efforts to the era- dication of the present disgraceful conditions. RIVALS OF THE AIR• Great Britain can -boast of' having the fastest aircraft ,and the -best pil- ots in the wol'ld, but it is rapidly be- ing. left behind in aerial fighting strength, according to figures re- cently published. Britain has '700 first-line aircraft in the Royal Air Force, or just about half the number possessed by three 'other Great Pow- ers—the United States, France and Japan. And when reserves are count- ed are only'fifth in the air power list, France has 3,000 aircraft, the Uni- ted States of America 2,351, Japan 1,939, Italy 1,507 and 'Great Britain 1,434. It is also interesting to note that some of the smaller powers are building up strong 'air forces at a very rapid rate. Yugoslavia, for in- stance, has 627 first-class aircraft, Rumania 599 and Czechoslovakia 546. D. H. MCINNES . CHIROPRACTOR Electra Therapist Masseur Office: Huron St. (Few doors west of Royal Bank). Hours—Tues,, Thurs. and Sat., all day. Other. hours Sy appointment . Hensall Office—Mori., Wed. and Fri forenoons. Seaforth Office—Men., Wed. and Friday afternoons. Phone 207. T. J. TILFORD, Sonny smoothed out the paper and read the announcement again. At first his brow clouded angrily. Then he grinned. "Shucks," he murmured. "I'll bet that li'1 spit, fire writ this for him. It sounds like fixer, anyways." Ire glanced down the column. There was another notice: To the Voters of Gila County: Seeing that I stn pretty well shot up and won't be able toIfill hmy e de- cided for a good long not to offer myself for re -el-' ection. I wish to thank all mei friends who have supported r dm hat n the past and to say if they can get John Doe to run for sheriff and serve after he is elected. they will get just about as good a man as there is in the county. He ain't as well known as he might be, hue those who saw him • arrest the. killers 'of Jake, Hornaby will agree that heisagood man with agun and the right feller for the job. JAMES GRAY, Sheriff. The scar faced thann sullenly 'rais- ed his hands shoulder high. Sonny tack his gulf and passed it to Thonnp- en of the Circle !Bat. "Themeson." he d"awned, "I wish you'd take these two fellers an' put 'em in jail, The sheriff, he give yuh the keys. Me, 1 reg'n I'll ride off to the hills again. I hope," he added, facing these in the Roaring Zephyr pleasantly, "that yuh all realize the benefits of law an' order, an' tint yuh let the law take its course, Jake he was a frien' of !nine, an' this is the way I want t' handle it" Sudden grins greeteli him. Thomp- son and itis- two hands took charge of Cle<s rn and d {h e seat -faced cel man, They ,marched them out. "kfp Gawdl" said the bartender. "Sonny, that was the clut'ndest thing ,1 ever saw. Beatin' 111111 so far he hacin't touched his gun when yell shot it off his hip." "Excuse rue," drawled Sonny. "My name, folks, is idiisteh. Sohn Doe. The sheriff's done chistened me. That Sonny Holman you all mistake me for, he'S a moat horrific outlaw. i hope nobody ain't gain' to make the same mistake -again. ,esperial as if -Tilforcl' gets maty more guards in like those two. I'll have to be hangin' around Moleville a lot." There was a pause, and then a road of laughter. It wee not wholly aroused laughter, but -a letdown from a tense moment. Sonny grinned and went out. Business in the Roaring Zephyr was ex,celleut • for' some time after- ward. Other saloons and dancehalis were deserted as the news spread, and the occupants of the ether homes of festivity hastened to the Roaring Zephyr to hear: from an eyewitness iust ,iiow Sonny; himself an outlaw had come hi and formally arrested Tilfcrd's guards for: 'the killing of Jake Iloi•riaby, But the bartender was relieved and th.e place iminediately closed when additional-. news came, 'two hours later, that Tilfnrd. ; aeooxnpan- ied by Janet Laurier, had routed out' a:-iiietice orf the peace and insisted on an immediate: hearing for .the twos a•+tarcie, end that: .Tenet had seeeteed their release on bail. Sonny resit as he rode, the seine slack ever his wrist. 'The weekly Mclevill:e Times and Arterts Le.ader.. f 11 f news this week' Sonny GEORGE ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron ' Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at The News -Record, Clinton,. or by calling phone 103. Charges Moderate ;and Satisfaction , • Guaranteed _ CANADIAN NATIONAL." Al PAYS THE McKILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. President, J. • Bennewies, Brodhag• en, vice-president, James Connelly, Goderich. Sec: treasurer, D. F. Mc- Gregor, Seaforth. Directors: Thomas Moylan, R. R. No. 5, Seaforth; James Shouldice: Welton; Wen. - Knox, Londesbore; Robt. Perris,' Blyth; John Pepper, Brucefield; A. Broadfoot, Seaforth; G. R. McCartney, Seaforth. - Agents: W. J. Yeo, R.R. No. 3, Clinton; Jelin Murray, Seaforth; James Watt, Blyth; Ed. Pinchley, Seaforth. Any money to be paid may be paid to the Royal Bank, Clinton; Banlc of Commerce, Seaforth,er at `Calvin Cutt's Grocery, Goderich. Pa'ties desiring to effect insur- ance or transact other business will be promptly attended to on appluca. tici to any of the above officer% addressed to their respective post-or- fices, Losses inspected by the direc- tor who lives nearest the scene. TIME TABLE Trains will arrive at and .depart from Clinton as follows; Buffalo and Goderich"Div. Going East, depart 6.58 am Going East depart 3.05 p.m. 'Going West, depart 11.55 n.m ,, ,r 9.44 p.m London:. Huron & Bruce8 pan �Geing South 1L583.0p.m Going North • • Sonny whistled'.. Then he begar to chuckle. "That's goin' t' maks t > r tI cru h tad ha th . g up. You'd sit Janet m known all about it when I wilt y lin piece;' The ,specie beneath the sheriff's announcement met his eye and he tread it, with all the complacency of en author. To the- Voters .of Gila County: I announce myself. candidate for .heriff to succeed the. present Sher- iff Gray. I bate rustlers,, ore thieved and sheepmen. P11 thank anybodY kindly that votes foe ire.— JOHN DOE.-. Sonny's nose wrinkled, as he. tried try imegine Janet Laurier reading that notice. He chuckled at his co)1- temulative picture of herrage. "Lordy," he murmured expansive ly. "I bet that li'l 'critter is mad rnou,510 to raise her ante fey my hide." I -le reined in. Gunpowder had come to the end of the cleft in the hills that Sonny had been follotting, and Sonny was' gazing out. into c en space, "Feller, ridin' herd," he Observed.' "Hose -wrangler, fightin' areal mean dienositioned cabana F. Feller eidin' off, to mend! fenkes. That's new wire he's gck on the saddle. Who's that yonder?" IIe regarded a bin of riders 'far. to the right for a long time, these shrugged and Torte dozen the moon•• tainsid.e with 'bite riders unplaced his- mind. The ranch seat poked . his howl out of the bunkhouse and grinned at him when he rode into the Circle Bali ground. "How's it feel to be worth a thousan' bucks, Sonny?" "Right much." said Sonny end - ably "like bein' "a good .cook.. You WAS 1r o chuckled ,as he went over the cal- ain't goin' to have neither sensation. the devil." An old farmer, after paying -his bill for a new reaper and binder, was asked by the cashier how it went. "Well, yo see, this time last Year I sat on the fence with a cigar in my mouth and watched thirty men -reaping my field. This year I reap- ed it myself, and thirty men sat on the :fence and watched Inc." There's something in the adver- tisements today to interest you. Read them. Yoi are A Ver:, as Mind YtYers {I , Do You protest, and say that' you're not a very disobedient per- son? Bo patient, for a raiment, and wo shall see. Look" at the advertisements which you see in this newspaper, and in other newspapers. Most of them bid you de something some- thing which, if done, would be advantageous to you, as well as being profitable to the advertiser. But do you always obey these adver- tisers? You do not! And what is your excuse? Take your teeth, by way of example? Are you doing what you can to prevent cr delay their decay and loss. If you are like most persons you are not. Yet you are being urged ,by advertisements to use regularly a product which, if used regularly, would keep your mouth and teeth in a really good health condition; and would enable -you to ]seep your teeth sound and keep away toothache. It isn't the price of the product which keeps you from using g it it's just plain inertia and procrastination. Then there's an electric ser other kind of washer -this by way .01 example—able to be purdhased on the instalment, plat. The advertisements bid you buy it, and, give you good reasons why you should use this labor-saving, life -prolonging mechanism. Inas every man and every woman known to you obeyed the dommands of the advertisements of this washer? They have not. And their resistance cannot beputdown to disbelief. The .explan- ation -is: Most of us are shameless preerastinators—putting' off, putting off, putting off all the time. When you reach advertisements, see in them the untiring effort of manufacturers and institutions to. cause you to do right things. Take the life insurance companies, by way of example: Their advertisements urge all of tis to insure our lives. Yet how stub- born most of us are! We resist the biddings of the advertisements and the canvasses of the salesmen of life. insurance. We defer do- ing the obviously right thing, often for years! • So when you see and read advertisements, and when you feel ine]dned to say, "What a shocking lot of'mloney is spent by advee- ti:sers"1, deflect an this idea: It is the stubiburn disobedience of men and women that is tp be condemned. We should be gretefil to those advertisers who pursue 00 all our life,' bidding us' do things, which if done, would be advan-• tageous to vs. ._ THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD COMMERCIAL PRINTING• DEPARTMENT PHONE- 4