The Clinton News Record, 1932-04-14, Page 2PAGE2`•. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD :Minton . News=record With . which is Incorporated THE NEW ERA Terms ,of Subscription—$2,00 per. year in advance, to Canadian ad-: dresses $2.50 to : the U.S. or oth- er foreign countries. ` No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid unless at the option of the publisher. The date to which every subscription ispaid is denoted.: .on the label. Advertising Rates -Transient -adver- tising 12c per count line for'first insertion. _8c,fer each subsequent insertion. Heading counts 2 lines. Small advertisements, not to, ex- ceed one inch,' such as "Wanted", "Lost," `SStrayed,"- etc., inserted once for 35c, each subsequent in- sertion 15c.. Rates for display ad,. vertising trade known on applica- 'tic n. Communications intended for pub- lication must, as a guarantee ofgood faith, be accompanied by the name 'of the 'writer. G. E. HALL, '111, R. CLARK, Proprietor. Editor. M. D• McTAGGART • Banker A' general Banking Business . tel ansacted: Notes Disco>nat- ed• Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. Sale Notes Purchased. • H. T. RANCE Notary Public, Conveyancer 'Financial, Real Estate and Fire In. •surance Agent- Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies. Division Court Office, Clinton. Frank Fingland, B.A., LLB. *Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publio Suceesser to W. Brydone, K.C. Sloan Block — Clinton, Ont, CHARLES B. HALE Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, etc. Office over 3. E. Hovey's Drug Store CLINTON, ONT. V. T. FOLEY Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Estate and General Practice in all Courts. Money to loan. New Bank •of Toronto Bldg., London, Ontario. 'Phone: Office Metcalf 1723; resi- elenee Metcalf 2172. 58-12. THE :ee Mystery A Thrilling Story of the Old West BY MTIBBAY LEINSTER' BEGIN HERE' TODAY The stage running into Moleville is. held .tip and robbed of a imine pay- roll by SONNY HOLMAN. Holman has a habit ofrobbingthe pay rolls of the Aztec mine.. He ex- plains it by saying'' that he is the. real iownet of the thine and that what he cannot win through the B. R. HIGGINS Notary Publio, Conveyancer General Insurance, including Fire 'SVind, Sickness and Accident, Atito- mobile. Huron and Erie Mortgage Corporation and Canada Trust Bonde Box 127, Clinton, P.O. Telephone 57. wagons come along here 'every mein-, in'. 'Mexican drivers. Moleville is six miles back, an' the last three miles ave all in the hills where there ain't anybody lookin'. The drivers they kinda pick -over their loads that 'three mile stretch. They've got hear an hoar. An' when they get; here they just fling a li'1 sack of high grade courts he will take at .the' point of nightfall, why, frien' Garcia he, his gun.'— comes along- with. a wagon 'an' :picks, The: stage , proceeds toward Mole- it up „ ville again, bearing the two wounded „gym „ said the sheriff :grimly. "Sweet an' pretty, an' very_simple But why didn't sonsebody tell?" Sonny :dis'mounted and tapped his mount's "knees with the flat of his hand. Gunpowder obediently lay down and was still. "I met a' Mexican," said Sonny abstractedly_ from the ground, "ren- nin' for.the Border like a bat -out of hell. I made him talk, knowin' he'd been workin' at the mine. He'd told Tilford, hopin' 'for a reward. An' Tiflord tont him to keep his , mouth shut. That- night three of Garcia's men oome , an' pumped lead at him through a window. I let hid keep movin' for the border. He kinda needed to' lose himself." "I see" . said the sheriff rent' "Garcia, he's got him some .Spigeoty gunmen. •Ore wagon drivers' get a 1i'1 pay for helpin' steal pre. an' get shot if they don't or if they tell. That's all right as long as they go to Tilford. They don't conte to me because no Mex wants to go foolin' around officers of the law. They generally got sotnethin' on their consciences. That.' it, Sonny?" < ore over the edge of the road. Come guards, TILB.ORD, manager of the mine, and a girl passenger who'later: teveals herself as JANET LAURIER owner of the Aztec. Janet hunt's up the sheriff and offers a reward of $3,000 for Iiohnan's :capture. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY She went down in -the mine that. afternoon, which was perhaps why she did not see the sheriff ride out of. town. He went out about dusk, when even the dust seemed merely a choking nuisance and not a scorch- ing abomination, and the few cotton- woods in the town were beginning to add a slightly greeny smell to the generally horsey aroma of Moleville. The sheriff's rifle -ewes in his sad, dle holster and six-guns were on either hip, but that was his usual way of travelling. He rode steadily until darkness . enveloped him, and then turned on his trail and doubled back on the route he had followed. He rode swiftly when he doubled back, but no one had been trailing him. He saw no signs of having been observed. Satisfied, he swerv- ed from the trail and set off for the foothills at an easy lope. "That's it," Sonny agreed. He It was more than an hour before paused. "Now suppose a Mex went he reached them,. and darkness was to lSliss Laurier?" complete, but the stars shone down •"She'd tell Tilford," said the slier - brightly, and as he rode into a cleft iff briefly. among the first hillocks of the. "I kincla wish," said Sonny slow, mountain chain, a glow, as of a lv, "that she hadn't come here. cigarette, arose from the earth, Tilford playin' snoops with Garcia— swung on horseback, and spurred to- an' 'Gatoil, he's run-off with a coup ward hits. la Mexcan girls." eerwdv," said the sheriff comfort- He said nothing mare. But the ably. "I figured yah'cl be here." sheriff made a sudden angry move - "What's the news?" drawled the trent toward his gun.' other, drawing alongside. Then the crunching sound of wa- "Ono item o' news," said the gen wheels was heard." Carte from sheriff detachedly, "is that I don't a distance. rapidly growing nearer. know tvho y'ilre, Sonny. I ain't got With them was the sound of many any idea at all who you might be. I horses. Suddenly the noises were reg'n you must be that feller John near indeed and against the star Doe I bear so many warrants is out studded space before the pair in for. Because, bein' the majesty of wait a rider was silhouetted. Then the law in person, if I WAS to cane another. The first of the riders across Sonny Holman I'd have to ar- rlunged down the embankment of rest him an' collect a reward of a the road and vanished. Others fol- thousan' dollars Miss Laurier's put lowed. And then a bulky, heavy ore up for him:' wagon appeared. There were mules "Doggone!" drawled Sonny. hitched to it, and its bulk was clear- "That's right nervy of her, it is. ly outlined against the sky, pricked But it an't just exac•iy honest, takiti' out by the tiny stars and blue vel - money from my mine to -pay a re- vet heaven against which they twink ward for catchin' one." • leer, The sheriff chuckled. "Sonny-- There Was laughter and sibilant he began. "No, Mistuh Doe. Kis- talk in Spanish. Figures began to tuh John Doe, suh, when yuh seen as ascend to the road again, on foot, many women as I have, an' looked in bearing burdens in their arms which as atany six-guns as I have, yuh'll they heaved into the waiting wagon. have more respec''for. beth kinds of "This here," drawled Sonny softly artillery. Of the two, though, the "is about as much nerve as anybody ladies are a lot more devastatin', livin' ever showed. ` I wouldn't like Where do we go now, Sonny?" so much to have Garcia's disposition, but I sure would admire to own his Little box canyon over thataway," gall,. said Sonny, waving his hand to -The sheriff worked his rifle sil DR. J. C. GANDIER Office Hours: -1.20 to 3.30 p.m., '6.30 to 8.00 p.m. Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 pm. Other hours by appointment only. Office and Residence Victoria St DR. FRED G. TIIOMPSON Office and Residence: 'Ontario Street — Clinton, Ont. 'One door west of Anglhtan Church Phone 172 Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted DR. PERCIVAL HEARN Office and Residence: lIiuron Street — Clinton, Ont, Phone 69 (Formerly occupied by the late Dr C. W. Thompson) :Eyes Examined and Classes Fitted DR. IL A. McINTYRE DENTIST EXYRACTION A SPECIALTY ',Office over Canadian National 'Ex- press, Clinton, Ont. Phone 21 THURS., APRIL 14, 1932 .45 this tide, and the scattering flickers of answering fixe. f'Sonny, Holman," 'grunted. tete first Circle Bar rider. "Dawggonel Sonny set up a' wild yelling, de- signed to carry all the way to the ranch -house, "White folks! Com- b -II Trouble on niy heels!" he yel- led. His gun boomed again and a; „gam - "When Sonny hollers like that," said the second. rider briefly, "he ain't runn1' from the sheriff. • We mix in." They swooped alongside., gums out, the starlight glinting on their muzzles. Sonny covered them and swung his" muzzle away., "Garcia's gang," panted Sonny. "Plugged the sher iff. Grab him an' get him to the ranch -house while I wade into them coyotes back there." D. H. McINNES CHIROPRACTOR, Electro Therapist Masseur Office: Huron St. (Few doors west of Royal Bank). Hours—Tues., Thurs. and Sat., all day. .Other hours ay appointment• 3iensall Office—Mon., Wed. and Fri 'forenoons. Seaforth Office --Mon., "Wed. and Friday, afternoons. Phone '207. GEORGE .. ELLIOTT 'Licensed Ailctioneer for the County of Huron 'Correspondence promptly answered. ?Immediate arrangements can be made lfor Sales Date at Tile News -Record; Clinton, or by calling phone 103. Charges Moderate , and Satisfaetior Guaranteed. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Won! He fired .behind him, into the bunched riders who rode yelling in his wake,, Two other, guns in- stantly took up the fusilade, and while one .single-action Colt may not db overmuch damage by starlight, from the back of 'a pliit1ging horse, and at a target •trade indefinite 'by distance, three , axaetly similar Colts sending Stabs of orange Elaine from "Probably °poll through," • said ther. "Vagnerors from across the their muzzles are a different prod Thompson. "It's going to take border, I reg'n, lookin" for better position entirely. The yelling. from him a good long' time, though., pay this side. Or maybe dodgin' behind changed in timbre. From ex- He opened a door and nodded with- trouble on the other side," ultationand threat, it rose to raga. in. Sonny went into the shadowed The lights of the little town ap- stillness for; a while. He came out, eared and he locked up at the The three riders went streaking p for the ranch -&lose. Neither •Circle lookng grim.' "119:,y fault," he observ- stars and dismounted. He eased Bar man made anymovement to re - If"1 shoulda played a lone hand. Gunpowder's girth and squated down If I can call off—Em!" on the ground, Watching until nearT lieve Sonny of the limp figureGun,'g y Powder carried as an extra burden, He ate in silence, frowning. midnight, He smoked innumerable He demanded it, twice, but the rifles Thompson - watched him. Sonny cigarettes and perhaps Ioneliness behind were still too many and too looked out of the window at the assailed hint. The sounds of ;the close to risk the stop or slackening light from time to thee: When he town were clear. There was tinny of .speed the chlor a would a cess:- had tucked away. the fast biscuit music from the Roaring Zephyr, made and drunk the last cup of coffee he thin and pale by the distance and the fate. And besides, there was tzar- said suddenly, "Gunpowder all set silence •outside. There were occa- ti"ular sense in Sonny cont ittina' fcr a RI pasear?" " sional shootings and' once a burst suicide by riding into the mobback there. "War ing ,for you," admitted .of hilarious yelling. And from the Thompson. "What are you going Mexican section—Moleville boasted He wee half raving and half sob- to cio?" no more than five or six hundred bine when they thut•,`ered into the "Go en' see Miss Laurier," said people in all, but after true border ranch house enrral and the bunk- Sonny briefly. "We're both kinda fashion the race lines were sharp as hire wee eventing brill clothed eater -for as dwellings went there was interested in roundin' up those ore. brvs whn night hrvo forgotten thieves. Yuh know I object strenu, the sound of much festivity. A wed shirts and even chaps but never six- ous to anybody robbin' the Aztec but ding dance was in progress there gun` me. Maybe me an' Miss Laurier and the music ,carried much better "pat»n vele!" Soupy Wanted. "T might get to work together." and with a more authentic note of conlda eve—some of 'nil Pd. ha' "You're crazy!" said Thompson. gayety than the dancehall tunes. made 'em +alta! Get the se,,,,ter tn" "Probably," admitted Sonny Sonny may have been lonely. He sidv an' 0" n b;111. OUG''•1 He ain't ''Prob'ly I am. But I might be able surely thought of many things not sn'kn in 'three miles. He utay be to get her to lay off me until I set- usual in an outlaw with a price of dead." tle with Garica. It'd help a lot." a thousand dolIatr on his head. But But he tarried out his own orders He stood up enol rolled a reflective at midnight he mounted and rode in - himself. The sheriff was breathing cigarette. Ire smoked it, maturing to the town. He did not ride fur - hilt little stere. Sonny swore pant- plane rind developing a line of argu- tively—,that would leave been ern- dngly. "I'm gain' for the docs' he ment. Then he slipped •tut of the spicuous, He rode quietly up ,147 raged. "You fellers scatter an' pick like a log,. die slept through till slmrise. He slept through' until noon, when an impromptu committee wt's -:hanging about the Circle Bar ranch -house and receiving no information whatever frorn_the ranch ]lands. He slept, in fact, until five o'clock or later. Then he rolled out'of his bunk with a jerk, feeling' for his gun suspiciously, Thompson blinked front the . ellair in which he had been; napping. "I hoped you'd sleep longer,' he observ- ed. "Most' of the Moleville crowd the ranch . he was not - followed. . Here, In brief, are the changes in Thompson had seen to that. So he the feder'al taxation. by which it is rode direct for Moleville as his mind hoped to: increase. the revenue acern- revolved many schemes. He let ing to the. public treasury by some Gunpowder• ypiek the way. and was '855,000,000:. • only vividly aware' of fit sui'ra'und- Sales tax increased from four to inge once, when Gunpowder stopped six per _cent, with ice cream, cereal short. Sonny had" trained the big foods, processed milk and other it- stallion well,. :Gunpowder stood lik) ems previously exempt,, now to be a statue while a cloudy dark mass taxed. Tax effective at once. drifted past to the pounding of hoofs Excise tax on all goods imported and the noise of murmured talk. It into Canada increased from one to was impossible to do Moro than guess three per •cent. at - the number of riders.' In the . Exemptions on personal income darknees they were a mere blur, bet tax reduced from 53,000 far married from the jangling of :their saddles persons to $2,400 from $1,600 for and the tone of their voices Sonny 'single persons to J1,200. Twenty muttered, "Mexicans," from force of per cent. reduction now allowed from habit. Then be classified thorn fur- tax payable under established sched- ule ched ule of rates discontinued. Exemp- rangli-house. A. few: men still lin- the mine enclosure and dismounted. gered about the ranch but they were Iia whispered in Gunpawdei's ear, A mostly hangers-on from curiosity. whistle, would • bring' the ebig black Few' believed that Sonny was still at the ranch -house where the rumor— started in Mexican quarters—said he brad. taken refuge with the sheriff. And those who still remained at' the ranch were: being entertained by ex- cessive-y l ospitahlc hosts tat the OUTSTANDING CHANGES .. bankheuse. IN FEDERAL TAXATION When,Sonnystarted away from horse crashing' through anything to his side. And then Sonny slipped away into the darkness. (To he continued) has gone home. Get up and take a look at' the sheriff and I'll feed you." Sonny rail his tingers through. his hair, frowning. "How come I step' so' long?" he -demanded. "Laudanum in .that' drink we gave you,".said Thompson, and grinned. "The doctor didn't want any more sick men ' oh his hands.' He doped you to keep the peace. You'd better hang around here until dark.,, Sonny ednsidered, and shrugged his shoulders. "All right," he con- ceded, "I got me a: better idea than scrappin,' anyways. How's the sher- iff?" her-iff?" ' TIME TABLE 'Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton as 'follows: Buffalo and Goderich Div. Going East, depart°6.58 a.m Going East depart ' 3.05 p.m. 'Going West, depart 11.55 ,.m. 44 41" 9.44 pan.. London, Huron '& Bruce.: Going South 3.08' p.m. ',Going North 11.58 .e ni, give the direction:"When I got wetly loose from its sheath. He step - next to this li'l trick, sheriff, 1 •ped forward. "Man's upl" he bark• swear I was tempted to horn in on ed. "or I'l blow holes in the lot of it. It'd be so chimed easy to stick yuh!" ' up those fellers an' drive away with Sonny chew his own gun and a load 0' high grade! But like my stood ready, wasting' for surrender great -grand -uncle nee removed used or acceptance of the challenge. The to remark, a fat poke ain't any good answer came swiftly. One shot — to a•yaller dawg. I didn't do it, sher• two—and then the little traplike iff, an' I'm feelinr' virtuous." cangen in 'the hills seemed to. be u n k e no m up some of Garcia's gang. We tried t' stick up the bunch an' they Burn' near wiped up the earth with us." He started for tate door. Thomp- son, the owner of the Cirele Bar, stopped hint. "What's this, Sonny?" he asked curtly. "I'an goin' for the doctor," snap- ped Sonny. "The sheriff an' rte, we was tryin' to get them ore thieves en—" He stared into suddenly dub- ious faces. Ile went deathly pale and his hand dropped to his gun. "Easy, Thompson," he said in a sudden deadly calm. "I said I was goin' for the doctor. Get outcr'my way!" Hand to his hip, he walked for the door, He went out. A mo- ment later the scutryng of 'Gun. pcwdees hoofs sounded. They whirl- ed away and were gone. Thompson fingered his ,chin uncertainly. The sheriff's eyes flickered open. They found Thompson. "Tull—yuh go plumb to hell, Thompson," said the sheriff wealth". "Don't yrlh know Scnny yet?" His eyes closed once mere and he was still. It was two hours before Sonny gat back, sweat stained and hag- gard. Two shots heralded bis , ar- rival He led the Way while darkness spouting flames from 'every stone deepened gradualy land blotted out and rock. all their surroundings. At last, in- ' Two cowboys riding night herd stead of dull black ramparts before on the Circle Bar heard the shoot - them shutting out the sky. an open- •ing first. It was a long way off. ing appeared ahead and they gazed but coming nearer. One gun pap- as if over the. edge of the world into ped in the distance, unmistakably, a star studded space, black powder. 45.. It was answered. "Here's the stage road," said Son- by a rattle of slots that were light- ny in a lowered tone. "The ore er in caliber but that had the ven- omous ring of rifles. -liar away and ' thin from the distance, the sound • THE McICILLOP MUTUAL had travelled,, there was a yell, and Fire Insurance Company ' then mere shooting. Ilead Office, Seaforth, Ont. Silence for a while., Then the President, 3. Bennewies, Brodhag• popping '.45 began again, to be in - en, 'vice-president, James Connolly, terrupted in its i:hird shot. by the Goderich. Sec, -treasurer, D. F. Mc- same wolf pack: harking of rifles, Gregor,' Seaforth. • . It was nearer this time. 'The die. .,Directors; Thomas Moylan, R. R. tant, muted thudding of horse's No, 5, Seaforth; James Shouidtce, hoofs could be felt, 'rather than Walton.; - Wm. Knox, Londesbore; heard' in the cool stillness of the Robt. Perris, Blyth; john Pepper,, starlight night. " "What 'the hell?": de:nirnded ,one cowboy of another, The answer to that was action. They 'l'odc taarTdy;, of mune, Co head off. an citipt!on of shooting men. into the hent they guarded. Cattle are hidhsttitng eroatnres of-, ter dark, and neither of, the .Circle 'Bar riders longed .for the job of try'` ing to get a statnjtocled and scatter- ed herd together' again. But, mainly they rode because there was shoot - lime' and it is the instinct of man tc Erucefield; A. Broadfoot, Seaforth; G. R. McCartney, Seaforth. Agents: W. J. Yeo R.R. No. 3, Clinton; Jelin Murray,• Seaforth; James Watt, Blyth; Ed. Pinchleyl Seaforth. Any money to be paid may be paid to the Royal Bank. Clinton; Batik of Commerce, Seaforth, or at Calvin Cuti's Grocery, Goderich. Parties desiring to effect insur- ance or transact other business will •be 'promptly attended to on ,applica tion to any ofe.- above officers "Doe's on the way," he reported. "Some of Garcia's fellers' still hang - in' around. One of 'ern plugged at inc as I. conte ridin'. Thompson, yuh, send a gang t' meet the doe. Hear?" Thompson nodded. A joyous posse erode to meet the doctor, coming on a slower horse than Gunpowder. They returned disheartened because no one had tried to bar the way. Sonny hung yelled anxiously while the first rough. bandages were"removed and replaced, "I'll be able to tell in the morn- ing." said the doctor, and yawned, having lost half a night's sleep. "But Sonny, there's a' thousand 'dol- lar reward outefor you. You're nick') ed up scone' with bullets. Let me fiX you up and you hike off. A11 of Moleville will be out here by day- break in hopes of getting that thous- and," Sonny's teeth shut with a click. "I'm goin' to stay an' argue with 'est," he said grimly. "There's folks that's goin' to say the sheriff was cropped,, goin' out with a holdup man to catch ore thieves, An'," be,fin- ished stubbornly, "I'm goin' to con.) vont then; that has such ideas!" Thompson frowned. Then his. face cleared again. ,"Crazy fool," he chided amiably. • "Doctor, fix him tin a drink. He's hall out of his head, I've Rot enough inert here_ to stand of:f the comity anyhow. Let him east until he finds out about the sbeeifif." Tie went into the next room with the doctor, saying something in'a whisper, while Sonny itetecl . rest, lessly at the bed on which the sher th b ff iff lay motionless. , They came .back oddressed to their respective post or- with :a'stiff drink in .a tumbler. Son ,fices. Losses inspected by the diree- hunt up trouble and get into it. by drank it, tor who lives neareat the scone. They saw the yellow flash of the In ten minutes he was sleeping tion for each dependent remains at $500. New schedules effective on 1931 incomes, Five per cent. surtax unposed' on income tax payable by persons and corporation earning more than 55,- 000 per annum. • Corporation tax increased from 10 to 11 per cent. Provisions relating to family emetorations repeal'ed'. On checks, money 'orders, promis- sory notes, bills of exchange, etc., over $5, rate of tax raised: from two to three cents up to 5100; six cent's over $100. Five -cent -tax imposed on all tele- grams, cables and radio messages and all long-distance calls. Operat- ing company to pay tax to treasury and is allowed to charge same to sender of niessage or call. Ten per •cent. tax on cost of sleep- ing -car berths, with a minimum of 25 cents, and 10 cents en chair -car tickets. Special taxes on checks, messages, tickets, etc., become effective May 2, 1932.. No charge in customs tariff be- cause of imminence of impee:•dal ec- anomia conference. DEFINED "What is a paradox, Mister?" "Two wharfs side by side, sit." The "DO YOU PRINT 'THESE YOURSELVES OR DO YOU RAVE TO SEND AWAY FOR 'THEiM?" Was the question asked us recently by a new customer who was leaving an order for a very simple Small .rob. He did not know then, that this office can turn out almost ev- erything that any business elan or fernier can possibly need in his business. Do not take any stock in what travelling salesmen may tell you about your local printing' office not being able to handle ,your work. TRY US. LETTER IHEADS, STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, WEDDING INVITATIONS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, AT-HOME CARDS, ENVEL- OPES, BUSINESS FORM'S, INVOICES, SALE POSTERS, TAGS, 'TICKETS, ETC., ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY JOBS WHICH Wil ARE HANDLING EVERY DAY. IV YOU HAVE A .PRINTING JOB CONSULT US: And Sear in Mind That if the Travelling Salesman Quotes yon et Smaller Price IT IS ONLY BECAUSE YOU GIVE HINT ORDERS' Irbil THOUSANDS WHILE YOU OEDD'EB HUNDREDS FRIM US. Give us an even chance and we'll complete' witit any of them. THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD COMMERCIAL PRINTING DEPARTMENT PHONE 4