The Clinton News Record, 1932-02-04, Page 5• PGE 4
Early house cleaners may have the
advantage of selecting their
which has i
just arrived r ed and all at the
New Low Prices
If you have a Cold in the Head
Use Medicated Throat Discs
Use Rexai# Broi chial Syrup
For Sale By
W.S.R. Holmes, phm.B
Ziro Starr.
An inter -club badminton tcu
anent: was held on Wednesday ev
Ing at the elootns of the Godes
Badminton Club by members of
Goderich and Bayfield clubs. Twe
members from each club participa
six ladies and six men. The ga
comprised a mixed doubles maladies' doubles, ladies' singles, me
doubles and men's singles.
Bayfield won the ladies' sin
the men's doubles and the men's t
gees; Goderich the mixed doubles a
the ladies' doubles.
Those participating in the gan
For Bayfield, Mrs. Westla
Miss Westlake, Mrs. N. Brady, Ma
McEwen, Miss Seeds, Miss Davids
Messrs. Patchell, McKenzie, Wall
Pollock, Weston and Dr. Newt
Brady. Foe•Goderich, Mrs. E.
Benoom, leers. H. L. Barnes, the
res M. ilratson, G. Watson, M. L
C, Hays and Messrs. Et C. Bcaco
D. D. Nairn, N. -Oliver, C. Walk
H. C. Williams and P. F. Carey.
]Nixed Doubles
Bayfield -De. N. Brady, Mrs.
Brady, 5; Goderich-E. C. Beaco
Mrs. Beacon, 15.
Bayfield -.Miss Davison, Sir. Pa
aril, 18; Goderich-Miss lx. Wa
son, Doug. Nairn, 20.
Bayfield -Miss Seeds, Mr. Westoi
'15; Gndorich-Miss M. Lee, Mr. 01
ver, 5,
Bayfield -•Miss Westlaice, Mr, P
lock, 2; Goderich-•Miss 0, Watson
Mr. iker, 15, '
Bayfield--Mli's. M,cEeven, Mr, Me
:Kenzie, 20; Goderich-411Liss C. HayMr. II. Williams, 18.
Bayfield-Mps, Westlake, Mr. Wal
tis, 8; •Goderich--efes. Barnes, Mr
'Carey, 15..
Ladies' Doubles
Bayfield-4Mes. Newton Brady
Miss Davison, 18: Goderich---rIi ss
1VT Lee, Mrs. E. Beacom, S
Bayfield ---Miss Seeds, Ma's. West,
lake, 3; Goderich-Miss M. Watson
Miss G. Watson, 15.
Bayfield•• -.Miss Westlake, Mrs.
McEwen, 1.5; Goderich-,Mrs. Barnes,
Miss C. Hay, 17.
Men's doublesj l
Bayfield-- . Patuhell, De. N.
Brady,' 20; Goderich-E. .Beacom,
1). Nairn, 17.
Bayfield-1'Ir. Weston, Mr. Pollock,
18; Goderich--M., Oliver, Ma. Wal-
ker, 20.
Men's Singles
Bayfield -Dr.. Newton -Brady, 15;
'.Goderich-C. Walker, 1e.
Bayfield--•M1r. Patchell, 9; Godexieh
B Nairn, 15.
Bayfield -1123'. Weston, 15; Gode-
rich-P. Carey, 8.
Bayfield --Mi', Pollock, 11; Gode-
'rich-elet ()Them, 15.
Bayfield --,Mr. Ilifelfenaio, 1.5; God,-
+erich-1I, Williams, 0.
Lades' Singles
Bayfield -Mies Davison, 1.5; Glad-
erieh--A. 'Watson, 1.
Bayfiekc1-Mes. Wiestlalte, 4; God-
erieh-elle s, Barnes, 15.
Men's Doubles
" Bayfield• Mr. McKenzie, Mr, Wal -1 15; Goder�ielt-Mr. Carey, Me..'
'Williams, 11.
After the games eefreshmrents wet'e .I
served by j:he hosts, the GoderiLht
'-MLTs. A. Newton -Brady left en
Thursday of hast week to visit her
tna- mother in Sarnia,
en, Miss .Time Reid returned to her
neh home in the village on Thursday of
the last week after having visited
ted friends in Clinton.
nes Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Speed and
teh, small sou of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs.
n's Wm. MIeelinehey of Danville, Ili.,
motored to the village and spent the
gles, week -end with their parents, Mr.
in- and Mrs. Henry Mfeelinehey.
114 Mr. Clifford Pace* motored to
the village on Sunday. On, his return
'les lie was accompanied by his parents
ke, who will visit with him in London.
's• MissFioy Edwards who .has been
bn, spending a month visiting friends in
is, Kitchener and Waterloo returned
on keine Tuesday evening.
Mis- The Young. Peoples' Department of
ee, St. Andrew's United Church, Bay -
01, field, met on Thursday evening, Jap-
er, nary 28th. The meeting was in
charge of the president, Miss Cale.
The Devotional period was followed
by amusing impromptu speeches, A
N. violin selection by Mr. Gale, and antib
Beam mouth -organ et or by Albert
Woods were much enjoyed. A de-
t- bate: "Resolved that it is a crime to
at- Steal food to prevent starvation"
proved very interesting. The af-
firmative side won by a very small
i- margin. After a sheet period of
Comnunvty Singing the meeting was
closed with a hymn and benediction.
• Cecil McLeod then • took charge of the
social, part of the program.
Report of Bayfield Public School
for January: Teachers, Isabel Kirk,
Margaret Ferguson,
• r Sr, V -Honours --••John 'Wild, Dm
bel Oenaond (tie),
1 Jr. V-Tlonnnrs, Dean Castle,
, 1111 Kathleen Scotehnier; failed ---Keith
Gemeinhardt, Rebore Carnia
Sr, 4th-,Honota's--1 red Sturgeon,
Emma .Sturgeon, Dick Weston; pass:
, Carson Johns, Charlie Parker, Brown
1 Lindsay, Tom Castle; failed; Doris
Sr. 3rd --•Honours: Vera Wild; pass
-.Mae Murray, Evelyn 'Gemeinhardt,
Marry Brandon, Ken. Castle, Charlie
Jr. 3rd--d•Ionours, Mary J. Moore -
house, Bell Westlake, Bob MacLeod,
Kenneth Brandon; passed -+Stuart
Sturgeon, •Albert Osni.oad, Pearl
Lindsay, Bill Murray; failed -Wil -
Hain Osmond.
2nd Class -Honours, 'Clara Clark,
Lorna Westlake, Betty Brandon, June
Brandon; passed --,John Murray,
John MacLeod.
let class -Honours, Elsie MacLeod,
Jas. Dewar, Vera Pease; pass-Doius
Pr,: Norman Brandon, Malcolm.
MacLeod, Lloyd Westlake. Audrey
Brandon, Helen ;Sturgeon, John Pear-
GOD13RICII Tire Board 'of Trade
is planning a banquet to G. Spot -
ton, M.P. and C. A. Robertson, Mf.I,.A.
North Huron, the date fixed for the
event being Feb. IZth. Arrange-
ments for the banquet . have been
left ha the hands of a committee, The
13, of T. arse are asking that the Ag-
rieultural short courses next year li
club e
held :in. Goderich.
Big Crowd and Happy Time Spent
The 32nd Annual At-Ilonle
Re union was held in the Arca
Court on Friday evening last,
notwithstanding, thedisagree
state of the weather, the attend
was the largest: in the tistpry
the association: A large 'con
gent from the towns of the
County ich•ove down by auto: and
in the "Big Show." Mayor Ci
and his wife came down front B
rie and augmented the crowd.
Luigi Riomanelli's )oreleestra r
plied . the music for the dancing
suitable solos were rendered for
radio by Mass. Elville Ring and
D. Ferguson.
Large 'cumbers indulged in Eu
and Bridge in the gallery, the p
winners •in euchre being: Gen
lst, Mir. J. Saul, 2nd, Mr. J. R.;.0
ley; ladies-lst, Miss Mfephers
2nd, :Mrs. M. Scarlett.
Under the supervision of C.F.0
the proceedings were broadcast f
10.30 to 11.30.
Amongst those present were
Mr. and Mrs. TI. 8. .Stowe, r
and Mrs. C. G. Vanstene, IVEr.
Mrs, J. A. McLaren and Miss 1141
Mr. and Mrs. E. Floody and Ili
Moody, Mfr. and Mrs. B. H,
Creath, Mr. and Mrs. A. 0.
Vicar, Mr, and Mrs. L. M. Piing
Dr. and Mrs. Ir. J. Hodgins a
Mrs. McLacey, Me. and Mrs, W.
Buchanan, Mr. and 1&s. 1). D. W
son, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Fergus
and Mess Ferguson, Mr. and M
harry Martin, Mr, and Mrs.
Thcmnpson and Miss Thompson, M
and •Mies. Gen. C. 17 cling Rev.
0, MoDiarmici, Me. and Mrs, S.
Wickens, Me. and Mrs. John Moo
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell
the Masses Campbell. Mr. and Mr
A. F. Forbes and the Misses Fo
bes, air. R. C. King and Miss Kin
Mr. 1I. I, 11?orrieh and the Miss
Morrish, Mr, R, S. Sheppard,
3, A. Cameron, Mr. G. A. Newt
and the Messes Newton, Miss J.
Turner (Seaforth), Miss Sadie
Walker, Miss Clara McGowan
(Blyth), Miss Fannie Paterson,
Miss L. 1. Knox, Miss E. Farrow.
Miss to Farrow, Mrs. I. B. Brown,
Miss. Minnie /twin, Mr. and Mas.
Dave Robertson, Mr, and Mrs. Jas.
Saul, Mr. and Mrs. John Rmnbull.
Dr. and Mrs, B. Campbell, Dr. and
Mrs. G. Ferguson, Dr. and Mrs. G.
R. Robinson, Mr. J. H. Langton and
Mfrs, E. Langton. Mr. and Miss, D.
Crawfoi'c1 and Mass Crawford, Aid..
and Mrs. 11'. Duckworth, Aid, and
Mrs. G. C. Elgie, Mr. and Mrs, 12.
Leask, Dr. and Mis. H. W, Waters,
Dr. J. P. Fleming and Mrs. Flent-
irig, Mr. aril Sirs. W. 1I. Pearson
Mrs. J. Glen and Sfiss Glen, Mlrs.
A. Becker and Miss Becker, Mr. R.
A. Stewart. Sir. and Mrs. Stunt
Robertson, Mr. Russell Brown, Mr
and efre. G. R. Dane, Mr. and errs
W, J. Taniblyn, Mr. and Mess C. 0.
Kiley, Mr. and 1411,5. Z. 13. Lowry,
Me r. and Mfrs. Athol Srcouarric,
gr. and Mrs. A. T. Currie, Me. and
Mrs. II, 1). Morris, .Mr. and Mts.
Ger. Stogdill, ler. and Mrs, F. Nen-
dick, Mrs. W. Newcombe (N.
Battleford, Sesk. ), Miss Elva Lavis,
Miss Mlnry Gore, Miss M. H. Ram.,
say, Miss B. Campbell, Miss le.
Beaumyr, Miss Fannie Paterson,
Miss R. Cameron, Mrs. Dr. Milne
(73lyth), Mrs. T. R. Taylor, Mrs.
Geo. Good, Mrs. Sam. Good, teas,
11. 3. Morn, Mfrs. MI, Black, Sirs.
T. Dempetcr, efee and Mfrs. lee A.
]Pennell, M]'. and Mrs. H. C. Sloan,
gr, aril Mrs. G. A. Morrison, Mr.
and Mrs. Murray Cole, Mr, and
Mrs. J. D.' Grey, Mr. and Mr's, J.
E. Forbes (Waterford), Me. and
Mfrs. A. J. Masson, Mr. and Mrs,
T. J. Duff, Me. and Mee. W. J.
Cracknell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Salkeld (Goderich), Mr. and Me's.
W. E. Hanna, SLr, and MIr. W. 0.
1tOIntosh, Mr. and Mrs, M, Stor-
ied, Mr. and Mirs. J. 0. Seott, elee
and Mies. T. Mustard, Mr.. and Sfre.
John Beattie (Seaforth), Mr. and
Mrs. P. A. Petrie, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Donaldson, Mr. and Mrs. R.
Hutcheson, Mr, and Mrs. W. J.
Duncan (Seaforth), Meyer and
Mrs. 3. F. Daly (Seaforth); Mr.
and Ma's. W. A. Doter, Mr. and
Mrs. R. Brooks; Mr. and Mrs. A.
H. Gainsbury, Mi•. and. Mrs. C. Mc-
Allister, Me. and Mfrs. W. Nadel
"The Star," •Goderich; Mr. and
Mrs, Stark and Mas. Stark, sr., Mr.
and Ma's. IL. R, Kitty, Mr. and Mrs.
G. E. Hough, Di•. and Mrs, Harvey
Reid, Dr. F. T. B%yans and the
Misses Bryans, 1Vir, and Nees. W.
Proudfoot, Mr. and Mrs. L. Ken-
nedy, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gilchrist;
Mi. and sllfis. W. Minnett, Mr. and
Mrs. B. V. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs.
J. E.. Rutherford, Mfr. and Sirs. W.
Craigie (Goderich), Mr, aucl Mts.
L. I•I. Hale, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
M9:cllveen. _ and the Misses M'eIlveen
(Police Magistrate, Oakville), Me.
and Mrs. R. H. Archibald (Oak- a
ville), ]/Dryer and Mims. C. C. Lee 1
(Goderich), - Mr. and Mrs. 'F.. 1.
Lee, Mr, and Mi:s. R. E. M'eKinney,
Mr. and Sirs. A. McCarroll, Mayor t
and Mrs. J. F. Craig.(Barrie), 11,' si
and Mrs. R.. J. Fergesoia, Mr ' and''
Mrs. A. C. Spetton, Me. and ' •Ml's ::
and P, McLean, Mr, and Mrs. M; Me-
dian Knight, M. and Mrs. W. W.
and Schoales, 1',T1' and 'Mrs. McKnight,
able I Mr.. and Mris. J. Atkinson, Mi'. and
ance Mrs:. A, Pipe, Mr.. and Mrs. P.
of; Nixon, Mr. and Mrs. O'Halloran,
tin -ID'. and"Mrs. Gibson, Me. and Mrs.
old J. C, Hainley, Mx. and Mrs. N.
took Oook,' Mr. and Mrs. B. Winton,
laig Mr. and 11ti4•s. W. C. Knox, Mr. and.
at Mrs. P. Maybee, Mr. and Mrs. D.
T. Prentice, 'Mr. and Mrs. G. A.
sup- M4alls, 112x. and Mrs. J. G. 14Paxwell,
and Miss P. Gidley, Miss I. Craighead,
the Miss M. Beaton, Miss L. Beaton,
Mfrs, Miss Jean Woods, Miss Ruth Jack-
son, Miss Alma McKay, Miss L',
circ Fry, Miss Elia Beck, Miss Lydia
rite Beck, Miss 0. McKee, Miss T. Dale,
Miss A. Messer, Mess E. Reid, Miss
ous- H. V'2'sy, Miss M. Curren, Miss E,
on; Haanilton, Miss G. 'Crich, Miss M.
Turnbull, Miss M. Stewart, Miss
Ruth 'Ball, Miss Annie Hamilton,
nom, Miss Myra Stimson, Miss J. Drys-
dale, Miss Doris Payne (Lakefield),
the Miss Lilian Walker (Burlington),
Mr. M. D. McTaggart, Mr. W. J.
Chesney, Mi'. H. M. Messer, Mr.
1Ir. W. Dale, M. R. Tnonball, Mr, W.
and A. Crich, Mi., A. Hewitt, Mr. Tont
lis, Jackson, Mr. Ray Carter, Me. E.
its Webster, Ms. W1. Donahoe, Me.
IVIG- Earl Stewart (Hamilton), Mr. Cr.
Mae- A. Habkirk (Seaforth), Mee W. J.
g e, Bell (Seaforth), Mr. W. J, Ches-
nd ney, MIr. H. M. Jackson, Mr. Earl
A. Stark, Mr. W, M. McLaren, Mr. B.
11- C. Robinson, Mr. John Parsons'
on (Godorich), letr, James Parsons,
ins. (Goderich), Mr. W. J. Turnbull,
D, Mr. L. R. Bender, Mr. T, Cowan,
r. Mr. A. Hession, Mr. H. Shepherd,
R. Rnbt. Holmes, R. Middleon (Pt.
M. Cerdit , P. W. Wheatley, Wm.
n, t Powell, Mn. J. S. Wrey, Mrs.
and Smith, Mrs. G. Hersey, Mrs. Mem-
s. ing, Mrs. M sd3ryen, Mrs; E. C. Doll
r- (`Buffalo), Mrs. Alex. Laird, Mrs.
g, 1). Robertson and Miss Robertson
es Mrs. G. L. Parsons (Goderich), Mrs.
Mr. G. F. Rogers and Miss Rogers; Mrs,
en M, Weller. ;riots. C,Solswoll, Mfrs.
Edna Wells (Besten), Mee. Jpmes
Hunter, Mors, Chesney', Mee. H. Mo.
"Swing them around and do-se-
clo" wits the slogan at the old
time dances,
Luigi Romenelli has a great or-
chestra and the Hruott Old Boys
know it.
Mayor J. F. Daly of Seaforth is
a real sport mud is an able repre-
sentative of the staunch old town.
He tallied to the "mike" like a six-
teen year old,
Miss Jelin Woods. gold medallist
1 of the Toronto General hospital,.
, was at the head of Bayfield's con-
, tingent, She is the daughter of the
Bayfield postmaster, Di'.'Woods.
There was a good delegation
:from both Goderich and Seaforth.
Mr. W. Nadel of the Goderich
"Star" was a welcome visitor. He
will how have a good idea n£ how
we do theigs in Toronto.
Pollee Magistrate Tdellveen of
Oakville was early on the job, ac-
companied by Mrs. Meliveen and
two daughters.
Mr, Al 0. Smith, formerly of the
Wingham "Advance," was guaran-
teened in his home, with his family,
and unable to be present.
Mayor C, C. Yee of Goderich end
Sirs. Leo motored down front
Goderieh and enjoyed the event
Mayor J, Craig of Barrie, and
Mrs. Craig were present and en.
joed themselves Immensely. The
mayor is a'Goderich old boy.
Miss Sadie Walker, "live wire"
Assistant ,Secretary, led the Exeter
Robert Holmes, ex-M.P. for West
leucon, and ex -editor' of the "Clinton
New Era," was in his glory, and he.
stayed, to the end of the program.
Mrs, Wen. Newcombe, of North
Battleford, Sask., was present with
her daughter, Mfrs. H. D. Morris,
and took in all 'the program. She
was formerly Miss Mary 'Brown of
Pedagogues high and public, were
well represented, some 27 being in
Doctors and dentists oriented up
to 12 in the audience.
President Harry. Stowe had a smile
s big as the side of a ]rouse, and
lfrs. Stowe wont him one better.
Mr. G. 0. Young had charge of
lio Bridge players, while Mr. Stowe
uper.vised the Eueliee prayers.
Sec •eto . r
r y Floodv sold 12(1 tickets
"Nothing succeeds like success," is
his motto.
Mrs. :Edna Wells carne up ream
Boston, Masse to attend the event.
She Was formerly Edna Irwin of
Treasurer D. D. Wilson was a
busy man, The right man in the
right place.
"See the Conquering Hurons Come"
was the fitting remark made'•by a
newspaper man es the 'Ng crowd
surged into the hall.
Honorary President McLaren says
that this event cannot be beaten in
It is hoped that Principal Tani-•
blyn will bring his vocational school
boys into the At -Horne.
The honey industry .of Canada has
suffered considerably through the
fermentation of the honey in storage.
This fermentation is now recognized
to be due to yeasts capable of devel-
opine' in highly concentrated sugar
solutions. In an effort to discover
any relation which night exist be-
tween the chemical analysis sof honey
and its tendency to ferment an ex-
amination of some 200 samples of
honey collected from all over the Do,
minion was carried on by the Divis-
ions of Apiculture, 'Bacteriology and
Chemistry of the Dominion Experi-
mental Farms.
Chemically, with the exception of
a few extreme cases, the analysis of
Canadian honeys lies well within the
recognized standards.. Differences
are notes] according to floral origin
and to geographical distribution.
Buckwheat honey has a higher mois-
ture nitrogen, titrateable acidity
and ash and a lower sucrose content
than clover stoney. According to geo-
graphical distribution Ontario and
Quebec and the Eastern provinces
show the highest moisture and nit-
rogen contort. A hi; -Is ash content
occurs in British Colt -treble, and in the
Eastern Provinces and a high einem
content in honeys from British Col-
umbia. For this comparison, the
results have been taken from honeys
of one floral origin, viz. clover.
Correlating the chemical analysis
of honeys which remained sound (u.p
to October 1, 1930) with that of
those which fermented (prior to Oc-
tober 1, 1930) it was found that as
causative agents of fermentation,
other factors being equal, moisture
is very important acid nitrogen and
titrateable acidity may play a part.
It is of interest to note that buck-
wheat honey, higher in these consti-
tuents, ferments more readily than
clover honey and is produced largely
in Ontario, Quebec and the Eastern
Provinces where fermentation is
most prevalent:,
The fact that a high moisture con-
tent Microimages fermentation wee
indicated in previous experiments by
the Division of Chemistry and the
present work confirms this earlier
Mr. Oliver Anderson attended the
Youth;• Peoples' Conference in Strat-
ford last week, as 0 delegate from
Knox United Y, P. Society,
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Anderson of
Goderich visited with friends here
one day last week. '
•MIr: and Mrs. J. J. Washington at
tended the funeral of the former's
cousin, the late Miss E. Washington,
in Clinton on Saturday last.
The Women's Institute is Bolding
a social evening in the Forester's
Ball on Friday evening this week.
MIr, Thos. Johnston is spending a
fete days el Mitchell this week.
The Sacrament of the .Lord's Sup-
per will be administered in Knox
United church on Sunday next, .Feb.
7th, by the pastor, Itev. Dr. Mlor-
timore. A preparatory serviee will
be held on Thursday. evening this
week. Rev Mr. Patton •of Benmiller
will give the address.
Tho W.M.S. will hold its regular
monthly meeting on Thursday after-
noon this week in the 'basement of
the church.
The Imperial Canfereece will *pen
in Ottawa on Monday, July 18th.
'Great Britain and the United Stat-
es are agreed that peace must be
reached and kept in the East. ;But
so far aetiVitie.e have been more like
War than anything seen 'Cor some
A. series of destructive earthquakes
have occurred in Santiago, Cuba,
causing ninth loss of life and damage
to property.
The name of Ibm. Arthur Meighen
is mentioned as .leader of the Govern-
ment forces in the Dominion 'Senate.
He may also held a position in the
.tYlrs. Robt. Grimoldby and Mr. Ben
Rileyare this week epending a. few
days itt the hone of Mfrs, John Mann
of near Clinton, who is at present
under the doctor's care.
Mrs. George Wheatley left last
Thursday for Toronto to visit for a
'week with her daughters, Misses
Blanche and Elva Wlheatley, Mrs,
William Carnelian accompanied her.
Mos. Robt, Patterson returned to
her home in Walton Ion Sunday after
spending a week with her sister,
Mrs, Jean Britton.
Mfrs. Leo Stephenson and son,
Donald, are spending a few days this
week el the home .of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Logan of Blyth.
•Mr. John Hinckley of Stratford is
spending a week :or so at the Moine
of Mr. David Millson,
Me, and Mrs, Lester McKay of De-
troit visited at the home of the' lati
ter's aunt, Mrs., Adam Nicholson, on
The Community Club held their
January meeting at the home of
Mrs. Jos, Clegg on Wednesday last.
There was a good attendonce of
members and several visitors pre,
sent. In the absence of the president]
Mrs. Norman Tyndall presided and
Mrs. A. 'Eagleson very Itindly acted
as pianist.
The roll call was answered 53,
"Hone Remedies For a Cold," or
"Payment of Fees,"
Quite an interesting, 'discussion
took place on the contest of points
which has been carried on during the
year between sides chosen by Mrs.
Stanbury and Mrs. M. Wiitse, known
as the Reds and Blues, The Blues
won by quite a number of points.
The leasers are providing a banquet,
which will be given in February, New
sides ware chosen by Mt.'s. R. Plum -
steel and Mrs. W. Swinbank and
judging by the interest taken in the
points it promises to be a keen con-
test. Much business was Iaid over
till the next meeting when the work
for the coming year will be com-
menced. The Tucl:eramith ladies
assisted the hostess to serve refresh-'
ments rind a very jolly time was
spent in chatting over the teacups.
Mr. Lester Lebeau is spending this
week with Windsor friends.
IVPs. Gordon Manning has been cnn-
/ fined to the house at the ,home of his
brother, Neiman, with le severe at,
tack ;of tonsilitis during the past
week. He is again able to return to
his Wont in Stanley:
Mrs. McCallum, Mitchell, spent
the week -end at the home of her
nelce, AL's. Will Moffatt..
Mir. Byron Shipley, i,ondorl, who
has ,been staying in the neighbor-
hood for several weeks, being a car-
penter for Mi. CIark and Son, re-
turned to his home the end of last
1VIr. and Mrs. J. Sangstem,Hensall,
spent Saturday with Mr. and 112i's,
A. Wiitse.
Young Man Accused of For-
gery Will Be Tried 'At
Next Assize Court
Young Wilson, accused of forging
two cheques on the account of Mr.
Mosier of Goderich, who had a hear-.
ing in 'Goderich last week,. was up
before County Judge Costello yes,
terday and elected to be tried by
Judge and Jury. He was therefore,
sent up to be tried at the next as-
size court of Competent Jurisdiction,
which will be held on Feb. 28th. This
will be done, unless the accused Iater
elects to he tried before a Judge.
A report sent out Inst week from
Goderich and published in several
papers to the effect that the. prisoner
would he held until June to save ex-
penses is, the County legal authorit-
ies say, entirely erronous and had
no foundation in fact.
Next World Gathering of Boyhood
The dates for the next world Bath.
ening of Boy Scouts have been an-
nounced as August 1 to 13,, of next
year. The jamboree will be held in
Hungary. It. is ,expected that Cane
oda will be represented by u contin-
Planting Memorial Trees
From a Meek walnut tree over-
hanging the grave of Theodore
Roosevelt nuts have been for some
years gathered by Boy Scouts and
sent to all parts of the United States
for planting. "Roosevelt Walnut,
Trees" are now growing in many
diens and cities.
r idee A
*Le Chevrolet stype of ecozczoYnlrt3t gs
• itrr2craspo irlhailicaan has then, .hcAlh
AME all the qualities of a motor car that go
to inspire its owner with lasting r pride_-.-
and you name the very things that make the new
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The fine modern Chevrolet Six is listed as low as
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Smoother, more economical six -cylinder engine
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gear -shifting! Simplified Free Wheeling!
We have a car waiting for you to try.
Standard Roadster. - • $635
Sport • Roadster - - - 695
Standard Coati - - . 720
Business Coupe - - . 725
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0 -Window Coupe - 743
Special Quoit • 775
Special 4U1•We:ober Phaeton
Standard Sedan • • - 5845
Special Coup.
(Rumble Seat) - 800
3 -Passenger Coupe - 825
Convertible Cabriolet 850
Special Sedan . - 870
• . - - $895
• Alf
prices of Pu -tory, O,liawa-Taxer extra.
.•lak abort the GMAC, Central Motors' own dejetred payment
pian, The broad, Prelusive General :Motors Owner. Semen Policy
a„ares lasting satisfaction.
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