The Clinton News Record, 1932-02-04, Page 3PAfGE 2 THE CLINTON' NEWS -RECORD Clint( n News=Recon] • With svhich. is Inconperated THE ERA Terms of Subseription-52:00 per year in advance, to Canadian ad- dresses; $2.50:to.the U,S. or oth• er foreign countries. No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid unless at the option of the publisher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label, Advertising Rates—Transient River- tising 12c per count line for first insertion. 8c fee each Subsequent insertion. " Heading - counts 2 lines. Small advertisements, not to ex teed one inch, such as "Wanted", "Lost," "Strayed," etc., inserted once. for 35e, each subsequent in- sertion 16e. Rates for display ad- vertising made known on applica- tign. •'Comrnunications intended for pub- 'iication must, at a guarantee of good ]faith, be accompanied ley the name rod the writer. • G. E. HALL, M. R. CLARK, Proprietor. Editor, Ionto t1L9® 01�o oczcotl 92:n p THE o M: D MCTAGGART Banker A general Banking Business transacted. Notes Discount- ed- Drafts Issued. Interest Allowed on Deposits. Sale Notes Purchased. q , TULE STORE'' OF A. MISSING ACTRESS AND THE GTAXING OF WITS TO EXPLAIN XPLAIN HER FATE. M bt. 13Y, NANCY BARR i%LAVITY oC[OL=n®L=Ot6=0)==IQO SYNOPSIS which you afterwards• junked or ran • H. T. RANCE Notary Public. Conveyancer Financial, Real Estate and Fire In. surance Agent. Representing 14 Fire Insurance Companies. Division Court Office. Clinton. Frank Fingland, B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public; Success's to W. Brydone, K.C. :Sloan Block — Clinton, Ont, 'Den Ellsworth's ' wife, formerly actress `Sheila OShay, disappears. Dr. Cavanaugh, criminal psycholog- ist, identifies a charredbody found in the tole marsh as that of Sheila. Barbara, .his daughter, faints when she bars him tell this to Peter Pip; er, a herald reoprter. When Mes. Kane, ,Sheila's maid is arrested she admits that Ellsworth married Sheila under threat of breach of promise. A tlueatening note signed '`David Orme" is found 'CHARLES I3. HALE Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commissioner, etc. Office over J. E. Hovey's Drug Store CLINTON, ONT. into the bay; that you then; very astutely thought to Tose yourself in the floating population of the auto cannp, hiding under an assumed name, in order not to arouse suspicion by attempting to flee from the scene without funds. I suggest, David Orme, that you did wilfully and fel- oniously murder Sheila O'Shayl" Orme rose to his feet, his eyes fix- ed in a fascinated stare on the face of the +prosecutor. He was trembling violently from head to foot, but he steadied himself with both :hands on in the murdered woman's safe. 'Pet- the arms of the ehair behind hila. er trails Orme and arrests him. Pet- "Before God, I don't know whether er sees Barbara destroy a'•jewelled I killed her or not!" he screamed in comb of Sheila's .and when she re- the high shrill voice of hysteria. fuses to talk he realizes she is pro- "But I don't think it can be 'possible testing someone. At Orme's trial —because I loved her more than my leers. Kane states that Orme is Sheil- music, more than anything else on a's real husband. Orme takes the earth!" witness stand. CHAPTER XLIV--(Cont'cl.) "Oh, yes, wandering around. And your wanderings, I take it, were con- ducted by automobile?" questioned the district attorney. "I have never had a car," replied Orme. "Yet you made the public automo- bile early your heacaquar'ters. Can you explain that discrepancy?" "Some one 'mist have given me a lifton the highway as far as the auto camp. Then, when I was there, I stayed. 1 had no money, you see." "Quite so. no money. And having thus belatedly discovered your wire's marriage to a rich mane you doubt- less saw an oportnnity to recoup your finances by threatening to make the illegality of her marriage known." "I could not have taken a cent from Sheila if I had been dying!" Orme's face, which had baled to the gray - white of dead ashes at the opening of the cross-examination suddenly flam- ed. B. R. HIGGINS Notary Public, Conveyaneer General Iusuranee, including Fire Wind, Sickness and Accident, Ant sr mobile, Huron and Erie Mortgage 'Corporation and Canada Trust Bonds Box 127, Clinton, P.O. Telephone 67. DR. J. C. GANDIER Office Hours: --1.30 to 8.30 pare. 41.30 to 8.00 p.m. Sundays, 12.30 to 1.30 pm. Other hours by appointment only. Office and Residence — Victoria St. DR. FRED. G. Office and •Ontario Street 'Otte door west: of THOMPSON IieeidenCe: Clint'M; Ont. Anglican Church Phone 172 Eyes Examined and Glasses Pitied spectacular trials of the last decade. His name had gone forth in maga- zines and newspaper stories as a wiz- ard who pulled amazing white rabbits of truth out of the black hat of mys- terious eircurstanees and his banks: were written in a strikingly vivid, though . by no means sensational, style which had brought them read- ers far beyond the circle of his pro- fessional 'confereres. It was quite true that so far as was known he never been engag- ed to investigate a ease whieh he had failed to solve. and ' that the Side which seemed his services in a trial had iuvariebly received a favorable verdict. • "1 belieye doctor, that you have .been popularly referred to as 'The Man Who 'Makes No Mistakes'?" • "Oh, niy dear Mr. Grahame" Dr. Cavanaugh protested amiably. "We must concede' a good deal to popular exaggeration, Perhaps"—she 'book the jury into. his. confidence with a deprecating smile—"It is only that my mistaken have never found • ma out!" •Graham, beaming like an impress sario whose star perfohner is cap- turing the audience, waved the points aside. • "You are acquainted with the de- fendant, David Orme?" CHAPTER XIV. After the emotional stress of the morning session, the 'quiet urbanity of Dr. Cavanaugh, as ,re settled him- self confo'tably in the witness chair restored an atmosphere of normality to the tense courtroom, Dr. Cavanaugh was very touch at ease and completely at home, and he showed it. He distinctly conveyed the impression that murder trials were no treat to him. He took the oath with the careless nonchalance of. a caller presenting himself to a familiar hostess, and awaited devel- opments ' with a manner that subtly combined a willingness to be helpful with a patient acceptance of incon- venience to himself in thus being in- terrupted. Graham had regained something of his former optimism, "Will you tell tee jury. doctor, something oi' your professioeal car- eer.?" "I was graduated from the Har- vard medical school, and atter my in- t'ereeshin was for several years 00 the staff of 'Graham lvespital for net - Wes and mental diseases. I then spent four years in study abroad. 1 was a member of the Viennese Psy- .choonalyti,' Society which met with Dr. Sigmund- Freud of Vienna in the first study of psychnlonalysis, I also spent a year with Dr. J'urgg in Zur- ich.," "Of course nail Ansi yet your earn- ings as a sandpaper artist could scarcely have supported your menage during the period of your married life.,, Graham hall' rose to object thought better of it, and relapsed into his sent. "I dill net think of money then one way or another. I •did not dream that site thought of it either. I loved her." "So you have told us, And yet you made no effort to keep in touch with her affairs --•affairs which were rath- er widely published --until three •days before her death?" "1 have told you that I did not kerw of her marriage to Ellsworth." "And having had your little chat with the lady you left her on a street eeener--having made no attempt to follow up the steps conveyed in your totter to her—and fled back to the auto camp, where you concealed your- self under the assumed name of Dan- iel Osgood?" DR. PERCIVAL HEARN Office and Residence: Huron Street -- Clinton, Ont: Phone 09 (Feemerly occupied by the lata Dr C. W. Thompson) 'Byes Examined and Glasses Fitted .DR. H. A. McINTYI.t,E DENTIST E•1 s'RACTION A SPECIALTY 'Office over Cauradian National Ex. press, Clint,tn, Ont. Phone 21 D. II. McINNES CHIItOPRACTOR Electro Therapist Masson - Office: Office: Huron St. (Few doors west of Royal Bank). Hours -Tues., Thurs. and Sat., all day. Other hours oy appointment. itiensa)l Office—Mon., Wed. and Fri forenoons. Seaforth Office --Mon., 'Wed. and Friday afternoons. Phone • 207. GEORGE ELLIOTT "I am," "You have •exarined him profes- sionally?" "I have." "Will the explaint PSnll noir kindly a ladies and gentlemen at: the jury the circumstances and results of that ex amination?" "I have seen the defendant 'more than once." Graham looked sightly surprised, but recovered himself promptly. "Very well; go right ahead doctor." "I. will be as brief and non-techni- cal as possible. If your honor and the jury will bear with me=' Dr, Cavanaugh glanced upward at the judge's bench—"I wilt. go over the entire eircusnatancesd of my dealings. with the' defendant:' "'Yon have all the time at your die- pos'al that you need, doctor!" Even the judge treated this witness with marked and courteous respect. He no longer stared out.the window or gave his bored attention to the wranglings of Graham and the district ,attorney. It happened that this was the first case he' had tried in which the great Dr. Cavanaugh- appeared as expert witness, and he obviously looked upon t as an opportunty 1 lultofenrore it as an opportunity full of interest." (To be continued.) Economy was The Key Note of The January Meeting of Huron County Council Salaries of Nearly All County Officials Cut Reeve Louis Rader of Hay Warden for 1932 eeeseeseeeseee ed the county buildings, County Horne and Children's Shelter. Ooen, cil committees look after these .well, and he saw no reason why grand juries sioud inspect these twice. The excessive costs of the McNeil t trials would be gone into and Colonel Dennison promised that the /natter would be looked into end he 'hoped to have some explanation to report, Adjournment of courts acid to the costs.;: A letter from the Minister of Health, Dr. Robb, in answer to a re- solution forwarded to him 'opp:osing the order-in-don/mil which eeclu:Ires all bospitals to have at least fifty beds to be eligible , to carry on as training schools :fief nurses, said a number of smaller hospitals had written to members. He had assured thein that inn arbitrary stand would be taken in regard to training of pupil nurses in these smaller hospi, tale. A second resolution requested an amendment to the hospitalization of indigents being admitted without due consideration in the new Hos- pital Act. Reeve Geiger moved that this letter be filed and printed in the minutes. L,anis H. Rader, of Dashwood, Holman asking for an interview Reeve of the Township of Hay, was with him and the warden on Mon - elected Warden of Huron County at day regarding the cost of adminis- its (opening session last week. Four- nation of justice in Huron County. teen new members of the council Clerk Holman reported that the in - tools their seats. This is the year the terview had taken place and report- aks of ed back to the Police Mlagistrate. The 'Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron Correspondence promptly anserered. 'Immediate arrangements can be made for Sales Date at Tee News -Record, 'Clinton, or by calling phone 103. 'Charges Moderate , and Satisfaction . Guaranteed CANADdAN,NATIONAL ' AM 'NAYS TIME TABLE Trains will arrive at and depart frons Clinton .as Nimes: Buffalo and Goderieh Div. Going East, depart 658 a.m Going East depart . 3.05 9,50 'Going West, depart 11.65 nen. " 9.44 pan. Teesdale Huron & Bruce • 'Going South 3.08 pan Going North 11,63 ant, Warden ie chosen from one rar letter was ordered filer]. the Conservatives and the fifteen) be discussed: members met in caucus prior to the When asked to speak to this, Ex - meeting of cruucil and Mir. Rader Warrien Beattie said he droll inquired 1. The passibility of using the ag- ivert the me'reit5' vote. Reeves about the high. cost of justice and eicultural committees of the county THURS., FF$. 4, 1932 .Tames B. Reynolds, gaoler, sub meted the following report:. There have been 114 eornientttnents Ss follows:. L.C,A„ 36; theft, 25; va- grant, 7; fraud, 6; forgery, 6;'hreak • in. 8 ' and . entering, 6' carnal know- ledge, 4; highway act,, 4; nonpay- ment of order, 4; insane, 3; Inland Revenue Act, 3; cruelty to evineti14 2; indecent assault, 2; : assault, 2; Perj ur. e 1; contempt of court, 1; dis- turbing peace, 1. The average num, ber of prisoners has been eight. At preeent there are ten. A notice of the meeting of the Good Roads Convention was refer- red to the Good Roads Committee. Harry 0. Strang of Exeter, who is attending the Agricultural COP lege at Guelph, wrote thanking the council for a scholarship . of $100. lee announced his intention of tak- ing up farming and that be had obtained standing •of second place in a class of ninety-three. ' The appeal of the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, for a grant was referred to the Executive Com- mittee; also one frons. the Institute for the Blind. R. E. Manning of Clinton tender- ed his resignation as representative on Clinton •Collegiate Institute Board. A letter from Mr. BlcCauley of the Highways Departnient regarding the complaint that expenditures en the King's Highway in Huron County being considerably in excess of $44,- 000, agreed to for 1930 as Huron County's •share, stayed "that there is nothing on file to show that the an- nual payment for Ring's Highways amounted to more than $44,000." The letter also advised the amount the county is assessed for this year is $57,000, The communication was filed. Wants Deputation Thomas L. Kennedy, Minister !of Agriculture, in advising that he felt it necessary that a general Ontario Agricultural Committee be chosen from the members of the agricultur- al -committees of county councils to represent the farmers of the pro- vince on all legislative matters, ask- ed that two delegates be sent to a convention held in Toronto on Thurs- day. Feb. 4, when the renewing could rete McKibben of W'ingham and Gold- told 0010n01 Dennison 'of the discus- eounctls as a medium to give more Iv J, Henderson, es -Reeve of theepe of Colborne, were also nom- sloe which took place in council in generous 'help'to the fanners. Mated, and the ncmice was unanim- December.; that twice Inside of a 2. The subject of taxation.—exiled. (Continued or page 3) mushy adopted in council on notion •of these two reeves. Mr. Rader was 1 escorted to the chair and introduc- ed by ex -Virden Beattie and the declaration of office was taken by the new Warden. 1 A conference of representatives of councils pertaining to local im- provements is to be held in: Toronto on February 23. The Highways Department asked that the warden and chairman +of the Good Roads Committee represent the council. The letter was ordered filer]. Th'e Agricultural Rlepresentative; Mr. McLeod, submitted his financial statement, showing receipts of e859,- 35 $859;35 and a balance of $171.70. Mr. IT. Thompson tendered his resignation as e, member of the road commission. Reeve M'cKibboat Moved that a letter of appreciation of his services be forwarded Mr. Thompson. Strilciug Committee The following were appointed a striking committee: Reeves McKib- ben, Goldthorpe, Bowman, Ballan- tyne and Wright. On notion of Reeves . Campbell and Bowman, George Elliott wan appointed to the 'Good Roads Com- mission for three years, and Met'. Gamble to complete the tern of, Mr. Thompson. "I may say that 1 ant not an ad- herent of any one school PC psycho- analysis—ih fact, 1 thhtic 7 may be said to have made my own original r'ontributions in the field. Olt my re, turn to this country, 1 established my ewe psychiatric hospital and clinic. For the Iast six or seven years, I have retired from active practice, al- though I am still sometimes called Mtn consultation aed have taken such cases as have interested me from the' point of view of research" "You are a specialist in nervous and mental diseases?" "Psyehopathology is ray particular field—yes." "Anti have you written anything "It was the name by which 7 was kne.wn the^e, I adopted it after Il left Sheila." "Ohlll And just why did you find it necessary to adept an alias at all?" "T—don't know?' The district attorney dropped his air err elaborate sarcasm. He half rose ['rem his chair, pointing his fin- ger menacingly at the ratan in the witness chair. His voice boomed through the courtt'oon. "David Orme," he roared, "I sug- gest that you deliberately waited un- til Sheila O'Shay was in a 'position which you could threaten. I suggest that you used threats of exposure hi order 'to wring money Seam her, and that, when she refused to submit to blackmail, you struck her clown in a, rage—]you had -tone just. that before, I believe you said—and ]tilled her. "I suggest that you Were in pos- session of an autoreeeile le which yon drove the body to the marsh and THE McKILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth, Ont. President, J. Bennesvies, Brodhag• en, vice-president, James Connelly, Goderieh, Sec. -treasurer; D. F. Me•. Gregor, Seaforth. Director's: James Evans, 'Beceh- wood; lames Shouldice, Walton; Wm. Knox, Londesboree Robe. Ferris, Ilul- lett; John. Pepper, Brueefield; A Broadfoot, Seaforth; G. F.:McCart- ney, Seaforth: Agents: W. S. Teo, R.R. No. 3 Clinton; John Murray. ,Seaforth; Tames Watt, Blyth; Ed, Pinehley, Seaforth. Any inoney to be paid may be paid to the Royal Bank, Clinton; Bank of Commerce, Seaforth, ex at Wein Cutt's Grocery, Goderich. Parties desiring to effect insur- ance or iiansact ether business will be promptly attended to on anulica, tion to any of the above officers. addressed to their resnective post et. flees, Losses inspected by the direc- tor who lives nearest the scene. In a brief address Warden Rader stressed the need et practising econ- omy and reduction eel taxation. He thanked the members for his elec- tion. Many new faces were noticed, fotn'teen new members having been elected. These he urged to take part in discussions. In this year of de- pression it would be hard to legislate to the eatisfact°ern of the ratepayer's. Economy should be practised but wieclom should the used in doing so. The experience of the older members is worth much. The basic interest it Huron County is farming. De- pression is felt and the young farm- er has o hard row to sloe. "Let's try to save the property owner Se' that be may hold what he has" urged Me. Rader. "Legislate with sincer- ity and co-operation.* elev. Arthur Pict:ening. L.S.T., or - ter publication en the subject?" ganizer for the National Institute for "C have contributed articles too the Blind, Toronto, appeared before numerous to mention to the medical council to make an appeal for a grant of 81,045 to that Institution The expenses were higher than heretofore. The stun sof 81,490 had been spent in Huron County alone. This money had been spent in .direct relief and in prevention of blind- ness, The week is of constructive nature. Blindness is a unique com- plaint, often caused by people not having the means to get relief. It such cases are r'epor'ted to the In- stitute, if anything can be 'lone, they will finance the relief if the matter is referred to the Women's 'Institute or directly. lee felt it would he wise to make it illegal for a than to sell spectacles unless he is really a first-class man. jou'ttals of America, France, Eng- land, Austria and Germany. I am the author of several books—`Abne'tnal A.,pects ref Genius,: Abneranal Behav lour in Relation to Medico] Juris- prudenee,' 'The Criminal Mind' and `Autistic Thinking in Normal Life' are prrbably those beet known to the layman." "And you have, 1 think, served as alienist in a number of criminal cases?" "As alienist, o1' sometimes rather as a psychological investigator—yes. i was expert witness for the prosecu- tion in the case of the people versus James Kelly, the case of the people versus Edwards and Edwards.. the case of the people versus Mary Em- erson, the ease of the people versus Wetson and Eaves, Kelly was con- demned to death; Edwards was con- demned to death and his sister to life imprisonment; Mary Emerson was convicted but died before the elate set for execution;; haves was too young to receive the death sentence. and Whitson, after conviction, was killed in an attempted jail break, I was witness for the defence: in the trials of Edna Raliegh,-Hubert Smith Everett and Laura Connelly and Jobe Potts. Raleigh, Smith, the Connal- lys anti Potts were acquitted, "I may add that 10 numerous in - (dances my services have been re- quested to nonduet a preliminary in- vestigation which ir, some cases pre- vented the accused from cunning to trial and in others identified the criminal who was being sought. Main of these investigations were each as Sat t'0 require my presence in court, but I believe they have been more or less a matter of maleic knowledge " 9'he jury was obviously, improseed. The rases mentioned by Dr. Cavan - Communications The University of Western (enter- to enclosed their financial statement in a letter which contained informa- tion regarding the university. This was filed. The county clerk of Lennox and Addington enclosed two resolutions passed. by that eo,uucil and asked en- doreation of same by Huron. First, that the matter of the legislative grants to rural public schools, being materially reduoed, that tate Ontario government be asked to have the matter adjusted, so that relief pray be afforded.. Second - The Dominion Govern - meet having reported contributions of 7591 towards Old Age Pensions, that the Ontario Government be pe- titioned to have adjustment made to reduce the eounty's share to ten pet' Cent. And whereas, a number of Old Age Pensioners are ill possession of real property, that the government give ' therm ' eesideratien. Referred. to Legislative Cominrttoe. IV, W. Dennison, Inspector of Tee- augh included' a group of the most gal :Meteors, tvi'oto County Clerit 4•e*"s 91n r t •"'see- t Have Yon Anything You to Dispose of? Did you ever try a small classified Advertisment in THE NEWS -RECO °L) TT1411 If not, try it for a week or so. If you have what somebody wants to buy you're sure of a sale as everybody reads that small ad. section Advertising in. The News - Record is an excellent method of bringing a Buyer and Seller together We do not Guarantee always to Sell your White Elephant. But some- times what proves to be a White Ele- phant on your bands. becomes to another just the handy beast of bur- den he has been looking for and did not know where to find. Advetise Him and thus help yourself and another THE CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PHONE 4 mmesernsmeerettorae.vs