The Clinton News Record, 1932-02-04, Page 2`PAGE -2
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tel iO OQo
SYNOPSIS which you afterwards junked or ran
intothe bay; that you then very
'Don Ellsworth's wife, formerly
actress 'Sheila-0'Shay, disappears.
Dr. Cavanaugh, criminal psyebalog•
ist, identifies a charred body found
in the tele marsh as that of Sheila.
Barbara, his daughter, faints when
she hears him tell this to Peter Pip,
er, a Herald reoprter.
A general Banking Business
transacted. Notes Discount-
ed. Drafts Issued. Interest
AIlowed on Deposits. Sale
Notes Purchased.
Notary Public, Conveyancer
Financial, Real 'Estate and Fire In.
surance Agent. Represeuting 14 Eire
Insurance Companies.
Division Court Office. Clinton.
Frank Fingland, B.A., LL.B.
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public
Successor to W. Brydone, K.C.
Sloan Block — Clinton, Ont.
Conveyancer, Notary Public, •
Commissioner, etc,
•Office over J. E. 'Hovey's Drug Store
When Ms. I{ane, •Sheila's maid is
arrested she admits that Ellsworth
married Sheila under threat of
breach of promise. A threatening
note signed "David Ornie" is found
in the murdered woman's safe. Pet -
ea trails Cries and arrests him. Pet- "Before God, I don't know whether
er sees Barbara destroy a• jewelled I killed her or nett" he screamed in
comb of Sheila's .and when she re- the high shrill voice of hysteria.
fuses to talk he realizes she is pro- "But I don't think it can be 'possible
tecting someone. At Orme's trial because I loved her more than my
Mrs. Kane status that Orrne is Sheil- music. more than anything else 'on
a's real husband. Orme takes the earthl"
witness stand.
astutely thought to lose' yourself in
the floating population of the auto
camp, hiding under an assmnedt name,
in order not to arouse suspicion by
attempting to flee from the scene
without funds. I suggest, Daviel
Orme, that you did wilfully and fel-
oniously murder, Sheila &'Shay!"
Orme rose to itis feet, his eyes fix-
ed its a fascinated stare on the lace
of the prosecutor. He was trembling
violently front head to foot, but he
steadied himself with both ,hands en
the arms of the chair behind him.
spectacular: trials of the Test decade.
His mane, had gone forth' in maga-
zines and newspaper etories as a wiz-
ard who pulled amazing white rabbits.
off: truth out of the blackhat of mys-
tesious circumstances, and his baoles
were written in a strikingly vivid,'
though by no means sensational,
style which had br.'qught them read
era far beyond the circle of his pro-
fessional confereres.
It was quite true that se far as
was known he had never been engag-
ed to investigate a lease which he had
failed to solve and that the side
which secured hiseervices in a trial
had invariably received a favorable
verdict. •
"I believe doctor, that you have
been popularly referred to as `The
Man Who Makes No Mistakes'?"
"Oh, nay dear Mr. Graham!" Dr.
Cavanaugh protested amiably. "We
must concede a good deal to popular
exaggeration. Perhaps"—he took
the jnty into.•his confidence with a
deprecating smile—"It is only that
my mistakes have never found me
Graham, beaming like an Manes -
eerie whose star performer is cap-
turing the audience, waved the poink
aside. it as an opportunity full of interest.
"You are acquainted with the de-
fendant, David Orme?" (To bo continued.)
CHAPTER :liLIV—'(Cont'd.)
"Oh, yes, wandering around. And
your wanderings, I take it, were con-
ducted by automobile?" questioned
the district attorney.
"I have never had a car," replied
"Yet you made the public automo-
bile camp your headquarters. Can
you explain that discrepancy?"
"Some one must have given xne a
lift on the highway ds far as the auto
camp, Then, when I was there, I
stayed. I had no money, you see."
"Quite so, no money. And having
thus belatedly discovered your wife's
marriage to a rich ntan, you doubt-
less saw an oportunity to recoup
your finances by threatening to make
the illegality of her marriage
"I could not have taken a cent from
Sheila if I had been crying!" Orme's
face, which had paled to the gray -
white of dead ashes at the opening of
the cross-examination suddenly flam-
Notary Public, Conveyancer
General Insurance, including Fire
Wind, Sickness and Accident, Ante -
mobile, Huron and Erie Mortgage
'Corporation and Canada Trust Bonds
Box 127, Clinton, P.O. Telephone 57.
Office Hours: --1.30 to 3.30 p,m.,
'6.30 to 8.00 p.m. Sundays, 32.30 to
1.30 pin.
Other hours by appotnt:ment only.
Office and Residence — Victoria St.
After the emotional stress of the
morning session, the 'quiet urbanity
Of Dr. Cavanaugh, as he settled hint -
self comfortably in the witness chair
restored an atmosphere of normality
to the tense courtroom.
Dr. Cavanaugh was very much at
ease and completely at home, and he
showed it. He distinctly conveyed
the impression that murder trials
were no treat to him. He took the
oath with the careless nonchalance
of a caller nreeenting himself to a
familiar hostess, and awaited devel-
opments with a manner that subtly
combined a willingness to be helpful
with a patient acceptance of incon-
venience to himself -in thus being in-
Graham had regained something
of his former optimism.
"Will you tell the jury, ;Meter,
something of your professional car-
"I was graduated front the Har-
vard medical school, and after my in-
terneshin was for several years on
the staff of .Graham hospital for nor -
mous and mental diseases. I then
spent four years in study abroad. 3
was a aneniber of the Viennese Psy-
ehoanalytie Society which met with
Dr. Sigmund Freud 'of Vienna in the
first study of psycliolonalysis. I also
spent a year with Dr. Jurgg in Zur-
"Of course not! Anci yet your earn-
ings as a sandpaper artist could
scarcely have supported your menage
during the period of your married
Graham hall rise to object thought
better of it, and rotapted into his
"I did not think of money then one
'way or another. I -did not dream
that she thought of it either. I
loved het."
"So you have told us. And yet you
made no effort to keep its touch with
her affairs --affairs which were rath-
er widely pnbli hed•—until three days
before her death?"
"I have told you that I slid not
kurw of her marriage to 'Ellsworth"
"And having had your little chat
with the lady you left her on a street
cornet•.—having made n:t attempt t't
follow up the steps conveyed in your
letter to her—and fled back to the
ante camp, where you concealed your-
self under the assumed name of MA -
IO Osgood?"
Office and Residence:
'Ontario Street Clinteire Ont.
Otte door west of Anglican Church
Phone 172
Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted
Office and Residence:
Street -- Clinton, Ont,
Phone 69
(Formerly oacupied by the late Dr
C. W. Thompson)
`Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted
'Office over Canadian National Ex.
press, Clinttn, Ont.
Phone 21
Electra Therapist Masseur
Office: Timm St. (Few doors west
of Royal Bank).
'Hours—Tues., Thurs. and Sat., all
,day. Other hours oy appointment
iIlensall Office—Mon., Wed. and Fri
forenocins. Seaforth Office -Mon.,
'"Wed. and Friday afternoons. Phone
"I ant." ed the county' buildings, County
"You have ex Mined him profes- Home and Children's Shelter. C'ogn;
sionally?" cil committees look after these -well,
T have.
"Will the
• lain
R 111. you kindly explain
ladies and gentlemen ,of the jury the
circumstances and results of that ex-
"I have seen the defendant more
than once."
Graham looked sightly surprised,
but recovered himself promptly.
"Very well; go right ahead doctor."
"I will be as brief and non-techni-
cal as possible. If your honor and
the jury will bear with me—" Dr,
Cavanaugh glanced ,upward at the
judge's bene~—"I will. go over the
entire circumstances of my dealings
with the defendant:'
"You have all the time et your dia-
posal that you need, doctor'. Even
the judge treated this witness with
marked and courteous respect. He no
longer stared out,the window or gave
his bored attention to the wranglings
of Grahant and the district ,attorney.
It happened, that this was . the first
case he'had tried in which the great
Dr. Cavanaugh appeared as expert
witness, and he obviously looked upon
t as an opportunity f lultofenrore
'Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron
Correspondence promptly -answered.
'Immediate arrangements can be made
'for Sales Date at The News -Record,
'Clinton, or by calling phone 103.
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Trains will arrive at and depart from
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Buffalo and Goderieh Div. •
Going :[last, depart 0.58 am
Going East depart 3.05
'Going West, depart 11.55 nen.
9.44 pan.
London. Flnrou & Bruce •
'(icing South 3.08 pen
'Going North 11.58
Economy was The Key Note of The
January Meeting of Huron County
Salaries of Nearly All County Officials Cut
Reeve Louis Rader of Hay Warden for 1932
and hesaw no reason why grand
juries these twice.
juriess Should inspect, 4.
s the excessive costs o f McNeil
trials would be germ into and Colonel
Dennison promised' that the matter
would be looked into and he hsoped to
have some explanation to report.
Adjournment of courts add to the
A letter from the Minister of
Health, Dr. Robb, in answer to a re-
solution forwarded to hint •opposing
the order-in-douncil which reveres
all. hospitals• to have at least fifty
beds to -be eligible , to carry on as
training schools for nurses, said
s .number of smaller hospitals had
written to members. He had assured
them that nie arbitrary stand would
be taken in regard to training of
pupil nurses in these smaller hospi•+
A second resolution requested an
amendment to the hospitalization of
indigents being admitted without
due consideration in the new Hos-
pital Act. Reeve Geiger moved that
this letter be filed and printed in
the minutes.
'1•TiT1 IS., FFD. 4, 193
James B.Reynolds ....
gaaler; sub-
nited the following report
There have been 114 committments
as follows: L.C,A., 36; theft, 25; va-
grant, 7; fraud, 6; :Forgery, 6; break-
ing and entering, ca
`5• carnal know-
ledge, 4; highway act, 4; nonpay-
ment of order, 4; insane, 3; Inland
RevenueRevenuee .Act, 3, cruelt y to anim ',
2; indecent assault, 2; assault, 2;
perjury, 1; contempt of court, 1; dis-
turbing peace, 1. The average nums
ben iof prisoners has been eight. At
present there are tee.
A notice of the meeting of the
Good Roads ,Oonvention was refer -
reel to the Good Roads Committee.
Hairy •G. Strang of Exeter, who
is attending the Agricultural Corms
lege at Guelph, wrote thanking the
council for a sehiolarehip of $100.
jfe announced his intention of talc-
ing up farming and that he had
obtained standing of second place
in a class of ninety-three.
The appeal of the Hospital for
Sick Children, Toronto, for a grant
was referred to the Executive Com-
mittee; also one from the Institute
for the Blind.
R. E. Manning of Clinton tender-
ed his resignation as representative
on Clinton -Collegiate Institute
A. conference of representatives of
councils pertaining to local im-
provements is to be held itt Toronto
on February 23. The Highways
Department asked that the warden
and chairman sof the Gond Roads
A letter from Mr. McCauley of the
-Highways Depar'tntent regarding the
complaint that expenditures son the
King's Highway in Huron County
being considerably in excess of $44,-
000, agreed to for 1930 as. Huron
•County's•share, stated "that there is
nothing on file to show that the an- Committee represent the council.
nual payment for King's Highways
amounted to more than $44,000." The
letter also advised the amount the
county is assessed for this year is
$57,000. The communication was
Louis H. Racier, of Dashwood, Holman asking „ for an interview
Reeve of the Township of Bay, was with Idol and the warden on Mon -
elected Wardell of Huron County at day regarding the cost of adntinis-
its ,opening session last week. Four- ti'ation of justice in Huron County.
teen new members of the council Clerk Holman reported that the in -
took their seats. This is the year the terview bad taken place and report -
Warden is chosen from the nanke of ed back to the police Magistrate. The
the Conservatives and the fifteen letter was ordered filed.
members suet in caucus prior to theWhen asked to speak -to this, Ex-
' 4Glirden Beattie said he had inquired
meeting of mined and Mr. Rader
received the majority vote. Reeves about the high cost of justice and
McKibben of •IVsinghatn and Gold- told Colonel Dennison of the discus- eounciis as a medium to give more W. J. Henderson, ex -Reeve of
tho'pe of Colborne were also non- sion which tools place in council in generous help' to the fanners.
inated, and the elieice was =anewDecember; that twice Inside of a 2. The subject of taxation.—d'iled. (Continued on page 3)
cusly adopted in oounciI on motion. of
these two reeves. Mr. Rader was
escorted to the chair and introduc-
ed by ex -Warden Beattie and the
declaration of office was taken by
the new Warden.
Wants Deputation
Thomas L. Kennedy, Minister sof
Agriculture, in advising that he felt
it necessary that a general Ontario
Agricultural Committee be chosen
from the members of the agricultur-
al committees of county councils to
represent the farmers of the pro-
vince on all legislative natters, asle-
ep that two delegates be sent to a
reinvention had in Toronto on Thurs-
day. Feb. 4, when the following could
no discussed:
1. The possibility of using the ag-
rieultti al manatees of the county
The letter was ordered filed.
The Agricultural Rfepresentative,
117r. McLeod, submitted his financial
statement, showing receipts of :$69,-
35 and a balance of $171.70.
Mr. H. Thompson tendered his
resignation as a member of the
road commission. Reeve McKibben
Moved that a letter of appreciation
of his services be forwarded Mr.
Striking Committee
The following were appointed a
striking committee: Reeves McKib-
ben, Goldthorpe, Bowman, Ballan-
tyne and Weight.
On motion of Reeves - Campbell
and Bowman, George Elliott wast
appointed to the 'Good Roads Com-
mission for three years, and bit.
Gamble to complete the term of
Mi'. Thompson.
"I may say that I -am not an ad-
herent of any one school of psycho-
analysis—ib feet, I think I may be
said. to have made my own original
„nntrihutions in the field. (ln my res
turn to this country, I established my
awn psychiatric hoepttal and clinic.
For tate last six or seven years, I
have. retired from active practice, el-
theugh I am still ssnmetimes called
bite consultation and have token
such cases as have interested me from
the point of view of research."
"It was the name sby which I was
knee:on ibc"e. 1 adopted it after I
left Sheila."
"Ohl1) And ,lust why did yon
find it necessary to adept an alias at
"T -don't know,"
The district attorney dropped hie
air of elaborate sarcasm. He half
rose from his chair, pointing his fin-
ger menacingly at the mans in the
witness chair. His voice boomed
through the courtroom,
"David Orme," he roared, "I sug-
gest that you deliberately waited un-
til Sheila. O'Shay was 'in a ltnsition
Which you could theeatee. I suggest
that you used threats of exposure in
order 'to wring money from leer, and
that, when she refused to submit to
blackmail, you struck her clotvrr in a
rage -eros had done just that before,
I believe you said—and killed iter.
"I suggest that' you were in pos-
session of. an nutoses:Mile in which
you drove the body to the marsh and
"You are a specialist in nervous
anti mental diseases?"
"Psychopathology is my particular
"And have you written anything
fts publication as the subject?" ganizer for the National Institute for
"1have contributed articles too the Blind, Tofontn, appeared before
numerous to ntentien to the metrical council to make an appeal for a
grant of 41,045 to that Institution
The expenses were higher than
heretofore, The sum 'of 81,41)0 bad
been spent in Huron Cottety alone.
This money had been spent in direct
relief and in prevention of blind-
11(NS. The svotik is of rmnstttictive
nature. Blindness is a unique com-
plaint, often caused by people not
having the means to get relief. if
such cases are reported to the In-
stitute, if anything can he done, they
will finance the relief if the matte'
is referred to the Women's Institute
or directly. Ile felt it wouldbe
wiee to make it illegal fm' a man to
sell spectacles unless he is roally a
first-class man.
The 'University of Western Ontar-
io enclosed their financial statement
in a letter which Contained infortna=.
tion regarding the university. This
was filed.
The county clerk of Lennox and
Addington enclosed two resolutions
passed by that council and asked en-
dorsatioe of sante by TTuron. First,
that the natter of the legislative
grants to rtn'a1 public schools, being
materially reduced, that the Ontario
government bo asked to have the
matter adjusted, so that relief may
bo afforded.
.Second — The Dominion Govern-
ment having eepo'ted contributions
of 75% towards Old Age Pensions,
that the Ontario 1Gover•ninent be 'pe
titioned to have adjustment made to •
reduce the county's share to ten per
cent. And whereas, a number of Old
Age Pensioners are in possession of
real property, that the goverment
give thein consideration. Referred
to 'Legi;slative Obinnn'tteo.
In a brief address Warden Rader
stressed the need of practising econ-
omy and reduction rot taxation. He
thanked the members for his elec-
tion. Many new faces were noticed,
fourteen 11011 members having been
elected. These he urged to take part
in discussions. In this year of tie-
pression it would be hard to legislate
to the stttisfact1"n e•f the t atepuyets.
Economy should be practise:l but
wisdom should she used in doing so.
The experience of the older members
is worth much. The basic interest
in Huron Comity is Earning. De-
pression is felt and the young farm-
er has a hard row to Imo. "Let's try
to save the property nwnor so that
he may held what be has" urged
1Ir. Rader. "Legislate with sinter;
ity and co-operation..
Rev. Arthur Pickering. L.S.T., or -
journals of America, France, Eng-
land, Austria and Germany. I am the
atelier of several books—'Abnor'tttal
Aspects sof Genius,' Abnormal Bellew
into' in Relation to Medical Jus•is-
peudeece„' `The Criminal Mind' and
`Autistic Thinking its Normal T.ife'
aro probably those hest known to the
"And you hatvu, l think, served as
alienist in a number of criminal
"As alienist, or sometimes rather
as a psychological investigator yes.
1 was cxnet•t witness for the prosecu-
tion in the case of the penal° versus
Janice Kelly, the ease of the people
versus Echvands and Edwards, the
case of the people versus Mary Em-
erson, the case of the people versus
"Watson and Eaves. Kelly was con-
demned to death; Edwards was con-
demned to death and hie sister is, li£e
imprisonment; Maly Vmersou was
convicted but died sbetrtre true elate
set for execution; leaves was ton
young to receive the death sentence.
and Wletscn, after conviction, was
killed in an attempted jail break,
was witness for the defence in the
trials of Eden Raliegla,•l3ube•t Smith
Everett anis Laura Cennelly and John
Potts. Raleigh, Smith, the Comnel-
lys and Potts were acquitted.
"I may add that to numerous in-
stances my services have been re-
questecl to noiduct a preliminary in-
vestigatinn which in some cases pre-
vented the accused from coming to
trial and ie. ethers identified the
criminal who was ~eine sought.
Many of these tnvestigatiotl.s Nene
such e' not i•.n t pun r my mesenoe
in cutlet, but I believe they have heat
more or' less a matter o:f public
knowl esge "
The envy wss nbviously impressed,
That eases mentioned by Dr. Cavan- W. W. Dennison, Inspector of Le-
augh included a group of the most gal 70ficees, wrote County Cleric
Fire Insurance Company
Bead Office, Seaforth, Ont.
President, T. Bennewies, Becdhag,
en, vice-president, James Connelly,
Goderieh. Sec. -treasurer, D. F, Mc•
Gregor, Seaforth.
Directors; James Evans, Bec':h-
wood; James Shouldice• Walton; ,Wsis
Knox, Londesbo ee Robs, Ferris, Hal-
lett; John Pepper, Brucefield; A
13roadi'oot, Seaforth; G. F. McCart-
ney, Seaforth,
Agents: W. -3, Yeo, R.11. No. 3
Clinton; Jehn Murray. :Seaforth:
Tames Watt, Blyth; Ed. Pinchley.
Any money to be paid may be paid
to the Royal Bonk, Clinton; Bank of
Ceremerce, Seaforth, rt' at Calvin
Cutt's Grocery, G'oderich.
Parties desiring to effect 105111•- -
5nte or transact other'husiness will
be promptly attended to on annlfe:a-
tign to any of the above offices
sddressod to their resneetive post ca-
noes. Losses inspected by the, dirgee,
toe who lives nearest the scene.
Have You Anything You Wish
to Dispose of?
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if not, try it tor a week or so. If
you have what somebody
wants to buy you're sure of
a sale as everybody reads
that small ad. section
Advertising in The News -
Record is an excellent method of
bringing a Buyer and Seller
We do not Guarantee always to
Sell your White Elephant. But some-
times what proves to be a White Ele-
phant on your hands. becomes to
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