The Clinton News Record, 1932-01-28, Page 5CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURS., JAN. 28, 1932THE – ----
COOPER'S d y lot St Catharines, i• brother 'Vigil- Illi
-- --- — LONDES130R0 4 --
NEWS Miss T,di 1t The sodden- ed on Satin-
7 � STORE where She Phomvson which E
nr a
't Josling left on Sat-
his acceic ed a position in the Mon-,
arch knit.
Mt. and Mrs. Joseph Webster and
Mr. 'Iran Webster were in Clinton on
Tuesday. Mrs. A. W. Vodden of
Clinton, who is a sister ci the bless -
re. Webster, is quite ill, her friends
are ,sorry to ;know.
The regular, meeting of the W. I.
will be held in the Community. Flat'
cn Thursday, February 4tli, at 2
p.m.. There will be a paper by Miss
Barr, solo, Mars. E. Adams, reading,.
Mr's. Robs.- Wells. Hostesses: Mrs.
Jas. McCool,. Mrs, A. Allen, Miss L.
Brigham, Mrs. H. Adams, Mrs.
(Rev.) Johnson -and Mrs. IL Sunder-
Mr. and Mrs. Henry • Johnson,
with Mrs. W Johnson of Blyth were
callers on Mrs, .A. Allen on Sun-
Mrs. C. H. Manning who has been.
quite ill for the _ past few weeks, is
slpwly improving.
Manning Bros. recently sold a fine
Shorthorn animal to Messrs. 'Hen-
drick and Sons of Grand'Bend.
To the Sunday Schabl of Burn's
United church in the Londesboro
charge has come the honour of win-
ning de silver shield . Fier Huron.
County, o wended . by the : W.C.T..Ta
to the Sunday school having the
greatest number of entrants in pro-
portion to the number of scholars
in their schrol, in the Scientific Tem-
perance Course, recently held
throughout the Sunday Schools of
Canada. All the candidates from
Burn's Sunday School received up-
wards of 65 ner cent on their writ,
ten examination• thus entitling them
to the'iadividnal honour Csrtifieates
given by the United Church of Can-
c1T death of Thomas
day at •the home o his
Brim Thompson on the second con-
cession o:f. Tuckersmith, came as a
distinct shock to his relatives and the
community, Mr. Thompson had been
confuted to bed for a couple of days,
but nothing serious, was anticipated
until Saturday morning when he was
found dead in bed by h member of the
family. The deceased who"'was in
his 77th year was born in McKillop,
being the diciest son !of the late Mr.
and Mrs. John Thompson and with
•the exception of a year in the west
agent !practically the whole Iof his
Life in this locality. This is the
third death within three .months in.
a large fancily of eleven which long
had remained unbroken, His sister'
Mars. S. Neilly, passed, away on No,
vember 11, and a: -brother James B.
Thompson, on December 23. Surviv-
ing are four brothers, John of St.
Marys, Henry and Beattie of Van-
couver and William of Taekersmith,
also four sisters, Mrs. R. JWebb.
of Hamilton, Mrs. F. M., Smithe of
Vancouver, Mrs. T. G: Seott and Miss
Thompson of Seaforth.
Friday Saturday
Special Prices are Quoted
In All Departments
A. i. • COOPER.
If you have a Cold in the Head
Use Medicated Throat Discs
Use Rexall Bronchial Syrup
For Sale By
W.S.R. Holmes, Phm.B
Withhigh ih dignity and'solemnity,
with ppomp and ceremony" Rt Rev.
Charles Allen Seager, 1VIt•A•, D.D.,
L.L.D., was installed and enthroned
as fifthlordbishop of the Diocese
of Huron, second largest of the Do
minion, at St. Paul's cathedral,Lon;
don, ,on Monday evening. - Aibnttt
fifteen hundred people were present.
at the ceremony and many had to be
turned away who could not be aecom,
modated. Rt. Rev. J. F. Sweeny,
bishop of Toronto, and acting met-
ropolitan of Ontario, in the full robes
of his office, conducted the installa-
tion ceremonies.'
Oxford, Eng., Jan 25.7 -Robot
Eisler, widely -known economist, to-
day . told an audience a unified '"em-
pire currency would cure the present
depression in British countries with-
in a month.
An. empire monetary system, he
said, would not only abolish unem-
ployment from the British Com-
monwealth, of . Nations, but would
prevent forever recurrence of trade
A serious disturbance oecurred at
Dartmoor Prison, England, Sunday
morning, when "prisoners tried to
overpower guards. .Some guards
and some prisoners were injured and
some of the buildings were burned.,
Rumors have it that the incident was
the result of outside influence the
the place is tieing guarded by
soldiery ever since.
Conditions change and new
situations arise from time
to time. For more than 114
years the Bank of Montreal
has given safety for funds,
and dependable financial
service to an ever-increas-
ing number of customers.
Fire Marshall Will Conduct hearing
At Courthouse
Investigation of a series of mys-
terious barn fires which occurred in
Western Ontario in recent weeks
will switch to .Guelph on Thursday
of this week, when Fire Marshal E.
P. Heaton will' open a probe into
two outbreaks which occurred in
West Garafraxa Township. The sit-
tings will be held in the local court-
house, commencing at 10 .o'clock.
Thursday morning.
The fires, both of which occurred
under circumstances regarded by pre-
vincial police as suspicious, broke out 1
within a few hours of each other.
Barns owned by the Simpson estate,
lot 6, concession 8, West Garafraxa,
and Mike Boyko. lot 5, concession S.
the same township; were destroyed
with loss estimated at several thou-
sand dollaes, -Both took place on
Sunday, November 8. is called
While the investigation
primarily for the purpose of inquir-
ing into the two barn fires, it is
possible that happenings of a similar
nature may be dealt with by the fire
marshal, according to Crown Attor-
ney J. M. Kearns.
It was only a few days ago that a
representativeof the fire marshal's
department coiupleted an investiga-
tion into a series of suspicious fires
which broke out in the Capitol Thea,
tre in recent months.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Ritchie of Ashfield.
PHONE 51 We are sorry to report that Mrs.
John Webster, Fordyce, is under the
doctor's care et present. We hope
far a speedy recovery. Mrs. Havens
is staying with her at present.
Mrs's Emily Weatherhead has re-
turned from a visit to friends in
The 'annual meeting of St: Helens
Public Library was held last week
with Mr. Wilkinson presiding.. Min-
utes of the last meeting were read
and adopted. The 4 treasurer's re-
port showed a balance of $60,38. It
was moved that a vote of thanks be
tendered to theeeWomen's
for donations
inn's report showed that 928 books
had been read during the year. Ad-
ditional lighting for the library ill
being secured. The officers for the MISUNDERSTANDING AT MEA -
year' are as follows: Presi•
dent, Rev. Mr. Wilkinson; vice: Da- FORD CAUSES
vld Todd; secretary, Herb. Taylor; BURI`
treasurer, Cliff. Murray; directors, While mourners, a grave digger,
Miss Annie McKenzie, Mrs. Gordon: and Rev. o Dean, n£ raveinggger,
Thos. 13. Taylor, Miss MfarY Murraya freshly
librarian, Helen waited for nine hours byly
Mi r;anley Todd; • dug grave, the body of a boy lay
Driller; auditors, Lorne Words and the C.N.R. express office, at Mao -
Miller. ford to -be Walled for on Saturday af-
si with
h Purvis spent. thebtwan ternoon. Strenuous efforts on the
end with his cousins, Robert and part of the express agent, H. J. El-
Goldwin Purvis. lis, to locate the friends or relatives
Md. aMM. Russ. Ritchie spentr. and Mrs. R. Tiffer, of the deceased child proved 10 vain;
Lancisi withl Dias they expected the remains to ar,
Langsidc. rive by motor.
SEAFORTH The body reached the station front
A sacAssful dance and euchre
a Toronto undertaker at 1 p.m. Sat-
urday afternoon and was there until
was held on Friday evening in the late on Saturday night, when the
G.Vir•V.A. rooms under the auspices grave digger heard it was at the
of the Canadian Legion. The prize station and had it removed to a local
winners were: Ladies' first, Miss undertaking parlor. The postponed
Anna Edmunds; men's first, E. Rut- funeral was held on Sunday. The big sub -marine plane carrier
ledge, Walton; ladies' lone . hand, M.-2, with fear cf£ycers and fifty
in the esEnglish channel
Mr's, r Hildebrand; meow lone hand,' MEIGHEN TS MENTIONED men,'
Tuesday and failed to rise.
by Barber. rick, music was supplied
r the Patrick, FI}lien and Strong FOR SENATE LEADERSHIP Organized Lj'bor is asking the Do-
Visitorseis out of town: Mrs er, Mrs. Whether 'ar not appointments are minion Parliament for a thirty -hour
Sclater is visiting her daughter, Mrs. made to all of the four senatorial va- 'week, a probe of the Beauharnois al -
Lawtton in Auburn; Mrs. R. R.fair, public ownership of radio broad-
. caneies this week, the.government is casting and ,other• measures to aid
Kelly is visiting her sen in Mrs, E.
expecte to consider almost inured- d
iaely the question of Senate leader- the conditions of the working people,
Recent visitors in town: M. E. J. longhi
Boyd of Toronto, with Mrs. g R. ship. •Senator Willoughby,
Hstnids and daughter, The University of Toronto will dis-
Smith; Mr's. R.:failing health, will submit his re charge married women. on the staff
of Gaderich, with Mrs Mary Broder signation at the Conservative senat- ff
ick; William Fell of Edmonton, with oriel caucus on February 4• • whose .husbands are employed,
It has always`been the custom that Board of Governors announced this from the London club was read
rs. F.j.Kith his Charles
Dicksonkso of Biggar with his mother; the government leader in the Senate week..Exceptions will be made where to the first district "A" meet
an nthe woman is the main support of the
Mrs. Adam Dickson; MTs. Harvey should be a lawyer, inasmuch as the ing of the year being held in Liondon
family. Jan. 27. Iy was moved by - Lion Dr•
and daughter Miss Gladys, London, epondererit pride of the Senate has
are visiting relatives in town and VI- been o S tont pride
o heoS from the H. H. Ross and Lion R. M. Jones
commons. If this policy is adhered Clive Irish of Niagara Falls, who that Lions John Beattie and
cinity be a
Rev, W. G. Brown, M.A., RD., of to, then the bio leader, wh Portfolio, was reported to have inherited $15, cant be ones to committee
too London.
n -
Presbyteri Sask.;hu h 211
Canada, of the be not itse Cabinet without
in the •Cabinet, like Senator 000, did not tont inherit
morth for him to er
GODF RiOIi: The bridge -tea held
ney at all.
Presbyterian Church rn. will ar not His mother. s . P
anncl filen hby, Wray lIe recruited from m because she was ill, and by Ahnieek Chapter°, I.O.D.E. was
visit Seaforth on Thursday. J Y W g ointments. come home on the evening of that day one is t' t new'' app i as a joke, the other men in the a charming tYae event on
28, and noon. I
will preach in First Presbyterian
It is nil this connection that gossip camp started the story.
Rev. Mr. Brown was electedthe relief fund of the chapter mater-
church. Re continues to mention Rt. Hon. Ar- augmented. Tea was serve'-
after -
Approval of a weekly half holiday jelly
moderatos at the General Assembly thug Meighen; tvhasefriends i�ee,very the sun- from. an attractively arranged table' era Ia�Q gg production which would
of the annual in Toronto last Jane: active, and Sir. Thorns on. Alberta farms during
t theieAltar a months was given by the board on which was ahesilver
basket of nual
the 'ordinary garden ch woof
The annual meeting timer James' Catholic church RY of di corers of the United Farmers spring flowers. F.
The Naftel, Mrs. H. hen,green with envy are boasted by
Society of Si. on Sunda WORK AND. WOR
after devotions y of Alberta on Monday when dealing were Mrs• W • been selected frau
was held it i5 oni the C. Dunlop, Mrs. W. Herald and brise every one of these distinguish.
• good attendance. The It is not work that kills men; with resolutions referred from The wimxer at contract birds which have reagins,
evening with a yon can
secretary -treasurer, eto, Miss S. Nolan, wordy, • Work is healthy; Y he annual convention held last week. MacVrcar.
is 'a ton on report.more tt on a man than bridge was MTs. C. A. Reid, and at I vele sry glahptnenit was brought by
the commission has presented aa very. satisfactory a hardly put r P n the, ' ' rloverr.!ent auction, Mrs. Alex;. Smith.
a Bearing by the total asidesi raised• ban bear. S not as rust opo Ottawa, • Jan. 26.—Iiinp Brown the. Government for brought east to
X115 being ' timayly
yet sided fluting It is not the revolution that noted tonight in the condition GODERIOH: Rev W G•.
_ Rev: Father Giem , blade. tic- was
but thei• abs- Belleville,, Owen . Ontario,
the •
former bh machinery,Justice J: M. McEvoy, of the. Su- M.A.. B.D.,, moderator oil. the Pres- vaxious. parts of Ontario, p Inwood,
""- the election of officers, destroys theof fusticg Portsm�o�tith; Chute,
Joseph ur ,Ward .Beeelter.. Court of Ontario, who suffered byterian Church 10 Canadaa 27th, Avening, ton nuc'
THE PRESENT DUTY officers, president, Mrs - tion.-1Te Y premo C
stroke here Saturday. At his Gederieh on Wedtt y,
tows• secretary -treasurer; 14liss �„-_,,,_-.. a . speaking in Knox Presbyterian Part Perry, Drayton and Tren
•great Change we cane Math ., will be need to yane the sten sin
Between the first, dear, hotel it ryas said: that ho was.restrny, sp
ill S. Nolan, i'e—Ifyou go
1 things we vn �.,_�_.___._ Fond wt and seemed improved. C,lnircl5 last evening. Mr.eal'er�iand of the commercial flocks in these dis
not do, and, the nothing. l ga forcefus a vening.s sp
. o •eat clanger- drat. the _ you -will wait f:or me on the •other eontfortahr�ly a teat home nils- tryets. •The cockerels were yin eharg
not dp, there is ar . n- tional Cnt The annual inter
There ;are nut Aare, waat't You? ar N• Rh•rdes, min}ster One of Canadss g
shall do rOes,i. e o wo I' Heti. Edgar _ national interdenominational _ suppose pose so, ., the finance sionaries, lcrewit front east to west of Mn. �.ivHestackrliya tel, oft e
people waiting :for .en ioopanw it in E ver wen an I 1.1
few 1 p en's clay bf ]>rayer` will he c hserven i w:hero yet without of fisheries, is e,ti• n as "Brown of Red Deer." nun
ity to be, heroes;. or something units- mnever went anywhere minister in the Bennett Government,
wally•brilliant, who in" the nieauiwltylo in Knot Church on Friday, Feb. 12, haying to wait for yoii. ,
at 3' p.m.
NOT FEARED clt'eeses.
t'n as president of the
First real ray of hope in many girls' class, occapled the chair,
months has appeared on Saskatche- while Miss Luella Keine soar acted
c edas
Wan's Y.orizon, stated Premier J. T. secretary.
Tom M. Anderson recently in a forecast one
f thel Huron
itygaeatm act
.that the wheat province w g
its way through the New Year to count of tro T that
ry pleasing Olive
prosperity. Margaret Durnin, who was also one
As in other times when devasta- girls to re,
tion has seemed most overwhelming of the Huron County gi'
restoration has been the more cont- ceive a free trip to the Royal Fair,
Mete," ho commented, "so now we gave an account of it from her point
will emerge the stronger for our of view. The meeting closed with
better than be- the singling of the National Anthem.
tribulation pl er•band b Saskatchewan, he A profitable trip for the boys'
said,' e gnat of Sort class was a drive to the farm of
said, are grateful for the help from Frank Woods, near Londesboro;
the rest of Canada to the areas hard where they saw and judged his fine
hit by continued drnuth and drop- accredited herd of. Shorthorns.. His
ping prices, herd of .twenty-seven beautiful ways
"Saskatchewan lands will continue and youngergt°Pheas well lenAS credit
to- produce the hest grades of wheat to as �i parm. white sire rd very super -
at the lowest cost," Premier Ander Y
-son held. "We will not fear the ion quality, whShorte thorns. tel erns the original
• cwnitetition 'of Russia Or of any color of the
-country in the work-, insofar as
costs for quality and quantity pro -
!duction of grains are concerned.
Our real problems are those of dis- i REQUEST OF ALBERTA.
Established 1817
IN SASKATCHEWAN Throughout the program Miss'
Margaret Dunt i 1
Toronto, Jan. 25•—Police -tonight
arrested George Bond, former secre-
tary -treasurer of the Brotherhood of
Locomotive Firemen, and charged
him with misappropriation and theft
of 89.800 front the funds of the
Bond was removed from office in
the brotherhood last fall for minor
infraction of the rules, officials•said
tonight. Investigation by a commit-
tee of the brotherhood allegedly es-
tablished that a leakage in the treas-
ury had existed for 10 years.
The chairman of the committee
swore out a warrant naming Bond.
according to latest reports. GODERICH Rev. G..T• Watts,
of North Street.Church, recited Vic -
3. Ray Donohue, prominent law tor Hugo's immortal story of "Jean
yep, and alderman of Sarnia, ' who- Val Jean" (Les Miserables) in mon-
was in the city to 'interview govern- ologue on Friday night. The enter -
meat :offiicals, died of heart failure f'a'ces nof the wee' given
Peoder the ple's Society us -
while dressing in his room at the p
King Edward hotel, Toronto, on of were provided by Douglas Campbell
Tuesdayhurch. Musical numbers
evening. 'on the organ. Reginald Fisher ren -
Tho date for the aiing hasthe beendered solos in good voice. ,
TURNBEBRY Following an ill -
al parley at Ottawapassed ffixed fey July 19th next. ness at her
a year, there an
way at her home in Turnberry,es Saturday night, Nancy Aga
Pat -
NEWS OF HAPPENINGS terson,, beloved wife of Daniel Kerr,
in her 39th year. Mrs. Kerr had been
IN THE COUNTY AND a resident of this locality fon about
(15 years. Surviving, besides her hus-
DISTRICT I band, are two daughters, Velma and
WTNiGHADI: Reports given at the 4 Maud, and one son, Munro; also one
annual meeting . of the Tutnbet'r, brother, John, f02 Glasgow, Soot
Agricultural Society showed the or-1hmd•. The funeral service was con-
ganation to be in a flourishing ducted at her late residence, on Mon -
state. The following officials and i clay afternoon, at 2 o'clock, by the
directors were chosen for 1932:; Rev. Jas. Gibson,.. of the Victoria
Hon. President, Charles G. Campbell; Street Baptist Church. Interment
president,.Riehard Wilton; first vice was,nnade in the Wingnam cemetery.
president, Adam Robertson; second WINGFIADi: The annual mein
vice-president; R. J. Currie; secretary' of the guild of St. Paul's Anglican
W. J. Greer; treasurer, A. M. Bish- Church was held on Friday after -
up; directors, J. A. Brandon, G. Coul-
ter, Robt. Coultas, David Fortune, I Mrs. Fred Johnston. The secretary
Frank Henry Thos. Moore, W. Me-1and treasurer presented their reports,
Gill, 3. L. McEwen, Geo. Craig, as- , which showed the close of a very mu: -
sedate directors, John Gillespie, A. I cessful year's work. The Guild is
McDougall, Wd. Wellings, John Tay- !responsible for the upkeep of the
ler, I. J, Wright, Chas. 'Carter,ow-
,higtsonage re the o officers elected forthe
Harold Proctor, .Geo. Cruickshank,
W'.M. Henry, Benson Cruicltshank,�ensuing year: Honorary Presidents:
Melville Taylor, John Weight, 011ie ,Mrs, 0. N. Griffin, Mrs. Geo. Allen,
CamiPoell, Jas. McTavish, Frank I Mrs. R. Vanstone; president, Mrs.
Thompson, W. R. .Burchill, Herb- I T red Johnston; 1st vice-president,
Campbell, E. S. Copeland, A. J. Wal -'Mrs. F. Fuller; 2nd vice-president.
ker, and J. W. McKibben. Lady i Mfrs. Fuller; 3rd vice-president,
directors are the wives of the offs•, 1 Dlrs. W.
T. Booth; secretary, bI'rs•
eers tad directors: auditors, Alf. ! Richard Clegg; treasurer, Mrs. W.
Posliff and Robt. Cruickshank. The'. G. Gray; fee collectors, Mrs. E. Aran-
Gar -
fair dates for 1932 'nave been set for , itage, Mrs. F. Fuller, Mrs. T. floral
Oct. 7 and 8, and the Fair Board I nett and Mrs. Wm. Dawson;
looks to the future with optimism I committee, Mos A. Johnston, Mrs.
and confidence. i W. G. Gray; visiting commnittee, Mrs.
GODERICII: Louis H. Rader of • C. R• Wilkinson, Mrs. Wm. Dawson,
newly -elected warden 1 Mrs. Thos. Fells; executive commit -
of Hu od, the visiting committee,
of Huxon County, was born in Ste-jte, the officers, g
phen Township, 48 years ago. At floral committee, and Mrs. Wrn, Lep-
the age -of twenty-six he removed to I and and Mrs. FI. Mitchell.
Hay township where he has operated
a farm of 175 acres for the past HOWICK TOWNSHIP OFFICIALS
twenty-two years. For twelve years ` ACCEPT CUT IN SALARIES
he has been a member of the Town- i The FIotvick Council met on Sat -
ship Council and for four year of { urday afternoon in the township
Huron County Council. He special- I hall, when applications were opened
izes in good horses, having tvon six! and read, for all officers. At the
silver cups as prize winning trophiesiend of the afternoon's conference it
for Clydesdales. He also carries on i was decided to take all the.od .cut
an extensive business in cattle and of -
I ficials -pack at the 20 percent,
hogs, which at two previous meetings they
:SEAFORTH The regular lunch- I had refused. They nevertheless
-coot, of the Seaforth Lions was held j,haveQaecme their offices, also the
in the Commercial Hotel on Monday 120 p
. cut.
with 23 local Lions present, also nine W. Max Abram, also Arnold Mc,
from Gederich and 19 visitors, teak: I Nairn, of Stratford, were week -end
ing a total :of 51 present. The ftthe l visitors
John ITauge afo'Pyvettononwas here,
proceeding of the evening was
introduction, one by one, of the pet` i Mr. and Ws. V. lyhera.
•son sitting to .one's right. A letter! Miss Nellie Dane, visited Mr. and
re-{ Mrs. R. G. Dane.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Pollack of
Kincadrine spent the 'week -end with
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wood.
Travelling in the height of luxury
and in their own .private ear,
young roosters from British .Calnntbia
and tither western provinces reached
Toronto recently by Canadian Na,
tional Express as the special wards
of the Dominion Government. Moth=
d grandmothers with- an an -
Several men were-ikilled r annd tone
injured by
mine on Monday. Among the dead
was John Evans.. famous tenor, who
volunteered to go down with a5eseu---'
ers and was overcome by g
doctor who was also overcome by
gas on descending into the mine was
revived when brought to the top. Out
of the twenty-three men working in
the pit when the explosion occurred
fourteen were rescued.
Henry Advises Premier Brownlee to
• Stand On Coal Freights
PUT ON DEBATE will be given Alberta
aby Ontario
•its effort to see
The second literary program to 1. ; the coal freight rate question, accord-
- ing 'to advices received by Premier
Brownlee from Premier George S.
Henry. ' The eastern province will
co-operate and be glad to do so, says,.
W. Henry,•who affirms his strong
belief in the doctrine of Canadian
coal for Canadian markets,
The point at issue is the fixing of
a • permanent "rate, • which the rail-
way commission should consider
be a -fair one and which should' take
the place of the temporary arrange-
ment by which, for three years,, the
Dominion' Government absorbed 75
cepa $6.75 rate No date
County Judge Parker of Toronto
upheld the use of ten improvised
ballots in the election for deputy
reeve in ward three of North York
last weer. The D.R.O. in this ward,
running out of ballots wrote the
names` of the candidates on ten slips
cf paper and these were used by vot-
Provincial. Constable James Hig,
gins returned to Port Arthur the
other day after a trip into the Long -
lac District in which he tramped
eighty miles on snowshoes to inves-
tigate the death of a trapper. The
trapper was found to have died of a
heart attack and was buried near his
trapline, where he was found.
'held during the month's course 01
agriculture and- home economics their'
place in the parish hall, Dungannon,.
• on Friday afternoon, when the mem-
bers of the girls' and boy's classes
'held it joint meeting. A large nimi-
"ber of visitors cane to . hear . the
program, mane of the features of
which was a debate, "Resolved that
•the country affords greater social,
facilities than does the city:" Misshe
affirmative was upheld by
Evelyn Culbert, Harold Webster and
'Clifford Crozier ,all of whom brought.
to the attention of the audience the
many social charm's of country life.
The .negative -vas upheld by Car-
man Anderson, Laurette McClure,
who endeavored to show that the
city's attractions afford the greater
t social facilities. The decision of
the debate was left to the audience,
which was almost evenly divided,
there being a , few mope voting for
,the negative than for the affirmative
Some, in the audience were' called
-upon to speak following the debate.
and all the speakers, in the debate,
were complimented upon their ac1-, are not ordinary useful citizens.