Clinton News Record, 1945-12-13, Page 6PAGE SIX
Interesting Items ;From
. ,. Representative:
,Tack B. Slur 'eon left on Saturday
g Y
to 'fish at Port Dover.
Mrs. Hazel Murray is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. W. J. McLeod.
• Miss Jean Sturgeon 'spent the week-
end in Clinton with her• sister, Mrs.
D. Bisback.
Mrs. James Rouatt, London, spent.
a few days recently with her sister,
Mrs. William Hall,
Miss ,Jean Voddlen, Toronto, spent
the weekend with M,,'and Mrs. Wil-
liam J. Vodden.
Mr. and Mrs Bill -Maguirespent
last weekwith the latter's, sisters in
livery of Christmas mail, Here axe Windsor and Detroit.
ways in which'. you Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rathwell and
1. Don't rus: to the Post Office daughters were guests on;SundaY of
as soon as the mail arrives' and, visit Mr. - and . Mrs. John, Grigg.
Your neighbour, It takes,' anhoiu
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hodge,e, I
sort the mail and the hum of con- + were guests, 'on Sunday' at thehome
versation distracts workers arid 'slows of Mr and Mrs.. John Middleton
sortation. ,-Walter Wallis has returned home
2. Don't bring your parcels' and de -after a two week visit with friends
in Hamilton, Torbnto, and Milton.
Miss Helen Welsh; London, spent
the weekend at her home and had as
her guest, Miss Merle Wilson, Lon-
Mr. and Mrse Gordon .Scotchmer,
Stanley, and Mr. and Mrs. Miseron
Butter were guests, on Sunday of Mr.
and Mrs. "Alf Scotchmer Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wallis had as
their guests on Wednesday evening,
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Dunne and Jackie,
Bronson Line, Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Grainger, Blue Water Highway; Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Wallis and Marg-
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Welsh bad as
their. guests on Saturday evening, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Welsh, Mr, and Mrs.
Robert Welsh, David and Catherine,
Mr. 'and Mrs. Fred Wallis, Gerald and
Cathryn, their daughter, Iielen, and
Miss M. Wilson. -
Candlelight Service
The St. James' Church Candlelight
Service will be held Tuesday evening,
December 18, at 8 o'clock.
The 'Christmas Concert or 'S. S. No.
11, will be held on Thursday night,
December 20, at 8 o'clock sharp. There
will be a dance after the concert.
• Seventh Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Picot enteii-
tamed a number of their friends Mon-
day night, the occasion being the
seventh anniversary of the wedding,
Little Girl Injured
Miss Margaret Wallis, small daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wallis
is wearing a cast on her right fore-
arm, due to a fall while at play which
bent the hone.
'Well Caves In
Robert Welsh had the misfortune
last week in having' his barn well
cave in completely and house well
go practically dry, and is busy now
drawing water for stock.
lay general delivery while they are
Albert Vanstone returned to the being weighed. Post them before
village on Thursday of last week after 11.30 a.m, and after 3 p.m.
having visited in London. 3. Post Ietters and cards early. Re -
Prof. and Mrs. H. Kalbfleisch and Member your neighbour's mail is
, two boys, London, were at their cot -'every bitas-important as yours, so
tage in the village on Saturday. don't expect it all to go if it is posted
Phillip Carr -Barris returned to Tor- at the last minute. Trains don't wait,
onto on Friday after having spent a 4. If you have a number of cards
few days with his step -mother, Mrs. and letters, stamp and face them all
G. Carr -Harris. the same way ,and tie in a bundle.
Mrs. Harold King returned to Sar- This saves the Post Office clerk or
nia on Monday after leaving visited rural cotuier one handling.
her mother, Mrs. Charles W. Parker If these rules are followed, it will
for a few days, save delay in' the despatch 'of mails
Mrs. J. A. Ferguson returned to from- this office. Bayfield' Post Of-
Goderich on Friday after having been fice will remain closed all day on
the guest or 'Mrs. James Ferguson Christmas and New Years. Mails
during the weekend. will be despatched as usual.
Mrs. F. A. Edwards left on Thurs-
day to visit in Kitchener and Water-
loo enroute to Broadview, Sask.,
where she will spend the winter with
her daughter, Mrs. R. J. Watson.
Thanks For Gifts
Dear Mrs, Prentice:—Many thanks
friends for the grand gift. I can
assure all of the Bayfield Comuun-
ity, T will never forget the many
gifts I received from Bayfield during
the past conflict. The wallet and
contents came as a great surprise.
Once again, ' iniany thanks and a
Merry Christmas to all.
Kitchener, Ont.
Successful Bazaar
Mrs. H. R. MacKay was hostess
• on 'Saturday afternoon when the
Ladies' Guild and Gids' Auxiliary of
Trinity Church held a very success-
ful bazaar and tea at The Albion Muir and a reading was given
.Hotel. The gift sale was held in the by Mrs. Bert Lobb. The meet -
.sitting room while the girls served ing was closed with a hymn and the
Mizpah benediction.
Officers for 1946, are: President,
Mrs. Bert Lobb; vice-president, Mrs.
Morgan Jones; secretary, Mrs, Frank
Jones; assistant secretary, Mrs. Roy
Eason; treasurer, Mrs. Stewart Far-
quhar; pianist, Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt•
assistant pianist, Mrs. Ira Merrill;
,buying committee, Mrs. Carman Teb-
butt, Josephine Muir; flower com-
mittee, Mrs, Harold) Lobb, Mrs. Ira
Merrill; program, Mrs. Charles Wil-
Rev. and Mrs, C. C. Tavener both
expressed their appreciation of the
work done by, the organization dur-
ing the ;year, and also the new of-
ficers for accepting office in a pleas -
Monday to spend several months not and bnsinesslilce manner
With her cousin, Mts. ,R. Kerr, Kin-
The Ebenezer W. A. meeting was
held on Thursday at the home of Mrs.
Stewart Farquhar. The .president,
Mrs. Carman Tebbutt, was in charge
of the' meeting, which was opened
with a hymn, followed by the Lord's
Prayer. The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and approved.
Eleven members answered the Roll
Mrs. Roy Easton gave the Scripture
reading and led in prayer. A. card
of thanks from Mr. and Mrs. W.
Rueger, was read. .
During the business session a new
slate of officers was brought before
the meeting for the following year.
Poems were read by Josephine
tea in the dining room. Miss Lucy
Woods contributed a solo during the
tea hour.
The presidbnt of the Guild, Mrs.
Lloyd Scotchmer made the draw for
the crib quilt donated by Mrs. Percy
Weston. The holder of the lucky
ticket was P. McGonigle, 'Seaforth.
Murdock Ross and daughter, Mrs.
L. G. Bassett, left on Friday to spend
some time with his youngest daugh-
ter, Mrs. G. Davison, Woodstock.
Rev. W. G. Bugler, Markdale, visit-
ed friends in the village on Monday.
Mr. Bugler had driven his son, LAC
Bernard Bugler to Rs and C. School,
Clinton; where he` is at present
Miss Elizabeth Cameron left on
Help the Postmistress) The annual Christmas concert of Mrs Lorne Jervis. A, Christmas
The Postmistress asks the co-op. S. S. 5, Stanley (Goshen school) will duet, "Out of the Gateway," was
eration of all patrons in speeding de- be held on Tuesday, December 18. pleasingly rendered by Dell Finlay
Ho'.mesville Red Cross
Holmesville Red Cross nnkt held its
meeting at the home of Mrs. Stock,
Dec. 4, ith an attendance of 25
adults. Mrs. Walter was in charge
of the meeting which opened by sing-
ing a Christmas hymn with Mrs. Pot-
ter as pianist. The Lord's Prayer
was repeated in unison. The minutes
were read and approved.
A program was given. Mrs. Heard,
accompanied by- Betty Stock, favored
with two whistling solos. • A.reading,
"Shipmates Ashore," was given by
couldn't wait
to eat our
p The Bordea.Co. Ltd
How folks do go for Borden's Ice » Cream.
It's so rich, so creamy -smooth, so deliciously
flavored ... a dessert worthy of a special place at
Christmas dinner.
Get Borden's brick or 1JIelOrol Ice Cream wherever
you see the Borden Ice Cream sign.
and Mrs. Leslie Jervis, accompanied
by' Eileen Gliddon. Mrs. Walter gave
an inspiring recitation, "The Master's
The group leaders gave their re- I
Visit." '
ports. Mrs. 'E. Trewartha's group
made its money by donations. Mrs. I
Leslie Jervis' group made use of a
s Travelling Basket which passed from'
member to member, on a give and
take basis. Mrs. McMath's group had
a social evening, the members took
saleable articles and they were auc-
tioned off by an amateur auctioneer.
In September' the whole unit had' a
pot -luck supper; program and' a
thank -offering. Treasurer's report is
-- Campaign money $186.50; Red
Cross Thankoffering supper $34.13;
money raised by the groups $99.57;
making a total of $320,20. This is an
increase of $13,64 over last year.
Work report is as follows: knitting,
24 sweaters,. 25 scarves, 49 pairs
service socks, 17 helmets, 11 pairs
girls and boys socks, six pairs gloves,
one pair mitts, one pair baby leg-
gings; total 134, with four, mare' to
be completed.
Sewing report: Boys' coats, 10;'
boys' pants, 11; boys' undeivests, 36;
girls' blouses, 25; girls' pantie
dresses, 90; girls combinations, 162;
girls undervests, 99; total 433.
Quilts: Red Cross, 11. Junior Red,
Cross, one. groups 10,, crib 5; total 27.
Before the meeting closed, Mrs.
Walter expressed her thanks to all
for their help. The members feel
that a great deal of credit is due
the president for her untising efforts
in every department of the work.,
Mrs. McMath's village group served
a lovely supper.
No election of officers took place,
the term of office being extended till
March or April, when the Red Cross
will reorganize on a peacetime basis.
"H1V-1U1?.HL GtiKl.7"11V1HJ IrL.Cl:.. �-
Mi. and Mrs: Will •Hesk• wese-
guests of Mr. and Mr's. Charles Sued
ercock, Myth, on- Sunday.
Mrs, Chares -Watson, spent the
weekend at the home Of her daughter;,
Mrs, J. Sinclair, Kippen. ,
-Miss Phyllis Vaughan spent, the
weekend in Owen Sound with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan.
Miss Beth Govier, Goderich, and
Miss Elva :Covier„London, were with
their parents, Mr, and Mrs: William
Goviei• over the weekend.'
Welcomed Back from Overseas
Tile boys are coming Koine, This
week we welcome Edwin Fothergill
back from overseas:
Mission Band
The Mary Grierson Mission Band
will meet Sunday at ten o'clock.
Please ;bring mite boxes. •
W. A. to Meet
The W. A. will hold its monthly
meeting in the basement of the church
on Wednesday, Dec. 19, at 2.30 o'clock.
White Gift Service
The White Gift Service was held
Sunday morning with a good attend-
ante. The superintendent, Mr. C.
Stewart was in charge. Rev, Mr:
Penman gave a Christmas message
and Mrs. F. Tarnblyn told a Christ-
mas story. The Junior 'Choir, raider
the leadership of Mrs. E. Wood, sang
very sweetly,
gifts.On the' platform were two beauti-
ful, decorated Christmas trees, and
in the centre was a white basket
in which the children placed their
The Senior Classes gave as white
gifts, money amounting to almost.
$50, to be sent to Britain for milk
for the children.
The Junior Classes gifts are to be
sent to the Sick Children's Ho=spital
in London. One class is sending
their money to the Evening Telegram
fund in Toronto.
Red Cilt;ss Meets
The regular m€€eting of Londesboro
Red Cross was held on December 6
in the Community Hall, Mrs. J. Scott.
second vice•.president presiding. The
meeting opened with Christmas carols
followed by the Lord's Prayer m
unison. 'Minutes of last meetingwere
read and 'approved: Treasurer's re-
port was given showing $150 in box
fund, ::$100.40 in general fund, $82.97
profit, from, federation supper.
*Mrs. Townsend gave a splendid se -
port, on the :knitting. Nomination
committee reported officers will be
the carne as last year.
In the business period it .was de
cider! to, discontinue paying of hostess
money every month. The secretary
was asked, to write for sewing quota
of 15 layettes.
Mis. Yungblut,donated pyrex dish.
Tickets were sold, Mrs. "W. Goyim,
won lucky draw. Those paying host-
ess money for December: Mrs, Ad-
dison, Mrs. Fingland, Mrs, W. Lyon,
Mrs. Harry Lyon, Miss Kirk, Miss
Elizabeth Lyon. Meeting closed
with National Anthem.
Londesboro W. M. S. Officers '
The nominating committee of the
W.M:S. brought in the following' slate
of officers for the new year: Hon-
orary presidents, Mrs. J. Tarnblyn,
Mrs. J. Fingland and Mrs. M. Man-
ning; president, Mrs. ,R. Townsend;
first vice-president, Mrs. E. Wood;
second vice-president, Mrs. R. Cald-
well; third vice-president, Mrs. A.
Clark; recording secretary, Mrs. A.
Fangrad; assisting recording secre-
tary, Mrs. F. Tamblyn; correspond-
ing secretary, Mrs. W. Manning; lit-
erature secretary, Mrs. G. McVittie;
treasurer, Mrs. Nellie Watson; sec-
retary of Christian Stewardship, -Mss.
5, Lyon: assistant secretary of
Christian Stewardships, Mrs. W. Lyon;
secretary of Temperance, Mrs. L.
Webster, secretary of community
friendship, Mrs. F. Shobbroolta sec-
retary of Missionary Monthly, Miss F.
Jamieson; secretary of supply, Mrs,
W. Brunsdon; secretary of press, Mrs.
E. Hesk; secretary of associate help-
ers, Mrs. M. Manning; flower com-
mittee. Miss B. Kirk and Mrs. W.
Brunsdon; Mission Band,' Mrs. 13.
Shobbrook and Miss B. Kirk; Mission
Circle, Mrs. Clark; Baby Band supt.,
Mrs. Joe ,Shaddick and Mrs. R. Shad -
dick; pianist, Mrs. J. Armstrong;
assistant, Mrs. E. Wood.,
Summerhill 'Red Cross
The ladies of the Summerhill Red
Cross gathered at the home of Mrs.
Earl Blake December 5.
With the president in charge, the
meeting opened with the Red Cross
Prayer and the Lord's Prayer. The
minutes of the last meeting were
read and approved. The roll call was
answered by "what we want most for
,Christmas.” They' -'were• 23 present --
20 members and three visitors.
The knitting and sewing eepor•ts
were given and sewing distributed.
Two birthday fees also were paid.
Mrs•. G. Neal acted as treasurer in
Mrs. P. Gibbing's absence. AI quilt
was quilted and patches sewn.
A motion was made and seconded
to give the returned boys a Christmas
gift. A box of Christmas. cards were
raffled and these were won by Mrs.
Lovett and Mrs. C. Farquhar. They
realized $1.90. The meeting was clos-
ed with the National Anthem, follow-
ed by lunch; collection $2.40.
The next meeting will be, held Jan-
uary 9 at the home of Mrs. G. Cos -
and the hostesses will be Mrs.
Ellis. Mrs. Mason, 'Mrs. C. Merrill
and Mrs. R., Smith. •
t. • • •••••
• •
1••• Clinton N.ews-Reco•rd
from l`�'ow Until the Er�d of 1946 '
• $i.50
• • •• •
(In Canada and Great Britain).
An Easy Way To Solve Your
C»hristrnas Gift • Problem
Rmember• the Christmas concert
at S. S. No, 5 on Wednesday, Dec, 19.
Miss Phyllis Wilding spent the
weekend with her parents in Palmer-
Mr. and Mrs, Jim Cox are spend-
ing a week in Indiana with Mrs. Cox'
sister. -
Sympathy is extended to the Fuller
families in the passing of a sister,
Mrs. James McCabe.
Ivison Torrance, Kippen, is spend-
ing a few days with his parents,
111r. and Mrs. Reed Torrance.
Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Lockhart and
Gail, spent , Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Will Manning, Londesboro:
Reed Torrance was at Kippen last
week assisting his father-in-law, Mr.
Ivison, with the drilling of a well.
Mr. and Mrs: Larv!son Lockhart
and two children, Royal Oak, Mich.,
,were Sunday visitors with Mr. Lock -
hart's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
, Born-- Oai.Dec. 6, 1945, to 1VIr. and
Mrs. Jack Smith, a daughter, in Chu -
ten Public Hospital. Both are doing
Mr. and Mrs. R. Latham and fam-
ily and Miss G. Beatty, London, spent
the weekend at the home of Mrs.
L. Beatty.
Mrs. Robinson; and Mrs. Dodswox'th,
London, were guests at the home of
the latter's mother," Mrs. E. Snaith,
one day last week.
The November; meeting of St.
-John's W. A. was held at, the hdme
of Mrs. M. Reid .last Thursday af-
ternoon. The afternoon was spent
St. John's W., A. `Meets
The annual nesting of St. John's
W. A. was. held at the home of Mrs.'
M G. Beatty' on Tuesday afternoon:
The meeting was opened by singing
a missionary hymn, "For My Sake
and the Gospels Go." The secretary,.
� Mrs. M. Elliott gave a splendid re-
, port of the years work. The trees
urer s report was given by Miss Mos-
sop, leaving, after all obligations bad
been met, a substantial balance on
hand.Theodofficers .wereelected:
Mrs• Dawson and her mother,
Doan, have gone on a visit to Inwood
until after the New Year.
We are glad to report that W.
Stackhouse is recovering after bis ill-
ness of the past week.
Annual Christmas Trees
School Section 10, Stanley, will hold
its annual Christmas Tree and enter-
tainment, Thursday' evening, •Decem-
ber 20. The United Church Christmas
Tree will be held Friday, December
A/B. George Mustard and A/B. 4
Wesley Ham are on a visit to Buffalo 0
and New York. bE
Brucefieid W. A. Meets
The W. A. of Bt'ucefield United 4.1
Church held its annual meeting on _
Tuesday, Dec. 4, with a fair attend-
ance. Miss McDonald, president, was
in the chair, Mrs. Johnstone at the
piano. The devotional part of the'
Meeting conducted by Mrs. Haugh
consisted of singing hymns 50 and
62, prayer and responsive reading of
Psalm selection 715. The secretary,
Mrs. W. Scott read the minutes of
last meeting which were adopted as
read. The roll call was answered by
a , Christmas verse and the meeting
was then opened for business.
Financial secretary, Mrs. J. Aiken -
head, gave her report and the books
showed .a very nice bank account.
Several , "thank you" letters were
read by Miss M. Swan. The four
working groups turned in their re-
ports , for
eports•for the year. These reports
show that the women have not been
idle as they raised something over
$500. S'oine other items of business
were transacted and then the election
of officers for 1946 took place.
The result of the voting was as fol-
lows: President, Mrs, Lindsay Eyre,
vice-presidents, Mrs. W. McBeath,
Mrs. A. Johnson, recording secre-
tary, MI's. L. Wilson; treasurer, Mrs.
T. B. Baia.d; financial secretary, Mrs.
A,. Foote corresponding secretary,
Mrs. R. Dawson, Mrs. C. Haugh;
manse committee, Miss McDonald,
Mrs. Stan. Love, Mrs. Cleve Cochrane,
Mrs. ,R.. Scott, Mrs. F. Burdge; flower
committee, Mrs. H. Berry, Mrs. A.
Pater o
t s npianists,
Mrs. G Hender-
son, Mrs. W. McBeath; devotional,
Mrs. W. Scott,'Mrs. W. Henry visit-
ing, Mrs. A. Caldwell, Mrs. H. Day -
man, Mrs. F. Rathwell. Mrs. S. Ross;
programme, Miss Edith Bowey, Mrs.
E. Allan Mrs. H. Dalrymple, Mi'.
J. Thompson; work committee, Mss.
H. Zaphe Mrs. Rohner, Mrs. H. Aik-
enhedd, Mrs, A. McQueen.
The roll call for January will be
"A New Year's Resolution." The
meeting closed with the National
Anthem and the Mizpah . benediction.
Elect Hockey Officers
Following a meeting of'Blyth 'Lion's
Cluli a number of interested hockey
fans, met with the Lions. Plans for
the coming `season - were discussed
and the following 'officials were ap-
pointed: P'resideht, Frank Tyreman;
secretary -treasurer, G. R. Augustine.
executive, "Bert" Gray, Norval Kyle,
George McNall, Jr,, E. Johnston, L.
M. Scrimgeour, Norman' Garrett;
coach, Freeman Tunney.
Successful Commencement
Memorial Hall was filled for the
cominencelnent exercises of Blyth,
continuation school. Andrew Kyle,
president of the Literal, Society,
'opened the program. Students of
grades nine and, ten sang a group
of choruses, duets and solos, accopt.
pealed by Miss Elizabeth Mills.
A pleasing feature was the pies-
tntat'on of proficiency shields and
field day prizes, `cash donations, by
William Mills, chairman of the school
board. Winners • of shields were:
Grade 9 Alice McKenzie; grade 10,
Irma Watt; grade 11, Donald Mor-
ritt; grade 12, Laurel Laughlin; girls'
athletic championship, Lois Doherty;
boys' athletic championship, Andrew
Kyle; field day prizes—junior boys,
Donald Johnston, Ross Tasker; junior
girls, Isabel Thuell, Dolores McNeill,
Irma Wallace; senior boys. Andrew
Kyle, James Watt, Donald Cowan;
senior girls, Lois Doherty, Dorothy
McGee, Irma Watt.
W. I. Meets '
The Women's Institute held a very
interesting meeting in Memorial Hall,
with 36 present. Four members of
Auburn Branch, 'Mrs. Lawson, Mrs.
Mogridge, Mrs. Sturdy and Miss
Sadie Carter, were special guests. •
It was decided to sell• tickets on a
Christmas cake. Most of the ingred-
ients were offered by those present
and Mrs. A. Taylor will make the
The urogram was in charge of Dr.
Annie Ross, assisted by Miss Joseph-
ine Woodcock. It featured a picture
contest which was won by Mrs. Bain -
ton's' group, and demonstrations of
hist air bandaging of fingers• by Mrs.
N. P. Garrett and Miss Woodcock,
forearm by Mrs. G. Doherty, -shoulder
by Mrs. Garrett, collar bone using the
St. John sling, Mrs. G. Doherty, and
head by Miss Woodcock Dr. Boss
gave a fine address on "Good Will.
and •Child Psychology."
Hostesses were Mrs Chellew, Mrs,
J. Cowan, Mts. Kilpatrick and Mrs.
Native Dies in Galt
Friends were grieved to hear of
the death on Saturday in Galt of
James A. Gasman, for 28 years a,
valued employee of , the- Galt Brass
Company and resident of Galt for 4fa
years. illi•. Gasman's death occurred
iii Galt hospital following a few
days' illness from a heart aiinient,
Born in' Byth, 73 years ago, Mr.
Gusman spent his younger ;years in
Woodstock before removing to Galt
about 1900. He learned his trade at
the Goldie -McCulloch company and
for the past 25 years has` held a
responsible position with the Galt
Brass Company. His widow, is the,
former Alice Jane Wilkie.
Mr, Gosman was • a member. of
Knox Presbyterian Church and •also.'
of the Masonic Order, Alma Lodge
A.F,- and A.M. No, 72;, Waterloo
Lodge ZO;O'.F. and the Ancient Ors -
der of Foresters.
Officers Elected
The Young People's »Society" of
Carmel Pesbyterian Chureh held
election of officers: with the minister,
Rev. P. Ferguson, in charge. Officers
are: Honorary president, W. R.
Davidson; president, Ronald Bell;
vice-president, Miss Margaret Mc-
Gregor; secretary, Miss Mae Taylor; •
assistant, Gordon Moir; pianist, Mrs.
C. Forrest; assistant, Mrs. Malcolm
Dougall; treasurer, Donald Bell; wor-
ship committee, Janet Mustard, 'Rob-
ert Taylor, Audrey Dick; -service,
A. W. K.eralake, M. Dougall; fellow-
ship, Mrs. McLaren, Mrs. Moir,.
Evelyn Taylor, Allen Crerar; mission,
Aileen Munn, Mrs. Stanlake, Melvin
Moir; stewardship, Mrs, H. Bell,
Sandy MacArthur, Alma Bell; social,
Miss Helen Moir, Ellen Bell, Bert
Thompson, Norma Sangster.
Paint Your Trees With
Keeps mice and rabbits from
young trees. Has been tried
out in this district and ' has
given good results.
CEL-O=GLASS now in , stock..
for windows.
Sold' by
!cstresse 'ticsis�se ssie+uric nsanct eeteteie tme ete a +rs emerme ¢i
r Only 8 Shopping Days
You will find a Nice Assortment of
Returned Men Honored
Hurondale community gathered in
the school to honor returned service-
men and also two former resident's,
Miss Nettie Teddy and Charles
Keddy, Mrs. A. Rundle spoke on be-
half of the Red Gross and introduced.
Oscar Tuckey', who spoke on behalf
of the Usborne Township .Council,•
Mr. Tuckey called the following re-
turned servicemen to the platform:
Gordon' Squire, Wilfred' Buchanan,'
Lee Webber, Lloyd Reynolds, William
Reynolds and Robert Jeffery. Each
was presented with an address and
la—ring by A. W. Morgan.
,Mrs. M. E. Elliott; treasurer, Miss
E E. Mossop. The meeting was closed
with 'the members prayer in unison,
after which a dainty lunch was serv-
ed by Mrs! Beatty and Miss Mossop.
Pyrex Ware Alladin Lamps --- Ironing, Board3-
Clothes Driers and Skates
Dealers in Hardware and Furniture
Modern Ambulance Service, Funeral Directors
Store Phone 195
Phone 110 Phone Iii
ismnrA naohl razes Anne oaszorrdhlrisstio r asoossis rr -e e;;-
bring back those
The busy holiday season is
almost here — bringing with it
additional demand.
They will be urgently needed
to enable us to maintain a
steady flow of supplies to the
Please return empties now. If
you can't bring them in 'phone
or write your nearest Brewers°
Retail Store.