Clinton News Record, 1945-08-02, Page 7cseit bylbousuiith OF BUSY CANADIAN HOUSEWIVES R;ellogg's cereals have an hnportaneplace in Canada's kitchens --now, more than ever. Appetizing anytime—, for breakfast, lunch, between} meal snacks. Add Savour $o 'leftover' dishes; too! ed` d,t0St �•f/oke • ree'dyto-eat. BOYS! GIRLS! They're free... $ ColoureWCards In every package. Save 'em Trado'emt VOICEmiZs THE, Winnie Wins Winston Churchill' and Adolf 1-litler had one thing in common, , and only one. They loved to•paint pictures. Mr. Churchill, on a brief ,holiday on the Bay of Gascony in Franca has returned. to his pig - went and canvas, "He is still paint- ing. Hitler is not. -Ottawa Citizen Bee -Have Better A •stingless variety of bee is said to have been discovered bys honey producers in the, Squamish Valley of B.C. Maybe- the type is just. bette-r.' natured than. others. -Montreal Gazette ---0— Get 'Em Young And Foolish Statistics show ,that if a'•man doesn't marry before he's 30 the chances . ate five to one that he will never marry. Better catch 'crit while, they're young and foolish, girls. s. ' • -Kitchener Retard —mese. No Trading Goods There will . be no horse -trading overr peace with 'japan, says one of the cosmic prophets.. As things are going, it is not at all assured, that Tokyo will have a horse. • ,—Stratford Beacon -Herald Secret Royal Navy Base Now Revealed A secret British: naval base was hacked our -of the jungle on • a group of coral islands in the In- dian Ocean before the Japanese opened the war h. she Pacific Dec. 7, 1944, the Admiralty has revealed T•lle herculean taskof building a base or war against Japan wasac- complished by a force of Royal Maiines working against time and tropicial disease. More than 23 per cent of the men were sent to hos- pital during the first three months. Port' '1", as the anchorage was identified on naval maps, was on Addu Atoll $00 miles from Colom- bo,. Ceylon, and 3,000 miles from Australia. It served as a vital link on tete convoy route to Australia and for certain operations in the Indian Ocean. Marines went ashore on the Atoll in the extreme south of the Maldive Islands hi September, 1941, and by the time Japan declared war the base was ready. Electric Fences Control. Live 'Stock Live stock as a rule need' little training to keep away from elec- tric fences. Observations at the Dominion Experimental Station at Swift. Current, Sask:, show that the animals°leal'n very quickly and do not approach,a'fence even when it is not charged. At .Swift Cur- rent, a. 13-11ate wet battery was used on an electric fence that was used throughout the summer months last year for, pasturing maths. The cattle were `well con- trolled, no harm was done to the cattle or the attendant and ' the battery was still charged at the end of the season. The use of electric fences is gradually ,becoming more widely adopted for pastures. These fences have many advantages but care is -'necessary in establishing the'equip- ment. Among . the advantages are reduction of cost. fn erecting tem- porary fences, reduction of lexpeni diture for wire, posts,, and gates, ture for wire, posts, and gates, reduction of injuryto• live stock. As a mile,' one or two wires are R. su Icient to carry the electric cur- rent. One wire is sufficient for horses and cattle. Two wires are considered preferable for pigs and sheep. The wire Lan be sup- ported' by porcelain insulators on 2 in." by 2 in, stakes set hi the ground 30 to 40 feet apart. All Alike One of the many advantages of the famous Liberty ships, which are built to- stands"d specifica- tions, is that the -Hien who work on one. ship can. transfer to an- other in the dark and find their way around without losing' time• getting acquainted with new sur- roundings. Canadians to Help :, Dutch With Harvest Canadian troops in Holland are going to help to bring in the har- vest. All headquarters and units have been ordered to get in touch with - Dutch . authorities in their areas and arrange for the fullest possible assistance to Dutch farmers in. alleviating 'the critical farm labor shortage. Copper is very seldom discov- ered by itself; it is generally as- sociated with other valuable •metals. GIRL COP ON DUTY IN BERLIN T/4 Georgie Curto (left), Perla; Ill., and T/3"^Wlima Henry, Connersville; Ind., chat with Russian policewoman' ori platform at ''Inter den Linden near Brandenburg Gate, Germany. Women direct traffic in Russian controlled section of Berlin. WACS are making tour of german capital... e.s. ,_ OTTAWA; REPORTS That Interest I n Canada's Poultry Breeding Extends To Chile And South Africa., Passengers on a recent plane trip to Mexico were 100 chicks front an Ontario hatchery.' Federal poultry officials` in .Ottawa, who arranged the shipment, day these are to be followed by an express shipment of 12 -weeks -old pullets arid' cockerels, also for breeding stock, Another order now being taken care of is from the agriculture department of the Leeward fslands, British' West Indies, which ' waots R.O.P. Rhode Island Red cock- erels. Newfoundland also wants R.O.P. birds, The dircctcr of agriculture therehas ordered 112. White Leghorns, 'which are being ; chosen from a Quebec hatchery' and New Hampshires and Barred Rocks • which a New. Brunswick hatchery will supply." Farther international interest in Canada's poultry breeding success is ;reflected in numerous requests' for- information receieed from as far away as Chile•and South Africa. ' Canada is now conceded the leading, country in poultry breed- ing -the result of a national pro. gran i begun in 1910, - Chickens aren't the only live- stock leaving for distant, places. Eighteen police horses are enroute tei • Trinidad and Barbadoes from. stables at Brampton and Ailsa Craig, Ontario. Since 7.033 these islands have obtained all their policehorses from Canada. Ontario at,d Quebec, which con- sume half of the nation's total supply of coal from all sources, will feel the fuel shortage in' the coming months morel acutey than the west or the 'Maritimes, Muni- tions Department officials say, Un- like their eastern or western neighbors whose main household fuel is bituminous coal, they burn mostly anthracite, and the propor- tionate decrease in available sup. plies. of anthracite is much greater than in the case' of bituminous or industrial' • coal. Canada imports more than half its entire coal re- quirements; including al] its sup- plies of anthracite, and the burden df providing fuel to the destitute allied nations falls chiefly ' to its stippliers, Britain and the United States. It is pointed out that al- though -supplies of anthracite are lower titan ever before, there are adequate supplies of substitute fuels to meet minimum heating re. qu rements, if coal control regula- tions are respected. * * Veterans'Affairs s and rehabili- tation officers are busy warning discharged service men not to be taken in by racketeers. The R. C. M. P., hot on the trail of suspects, has 'already made arrests. Failure of .some service men to confide in Veterans' Affairs officials in re- gard to their; re-establishment credit plans is said to be one of the reasons they are exploited in their business ventures. Huge Plane Could Carry 750 Soldiers The world's largest. airplane -a flying. boat—of • .such size that it could only be exhibited in sections, has had its first preview and left the previewers 'astounded, The plane is being built at• the Howard Hughes plant, Culver City, Calif., and has been named the Hercules. Here arc some statistics announced by the company: Cost: In - excess of $20,000,000. Weight: 425,000- pounds.: Wingspread: 320 feet.. Hull; 220 feet long, 30 feet high, 25 feet wide, Engines: Eight in all, each of 3,000 horsepower . capacity Gasoline ea.pacity:,,14,000 gallons. The Hercules, begun in 1943, will not be ready for flight tests before next, January, There are no plans for luplicating the monster ship, The Reroutes will be able to carry a. 60 -ton tank with .full com- plement of armor and men, Or, It can carry three light tanks and equipment. It can become a mobile hospital, . with 350 'patients on stretchers, surgery facilities and plenty of doctors and nurses. And it could, engineers say, carry 750 soldiers equipped. The Hercules will have a top speed, engineers say, of about 248 miles an hour and a cruising speed' of about 175 miles per hour, The domestic reindeer was in- troducedinto North America from 5Siberia, via Aaska, in 1891. CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS. ON CANADIAN G,OLD Mines Properties Companies ASCOT AGENCY' Pour Colborne Street TORONTO, ONTARIO Phone ELgtn 4989 I FIECI(E® TCH -o111 rtMoney Back Fur guie1r eel ief from i tehing caused by eczema; '•athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and otheri tchine ;conditions, use pure, cooling, mediaated, liquid. 'p. D, D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaseless and. ,stainless, Soothes, comforts aa1rd quickly calms betenso itching, Don't suffer. Ask your druggist :today for :D, D. D. PRESCRIPTION - ISSUE 811--1945' • • $EPKS myoi Former Maharanee of Indore, Mrs. Marguerite L. Holker Masters, 37, has filed suit for divorce in -Santa Ana, Calf,, ' . against Charles Masters 27 fisherman and former mail carrier: They 'were married last January. Mrs, Masters' 'was married to the Maharajah of Indore from 1939 to 1943,when'he divorced her. British 'Post -War Car, Reaches U.S. A British Austin, said by the Austin Motor Company, Inc„ to be the first British automobile to have gone :into post-war production, ar- rived. . in .New York last week for exhibition. .. "England is anxious to export the _cars," said •=:David O. Alber, public relations representative of the Longbridge, Birmingham, firm. Sbipnents to the United States will reach 2,000 a month by the beginning , of 1946, he said, and added, "This marks the resumption of trade, and the cars will estab- lish dollar credit for Eugland:" He said the rapid reconversion to the ear was possible because its chassis was the same as the British jeep. , The car will sell fot about $1,600. Helium To Be Used In Airliner Tires Pneumatic tires on a forth. coming ;giant; airliner willbe fill. ed with 20 pounds of helium in- stead of 180 pounds of ail which would normally be required for the job, says Business - Week. The net weight (not pressure) saving of 154 pounds' will in- crease the available payload of the - craft' by exactly that amount, s Helium,' being an inert gas that e has no known chemical affinity t for natural or synthetic rubber, t should provide -an extra dividend a in a long tire life, 0 Russia Develops Perennial Wheat Valuable Results Obtained ' By Crosses With Wild Planta Russian scientists:have developed new varieties of ,_disease -resistant hybrid wheat and rye'. so ' hardy they can be classed as perennials, the. .Soviet, publication, Soviet • News, reported recently, A. Wechsler, secretary of the Soviet Conuiiittee on Plants Re- source,. inan article in the periodi- c,zl wrote that especially valuable results were obtained by' crosses with wild plants. Professor Tsitsin •was credited with developing several varieties of a wheat -couch grass hydurid, series, all , of which yield about: two and a half tons per acre and produce a good bread flour. Some strains can stand severe Siberian Winters and others flour- ish despite drought, saline soil and resist fungus • diseases the article added.. Perennial Rye, Professor ' Tsitsin . also crossed rye with couch grass to 'find a promising variety • of perennial rye." Some •crosses, the • article '. •continued, "open up entirely new prospects for semi -desert regions of the Soieet.". Other' experts were credited with• crossing cultivated wheat and wild- ,growing perennial rye to obtain a perennial grain and hay "im- pervious to fungus diseases," Cultivated and wild ` sorghum crosses, resulted in another plant excellent for producing fodder in dry areas, The article also reported the de- velopment of a rcnsarkab1 -• plant by crossing Jerusalem artichoke with sunflower to get, a. plant prom ducing'28 tons per acre with a stalk possessing a high sugar Con- tent. Materials. Of Milk' Or Wool Identical • Practical- proof has been given that materials developed by united 'Kingdom scientists from casein— made from cows' milk—cannot be distinguished from pure wool, says the St, Catharines Standard. At a conference held in. the Midland' Agricultural 'College, delegates were shown two junipers; ;one of casein aid the other of. wool. A wool sorter c-`camined both garments and picked the- wrong one. They were identical -in color, Turkey eggs for ' eating may oon join the familiar chicken ggs on the market as a result of he development of a, small -sized urkey which is a heavy layer nd produces eggs throughout most. 1 the year. h Bourlamaque + Vil1eI onne ,Yellowknife Vto.LD I NA.� GOLD MINES LIMITED (No Personal Liability) , Diamond Drilling Now In Full Swing On Company's Bourlamaque Property, Following all extended program of surface exploration, a program of diamond drilling tinder the supervision Of the Cgntpany's con, sating geologist, Mr. E. K. Fockler, it now underway. The property comprises approximately 100 acres and adjoins the pro- ducing Sullivan Consolidated. mine, To the east -see accom- panying map—are the producing Sigma and Lanlaque mines, Events during the past few months throughout the fast-growing Bourlarnaquecamp—East. Sullivan, Aumaque, Louvicourt Goldfield, • Lavalie and others—highlight the tremendous possibilities inherent' in Valdina's current drilling campaign, planned to thoroughly test the interesting surface disclosures uncovered in recent work. lifelVIRCKEN. & REID 100 ADELAIDE STREET WEST Toronto . (1) ADelaide 1953-4 Ontario Members Of The Ontario Security Dealers Assc. MCMACKEN & REID, 100 ADELAIDE ST. WEST, TORONTO (1), QNTARIO; Kindly send me complete particulars, reports, maps, etc„` in regard to Valdina' Gold Mines Limited. (No Personal Liability), It is understood that- this request places no obligation upon me, Also Weekly Comments. NAME .., ADDRESS City PROVINCE Please Feint name and address plainly HAVE YOU HEARD? Bridegroom (in poetic mood as they stroll along the shore): "Roll on, thou deep and dark blue ocean, roll!” Bride: "Oh, Gerald, how won- derful you are! It's doing it" --o-- Passenger o_Passenger (to driver of old horse)—"Can't you go any fas- ter?" Driver—"I could, sir, but I wouldn't like to leave my horse behind!" Soldier: "Are you sure it's safe to swim here—no crocodiles?" Native: "Used to be, but the oc- topus kept them away until the sharks came," —0— New Employer: "Are you fa. miliar with mules?" Negro Stableman: "No, sir; ah know 'em too well to get familiar." - Reunion Suits In Waterloo, .Iowa', a business- man was delighted to • find his favorite prewar brand of under- wear at a church rummage sale, bought some, found they were his own castoffs.e-Time Barnacles Beaten? Tlie age-old problem of barnacles • on ship's hulls may be solved with a paint using-D.D.T., the "miracle insecticide," an Oregon state col.. lege scientist said in reporting that the paint completely.,repelled barn- acles on submerged panels for six months, PoYaliog --then a moa package of WILSON'S FLY ... PADS will kill more ales. titan $5.00 worth of any. other 9y kilierill Grocery, Drug., Hardware and General Stores sell and recommend WILSONS FLYPq�, t1AHT CHICKS FREE RANGE PULLETS, EIGHT -weeks up to /eying, Aleo day-old cheeks hatched .to order for Fall delivery. -Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, For. • sus, ,Ontario. PROMPT SHIPMENT ON 2-3 WEEK pullets in Leghorns and -Fi,M, x W,L,; N.H. x W.L.: B.R. is W.L. Dayold chicks aim. Order August - September chicks now, Bray Hatchery,130 John N., Remittent Ont. FREE RANGE PULLETS 12 WEEKS up to 20 weeks.. Day 010 chicks hatched to orderforFall delle- ' cry.' Top Nbteh Chlckeries, Guelph. Ontario. BUSINESS . OPPORTUNITIES CLEAN EASY MILKERS NOW available. We want dealers in your territory. S. S. Donnie Co., 338 Ridout St., London, Ontario. WILL TRADE FINE WOOD 'rmxn- er 375 acres for good truck or house or sell. - Walter Covyeoly, VanICoughnet,,Ont. DYEING AND. CLEANING HAVE 7073 ANYTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to es for Information.' We are glad to answer your questions, Depart- ment H. Pa hirelr,'s Dye Works Limited, 791 , vonom Street, To- ronto FARM `It AVIOINGitY. IFOft SALE NO, 17 DE LAVAL CREAM SEP - orator with quarter .horsepower motor Complete 'recently over- hauled by maker. Mount Victoria. Parma, Hudson Heights, Que, THRESHING 0UTF1T FOR SALE- Goodlson steam engine 20 x 22 -h.p., separator. 50- inch body, 36 Inch cylinder. In good condition, Matchedash Threshing Syndicate, RR. 1, Coldwater, Ontario. 60 H,P. INTERNATIONAL STA- . tionary .Diesel, used very little. Write or phone Lowvijle Feed Mill, Route 2„ Milton,: Ont. 0K113 ENGINE P300 MCCORMICK, eno SpeedrlleGovcondition. Comir- tors (only). New and used Trac- tor parts. London Farm Equip- ment Co., 385 Xing Street, Lon- • don. Ont. , FOR SAI.E BARREN STRAIN' L EG H O R N Pulleta, • 0 weeps .and up." Sussex X Barred Rock pullets, 6 to 10 wcekre• Barred Rock.. Pullets, 6 to .10 weeks. Johnson. Hatchery,, Fergus, Ont, _ VALUABLE 'COUNTRY- STORE Property, suitable also for tourist business; Parry Sound district. 497 Westmount Ave., Toronto,, ELECTRIC' MOTORS NEW, USED bought, sold, r melt:; belts, pul- leys, brushes, Allen Electric Com- palmy Ltd., 2320..Dutferin St., To- ronto. o-ronto,' REG/STETTED FEMALE COCKER puppies,. 14 weeks old.. Real beauties: 7.15 Indian Road, Wind- sor. Ont, THISTLEDOWN ANGORAS. ONE of • Canada's outstanding strains, Writo for free folder, Brown's. Angora Ranch, 278 Courtland St Kitchener, Ontario. ' PEDIGREED ANGORA RABBITS, Finest wool producing stock, Lynwood Angoras, Box 110, Oshawa. LOCIcE,I•tily' DOMJNt 1513)1,. 10701.5, well marked low -.set dark red T.B. tested, ''2 months .old; D. C. Cook, 11.5, Orangville, Ont, -Fon Lime FOR SALE, PEDIGREED ANGORA Rabbits. Adutte 35,00, Juniors 33:00. Wyman Jacques, Scudder, (Pelee island), Ont. 18 INCSO PLANES, 12 INCH 101247. er and rip saw. with lineshaft - - and belts. Complete unit $209.00. A. Cornell, Komoka, Ontario, FOR SALE—BANK BARN 40x00, in good condition, side and root one-half metal, 3800. • E J, Whaling, Moorefield, Ont, FOR SALE ONE (1). .BLACK Clydesdale Stallion nine(9). years old. Must- be sold. Apply Mrs, Agnes Murray, I•Ieathcote, Ont. COCICERR. SPANIEL PUPPIES, 11E0- Istered. Sire has background of nineteen - champion. ''Write H. Jerry, Goderteh, Ont GAINING. WEIGHT? SLENDEX TEA aids.. you retain Slender Figure turns your food Into energy. Instead of fat. GUARANTEED HARMLESS, composed pleasant herbs,no exer Claes or drastic diet. Month's supply 31:00 pOatpnld Dominion Herb Distributors 1426 Yt. Lawrence Blvd., btostrenl FAIIMS'• Fein SALE WE CAN SELLYOU ANY SIZEOle farm you wish to buy—with or without stook and machinery, For particulars apply ,at Dono- hue's Garage, Renfrew, Ont. FOR SALE 00 ACTlES—CLAY loam—.ten acres hardwood—good barn—good well — seven room - . frame house—four miles from. Woodville. Apply ,.George Oke, Woodville, Ontario. , 130 ACRES, DURHAM CO„ CLAY loam soil, in good, state 01 cul- tivation, very productive, stream through pasture, nearly all work- able, on Lake Ontario front, ad- joining llowmanvllle summerre- sort, on new 4 -lane highway un- der construction, close to station and Banning factory, churehes and schools. Barn 40 x 90, stan- chions. Large brick house on spacious lawn overlooking lake. A farm with a future, price $7,500. Possession arranged. Ap- ply E. I', It. Osborne, Newcastle, FOR SALE—FARM, 1173110N COUN- ty,100 workable acres, excellent bulldfnga, good drilled' well, close: t0 good 1)Ighwnyn and markets. Hydro available; '38b00: For par - Oculars write D A. Moore, 208 Deloraine Ave Toronto, DAIIt7iring:4NR E A R N .HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson ,iisethod information • onrequest o regerding :classes,. Robertson's'. Hairdrgogqging Acad- ,emy. .137 Avenue: mom, Toronto. '51I IHCAO MEDICAL A TRIAL—EVERY SUFFEp.ER OF Rheumatic Pains • or Neuritis. should' try. Dixon's' Remedy, Munro's• Drug Store,. 385 Eight) Ottawa. Postpaid 31.00. -STOMACH AND - THREAD WORMS often are the .calla° of ill -health In humans, all ages. No one im- mune! Why hot find out if this ie your trouble? Interesting para tieelnra—Free! Write Melveney's Remedies, Specialists, Toronto 3. BAUMEBRA FOOT BALM DE- stroys offensive odor. instantly. 41c bottle, Ottawa agent,-:benmen Dreg Store, Ottawa, I3AVE ybu HEARD AI3OU9.' on'e Neuritis and Rheumatic Pain Remedy? It gives good results Muuro'a .Drug Store, 335 'Elgin„ Ottawa, Postpald 31.00. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUYS, Bells, exchanges musical Instru- ments, 111 Church, Tnranto 2. OPPORTUNITIES l!`0111 WODIM5N BE A HAIRDRESSER 301N CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, -Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wages, .thousands successful Marvel graduates,...Amertca's greatest sys- tem. niustroted catalogue free, Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 858 $L0071 . W., TORONTO Braliehea: 4.1 King St, Hamilton F 74 Ri,lwn Rtreet Ottawa. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 11 King. Nest, Toronto. Booklet ofInformationon re- el/Nit TRY CANADA'S' LARGEST - PHOTO FINISHING STUDIO Get better pictures at lowest cost. Don't take chances with your film rolls. You can't take "snaps" over again, PROMPT MAIL SERVICE • Any Size Roll - s or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 25c A customer in Cape Breton says, "1 have been sending films to you for 4 or 5 years, Would not send them anyWhere else," SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New Style Album With Prints sines 18-20-127 if 29e (4e extra) is sent with film roll. SPECIAL PRICES' ON FRAMING AND COLORING gntargementp 4 x 6'' in beautiful easel mounts, 3 tqr 25c, Framed on homy tinted mats, 7 x 9",.In Gold Silver, Circassian Walnut or' ' Blaen Ebony finish Eames, 59c each, If enlargement colored, 70e each. OLD PICTURES RESTORED We can restore any old photograph or anppshotand make: any number of prints or entargements desired. The process -requires the work of shelled artists, but the cost Is reasonable Send us your picture and tell us what you wont done and we will tell you, the cosi before doing the work. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal. A, Toronto Print Name and Address PI(iiniy on Orders. TIME ' TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films 0/epee's developed ano printed 6 OR a EXPOSURls ROLLS 25e. REPRINTS 8 for 25o. FINEST ENLARGIN,l SElt V10E You may got get an the films Yen want this year, but you can get all the quality . and.. service you desire by fending .your films to IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Nip tton .1 Toronto - TEACHERS WANTEb TEACHER WANTED 1)018 U.S.S. No: 1. ,Bond, Protestant, first class; salary $1,100. Apply A. Brightwen, Secretary -Treasurer, Shilllir ton I',O. On1 neo• NAIRN CEN'I'1t14.; S.S. \0,- 1 N IIRNI. .and 'Lorne Public School Nairn Centre, 150111re 2' Piottstant teachers with first class eertift oatea, Principal to tench grades VI to X, salary 31,100. per mermen; teacher grades 1. to V, saitrry $1,200 peramlum;- state exper- ience and give references with application, Apply t0 Sec Treos„ Mrs. .:t-azel 3)1. Jefterte.v, Nairn Centre, Ont., TEACHERS WANTED LARCH W 00 PROTESTANT - Teacher Wanted for 8,3.. No, :i Balfour and Dowling, Larch - Sept' 4, OSalarytles $1350 00 open encun- num, Apply stating gnnllfiCatinns to Mrs, Jean Jennings, Sec.- Treas., Lat•chwood, Ont, WANTED QUALIFIED Pft0- testan1 teachers for Township School Area of Icennobec, duties to commence Sept. 3. State quali- fications and nnmeof last in - spotter; minimum salary $1,250. .Apply -J.. E, ilughes :Sea-T9'eas-, Arden, Ont. TOWNSHIP 9 C H 0 0 L BOARD, Drury, 'Denison and Graham. Dis- trict of Sudbury, requires 3 Pro- testant qualifiedteachers for. schools In foilowing' villug•as— Whitefish, Worthington and High Palls; also one bilingual teai'her for rurai Reply stating tlualtWhitefish. ticatiottsand salary expected to hers, R. H. Murray, 360 Laura Ave., Stldliul'y. Ont. KEEWATIN, THREE -R(3031 11I011 school fully qualified Protestant principal and two assiatenis, one male and one female, to tench all, lower find middle school sub- jests, division of subjects to be agreed on; ho upper school wont. APply stating age, qunllflcntlons. a experience. subjects preferred and salary expected, to A. G. Holmes. Secy.,Keewntin, Ont, 111•:1.1' WAN7'19n MARRIED FARMER 31000,00 yettr. Free house, hydro; coal,' milk and garde*, Also young titan or boy for saddle horses. Mny's Farm, Alt, Ont. FUEL WOOD WANTED :. CORDWOOD, MAPLE, BIRCH -AND Mixed, Also slabs end .bundled'. edgings,. Hardwood and Soft- wood. Give full ptu•ticui:u•s and best prices on car.. Walter Schiess, 19 Melinda Street, - Toronto, WANTED • PULLETS WANTED TO PURCHASE ALL AGES AND ' BREEDS 3 months to laying ;toe. Our prices ate worthwhile.- 130a 43, 73 Ade- laide West, Toronto. WANTED — PRINTING. EQUIP-.. meat with automatic press, by private: party, 010o. addressinfi machine and -folder. Box. 41, 73 detaide W., Toronto. WANTED I54I1LOIATELY 1,10-, ehsed gara1 a mechafnic as part ner: Fyodl Cho lt, Burks • Fa lis, Ont.. Box 291, WANTED, BUFFALO P 0 W PIR sausage-stuffer,. complete, 75- 100-15. espaolty; 1' S-h.p. 25 -cycle. 3-phase 01080r; pie molds and cutter for small pork p es. Write, Horn's Food Market, Port Col- borne, Ont. WANTED , 11Y ELDERLY : COUPLE small cottage with nine or more • soiree within 100 miles east of Toronto, - Heel smell village or shoppuig, Box 42 73 Adelaide W,. T01'op to, • WANTED TO PURCIIASE PUL - lets, all breeds from II weeks up to toying. Good prlcen paid, Apply to Box. 28, 78 Adelaide W,. To- ronto. OPPORTUNjTIr:S AWAITING YOU Sande General spi f o 1 I al School for )liIrnne offers an excellent e0erae in Nursing Education. Class en- ters Sept, 4th, 1946. Appllcation ,fomes furnished) on request, R. M. Beainish, Superintendent,