Clinton News Record, 1945-08-02, Page 1ti
'heClinton News -Record- Fier.`
o. 6160 -•• 67th YEAR
The New Era Est.718 !
Town' Boys ;goo , onto,
'Three of our town bv ; a listed
as likely to arelve neictV nday ;at
Quebec, City aboard tlrr�'Aleantara,
They are a f�al'owe t:•G.
s.-, ,;:.�"',•.:�
A, rod and:`k?, Or
Firemltn, L. C. ,F A �.aF,,, `
K, W, Oolquhoun•• "t;,. ;,
V '
�i y August 6th being declare I
"Civic;' Holiday, it would 'be appreciat•
ed if correspondents and advertisers
haei;their in call .
copy Y
• Mr.. Tom Leppxngton, while. thin-
fling ;out his,'.angler ^'beet mangles
the: other day, happened to notice
one, that looked kiwi' of queer. On
Jngagements 'Announced
Mrs. , William Johnston; Blyth,'
wishes to' announce the ^ engagement .feted;'
of her daughter, Margaret McDonald
Murra .'to Robert William Cole
y: 1 .August
on of Mr: and . Mrs, R. B: Cole of
Clinton, The marriage to take place''
the latter Part of August.
. Parties -fete. Fannie Lams%
Miss Fannie Lavis is :being much
prior to 'her wedding • ter 1.
Wesley F. Biddy , R:C:A.F. on
.�D��1.11�� 6th in Ontario;Sta,`TJnited
Church. ;Some of those whit enter,
tained for Miss Laois have been•
Miss..E1ma Dinning; Clarence Ave
London, entertained Girls Ciuh, s
Th 8'0th meeting of Clinton.'Red
e g.
Cross Soeret was ,held m. the. Colin-
ill Chambers on Monday' July 30th
. Look `Them Over,
(' g [�t10I1„k
Om '” And
Ve Dress 0� In Stockduee/a
` y� " -
1 Cleared at SuuSt an ii
Reductions Froin Former Prices.
Mrs, Geos McLay;' conducted the
meeting in the absence of the pres�i-
dent and opened with the' usual
prayers. The minutes were read by
Mrs. D. J. Lane, and treasurer's re-
port given by Mrs. Jane
Reports of. conveners were given.
AlIthough• the workrooms are closed
for the months of July end August,
mangy^ villin ' workers are still
busy: ' Mrs. T,. Heiman re erred. that
in our last emergency quota'when
one 'hundred pairs, of socks were
• . r , .
• • m: .' , ,
fRetUlnln s` Q1t Ila
g•. ,7 „ iw
a •'
- - e fax ahzs and ofuei••'-i,e rriary pro.
yeah_zed wixat, a+a entrxratiotr
the make to ' a stabil
y , 1 ed: ration
la ;and to' - •- .a1Ee •f.'. leek
P n o.el .' b
ming 'to;;1,oea]'xation
d sailmacet all coupons ooheet(pa. )d m' ration
food• sales; they would•gi e,complete
eo-operation to ,existing s;'ggnlatione,"
aecordin _ to W,' Harold, latoPhiuips,
triecesand supply xaeP�+tte rd ixBo for
h Wartime Pr ccs t a aid.
Appealing "to producer ,who. melt
rationed foods 'directly. C'°•aopsgxners,
lair. McPhillips stressedat obedien-
ce to regulations gover'rigg` the re -
turn of coupons. nukes' t*lie anainten-
ace. of equitable dtstrafy"tion upon
wbieh present econOraxd iHe i ,sty do-
pends. Neglect of the .:.regulations
may result. in a, sexrousiireat. to the
whole ration plan and; °armere as
well as all other Canadians , .would
suffer if it. were •disrupted.• .' •
He continued that sa farmer _who
sells a few pound's oi« butter or.
honey may say it is noti ;hnportant to
a national plan if he doeU not return
the coupons Collected ikon the eon
sumer. But those few"pounds of
butter are "lost" if caupbnr; are not
returned, Multiply ills,. sin e in-
stance by thousands, of eases and
uncounted numbers of• pounds of
buttex,disappear. ;'
basis of a ration ;plan is the
division of the avatllible supply
is not known corxecrtlp.'. the ration
allowance .be determined on an
equitable basis. •t •
Loose coupons in circulation are an
invitation to black inar'itets, . it was
also stressed',
cranium it he found that it a -
g, P
peered to, ixaVe Thad eggs on it; then
he noticed that there were little
holes all through it, an nutting it
open he'found it had a large white
worm • in it. What's this world
coming toe
C• •V•C I'10]lda
The mayor, M. 'J,. Agnew has re-
rested that ,Monday, August t
g y, g t boli,,
be obsezved as a holiday by ,,the
citizens of the town of Clinton as
Givic Holiday,
mince]lancers showed.
Mrs, . L. 13. Elgie, Emery St, Lore
done entertained at a tea arid show
er on Wednesday. ,
A number of the Office Staff a
the Good Year` Tire and Rubber Co,
honored the bride -elect with 1
Crystal shower and Presentation.
Women's institute
On Fri day afternoon last, a fairIor�
representation of the W. T. of
Clinton, met in Lions Club Parlc
Seaforth, to enjoy `their .annual
The weather was ideal, and
an, helped
helped to make it a 'success.
The President, Mrs, J. B. Lavin,
presided afer a short meeting. The.
Ode and Lards Prayer were re-
peered. The secretary's report was
read and approved and the Trea-
surer's report • given. War "Work
Convenors stated 18 articles had
been completed Arrangements were
made to hold our Grandmothers Day
on Aug. 23rd. Mrs. Mel. Crich kind-
1y extended an invitation' to hold
this meeting at her home. With no
'further :business the meeting ad-
journed and the Sports Committee
took charge, under the direction of
'Weeds -time Shobbrook, G'ew, and
Lobb. -Sports activities were as
follows—Bean guessing contest, Mrs,congratulations
Glazier, Mrs. •Sturdy; Blindfold
Contest, Mrs. Glenn Miss Brigham;
Kick the. sliplaer, Mrs. Nelson, Mrs.
Layton; Lucky Spot time race—
Mrs. Zavis; Counting articles in
y d Clurell: arena-
es Command of Regimens
Major Lloyd W. Curren, E. D,,
the new officers commanding the
11th '(Res.) Army Tank Regiment
(Ontario County)• was born in Gode-
rich, and received his e---ucation in
Goderich, Clinton and Stratford.
Major Curxell married M. E. Pre-
toile (Pearl) Shipley of Clinton and.
they have two sons and a daughter,
Thos. E. who has been more than
two years on, active service with the
Canadian Army, Dorothy, a student
at Oshawa Collegiate and Vocational
Institute, and Robert, six years old.
The new commanding officer has
had an outstanding military career,
beginning when he was seventeen,1921.
when 3i enlisted with the Huron
Battalion Canadian Expeditionary rbeing
p a y
Force, which was formed in 1915-16.
His many friends and associates inNile,
Clinton,extend con to
Major Currell on assurein'
7g this newY
Before leaving Clinton for Oshawa,+
where he joined the staff of W. E.
Phillips Company, as accountant,
(iebraies 89th Birthday
James Snell was guest, of 'hone
on the oecasien of his 89th birthda
at the home of his daughter and see
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Telford Nixol
Con 10, Colborne township, on Sun
day when 22 members of the Sne;
family were present, A birthds.
dinner .was served 'dtiring the da)
Many messages and callers arnve
to congratulate Mr. Snell,' who i
remaxkabiy, active in spite of hi
advanced, years. Each day he can b
found tending the _garden which 1
his pride and joy.
Born in 1856 in 'Hullett townshil
near Clinton, he was married i
1885 to Emma Tamblyn, who died is
Four members of tires, famil;
have also died the remaining
g mem
hers John of Londesbo.o
" + Mr;
lley, Mr;
Nixon ofHerb ti ofCedar and
Miss_aEmma o
Toronto. There are also two sisters
Mrs.Annie Else of $enmiller a
, n
Mrs. Jos. Snell, of Oyen, Alta„ an
one brother William 'Snell'on th
g •
just Arrived. T �Ti
in JerseyAnd
Floral t nD e
piece Styles.
32 .Priced
►3���'� t� ��•' - -
to ��•�• •
e Newest
W O-
x (y
at �3 7
needed, she was able to -send to
headgnarters one hundred and fifty
pairs. At present, Miss, Shaw report-
: erl, there was an appeal for child-
rens sweaters and ,stockings age
• six. These must be completed by the
end of August and we again appeal
to our knitters to help out, Call any
one ori' the knitting committee,
and, they will, gladly supply you with
the wool
Hospital visitors ' for August will
be Mrs. Herman and Miss Holnies.
- The next meeting will be the
second Monday in 'September.
Mrs. McLay reported no the pro-
gross being made for the Frolic
which will be sponsored by the Clin-
ton Lions Club in aid of the RedP
All the omenWednesday,
are urged to boost
. .
frolic in every possible xray,
An, article on "The Continuing
Job" ' by Mrs. MaLay brought they
meeting to a close. i
parse, Mrs. Venner.
This was followed byJa bountiful
supper which was. enjoyed, by all,
Maj. Curxell was elected a member
of the Town Council on three : oe-
eons. Asa citizen of Oshawa. he
is a director of the Oshawa Rotary
Mrs. Albert Nott, of Sault -Sit
Marie and her sister, Mrs. Carper
.�........ r...
25c — 50c * $ 1.00
j 50c
f $1.00 $1.00 ,.
A pretty wedding wa$ solemnized
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. McKee
Falconer, on July 21, 1945, when
their daughter, Elizabeth • Victoria,
was united in. •marriage to Donald
Carl th youngest son of Mr. andr
, e y g
Mrs. Ohas. Switzer of Kippen. Rev,
G. G. Burton officiated at the cele.
d t .:,,,
The, bxi 'e, given. n- ,;ma>.d xaXe. bx-..,,
her father, ureic a, #icor length
gown of white sheer, with `shirred
bot}ice and embroidered yoke. -She
wore an embroidered finger tip veil,
and carried a cascade bouquet of
pink rapture roses. Miss Betty
Mrs. Gordon Marshall, and small+
son Bobby, sQent a'few leve in
recently' : ,
Mr. and Mrs:' Entinexsbn;Mltehelleof
Windsor are:1iolxdayx ,.nth Mr
A Mitchell axiri4' - xs.. Yt e
.,. A i4At is e-tf? _
Miss Margaret M'anaghan iso spend-
ing some time at the home of
Mr. and Mrs:>=H'artley Managhmt,
of town.
Mr. and • Mrs. John Nediger' and
family .are holidaying at their
cottage et "Paradise Vista" on Lake
Mr.•and Mrs: Len Weir of Dunnville
were week end ,visitors -with
' friends in Clinton and Community.
Mrs. Weir is remaining for a
longer visit. .
Mr. Bar; Fulford spent the week
end in Detroit, • as the guest of
Miss Dorthea Cowan and her
father, Mr. G. Cowan.
Pte, Clayton Salisbary and. Mrs,
Sahsbary of London, spent t'he
week end -with her- parents, Mr:
and Mrs. Barb Laois.
Miss Irwin, accompanied by Miss
Bessie Irwin, Mrs, Chowan and
Robert Bruce, will spend a
month's holidays, Damping at
,der, of - No. 5 Radio School,
has gone to Vancouver, to visit
his parents, .Mrs. Lyder has been
spending some time there, and
• will return with him on August
21st, • •
Visitors at the, 'home of Mr, and
Mrs, Joe Carter and family are
Mrs. Max McDonald, and daugh-
ter Helen, and the batter''s parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Nash, 'all of
Mr. and Mrs. E. Epps, Mrs. Robert
Webster and Mrs. Carrie Jervis
have returned home after a boat
trip .to the Manitoulin Islands,
returning home by North Bay,
visiting all points of interest on
the Way.
Mr. Wm. Oke of Eiceter ..pent • a
few days this week with Mr. and
Higgins, ,and on .his re-
Mrs. Wm, Hi ins
turn to. Exeter, was.'accompanied
by his sister, Mrs,. Lyda McNeil,
who -will visit her niece, Mrs,
•' Geo, Hunter.
Mr. William J. McDonald, Miss
Helen MacDonalds and Miss Vera
Trait of Detroit, 1llichigan, ani
Miss Flossie- Price of Laurel,
Mississippi, and P.F.G. William F.
MacDonald, Richton, Mississippi,
spent the week .end with Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Wxltso^
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Start of Curries,
Miss Kathleen Start of Woodstock,
Mrs. E. Smith. and Miss Sarah
Start of Curries were week cud
guests of Mr, and Mrs. O. W.
Potter. Dr. Geo, and Mrs. Smith
and sen of 'St. Mary's spent ,Sun-
day with Mr, and Mrs.- ' 0.. W.
, 'and Mrs. Ra Chambers and
Mx a Y
boys, ,and; ,Pte, Bis! Chambers
left for their home in, St, Cather
e " a spending the 'week
in s, flex .. ,.. ,
end ;at theome .of air and .Mrs.
l -• ,
Joe Carter and:•family. Mrs.
•, Chainbe;s and, children' had ,spent
e e .,.. _ m
siime:,sis weeks. at home,
W. H. Sperian and FredMr.
'Win in Judg-
Club, an officer of Lebanon. Lodge
A.F.and A.M., member of the "Offs-
sial Board of Simcoe Street United
Church and associated with several
+ Pe
ter of Buffalo, have been visiting a
Fred Nott's, and friends in th
• g Contest
allot municipal and ,social organs-
nations. '
V "
W. H. •Sperian, Brussels; was•the•
, n . er of ,tla'o Senxor?.Ju 'n :('ion
. ,: g a
test a1 a barn meets W .: y.
ng Meld awl
25 at the Rossholm farm of Leonard
Leeming & Son, Walton. The Junior
section was headed by Fred Van-
Egmond, Clinton, a Calf Club boy.
Fifty breeders were. present at this
event, which was sponsored by the
Huron Holstein Club of which Lsetn-
ing is President,
Agricultural Representative J. K.
B. Stewart, Clinton, conducted a
•demonstration of breed type, ad-
dressing his remarks in particular
to the Calf Cub members present.
The animals used in the Judging
Contest were officially p'aeed by
Fieldman J. E, Terry, Lambeth. .
Meadow Glad .Sergeant Pabst, the
herdsire at Rossholm was brought
out for inspection. Many favorable
comments• were made on his excel -neighbours
lent confermation.
Lunch served under the direction
of Mrs' Leonard Leeming concluded
the program.
Z'+ r r
.; Mlle S 011l
;; , t. r,,...� .....
Ariny pattern tucks (Four wheel
drive) to be sold' to Farmers by
War Assets Corporation in co-
operation with the Ontario Federa-
ricin of Agriculture•
The fo:lowing types will be
available, le cwt., truck, 30 cwt.,
truck, 3 ton truck and field artillery
Specifications and • applieat'o"n
forms have been'mailed to all far-
mere in the County., If you are
interested in purchasing a military
type vehicle, the application form
must be signed and in the hands of
W V. Roy, Secretary of Huron
Federation, not later than August
Only those making application
be notified of the tune and
place of the sale.
All vehicles will be sold subject
to ceiling price to be announced by
War Aslsets corporation.
Mr, and Mrs. E. F. Reed of Lor
don, s crit. a; Ecus, .d' last
,•, P, aye q:ee
°w�th:,lrFr, -endo=ili`rs... A'irtsiir":oWolah;
' Mr. B. J. Rathwelt; held a ver
successful barn raising last week
Mx, .and Mrs. Harold Down an
Mrs, Down Sr. of Stratford, veer
guests on Sunday with 'Mr. an
Mrs. Fred Wallis,
Mr. and' Mrs, William Wise ha
as their visitors last week end, Mr
E. H. Davis, her daughter, Mr
Walter Beeseau', and the latter's soi
Barry, all of Toronto.
Miss Marjorie Hesk of Londesbor,
is ' spending a few days with he:
aunt, Mrs. Bert Lobb.
Miss Grace Lobb of Godericd
Township, is spending.'a few day-
with bee cousin, Miss Velma Hesk o
A large number of friends and
gathered in the Clinton
Town Hall on ' Friday
y evening, Jul;
20th, to welcome home a popule
Goderich Township boy, in the per
son of John Deeves , and to •show- is
Switzer, sister of the grooei, was
bridesmaid. She wore a pale blue
satin gown with • shoulder length
veil and carried a bon ret of hoses
and sweet peas. Mr. Maitland'!'a1-
Boner, brother of the bride, was (best
F. -.syr
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- ti
41*••�• •
t.-.5 q, �, 'P
i (ry����"' �
Following the ceremony luncheon
was served and nater the couple left
for a honeymoon to Niagara Falls,
Hamilton, and points, east,
For travelling the ,bride wore a
dust rose dress with white asses-
Y 'will
soriee, On their return they will
reside on the groom's farm, west of
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Aprettyweddingplace on
Wednesda mornin at 11,00 o'clock
at Knox United Church parsonage,
Auburn, when, Rev. Harold Snell
r united in marriage Ann Smith Nisbit
of Glasgow, Scotland, and Roy Allen
Vodden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Vodden of Hallett township.
The bride looked lovely in a
street -length blue sheer crepe dress
with silver trim and a flowered
headdress with shoulder -length veil.
Site wore a users necklace. Miss
1Vlaxine Ball, Auburn, cousin of the
bridegroom was bridesmaid' in, 'a
g '
frock of fcowered spun rayon, The
best man' was Kenneth Vodden, broLL
thee of the bxrdegroom,
The weddsng dinner was served at
the home of the bridegroom's par-
cuts: Mrs, Vodden received wearing
blue crepe. The rooms were prettily
decorated with pink and white
tapers and summer flowers. The
dinner was. served to sixteen guests
by Miss Roxie. Ball and MissgThel-.
ma ,Shobbrook, The couple left 'for
a short honeymoon, ,the bride, wear-
some slight measure, their apprecis
TIiOSe Meatless DRYS
. There is considerable satisfaction
in Government circles' over the way
in which meat rationing plans aro
developing. It is now clear that at
least a million • 'pounds of meat a
week will be "saved" and that at
the same time Canadians will not
suffer more than an inch or two
around the waistline.
This extra million pounds is, of
course, in existence each week, and
will promptly be diverted from its
previous destiny (Canadian stem-
ache) to stomachs elsewhere in the
k axld.
Most of these will be in Great
Presbyterian Church
Sunday ,School 'at usual herr
Service 11.15 a,m. Guest speakers
for the first and second Sundays of
August will be The Rev. Ernest
Grigg. For the third and, fourth
Sundays of August, The Rev. T, J•
Everybody Welcome.
Si. Pauls Church
August 5t1.
10th Sunda after Txinit
Y' Y
11.00 dial Morning• Service, Mr. H.
Baptist Church
_ Con dy Home 10.00 am, Subject
tion of what he had done fax ther
during the past four years.
During the course of the evenin
an address was read by Norman Hol
land, and -a Victory Bond and.
chair were presented to Johnnie li
Bert Rowden.
' Johnnie replied fittingly thankin
also, those who had been so thou&
ful of him while he was away.
Stewart Middleton, on behalf c
the Township Council, read an ai
dress of � welcome and - presents
John with a pen and pencil set.
The evening which was spent i
dancing, was much enjoyed. liver)
one availed themselves of the,opp t
trust to extend personal best tvrshe
to the guest of honour,
V •
Britain, Canada is stow to supply
with the amount of meat which was
,o -he Wise Ploughman''
Bible School 11.00 a,m.
previously supplied) by the United
States under lend-lease. The United
States supplies which formerly went
to Great Britain are- now going to
the liberated and starvin • eountries
of Europe.
Although actual rationing itself
is not yet in effect, the Government,
sty its' deelaratian of two meatless
days in public eating places and its
suggestion that Canadian ' home
tables do not groan unnecessarily
under loads of meat on Tuesdays and
Fridays, have in effect started a
kind of rationing.
The- manner in which both'hotels
and restaurants; 'and the average
Ganedtan family,'•, are. co-operating
lute proved to the Government that
Canadian•1amily,`•are co-operating
,has Proved to the Government that
Worshi 7,00
Evening P p.m. Subject
•,glow much do you' weigh"
This will be the Pastors last nes-
sage before holidays: Come and
bx;iiig a friend.
United Church: of Canada
Wesley -Willie and Ontario Street
Congregation will worship in
Ontario Street United Church during
the month of August, Rev. Andrew
Lane B,A. B,D, will officiate,
11,00 am, and 7,00 p.m, '
Thin Sunday Aug 5th will see'
the Dedication of the Chimes given'
in memory of the late Mrs, Adam J.
Special printed programs have
been arranged. A . Ladies, Trio will
feature.the special music. There will
be items! by Ontario Street choir,
Mr, Legge who hist -WIN!
S'`� l `i
`"`' ' ''•�'„��
v a
ik <
f �v
`'5ssii ,z
n<., i
z. cr4 r
ing a brown tailored snit with.
brown accessories. •
Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a
Century I1S'y 41111 BUIpUn County
Softball News
Wednesday . night the. Clintong
Team played the 1st game, of the
la offs at the Radio School, The
p Y
'game will town
' ' Miss Violet Phil's of T"ionto s
3 1E1i'ul�IEZER ps Te , .
,•r i visiting t the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Mr: and 'lcI i Irvine, Tebbutt and ' ' Mervin.- "' ' ''` `''
,.... lra• Merrill.
' • ... t
• Hair ` Lob e
fal>iily went,,,.to Lendoii to kneel Mxs. y b of Tor nto spent
„ _- I.
-. -, ,1,
, the week end withIns ,arents Mr,
Toblautt's krttl?e ,Sgt• Elmer Fisher,. . :P, '
and Mrs: Fred Lobb.
s in Ger an and
who Wa w an. Y, Ma Ewan. Merrill spent, the _week
' r.,, . ' : ' •.
., .. -feared
,xntd 5n-Ltsn�.on onSnnrla on:, end with i1)•••1 -:.friend . Mx`.: auk
who Gx. Ys ,
.' ; -r .'
it iceman, of .St�mtford..,
at n6ett. s •
return be played in
at the Clinton Co1legiat
.. e' Grounds,
toda AFranklin.
y,. August ,,2nd. Dont miss this
-game: 'of
chi ,•William
plays.• Serefortla •in ,Bayfield
on the;. light bf_:Auguat thiai Sth et
e, ,,)' ,, • ,,, ,. „ y,
6.00 : ' "'
F ,;
:11- "• • ' .1. "t.•
The slintonM•,of t a11@am, de,
4. rc5
h ' • '•s -
theNo.S„ji . ,_F• r�#t11ai
_ ...?�• ..,..
team at. ,the Szxtoo2..(41..--•;WedtPesiluy
, ..,,,
night by the score of 10-G
Canadians area sensible - send-
tive 'peoples, fatty aware citizens
own responsibilities s w
the needs of less fortum
and alive • ."
ate, humanity.
' It .i 'read a ;wonderful exhibition
s ?'
' 't ithe
of citizenship,, parExcularly . since
reason for elu i sneer
obvious P1?h8” ..,,...
, , , .
'' ac >' r . i > Ti, a
abtoad,�aetildlgh,t+g n , f
• - i ,. , i,..,
has disappeared..
:the Chimes wll officiate at the
organ mourning and evening. A. sue-
sial recital en Organ and Chimes
will be given. in the Evening. •
, People are asked to be all seated'
ybefoY : the hours of service. -'
Taekersmith 9 4 lam: ,.a
con a tion; will assemble aharp,
ggex >"Sa • .
On the anger e,
Harley •
who has been awarded the• $21
idorden Scholarship in, dairying
•the .'Ontario A ricultural Colle•
, E
. IlAth;(aeademie; standing and. etude
activity, are considered in the s
mills award.• .