Clinton News Record, 1945-05-03, Page 7Sweet awl cool in any Pipe CANADA'S. STANDARD PIPE TOBACCO 170" Big Party Held In Honor Of Cow A party was held at Hays. Dairy. Farm, Turner Siding, near Cal - gall', Alberta, which adjoins Mon-. tafia. Five hundred guests Came, . some from as fir as New York. There were speakers at the ban- quet, The party was in honor of Al- cartra Gerben, a cow, lays The New York Herald Tribune. She was milked ,for the last time in, a . year during which she is believed to have set a world's record for butter -fat production, 1,410 pounds. The previous record holder was a Seattle cow that produced 1,402 pounds in 1900. Empire IVIedal Won By Mary Churchill Jpnior Commander Mary Spen• cer Churchill, 21, youngest (laugh., ler of the Prime Minister, has been awarded the medal of the British Empire (Military Division), it was• announced recently. . Mary Churchill, .who joined the Auxiliaiy • Territorial Service as a private in September, 1941, is now serving with a heavy anti-aircraft battery in Belgium: After a course of technical train- ing in ,ack-ack fire with control in- struments, she, saw action in Lon- don at the height of the blitz dur- ing the summer of 1942. Last year she was again in ac- tion .on the south coast at Hast- ings, Sussex, a:guinst flying*bombs when Mr. Cherchill visited the site to find out for himself how coastal batteries were shooting them down. • Truman's Prayer At the conclusion of his message to Congress, President Truman said: • • At this moment, I have in my' heart a prayer. As I assume my heavy ditties; I humbly pray to Al- mighty God, in the words of So- lomon: ' "Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge. thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: for who is able to judge this, .thy so great a people?" I ask only to be a -good and faithful servant of my Lord,„ and my people. Much land between Ecilatior and the Gulf of Panama is, still unex- plored. Two Will Call At Your Door Soon Oleic, will be a knock at the doc.• of the Canadian, home, On the: threshold will stand thp Victory Lean' salesman;confidently expecting an invitation id 'come in. rt will be the eighth time that he has knocked at the door, and his coefidence will not be badly founded. For more than three million Canadians 'have long since learned that he is indeed a friend and brings with him something of real value for the householder. But let us not. forget that there are to callers at the .door when the salesman knocks. :Behind him, in spirit, is the Canadian boy in uniform who is backing up the salesman in his effort to itcrease the size of individual Victory Bond purchases—not so much because of his concern for the future material benefits to the purchaser, but because • those purchases help to guarantee the continued flow of armand am- munition- to the battle -fronts. The Canadian Who decides to buy a hundred -dollar Bond after listening to the Victory Loan salesman may change his mind if he looks over the shoulder of the salesman into the eyes of that sailor, soldier or airman who counts on folks at home to back up his efforts ' overseas. Such a look niay prompt a two4inlndred-dollar purchase. NO FUEL PROBLEM HERE Housewife of Cheltenham, England solves transportation problem with goat -drawn cart. Instead of the coveted petroleum, his vehicle burns old rags and tin cans. The Well-behaved goats present no difficulty in traffic. Nazi Rocket Might Have Razed London Alliedbombers and invasion armies thwarted a German plan to wipe out London and other Eng- lish cities last spring with a secret weapon—a 120 -pound rocket shell . with a 40 -potted warhead, the Bil- 1 tith Information Service said. The underground firing site, near Calais, only 90 mile 8 from London, was subje'cted to "terrific and efficient bombing" and then captured after D-day. The Ger- mans planned to fire the shells at the rate of '10 a minute, the Service said, to pin London fire; men and police in shelters while flying bombs and \-2's caused the main destruction. The rocket was in an advanced stage of developnietn, the Service added, when 700 RAF Lancasters wined out the enemy's research establishment in August, 1943. By D-day, however, the- rockets were ready and the sites were 80 per cent complete. • Prime Minister Churchill, view- ing the sires .after their Capture, grimly remarked, "We are just in time". The hour for return is draw- ing near, so every day feels longer. Your • vigorous help will shorten the time. Avegea al air UY VICTORY BONDS Contributed by THE BLUE TOP BREWING COMPANY LIMITED • KITCHENER; ONTARIO HEADS DELEGATION The Right Honorable . Robert Anthony Eden, handsome 47 - year -old Secretary of. State for Foreign Affair, will head the British delegation to the San Francisco Conference. ' In the 23 years since his student days at Oxford„ where, he studied Oriental languages and took first- class honors, Eden has built his career on a firm foundation of dogged la- bor. Following his entry into Parliament in 1923, Eden: served as Par- liamentary Pri- vate Secretary to Foreign Sec- retary Sir Aos- ten Chamber- lain, as Parli- amentary Under-Secretary to the Foreign Office, and as Lord Privy Seal. In 1935, Eden became the youngest Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs since 1851, but resigned when he could no longer countenance the appeaseinent policy of Prime Minister Neville Chamber- lain. He remained out of office until war began in the followieg year, when he becrne Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs. When Lord Lothian died late In 1940, Eden returned to the For- ign Office as Secretary of State.. Eden No V -E Day Until Total Nazi Defeat Gen. Eisenhower was quoted in a shortwave broadcast last week as saying 'There will be no V -E day until Germany is completely occu- pied, including all pockets of resis- tance, and the German arm"; is completely destroyed," 100 Million Trees , • Felled In Britain The British Ministry of Supply has informed the Horne Grown Timber Merchants' AssociatiOn that from the beginning of the war , to the end of 1943 over 109,000,000 trees were felled in Britain. From July, 1941, to December, 1943, 2,- 250,000 railway sleepers Were pro- duced in England and Wales. Our Lake Trout Are Not Salmon Lake Trout Often Called Sal- mon or Salmon Trout One of our most popular fish that may be caught by trolling is the lake trout, or, as it sometimes is called, the great lake trout. Que- ries concerning its proper name and status are directed sometimes to the•Royal Ontario Museum. The lake trout occnrs in the Great I akes and in thousands of lakes throughout northern Ontario and other parts of northern Cana, da. In some lakes it never grows larger' than 14 or 16 inches in length; whereas in a number of large lakes, particularly in the Northwest Territories, it reaches a weight of 50 or 60 or even 70 pounds. It also varies in colour horn pal P to dark green and some- times almost to black. " The flesh, too, varies from a pale cream to a rich salmon pink, These wide variations have giv- en rise to many common names; • salmon trout and grey trout are two of the commonest, but local colour variants have,• been called brown' trent and red trout, The practice of calling them salmon and landlocked salmon appears to be growing. We are very much afrai that in some cases, at least, this 15 a deliberate attempt at de- ception. Atlantic salmon, 'native to our province only in Lake Ontario, have Been extinct for many years. Landlocked salmon, however, have been introduced from outside the province into a few Ontario lakes and have led to the catching of a number of genuine landlocked sal- mon., The fact remains that if you catch a "salmon" in Ontario the odds are that it is a lake trout dig- nified by a locally bestowed name. Weather ,Forecasts, In War Strategy Instances of the importance of weather to war strategy were Pointed out by Lieut. Commander G. 14, Kimble in a recent address before the Canadian Club of Bos - Commander 'Kimble, who was one of the experts assigied to •work out thC weather prediction for the Normandy lauding ditclosed that the British Navy 'had been in- vestigating wave strinture for three years and that vvithout this preliminary work the invasion would' not have been feasible on June 6. , - In tropical,areas information on clouds, and their height, on wirids, maximum and minirntitil tempera- tures, humidity, thunderstorms and typhons is as important as the dis- positionof the enemy forces, the speaker said. It's About Time Capt. Rubel t McFadden of the food service branch of the Quarter- master General's office said that • fresh meat for enemy prisoners of War in "th' United States hence- forth would' be restricted to hearts, livers and kidneys. McFadden also • said the POWS would receive no, fancy foods and no delica,cies. More Electrification In Rural Quebec $12,000,000 has been earmarked for rural electrification in the pro- vince of Quebec. By a 48-36 vote in the Quebec legislature, a num- ber • of resolutions .were passed authorizing the provincial gOvern- 'nem to spend $12 million for bringing electric Power to country homes. XW THE THOUSANDS who drink and enjoy Max. wdff IIouse Coffee. You'll Jove the superb Maxwell House 'flavor. All Purpose Grind suitable for any type of CQffee marker' New World Record For Butter Output A new world record for butter production for a 12 -month period under Government-sunervised milk- ing test, over" all • ages, breeds and all times -a -d y milking, has been set by Alcatra Gerben of the Hays. Dairy Farms, Calgary, ,six-year,old purebred Holstein cow. A grand total of 1,700 pounds of butter was marked up. • . • , AtltittUNTANTS St AtrinTogs INCOME TAX REPORTS COM - pieta Bookkeeping Services. Small • or Large Businesses. Travel any- where. Albert' Brett •,* Co., 8...WellIngton St E.. Toronto. Ont. ..,ARTICLES FOR .SALE' anal, (maks $1.00 BOWLS YOUR ORDER ORDER Y()LTR I.945 (1611(113.8 NOW. and not- be disappointed. All chtcks are from guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 25 ozeggs or better. Barred Rocket mixed 812,00 per 1.00: White Leghorns • mixed 511.00 per 100 Barred Rock Pullets ;18.00 Der 100. ' whits Leghorn Pullets' i22.00 per 100 white Rocka mixed 515.00 Per 190 • whlte Rock Pullets 524,00 per.t00, we guarantee 100% live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City Hatehery, Chatham, Ontario. BRUNTON "Bred -to -Pay" ••CHICKS RHODE ISLAND REDS, WII/TE Rocks, Barred Rooks, Golden Hampshires, Government Approv- ed, Bloodtested, Illustrated Cat- alogue Free. Brunton Cedar Glen Farms Hatchery, 62 Winnett. Toronto (rnention paper). 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOIL YOUR ORDER non CHICKS from a rear breeding farm. Don't take chances on just ordinary hatchery chicks. Order chicks NOW for May or June delivery. , Lakeview Poultry Farm, Exeter, Ontario. 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERT ORDER Olr 100 Pullet chicks, we give 100 free chicks (our choice). Leghorn pullets 322.95 per 100, barred Rock pullets 519.95 per 100. White Rock Pullets 524.95 per 100. All chicks sold backed by high egg pedigreed stock. 21.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. /Cent Hatch- ery, Chatham, Ontario. PROFIT 011 LOSS, THAT'S THE queftion that faces, every man in business for himself. For the Poultryman the difference be- , tween profit and Ines is almost entirely dependent on two fac- tors. One—good selentitic feed- ing anti care of your flock. Two— it is essential that you start with the best chicks you can get. Tweddte Hatcheries have helped poultrymen for 19 years to over- come two important hazards In the chicken business. Write Tweddle for full information In- cluding pOultry guide and great- ly reduced prices for May and June delivery. Also ask for . breeds and ,Shipping dates for two week old started chicks. TWeddle Chick Hatcheries Lim- ited, Fergus, Ontario. WE HAVE SOME STARTED P17L- lets, 2 weeks old, for immediate shipment, also chicks In most breeds. For delivery in Jtine we advhse ordering now, and not tak- ing a chance at the time...Bray Hatchery, 120 John N., Hamilton, Ont. SPECIAL PULLET SALE STARTED BARRET) ROCK PUL - late, 1 week old 22c, 2 weeks old 26 ccints. Immediate delivery. Carleton Hatchery, 13rItannta Heights, Ontario. POULTRY KEEPERS BE CORTAIN YOU 13017 cOOD healthy, vigorous chicks. Buy *Welts with breeding and ItvabilltY and you will be certain of success, Our Breeders are all Government trumpeted, bonded and biond-tpsted 'Write for descriptive eattildgue .and prices on our Government A.ppreved chicks. MONKTON -POULTRY FARMS alunkton; tint +trio A-1 BABY CH/CICS; LEGHORNS: Reeks: Hybrids. Some choice , started chicks available up to 3 and 4 weeks old. Write or phone A H. Switzer Hatchery. Granton, ' Ont. Phone 38 ORDER DOOR CHICK'S Now AND YOU A.RE GUARANTEED your chicks for next spring when you want them, Barred Rock mixed 512.00 per 100, White Leg - horns mixed 511.00 per 100, Bar- , red Rock Pullets $19.00 per 100 White Leghorn Pullets 522.00 per 100.- Heavy Breed Ckls, 56.00 per 100. Leghorn Olds. $2.00 per 100. Ail chicks batched from 26 oz. eggs or better and from Especial mated Cooke. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. 51.00 books your order. balance C.O.D. Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario, 25 RUBE UllItlICS OUR FOUNDATION STOCK IS registered and pedigreed birds. • Nothing better In Canada. Order •new. • Prices for mixed baba chicks. males and femities: Bar- red Rocks, $12.00 per hundred; VVhlte Leghorns, 511.00; White Rocks, 515.00: Brown Legharns, 513,00: Pullet prices: Barred Rocks, $19.00; White Leghorns, 522.00; White Rocks, 524.001 Brown Leghorns, 524.00„ 26 free chicks, our choice, will be glven for each 200 Mixed chicks order- • • ed and 55 free chielts for each 100 day old pullets ordered. Goddard Chick Hatchery, Sri: tannia Heights, Ontario. A SATISPICID CUSTOMER IS THE best advertisement, That's why Top Notch Chickeries are proud that the big• percentage. of their business comes from poultrymen who reorder . year after year. Top Notch Chicks are all Gov- ernment Approved from blood - tested breeders. May prices. Non - sexed: White Leghorns 11.45, Barred Rocks, New Harnpshires 11.95. Assorted Light breeds 10.45, Assorted ,Heavies 10.95. Pullets: White Leghorns 24.95, Barred Rocks 21.95, New „Ramp - Shires 22.95. Cockerels: Barred Rocks 8.95, New Hampahires 7.25, 'White Leghorns 1,00. After May .16th 50c per hundred less .on nOn-sexed, 2.00 per hundred on pulleta. After June 1st still lower prices. Write for coinplete Price list and catalogue, 2 week" old chicks add Ge per chick to above Prices. Top Notch Chicker- leS, Guelph, Ontario. „ BABY CRICKS BLOOD -TESTED' HYBRID COCK- erels, April 4c, Leghorn Cocker- els le, Also white Leghorn and Hybrid Pullets Stormont Poultry Earns, Finch, Ont. DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU ANYTHING NERDS dyeing •or cleaning? Write to tta for information. We are glad ,to answer your questions, Depart- ment EL Parker's Dye Worka Limited, 791 Yonge Street, To- ronto. HAIRDRESSING LE ARN HAIRDRESSING THE Rebertsonmethod. InforinatIon on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Aced - alley, 187 Avenue Road, Toronto.' FOR SALE. ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, . bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, put. 'leys, brushes., Allen Electric COm- pany Ltd., 2326 Dufferla St., To- ronto, STRAWBERRY PLANTS,' ASPAR- eggs, raspberries, peach trees, apples, pears, plums, cherries, gropes, currantd, ehrubs, hedging, shade trees, wire tree guards. Norfolk Nursery, Simcce, Ontario, SA.W MILL, NEARLY NEW, CAPAC- Ity upward one thousand per hour. Can be operated by two men or more. Designed and built by an experienced sawyer. For particu- lars, write or call. Dan Vailleres, Mill Bridge, Ont. Do not call on Saturday. JERSEYS, ALL MIES. QUEi3EC'S leading show and producing herd, records, accredited. Gables Farm, Poster, Queboo, AT STUD, ATTRIDGE'S NIGHT - rider Black and Tan Coon hound, imported, six generation pedigree. His sire stands at one hundred dollars stud fees. Studding this young dog at Twenty-five dollars. Arthur Attridge, Fireman. Ont. • PUREBRED HEREFORD CATTLE, Males a.nd females. Lawrum Farms, Durham, Ont. GARAGE AND S.EXtvium nzamitIN, .s-aresa equipMent atid stock and 6-roorned hoUse on No. 2 Mgt: - way. Oakes Garage, Ancaster, Ont. FOR SALE—MC/DERN HOTEL TN prosperous manufacturing and farming town In" Northern On- tario. ,Fully licensed. Principals only. Box 24, 73 Adelaide, West, Toronto, Ontario. puLo„Eiti FARM, 26 ACRES, 1,105 layers, Hydro, market garden land, 20 milea from Torento and klarnitton• going concern; im- mediate liossession. Xeith Cowles, ILIt. 2, -ktornby, Ont. BULLS—ELMVALE NOBLE CAV - alter, class A, 3 years, grand champion aa Richmond 1540. Slp- ed by bull, Silver Sluing Cavalier and froln a high testing dam, with three R.O.P. records, priced at 5260. Also bull calves of excellent nfeedIng. Apply 1'. W. Argue, 234 Bank St., Ottawa, Oat, 3,10DEL 0 CASE '1.'11.A.t.ITOR 17-27. On steel wheels In extra. geed worIcing condition. James Finlay, Grand Valley, t/nt.. PERCHERON STALLION, FORM. 3.9 Year Old, sure' 5105. or trade. John Davidson, Belhaven, (Mt. CLYDES DA.L.19, FY VIE RENO WN 27110, foaled 1934, Uratie A Prem- ium, dark brown, white .markilig, Sure foal getter, Sell cheap, Alex Crawford, I3ox '74, Roseeau, (Mt Dir-oLD MAMMOTH WHITE PE - kin Ducklings, 5 lb. at 8 weeks. Available for Mao, - and June. Write for particulars. Order at once. Ux-SprIng Irarnis, Uxbridge, Ont, 1 1'RESSURE TANK SPRAYER. Two -wheel Wheelbarrow type. Price $05,00, 168 Marguerotta, Toronto, Ont. 000 ACRES—TOWNSHIP OE GERD, district of Parry Sound, 0 miles from Trout Creek,. Loring high- way and Commando village. M mile froin Catholie Charon and hall, 2 miles from Catholic school; 3 miles from Public school and Protestant churches; 13 miles from town of Powassan; mall route 3 limes a, week.: 80 acres, under cultivation, free of atones and statues, level land. Goad soil, plowing done, 2 large. gardens. 50 acres of maple auger bush, balance, 1,000 cord hardwood ahd Patiture. Barn 48'150222' posts, steel roof, cement tloors, stone foundation stable, full tsize: 40 cattle and 5 horses; house 28x42, 8 rooms, large kitchen, steel roof, stone basement .full size. Other outer buildings. Cream truck through an Summer, 2 never fail- ing. wells. Good trout stream through pasture. Will sell with or without stock and implements. Take possession May 1. Reason for selling, ill health, Apply Alex Grabowalci, R.R. No, 2,'Powass15n. . Ont. ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS! IMMEttS1()N TYPD, COPPER CON- struction, 660 -watts, Just drop it . 10 a pan of water and almost in- stantly the water is hot Handy in the kitchen, wonderful for shaving etc, Postpaid 53.00. The Radio Hospital, Tracadie, N.B. PARR ,tnALAINEny "VIKING" CREAM SEPARATORS and repair parts are always available either at your local • dealer or direct froM Swedish Separator Co. Limited. 720 Notre. Dame West, Montreal 3 Que. MACHINERY 1)8s 14 YARD SCRAPERS. RD8s 12 yard scrapers. TD18 angladozer 10 yard scraper. 111140 316 yard Letourneau scraper.' Northwest 104 % yard drag line. 131teyrus 2023 91 yard drag, line. Write, wire, phone. Other enelpment available. Leventhal & Co., Mc- Intyre Block, Winnipeg„ ' ISSUE 18-1845 • MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. . FILED A, BODDINGTON BUYS, sena, exchanges muSical instru- ments, 111 Church, Toronto 2. MEDICAL STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are, the cause of Ill -health In humans, all ages. No one im- , faunal Why not find out if thia id• your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars—Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies. SPecialtsts, Toronto 3. raXON'S Enzatrys. FOR NEURITIS and Rheumatic Paine. Thou/sands satisfied, Illunroie Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa -Postpaid 51.00, CONSTIPATION BILIO 0 SNIOSS, • liver trouble, depressed headache, quickly relieved with Fig -Lax tablets. Keep regular with Fig - Lax. 15e at Druggists. READ THIS—EVERT SUFFERER of Rheumatic Pains or NeurItia should t r y Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 356 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid 61.00. 13AU20EEIL4 FOOT BALM DE - Wens offensive odor Instantly. 45e bottle, Ottawa agent, Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED OF PARTICULAR INTEREST TO veterans and farmers. Sell Eaml- lex spices, extracts, alimentary products, medicines,stock and other farm products and succeed. Monthly ''free offers open every door. Every faintly a ,ProsPeOL Good districts open. Pleasant - and profitable work for part time , workers. Free plan and catalogue. ramitex, 1600 Delorlmier,' Mon- treal. OPPORTUNITIES FOR W091EN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn . Hairdressing Pleasant dignified Protesaion, good wages, thousands auccessful MarVel graduates. America's greatest sys- tem. Illustrated catalogue free. Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 858 ELOCR W., TORONTO Branches: 44 Xing St. Hamilton & 74 Rideau •Street, Ottawa. PATiCeNTS animminisTomantIGH .2 COMPANY Patent Solicitors, Established 1890; 14 Xing West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- queat PIANOS OUR SMALL NEW PIANOS WILL be available shortly. Beautiful in design and tone, Send for cir- cular nesting aPproxlmately your, price, and partlealars in that range will be mailed promptly. Factory MaSOn, & Risch Limited, 642 Xing West, Toronto, PHI TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE anti SATISFACTION Your films mimeos developed and printed 6 tat 8 EX 010111141. ROLLS 250 REPRINTS 8 tor 25,3 FINCIST ENLARflirv,i SERViCE You may not get all the ftlms you Wan I. this year, but you can get all the quality and service you deelre by sending your films to IMPERIAL PlIOTO 91111r1G01 Station .1 Toronto CANADA'S LARGEST STUDIO STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Don't risk losing your pieta:es. Samoa can't be taken over again, Send your Gins rolls to Canada's largest and finest studio. Get better plottires at lower cost, - PROM PT ,MAIL SERVICE Any Size 11011-6 or 8 Exposures DEVELOPED AND PRiNTED 25e •"I get best results from Star Snap- shot Service" writes a customer tn Nova Scotia, svho arlda thet she has tried many places. SPECIAL ALBUM OFFER New stsne Album With Prints alzes 16-20-127 if 29e (4c extra) is sent with filtn roll. EN LA R GEM EN TS— COLORED AND FRAMED Enlargements 4 x 6" In beautiful easel mounts 5 tier 25a Framed, on Ivory tinted mats, 7 x 9" in Gold, Silver, Circassian Walnut or Black 16bony finish frames, 59c each, If enlargement colored, 79e each, STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A, Toronto Print Name and Address Plainly on Orders, SUBUILBAN PROPERTIES WANTED 'WITHIN 25 MILES OF TORONTO, with or without aereagai We have steady demand for proper- ties ranging up ba 550,000 throughout this area, R. F. HEAL & CO. lla Yonge St, Toronto AD. 3457 14E15, WI, MANUFACTURER OF LIGHTNING rod equipment desires meal soles - men for ,part-ttme work through- out 013 tarp).Drawing aecolint against etanniissions arranged. Apply B. Phillips CotripatiY .Lim- fted, 200 Main Street, Toronto, CYLINDEIR pREsssLaN WAN'rED, one with some experience on malrezready, Steady poeition for steady reliable man, (44 -hour week),Apply nearest Employ- ment & Selective Service 'Office. FILLI—O.S 2518 EXPERIENCED LINOTYPE OPER- ator and floormah wanted at once, steady position. (44 -hour Week), Apply nearest Employment and Select,ive Service Office. rri LE—CR 2520 WANTED FOWL & • BROILERS, HIGHEST prices paid. Crates available. Write R. P. Mallon, 83 Tarvits Street, Toronto, WANTED—PROPERTY ON LAXE , frontage between Huntsville, North Bay,' ,Good fishing, duck shooting.' 454 Ave.. N'. /Tam ;Ron. usED DELCO taurma PLANTS, motors, s.nd generatoril wanted, state age, pride and condttlon Tr: W. Cowan, Monkton, Ont.