Clinton News Record, 1945-01-25, Page 7' Kids are kids the world over. These grass -skirted native children of the Caroline Islands eagerly. hold out their hands for the candy which a Navy nurse is distributing. Money For War Money For. Peace Government Spending Of Mo- ney After The War Discussed By Maclean's Magazine A lot of Canadians seem to be convinced that everybody's future can be made sedum by unlimited government spending, and that after the war the Government is going to have unlimited money to spend. They say, "Look at our enor- mous war expenditures, If the Government can find all the money it needs for purposes of destruc- tion, it certainly can do it for the purpose of peace." The simple truth iis thit a gov- ernment hasn't any money of its own. . * 'What it spends is the money it gets from you and other' Canadians, by taxes and borrowing, and what it gets by way of customs and other, similar forms of revenue, • After the war the Government could continue to spend at the present rate only if its income were at the same level. Individuals and businesses would have to pay taxes at -the same rate they now pay, and lend the same sums as they are lendipg through Victory Bonds, war savings certificates, etc. To 'avoid depressions and want most Canadians would willingly pay and. lend. But their ability to do so, would depend on them earn- ing the saint amount as they earn under war conditions. Production would have to be as great as it is now. So would our markets, * * * The difficulty is that war pro- duction is vastly different from peace production. So rriuch of it is exploded, sunk or quickly worn out that there isn't any comparison, War provides aft insatiable, quick, market, wherein price is ,o object. In peacetime markets ,are not, insa- tiable and price is very, much an object. There are people who say that a government doesn't need to borrow or- tax heavily; that it can "create" money. It can. But money is worth only what it can buy. And if a state creates more than a certain ratio of 'money the result is the same as happened in Germany .af- ter the last war and what is hap- pening in China today — an in- flation that completely wrecks a nation's economy Now Ease COLL.SORE THROAT PAIN! Aspirin Relieves Pain Almost Immediately ikon an Aspirin Tabletin a glass of weter. See it start to dissolve almOst '• instantly. Within two seeonds it begine to disintegrate, And this same speed is duplicated in your etomach. Thus, you get relief almost at once! .Aspirin is so•fast, so effective—above all, do dependable, that millions of . Canadians have come to swear by it. Get Aspirin today: , Follow these simple directions: , For pain due to: SORE B4ROATt Crush 3 tablets in 34 glass of water, gargle deeply. COLDS. HEADACHES, :Take two Aspirin tablets with full glass ot water. NEURALGIA ...NEURITIS: Take two tablets with gime of water, NEW REDUCED PRICES Pocket Box ot 12 now les &enemy lioelo of 24. now 25e Family azo of lea. , now 790 S The Bayer mass on each tablet Is yotir suarantee that It's Aspirin • Canada's Name Is Just 'Canada' The name of this country is not, as commonly supposed (and as printed across most of its maps), "the Dominion •of Canada", says Toronto Saturady Night. It is simply "Canada". Nowhere in the British North America Act is the country referred to as anything but simply "Canada". It is declared to be a Dominion — "one Dom- inien under the name of Canada" — but it was never contemplated that "Dominion" should be part of its name, as "Kingdom" is part of the name of the United Kingdom „ of Great Britain and Northern Ire- land. SOLL/ItR BOY Chinese boys start their soldier- ing at an early age. This 10 - year -old youngster, carrying a heavy pack and wearing regu- lation uniform, was photographed as he boarded a plane with a •. China -bound division at Airstrip in 1VItitkyina, Burma. WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING , Powder Trap It seems that science has in- vented a new risk for the thief and the 'housebreaker --- a fluorescent powder which is invisible in day- light or wider ordinary lighting but shows up clearly under violet rays, is being used by British police. . The powder was used as a trap which caught a cigarette thief in ,Edinburgh and sent ' him to jail. Cigarettes were the bait and the bait was covered with this pow- der, which was found on his cloth- ing and his conviction followed al- though there was no other evidence against hint. A police official Explained that - except in fairly substantial quan- tities the powder is invisible to the naked eye. "But" he added, "under the violet ray a person Whose suit is sprinkled with it will have the appearance almost of a baker. What with fingerprints, invisible light rays that set off alarms, blood tests and all the modern parapher- nalia of the crime detector, and now this new invisible poWder. dap the wary -thief into his undoing, truly the way. of the transgressor 1 hard. The honest burglar, would be better off to get transgressot bard work. For common ordinary sore throat Cni OST 'OTTAWA REPORTS That The Strength oi Canada's MerChant Marine Soon Will • Be 400 Shipe • Canada, which entered the war with 40 ocean-going merchant ves- sels, will be high in the ranks of the world's maritime nations at its close, accoiding to Trade Minister J.,41. MacKinnon. In a review of the wartime growth of the Canadian Merchant marine he said that when the Can- adian program is completed within a few months, it will have turned out about 400 merchant ships, in- cluding 20 tankers, for the 'United Nations. Of these cargo carriers about 110 are being retained or war service under Canadian con - Registration for benefits under the Family Allowance Act will be- gin soon in Prince Edward Island, Hon. Brooke Claxton, health minis- ter, said that Canada's smallest pro- vince was chosen for advance re- gistration so that the experience gained could be applied in regist- ering the larger provindes. Pay- ment of allowances is scheduled to be put in effect on July 1. , Slightly smaller supplies of pork rroducts will be ayaillble for Can- adian consmners as a result of the Plan to requisition all grade A and ,. considerable percentage of 131 hogs for export by the Canadian meat board, according to govern- ment officials. On the other hand, beef supplies are at a high level, and cattle slaughterings during the year are expected to top last year's high mark. In addition to th'e bacon Canada shipped to Britain last yeat, over 50 million lbs. of other pork products were sent incluaing mated pork, pork casings, lard and offals. * Canadian 'varieties of red clover are superior to most imported varieties in hardiness and yield un- der Canadian conditions, says Dr. T. M. Stevenson, Agrostologts. In tests made over a period of 15 years it Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa, the aver- gge percentage of winter -killing for Canadian varieties was 1.2.a% compared with the average of slightly over We for imported seed. * * Serious shortages in the sup- plies of hay reported in some areas of Ontario and Quebec, while in other areas in these provinces a surplus is indicated, has caused the Wartime Prices and Trade Board to issue a warning, "If the urgent bay demands are not met by vol- untary action, the Board is pre- pared,. if necessary, to commandeer supplies from available surpluses," Donald Gordon, Board chairman, said. He disclosed that there have been some applications recently for hay export permits and said the BoAd's attitude was that the first obligation on domestic supply is to meet clothettie requirements. Famous Old House Offered To Britain The fifth Duke of Wellington has offered to return to the nation the home in Piccadilly which a grateful country presented to the first duke when he returned from the Peninsular War and Waterloo. Apsley House in Piccadilly has been the home of the Dukes of , Wellington since 1820, 'When the Iron Duke at the height of his po- pularity retlirlied frOM the wars, enthusiastic Britons raised a fund of 110,000• pounds for hint and with part of the.,money he bought the house. in Piccadilly. Later when his popularity waned he put -up bullet-proof iron shut- ters. During 1.831 he opposed the reform hill and a mob smashed the windows of Apsley House. The residence at Hyde Park Cor- ner contains between 40 and 50 rooms, lighted by gas and candles. The grand' gallery has a huge cry- stal chandelier fitted with gas jets. The elevator is operated by a rope, as it was when installed. The house was designed by Lord Apsley and built in 178.4. Mistake Made When Farms Added To List "If Canadians wake up some day to find themselves in the complete and rigid grip of socialism they cannot complain they weren't warned," says The FinaticiaF Post. "The CCF National Convention in Montreal certaiely were frank re- garding their ultimate objective, which is the complete socialist re- volution — taking over by govern - Ment of all business, big anti lit- tle.", CCF stands for out and out So- cialism, and out and out Socialism means the taking over by govern- ment of big business.and small bit- sinesie and farms as well. The CCF leaders. find that when they, added farms to what would be State pro- perty they started something they . wished that they never had touch- , ed, but it is too late now to retreat. —.Pembroke Standard,Observer, Y"O(NTMN T (0,13`tirng: HAPPY A little top-heavy in his grown.. ups' clothes, this Bastogne young. ster is warm enough to grin hap- pily at the cameraman. Bastognese, recently relieved of Nazi seige by Gen. Patton's men, are up against it for warm winter clothes.' Luxury Aviator A new "flying hotel" -will carry high, British and American war - effort emissaries on future urgent Atlantic crossings. Provided for Britain under lend- lease, this "diplomats' sbecial" is a luxury air' liner with oak panelled walls and beige leather ceilings. ,- Cabins have concealed lighting. Huns Claim New Super -Submarine The Madrid radio „quoted a Ber- lin report last week tbat the der - mans had perfected a submarine with electrically -controlled guns which can be mounted in a few minutes and shell an enemy coast- al town from a long distance." The -vessel carries a crew of 25, two weeks' fuel and has "power and speed surpassing anything known" for submarines, the Spanish broad- cast said. Mexico contains breeding'. grounds for millions of Parrots, which' natives value highly as food, SUCCESSFUL PARTIES result when you serve Maxwell Bolin. This de- licious coffee stimulates and cheers. It's a choice blend of rare, extra-fiavor Latin-American coffees— the finest obtainable. • Here is a clinically -proven, two- way treatment for colds! Take ALLERGI-TABS to "blitz" that • "drip" --•-relieve congestion and dis- comfort within an hour. ALLERGI. TABS combine fast .acting medi- cinal ingredients with Vitamin O. One or two tablets will prove how effective they are! Take VITAVAX to speed recovery, increase vitality and build immunity to future colds. VITAVAX combines Pold Vaccine (specially prepared to combat common cold bacteria) with richly concentrated Vitamins A, Bb 0 and D. Remember: ALLERGI-TABS for speedy relief from colds; VITAVAX to build immunity to colds. Ask your druggist. Roberts Biological Laboratory, Toronto. sea ITCNC HbfaCd‘KfrEg D -on Moneii, flack For quick relief from Itching caused by cezenia, athlete s foot. scabies, pimples and otheri conditionsuse pure. cooling, medicated, liquid • D. D. a PRESCRIPTION, Greaseless and etainless, Soothes, comforts and quickly calms intense itching. Don't sutler. Atk your dmggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. WILLIAMS CAMPHORATED MUSTARD CREAM - Is gonthing to Bred feet .that have been through It cold, hard days tramp, relieving pain, •ttiffness and aching muscles. Try it to -eight for wild WM WINED eten Mat tie ne o Mt ens HEAD COLD? Get quick relief! Just smear NOSTROLINE in each nostril. Breath- ing passages open right away. NOSTROLINE soothes, lubricates, disinfects, helps make and keep your nose healthy. Brings comfort swiftly. Convenient. Pleasant. For adults and children. 50c—all druggists. NOSTR_ „,„ CLIFTON, BRISTOL, eNOLANIS e' 0 you suffer MONTHLY IFEMALEPAIN. Ycuwlics ufr..such ainw11te ievouslrribipvkseeIi4::aultoohatotimoi1riyaist,cce _ihouiatftrE,vi.1h,m Vegetable Borlipbund to relieve such symptoms. .Pinicharn'e ComPound VELPS 2/ATURE, ThOtIOSIadfl .. upon :thousands .have reported benefit, Follow label directions. e LYDIA E. PINKRAM'S VOICE OF THE PRESS FOR "SOFT" PEACE PEOPLE Investigators find that in Lith- uania, the Germans during theii. oc- cupation of the country killed 165,•- 000 prisoners and 300,000 civilians. Bear this in fated, ye who believe that Germany should be given a soft" peace. —Chatham News MIDDLE BEST SPOT The world will be safer, it is claimed, if the Germans are con - flit( cl to the other side of the,Ritine. Or would you feel more secure if thev were confined to the middle of the Rhine? NO REWARD Hollywood has paid half a mit- tion for "Life With Father." Mothers often put up with the old bear for that,long and g'et nothing. —Ottawa Citizen 'BEAUTY UNADORNED' Another reason why romance lasted longer in the old days as that a bride -looked much the same after' washing her fa,ce. —Guelph Mercury U. S. War‘Budget Nearly Half Trillion The 'United States governznent's new budget will boost its war .pro- gram to nearly half a trillion dol- lars. President Roosevelt turned; the 970 -page, four -pound doeurnent pver to Congress with a $70,000,- 000,000 estimate for war expendi- tures ticiceted for the year starting next July 1. By the end of that year, on June 30, 1946, he figures the United States will have spent $358,800,000,- 000 to rid the world of Axis tyran- ny. That's cash actually counted out of the Treasuty till. If left -over appropriations auth- orizations and commitments for war purposes are added, be said the war program' for the fiscal years 1941 through 1046 "will total $450,- 000,000,000." V-3 A Zurich despatch of the Ex- change Telegraph said recently that Nazi propagandists are spread- ing rumors in Switzerland that the Germans now are using `the V-3 on the Western Front, describing it as a weapon capable of freezing all persons withie 150 yards of its ex- plosion. 'RHEUMATIC Aches and Pains If just one bottle cif Ru -Ma aims not show you the quick, easy. way to get real relief from ;rheumatic /Mlles .and pains, it costs you noth- ing; • Don't suffer longer; try Etu- - Ma today and if you are not pleased with the resints, your tnoneywill be refunded by any drug store, This' is a generous offer to all rheumatic sufferers. • ACCOUNTANTS & AUDITORS INCOME TAX •, REPORTS COM. plete Bookkeeping Services, Small or Large Businesses. Travel any- where. Albert Brett & Co.. 8 Wellington St. IL, Torontd, Ont. tinier cinema BABY CHICKS 5000 BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK Yourt 1946 CHICKS NOW and get your chicks when you want them. Orders are pouring In. Breeder Hatcheries aro always sold out early. Don't take chances on ordinary chicks...Place your order NOW. Pure Bred Sussex, Large Type Leghorns, Sussex X New Ramps., Sussex X Leghorns, Rock! X Leghorns. Rock -X New Hamps., Barred Rocks, Send for large illustrated Catalogue and Price List Lakeview Poultry Farm, Wein Bros., Exeter, Ont. 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERY URLER 011 100 PUL. 3 let chicks, we glee 100 tree chicks lour choice>. Leghorn pullets 322.95 per 100, barred Rock pul- lets 119 95 per 100. White Rock Pullets 024.95 per 100. Brown leg - horn Pullets 624.95 per 100, All chicks sold backed by high egg Pedigreed stock. $1.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. GUaranteed • 100% live delivery. Kent Elatch- ery, Chatham, Ontario, DANISH BROWN LEGETORNS MIX - ed 20 cents. Pallets 36c, Barred Rocks Mixed 1435e. Pullets 25c. Large English White Leghorn mixed 12e, Pullets 26c. AU stock bloodtested, bred to lay and high quality. Cochrane' s Poultr Farm, Rldgetown, Ontario. 51.00 BOOIRS YOUR ORDER onnnn YOUR 1945 CHICK'S NOW, and not be disappointed. All chicks are from guaranteed test- ed stock, and ,from 25 oz. eggs or better. . Barred Rocks mixed 912.00 per 100, White Leghorns mixed $11.00 per 100 Burred Rock Pellets $10,00 per 100, evhite Leghorn Pullets 022,00 per 100, white Rocks mixed $16.00 per 100, white Rock Pullets $24.00 per 100. Brown leghorns mixed $18.00 per 100. Brown leg - horn pullets $24.00 per 100, We guarantee 100% live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City Hatchery, Chatham, Ontario, BUYING C20101CS IN MANY CASES is much ilk buying 'a pig in a Poke you can't see the blood line. It is difficult even by tlie • , closest examination to tell wheth- er a chick has inherited health, - livability'', stamina, vigor, resist- ance to disperse, high egg produc- tion etc. Your success and profit from your chick investment is laegely dependent 'upon the skill, experience and integrity of the breeder or hatcheryman, also his *willingness to etend behind every chick he sells. Top /latch Chick - erica hatch only Goverturient Ap- proved chicks from bloodtested beeeders and we stand behind the ehicks we sell. For JanuarY you can purchase, these high quality chicks at the following pekes Non -Sexed, White Leg - horns 910.95, Barred Madre $11,45. 901 Pullets, White Leghorns $23.95, Reeved Rocks $19.96. Send for early Pricellst and eutalogue. Top Notch Chickeries, Guqlph, Ontario. WE CAN GIVE YOTJ PROMPT DE: - livery of chi:Ace, or book your colter for later delivery. Good delivery dates are aye liable, but It's wine to .order now: Wide choice breeds, hybricle If yoteve •the equipmeet, get It Working for you with JamtarY-February °bloke, and catch the higher pored' markets toreggs and cockerels, Bray lInCehery, Nal John N. • Hamilton, Oni, _ - ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED your chicks for next ePrine when you want them. Da rred Rock mixed $12.00 per 100, white leg- hornmixed 911.00 per 100, Bar- red Rock Pullets 910.09 Per 100. white tegnorn pullets 922,00 per 100. Heavy Breed etilW 50.00 per 100. Leghorn Ckla. 92.00 per 100. Alt hielce hatehed from 26 oz eggs or better and from special milted flocks, Guaranteed 10091, live delivery. 11.00 books your order, h'llaTICC ('.0.1) Rainbow Hatchery, Chatham. Ontario. 29 FRW.E macro OUR FOUNDATION STOCK IS registered and pedigreed birds. Nothing hotter in Cnnade, Order now. Prices for mixed baby chicks, melee and females: Bar- red Rocks. 512.00 rer hundred: White Leghorns, 911.00: White Rocks, $15.00: , Brown L.eghorne. $12.00. Pullet prices: Barred Rocics, $09.00; White - Leghorns, 522.00; White Rocks. 924.00; Brown Leghorns, 924.00. 25 free chicks, Mir choice, will be given for each 200 mixed chicks order-, ed and 25 free chleks for each 100 day old outlets ordered. Goddard Chick Hatchery., Bri- temnia Heights, Ontario, A DOLLAR SAVED IS A 'DOLLAR Earned. Yee can save 60c per hundred- on non -sexed chicks. , $1.00 per hutdred.on pullet chicks' providing you order early. You can aleo save up . to 9200.per hundred on hon -sexed chicks, $4.00 per bundred osi pullet chicks, peovIding YOU takeearly delivery. Early hatched chicks always 'make the Most money for, tee poultrymen. The pullets come into lay when egg prices aro higheet land the .cockerels hit the market when ,meat prices are .at their ' best. Order your chicks today, take delivery early and be stare and order Tweddle Chicks. Twecidie chlelte are dependable, Elle is our 20th year, supplying good chicks. Free catalogue and early delivery priceliet. Also lay- ing and ready to lay pellets for imgrediate delivery. Tweclille Chielc Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontari,o. • BART CRICKS WANTED TO PURCHASE 1520EE13- leg cockerels Black efinoreas, Black Australorps, New Hemp - shires„ Barred Rocks and White Leghorna. Also hatching eggs. Apply Box No. 1, 73 Adelaide W.. Toronto, giving full details and prices. BARRED ROCK AND NEW KAMP- shire, 0.33.8. Flock, Kenney's Breeder Hatchery, nat. 2, SAULT . ern. MARIE, Ont. NOTICE TO POULTRYMEN WE DON'T =COMMEND THE use of Oyster Shells—Use Can- adian Pure, White Grit, and save 25% and produce better eggs. Wegoffer yet: White Soluble (98re Calcium Carbonate). and Whl e Insoluble fever 99% Silica). Both available for immediate shipment in carload lots or less—Agents wanted—Write for prices and samples. STINSON IEEE SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED, 5585 DELORIMIER AVENUE, MONTREAL, QUE. IreTt211VG & GLEANING HAVE YOU AtirebliNG NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for information. We ere glad to answer your questions. Depart - meat 20, ParIceret Dye Works Limited, 791 ronge Street, To- ronto. HAIRDRESSING EARN HAIRDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding claeses. Itoberteon's Hairdressing Acad- emy. 417 Avenue Road, Toronto, FOR SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW, USED, bought, sole, rebuilt: belts, pul- leys crushea. Allen Electric Com - Pane Ltd., 2526 DtIfferin St., To- ronto. P EBREDFOXHOUND WITH two foxes to her credit. Bluetlek breed. Black and white with an excellent voice. Prke $40.00. Mark Hatt, Kingston, Nova Scotia. HARLEQUIN DANE PUPS, FOTJTI months old, nicely spotted. Don- ald Gowing, RM. No. 1, klespeler. RABBITS, GRAY AND WHITE New Zealruld'Juniors $2.00, also adult bucks. AC G. 13911, nit. 4. Kingston, Ont. REGISTERED AIN 300 BULLS, choice quality, from our champion bull. Price 0150.00 anti up. Wilke' Brothers, Elmwood, Ontario. GARAGE, BLACKSMI.TH SHOP, 'Implement Warehouee and equip- ment for sale in central Mimi- toba, Box 4, 73 Adelaide W., To- ron to. POULTRY MAN'S SA criuncr, Look, something new OM guar- anteed, Electric Chicken Picking Machine., Dresses 200 chickens per hour. Saves 00% picking costa. .Specisl for cash $180.90. Ranging Racks tor chickens, 0 feet long, strong, sturdy, shipped in knocic- ed-dosve condition that only re- . quires bolting. Del -Mar Farms, 10 Centre E., Richmond HUI, Phone 117.1. T 11111 C KING TRANSPORTATION, Well established businees,• in the county of Abititil and Tettlecum- ingue, !melted le Nor:pith, Que., 5 trucks, garage 85 se 40, room for 7 trucks, storage space on 2n0 floor; hot water heating sys- tem. Will sell at fele mice for oasis Apply by letter to Noranda. Quo. Box 386, Noranda, Que. SAWMT LT, cAftnlikri NEW, light complete, motors, arbors, visee, beams, angles, etc. Reeds-. wood Machinery, Ottawa, Ont. MEDICAL BAUMBEHA niT BA Llli-deetroys otteestve odor instantly, 45e • bottle. 'Ottawa agent. Denman Drug Store. Ottawa. EVERY SUFFERBR ,OF matic 'Pains or Neuritia to try Duxon's`Remedy. Munro's Drug • Store 235 Elgin, Ottawa. Post - STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often are the cause of Ili -health In humane all' ages. No one mune! WM, not find out' if Ulla 15 your trouble? Interestmg Par. Deniers—Free! Write Mulveney's Remedies, Speethlisfe Toronto 3 FRUIT Juiens: Tntr• PRINCTP.AL ingrodiente in DIxon'e Remedy for Rheumatic. Paine, Neuritis. Sold only Munro's Drug 'Store,. 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpalcl 91,00. • 5INSICAL FRED A. • B0001NGTON BUYS, eells, exchange Musical leetne. meets, 111 Chnrch. Toronto 2. OPIPOIITIINITIES FOR WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER 1300N CANADA'S LEA DI No SCE( IOL Great Oppottunity, Learn Hair - Pleasant dighldfr)eesd8thorgofeeston, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel . graduetcs. America's greatest Bea - tern. Illustrated catalogue 'tree.• • Write or call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING • SCHOOLS 358 BLO011 W., TORONTO Branches: 43 Ring St, Hamilton, & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa, OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full Infer - matfett sent free: The Rumsel Co., Registered. Patent Attorneyea 273 Bank Street. Ottawa, Canada. INVENTORS GET THESE HELPS -FREE EVERYONE WITH A GOOD IDEA should promptly secure the Mei- trated Booklet "Fortunes from Inventions," and the handsome form "Record or your Invention.' Get them today—Free--from 97. Trwin Haskett, 52 Quedn Street, Ottawa. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re. quest. PERSONAL "ELIJAH COMING BEFORE Christ," 'wonderful boolc free. Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N.V. THE CHURQH FORGOT 000'S • teachings. Read "A Minister'a Reasone for Leaving His Church." Frce. copy from Chrletadelphian Gospel Proclamation, 319 North Dinsmore Cres., Toronto E. PHOTOGRAPH', TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your lints pruperly developed and printed 6 OR 8 EXPOSURE 2001..1,8 25c REPRINTS 8 Tor 20s FINEST ENLARGING SER VleEl You may not get all the films Yen want this year. but you can get all the quality and service you deslre by sentung your mins to PlIOTO 14511011015 Station 1, Toronto DON'T RISK LOSING TREY CAN'T‘SildtilAPTSZLE'N AGAIN Gat finer "snaps" at lower coat •-•• Prompt Mall Service. Send your flirts rolls to Star Snapshot Service to be developed and ' phinted. This le Canada's largest finishing Btu. die, serving ettstotners all ovee Canada. Youli like our work. too. Any Size 10011-6 or 8 Exposures. DE-TEI.01%D AND PRINTED 25c Praising Star Snapshot Service, a customer at Windsor. Ont.; writes: "I suppose it's hard to give your usual quick service with help so hard to get, but as long as You turn out such fine picturce, wait—if t have to wait" 3 MOUNTED ENLARGEMENTS 25t Siee 4.36" in Beautiful Basel Mounts Enlargements 486" on ivory tinted Mounts; 7x9" In Gold, Silver, Cir- cassian Wa twit or Black Ebony finish frernee, 50c each. It enlarge- ment colored, 79e each. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 021), Postal Terminal A. Toronto Print Your Name and Address Plainly on All Orders. STAMPS COLLECTOR WILL PAY $10.00 TO $300.09 for postage stump collec- tion. Write Munn, 3442 Prod- , homme Ave., Montreal, Att'TENTIONt TRAPPERS TRAPPERS CATCH 40' TO 50 PDX, mink, weasel etc. monthly by, using my all purpose litre. $1.00 bottle, FOX ittlet mink sets 113e. Guaranteed results. Lee Miler, McDonald's Corriere, Out. N1141.1. WANTED WANTED, WOMAN FOlt ROUST... week, ferns on highway two miles from Guelph. Modeles house. hy- dro. AMAY Mrs. Oeorg. Kohl. 10.10. 6, Guelph, •Ont. RELIABLE EX PERI ENCED single or mareled man wanted, be- tween 17 and 60 years of age, or . woman with son or man • with, daughter over 17. Flydro, gorse buildings, dual-purpose Short - home. Wellington Cooke, state salary. Box 5, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. wANTIell ,LINOTYPE. WANTED,. HQ, 5 OR 8 Metter give full particulars to Wilson Publiehing Cb.„ 73 Ade- laide St, 37„ Toronto, HOUSEKEEPER ron MAN AND boy .on small farm. Pair wages, good home for right party. State age, experience to I3ox 387, Vien- na. Ont. - • HAY & STRAW WANTED BY RAIL OR TRUCK, Kelley Feed & Seed Cio, 780 Dov- ercourt Road, Toronto, McCORMICK-DEDRING TRACTOR. • and Tandem Melt, good, 10-20 . would do. Allister Doable, Route 2, Ayton, 0111. POWER PAPER. CUTTER, ALSO Stitcher, Perforator, Corona Printing, 1108 St. L,awrenee, Mon - treat, Que. • ISSUE 4-1945