Clinton News Record, 1944-12-28, Page 1The Clinton News -Record Est. 1878
With• Which
is lncorporatot The Clinton New Era
DECEMBER 28th, 1944
NO. 6129 67th YEAR
ew Year Thoughts
Blow, bugles of battle, the marches of peace;
East, west, north and south let the long quarrel
Sing the song of great joy that the angels began,
Sing of glory to God and of good will to pian!
' unr i3r raaratstat2r`cram +rtarat Fina9rarMMIttma-raDatOwrolD Mara: -20m.1.
New Year
We Thank You for Your
Manifest Good Will and
Appreciation of our efforts
to serve you during these
trying • times.
..:1 M
'lease Bear n
our Store will remain closed
until next Tuesday,
January 2nd.
Something from the Heart
Dozens of lettersarrive: daily at
the Canadian Red Cross offices ex-
pressing thanks for services render-
ed or supplies' and advice received.
The Society welcomes: these mes-
sages of appreciation because the
majority of them come from the
hearts of people in neisd of help and
comfort :and it is the work •of the
organization to see that these wants,.
are fulfilled for the Red Cross is the
heart of the Canadian people.
Some of the letters tell a pathetic
story of hardship when homes were
destroyed' in air raids, and how
thankful the writers were to receive
Canadian Red Cross iblankets and
quilts to keep out the cold; others
are messages of life such as the
pending birth of a' baby and. tell'
how much it has meant to get a
Canadian layette; and again, it may
be a note from
•o aW
tioned at a lonely post,in the north
of Scotland giving ,thanks for warm
clothing. .
Here is a typical letter of thanks
from the women of the National
Fire Service, Slough, near London.
The writer says: "We should like to
express our 'appreciation to the
Canadian Red Cross for the colour-
ful and beautifully worked quilts
we have recently received. They
have made our beds look attractive
and so cosy—and we cease to shiver.
"We have not yet stopped won-
dering and marvelling at the work
and patience which has been put into
the patchwork. It is a perfectly
grand feeling to know' that we have
a piece of Canada with us and to
know that we are thought .of. We, so
often felt like nobody's babies."
This excellent work by the. women
of Canada has done` much to consoli-
date the relationship between the
Dominion and Great Britain. But
most of all it has once again demon.,.
str,ated. the warm-heartedness of
Canadians toward a member of the
family who needed help.
Our Sincere
New Years
May 1945 bring you
Happiness and Content-
ment with a return of
Peace and Prosperity tor
Counters for Finer Jewellery for Over Half a
Century in Huron County
yrr2u m'I paw mzr n t—Aykassoatrotaaxn + anchri; a
The New Era Est. 1867
Result of the Nominations
Mr. Morgan J. 'Agnew, mayor of I'UBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION
Clinton for the pat year Was given Thos. Churchill, prop.sed by A. F.
an acclamation at the, nomination , Cudmore• se.onded by A. W. Groves.
nesting held Friday night, At 9 o -
clock ;Saturday : nighii three condi- COUNCILLORS •
dates had qualified as reeves. Wan. Ernest Brown proposed by W. M.
H. Lobb, V. D. Falconer and Melvin Aileen seconded by J. A. Sutter.
Crich. J. R. Butler proposed by Prank
Nine conciliates had qualified as Haines seconded by Thomas Garter
councillors, a, follow;.. Messrs. Jas. Chowen, proposed by George
Ernest Brown, J. R Butler, Clifford Virallcer, seconded' by 1Vlelvin Grieh,
Epps, Albert •Shaddrek, IJ. W. Tre- Harry Corey, proposed by John
wartha, A. J. McMuiay, G. W• Snider, seconded by William Cook.
Nott, Jas. Chowan and Harry Corey. fir, ;Geo..S. Elliott p •opo ed by
Dr. Geo. Elliott, Mr... H. Fremlin, Hugh Hawkins seconded by R. B.
and Mr. H. C. Lawson' did, not Vali- Fitzsimons.
fY• ' Clifford Epps, propo-ed by George
Mr. Thos. Churchill was given an Walker, .seco..ded by Wm. H. Robin-
acdamation for. PubncrUtilities Com- son.
mission. ( A. E. F.emlin propo:ed by R. B.
Only four, Messrs. A. F. Cudmore, Fitzsimons, seconded by N. W.
Gordon Ross, T. G. Saribbins and Trewartha
Mrs. N. W. Trewartha qualifiei for H. C. Lawson propo:ed by W. E.
the Board of E ueatn ti' 1 r
a o making a Perdue seconded by W. J.Mrl e..
vote unnecessary Mr. ' John W.' G. W. Nott, proposed by W. E.
Nediger and Dr. P O. Thompson did Per.'.ue •seconded by Thos. Churchill.
not qualify. 1 A. J. McMurray . proposed by W.
Election for' Re_ve and Councillors E. Perdue seconded by W. M. Aiken.
will be held on Monday; January lst. Albert Shaddi^k proposed by Har-
- (old Glew seconded by Wesley Van -
Nominations were held in the . N. W. Trewartha proposed by C.
Council Chamber on'» day evening J. Livermore seconded by W. J. Mil -
when a large nuns r of citizens for,
were present.
Miss Lorna Piumsteel, of Toronto,
spent Christmas at her home ,in
Mrs. J. E. Watson of Toronto spent
Christmas with her mother Mrs.
Mr. Ken. Carter, of Windsor, is
visiting his parents, Mr. and 3Vlrs.
W. 3. Carter.
Miss Florence Kirby of London
spent the Christn'taa week end at
her home in 'town.
Mrs. L. McNeil, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Higgins. and Miss Ferrol spent
Christmas in Baseter.
Mrs. L. J. Barber of Toronto spent
the Christmas holiday wibh his
sister, Mrs. C. B. Hale.
Wren S. E. Hunter of Regina visi-
ted her cousin Miss Ferrol Hig-
gins over Boxing Day.
Engag'zincnt Announced
Mr. and Ibbs. Ezra Ellis wish to
announce' the, en -agement of their
drughter Clete. Marguerite to Cyrl
H. Ilollingshead of Toronto, the •wed-
ding to take pia e quietly ,the end of
the month.
M. J. Agnew, proposed by Wm. H. A. F. Cudmore proposed by John
Robinson Seeondad by R. B.' Fitz- Hartley seconded by C. H. Epps.
simons. John Nediger proposed by A. Gar-
- seconded by Ernest Brown.
Gordon Ross proposed by J. A,
Sutter seconded by W. M. Aiken.
T. G. Seribbins proposed by A. W,
Groves seconded by E. G. Grealis,
Dr. F. G. Thompson proposed by
A. Caron seconded by E. A. Adams.
. Mrs. N. W, Trewartha proposed by
Hugh R. Hawlrns seconded by Mel-
vin Crich:
Melvin Crich, proposed by A. W.
Groves, • seconded by George Walker.
V. D. Falconer, proposad by W. E.
Perdue, seconded by Edward L.
Wm. H. Lobb, proposed .by W. M.
Aiken, seconded by L, W.
Watch Night Service
• The Mini:te.ial Assoeiation is
sponsoring a ,United Watch Night
Service on New Year's Eve, 11.30
to midnight. This year it will be held
in Wesley -Willis Church.
Holiday Hours At The Post
The, usual holiday hours will be
observed on New Year's Day at the
Post Office.: The ,wicket will be
open from 11 to 11,30 and from 2 to
2.30 p.rn.
Weddinw Anniversary •
On December 19th Mr. and Mrs.
Rathwell celebrated their Golden
Wedding Anniversary at the home of
their son Mr. Fred RathweIl. A fam-
ily dinner was served at noon, the
table centred with a beautiful deear-
ated bride's cake, flanked by tall
golden tapers.
During the afternoon a number of
friends and relatives called to ex-
tend congratulations. The guests
were received by Mrs. Fred Rath -
well assisted by Mrs. Albert Horner
and tea was served. by Mrs. R. D.
Elgie and Miss Marian Horner. Many
beautiful cards and messages were
received, including a telegram from
Flt. Sgt. and Mrs. D. N. Pentney,
Trenton, and Miss Ruth Rathwell,
of London, granddaughters of the
bride and groom, who were unable
tb be present. Mrs. M. Reid Varna
who attended the wedding fifty
years 'ago was a guest.
Mr. and Mrs. Rathwell, the for-
mer Sarah Reid, daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. San. Reid of Stan-
ley township, were married Dec. 19,
1804 .by the late Rev. Mr. Macdon-
ald of Varna, and took up farming
in. Goderich Township, 'where they
resided until 1912 when they moved
to the 2nd concession of Stanley
Township, where their son, Fred,
now lives. In 1923 they retired to
Varna where• they have since mRile
their home. They have three child-
ren. Mrs. Albert Horner- of Varna,
Fred near Brumfield and Harold
of Windsor, who was unable to at-
tend the celebration. While neither
Mr. or Mrs. Rathwell are in the
best •of health, both were able to
enjoy the occasion.
Wolf Cub News
On Saturday, Dec., 23, the Wolf;
Cubs held a Christmas party., Dur-
ing the afternoon}the pack spent
a pleasant time skiing and toboggan-
ing at the pulley: They then as-
sembled at the Cub Hall wheresup-
per was served by several :members
of the Girl Guide, Company. This
was followed by games and distri-
bution of Christmas gifts.
The Cub Paek extend a vote of
thanks to the following Girl Guides
for their assistance: Company
Leader, Jean 'McIntyre, Patrol. Lea-
der Joan Fines and Guide Jean
Caron. Quebec.
Mrs. E. F. Jackson of Stratford is
spending' the week with her sis-
ter Mrs. James Livermore.
Miss Ellen Fremlin of Hensall spent
the week end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. Fremlin,
Miss Sybil ,R. Courtice of Montreal
is spending the holidays with her
sister Miss Harriet Courtice.
Mr. and Mrs. Binffird' J. Colquhoirn
with Ruth Helen spent Christmas
with Mr, and Mrs. M. T. Corless.
Miss Lois Kearns of Woodstock
spent the holiday week end with
her parents Mr. and Mrs: B: W.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Plumsteel of
town, and Miss Eleanor Plum -
steel of Ridgetown spent Christ-
mas with Rev. H. J. and Mrs. Snell
of Auburn.
Miss Margaret Lsckwood of 'Toronto
spent the week end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Lock-
Miss Kathleen Ross, of Toronto,
spent the Christmas week end
with her parents, Mr: and Mrs. W.
J. Ross.
Miss' Jean Cameron, It N. of St.
Thomas spent Christmas with her
parents, Mr.Mrs. H. D.
•aa n
Miss Phyllis Herman . a student at
the yniversity of Western Ontario,
London, is spending her Christmas
vacation with her : parents, Mr.
and Mrs. T. Herrman.
Dr. J. S. and Mrs. Evans spent the,
Christmas', holiday with their
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Mc-
Leod and family.
Miss Giffie Mallard ani Miss Violet
Morrison of Toronto were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. W.
Morrison over the Christmas holi-
Messrs Wallace and Stewart Mac-
Donald, of Toronto, spent the Holi-
day Season at the home of their
parents, Cpl. and Mrs. Ronald
Fit. Lieut. and Mrs, Waters have
returned to Truro, Nova Scotia,
after spending Christmas with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Mrs. Harold Fremlin received the
gift of 2 dozen from her hus-
band L./Cpl. Frenslin who is now
serving in Holland.
The members of the Huronie.
Rebekah Lodge 306 will hold their
first meeting of the New Year on
Wednesday, January 3rd. .A full
attendance is requested.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Canter recent-
ly received a parcel which they had
mailed six weeks ago to their son,
Capt. Ross Carter, who is overseas,
The parcel was a victim of a ship-
wreck and most of the contents had
been water -soaked. A+ scarf and
gloves, were the only articles sal-
vaged. The rest had be destroyed.
Sgt. Edward Elliott of Sproat's
Convalescent hospital, Toronto,
and Miss Edna Elliott, staff nurse
of Hgvergal Ladies College, Toron-
to, are spending. their Christmas
holidays at their home in. town.
Miss Shirley Nickle of Toronto
spent the Christmas Week end with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. C.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Cook and Betty
of Sarnia spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. E. Niekie.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Nickle and .Shir-
ley and Miss • Freda Schoenhals,
of London, England, formerly of
Clinton, who was recently the guest
of his brother, Mr. A. T. Cooper. Sir
Ernest is industrial supervisor and
trade commissioner for Northern
St. Paul's
•i rhe•'tntiies' -G•nild will -:;hold t%git:
Annual Meeting at the home of' Mrs -
H. Bartliff on Tues. Jan. 2nd at
three o'clock,
Wesley -Willis
New Years Services
11.00 aan. Morning Worship, Ser-
mon Subject. "Forgetting and Re-
12.00 a.m. Church School.
7.00 p.m. Evening Worship Ser-
mon Subject, "Vision and Obedience"
The W. A. will meet on Thurs-
day afternoon, January 4th, at
3 o'clock, Mrs. J, Nediger
group in charge of the social hour.
2.00 p.m. -Bible School.
'7.00 pan. Evening Worship: Sub-
ject "The New Road for 1945".
The Baptist Crumb with its
Minister, wish you all a Happy and
Prosperous journey through the
corning year, under the leadership of
a Ioving God.
The W. A. will meet on Wednes-
day afternoon, January 3rd in the
Sunday School room at 2,30.
10.00 aan. Sunday School
11.00 a.m. Morning Worship, Ser-
mon Subject, "Retrospect and Pros-
pect." A message for the close of
the old yearand the opening of the
All welcome to worship with us.
Ontario Street United Church
"Greetings to All"
11,00 aan. "A New Beginning"
of town and Mr. and Mrs. M. 3. "Ring out the Old Ring in the New".
Cook and Betty, of Sarnia spent Also a word to the Children.
Music: Parts of Cantata.
Near Noon: Sunday .School—make
a new start.
2.00 p.m. Turner's Church Tucker -
smith -Twsp. Afternoon worship and
Sunday School. Farewell to the Old
Year Welcome to the New Year.
7.00 p.m. The Last Lord's Day in
this year 1944. F,fty-three Sundays
in this year. Come let us worship.
Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs,
Geo. McCague and family of
Mrs. E. C. Nickle was in Stratford
Wednesday attending' the funeral
of her uncle, the late Mr. Henry
Christmas Day visitors at the borne
of Miss Harriet Courtier were
Mr. and .Mrs. Dean Courtice and
•Miss M. Elizabeth Courtice of
Hamilton; Mr. ' and Mrs. ' R. ' F.
McIiercher, Mr. Jack McKe chev
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McKereher and
° baby Donald and Mrs. Pollard of
Seaforth;, and S /Lt. 'Helen Mc-
Kercher, H. M. Q. S. St. Hyacinthe,
kms. w. -+u ..,.:«-
Who `1Sa9' given' acelarnationl,,,?n •
Friday night.
Sgm. Lorne Brown, H. M. C. S.
Kenora, is spending his leave with
Mrs. Brown and Stephen,
Cpl. ,Arthur Aiken is spending
his leave with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. -M. Aiken.
Able Seaman Wilfrid Dennmme is
spending a Ieave with his parents
Mr. and; Mrs. Lawrence Denomme.
V ----
The Christmas. mingle planned for
December 24th, and -postponed in
respect to the memory of Mrs. G. F.
N. Atkinson, will be presented next
Sunday, December 31st, The morn-
ing service will be at 11.00 am. and
the Cantata at 8.00 p.m.
('onie and Reverence Hint in the
Beauty of Holiness. Greeff the New
Year with Prayer for the world.
The men who • .are dying for us and,
for yourself. Christians
up and Doing.
Parts of the Cantata "Incarnation"
will be repeated in the Evening.
Watch -Night Service at Wesley -
Wills for all Churches.
Mrs. L. Ballantyne writer'
and lecturer of Toronto willnoted speulr
on "Kitchens of Tomorrow at the
January meeting of the Women's
Association of Ontario St. United
Church on Jan. 3rd at 2.30 pan. All
ladies Of the town who areinter-
ested are invited to attend St. An-
drevt's ward will serve tea at the;
close of the meeting.