Clinton News Record, 1944-02-24, Page 8PAGE 8 The Mack All Cast Furnace Insures Healthy Comfort Satisfaction Canada's Leading Hot Air Furnace No Smoke, no Gas, no Dirt SUTTER & PERDUE HARDWARE, PLUMBING A ELECTRICIANS PHONE 147w. CLINTON, ONT. It May Be Early To think about Easter Togs but you must remember that for a made to measure Suitor Topcoat three or four weeks are required to make and the very cloth you wanted may be cancelled. Materials and labor are both scarce and stocks will not be large. In 'the Ready -to -Wear department we already 'have a shipment of Spring Suits on our racks for your inspection, To the Ladies we extend an invitation to look over the samples and styles for a made to measure sui tor topcoat hand, tailored for you by Tip Top Tailors. Order now for Easter and avoid being disappointed. Buy Quality Shoes at Plumsteel Bros. Aim Mata — Adam Eats — Hutt ! McHale Skeels fee Mer Ascus Tip Top Tailors. w........ aa*s ........:.: ---s..:..,. We Have A Small Shipment Arriving of Certified Seed Potatoes,smalls Enquire at Poultry Plant Canada Packers Ltd. Evening Auxiliary of W. W. The Evening Auxiliary of the W. M. S. of Wesley -Willis United Church met Thurs. Eve. Feb. 18 at Mrs. W. McGuffin's home. The Business Period taken by the Pres. Florence Shipley opened with call to Worship 'and hymn 241 follow- ed by the Minutes of the last meet- ing. The Roll Call was responded to by verse of Scripture or Poem on Christian Love. Reports were receiv- ed from Treasurer, Temperance, Friendship and Supply Committees. The offering was taken. Evelyn McGuffin took charge of the Devotional period. Hymn 182 was sung. The scripture Reading based on Love from various passages of Bible were taken by Jean Livermore, Gladys Addison, Adell Jervis, Jean Currie and Barbara Lobb. Evelyn McGuffin led in prayer followed by Lord's Prayer in unison, Hymn 56S was sung. Evelyn then told events of interest and conditions under which work is carried on in foreign fields in Burma, India and Africa. Viola Nelson, Fer- rol Higgins, Grace Addison, Dorothy Mutch, Helen Nediger and Isobel Bruce and Effie Beattie also gave accounts .in skill and joy in work over there. A hymn and benediction brought the meeting to a close, Refreshments were served by Viola and Evelyn at the close. In 1943 the volume of air express traffic carried on planes of Trans- Canada Air Lines increased by 126 per cent over the volume of express ',carried in 1942. .V Boodle Shoot at Revolver Club The Clinton Revolver Club held its monthly Boodle Shoot on the 14th of February. There were ten members present and as usual the shoot was held on a handicap basis each party naming their own score and these results are as follows: Harvey Baxter 97%, Ellwood Epps 95% Al Linfield 94% Bob Hale 93% Joe Hart 92% F/Lt. Malc. Morton 91% A. McAllister 90% Alex Inkley 90% Geo. Little 87% Captain H. Hunter 85%. The prizes were varied but as usual' someone had a grudge at of the winners and a bag of chocolates was one of the prizes. Needless to say it happened the same as on previous occasions when any eatables were there the winner never had a chance to leave with' his prize. • Some much needed improvements have been attended to on the range. A Bulletin Board has been posted and the average scores of the members are being posted. New lights instal- led and the Club is very active with all the members taking an active interest. The next Boodle Shoot to be held by the Club will be the first Monday in March and it has been decided that all Future Boodle Shoots will be the first,' Monday of the month. Anyone interested in revolver shooting is invited to, attend. —V - Amendment of the Active Service Election Act, which provided for proxy, voting for members of the armed forces stationed outside O'n- tario. ' THE Redecorating Store At the present time we are endeavouring to change. and redecorate. our 'Store, It is not''our intention to ad- vertise Merchandise to you when we are in this untidy condition. We Hope when we have completed the job yoti will come to our Store and enjoy Shopping in it. We would also like to Thank our customers for their very kind and. patient attitude under these adverse conditions. G. R. McEwan Co. Books Stationery PHONE 84 "OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST" r ' Q�ill��li�����Pu�•`'ICIPllliiimm�,n��miu ����000mio�i�jllflll Miss Pearl Elliott of London visited at her home here during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Brandon of Goderich were week end visitors at their homes in town. Mrs. Jean Kyle attended the funeral of the late Roy Stonehouse in Goderich on Wednesday. Cpl. and Mrs. R. MacDonald and baby and Mrs. J. E. MacDonald spent Sunday in London visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Higgins and Mrs. T. J. McNeil spent Sunday in Exet- er, with Mr. and Mrs. George Hun- ter. Mrs. Frank Layton attended the funeral of her aunt, the late Mrs. Wm. Eberheart, in Seaforth. on Tuesday. Professor Harry Shaw of Dartmouth University, New Hampshire, is visiting his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Liebold and dau. ghter, Marian Louise of town called on Hensall relatives and friends Saturday evening. Mrs. John McKnight of Auburn is spending a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson and Mr. Ferguson of town. Mrs. John Cherry has returned to her home in Saskatoon, Sask., after being the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Jean Kyle, for the past week. Mrs. T. Craddock of Indian Meadow, 13. C. and Misses Ina and Marion Grey of Seaforth spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Layton, t Frederick street. o Dr. H. A. McIntyre will be in Toron- 1 to next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday where he,mill attend a e short course on "Children's Health" at the University. Mrs, Ronald MacDonald and baby were in Toronto a few days last week, having gone down to meet Mrs. J. E. MacDonald on her arriv- al from England. WNTOV NEWS -RECORD Cominunity Reception Com- mittee Formed,* Goderich-: Township The First meeting of the Commun- ity Reception Committee of Goderich township which comprised, 1. repre- sentative of each unit of the Red Cross in Goderich Township, 1 of each church in Goderich Township; the Goderich township council, was held February 11, in S. S. No. 3 school room, Bill Jervis was appointed perman- ent chairman. Mrs Alvin Betties was appointed secretary. It was decided at this meeting, that the amount of money for each boy be ten dollars or in that vicinity and be given in gift form. The ten dollars, or cost of gift is to be donated by, the township council. A buying committee consists of Mrs. A. Holmes, Mr. Ben Rathwell, Mr. J. Stirling. Each section is to have their own social evening to entertain their own boys. Bill Jervis is to act as rep- resentative for the township at each presentation. V Long Distance Telephone Calls to Begin at 6 p.m. The announcement that from March 1, night rates on long distance calls will begin at 6 p, m. instead of 7 as •heretofore, will be of special interest to boys and girls telephoning home from camps and barracks all over the country. The change will be effective also on all lines of the Trans -Canada Telephone System. Two main results are expected from this change—the added conveni- ence of the longer night rateperiod and lessoned congestion on war -busy lines which, because of material shortages, cannot be extended. Further, of course, there will be an obvious saving to users through the one -hour's lengthening of the night rate period. V "Sky Falls" on New Addition to Overseas Fighting Canadians The following is taken from the Newmarket ^ Era and Express and refers to Kenneth Johns, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Johns of Newmarket and formerly of Clinton. Kenneth was born in Clinton and is a nephew of Mrs. Albert Seeley. "A rather interesting evening" somewhere overseas is described, by L/Bdr. Kenneth A. Johns, New- market, in a letter to his sister-in- law, Mrs. George E. Johns. It was an air-raid "Suddenly we heard a very faint whistle and being novices we stood and looked at each other until an enormous flash lit up the sky. A few seconds later a ter rific concussion rocked us and we knew we had .witnessed our first bomb. "All the time the search -lights were• focussed on one spot and due to slight haze we couldn't actually see the plane but by this time it was almost directly above us. "You may imagine how we felt at this time when far above us we de- tected a faint whistle which rapidly increased to a nerve -shattering whine. I may say that I'in expecting the V. C. for being the first man to hit the ground. We were fooled again, as the bomb passed us by and blasted a crater. in a nearby common. We didn't think we were the target. These eggs were just jettisoned. "The blast broke a few windows and 'when it passed everyone got shakily to their feet, as the show had just started. High in the heav- ens directly above us we heard the reassuring roar of a British night - fighter. Evidently it passed a radio signal to the lights that it had spot - ed the bomber, as they shut off as ne. Then right above us at about 0,000 'feet the sky became bright with tracers. "Twice we heard the night -fighter's ngines roar as he dived to attack and the ,rattle of machine-guns and the roar of cannons echoed down on us. Then the biggest thrill came. A bright flash lit the sky and the sound of the German motors increas- ed in tempo as he raced to evade the issue, but he had been fatally hit, as with engines roaring at top speed he came hurtling down. It hadn't caught fire, so it wasn't until a search -light flashed and showed it spinning down that 'we were able to glimpse its fate. With a flame that lit the whole countryside it crashed into a' hill a mile and .a half away. "For an hour we watched the piano blaze and listened to the ammunition ERTABS Do your houseplants need a tonic? Give them Fertabs, and notice the improvement. They come in packs•ts, 15c and 25c each PRIMULAS, POTS OF DAFFOD- ILS, and CINERARIAS of many bright colors; also CYCLAMEN, make attractive mid -winter bloom. Price from 50c to $1.50. For Special Occasional' please order ahead to secure out flowers as the supply is limited. Prepared Earth 25c a pail F. R. CUNINGHAME Member of Florists Tel. Del. As, Personal care given every order and special attention given to Funeral Orders. Phone 176 and 31 Superior Store PHONE 1H—CLINTON. SPECIALS FOR February, 24, 25, 26 DURHAM CORNSTARCH Pkg.. 90 FRY'S COCOA % lb. Tin 19c FRY'S COCOA 1 lb tin 31c PURE LARD 1 lb. Carton 18c P. &. G. SOAP Bar 5c QUAKER. MACARONI 16 oz. pkg. 12c PRINCESS FLAKES Reg. Pkg. 15c 1VOODBURY'S SOAP 2 bars 15c CLASSIC CLEANER Tin 50 JAVEX Bottle 15c PARD DOG FOOD 2 pkgs. .. , . 29e SATINA Pkg. 7c LA FRANCE Pkg, 15c GRAPEFRUIT Size 126s 5 for ..25c ORANGES SIZE 252s Doz. 39c HEAD LETTUCE 2 Heads ... , 25c CELERY HEARTS Each 150 FRESH SPINACH 2 lbs. 25c NEW CABBAGE lb. Ge 19c - RHUBARB lb. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame are visiting with friends and relatives in Toronto this week end.' Mrs. Cuninghame plans to go on to Ot- tawa next week where she will visit their son, Flight Lieutenant John Cuninghame, who is stationed at the R.C.A.F. Headquarters • in that city. Flt. Sgt. Jack McGill, New York and e his parents Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McGill of Saskatoon w Sask. spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. McGill of town. Jack was with the Boston Bruins for two seasons and was goalie with the New York Rangers when he joined the services. xplode. Two of the crew crashed ut the other four baled out and ere captured in short order." - v STANLEY Mrs, Norman Baird is visiting her sister, Mrs. Robt, Varley at St. Catharines, this week.' 1 V Expansion of public health sery-' ices. T. R. ThflMPSON WEEK END SPECIALS 1 pkg. family special (1 pkg. Bran Flakes 1 pkg. All Wheat 1 pkg. Corn Flakes) 25e 6 Gans Libby's Evaporated Milk and one coupon 59c 1 Giant pkg. Robin Hood or Buckeye Quick Oats 29c 1 pkg. Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour 15c 1 pkg. Cheese-A-Roni or Kraft Dinner 190 1.7 Ib bag Five Roses or Purity Flour ' 29c 1 Bottle OK Bleach 10c 4 cakes P & G, Pearl or London soap • .... 22c 1 pkg. Satina 7� 1 pkg. La France Blue 150 3 rolls Interlake Tissue 0' 2 ib. Choice Quality; Lima Beans 35c 3 lb. Hand picked White Beans. 20c 3 lb sugar (white or brown) 25c 1 lb. new Cabbage Gc 5 Texas Seedless Grapefruit ... 25c 2 Doz Oranges 344's 45e 1 Doz. Oranges 252's 39c Cocoanuts, New Carrots, Head Lettuce, Spinach Celery etc. Buy War Saving Stamps at Our Store W. L. JOHNSON PHONE 286 GROCER DELIVERY HOURS 4 to 6 p.m. TUCKERSMITH The Tuckersmith Ladies Club will hold their meeting on Wednesday, March first at' the home of Mrs: .Tames Landesborough. Roll call to be answered by "an economy hint". THURS. FEB: 24; 1944' TIf RE CHILD,RENS DRESSES 2 to 6 years each D& to 4 $1.49 VALUES FOR FEBRUARY 2U11 to 26th COWAN'S PERFECTION VAN CAMPSQIJIQK SERVE: COCOA lb. tin 24c :BEANS 2 pkg, 27c CLOVER LEAF" HERRING tin XXX PASTRY - 19c FLOUR 7 lb..bag 29G, KELLOGG'S' FAMILY SPECIMEALiNG10AL ^ 1 pkg. Corn Flakes ~ 1 pkg. All -Wheat CAKE 50 1 pkg. Bran Flakes uwAaAs p]1Vfi6f�'� ` '0 ' '� / ;; Jr��-- ‘1' A .ONG LASTD 3—ECONOMIGAL TOILET SOAP `All for 25c CHATEAU CHEESE-pkg. 21 CAKE,5c ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT R. and W. TOM. OR VEG.,, MARMALADE jar. 350' SOUP 2 tins. 19u GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND; VEGETABLES PINEAPPLE — CELERY — TOMATOES — HEAD LETTUCE CAULIFLOWER -BROCCOLI -SPINACH -RADISHES'-GR,,ONIONS' SUNKIST SWEET 220's NEW TEXAS ' ;ORANGES doz. 45d CARROTS 3 lbs. 25c TEXAS SEEDLESS 112's NEW TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT 4 - 25o' CABBAGE ib. 6c CALIF ORNIA JUICY 360 s NEW TEXAS LEMONS 3 for 10c . BEETS 3 lbs. 25C C. M. SHEARING PHONE 48 For Quality Foods CLINTON MORE NEW STOCK Has Just arrived including One Solid Massive Dining room Suite in Solid Oak old English finish. A New line of Occasional chairs, One Flat top desk' very useful for office use with Lots of Storage space for filing Papers and doe. uments, also tables and Ferneries, A new line of Plate glass Mirrors, also some new wardrobes with Folding doors, and,one wardrobe in Walnut finish with cedar lining, Last But not least a new Shipment of Spring • filled Mattreses Priced from $19.00 to $36.50. BALL & ZAPFE DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE AN& FURNITURE AMBULANCE SERVICE FUNERAL DIRECTORS DOUGLAS G. BALL J. J. ZAPPE Phone 110 ° Phone 103 Store Phone 195 •1 Useful Numbers CHILD,RENS DRESSES 2 to 6 years each $1.29 CHILD,RENS SLACK'S 2 to 6 years each $1.49 CHILDRENS OVERALLS 2 to 6 years each 95q BOYS WASH SUITS 2 to 6 years each $1.89 a BOYS SWEATERS 8 to 14 years each • $1.891 GIRL'S ALPINE PLEATED SKIRTS $3.50 GIRLS ALPACA SLACKS $3,35 GIRLS CALIFORNIA SHIRTS $1.3 GIRL'S SHORT SLEEVED CARDIGANS $1.85 WOMENS COTTON HOUSE COATS $2.9$ WOMENS PRINTED CREPE DRESSES $4.5c Hose for Women, Misses, Girls and Boys, assorted sizes and shades prices reasonable. (liliord Lobb it Son Watch Our Window Yes those new lines we have been promising you are copying in every clay. 1 Call in while downtwn and see our stock. Flashlights, Knives, Scissors, Graniteware, Pails, Tubs, Banner' Ash Sifters. Come early while our stock is at its best. Hawkins Hardware PLUMBING AND HEATING PHONE 244