Clinton News-Record, 1947-10-16, Page 1Support
Lions Frolic
October 17
No. 42 ---‘69th Year, Whole No. 6275
The 'Home Paper With the News
Farmers Vigorously Protest Packing House Strike
Town Council
In Action
A CQna't of Revision, in the matter
of. •assessment appeal for 1947, will
be .held in the -Council Chamber
Tuesday evening, October 28, at 7.30,
it was decided by Clinton Town
\•4Council at its. October meeting.
. Payments to Fire Officials
)Aid. _Albert Shaddick, in reporting
for Fire and Water Committee, re-
ferred to the firemen's run to Bay-
field several weeks previously, and
again brought up the question of
the 4947 bonus for the Chief and Eng-
ineer. A. motion was passed approv-
ing payment of $25 to L. J. Cree,
Fire • +Chief, and $15 to George Han-
ley, engineer, for extra services, dur-
ing 1947, as has been the prineiple
•during ,the past' several years.
Cemetery Improvements
Aid. Melvin •Mich, reporting for
the ' Cemetery Committee, suggested
the leveling of several tablets and
the trimming of certain trees. The
general attitude of Council was that
the small balance left in the budget
would not' warrant extra expendit-
ures in 1947. -
Food Allowance Up
In the report -of the Hospital-nat.
Ion Committee, Ald. R. Y. Hattin re-
quested that the communication from
the Ontario Welfare Board be read.
After some discussion, it was approv_
ed, increasing the food allowanee to
relief recipients ten per cent,
Financial Report
Aid. M. J. Agnew read the treasur-
er's financial statement for Septem-
ber, which was adopted.
Hallowe'en Party
Council authorized payment of $25
to help defray expenses for enter-
taining the children on Hallowe'en.
The party will be held in the town
hall as usual an October 31.
Licences Issued
Council approved none of tobacco,
cigarette and lunch licences to Fred'
Parry and Clayton Dixon; also cigar-
ette and tobacco licence to George
Ttumbail, all three being issued to
Aprtl:3o,, 1949,
Farm Assessments
lAtld. Brown inquired if farm assess-,
went appeals would go to the Court
of Revision. Assessor J. W. Manning
said appeals must be filed before, Oa- •
ttaber 15, but pointed out that the
Court of Revision had nothing to do
with farm assessments. A. meeting is
to be arranged with the Council in
committee, with the Town Solicitor
present, in order that a clear under-
standing may be arrived et.
New Housing Project
The Mayor reported that 39 houses
were ready for foundations to be laid
in the new ,60 -house Wartime house
projeet in town. These 33 would be
ceanpleted before starting the others,
His Worship informed council.
Tuekersmrith Township Council meet
*' in the howit hall, ,Seaforth, with all
members present and Reeve Arthur•
Nicholson • presiding.
.Yeomen, aassessor, was paid. •$5
fees re equalization of assessment in
the Union School Section of 'Metter -
smith, 8lcKillop and Hthbert, and
• Hugh McMillan was paid $28.50 for
• chickens killed by dogs,
Co ncii granted $75Q to •Scott Me-
morial ,hospital, Seafortt'h, toward the
estimated. . operating deficit of said
hospital for 1947 with the understand-
Ing that that amount would • be tl)e
maximum grant for the year, aid
should 'Makersmith's share of ifheop
erating deficit be less than $78O, the
ddfferenoe,must 'apply. on 1948 or later
years' deficit, Wane'. ' • "
The Clerk-, wed instructed to adver-
tise for tenders for enonvplowing in,
the Township of Tueker'smith for the
-winter of1947 48. Tend dr i•adtvertise •
rent appears elsewhere in this paper.
The cleric: silo, was instructecl•to� pro-
paae cash by a'w's. on the ,extra cost
of the Charters,; Buchanan, Dail. -and'
t'MeOullie drains
tante: of pay fee,labor in the town:
ship was` increased'from 50e nee hour
to 60c per•bour.
Accountsmarkt were as follows:
Relief' $35; 'toads p.,04.16;,salaries
$100; chickens killed by dogs $29.50;
grants $750; postage $5; sundry $8.50;
scheele $200, e
Council- adjourned to meet on No -
'ember 1, at 2 -pmn,
J. Et `Howard, Bayfield, is receiving
the congratulations of his friends on
his good fortune in winning a $50
cash prize in a draw made at the
OVfio,thell Luras Club Carnival Thurs-
day evening last. A Bingle ticket won
for him.
The Week's Weather
High - Low 'Hugh Law
1947 1946
October 9 56 88 65 42
10 61 + 36 70 45
11 68 40 76 54
, 12 74 • 59 57 41
:. 13 64 • .48. . 52 34,
14 . 66 88 59 39
i18 , 78 50 66 38
17.080,0401-- `.06 inch .90 iiiolt
Clinton Town Council, art its Oct-
ober - meeting, ordered payment of
the following accounts for tSelrtemb
er, on recommendation of the Finance
STREET— County of Huron, Tarr-
ing and greeting streets, $103.75; R.
Freeman, drainage, $97.50 lees Ins.
$1:26, $96.24; Won. Fulford cleaning
streets $13, Less Inc, 16c, $12,84; John
Gibbings, drainage, $5.85; Wm. Cook
with team cutting weeds and clean-
ing streets $26; T. Leppington cutting
weeds $423.
itieh Commission Lighting streets,
PROPERTY—Public Utilities Com-
mission Lighting Rest Room .75;
Lighting Town Hall $10.99; Light-
ing Stock Yard .75; Merchandise
1.30; 1/6 yr. Rest Room Rental $15;
1/y •yr. Rest Room Water $2.91; 1/a
yr. Town Water $2.73; ',a yr. Foun-
tains $3.23; Fountain Repairs $1.60;
Mrs. L. Tideswell, •Care of RestRoom
$9; Geo, German 16,080 lbs: coal
$110.55; as. Johnston one cord cedar
$4; Harold Adams erecting Park
Line fence $2.8.85; Wnu Hoggart
erecting Park Line fence $'19.50;
H•ugli Hawkins, new furnace pipes
and general repairs $33.30.
Utilities Commission '/,n yr. Rental of
Hydrants $531.,
CEMETERY -- Murray McEwan,
$100; Ed. ,Steep $108.80 less Ins.$1.38
$102.42; Murphy Bros, Gas and Oil
$4.70; Fred Ford, Grass seed $3;
Harry Watkins, Gas and Oil, $3.46.
F`8RrE• and WATER—W. S. R, Hol-
mes, Chemicals $5.
ford, Sept. 1 to 15,-.$60 (pd) Bai.
50 less II. C. $1. $49.
son,Sept. 1 to 15, $50 (pd.) bal. 350,
less H, a $1.50, $48.50; D. Elliott,
salary Sept. 1 to 15, $43.75 (pd.) bal.
$43.75 less H. C. $1, 342.75; Ed.
Chang, salary .Sept. 1 to 15 $43.75
(pd.), bal. $43.76,
SALARIES—M. T. Corless, Salary
$120.85 les H. C. $1.50, $119.35; J.
W. Manning, $4L67; Ontario Hospi-
tal Association, for Hospital care
(Std) 35.
lief (pd)1 320.58; Department of
T�euilth, Insulin $6.16.
INISURANtCHI- Dominion of Can-
ada Gsarantee Co. (G. D. Roberton)
Prem. Fire Engine $43.84; Imperial
Guarantee Co. (H. Lawson) Fidelity
Prem. $40.
IMcRwan'a, postage and supplies $7.50,
Clinton News -Record, Asseseor's sup.
pile's and general printing $20.80.
PENSE— Receiver—General, Scales
Inspection ,$5; Treas. Park Board,
Lubar Day expenajne $100; A. L
McMurray, 'fMunicapal Convention
expenses $16.30; Ontario Prov. Police
Branch, Traffic Officer's expense
$5.44; •M. T, Corless, Stenographer's
Services. paid 36.50; Frank Heins,.
Taxi service to Goderich on Court
case $3.; Postmaster G. M. Counter,
lnsuranee Stamps $10.62; Bell Tele-
phone Co. +General 316.1,7,
TOTAL 32,113.36
REVENUE-- Rentals $21.; Lie -
wises $5145; Steele" Scales $21.70;
Cemetery' $228.00.. '
TOFPAL 3322.15
Boy Scouts Net $155
The Clinton Boy Scouts and Wolf
Cube held a very.;sweceseful "Apple
Day" on Saturday last, Net proceeds
amounted to $155. They wish to thank
the ,people of Clinton, Brucefields Var-
na, Londesboro and the surrounding
distriot for their generous • support.
'The•Boy Scouts Association is very
grateful to Bartliff Pros„• -,Sutter-
Perdue, Clinton News-Iecord; Clinton
Limns, Club; Gordan Hornerand any
.other citizens who helped make this
day a euocee%
a Bruce Hilly St. Catharines, who
Was elected Piresident of The Canad-
ian Chamber of Oonmerce,• .national
federation 0±' boards ote trade • and commerce, at the Annual
Meeting in Quebec .City last week. Mr.
Hill succeeds C,. Gordon Coekshutt, of
Brantford. 'The Clinton•arid District
Chamber °Z.:Commerce ,is'a meiivbex
of„ The (Canadian ,:C'haumtber, and was
represented, at ±he.cohvention by Dr.
T3, C, Geddes', '
Autumn. Proves Happy Choice for Bridals
Many couples from this district.
have been "tied" during the past few
weeks, and'many them are those
pictured above.
1.-4Mr. and ,Mae. William Albert
Harris, who were married In St.
Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton, on
Saturday, October 4. The bride, the
former Geraldine Ruth White 'is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, 3. B.
White. Clinton, and the groom is the
son. of Ms, and Mrs. Bert Harris,
Goderieh Township.
2.---cMrr. and Mrs.. Kenneth E. Me.
Kenzie, whose marriage was an event.
of +Saturday, October 4; in St. James'
Church, Middleton. Formerly: Miss
Jessie Irene McCullough, the bride is
the daughter of Mrs. McCullough and
the late Benson tMcCulolngh, 'Godei:-
ioh. Township, and the • groom is the
son of Mrs. McKenzie and the late
William McKenzie, Hensel!. "
3. --Mr. and Mrs, 'Robert K, C.
Morgan, who chose Saturday, Sep-
tember 27. as their wedding day, tate
event taking place in Ontario St.
United Church, Clinton.. The bride,
the former Verna Marie Bayley, is
the daughter of •Mr, and Mrs, George
Bayley, Rupert Township, and the
groom is the only son of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas W. Morgan, Clinton.
4,—lMr. and Mks. Roy Frederick
011son, whose marriage •was solem-
nized in the Presbyterian. Churcth
Clinton; Saturday, October 4. Form-
erly Miss Jean. Margaret Morgan, the
bride is the only daughter • of Mr.
and Mae. Thomas W.'Morgan, Olin -
ton, while the groom is the son of
'Mr, and Mrs. Roy 011soi, London.
5.-1VIr, and Mrs. Chester George
J. Sturdy, who were married on Sat•
urday, September 27 in Benmiller•
United Church, The bride was forte-
erly Miss Alice Isobel Kernighan,
daughte rof Mr. and Mrs. John S.
Xernighan, -Colborne Township, and
the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Austin •S:tuidy, Goderieh Township,
6. --MT, and Mrs. Raymond Harold
Israel, who were married at the home
of the bride's mother on Saturday,.
October . 11. The bride, the former
Mise Margaret Ellen Crawford, is the
only daughter of Mrs. Mary Craw-
ford and the late Daniel Crawford,
Auburn, aed'tthe groom is the son of
Me. and Mrs. Harold Israel; West
ton by Fowler Bros. -Studio. Clinton
CCIBoard Endorses:
�es .
Cadet Training
Gunton Collegiate Institute Board against diphtheria andgiving Te-
at its .October meeting : in the Colleg-
iate, . with ,all members.:present and
chairman. Frank Fingland, Sr., pre-
siding, endorsed .a rezolution forward-
ed by "Strattford. •Board of Education
to continue cadet training as part .of
the syllabus of collegiate' institutes,.
Letters to this, e(feet were ordered
forwarded; tothe Minister of, .National
Defence :at Ottawa,. and the, Ontario
Minister. of Edueation, after the
Boaxdt unanienously approved the
principle involved.
To Serve Hot Lunches
The Board -' decider:) to commence
November 1 to serve; hot lithe -hes to
rural pupils,and- Miss- Lottie .Slonsau
was engaged as , supervisor,
Twenty new Underwood typewriters
have asnlved amd 'are now in use in
the Commercial I)eparttment. •, .
Awarded SchoIarsbip
Douglas McDonald,: son ofeli3'r,: and
Mrs, 'Sam MoDomald. • is the winner
of the Sir 'Ernest Coopers :Scholar-
ship for 1947, Principal E. A. Fines
reported.. A brilliant student dueling
the. past .year., Douglas is the .recipi;
ent'of 350 ea.Sh for being the best in
Upper ,School.
Registration Noy 228
Principal Fines •else `repoeted that
CCITT registration is new 228, as fel-"
lows: XTI3,'•7; XII, 29; XI, 44; Xa,
85; Xb, 39; IXa, 56; IXb, 38: Aver-
age attendance in September was
216.2, or 94.8 per cent,
Public School Board
Clinton Public ,School Board, at its
Octobermeeting,with h chafroan
F. Oudmoeorestidin decided to con-
ttinue the showings of NationalFil'tn
Board pictures.
Principal G. II: Jefferson reported
enrolment of 313, and an average
attendance ie ,September of 291.07, or
95.23 per cent, and that a • field day
with L McKee in charge, had been
held October 2, with events keenly
' 't)))ins Ml.. Mackenzie, school mese.
end Dr. F. G. Thompson,. MOHwere
reported as 'engaged at present in
inoculating the public'sehoel bhildren
inforcoments where deeaned'nseess+ary.
Kindergarten 'Moved,
The kindergarten eemmanced trues
day morning in Owen +Memorial Hall;
St. Pauls Church, with.. •Mrs.." Bessie
Falconer in eharge and 88 .pupils;
Charles :Hanly Heads:
CCI Students' Council
The. annual election of offieers' for
Students' Council 'of 'the Clinton -C'ol-
regiate, Institute was held last week,
resulting as follows:
President, •Charles Hanly; first
vice-president, Giatheritte • Fingland;
second vice-president, Alec • WiIson;
secretary, Jean .Nediger; tree4uaer,
Frank Lawson; boys' athletic re+pie-
seneative, Ken Arkell; girls' athletic
Twelve new 'seats. all the; small size; representative; Jeanne Garan; Form
have arrived. representatives: '13, • Marie '° Gliddon;
,Non-resWent Fees
12> Fred KirbY,11,DorothyMcGuire;
r, 10ameron- .Malfiby;• .10Ia, ;Rase
Pees fm ,.don -resident• •pupils willa, C
:• •
Marie Ake) ; 9a, +Shirley -'Falconer.;•
be •apt the rate' of .$3 pee month for 3b Jack Wilann: •
the, fast child, and $1 per :molrth for. i::, ', •,
Settlement Demanded
Earliest Possible Date
County Plowmen
At International
Huron County was well represented
in 'conrpetittions at the International
Plowing iMoteh, which, was held near
Kingston this week. Two' young plow-
men—.Art Bell Goderich Township,
and John Clanne, Colborne Township,
competed. as a team in the Liter -
_County Competition with horse-drawn
plows, finishing eighth, Gerald Dus-
tcnv, Port Albert. •and Bill Robertson,
R.R. 6, Goderich, competed, as a team
in the Infer -County Competition with
tractor -drawn plows,
Others 'competing in the open
classes were Jinn Hogg, . Seaforth;
Norman Pocock, Wingham; George
Robertson, R„R. 5, Genesi-eh; William
Rogerson, .Sea:oath; and Lorne Pass -
Snore; Exeter.
The richly bred Hostein bull, Mead-
ow Glade tRighto Pabst, has recently
been purchased by Colin Campbell,
Bayfield, from W. Hume Glutton,
Goderich. This bull combines heavy
production and good type to a marked
degree on both sides of his pedigree..
Hid dam, Meadow Glade Grace Pos-
ch Pabst, has been classified as "Very
Good" in Selective Registration and is
a member of the only group of five
daughters of one cow in Canada that
have been clas.fified as Very Good. $n
addition, she has a yearly R.O.P. re-
cord made on twice -a -day milking of
20,475 lbs. milk, 726 lbs. fat, average
butterfat test 3.55 percent. Her diem
has a yearly 'twice -a -day milking re-
cord of 717 lbs. fat from 19,973 lbs.
milk and her Sire is a proven son of
the great foundation cow, Dutchland
Netherland Calamity, with an eight
lactation lifetime record on twice -a -
day milking of 158,728 lbs, milk con-
taining 5,558 lbs. fat.
Butter Production
Continues to Gain
Butter production continues to run
ahead el last year, says C. E. Lackner
Director of the Dairy Branch, Ont-
ario Department of Agriuulture, in his,
summary of, creamery /netruce:es re.
Ponta for the month of September.
There are reports, .he states, show-
ing many patrons switching from
cheese factoieis to creameries. Many
cheese factories in Western Ontario
have discontinued the manufacturing
of cheese and are either separating or
shipping the milk.
Monday, Thanksgiving •DnY, nYas a
public holiday in Clinton and the
office and•,plant •of The News -Record
Mere closed. .As a result, one dray 'was
cut eft the worldng week, and' it was
found physically impossible to set•'all
the mews that offered, The main
items left over included some rural
correspondence from Varna, Con-
seence, Goderioh Township, Bruce-
field,t Porter's Hill, Tueke'steith and
,Aiwburn, as well as several church and
social /toms, personal • column and
sports hears, for which we apologize.
This material will be published next
week; 'we hope it is' "better late thee
The Sight Conservation Committee
of Clinton Lions Club, Harry Bart -
tiff, chairman, will be in charge of
the annual tagday for the Oanedian
National •Institute for 'the tBiind'whieb
'each'addiBonal ehiki, payable at•the •";4- ' .' will be held :here on Saturday,' Octo-
NEW -RECORD assified's .cost bet 18:1 Those tagged are requested
little .but. produce big regultse to be generate:
end .of December and June. There ere
12 to•.1.4 non-resident pupils++at the:
present time,_
Minimum Charge ..50c
8e a .weird"
Clinton Lions FaII-Frolic; Arena,.
Friday, October 17, at .7.30.. • p.m.
Dance in. town hall, 10'- pm. to 1' a•nx:
Ladies' :Auxiliary` of the Canadian
Legion Bazaar in •Cotineii. Chanvber,
October 18. Baking, knitting, apron
and motion haotho. 40-b
Bazaar, Town Hall, Clinton, ,Satur•
day, October 18, auspices /action Aux-
iliary to Canadian Legion. ,Supper
served. 41-42x.
Dance sponsored by Clinton Junior
Farmers in Clinton Town Hall. on
Friday, October 24, with Murdock's
Orchestra. 41-42-b
Bazaar .Tevn Hall, Clinton,ntonr
day, October 25, at 2.30 pan., spon-
sored by 'MAI and WSW of Hoimes-
vile United, Church: Faney:worlc, ;home
baking, and foam produce.bootbs. Af-
ternoon tea will be served. Ails wel-
come: 42b
Country Fair in lecture .vrobn of
Wesley -Willis United ";church, ',under
auspices of W.A. and Girls' Club; an
Saturday, November 1: • . 41.tfb;
, Anneal Fowl Suppers . St. - Jeeepli'e
church, Clinton, Tuesday, November
18.” 2bi f
Rev. Father:Maurice;N.-Sullivan
P s B • . s". Coo • r i e.:omm nit
tans oyr peatxv C u y
A for+merparish priest of ,St. Jo- from Prennie': brew to an offer• to
setph's Raman Catholic. Meech, Clin- bring youbhe-;.14'ate 18 years of age
iron, and ',St.• Michael e, • Blyth, •Rev. to Canada under the province's our.
Maurice N. •Sullivan proposeseto. set rent inssnignittion 'scheme, he: would
pp, a" rto-operartive' "boys' town" near get in touch.. with 'Canadian 'official4
Delaware,. • 12 utiles west, .of London, Fie Brittain in an effort' to•' establish
on the estate of the late 'Senator .E..:same molts to bring them over. '
S, Little, London, for 100 Europeen tan"
searching for "corn -loped -
youths. Negtiations for the,.propexty tan" youth .who would "`set .an exam
haire been under way for several ple for the world in denoceatic liv-
months; ing" Father Sullivan hopes to set' up
A native, of A'stlafielcl township, in Hr'ibain, Italy and the United ,States •
Father t$ullivan preceded Fattier S. J. zone of Germany, centres for the dis-
McDonald as, pariah •priest here .•sev- tribution.; af• concentrated foods. Ire is
oral years ago. ;Usrtil a little over a carrying /his, own four-moiit'hs' con -
year ago, he was assistant in the centrated. food supply in .e tuns food
parish at. Aylmer';; and, •also was sta. 'square . box.
tinned in Chatham' and London. Father ',Sullivan .said .that the ma=
Iather Sullivan, who was scheduled lorityothe boys probably would
to flyfrom New Yore Sunday, seated
British, but that on his visitstod
is -
before his departure that he was. go- placed persons' oampm in Europe, he
ing in am.effort en find 10U;,,"frustrat_ hopes to find representatives of sev+
ed Emropean bus", willing to make oral nationalities Who •wishto. make
the farm at ••Deiaxlare a "four free- •a career of farming in Canada.
dome farm:". He :aa{d he; would t, se The project is supported by public
looking for Russien, Feench and Ger• subsoriptions, but it is expected to
ratan boys as well es Br tons, Lamer, be self-sustaining within. .a few years.
he hopes some Annericans• wilt, loin the He sad he first thought of the pian
eo-operative eomrcnnnity he plans to, after; a visit last year to ~lather
begin, next d1'lay Flarnegan'e "boyo' town". rear Amapa,
.The t54yoai old t;text;„,stated.,that:,khiirb, where waamvard youths •+are:'re-
,h•. s •
1Chdngh,,.he lead, xeeetved'.; iso, •reply. 'Iuabilitated,
Following an emergency meeting
of the executive of Huron County
Federation of Agriculture and the
County Hog producers, in the Agri -
vulture' Office, Clinton, Saturday ev-
ening, it was decided to call a meet.
lug ,to deal with 'ate critical situation
arising from the strike in the pack..
ing plants and .with the serious feed
grain. situation.
This general meeting o£ the, Fed•
elation was held in the town hall,
Clinton, Thursday evening, with a
large attendance, Wirth Russell Bolton,
Dublin, president Huron County Fed-
eration of Agriculture, in die chair:
Three resolutions, which had heen
prepared by the executive, 'were
adopted after considerable disoussiou,
Seek Action to End Striae
The first was that "we, :the farm-
ers of Huron County, do vigorously
protest the lack of definite action
on the part of the Ontario Govern-
ment iti regard to this prolonged
strike" and that "Huron County Fed.
eration of Agriculture do demand
that the Ontario Government take
immediate notion to end the present
deadlock by enforcing the law, or by
turning the matter over to the Do-
minion Government as a national
The local members of •the Legisla-
tune were requested to take the reso
!anion to Toronto to find earl if the
strikers illegal and do everything
in their power to bring the present
deadlock to an end.
The resolution was introduced by
Charles' R. Couites Belgrave, and
others who spoke included .Dr, R.
Hobbs Taylor, MLA for Huron; J.
W. Harald, MLA foe Huron -Bruce; J.
Roach, Dashwood; W. H. Golding,
MP for Huron -Perth; R. S. rMeKer-
oher, Seaforth; Murray Grainger,
Varna; Harry Pallin, 'McKillop; J.
111. ,MeKinley, Stoney,
J. A. Lumsden, -Stratford, Deputy
District Governor for Zone 3, Dis-
+trio A-1, paid his official vist to
Clinton Lions Club at the regular
dinner meeting in St. Paul's Parish:
Ball, Tuesday evening,
Mr, Lumsden, who was introduced
by Third Vice -President . Hugh In,
Haivliins and thanked ed in I ahalf of
the gathering • by President W. E.
Perdue, delivered an inspirational ad-
dress on some aspects ai; Lionisin and
also of Co-mmunism,
"We are up -against an internation-
a 'problem," he declared, "and we're
now in a ,position in which we'll ,have
to do something about it." He urged
a steadfast front against Communism,
and remarked that sending parcels
to .Britain, ' .as approved by Lions
Clubs, was one of the "tangible ways
In which' we can defeat Commuuni5mt".
The draw resulted in Russell E.
Holmes winning a third time in a
row. The next meeting on Tuesday,
Oblsibar 28, will feature the report
of the C'lub's delegate to Lions In-
tonational Convention in San Fran-
eisco hast July, with •picinees taken
.President W. E. Perdue was in the
chair for the previous meeting of the.
Club, when the Sight Conservation
Committee was in charge. Harry
Bartliff, chairman -of the committee,
took over and conducted the re-
mainder of the meeting. The draw
was won, foe the second Consecutive
time, by, R. E Holmes,
A. W. Sparks, fieldrepresentative
of the Canadianu National Institute for
the Blind, gave a very interestitg,
talk on the rehabilitation of the.,,
blind, with:referepce. to the import
ant part played by the Canadian..
National •Institute for the Blind since
its founding in tMareh 1918. Its .
battle cry hag' been "help: the blind
to help themselves." .Mr. Sparks
stated that in ,29 years, the Canadian
biind'have reached ,a level of achieve-.
nut nt envied the World round. There
were •1.5,000 blind in Canada; of which
4;600 were in Ontario, 45 in Huron
County, and foie. in this community..
C. lin Draper expressed the thanks
of /,the ,gathering to the speaker.
Clinton Tcwix Council met in con-
mittee of the whole, in the Council
ChambereTuesdtay evening, with tMay-
or•, A. 3. McMurraypresic3ng and
Town Solieitor Frank Fingiand. Sr.,
also in attendance 115Y invitation, The
matter ,under discussion was the ass-
essmenis of farms within the munieipt•
ality, five sueh property owners being
on hand A full explanation of the
egulatians was made.
A Smile i•1. fo,
e r
rn da
ACcarding to, Procedure
The new President . 08 a Ladies'
Club conducted her first meeting
seated throughout the entire session.
When: questioned why she did not
remain standing, she replied. "I hone
a book on parlia0entary procedure
and tit' Says, 'The President address-
rng'Che meeting must never leave the
chair;:": .. '