Clinton News-Record, 1947-09-11, Page 6cx..IN "Oiii Nsi'W's R iW 'CIITi'RiSC?AY, rSE'PTL!M lfZ'I. b1 .ieres� ng Items From ews ecord' Correspondent NEWS OFBAYFIFLO Representative Miss Lucy R. Woods Phone Clinton 631r31 Miss AileenCastle is attending Goderich Collegiate' Institute. Mrs. Charles Toms and Mrs. Nellie Clark'spent`Friday in Sarnia. • Mrs. Lloyd Makins left on Monday to spend a few days' in Toronto. Miss Flallen„ llbeeliay is attending the`&hool of Commerce, Clinton, Mas. L. Roby and Roberta, Detroit, vent ?pent the week -end in J'owett's Grove. gibs. W. D. Stevenson has closed her ,cottage and returned to London. (Miss' Beverley York left on Mon- Yiay to attend Normal School in Lon- don. ‘ - Mr. and Mrs. H. 'Edwards', London, spent the week -end 'with Mr, and Mrs. T. C. Bailey. The Woollen :Steppe closed Sat- irrday following an end -of -the -season sale at reduced prices. Mr. and ;Mrs. J. M. Stewart, Ham-' itlon, were at their home on Louisa St. over the week -en& Mm. andMrs.'Stanley Thompson and son; Bobbie, Detroit, spent the week -end at their cottage.. Miss Jessie • Metealf left on hien- day to resume her teaching duties Wayne University, Detroit. (Miss Janet Manson returned the village on Saturday after having spent three weeks at Zurteh. Mrs. : Victor Burt and family, Lon- don, were with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker, aver the week end. e Mr. and Mrs. William Bell, Dear at to - - COURT OF REVISION Township of Goderich 1 A Court of Revision to hear and determine complaints against the assessment roll for 1948 will be ].held do HOLMESVILLE Monday, October 6 at 10 a.m. Ml complaints mut be in writing and ailed with the undersigned no later than October- 3. This Court of Revision is for the assessment made during the summer and on which the 1948 taxes will he cc4nputed R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk R. R. 2, Caliniton ' �►'M ' y r I• 7 ( f '{,j1 fit(, '. i +r •,. , 3 ' i , t , „ u a h II V a' IV sr di a; L ti e t,E b. A u h v u ti 01 TL tl tr 21 M A tc is It I u� to tk cl 271 ,1 4' :� e - ave '. . ,r i , ' �T got More products, walks of brurdjebdntt7 Citn_hLoes' �-:� A ! 7.1 ry,. ,. - ,„•.R r r 't7.:o 9..k. _ till! -5 l '� �' '�'. •<Y. f' 0ISS``.a /3' .� '�'' 3. c a 7' •zes n ri • 1 Lzna y on his new barn, talk he bad with good land and extra money 1 can tare ..." Soon, there'll be livestock work for the more food of life to profit and industry is Canadian banks. �, of .....- `a/. Eby -i„'' '..1.--._;,..L.,.1,-'-'--"(,* �, '.lir 4 S'1 • ✓' ti rr q Tr yi,�Y4 ,, I1, s'.,rr�(`/ � �f �( {"J ,7 q•,rte .t'% b�� r 'S -yam."' i ” ref► _, !r' �,- : W1,111(111 Watching Jim. thinks his bank 1 can work really make So Jinn new farm s :. a well community, for home Helping from their one of the a" � I ld yy�� �yRSL f' .,r`t,•.li a j L / the men at work of the friendly manager. "I've it. With a little a dream come got his bank loan. equipment ...'improved filled granary. more farm and export. people in all own enterprise chief functions --...:aa-'---"-------- '-r=' ;1a� vele " ,asses It owl i� . , _no 0! p oral to ,l,i•r�err� g' ? .e. �aov� • .,,....40,0,674.'=4:'''`..1" fi,; --',1 SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK born, -Mich,, have purchased William H:' Middietoree •cottage at the •Pop- ' �Mr. and Mrs, H. Howald' returne to Stratford on Monday after havin managed Peters cabins for, the sea Son. Mr. and Mrs. ,B.. H. Middleton an Bobby, Hensell, visited Mrs. Middle Moat's mother, M'rls. N. W., Woods, on KIPPEN d, I{ijipen East W I g Kippen Mast Women's Institute met at the home of MVlrs: Ross,Chap- man with over 60 members and guests d present. It wise` the borne economics - tweeting with Mrs. Jack Sinclair presiding. The roll call ' was Answer- ed by "My favorite 'task at house= keeping." Mrs. R. Eagle spoke on the molhto, "We Learn By , Ebcperience•" Mrs. Cliff Watson, Kippen, gave a demonstration on baking angel food cake. 1VIrs. Tom Kay spoke on the advantages of, arpree'aure cooker. Musical selections were given by Charles. Alexander, accompanied by Mrs. R. Broadfoot. • Mrs. Glenn Mc- Lean introduced the Hurondale Club girls. Mts'Jack' Kirkland, Pedder of, the elub, presented the rei'nainder of the program. Are instrumental .'vas given by Miss Margaret Dougall.- A reading, "And So Did I," was given by Miss Ann Brock, Exeter. Demonstrations were followed by a skit on "Being Well Dressed and Well Groomed," Jean Brock, Marion Rundle and Ann Brock taking part. This portion of the program was concluded by a' song by the Huron - dale girls. A vote of thanks was tendered to the visiting club and to the hostess, Mrs. R. Chapman. Sunray. • —Miss Jean L. ,Sturgeon; Preston, spent the Labor Day week -end with her parents, IMc. and Mrs. Edward Sturgeon.• Mr. and Mrs. James Maitland and Mrs, E. Moorehouse, London, are oc. cupying Mrs, G. Church -ward's cot- tage this week. • Mrs. Nellie" Qlark has returned to 1St. Thomas after'�liaxing• •sitent a fort_ night with her sister-in-law, Mrs. 'Charles Toms. William H. Johnston and his bro- ther in-law, Louis Wild, who had been visiting his sister, left last week for Nekoma, N.Dak. Mr. •and Mrs. III. M. Gaffney, IDe- txoit, s,pennt the week -end with Mr. am •Mrs. .T, H. Lambert, returning home on 'Monday. Dr. :mid MIs, N. B. Alexander re- tured to London lest week after hay., Ing `spent the summer at their cot- tage on Bayfield Terrace. Mr. and Mrs, Allan Harris and babe,' and Mrs. D. A. Volume moved from "Blinkbonnie' into Mrs. A. Brisson's cottage last 'week. Mr. and Mee Hugh Thompson and tnvo children returned to their home in Toledo on 'S'unday after having spent a weelc in the village. • Mr. and Mrs. E. Kendall and two children, Elmira, visited Mrs.^•Rene drall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Jowett over the week -end. 'Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cree Cook, "Lochame", over the week -end were 1VIr. and Mrs. J. Taylor, Detroit, and Billy Bell, .Tr., Dearborn, Mich. Warrant Officer A. Crewe, RCAF, R and 0 School, Clinton, Mrs. Crewe said two chilrhen are occupying Mrs. Lloyd • Makins' cottage on Main Se Miss M. Hodgins and Prof. Lloyd C, Hodgins returned to Toronto on Monday after having spent the sea- onsat their cottage, "Stonehaven'. Dr. find :Mrs. R. Hunter and fain- ly, and. Charles Rogers, Jr., left ' on Menday for their home In Toronto after having spent the summer in the village. Mr. and Mrs. G. Finout and. Miss Margaret Finout returned last week to 'their home in Buffalo after hav- ng spent a vacation at their cottage n Jowett's 'Grove. Mrs. George Heidemann and Miss Fsobel Heidemann returner] to To - onto on Monday after having spent a week in the village while closing heir cottages for the season.. Mrs,' Henry McCilnehey accompa- ied Mr. !and Mrs. William Speed to Detroit last week, 'Mei. A. Holm, who had been caringor her e• f anobh x re- r turned to her home in Preston; Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Doyle and hies children are o u =ir ec p} rg a cot•• a 'e in Jo t r' w t o e a Grove for Se tem- Icer. Mr. Doyle is stationed at the ROAF• R and C School, Clinton. Don Scott, Seaforth, is the guest of his sister-in-law, Mrs. Jas. Scott, while spending a vacation in he village. J`as. R. Scott, Toronto, as also here over the week -card. r i George Bell was !home for several ours on Tuesday es a while the freighter Y (tiruedoe" was in harbor at 'Goderich. llanaid McLeod, 'who was aboard the Gluedoe" for one trip, returned home. Mrs. R. H. F,'Gairdmer left Thurs- ay last for Lake Geneva, Wis., after t axing _pent the past two months at er home in the village. She accom- panied Rev. and Mrs, L. Morgan ho are on n motor trip air the United Cates. Guests at the home of Mr. and ITS. LeRoy Poth, Jewett's Grove, vel, the week end were: Mr. and Ales; aroldl 111arlon Mr. and Mrs Roy rHaag, Mr. and Mrs. Alcoa Shouits, r. •and Mrs. Dewey Shonits, Mr. nd 'Mrs. Roy Poth, Mr. and Mrs. lilaner Pott, Brown City Mich. Move to Goderioh Mr. and •Mrs. George •Castle. who >Id their home en 'Oliiniguy St. to Ors. R. B. Johnston early in the miner, moved to Goderich on Tuee- ay. They mill be missed in the vill- ge. Mr. Castle is president of the ions Club and ,his enthusiasm for re work will be,m'issed in that or- anizartion as well as his active.,in- erest in all civic affairs. Seheal Going Strong The school bell •summoned pupas ark to school • last weer:, Don Mc- uley, London, is principal, acid Mrs. JIntern Parker, assistant. Continu- tion classes are not being taught ere this year es the school bus pro - des ample • opportunity for all pu- ts in these grades, to attend Olin m •Collegiate Institute. There has rerefore, been a "re-aerangesne rt of asses.)Lrs, Parker teaches the ju • grades, 1.4, with an enrolment IS year of 24, and Mr. 11VIcAuley caches the senior grades, in which 3 pupils- are enrolled, Travelling Library Here The mobile ,Library in charge of rs. Eokmier, Huron County/Library ssociation librarian, arrived • ;Sel - euber 4 on schedule at the Bayfield ibrary at 9.36 a.m. This n:ew streamlined book track the only one of its kind in Canada is quite roomy .and carries 000 eke on its shelves. These are left in its at the various libraries and the cal librarian pio'ks• the snits from. e shelves while 5Sss. Eclernrei ecks the books in the units being turned. 'Mrs. iflel rarer is •assisted this work'bir her husband. andi they e both very proud that Huron ounty is the Bust in Canada to intnre into this method of distribu- g books to those Mi arias beloag- g to. the Association in the eorxcty, (Intended for last week) Miss Bety Lou Leeson is speeding a few days in London,. • Mies Mabel Scotclamer, Toronto, is spending a variation with her permits, • Mr. .and Mrs. Robert Scetchmer. Howard and Ronald Burt, London, spent the week -end with their grand- parents, Mr, .and Mrs. le. W. Baker,\ Misses Alice and Ann Droum and Miss A. Fernette, who have spent the summer in their respective cot- tages, returned to Detroit, Monday. Students attending Clinton Collegi. ate are Norma Sturgeon, 'Ethel Blair, Marie Sterling, Ronald Castle, Gloria Westlake, Evelyn Bell, Betty Lou Larson. George Howard and son and daugh- ter -in -lawn, Me. and Mrs. Irwin'How- ard, Regina, visited the former's sister, IMrs, F. W. Baker, and other relatives over the week -end. Clarence Larson, accompanied by Miss Leta Simpson, London. spent the holiday week -end 'with his mother. Len 'Smith and son, Glen, London, were also with :them over the week- end. TvIrs. •Smith and Maxine, who have` been visiting her sister and mother, accompanied them on their return to London. School Re -opens The old school bell summoned pu- pils back to studies in Bayfield Tues- day morning. Don McCauley, London, is ,principal and Mrs. William E. Parker, assistant. There is a large enrolment in it).ie „nubile school this year, Brother Passes" Miss M, Hodgins, Dr, and Mrs. Cameron McNeil and Master Hugh,' and Prof,+L. C. Hodgins were called Toronto Fridayevening ower to. to stento g the sudden death of their brother, Reginald W. Hodgins. They returned to. their cottage after the funeral. Dr, and 'Mrs. MoNeil and;,.elegh left on Wednesday morning for their home in Cleveland. 25 Years Married Saturday evening a delightful sine poise party was held at the hoarse of Mr.anaMrs.E.C>. Williams Victoria St., Goderich, in honor of the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Torrance, r nee fYBa .old. The house was tastefully decorated with sum- mer flowers, and the dining room with, pink .streamers and pink and white gladioli. After a bountiful sup - Per, Mi. and Mrs. Torrance were presented will lovely gifts, including' a complete silver tea service and GODER11CH-•Town Assessor and serving tray. Taken by surprise the Tax Collector O. W. Sturdy has been guests of honor could not express granted• leave of ,obsenee by •Town their heartfelt thanks, as nevch-Colincnl to the end of the year, on thought and planning had gone into ,the advice of hie physician. His the surprise it turrued out a Jovely work will be earlier]. on in the office of the town clerk. LwC NDESBORO ;Miss P. Blear spent last week in Toronto. Mr. an 'Mee d A Radford spent a• few days at Lion's Head last week. Mr. Bob :Lyon, Leamington, called on frieasib in the village on Friday. •Miss Kathleen Beacon, is teaching at No. 5 sehol, and Miss June Marsh et No. 8 this term. 'Mr. and Mrs. Colin Fingland spent the weekend with the former's sister, Miss Alice Fingland. Miss' (Margaret Tamblyn returned home on Thursday ,after spending the summer at Port Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hutton and Paul, Winghann, •spent Saturday. with Mr. and Mrs. Clare Vincent. .Mrs. Moore, Perth, returned home on .Monday •atter •srpending a week with her niece, ,Mrs. James McCool. (Miss .Myrtle Grainger returned to Toronto on Saturday after spending three weeks with her sisters, Mrs. H. Riley and Mrs, G. Cowan. &fr. and Mrs. L. Gooier and Miss Beth. Govier, •God'eiich, and Miss Elva Goner, London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mss William Govier. The many friends of Mrs. Elizabeth GODERIC1I TOWNSHIP Miss Nell IMeDougall, Detroit, vis- ited with Mr. and airs, Vic Elliott last week. Mr. McGee and Mrs. McKinnon and little. daughter, Toronto, visited with Me.' and Mes. John McGuire last week. •IMr. end Mrs. Andy Sloan Mack and Miss 'Margaret Howell, S=heffield, visited with friends in this vicinity last week. Mark Birthdays Alfred Stirling and James R. Stir- ling celebrated their birthdays, which fall on the same day, on Sunday at the 'Stirling home with 40 guests Present. Among those from a dis- tance were: Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bailey, Jean and Bob, Amherstburg; Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harrison and Marj, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stirling, Mimico; Mr. and :Mrs. Bert Harris and family; Mr. and Nes. Dick Por- ter and Dwight; Mr. and Mrs. 'Bob Stirling, Wayne and Bonnie; Mr. and Mrs. Murray McDougall and Miss White, Clinton. A dainty lunch was •served by the ladies, and all enjoyed themselves. S.S. 4 Community Club The ladies of the S.S. No. 4 Com- munity Club met at the 'tame of Mrs. L Tebbutt for elseir 'August meeting. Tlie president, :'MIs. Forbes, was in r erred p meeting • " ac. o charge -of the wh r with the Lord's 'Player repeated 'in unison." Thee' minutee'of,:tis •pyevions i .ri .. ted. A Meeting were read aid rola gP motion was passed that a bazaar be held in the near future and commit- tees were appointed to make arrange_ meats for it. Mrs. P. Jones and Mrs. Forbes were elected to attend a hos- pital meeting, A gift donated Marion Jones t d b y was won by Mrs:• Williams. The next meting is to be held at the home of Mrs. Frank Jones. After the •meeti ng lunch was served by the hostess. Daring .the afternoon 'another quilt was finished. 0 ASSESSOR,,GSVEN LEAVE Party. m IAllllllNlllllllllllllIIIlIiIsIl n mimil llllmllllm011111101rNlllmliNllllllllNlllll mlull 11. ., • Sea.forth Fall Fair E.fa Fri. -Sat., Sep19--20 i ,...-,"i i i i 1 --School Cbi'itlren's Parade 1 i I 2-2 Harness Races — 2,28 i , and Classified Race ® 3-2 Running Races —• 0 Open wand G eeae i 4—Tug-of-War, "atm. -county fango I • 5 -Baby Shiow rle in Caa dsao's Hall t= 6—Old Time Square Dance IIIC90 t Fr Eia y Evening f September 19 A7 rtiid h • ohlnriamble a iii 8—Rides for the Ch'ilidren Saturday Evening September 20 ! 9—Exeter Brass Band Bannockburn Pipe Band ••04. t0 WI i N E MANY SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS in costume, with 2 Bands Monster Concert "BACK TO OIVIE STREET" by H. W. Simpson Entertainment Co., Detroit are Camdno's Hall Friday Evening September 19 7-2 of the funniest Clowns 10—Several everal..Booths oda litre Grounds 11-05. W. Simpson Entor1IBismaemt 'Co., Detroit, at Fair Oramad's, Saturday (Oast, September 20 ADIpII,SSIO'N 50c Children 25c Automobiles 25e Grairdstand 25e School Children in Parade, Free Ikll✓idI11P61116timilminno lmfutiti Nlmins11ikeimilbltnt11l1t199111tltlIP 11111I11N14114i1Wi4111911& Lyon wish to congratulate her on her 87th birbhady, 'whieh the will celeb- rate on Tuesday, September 16. The W.A. wilt hold the regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, ,S'ap. tomber 17, at 2.30 o'clock in the basement of the church. The host- esses are Mrs. John .Snell, Si., .Mrs. John Snell, Jr., Mrs. Joseph Yung- brut and Mrs. John Voddon. Misses Lois Woodi and Thelma Slhobbrook attended the 13th annual school for leaders in Women's Mis,,- sionery. Society of the 'United Church. of Canada, under the direction of the." London Conference breech, at Alma College, St. Thomas, held the .11astu week in IAlugust. Special Sermon Series in the churches of the Londesborr,: charge (Londes!boaro, Burns :and; COTS.. stance), the minister, Rev. A.. Pen- man, is preaching •a :tort series oil sermons on the subject "•Idarth;s• Golden. Age". The second sermon, "How will the golden age be ushered' . in?" will he preached next Sunday. You should not miss' bearing the meaning two sermons. If you have ever faced an emergency; you know how important it is to get right -of. way for urgent calls. Remember the master rale "Do unto others as you would like them to do for you — and do it first." The $3,500,000 being spent this year alone will provide more rural lines and mean, fewer parties on each line. FOR ((EST I. RESULTS 2. FROM YOUR 3' TELEPHONE 4' Keep calls brief. Space your calls, Avoid "listening -in." Give right-of-way to urgent calls. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA HI (IIINImil III III IIIIIIII IiIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111110unium. ,nl n ,nl , I. Or `II� 0 IN Ii!1j11 ,t llll,, `16\i , INNI IIIIp 'Ilkt ,;1111111, , .li. 1111 ti 1. / I!I'i11II1' I�I�4 i1111j1i 111j111, 1 nqun n• I.,..,,,,IIIII,I)I i ill 111 �IiII us I �r IIIIIIIIdf11 it It DETROIT'S "FIRST" IN CONVENIENCE • COMFORT • QUALITY be the heart of the downtown, office, theater, arid shopping wen. Friendly, courteous service to moke your stay in Detroit a pleasant memory. The Toiler Coffee Shop or Cafeteria For excel- lent Food modestly priced. The Hotel Taller, Detroit's largest, is the place to stay. VISIT OUR Cocktail .Codrirde ONE OF DETROIT'S FINEST 800 ROOMS WITH BATH FROM $275 J-itile/ Zoller FACING GRAND CIRCUS:rPARK • RICHARD C HODGES, Mgr. Introductory Offer Clinton News -Record From Now until the End of the Year Only 50c TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS (65 cents in United States) A REAL BARGAIN I+OI THOSE WHO WISH TO JOIN THE. EVER -+GROWING FAMILY OF "The Home Paper With The News" • Clinton News -Record, Clinton, Ontario Please Bind enclosed 50 cents (65 cents in USA) to cover the cost of CLINTON NEWS -RECORD from now until the end of 1947. Name Actress '.aseeNrarsa4waw eamaw•sa