Clinton News-Record, 1947-05-22, Page 4PAGE FOUR en's CLINTON NEWS -RECORD TiIURrSD.A.Y, ,MAY 22, 1947 and :hurch Affairs in Clinton and Distriel - • Hospital Day Tea and blue spring flowers . The tea table was attractively ar. Proves Successful ranged with a silver basket of yel- low roses -and yelaow tapers in silver holders. Mn•s W. A. Oakes and Hes. F. Thomperon presided at the tea `able, while tea as'eistants were Mrs. J. Leripee, Mrs. J. Shanahan, Ma's. B.B. P:o.cklin ton, Mr's. D;G. Crowe, ri. D, Ba'1 ai:d Mrs, M. Counter. Assisting in the kitchen were Mi•s. C. M. Shearing, Mrs. G. F. Elliott. Mrs. Schellenberger. Mrs. Wilfred Jervis. Mrs. L. Brown and Mrs, George German. Mrs. A. T, Cooper was responsible for the attractive table decorations, The W 11Z.S, of Clanton Presbyter. fan Church will meet on Wednesday afternoon, May 28, at 3 o'clock at the hone of Mrs. G. D. Roberton, The "Hospital Day" tea held on Monday afttet'nooar May 12, was a de• elided , success when aver 60 ladies took advantage of the opper un.ty of see. ing .bhrongh the hospital and finding out about the excellent work being accomplished there for the cam- , natality. - Msts Sinclair, •su,perinrtendent of the hospital and Mrs. L M. Mc- Kinnon, president of t'ne Hos'p!ital Aid received the many guests. Mrs. J. ; A. Sutter was in charge of the guests' registration. The nurses on tate hospital staff showed the guests .through .the rooms of ,, ebbe building*, which were colorfully decorated with bouquets of yellow Take advantage of the sr 4711 n 04\\ ;\4 s to brighten you hone wit ze rt4!{E5 NO 5505H MARKS" Paints and :taanmeis Whin the whole family get enthused about brightening up the home, painting is fun! Flo -glaze Paint will do a grand job around the house and garage. Flo -glaze is easily applied—movers more surface per gallon, last years longer. For porch furniture, there's nothing better than Flo -glaze Four Hour Enamel. It flows on smoothly—is famous for its durable, china -like gloss and washability. On porch floors, Flo -glaze Floor Enamel provides a tough elastic film that stands lots of wear and scuffing. See your Flo -glaze Dealer now and have a family "painting kg" on the 24th. For Salo by: MARTINS Department Store Clinton, Ontario Phones: Main 36w; 2nd Floor 36j POSTER-SIIANAHAN A very pretty,wedding took place at ,St. Peter's Rectory, London, ' on Saturday, May 17, when Rev. 0. K. McMahon united in marriage Rita Celestine (iSally) Shanahan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Shanahan, Clinton, -bp John Robert, son of Mr. and -Mrs. Thomas C. Foster, Sterllitig SL London. The bride, given in marriage• by her father, was lovely in a pearl gray gabardine suit with navy ac- cessories. She wore -a corsage of Bniarclifee s'ores', Attending the bride was. her •sis'- ter, Miss Phyllis Shanahan, as bridesmaid, who ware a dusty rose suit with black accessories and a corsage of talisman rases. Albert Foster, brother of the bride- k•rooni, was best man. Following the ceremony a recep- tion was held at Llyn Lodge, London. Later •the young couple left on a wedding trip to Niagara Falls and Buffalo. Upon their retot'n they will resi1e in London. Engagements Announced Me. and -Mrs. Harry Fowler, Clin- ton, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lorraine Edith, to Kenneth Andrew Scott, only son of Mr, and Mrs. Ross Scott, Brucefi'eld. the marriage to take place early in June, —o Archdeacon Townshend Diocesan Secretary A Goderich Township old boy. Archdeacon William A. Townshend. London, is the new secretary -treas- urer of the Diocese of Huron, Chereb of England in Canada, succeeding ,Anchdeaeon W. J. Doherty, who re- signed May 13, atter 31 years' ser. vice. The latter passed away unex- pectedly last week following an ill- ness of four days, Archdeacon Townshend, who has been commissioner df the Dioeese since 1909 and Archdeacon since 1945, was appointed unanimously by the Synod of Harron Tuesday to fill She post, he being the only nominee. "I am but i11-rfi.tted to fill the shoes of this great man, yet I will do my best to serve the diocese to `he limit of my capacity, though per- haps, in a way different from that of Archdeacon Doherty," the new ap- pointee stated following his election. After thanking the members of the Synod for their confidence, Areh- deacon Totrnrshend 'went on to pay tribute to bhe "great qualities" of Archdeacon Doheuty. Archbishop C. A. ;Seager else paid unarm tribute to Archdeacon Doherty, and welcomed the new secretary -treasurer who will entintue to serve as eolnntioslo iter. ---0- 100F Notes The regular meeting of Clinton Lodge No. 83 IOW. was held in the lodge room .on Tuesday, Maly 13. Special work of the evening was the conferring of the Initiatory De- gree on five candidates. Two other members were also received by trans- fer from outside lodges. Following the meeting the new brothers were given a chance to say_a few words. Children Baptized In Presbyterian Faith The highlight a the Mother's Day services in the Clinton and Bay- 3ielcl Presbyterian Churches was t'he baptism of several children, Rev. D. J. Lane, the minister, officiated at both services. Those baptized in Clinton church were: Sharlene Margaret Turner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Turner; •Cameron Walter 'MacDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mac- Donald; and Kenneth Laurie Colqu- houn, son of Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth W. Colquhoun. In the :Bayfield Church the fol- lowing received this rite: Judith Ruby Armstrong and Janet Ann Armstrong, children of Mr. anti' Mrs. John A. Armstrong; Bonnie Joy Susanne Pollock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, William M. Pollock; and Garry Dewar Talbot, son of Mr. and Mas, Dewar Talbot. Record Your Wedding Day with Photographs 3owlet 13t03. PIHOTOGRAPHERS • PHONE 84 Mclwan's CLINTON ♦tete21.-b Rev. A. D. Penman Addresses Clerics Clinton Council of Churches inet in the Nolle of Rev. A. D. Penman, Lon- desboro, on May 7. The main item of the meeting ' wa s a discussion following a ,presentation made by Rev. A. D. Penman on the interpretation of the -First Chapter. oe Genesis. What was purpose of the chapter and the oder of erea'ti,on e Mr .Penman gave numbers of quotatinns to show that there was nor mraninrit among the scientists concerning th process oe ereattion, eteree eularly the matter of the evolution -my timer 11 was an intim -.,t i,g• a Idress an there was a good discussion. Th question arose in the discussion what was its relationeeip to the adn onit• ion of Paul when he said "Preach the Word". The ne•-t meeting will be held in Bayfield in June, Ontario St. eWMS Holds May Meeting 'The W.M.S. of Ontario St. United Ohurch held its May ,meeting on Tuesday, May 13, in, the school hall. Mrs, W. J. Woolfrey used a verse as e. call to Worship and then open. ed the .meeting with hymn 375.ePsalm 709 -was read in unison followed ble prayer. Reports were given by the various deparkments• Plaits were made for the June meeting at which the Mis- sion Band and the Baby Band and mothers are to be the guests of the senior organizotion: Mrs. F. Townsend gave -a very in- teresting talk 'on the "Blue Book" and tinged that it be read more fre- quently. efts. Hoggart continued further the study -of "India." Me - ports of the Preebyterial held at Exeter were given by the delegates, 0 emg. Alen ,Free, gave two pleasing n solos "% Jibe Garden" and "Mother." A splendid talk on the last charmer ii of the Study Book, India, was given e by Mrs. Fingland. Reports frail) the Presbyteries meeting were given by Mae. Hearn and Ml's, Addison, Wesley -Willis WMS St. Paul's WA Hears Meets in Church The W.M.S. of Wesley -Willis United Church mot in the' church ,United on Thursday, May 15, with the president, ;Mrs. B. C. Hearn in the chair. Mrs, J. A. McGill was at the ,piano. The meeting opened with a hymn, flollawed by prayer by Mrs, Cooper. The iSenlptue lessen was read by Mrs• ,McEwen. Mrs. Addison took charge of the first,pert at the meet. Impersonations, . Prove Interesting Feature The Evening Auxiliary of Wesley - Willis United Church held a pot -luck supper on Tuesday evening -at the home of Mrs. George Beattie with 20 in attendance. Atter an enjoyable repast, the meeting was called to -order and the president conducted a short worship period with Mrs. Jack Net -lige'. at the piano, Mae, Bill Murch read the Scripture reading. A few matters of business were discussed and the roll call was answered by a spring message. Mrs. Archie Douglas was in charge of the study period. Impersonations of young people from different parts of the world who are attending our colleges were given by Gladys Ad- dison, Dorothy McLaren, Florence Shipley, Viola Nelson. Adelle Jervis and Ruth Potter. 0 Fine Piano Recital Features Evening A splendid musical evening featur- ed the program at Wesley -Willis Girls' Club in the church parlour Tues., evening. May 13 W.H. Wickett. ATOM.. RMT., Goderich, ,in a short piano reeital. delighted his audience with his masterful interpretation of "Melodie," Paderewski; "Minuet in G•" Pad'erewski; two wakes in A flat. Chopin, and "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring," Bach. M'is, W. A. Oakes, in her usual )pleasing manner, rendered '9Sanct- uary of the heart." with Mn•. Wickert accompanying her. Misses Eileen Sutter and Coronne Wended sang 'Springtme"—the duet that won then honor at the Huron County Musieal Festival at Goder ch. For an encore, they chose "Swing Song." Mrs'. E. Wended accompanied the girls. All artists were thanked by Miss 'Maribelle ,Mackenzie, on behalf of the club. During the devotional period, Miss Mackenzie 'read Psalm 23 and d2iss Brigham led in prayer, while Mrs. Gordon Miller gave 'an inspirational devotional reading, The president. Mrs, C. M. Shear - ng, was in ifhe chair, and Mrs, B.B. Pocklington was- in charge of the program arrangements. Happy Workers Report Progress The May meeting of the Happy Walkers was held at the home of Mrs, Noble Holland. Daring the aft_inoon Mrs. Albert Glazier and Mrs. Alyrner Dale each gave a piano solo. Miss Thelma Glazier gave a guitar solo. Mrs. Kenneth Mciiurney was pre- sent and the ladies of the club and other members gave her a shower. She received may lovely gifts. Later a deliciius lunch was served. The next meeting is .-o be held at the home of Mrs. William Glazier on June 12, Convention Reports rit, Nev. 'Ohuirch branch of the W.A. held its regular monthly ,meet- ing' apt the home of Mrs. P. Ford on Tuesday afternoon, May 13 MTs. Iiudie presided. " The Scripture pass -age was read by Mrs. Bartliff, Reports of the annual Convention held in Losiodn were given by the delegates. A very ,pleasing feature of .these was -that of the work of the Junior W.A. of the.dieeese. Clinton Branch, of whi'oh Mrs. McLey is the capable leader,obtained high hon- our•s, taking first prize for their quilt and epeciel mention of their strap book. The senior society is very pretsci .of these young- Helpers The various colrinr'ttees revolted on their activities during the month, The• treasurer's report shows a bal- ance of $20,21 in .the bank. The Dorcas .secretary asks the members to bring articles of cloth- ing, .and donations -of cash for the Car'dston girls outfit to the June meeting, The amount of cash needed is $35. The meeting was closed with pray- er, after which refreshments were served, Miss Harrison thanked Mrs. Ford for entertaining the members. The June meeting will be held at the .home of Mrs. Robinson. 0 Counter Check Books at The NEWS -RECORD, Bob McClure Mission Band ^ Holds Meeting The Bab McClure ;Mis'sionBand of Wesley -Willis United chcuroh met in the Church .Hall, May 14, ;with the president, Betty Lou Ned¢ger, in the ohair. Afterthe opening eiyinh the minutes of the l'as't meeting were read by Mildred Fraser in the absence of the secretary, .and approved. Thr, treasurer's report was read by Gail Shearing. The devotional ,period was -opened by prayer by Don Cornish, The off- ering was taken by Douglas Mann and dedicatory prayer was given B l y ee Livingstone The ,story of "Me. Bandage, the Goat," 'was ably read by Marilyn Martin. M•rs. Iahyin led the children in games and then read them the third chapter of "Frig Tree Village". A reading was given by Marjorie Currie. Then all learned next week's memory verse whidh is "The world wi11 not be Christian without our ef- fottt". The meeting closed with a hymn and closing prayer by Kelvin Jervis, A busy half-hour over scrapbooks and colouring work was then spent. The next meeting 'will be held May 28. RATION COUPON DUE DATES Coupons now valid are sugar S26 to S50 and Y1 to Y5 and butter B35 to 852, Each sugar coupon is good for one pound and each butter coupon good for 'oneehalf pound, 41.1 �j.•:'r�.ry NEW MARQUISETTES A. shipment of Curtain Materials has just arrived Cotton .. 55c, 69c, '75c and 95c Nylon, 44" wide .... $1.45 yd. Have you seen the new Nylon? A fine sheer gauzy material adaptable to so many uses. Pink, Blue and White. Width 42" Price $2.25 yd. BABY WOOL SPECIAL This weekend we are featuring a special buy. Blue and fink only. It comes in skeins of one to four ounces and priced far below normal at 25c ounce R. V. IRWIN Seven • Babies Baptized By Rev. Andrew Lane The Sacrament of Baptism featur-1 the Mother's Day service at Wes- ley -Willis united church. Rev. And - rely Lane was in charge ans Mrs. ,h1or gan Agnew presided' at the organ and led a choir of mothers in an anthem with Mrs. W. M. Nediger taking the solo part. Two mothers were remembered with floral tributes—the late Mrs. Sarah Cantelon by a basket of spring flowers placed on the altar by her daughter, Mrs. Charles Wise and family, and the late .Mrs. John Lun- ing+name, by a basket of red roses placed on the organ by the family. The seven children baptized were: Douglas Wayne, son of Mr, and .Mrs. Howard Currie; Richard Hugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Grigg; Carole Amt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Braithwaite; Leery Dennis, son of Mr, and Mrs. Ebner Hugill; Lindon Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald 1VeacDonald; Mary Ellen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Andrews; and Helen Edith, daughter of Mr. ,and ,Mrs. Norman Livermore. CHURCH DIRECTORY (All times are Eastern Daylight Saving) Baptist :ASV. e. C. ANDERSON, Ministet Mss. Ernest Adams, Organist Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader SUNDAY, MAY 25 Bible School ---111 A.M. Evening Wors•Iiip-7'P.M. Did you give your Church, Sunday School and Miniser a fair deal last ,Sunday? More important, did you give God His deal? "God is in His Holy Temple, let the whole earth keep silence before Him." If you are a real New Testament Baptist you will be found in your place. Ontario St. United Church REV, W. J. WOO,LFREY, Minister B. J. Gibbinge, Choir Leader Mrs: E. Wendor f, Organist SUNDAY, MAY 25 11.00 A.M.—Mortning Service 12.15 P.M. -Sunday School 7.00 P.M. -Evening Worship, St. Paul's Anglican REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Frenslin, Organist sirs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNUAIY, MAY 25 8.30 A.M.—Holy Communion 10.00 AMM.—.Sunday School 11.00 A.M.—Morning Service 7.00 P.M.—Evening Service Tuesday — Confirmation Giese et Memorial. Hall at 7.30 p,m. Wesley -Willis Church REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Ohoir Leader SUNDiAIT, MAY 25 11.00 A.M.—,Morning Worship, 12.10—Church School 7.00 P.M.—Evening Service "Christian Doctrine The Gross" Presbyterian RFV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAIY MAY 25 Spring Anniversary Service 10.00 A.MVI—+Shmday School 11.00 A.M.--aDivine Worship "Christ ,Speaks to His Disciples" Spring offering will be received. Special music by the choir, 2.30 P.M.—Service at Bayfield, All Welcome Pentecostal REV, H. KKENDRICK, Paster SUNDAY, MAY 25 2,30 P.M.—Sunday School 3.30 P.M—Worship Service 7.30 P.M.—•Hvangelestie Service Sunday Services at home of Miss Laura Jervis, Princess St. E. Cottage Prayer Meetings, Wednes-- day, 8 p.m, "0 magnify the Lord with ire and let us exalt His ,name together." Psalm 34:3 Ready for the Cleaners! An overturned ink bottle, a splash of mud from our muddy streets, and your spot- less suit is ready for the cleaners. 4 -DAY SERVICE WE PRESS WHILE YOU WAIT GLIDDCN'S PRESS SHOP We Call for and Deliver Phone 115 Clinton 810 GREEN fote Jeot4.s l ConCRE1E MASTIC ' wooaEn FIAaRs ' tinOt ^•,:rte EUlTtrL000 ,. ALMATEX is a "PLASTIC FINISH" surfacing material for the care and. maintenance of WOOD and LINOLEUM floors. On Hard Wood and Linoleum floors it gives a high gloss natural finish, which eliminates the necessity of WAXING. ALMATI3'X is not a paint or varnish. It is impervious to water, oil, grease or alcohol. "`PLASTICIZE YOUR FLOORS WITH ALMA'FEX" BALL EROS. HARDWARE and FURNITURE DEALERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Wm. N. Bali D. G, -BaII Phone 361W PHONE 3613 AMPS• �.,,i.y� 1 When Shopping for the Finest Quality IN -BAKED GOODS we can solve your problem: >6 fraluS r _ s r•J "` Iry rte ti` CIOUS^• : TRY OUR BREAD, BUNS, CAKES AND PASTRY Silverwood's Ice Cream BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CO.NFECTIONTRS PHONE 1 CLINTON POSTER-SIIANAHAN A very pretty,wedding took place at ,St. Peter's Rectory, London, ' on Saturday, May 17, when Rev. 0. K. McMahon united in marriage Rita Celestine (iSally) Shanahan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Shanahan, Clinton, -bp John Robert, son of Mr. and -Mrs. Thomas C. Foster, Sterllitig SL London. The bride, given in marriage• by her father, was lovely in a pearl gray gabardine suit with navy ac- cessories. She wore -a corsage of Bniarclifee s'ores', Attending the bride was. her •sis'- ter, Miss Phyllis Shanahan, as bridesmaid, who ware a dusty rose suit with black accessories and a corsage of talisman rases. Albert Foster, brother of the bride- k•rooni, was best man. Following the ceremony a recep- tion was held at Llyn Lodge, London. Later •the young couple left on a wedding trip to Niagara Falls and Buffalo. Upon their retot'n they will resi1e in London. Engagements Announced Me. and -Mrs. Harry Fowler, Clin- ton, announce the engagement of their daughter, Lorraine Edith, to Kenneth Andrew Scott, only son of Mr, and Mrs. Ross Scott, Brucefi'eld. the marriage to take place early in June, —o Archdeacon Townshend Diocesan Secretary A Goderich Township old boy. Archdeacon William A. Townshend. London, is the new secretary -treas- urer of the Diocese of Huron, Chereb of England in Canada, succeeding ,Anchdeaeon W. J. Doherty, who re- signed May 13, atter 31 years' ser. vice. The latter passed away unex- pectedly last week following an ill- ness of four days, Archdeacon Townshend, who has been commissioner df the Dioeese since 1909 and Archdeacon since 1945, was appointed unanimously by the Synod of Harron Tuesday to fill She post, he being the only nominee. "I am but i11-rfi.tted to fill the shoes of this great man, yet I will do my best to serve the diocese to `he limit of my capacity, though per- haps, in a way different from that of Archdeacon Doherty," the new ap- pointee stated following his election. After thanking the members of the Synod for their confidence, Areh- deacon Totrnrshend 'went on to pay tribute to bhe "great qualities" of Archdeacon Doheuty. Archbishop C. A. ;Seager else paid unarm tribute to Archdeacon Doherty, and welcomed the new secretary -treasurer who will entintue to serve as eolnntioslo iter. ---0- 100F Notes The regular meeting of Clinton Lodge No. 83 IOW. was held in the lodge room .on Tuesday, Maly 13. Special work of the evening was the conferring of the Initiatory De- gree on five candidates. Two other members were also received by trans- fer from outside lodges. Following the meeting the new brothers were given a chance to say_a few words. Children Baptized In Presbyterian Faith The highlight a the Mother's Day services in the Clinton and Bay- 3ielcl Presbyterian Churches was t'he baptism of several children, Rev. D. J. Lane, the minister, officiated at both services. Those baptized in Clinton church were: Sharlene Margaret Turner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Turner; •Cameron Walter 'MacDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mac- Donald; and Kenneth Laurie Colqu- houn, son of Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth W. Colquhoun. In the :Bayfield Church the fol- lowing received this rite: Judith Ruby Armstrong and Janet Ann Armstrong, children of Mr. anti' Mrs. John A. Armstrong; Bonnie Joy Susanne Pollock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, William M. Pollock; and Garry Dewar Talbot, son of Mr. and Mas, Dewar Talbot. Record Your Wedding Day with Photographs 3owlet 13t03. PIHOTOGRAPHERS • PHONE 84 Mclwan's CLINTON ♦tete21.-b Rev. A. D. Penman Addresses Clerics Clinton Council of Churches inet in the Nolle of Rev. A. D. Penman, Lon- desboro, on May 7. The main item of the meeting ' wa s a discussion following a ,presentation made by Rev. A. D. Penman on the interpretation of the -First Chapter. oe Genesis. What was purpose of the chapter and the oder of erea'ti,on e Mr .Penman gave numbers of quotatinns to show that there was nor mraninrit among the scientists concerning th process oe ereattion, eteree eularly the matter of the evolution -my timer 11 was an intim -.,t i,g• a Idress an there was a good discussion. Th question arose in the discussion what was its relationeeip to the adn onit• ion of Paul when he said "Preach the Word". The ne•-t meeting will be held in Bayfield in June, Ontario St. eWMS Holds May Meeting 'The W.M.S. of Ontario St. United Ohurch held its May ,meeting on Tuesday, May 13, in, the school hall. Mrs, W. J. Woolfrey used a verse as e. call to Worship and then open. ed the .meeting with hymn 375.ePsalm 709 -was read in unison followed ble prayer. Reports were given by the various deparkments• Plaits were made for the June meeting at which the Mis- sion Band and the Baby Band and mothers are to be the guests of the senior organizotion: Mrs. F. Townsend gave -a very in- teresting talk 'on the "Blue Book" and tinged that it be read more fre- quently. efts. Hoggart continued further the study -of "India." Me - ports of the Preebyterial held at Exeter were given by the delegates, 0 emg. Alen ,Free, gave two pleasing n solos "% Jibe Garden" and "Mother." A splendid talk on the last charmer ii of the Study Book, India, was given e by Mrs. Fingland. Reports frail) the Presbyteries meeting were given by Mae. Hearn and Ml's, Addison, Wesley -Willis WMS St. Paul's WA Hears Meets in Church The W.M.S. of Wesley -Willis United Church mot in the' church ,United on Thursday, May 15, with the president, ;Mrs. B. C. Hearn in the chair. Mrs, J. A. McGill was at the ,piano. The meeting opened with a hymn, flollawed by prayer by Mrs, Cooper. The iSenlptue lessen was read by Mrs• ,McEwen. Mrs. Addison took charge of the first,pert at the meet. Impersonations, . Prove Interesting Feature The Evening Auxiliary of Wesley - Willis United Church held a pot -luck supper on Tuesday evening -at the home of Mrs. George Beattie with 20 in attendance. Atter an enjoyable repast, the meeting was called to -order and the president conducted a short worship period with Mrs. Jack Net -lige'. at the piano, Mae, Bill Murch read the Scripture reading. A few matters of business were discussed and the roll call was answered by a spring message. Mrs. Archie Douglas was in charge of the study period. Impersonations of young people from different parts of the world who are attending our colleges were given by Gladys Ad- dison, Dorothy McLaren, Florence Shipley, Viola Nelson. Adelle Jervis and Ruth Potter. 0 Fine Piano Recital Features Evening A splendid musical evening featur- ed the program at Wesley -Willis Girls' Club in the church parlour Tues., evening. May 13 W.H. Wickett. ATOM.. RMT., Goderich, ,in a short piano reeital. delighted his audience with his masterful interpretation of "Melodie," Paderewski; "Minuet in G•" Pad'erewski; two wakes in A flat. Chopin, and "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring," Bach. M'is, W. A. Oakes, in her usual )pleasing manner, rendered '9Sanct- uary of the heart." with Mn•. Wickert accompanying her. Misses Eileen Sutter and Coronne Wended sang 'Springtme"—the duet that won then honor at the Huron County Musieal Festival at Goder ch. For an encore, they chose "Swing Song." Mrs'. E. Wended accompanied the girls. All artists were thanked by Miss 'Maribelle ,Mackenzie, on behalf of the club. During the devotional period, Miss Mackenzie 'read Psalm 23 and d2iss Brigham led in prayer, while Mrs. Gordon Miller gave 'an inspirational devotional reading, The president. Mrs, C. M. Shear - ng, was in ifhe chair, and Mrs, B.B. Pocklington was- in charge of the program arrangements. Happy Workers Report Progress The May meeting of the Happy Walkers was held at the home of Mrs, Noble Holland. Daring the aft_inoon Mrs. Albert Glazier and Mrs. Alyrner Dale each gave a piano solo. Miss Thelma Glazier gave a guitar solo. Mrs. Kenneth Mciiurney was pre- sent and the ladies of the club and other members gave her a shower. She received may lovely gifts. Later a deliciius lunch was served. The next meeting is .-o be held at the home of Mrs. William Glazier on June 12, Convention Reports rit, Nev. 'Ohuirch branch of the W.A. held its regular monthly ,meet- ing' apt the home of Mrs. P. Ford on Tuesday afternoon, May 13 MTs. Iiudie presided. " The Scripture pass -age was read by Mrs. Bartliff, Reports of the annual Convention held in Losiodn were given by the delegates. A very ,pleasing feature of .these was -that of the work of the Junior W.A. of the.dieeese. Clinton Branch, of whi'oh Mrs. McLey is the capable leader,obtained high hon- our•s, taking first prize for their quilt and epeciel mention of their strap book. The senior society is very pretsci .of these young- Helpers The various colrinr'ttees revolted on their activities during the month, The• treasurer's report shows a bal- ance of $20,21 in .the bank. The Dorcas .secretary asks the members to bring articles of cloth- ing, .and donations -of cash for the Car'dston girls outfit to the June meeting, The amount of cash needed is $35. The meeting was closed with pray- er, after which refreshments were served, Miss Harrison thanked Mrs. Ford for entertaining the members. The June meeting will be held at the .home of Mrs. Robinson. 0 Counter Check Books at The NEWS -RECORD, Bob McClure Mission Band ^ Holds Meeting The Bab McClure ;Mis'sionBand of Wesley -Willis United chcuroh met in the Church .Hall, May 14, ;with the president, Betty Lou Ned¢ger, in the ohair. Afterthe opening eiyinh the minutes of the l'as't meeting were read by Mildred Fraser in the absence of the secretary, .and approved. Thr, treasurer's report was read by Gail Shearing. The devotional ,period was -opened by prayer by Don Cornish, The off- ering was taken by Douglas Mann and dedicatory prayer was given B l y ee Livingstone The ,story of "Me. Bandage, the Goat," 'was ably read by Marilyn Martin. M•rs. Iahyin led the children in games and then read them the third chapter of "Frig Tree Village". A reading was given by Marjorie Currie. Then all learned next week's memory verse whidh is "The world wi11 not be Christian without our ef- fottt". The meeting closed with a hymn and closing prayer by Kelvin Jervis, A busy half-hour over scrapbooks and colouring work was then spent. The next meeting 'will be held May 28. RATION COUPON DUE DATES Coupons now valid are sugar S26 to S50 and Y1 to Y5 and butter B35 to 852, Each sugar coupon is good for one pound and each butter coupon good for 'oneehalf pound, 41.1 �j.•:'r�.ry NEW MARQUISETTES A. shipment of Curtain Materials has just arrived Cotton .. 55c, 69c, '75c and 95c Nylon, 44" wide .... $1.45 yd. Have you seen the new Nylon? A fine sheer gauzy material adaptable to so many uses. Pink, Blue and White. Width 42" Price $2.25 yd. BABY WOOL SPECIAL This weekend we are featuring a special buy. Blue and fink only. It comes in skeins of one to four ounces and priced far below normal at 25c ounce R. V. IRWIN Seven • Babies Baptized By Rev. Andrew Lane The Sacrament of Baptism featur-1 the Mother's Day service at Wes- ley -Willis united church. Rev. And - rely Lane was in charge ans Mrs. ,h1or gan Agnew presided' at the organ and led a choir of mothers in an anthem with Mrs. W. M. Nediger taking the solo part. Two mothers were remembered with floral tributes—the late Mrs. Sarah Cantelon by a basket of spring flowers placed on the altar by her daughter, Mrs. Charles Wise and family, and the late .Mrs. John Lun- ing+name, by a basket of red roses placed on the organ by the family. The seven children baptized were: Douglas Wayne, son of Mr, and .Mrs. Howard Currie; Richard Hugh, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Grigg; Carole Amt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Braithwaite; Leery Dennis, son of Mr, and Mrs. Ebner Hugill; Lindon Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald 1VeacDonald; Mary Ellen. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Andrews; and Helen Edith, daughter of Mr. ,and ,Mrs. Norman Livermore. CHURCH DIRECTORY (All times are Eastern Daylight Saving) Baptist :ASV. e. C. ANDERSON, Ministet Mss. Ernest Adams, Organist Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader SUNDAY, MAY 25 Bible School ---111 A.M. Evening Wors•Iiip-7'P.M. Did you give your Church, Sunday School and Miniser a fair deal last ,Sunday? More important, did you give God His deal? "God is in His Holy Temple, let the whole earth keep silence before Him." If you are a real New Testament Baptist you will be found in your place. Ontario St. United Church REV, W. J. WOO,LFREY, Minister B. J. Gibbinge, Choir Leader Mrs: E. Wendor f, Organist SUNDAY, MAY 25 11.00 A.M.—Mortning Service 12.15 P.M. -Sunday School 7.00 P.M. -Evening Worship, St. Paul's Anglican REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Frenslin, Organist sirs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNUAIY, MAY 25 8.30 A.M.—Holy Communion 10.00 AMM.—.Sunday School 11.00 A.M.—Morning Service 7.00 P.M.—Evening Service Tuesday — Confirmation Giese et Memorial. Hall at 7.30 p,m. Wesley -Willis Church REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Ohoir Leader SUNDiAIT, MAY 25 11.00 A.M.—,Morning Worship, 12.10—Church School 7.00 P.M.—Evening Service "Christian Doctrine The Gross" Presbyterian RFV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAIY MAY 25 Spring Anniversary Service 10.00 A.MVI—+Shmday School 11.00 A.M.--aDivine Worship "Christ ,Speaks to His Disciples" Spring offering will be received. Special music by the choir, 2.30 P.M.—Service at Bayfield, All Welcome Pentecostal REV, H. KKENDRICK, Paster SUNDAY, MAY 25 2,30 P.M.—Sunday School 3.30 P.M—Worship Service 7.30 P.M.—•Hvangelestie Service Sunday Services at home of Miss Laura Jervis, Princess St. E. Cottage Prayer Meetings, Wednes-- day, 8 p.m, "0 magnify the Lord with ire and let us exalt His ,name together." Psalm 34:3 Ready for the Cleaners! An overturned ink bottle, a splash of mud from our muddy streets, and your spot- less suit is ready for the cleaners. 4 -DAY SERVICE WE PRESS WHILE YOU WAIT GLIDDCN'S PRESS SHOP We Call for and Deliver Phone 115 Clinton 810 GREEN fote Jeot4.s l ConCRE1E MASTIC ' wooaEn FIAaRs ' tinOt ^•,:rte EUlTtrL000 ,. ALMATEX is a "PLASTIC FINISH" surfacing material for the care and. maintenance of WOOD and LINOLEUM floors. On Hard Wood and Linoleum floors it gives a high gloss natural finish, which eliminates the necessity of WAXING. ALMATI3'X is not a paint or varnish. It is impervious to water, oil, grease or alcohol. "`PLASTICIZE YOUR FLOORS WITH ALMA'FEX" BALL EROS. HARDWARE and FURNITURE DEALERS FUNERAL DIRECTORS Wm. N. Bali D. G, -BaII Phone 361W PHONE 3613 AMPS• �.,,i.y� 1