Clinton News-Record, 1947-05-01, Page 101,,AGE TEN cuavroa4 NNWS-a1B06RD THURSDAY. MAY 1,. 190" •GORDON MILLER Maitland Golf Club I AGAIN. PRESIDENT . Welcomes Members BASEBALL CLUB . - mire. .altd: social members from Clinton are welcomed by Maitland Gordon A. Miller was re-elected Golf Cb,Goderieh, W. A. OMR- l prevident of Clinton, ,Colts Baseball huret, seeretary, stated in an inter- caub et the annual meeting in the view with The NEWS-RECOSD. Town Coundil Chanuber Monday even- An advertisement to this effect is en,g, when considerable enthusiasm published on Page Eight of this issue. was shown regarding prospects for mr. c tsuyatfui Other officers were chosen as fol- duirtellif:ilinste,ehel:gnt' nasanaigcleulnauthsea'llee seam this season. • Shaw, Ltetel. H. T. Rance; viee- aeteg iethe Club, lows: Honorary Presidents, Dr. J. W. ivitin connction with president, R. S. Atkey; s tat y was planned. Extensive changes and treasurer, Jam Livermore; - 811C11:b- in; improvements, both in the club house and on the eourse, are under way, to manager, A. L. Colquhoun; manager, he completed early in May prior to Thomas Morgan; coach, Bexecutive - Harry Bereliff, 0. -vv.d; la big official ,opening party ill Fulfol Draper, IM. J. .Sehoenhals, .H. In In additon to various renewals and • repairs in theclub house, carpenters Hawkins, Bert Glidden, Frank Mc- . Eeems, G. ,rre completing the insulating of the wan, 0. J. Livermore; unif A. Miller and Doug Bartliff; grounds interior walls, aeter which the whole interior is to he redecorated, and it is H. R Hawkins. The Club has. entered an inter- expected that same new furnishings • mediate team hi the Huron-Peeth will be added. The objective is to Baseball League, which' was rear- ma" the club house surroundings ganized for the coming season last pleasing and comfortable for non - week. The schedule meeting of the piaying social members as well as [for the i.,egear playing members, and for club social events. A. new power mower is being pur- chased far ,use on the greens with special ettachment's for fiber trim - mine work on the fairways; this is in addition to the levee', new tractor purchased at the end of last season. All tees are being rebuilt and doubled in size: new bunkers are being made and others changed. and some land- scaping will be clone. League is being held in Hensall Thursday evening next, May 8. Players who attendedthe annual meeting included: Bob Draper, Feed MatiDortald, Bert White, Laurie Colquhoun, Doug Baetleff. Ken Mil- ler,, "Bed" ,Schoenhals, Bob Miller, Len Johnson, Ken Colimhoun, Clar- ence Neilans. It was proposed that the business firms of the town be approached with the ,suggestion that each supply a uniform With its name in letters on the back thereof. Presidert Miller and Doug Bartliff were appointed to look after this matter. In his fnancial statement, Trees- with all expenses paid en file. Mother's Day urea: John Livermore reported a bal- ance of $34.11. from 1946 opera(ions, N Gift Suggestions BOXED STATIONERY 40e to $1.25 FANCY WATER PITCHER SETS $2.95 and $3.25 FANCY JUICE SETS 2 00 Water Lily Centre Piece and Candle Holders ..... $3.95 Tinnbler Racks and Fancy Glasses $1.19 and $2.59 Fancy English Cups and Saucers ... 55c, 1.25, 2:50, 3.25 Fancy Brown Betty Tea t ots 1.75, 2.25, 3.50 MOTHER'S DAY CARDS 5c, 10c, 15c, 35c, 50c, $1.00 McEWAN 'S OFTEN THE CHEAPE,ST-ALWAYS THE BEST ,41.4,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.*******,...............**4****,*•••••••••***•*,*****.a......**4 Jackets Jut the thing for Spring! In Blues, Browns and Tans 3.95 to 8.95 Davis & Herman port horts (By RSA) aneeeeeeeeee.~......ememeeemee COOL FOR TROUT OPENING The Weather was a little chilly this rnoaning for ehe opening of the speokled and brook trout season, but nevertheless, a number ot anglers from this district tried their heed at it. Although the date is normal, the creeks are ,high and there has not been enough really Warn' weather to make the beauties bite. . HOME FRO- M HOSPITAL Ellwood Epps, prominent local sportsman, arrived home from Clin- ton Public Hospital on Tuesday after undergoing an operation a .few days previously. "RED" JUDD F- OR CONVENER The executive of Clinton Richwear Softball/Club met in the Town Coun- eil Chamber Tuesday evening and decided to propose Edward "Copper" Judd, Clinton, for group convene? 10 the WOAA. senior softball series. The Richwears will get doWn to practice just as soon as the diamond is avail,. able. -.- LEAGUE HAS BALANCE The Huron -Perth Baseball League had a balance of $165.51. in 1946,.it was revealed at the amnual meeting last week by Treasurer John Liver- more. It was decided to pay the umpires $6 and $4 for plate. and bases, respectively, without travelling allowance, and umpires for all games are to be from neutral centres. A11 teams in the League will be classified as 013A Intermediate "C". -0- WANTED-COVFRED RINK A rumour is afloat that a number of citizens of Hensall are willing to back the construction of a new cov- ered rink. The team was 'forced to play in the open air during the past winter. 11 HOWARD COWAN CHOSEN HEAD • FISH AND GAME Howard Cowan was elected presi- dent of Huron Fish and Game Club at the annual meeting held in the Board A00111, Ontario Agreultural Of- fice, last week. Other officers named were: viee- president, Miieheal McAdam; secre- tary, James A. Chowen; treaeurer, a avr.1Shearng; committee chairmen. -Fish, Ellwood 1 Epps; Pheasant, Wilfred Glazier; Entertainment, Alex Haddy; - ilVlembership, Douglas Free- man; Wild Lite, William Jervis; jun- ior Activities, George Falconer. The Club is holding a general meet- ing at Ellwood Epps Sport Siop Tuesday evening next, May 6, with the juniors meeting at seven o'clock and the seniors at eight o'clock. An advertisement to this ,effeet is pub- lished elsewhere in this issue, It was deoided to form a limier section. Bill .Chowen was named to head a conunittee, with other officers to be elected at next week's meeting. The Club holds monthly meetings from September 1 to May 31. The annual fee is 50 cents for seniors and 26 cents for juniors. FLOODLIGHTS INSTALLED Wingham's softball team will play under floodlights this season which neans not only a big expenditure but else a big improvement. The Club made money last year and plans a big season under the following of- ficers: President, Vic 'Laughlean; secretary -treasurer, Horace Aitehes- on; manager, Morris Bader; execu- tive -Hugh Carmichael, Carl Ben- nett; press reporter, Merrill Cant- elon. -•- ARTIFICIAL ICE ARENA A new artificial ice arena was endorsed unanimously at a largely attended meeting iu Goderich last week. It was called by Mayor D. Le Mooney. His Worship has accepted the chairmanship of Goderich Com- munity Recreational Centre Commit- tee, succeeding Walter J. Hodge, now living in Toronto. -•- SEEK GOLF MEMBERS [Members of Maitland Golf Club, Goderich, have issued an invitation to Clinton people to join their fine Club, either as playing or social members. Several Clintonians already belong to the County Town organiza- tion, there being a lack of such a club here. NiliggeellEfellelieetele4***Teleketdereeeee-Ceeee+4-4,4444eneeeetenee444, *Watt Johnson's Quality Groceries 4*. Make Johnson's your Headquarters for your Medically Endorsed Baby Food.. With this ad we will give you 1 Doz. tins of Baby' Food (any variety) for 92c Nestles Condensed Milk 1 aoupon 6 tins 69c Junket Custard POwders 2 for 25c Gerbers Oatmeal or Cereal Mixture 24c GODERICH - The municipality will assume one-third the cost of .ser- vices of a lifegliaed and srwimming instructor at the bathing beach clur-• ing July and August. -.- RACE PURSES UP For its annual race meet on July 16 next, Clinton Turf Club has up- ped the prose total to $1,400, as compared with $1,300 in 1946 and $1,050 in 1945. This should have a tendency to attract more and better horses. Hensall Hockeyists Nutnium Cereal • 45c Phillip's Baby Soap 3 bars 20c Pure Olive Oil 49c Men's Alley Bowlers Close Good Season The Men's Five -pin Bowling League held its closing banquet at Glennie's Restaurant Friday even- ing, April 25. After a sumptuous dinner, Chair- man Bill Fulford called on team eapttuins and others present dor a few words. Bowling prizes had been presented preVious to the banquet. The winning team was comprised as follows: ,Captain, M. Maguire; and W. Fulford. T. Steep, R. Hoggart, F. MacDonald, F. 1V1i1ler, with C. Liver- more as sub. The second team: cap- tain, F. Grealis; and H. Greens, B. White L. IVIatthews, B. Harris, J. Cooper, with F. Cook as sub. Bill Fulford was the winner of the high score prize for the season. Look- ing forward to a bigger and better leegue next year the following 'com- mittee was 'elected for the 1947-48 season: ,chairman, "Hal" Hartley; "Loney" Matthews, Bill Fulford and Bert White. * Business Girls' League In the Business Girls' Bowling Tuesday evening Colquhounsballoons diefeated, Fremlinegremlins 2,655-- 2,369, winning the seven points. Bowl- ingwere ,Colquhounballoons : J. 001M/holm, 660; B. Johnson', 405; M Sutter, 464; H. MacDonald, 515; I. Morris, 377. Premlinseremlins: F. Jervis, 400; K. McGill, 304; H. Tay. lor, 523; H. Fairservice. 486; M. Legion Paper Drive FRIDAY, MAY 2 Please have paper tied neatly in bundles, also rags -at curb by 1 p.m., as collection will be much slower on account of the road conditions. FOR INFORMATION OR ADVANCED PICK -UP -PHONE 221 18-b }rude, 385. The same night Aikenbacks were victorious over Counellscernels 2,784- 2,458, winning five points to two. Lineups were: Alkenbacks: F. Aiken, 595; M. Meet, 508; ;M. Miller, 501; E. Glew. 569; N. Tyndall, 517. Con- nellseernels: 81. Ballaohey, 315; K. Middleton, 369; E. Sutter, 416; B. Shepherd, 615; handicap, 375. * Wearwell Girls' League In the Wearwell .Giels' Bowling League on Thursday night Serviettes defeated Moolettes 2,351-2240, win- ning five points to two. Those bowl- ing were: Serviettes: H. Fairservice, Enjoy Fine Banquet (By our Hensall correspondent) Hensall Hockey Club honored its players 'with a fine turkey supper at Fred Smallaeombe's restaurant Fri- day evening, April 25. A very en- joyable evening was enjoyed by all players present. A vote of thanks was given to the players outside of. Hensall who made it possible fey this community to reach the finals with Exeter in the Cyclone League. It was ,decided that if a few of the citizens who have offered to donate towards a community centre, would come out more openly so as to start the ball rolling, it would not be long before other citizens interested in a rink would follow suit and then per- haps it would be proposed to the Town Council or some other -respon- sible organization in Hensall to gee that the proper action was taken to- wards the erection of a community centre that would serve snis area the year round. It is too bad that the younger generation of hockey players in Hen - sail do not have the opportunity to develop their talents. It is also not a credit to Hensel] to have to depend on outside players to make them a contending team because they do not have the players who can ever hope to be hockey players. This situation can only be remedied by the erection of a closed rink so that the public will also benefit by protection from the eold vends, and snow when they are watching a hockey game or any other liyipe of entertainment that could be carried en in a community centre. 1f the younger type of play- ers in this area are to be developed it must be through active competition with other teams who ere interested in ,monsoring hockey among the youngsters. Let The NEWS -RECORD quote on your next printing requirements. Pride of Niagara Johnsons • Tomato Juice Baby Powder * Delivery Hours: 10.30 a.m.-4.30 2 for 23c 55c tin A PINEAPPLES 24's PHONE 286 3 for 89e effEtefffeete74414•4PF40141.34.44eteleeeeeteeeerretenetereeetee44404elefee Curtain -.nd Drapery Materials Now in Stock also CURTAINS MADE UP aftwomatmurnommoma BROWN'S One door north of the Royal Bank 4 Stokley's Grapefruit JUICE 2 tins 27c 2 - 4 - 9 WEED KILLER bottle 79c Aylmer Choice PUMPKIN 2 tins 29c NCONOMY Allen's Apple JUICE 2 tins 27e Shing -Li BEAN SPROUTS tin 21e York Tomato JUICE tin ilo WREN AVAILABLE GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES TOMATOES CUKES RADISHES CELERY LETTUCE BEANS CARROTS BEETS CALIFORNIA JUICY 860's Lemons . . . 3 for 9c TEXAS SEEDLESS 112's Grapefruit 5 for 25c CALIFORNIA: JUICY 344's Oranges . . doz. 25c CABBAGE ASPARAGUS SPINACH ONIONS CAULIFLOWER RHUBARB PINEAPPLE COCOANUTS SHEARING'S PHONE 48 - Free Delivery - CLINTON *111.1111.10, 680; B. Steep, 478; D, Moore, 467; G - Davies, 3e8„ Neilans, 448.. Meal- ettes: M. IVIelholland, 481; R. Car - lime, 484; D. Kennedy, 536; P. Steep, 864; dummy, 875. The same night Muegrettee earne out on top in their bout with Oliv- ettes 2,434-2,349. winning five points to two. Lineups were; Muogrettes: E. Musgrave, 618; L. Hanley, 409i. E. Hartley, 547; M. Carter, 518; II. Bisback, 347. Olivettes: Carter, 618; E. Seruton, 672; J. Hattin, 419; M. Dodds, 424; M. Carbert, 366. Concrete Work Walls, Floors, Walks, Curbs, etc. REASONABLE RATES -0- Murray Miller CLINTON Phone 905-4 17-11 Trout Season Opens Today! "Isn't it a beauty?" • FISHING TACKLE Everything in stock - split bamboo rods, automatic reels, telescope rods, flies, etc. CLINTON Celewoo Errs '•‘••••• ON TAR 10 ommonspwan. SPORTING GOODS OF QUALITY PHONE 42 CLINTON 411111•41101.1.0.. .1%1•9111101661Cleate=0:13•1•1130Mil PHONE 62 If you need that Chesterfield Suite or Odd Chair recovered to look like new. A GOOD SELECTION OF COVERS TO CHOOSE FROM JAMS UPHOLSTERING W. Ls MOORE, Proprietor WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Huron and Orange Sts. PHONE 62 Clinton Just Arrived A large assortment of newly imported PIPES at reasonable prices. Come in and look them over. BORDEN'S ICE CREAM ALWAYS IN STOCK Soft Drhsks - Sundries -- Chocolate Bars CLINTON BOWLING ALLEY "Hal" Hartley, Proprietor 18-b SEE - HEAR - BUY the new Northern Electric table model radio with built-in aerial, attractive appearance, 5 tubes, and 5" high fidelity speakeor giving super tone -$32.50. New RCA Victor Car Radios arriving in May Price $59.95 Get your ear radio checked over and tuned up. now for summer driving. GUARANTEED RADIO REPAIRS ON ALL MAKES & MODELS 1••••••••••••IiIMMO MERRILL RADIO and ELECTRIC Radio and Electrical Appliance Sales and Service Phone 313 Clinton talliaMeraranatlentleniele GARDEN TOOLS Rakes 80c to 1.50 3,,Spades 0. each 1.50 Hose 50 feet 7.40 SUTTER -- PERDUE PHONE 147 HARDWARE CLINTON "SPRUCE UP" YOUR CAR For Summer Trips Watch the miles roll away beneath those sing- ing wheels, listen to the even hum of that eager motor, feel the joy of being the anan behind the wheel with the World ahead all yours. I't's Spring - and you for an open road. Don't let al teanperamental engine put a wet blaavket on your plans. Bring your car an for a thorough overhauling. We'll correct a.11 that ails it to make it run like new. Motor Overhaul ,htt Brake Adjusting Complete Lubrication re• SPECIALS! /928 CHRYSLER 4 -door Sedan 1937 CHEVROLET Sedan delivery 1940 NASH, 35,000 miles Lorne Brown otors Chrysler, Plymouth and Fargo Sales and Service PHONES: Day 367W, Night 367J Aceplatosersola