Clinton News-Record, 1947-04-17, Page 6PAGE SIX
Interesting Items From News-.
THUiRISDAY,: APRIL 17, 1946;:
ural Correspondents
Miss Lucy R. Woods Phone _Clinton 03,1r31
Alm. and ,Mrs. R, Ramsay and
family have moved into D. L. Atkin -
son's cottape. MT. ,Ramsay is on the
staff of the Clinton Radar and Com-
munications ,SehooL '
Mrs. Charles Bell is spending a
ew days in Hensel.
Miss Milvena Sturgeon, London
was home over the weekend,
•-!Masa David Prentice has 'returned
attar spending a week in Toronto.
Mr. and .Mrs. 'Gordon Cunningham,
Ctia lion, are at their cottage in
Bailey Park:
D. L. Atkinson returned to Detroit
on Sunday after having spent a week
in the village.
Mrs. J. Robinson, London, was the
guest of Mr. and ,,Mie. Grant Turner
over the weekend,
Mr•, and Mrs, J. H. Lambert, De -
twit, are rypeddiag a fortnight at
their home in the village.
Mis,''Spencer' Ervine ,has returned
home after spending • a week in
Southampton with her mother.
Geprge Bell, S.S. "Quedoe", God-
erttah,, spent Tuesday with his. par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell,
Mr. ;and Mrs. °iharles Berry "were
Called to London, on Monday awing
to .the illness of the. fornrer's mother.
Rev, and Mrs. F, H. Paull, List=
owel, evere .the guests. of .Mrs. N. W.
'Waoode on Friday and Saturday of
last week.
Masses Glen and Janet Fraser,
Stratford, were the 'guests of Miss
Barbara Bassett from Tuesday until
Miss Jessie Metcalf returned to
Detroit, on Sunder after having
spent the weak• with' her mother,
Mrs. W. F. Metcalf.
Mr. and Mrs. J. .M. Stewart re-
turned •te H•amiiton on Sunday after
having spent• the 'vacation at their
home on Louisa Street.
' Miss Joyce • McOrae and brother
; Kenneth , London, a spent last week
with their grandparents, MT. and
Airs. William ` H. Johnston.
I •Mrs, A. L. Flirter and Billy, who
visited her mother, Mrs. W. J. Stin-
son, denting Raster week, returned to
London on Sunday with ,Mr. Furter.
I • 1Vei ss Anne Drouin and .Mrs. C
Wallace returned to Detroit on .Sun-
day after having spent Easter with
the latter's mother, Mrs, ' William
Mr, and Mrs. R. W. Bristol, who
have spent the winter at the Hotel
London, returned to their cottage,
Tlie-,Hiouse-side-sikie-ofethe-Road "
on (Monday.
Mr. and•,Mrs, Harold Weston and
two children. returned to Detroit on
Monday after having spent the 'East-
er vacation wth the farner's father,
George Weston•
Murptiv i NARV°
\ l .APA£ArIN6
i/i+,• EY
Canada's Smartest
The quick d'ryhlg 'wa'sha'ble
high gloss por'celaim-like
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eletai le 3n 20 beautiful
Per Quart ... • $1.95
Hardware and Furniture Dealers
Funeral Directors
Wm. N. Ball D. G. Ball
Phone 361W Phone 361J
Yep, yours for the asking::.
Photos, plans, down to earth
information on c *cksoto. pullets
" A new, valuable fully illust:aced book written by poultry men
for poultrymen, 1511 plans, photos; instructions and handy hints
are &4'm Ott,Orheit, A pocket sized text book answering
all your questions from, preparing brooder houses for chicks,
through growing your pulleis,lo cutting for laying pens.
Get it from your local. Roe Feed dealer 'or write direct to address
Ernst Rohn Detroit, visited Mr,
and' Mrs, David Dewar over hte
woekemd, Oar, his return •on Sunday Tom Moon spent the weekend it da Lendesbor2 Coaniyumity Hale Mon-
Jdm Meace y .Orap 21, at 8 p.m Special
he was accompanied by Mrs, ,Rahn, s
who has been visiting her ,.parents. 'Hassan Guth and June Ma•mnng vis-
Mr, and Ms. David Dewar. Jr. and lied Miss Helen Ball, Clinton;' last
Master a and Miss Elva Mrs. F'. Wo
returned to Toronto on Thursday;`•? left fon Tor inta on
after having spent Easter with. their '''' Y' She will spend a few weeks special service on Sunday night, April
parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Dewar. with ,friends there. 13, at which the Londessboro hockey
Miss Davina Toms ,Toronto came Mi Scott 'returned home teams were the guests. Rev A4 D;
George,Dewar week,
speaker will the present, Mao a leo
will bie taken• Everyone wel'coin
Hockey. Team at Church
Londesbaro United Church ' held
Miss Norma Collins; London, visit-
ed friends in the village on Sunday.
Miss Marie,, Elliott rias returned
home; after vikiting her aunt in De-
t'e trait.
a Mesa John Kaiser Hensel! e
, s nt
the weekend with Miss Maude Me-
a Intosir,
Ma,ss EdithStaaatvayStanway,
the weekend with 'Rev. and Mrs; n'E, ant
4t:•: ..
-, Miss Mabel Whitman, Kipper,
dspent the weekend With Mx. and Mrs,
T. Baird.
d Mr. and Mrs: James Burdge, .Code
at erich, ea]led ony Mr. and Mrs. Eked
Surd e y
d M', and nAles. .Ballantyne, Strat-
ford; visited Mr. and Mrs. John
Carnia, Sunday.
o i .M'r. and Mrs. Ross Scott and ,Ruth,
Y M. Alice Ham, spent 'a couple "iif
of days in Toronto.
Mrs. Frank Strange. Toronto, is
,visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs,
George iSwatte
'Misses Eva 'Stackhouse and Mary
and Glencoeent a ' couple,
week. in
I Mr, and Mrs. C. Halstead and son
and Mr. T. H. Wheeler, Stratford,
called on friends in the village on
Mrs. Holland, who has spent the
winter with her sister, Mrs. H.
Dayman, has returned to her home
in the West. .
Mi. and Mrs. Roy Brock, Hensall,
and Mr. .and Mrs, Carlyle Cornish,
Seaforth, spent` :Sunday --with Mr. and
on Saturday to spend 4h1 week with pend the winter an Detroit
her: parents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcom kcal her cousin, Miss Watt.
fionrs. Mrs.' Clayton Guest and Miss 1 ales, J. Grierson and Doris, Sunder
Morah Guest, Landon, are also their ,b nd, visited the. ,farmer's Jrarents,.
guests, and , J. duceaud, bast week.
Mr.. and Mrs. J. Apfelbeck and I. Crease Producers' Meet
family visited Mars. Apfelbeck's fath- I The Hu'ilett Federation' of Agri-
culture is 'prodding a meeting of the
er, near. Dorchester, on Sunday. They Ch, Pr ooddircera in the community,
were-azeornpanied by `Miss Berthetra
Sturgeon who Spent the day with her
Ilene Rev. James Catling and Mrs. , foam the
eating, The Rectory, Dorchester. Weston on Monday evening when,a and executive, to a turkey 1d a '
MiaandiMrs.E •i{tendalltand laugh- 'few fxierule and neighbours gathered the Comnwmi Hall,) banquet in
ter Jane, returned to Elmira on to celebrate their twentieth wedding tY ndesboro, on
aatnlvers After 1 l l iiia, naglut, April 11
Penmen welcomed the teams and in
trod4uced the guest speaker, Rev. W.
J. Woolfrey, ',Ontario Street Unite
Church, Clinton. He gave a selendi
address on sportsmanship and wha -meant to all. The choir rendere
special music for this oecasior,
Hockey Team Banqueted
The Reeve and ladies of Londesbor
entertained the .Londesbone hocke
it wives andlady friends
Sunday after having spent the East-
er vacation With Mfrs. Kendail's par -
ants, Mr. and Mrs. Wen. R. Jowett.
Mr. and Airs. LeRoy Poth and
Master Ronald, returned to their
home in Jewett's Grove on • Monday
after a most enjoyable motor trip to.
New Yorg City . and W. Hartford,
Mrs, Y. Burt and Many Lou return-
ed to London on Sunday after having
spent the vacation with her parents,
Mt•. and Mrs. P. W. Baker. Howard
urt and Miss Peggy Gray, Toronto,
Miss Peggy and Ronald Burt, Lon-
don were.also here over the week-
Mr., and Mee. . E. A. Westlake, ae- l
Attended Funeral everything from eat wood, and
Ary, a soeia t me Reeve J. Armstrong welcomed the
together, Mr, and •Mrs.. Weston were guests and spoke on the good showing
presented with a china tea .pot set the team had made in their season's
with 14 carat gold overlay by their play, and, congratuiated them fon the
friends who wished them many more sportsmanship and example of team -
years of wedded life. work and goodfellowship they had
River on Rampage shown,
1 som,'
ield River went on the Walter Tares, the coach, thanked
day and Sunday. Mr Armstrong; ' and ;the ladies who
It rose to the height of the fisher- ,
men's docks but did not overflow the had Made possible the sumptuous
flats there. However, the main cur. dinner that all had partaken of.- Ho
rent swept around.ienewe north,chan- thanked the community for the sup -,t
net and cut across Pinch's flats, over- port they had given the team. He
flowing all the little islands. It was also thanked the team for the loyal
anc on for ,sightseers om Sun- Y gd le
tt ti support the hail y
en and the Mrs. J. rK.- •Cornish,
day to watch the delude being sdvemt, °O Dion they had Shaer', one with °
down, which .included large • trees, the other; all through the season
Other speakers were: Geo. Cowan,
c ,:Rea red by Miss A. M. Stirling,
attended the funeral' ,of Miss M.
Ilwwkina, in London on. Monday, The
service was held from the Logan
Funeral Home and interment made
in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, London.
The late bliss Hawkins was known
to many here through her kindly
interest in the village. For• years
•she and her sister, Mrs. Ida Turner
have peen simmer residents in their
cottage on Tuyli St.
Bride -elect' Feted
ranches (three feet through), and
clumps 'of trees, It' was - of more
than ,passing interest to Harold Bran-
don who lost 95 cord's of wood piled
oh his flats,
Easter Services
Owing to the serious illness of
Rev,' J. Goeghan, Woodstock, Rev.
Dr, O'Neil was not present for the
Easter ,service lin Trinity Church,
Bayfield, as had been arranged. The
Reciter, Rev. L. Morgan. conducted
matins and preaohed a most milieu -
managed; Ben Riley, captain; Jack VARNA
,Lee, assistant eaptaan; and Freeman
Turney. '
After dinner, the evening was spent
in dancing and cards.
Piaster Thankoffering
The Raster Thankoffering meeting
of the WM:S. was held in the school
room of the church on Thursday last.
The president, MTs. Townsend, eed
an Easter poem. Hymn 86 was 'sung
and prayer was read from prayer
oard. Mrs. B. tShobbrook and Mrs.
sive sermon, bring his remarks on Clark were chosen as delegates to
Mee. •Grant Turner and Mrs. :I. ,St. John 20, verse is "The first day the Presbyterial meeting to be held
Robinson were co -hostesses when of the week cometh Mary Magdalene in Exeter April 24, Mese Penman,
they entertained in the former's early, when it was yet dark, unto the Christian ,Stewardship secretary,
home at a miscellaneous shower on the sepulchre, and seeth the .stone gave a reading; Mrs. Lily Webster
Saturday evening in honor of Miss taken away from the sepulchre." On temperance secretary, reported on
Dawns Toms. The bride -elect was Sunday, the Rev. B. Parr, Goderielu temperanee work. Group One with
quite taken by surprise when Masters will celebrate Holy Communion in Mrs. W, Lyon in change, took the
Teddy Turner and , Gary Merner Trinity •Church and throughout the meeting. :Mrs. A. Shaddick Tepee -
a go perambulator•
senting the
decorated in pink and'white,laden g Band gave a read -
decorated Flowers on the altar and in the irg Miss Muriel sang a solo Froin•
with gifts. Miss Toms expressed sanctuary were place& there by Mr. the Mission Band; a selection "Make
her thanks very charmingly for eaoh and Mrs. R. B. Johnston in memory Up Your Life" was given by •liras. B.
gift as she opened them. The ever- of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John ,Shobroog; Misses Lois Wood and
ing• was spent in court whist, Mrs. Pollock; by Mr, and Mrs, George Thelma ,Shobbrook Rion the Mission
R. L. Bassett had high score and Kng in memory of their son, A. Ford Circle, The programme followed the
Mies Ellen MacKay, low, The host- King; by Mrs. William Howard in theme "God's Book of Life," given
esses served dainty refreshments to utemon'y of her son, Cecil. Howard; by members of group one. Duet by
about thirty guests. by Mee. 'Mabel Wallace in memory of
Trousseau Tea
Mrs. Malcom Toms held a delight-
ful trousseau tea on Tuesday after-
noon in honor of her daughter,
Dawua, whose forthcoaning marriage
to Lloyd Westlake will take place
in St. Andrew's United Chuieh on
Saturday afternoon. The house was
tastefully decorated with spring
newel's. Mrs. Tonne received in a
line green crepe frock with whish
she wore a large daffodil. Dawiia
was in 'a charming dress of powder
blue crepe, with touches of black.
Mee. E: R.' Weston was at the door.
Mrs. •Grafton Weston poured tea and
Mr's. Clayton Guest, assisted by her
daughter, ,Morah, served dainty re-
freshments. in the dining room, The
table was beautifully set wilt a eat -
work cloth. centred with an artistic
arrangement of vari-colored crocuses,
flanked by yellow -tapers. Adm. Percy
Weston assisted in the kitchen while
Mrs. Grant Turner displayed the
trousseau sorer many ,beautiful wed-
ding gifts.
Successful Carnival •
The annual Easter Oarnival held
in the Town Hall, on April 9, under
the auspices of Bayfield Agricultural
Society, was well -attended. The
president, Aifred Warner, welccmed
those present and Albert Dunn, Sr.,
acted as master of ceremonies. The
Bayfield Valley Five Orchestra
played for the dance. Carl Houston
was floor -manager. Albert Dunn
directed the Grand :Mardis •of those
in costume.
The judges—Mxs. R. B. Johnston,
I. Stewart and Bir.. Lewis, awarded
the prizes as follows;' Ladies fanny,
lot —Mary Beatty (old-fashioned
girl), 2nd—Margaret iDueharme
fashioned lady) ; ladies comic, lat.....
Mac. E, Sturgeon (comic :strip), 2nd
—Reith Brandon (bathing beauty
1900); gents fancy, 1st -•.Don; Warner
(father time), 2nd -,Mrs. J. Howard
(King of Hearts); girls costume, 1st
Charlene Scotchener (flower girl),
OW—Margaret Howard (Queen of
Hearts), 3rd --Glen Fraser (gypsy);
boys costume, lst—Marion Maldns
(working ,man); best couple, any
costume, lst—M, and E. Brecken-
ridge (Mr, and Mrs, America), and --
Norma Sturgeon and Joyce McRae
(iAltuit Jemima end Uncle Jem), 3rd
Area J. Howard and Miss Margaret
Howard (King and Queen of Hearts).
Russell Coleman won the door prize
'-Sieh was a bushel of apples. The
refreshment booth in the basement
was well patronized.
(Intended' for last week)
Neil ,Mustard, Miss Beth Oliver,,
Mr. and MTs. Gil Struthers returned
to. Toronto on Sunday after having
spent a couple of days at the Must-
ard cottage.
Mrs. V. A. Burt, Misses Peggy anh
Mary, Lou and Howard and :Ronald
Burt, London, spent Easter with Mrs,
Burt's paa'ents, Mr. end ' Nis. F. '"W.
Baker. Harry Baker and daughter,
Connie, London, were also with them
on Baster Day.
Mrs. William Howarde returned
hoane last week atter having spent
several weeks in Detroit. She was
accompanied by her daughter, Mrs.
C' Wallace and ,Miss• Annie Drouin,
who are spending this week with her.
Her grandsons, Kenneth Lyon and
Gordon Mason and ,Miss Janet Hol-
lister, Detroit, were also her guests;
over.the Easter 'weekend.
Joint Lenten Services
Joint Lenten services were held in
Trinity Chur:oh and Ste Andrew's
United Church, Rev,F: G. Stotesbrn•y.
was the speaker, on the first ,and
fourth seivicis add 'Rev. L. Morgan
gave the acldre e at the second and
third services,
20 Years Married
A very pleasant evening was spent
at the home, of Mx: "and Mr's. P.
her •husband•. Charles Wallace. Fol-
lowing the service, Sandra Lee, the
baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Harry
Reid, Stanley Township, was baptiz-
ed. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Reid were
the godparents,
Misses Doreen Armstrong and Lots
Wood, "The Old ,Rugged Cross"; also
a solo by MTs. Vincent entitled "I
know that my Redeemer Liveth."
The offering was• taken by .Mrs. Web-
ster. Hymn 243 was sung and the
meeting closed with prayer.
James Reid, Thedford, is renewing
acquaintances in the village and
Mrs. Tuffin and daughter, MTs.
Parson ,'Staffa, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. John Aldington on Monday.
MTs, ,1K, Elliott, who spent . the
winter with relatives in California
and Washington, has returned to her
After spending a few homes on
business at their farm, Saturday, Dr,
and Mrs. L. W. Moffatt returned to
London later that afternoon,
Sunday and weekend visitors were
Mr. and IVIes, Thomas Aldington, Sea -
forth with their son, John Aldington
and Mrs. Addington; Mr, and Mrs,
Ross Latham and family and Miss
G. Beatty
Y Lon with Mrs.
Edith; Bea try and Mr. and MTs. 3,
Aago and family, Toronto, with Mrs.
A,. McConnell
Scotch Concert
A Scotch Concert will be presented
by Egmondville United Chureh choir
under the auspices of Varna WiA., on
Friday, April 18, in the Town Hall,
I Varna•
Euchre Much Enjoyed •
The euchre and dance sponsored
by L.O.L. No. 10385in the Township
Hall en Friday night was much en -
eyed by all present. Music was sup -
lied by the Collins Oiehestra,
Mrs. Dodsworth and her mother,
Mrs. E. Smith, London,, called oro:
friends in the village Monday, Men.
Smith remaining over to spend a• fe„ ar
days with •Mrs. Austin who, we +,
sorry to report, is not enjoying Yeas'
good health.
St. John's W.A.
The W.A. of ,St. John's Anglican
Church met at the home of Atm.
Reid, Friday afternoon; quilting was
the order of the dlay. Iunela was., •
served bythe hostess'.
First -Class Wgrkmarialdp
Fred Porterfield
PHONE 99 F.O. BOX 16
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There's a Dominion Life
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Basil $. Pocktillgton
Ratteabury Si, Phone 473
ONTARIO'S future prosperity depends directly.on a sufficient volume of •
d•es a•saws•••o•...... .••.sa.....,eer.•u.•.er•eee...4.
production to satisfy domestic nceds•and assure forCanada a<pre°eminent
place in the markets of the world. Take the metal trades for example .. •
never before has the demand, both here and abroad, for the products of
Ontario's metal industries been so great. Production ,mist be increased
but to meet new production goals, skilled hands are needed. For them great
opportunities 'lie ahead. Higher wagos, job security, better working
conditions are within easier res of those who have mastered a skilled ,
Today, through the plan sponsored by tho Deportment of Veterans' 'Affairs
and other agencies, hundreds of young workers arc „being trained to meet
the needs of the metal trades. Graduates of those rehabilitation courses
are now ready to take their places in Ontario's indnstry.' Available to you
are veterans, well started on the road to sl.illled•ntetal working trades such
as tool making, blacksntitlrirrg, ,Machine dperaLion; iron Working, pattern
making, welding and forging. Seek them out with confidence. They are'
your future craftsmen.
The Welding Course gives the student a ggood
knowledge and practical experience of f,nth
oxy-acotylune and electric ace wading,
tivailable •at Windsor, 7Jnrrulton Toronto
and: Brockville,. this . course includes' the
study of different metals and alloys, The
graduate, with further practice, should bocome
a good all round welder.
'Vocational training ceruses. are
aircraft at tratain4 MUMS located iii
the following elites and towns in
Ontario; Toronto, London, klalncl-
ton, Kitchener, Windsor, Ft.
William, Brookville, Kings ion,
North iBay, Ottawa, Guolpb,
Kerriptvilie, IIs lcybncy.