Clinton News-Record, 1947-04-10, Page 6PAGE SII! CLINTON NFJWS-1 Co'RD THURSDAY AIM IL 10, 19ea'; omen s and Church Affairs in CI1ton and District Call . Us Up And Ci ' Give Us .The Dirt'! Sure, give us the dirtiest cleaning you can find -= well send it back spotless in a mere four days! DYEING We can also ,have your Suits, Coats, Dresses, dyed by a reliable Toronto firm. Prices reasonable. GLIDDON'S PRESS SHOP Phone 115 We Call for and Deliver Clinton . It's the slxaiy of 6,380 new and changed listings ---a storyof growth and development which enlarges the scope, and there- for the value, of your telephone. Behind this story is one which is still bigger—a story of millions of dollars being spent to add new •telephones,switeh. boards andbuildingsas quickly as possible so iirat you may continue to have the best :telephone service at the lowest cost. "Paull !Inti me in the book!" Most people are listed in your tele- phone book. So first look the num- ber up yourself—then if you don't find it call "Information". It's really faster this nay. T. M. GOODWIN, Manager THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OP CANADA Twilight Musicale Proves Successful. Abtz+aotively decorated with burn- ing tapers and spring flowers, On- PAI?T{ER-ROSS tario St. United 'Church made a fit- . A wedding of interest to Ek. great ting setting for a 'Twilight (lt3usicale many, in this distinct ,.took place in on GoodFridaiy .afternoon, The event Wrls'hfr e rest Calif.,yte,'!an Gtti°rch spo Girls' Cl lr if., on Saturda x was ed b the u of I Los Angeles, i 10 Cai y the church with art of the roceeds 47, 'when Mary ,Elizabeth Dalt Don - going to the work of the Hospital A!d a DossEdison Roshter s nee IlzeDr. and l lVTO' nil) Association. There was a good crowd ,x hq S. IManefield iAve., Los Angeles, in attendance atixl as the people were land both formerlyof Clinton, was gathering organ ;selections were play -'united in marriagto Dr. Benjamin ed desby as. Edward d ard Wender/ who Franklin. Parker, son of Mrs. Stella organ throughout the Barkley Parker, Foxworth, Miss. entire programme. Follawin Rev. W. J. Wookat+ey opened . pie i the ccouple spent neir mush:ale by exp essnbg appreeatiion hone m the young; a 1, Fo their. to those who :had come and then of- !three honeymoon ie will reside the Min fered prayer. The first number on neapolis, Minnesota, where the groom the programme was a contralto solo has a fellowship at the University f "He Was Despised from Mindere ,Minneapolis. Prior to her marrage e Messiah sung by Miss Eileen ,Sutter. !the bride was an occupational Thera - This was Followed by Miss Ally Lau gist at Birmingham Hospital, Van 7 hoanjpson slinging "Prayer' by Ways,. Guinn. The bride is a niece trf Miss W. Mrs. Mae Rance 'MacKinnon in her O'Neil, -Clinton, and has visited here usually fine style gave a very• rim- on several occasions. preseive and appropriate reading 'The St. John's Fund." Miss Gloria Daimler, Holmesville, only 13 years of age and with an •exceptionally fine voice, sang Gounod's "Ave Maria" in the original Latin. This was foie lowed by Mrs. IL C. Lawson singing "Open the Gates of the Temple." Mrs. Wendorf and Miss Elva Wiltse Savoured with one of their always popular organ and piano cinetts O Sacred Head" after which Miss C'or- onna Wendorf - sang "Calvary" Sam Rennie, Hansall, was the next on the programme and his number was "The Holy laity." - Mirs. W. A. Oakes sang "Into the Woods my Master Went" and after that Miss :Marion Gibbings sang "There is a Green Hill Far Away." Mrs. Wendorf and Miss Wnitse fav- oured 'with another organ and piano duett "Andantino" and after that Rev. W. J. Woolfrey expressed the appreciation, to those taking part and, then closed with the Benediction. Mrs. Wendorf prayed an organ post- lu:de as the people were leaving the church. Followng the programme the Girls' Club served retfresaments in the church basement to the artists and a social hour was enjoyed Evening Auxiliary Discusses India The March Meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of Wesley -Willis United Church, was held at the home of Mrs. James McLaren, William St., After the opening exercises conduct- ed by the president, Mgr's. George Beattie, Miss Ferrol Higgins took charge of the Study period. opening with an Easter Poem. The Scripture reading was given by Miss Gladys Addison. Each, member answered the Roll Call 'with an Easter verse. The topic was "The Church In India", Parts being taken by Mrs. James McLaren. Mrs. A. E'..Douglas, Mrs. Wilfred Jer- vis, Vers. P. Livermore, also Mrs. Reg Shipley. An interesting story was told by Miss Rudd. Prayers were offered by Mrs. A. E. Douglas. The meeting closed With Hymn 86, and the Benediction. 0 If you have guests, let the NEWS - RECORD: know. Phone 4. Add Fresh Beauty To Your Walls This Spring redecorate with SUN -TESTED Wall- paper to give new life and color to your entire home. Come iiia and choose from scores of fascinating pat- terns, all priced to fit every budget. You can save additional money by dohsg your own waillpaperbig. However, .if you wish, we should be glad to do it for you, saving you time and worry. ESTIMATES GIVEN FREELY We have a good stock of Watllpaper whileit lasts. Conte• in and make your choice: while the stock is complete. Prices range from 15c to . 95c per roll LET US HELP YOU CHOOSE TI3E; RIGHT. PAPER FOR YOUR WALLS We have had years of experience IF YOU DO YOUR .OWN PAINTING You'll want only the finest in high quality paints. When you choose your needs here, you can be sure of getting only the best at reasonable prices, as we have a large .stock of paint ou hand for inside and out. AS PAINT 1S SCARCE, you would be wise to order now. Let us help you choose the colors for exteriors or interiors. We Recommend Lowe Bros. `TOUGH ENOUGH FOR SHIPS BEST FOR YOUR lIOME'." Phone 234W PAINTERS mid DECORATORS Three Doors from ' Roys1 Bank ---Huron St: Clinton Wesley -Willis W.A. Has Easter Theme The April meeting of the Woman's Association of Wesley -Willis United church was 'held n .the church parlour on Thut+sday,ad;ternoon, April 3. The president, Mrs. W. A. Oakes, was in tate chair. Mrs, H. W. Oharlesworth was pianist. The opening hymn' was "In the Cross of :Christ I Glory". Mrs. Oakes offered prayer. Mrs. Gordon Miller read the secretary's report :and also that of the treasurer. Throughout the meeting. the Raster thence was in evidence, Mrs. Fred Potter read the Scripture lesson from the lath chapter of St. Mark. Mrs. J. MulItollan'd read a prayer and Mrs. Reg, Shipley gave some thoughts :on 'The. Women at the tSepulehee". Mrs, John Innes ;sang very sweetly 'There is a Green Bill Far Away" accompanied by Mrs. P. Livermore. Miss Margaret Davies gave a very thoughtaue address •entitled "Easter Meditations", A short business meeting followed. The -convener of the Flower ,Comnritt. ee, Mrs. J. Nedi'ger, Jr. reported flowers and cards sent to 13 members of the -congregation. Arrangements were made for the banquet to be served to Goderioh •Suannser 'School Reunion on Thursday, April 17, when 100 are expected to be present. The date of the annual Country Fair was set for October 18. The closing hymn was 'Crown Hinz ivtith Many Crowns", The-Mizpalr Benediction brought the meeting to a close, •after which Mrs. Fred P:ott- er's group served a delicious tea to a large number of members and visitors. • St. Paul's WA Holds Thankoffering Meeting Mrs. Bulteel was hostess to the members of bhe W.A, for the -annual aankoffering meeting on 7'aesday afternoon. There was a good at- tendanee of members and visitors, thougth weather conditions are still keeping many at hone. The president, •Mrs. Bulteel, open- 1 ed the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Il, Bartliff read the'Scripture pas- Clinton W.I. - Plans To Attend Annual Clinton Women" Institute held its regular meeting ie the Board Room, Oaten ° Agricultural Office. Clinton: on Thursdy, April 3, with the presi- dent, Mgrs, Mervyn Bataan, irethe chair, and Mrs. Ernest Adams at .the piano. The meeting opened with the regular opening exercises of sin ' the Ode and repeating the Lori' Prayer. The miiuultes of the last sneetan Were read and .approved and,pamph th treasurer's report 'given. A let from Wiughaan was read •points out that there tie'•a programme firm 11-11.30 every anosming dealing with the work of the WL's' is•the district. Mfrs. C. H. Veneer was appointed o publicity c nvener, lit was reported that the committee is working hard on :the Tweedsminbr Book which as to be sent to the .district secretary for the contest. The district president, Mrs, avers, :Dungannon, was present and gave a 'very interesting address,an .Music. fr She also brought•greetings torn the West Huron District and•announced that the District Annual would take ,place on (May 20, in Blyth. Mas. H. C. Lawson sang a very pleasing solo acceanpanying herself ' on the piano. 'awe splendid instru- mental duetts were played by ,Mrs, W.E. Perdue and ,Mrs. Ek test Adams, Mae. Glen Baroadfoot gave a most mstrnctive talk on Home Economics giving the history of crockery, dishes, glassware, and. Vurniture giving 'some details as to the manufacture of these articles. Ma's. J. E. Levis and - Mrs. Harvey Jenkins' voiced .the appreciation of the ladies to all who had helped to snake the aneetiing .such an outstand- ing success. The' meeting closed with the National idinthem. Later a social .half hour was en• jeered when Mrs. Walter Swinbank, Mrs, a. B. Levis, Miss Maud Chant. hers, Mrs. W. E. Perdue, Mrs. Ernest Adams and 'Mrs. Fred Hanley were hostesses. Engagement Announceden James M, Reid, TiiedfEord, ravishes to ennounce the engagement of his daughter, Ana Gerbruale, to Rader. ick Gosrrill, son of John, Goriill and the late Mrs. Gentili, .:Sudbury, the anas'riage will take place the early pant of May Mr. and Mrs. Carl Houston, Stanley Township, wish to announce the en gin gagement of their youngest daughter, s Madge Ruth, to Vernon Westley Geseh eldest son of Mr. and Mis. David g Cesoh, Blake, the marriage to take e place quietly April 15. --o nh GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE The united service of 'worship far Good Friday .mortting was held in St. Patud's Anglican Church with the rect- or, Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel, in charge. The choir was under the directionof Mns. J. G. MacKinnon with Mas. Theodore Fremlin tat the organ, The address was given by Rev, W. J. Waokrey, minister of Ontario St. United Ohureh, o'hairman of the •Clint on Council of Churches, There was & goad congregation 'representing all the c'hurohes, present. Ontario St. W.A. Plans Bazaar The April meeting of the W.A. of Ontario St. United Church was held Wednesday afternoon, April 2, with a good attendance. Mrs. P. Town- send .was in the chair. The meeting opened by singeing the hymn "Jesus keep inn near the Cross" followed by prayer in unison. Psalm 166 was read. The devotional period was taken by airs. W. J. Woolfrey who read the 16th chapter of St. Marls and the 20th chapter ote at. John. The Hymn "When I survey the Wondrous Cross" was sung followed by prayer. Reports of the various committees were read. tI was decided to hold the bazaar, •Saturday, May 17. St. James' ward are to serve for the month of May with 'Mrs. L. Heard, Mrs. M. Wiitse, and urs.W. Free- man aS Conveners. Mis. A. J. Mo7luaxaty and Mas. F. Toevnsend gave two very appropriato •eadings for Easter. The meeting closed by singing hymn "There is a green hill far way" followed by prayer. tai delicious mall was served by St. John's Ward. The 'Misses Glew favoured the adies with several piano duets dur- ng the lunch hour, 0 WESLEY-WILLIS GIRLS' CLUB The Girls' Club of Wesley -Willis United Church will hold their April meeting on Wednesday, April 16, in th e church parlour at 8 p.m. The members are asked to note the change of day from Tuesday to ednesdtry. sage using Moffatt's translation. Reports were received from the committees. Mesdames Budie and L. McKinnon wer' chosen to be the dele- gates to the annual convention to be held lin London, Atari! 22. Mrs. Hudie gave a concise account' of Huron. Diocese W.A. since its be- ginning in 1807. A talk on Kangara by Mrs. L. McKinnon brought out W many interestng items on customs in India. Alter the .meeting was closed re-• ereshnienits were served, Mrs. Count- er expressed the thanks of the ladies to Mrs. 13utleel, The May meeting will he held et the home of 1VIre. F. O. Ford. EASTER THANKOFFERING The contained Raster Thankoffer- of the Evening Auxiliary and W.M1S. of Wesley -Willis United Oh avid be held an the Sunday +the O School room of the church on Tuna, clan evening, April 15, at eight o'clock. The guest speaker of the evening weal be Rev, Et. R. Stanway, Brucofield,, a returned missionary from China. A social hour will fallow the meeting. Evoyoneis welcome. LEGION LADIES' AUXILIARY The regular meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Canadian, Legion will be held Monday, April 14, at 8.15 pan. in the New Legion Home. All anembers are asked to be present. PRESBYTERIAN W. M. S. The Presbyterian W. M. S. will meet on Wednesday afternoon, April 16 at three o'clock at ,the home of Mrs, Clifton, RATION COUPON DUE DATES Coupons now valid are sugar -pre- serves 326 :to 5:46, batter B35 to B47 Next coupons becoming valid are sugar preserves 547 and .848 and butter B48 on April 17. CHURCH DIRECTORY Pentecostal C. M. GIIsIGRlOH, Pastor SUNDAY, APRIL 13. 2.30 P.M.-eSunday Sohaol 3.30 PQM.—Worship Service 7.30 P.M.-- Rvanigelistic Service Sunday Services at home of Miss 'Laura Jervis, Princess St, 18. Cottage Prayer Meeti2.gs, Wednes- day, 8 pent. "I are not ashamed of the Gospel of Chvist." Roan. 1:16. Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLF13EY, Minister I3, J. Gibbing.% Choir Leader Mis. E. Wenderf, Organist SUNDAY, APRIL 18 11.00 A-M.—Mon.•naing Service 'Whatsoever things are lovely." --Standar School` 7.00 P.M. --,Evening Worship Rev. A. D. Penman, Londesboto will preach. Baptist uV 0. C. ANDERSON', Ministet Mrs, Ernest Adams, Organicist Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader , SUNDAY, APRIL 18 Bible S'c'hool --11, A;M. Evening Warship -7 P.M. God is the desgiaier, builder and own- er of this world, Have you paid any rent for all the sun, air and watch cure? The Loving Landlord ' has appointeda special day to pray, Paly, and say Thank You, Romenvbee the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy." Evening 'Subject -- "The Breadth of St. Paul's Anglican REV. R. M. 1'. BULTlIt EL, Rector .Mrs. Theodore Frennlin, Organist Mss. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, AP.R1L le 11.001AI.M•-3lorning Prayer 1 2.00 P.M.--i8unday School 7.00.I iM.---Fivening .Service N Presbyterian REV, D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. llert Boyesy Organist and Choir Leader .SUUINiDAY. 'APRIL 13 10.00 A.M.—:Sunday School 11.00 AJNL.--IDavine Worship "The Grace of our Lord, Jesus ahtii>,tt." 2.30 P.M.-&rvi:co at Bayfield, A11 Welcome Wesley -Willis Church REV, ANDREW LANE, Minisbet' Mrs. 1VIorgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader '.s" LiNIDA Y, A,P.R,IL 13 11.00 A.M.--11Mornin'g Wnrslup, "The Lord's Supper" 12.10--{Ohtjrclt 'Schaal 7.00 P.M.—Evening Service Presbyterian W.A. Sends Easter Flowers. The W.A.of :Clinton Peesbyterianr-• Chuamh met he the ohurel& parlour 'iso Wednesday -afternoon, ,Axil' 12, with kgood attendance. Mrs. Saider:via,.,. piano, the Lord's Prayer an unison. A social by singings nt the the lath follow ui reading A. Maxwel4, firm a+ocip. weir sent to cr> seconded' by~ flowers be ane ill. with Hyman: hour followed' with hers: uShaddock and Miss Harvey as tea Hostesses. The meeting opened" i.nging Hymn 25'4. The preside n read= the first 22 verses- of ter of 3 . John's Gospel,. a prayer ,and a beano!. one The secretary's and treasurer's re— ports were read' by Nes, Thanks were expressed'' ients for card's' and' fla oust aahut.im members; It was mave tan .Mrs. Riaberton• and Mrs. Coak that Easter sent to members 'who The meeting closed • 480, ".I Need Thee Every Hour" and' Spring Cleaning Hints Draperies and Cretonnes are .still in short supply mzrking it hard for you to get the desired shade or pattern. Select yours now while the range is at its (best. We have a wide and varied selec- tion of plain 'and frilled curtains.. cottage sets land blain curtain yardage. LRe V. IR s B1 %24at iS42/411e4alciA HIGH STREET, CLINTON: 014 The Fine Appointments of this Funeral Home are Beautiful and Appropriate, Among Which the Large, Pleasant Rooms and Electric Organ are Not the Least: There is No Extra Charge for Services Held Here Under Such Ideal Conditions. BALL BROTHERS WM. N. BALL ' D. , ,, BALL F•UNERAIL DIRECTORS PHONE 361W Ambulance Service PHONE 3613 Listen to the "Messiah Quartet" over Radio Station' CKNX Wednesdays and Fridays at 2.30 pan. sea Healthful Good Bread To Give You A Delightful Tasty Treat "Mmm-m, good! That's what you'll say the moment you taste a thin slice of this delicious bread. Begin today to enjoy this new, satisfying flavor and fresh- ness in the "staff of life." PHONE 1 BARTLIFF BROS.- BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS CLINTON