Clinton News-Record, 1946-12-26, Page 5,fTURSDAY, DECEMBER . 26, 1946 °L1F1.92.1 WY," News -Record Classified Adlets Bring Quick Results CASH RATE, -,(If paid by Wednes- -day following date of •insertiozi)-One _ • LOST AND FOUNle etent a word first insertion (minimum 10 cents); subsequent insertions each stininimum 26 cents); 10 cents extra .90 box number or for directing to NEWS-REDORD Office. LOST. -e YEIARLING HEREFORD heifer, !Anyone knowing whereabouts please notify Proctor Palmer, phone I 901e81. 49btfb , FOR .SALE . - - LOIST-TWO PDX HCxuNDe - one large black mid tan, •tattoo in ear •CIARIZOTS FOR SALE-- bushel lots,. .41 per bushel. Robert esreGose, phone 906r24. '50-51-62-1-2-p W2; also one black emd white and tan, tattoo in ear 8Z. Anyone know_ ing. whereabouts please get in touch with 'Clarence LetBeau, phone 619r2. ..pAia OF LADY'S mom TUBE it? 1"1 l' i 1 52-b Skates in good condition, size 6. Phime •206J. -52-r ----ae WANTED SET OE TEAM SLEIGHS -nearly new, with flat rack. Apply Gladstone °rig& 62-p OLD AND DISABLED HORSES wanted for mink feed. Phone Gordon Oudmore 907r12 or Elmer Trick 9075. 41-btfb Coming -"NIGHT and DAY" THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF • A MERRY •CABBAGE -Good Solid Heads-U.1B per bushel. Large quantity ;20 per ton or $10 per % tom Apply George Hopson,. 4th conceesion, Gotiench Township, phone 903e23. 61-52-b , OLD HORSESWILL PAY $1.50 per hundredweight. Will call and Pick up same. Phone collect Jack Gilbert, 930r21 or Fred Gilbert, 936r32, 46btfb 1980 A POD motor, Ooderich, 'MODEL -new 5,600 miles on new motor; good paint job Ad Good tires. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -tin eondition. \AloPlY Harold ,Connell, Varna, phone 70r16, Hensel'. 52-p HAVE YOUR OWN BUSINESS or profitable side line. Raise Chinchillas for their valuable fur. Each pair ACCOMMODATION WANTED meets exacting standards of fur as judged by independent FOUR -ROOMED .APARTMENT, un- 1,arnished, for permanent residents. ..Apply Box "L", NEWS -RECORD. 50-tfbpp qualityj experts. Warranted to produce. Little area required for pens. Light, clean work. Write for facts. Springbank Ohinchillas, 705 Little Grey St., Lon- • D. )3Y JANUARY 7, 19 WANTEU0- a furnished apartment or 'house for don Ontario, or call Jack Morgan, Clinton,iphone 216. 49-50-51-52-b airforce couple with one child. Write Mrs. Jean Longworth, Box 607, Picton, Ont. 52-b AN OPPORTUNITY - Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive and between the ages of 25 and 55 -have or can secure LIVESTOCK FOR SALE travel outfit,this is your oPnortunitY to established in a busk THREE YORKSHIRE SOWS -due to farrow January 23. Would exchange for cattle. Apply Ed. N. Grigg, R.R. 3, Cqintore phone Clinton 911r2. 62-13 get prefitable - ness of your own. For full particulars write today to the J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-C-16, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. 49-50-51-52-b • MISCELLANEOUS I PROPERTY FOR SALE ASTHMA SUFFERERS - ENJOY A. MOUSE - OONTAINING THREE apartments, two of them rented and one vacant and available for imrned- sate occupations ;AWAY Lorne J. _Brown, phone 178, Clinton. 50-tfb good night's sleep without coughing and choking, as others are doing. For free information write F. Howey, 144 Catharine St. S., Hamilton. 28-tfb TEACHERS WANTED FLEECE LINE YOUR HOlVIE with blown Rockwool insulation. Saves TEACHER WANTED for SS. No. 1, Hullett; duties to commence January 6, 1947. •State salary and qualifica- -Lions. Apply Bert Irwin, secretary- treasurer, R.R. 2, Seaforth. 51-52-b fuel, fire proof. For free estimate and terms phone 4 Clinton, or write Rowland C. Day, 6 Thornton Axe.. London. 36-37-38-39-40-41-4Is-43-44-P e I THANKS/ FOLKS! ot6 A. year ago we were both Overseas, and our rehabilitation i plans were only a hazy dream. Now it is a different story; we are back and settled in : civilian life once again. For this. we have the Citizens of Clinton and District, the )3 fanners, the factory workers, the merchants and people front every ) walk of life to thank. It is you who have made our venture thus 0 far a successful one. Although we haven't always had the Heine 3 you desired, we hope that the New Year will bring a change for ' the better. ( So in sincere appreciation for your patronage during our first ' eight months in business, we say Thank You, and we mean it. Wishing one and all a Ilaimy mei Prosperous New Year. i Pia ,ett anci Caz , , ell 1 QUALITY CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR , Phone 25 Clinton volosgsmommearamommatmograumso • • • •PHONE tt e '' PI ' ' ' :t Dlo 1 ;.1........ r.--- ke ,, A EDWARD 203 4"‘ t•->;^ , ... t — „ • • - . . • /' 'P kLk ? ea, ol . l lo `' V ,:.!.. is -lee a, et A 4, ietl. and , Happy New Year W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer . :*00 . V .... V1 / el , 14 -lit CLINTON OPEN SUNDAY DECEMBER 29 • Compliments of the Season - MURPHY BROS. GARAGE White Rose Peoducts Goodrich Tires Phone 465 -,--Hudson S -ales and Service— Clinton ... le ms....v.....mwrimm.....m...., LONDON ROAD NOW OPEN The sewer contractors have finished their work Victoria St. and our service station again is on , , • • accessible for your convenience. , , A MERRY CHRISTMAS and , • A HAPPY NEW YEAR • , to all our customers We have appreciated your patronage ., . during the past year Harry Davies Tire and Battery WHITE •ROSE GASOLINE AND OIL • Victoria St. • Phone 460 •akton • BIRTHS • COLLINS-In Clinton Public Hos- • pital, on Thursday, December • 19. 1946, to Mg, and Mrs Earl Collins, R.R. 4, 'Clinton, a daughter. GALL -In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, December 19, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gill, Grand Bend, a son,,(John Douglas). PECK -In Clinton Public Hosnital, on Saturday, Decernber 21, 1946, to Mr. and Mee, Robert Peck, &trial, a daughter (Carol Diane). MARRIAGES PICKARD-OAKES-At the manse of Wesley -Willis United Church, on Wednesday, December 11, 1946, by •Rev. Andrew Lane, Isabel Luella, youngest daughter of Mr. and 1VIrs. Herbert Oakes, Goderieh Township, to Glen jR)4y1 Pickard, son of Mrs. Pickard, Goderich Township Picvard, Goderie,h Township. SHORTHORN MEN REVIEW WORK DURING PAST YEAR (Continued fromPage One) staging a calf sale in the spring in order to make available more Short - torn calves for call club work. "Building for -Elle' Future" W. K. Riddell, London, agrieultural *presentative for Middlesex County. who was introduced by G. E. Nelson, gave a very interesting and instruct- ive talk on "Building for the Future", with soils, crops and machinery, live- stock, managerial 'ability and saless nanshitp being fundamental factors. He emphasized the importance of soils, as they relate to crops and past- ures. which, iii turn, have a bearing on livestock raising; also the necessity of building a herd rather than buying one, with quality, size, and pedigree as guiding factors. MT. Riddell sugg- ested that Ontario cattle producers should take .advantage of high prices and liquidate inferior animals. George McLaughlin, Stratford, ass- stant agricultural 'representative for Perth County, was called upon to re- view the activities ef the Mitchell eef Calf 01131), with epecial mentioe f johu Kinsman, winner of the King's Guineas at the Royal Winter Fair. Harold White, Guelph, reviewed the special class for Boys' and Girls' Club elves at the Royal, and mentioned low the King's .Guineas originated. On behalf of the Perth -Huron Short horn Club and Shorthorn breeders in eneral, George Waldie presented John Kinsman with a billfold as a mall recognition of his outstanding achievement in winning the King's uineas. Membership fee:, were coll- eted, after which the nominating ommittee's report was given by Ben Thiel. Mitchell. and adopted on anote on of Howard Armstrong and Dick UnS111all. James 111. Seca, Seam -tie showed wo interesting films to conelude an nteresting meeting. Last Meeting ,Tan. 7 A resolution by Ald. Ernt et &min eel John R. Butler was selopted, that ieu to the election faille: on lanuarv 1, 1947, the last regair meeting of Sewell for 1946 be held at the usual lour, January 7, 1947. cAlin or THANKS The Hayfield Post Mistress and Staff wish to thank all the patrons or the :splendid co-operation and pa - :fence in the handling of the largest hristmes mail in history, and join n extending to 11 a Merry Christmas and a HaroPY New Year. 52-1 CARD OF THANKS Mrs. William Oritteeden and family wish te take this opportunity of sin- cerely thanking their many friends and neighbours for the beautiful floral tributes, ears loaned and all other acts of kindness shown in their recent sad bereavement; also thanks to Dr. J. W. Shaw, Rev. Andrew Lane and Mrs. W. M. Nediger. 52-b IN MEMORIAM WESTON-In loving memory of our paeents, Me. and Mrs. Henry Weston, who died December 26, 1943: Memories are treasures none can steal, Death is a heartache nothing e.an heal - Seem may forget now you are gone, But we shall remember no matter how long. inissed by the family. PLASTER REPAIRING Plaster repairs promptly and neatly done A. French & Son Plastering Contractors Box 23 - Phone 187 WINGHAM - ONT. ESTIMATES FREE Specialists in Cornice Work and Decorative Plasteripg BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St East.. Phone 585 59-tf Batkins Locker Storage Per Box FRESH FROZEN in heavy syrup STRAWBERRIES 40c FRESH FROZEN RASPBERRIES 40c MUSH FROZEN PEAS • 30c FRESH FROZEN CORN • 30c FRISSII FROZEN BROCCOLI ...„ 33c "We Buy Hides" Frozen Foods are Better Foods GOOD RESULTS FROM CROP EXPERIMENTS IN HURON COUNTY (Continued from Page 1) and are very early in maturity. The advent of hybrids, has opened new ands a,sitoeatglei.egrowth 0± corn for grain Spraying Demonstration "A:spraying demonstration sponsor- ed by the Crop Iraprovement Assoc- iation and directed by .our County Weed Inspector, was held in 'Hay Township one concession south of H,ensall. • A strip of roadside was sprayed with Stephen Weed Killer, which has a Chlorate' base, and sev- eral Brands of 2-4 D. The weeds growing in this area were Chicory, ,Cemacla Thistle and Golden Rod. The iesults were in favour of the Ohlorate stpray, but it is quite costly and is very hard on -all spraying equipment. Considerable research is being done on the selective weedkiller 2-4-D anti no doubt will ,kaing forth Brands which have a greater lethal power. 2-4-D is easy to handle and has not the corroding, rusting effect on equip- ment that the Cthlorate spray has. Program for 1947 "Next year, the Huron Cron Int- provement Aesociatioit plane to have a more extensive program of demon- stration test plots with glasses, cer- eals, corn and other field crops. The use off chemicals for weed eredicat- ion and the use of commercial fert- ilizers shall be a part too, of the ,pro- gram in 1947. Two Short Courses "I am very pleased to announce that the Huron County Branch of the 0:Italie Department of Agriculture will be holding a Short Course in Agriculture and Home Economics in Exeter, com2nencing Monday, January 6 and running for four weeks. A similar course will be held in Bel - grave during the month of February. These courses are organized in the interest of the home, the farm, and the community. The everyday work about the home and the farrn will be emphasized, the dignity and value of rural life will be stressed. The act- ual amount of information obtained at the Short Courses is not the only factor to be considered. New Beide of thought are opened un, a new hi- terest prompted and community pro- blems .aee attached in a united way. The various subjects will be dealt with in a thoroughly pratical manner by a staff of qualified and experienc- ed instructors. "The courses are free. No books are required, except a note book. Plan to attend the first day, If you cannot be on hand all the time come when you can aml make these Courses a success." Tim UNDERSIGNED will be pleased to receive the names of anyone who is qualified to act as Supply Teacher JP. • TUCKERSMITH SCHOOL AREA TV which includes Sections 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9, Tuckersmith; and who would be able to supply for a day, a week, or a month, in any of the schools on reasonably short notice. Applicants to state qualifica- tions and what schools they might be available for and any- thing else relevant to the position. APPLY TO S. II. WHITiVIORE, Sec.-Treas. TUCKERSMITH TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA No. 1 R. R. 3, Seaforth 52-1-b • ROXY THEATRE • CLINTON CAPITAL THEATRE ,,, • GODERICH REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing -Danny Kaye in "THE KID FROM BROOKLYN" Now -Di Technicolor -"The KID from BR,OOKLYN" .. Danny Kaye Soiy-leob Hope as MON., TUES., WE». Mona Freeman - Richard Denning and Evelyn Ankers-Anne Sewell's classic about •a girl and her love for a horse will thrill both old and young. You can't effete to miss, "BLACK BEAUTY" • MON, TUES., WED.• Irene Dunne - Rex Harrison and Linda Darnell-tDarryl I'. Zanuck presents a unique treat for jaded screen appetites in the hit show "ANNA and the KING of SIAM" TONSuIEE8U.,RWBBEAD.UCAIRE" MON., iviN Maureen O'Hara - Dick Hymes and Harry James -It's in Techni- color and features the King a Trumpetees he a rollicking musical romance "DO YOU LOVE ME" THUR., FRI., SAT. •THUR., "PINOCCHIO" Walt Disney's Technicolor fantasy which delighted all show patrons over six years ago will make splendid holiday film fare. PRI., SAT. Abbott and Costello with Bhmie Barnes -you'll find something new from Bud and Lou in their latest laugh producer 'The Time of Their Lives' THUR., PRI., SAT. WALT DISNEY Takes over the Regent screen with his fascinating tale of a boy and his conscience • "PINOCCHIO" Coming, --"THE DARK CORNER" Adult Entertainmenta Coming- TO EACH HIS OWN' Coming -"NIGHT and DAY" THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF • A MERRY OF THE ABOVE THEATRES CHRISTM.AS AND A HAPPY NEW WISH THEIR 'MANY PATRONS YEAR ABLE TO LEAVE HOSPITAL Sheriff Nelson Hill, who has been critically ill for six weeks in Alex- andra, Hospital, Goderieh, has return- ed to his home for 'Christmas. A. H. Erskine, treasurer of Ifisron County, has also returned home after a ser- ious illness in the hospital. •----0 CLINTON BOY IN HONOR GUARD 'AT INAUGURATION • (continued from page 1) home, I'll tell you more about it. In another letter "lift sea from .A.capuleo to Zan Diego," dated De- cember 4, A/B Steep says: "We got into Annelle° on Novem- ber 27 and anchored in the bay. go ashore very much there, but I got it day trip to Mexico City, and was it ever grandl You see there were 100 of us chosen front the three ships to go up there to go in a big parade for the inauguration of the new. Mexican president, and I was 'noisy enough to be chosen to go. There were only 100 out of 2,000, so I figure I was very fortunate. .So on the morning, we left Acapulco by air in one of these Pan American ships to Mexico City. It was the first time I had ever been in a big ship, so it was really exciting. We had to go up 12,000 feet to get over the mountains. We got there late in the afternoon and had a look at the city that night. The next day ere (sant shopping in the afternoon, and went on a big party that; night. The next day was the big parade, and was it ever big. There were 30,000 men in ib -Argentines, the Mexicans, and we. It was some 'go' In the afternoon, we 'wertt to the bullfights, We saw six fights. and everyone of them was swell. That night we went to a cocktail party at the Canadian Ambassadmart hourie, and you talk about swanky! It was the nicest party I ever attended. They had American girls going to college as partners for us and they were sure nice. I was with a entity from Arizrem, "The next day we came back by plane to Acapulco, and on December 3, we sailed for San Diego. We stay- ed at a military academy while see were there and it was Teal 'posh.' I think those four day:: were the beat we put in on this trip so far," The next letter, deted Decembev 16, WAS written after A/B Steep's arrival in Esquimalt. B.C., Ma is quoted above. PENNEBAKER'S DRUG STORE THERE ARE NO "GOOD" PEOPLE GET TO HEAVEN! ONLY REPENTANT SINNERS ARE FOUND THERE "I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." Matt. 9:13 "There is none righteous, no, not one." Rom. 3:10 "Whosoever shall call upon the tome a the Lord shall be saved." Rom. 10:13 TUNE 1N -Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR Bylaw No. 16 for 1946 FOR THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF CLINTON A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE SUPPORT AND AID OF A BAND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to provide Sid for a Oivilian Band. NOW ISEREFORE The Municipal Council ef the Town of Clinton enacts as follows 1. The Council of the •Tawn of Clinton may make annual or other grants for the support and aid of a civilian band or bands of music. 2. The Council shall, by means of taxation, tram year to year, establish and inaintait a fund from which such grants shall be made. 3. That this BY-LAW shall come into force and effeet on and from the passing thereof. First reading November 41h. 1946. +Second reading November 4th. 1946. TAKE' N'OXICE that the above is a copy of a proposed By -Law 0/ the Corporation of the Town of Clinton to be submitted to the Votes ef the Electors on the 6t1i. day of January, A.D. 1947, between the hours of 9.00 o'clock in the forenoon and 5,00 o'cloek in the after- noon, at the fallowing places: • Ward Voting Place ST. ,ANDREW'S Council Chamber, Town Hall ST. JAMES' Bert. Glidelon's Laundry ST JOHN'S E. Muaro's Barber Shop ST. 'GEORGE'S R. Jervis' Feed Store AND THAT if the consent of the electors is obtained to the proposed By -Law, it will be taken into consideration by the Council of the said Corporation at a meeting thereof to be held after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publinveion of this Notace, AND THAT such first publication was made on the 12th. day of December, A.D. 1046. AND THAT the Mayor will attend at the Office of the Town Clerk at 1 o'clock in the afternoon on the 30th. day of December. AD. 1946, for the punpose of appointing persons to attend at the Polling Places and at the fine) summing up of the Votes by the Town Clerk. • M. T. CORLESS, Clerk and Treasurer. Town of Clinton. 50-51-62-b .efrovrwww.••••••••••rinvoininrwrwr.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••vvr•frorwerevrir• The Season's Greetings , and Every Good Wish for your Happiness in the New Year HAWKINS HARDWARE ADIMINAINO00./.4VPHII PROCLAMATION Municipal • TOWN OF Nominations MONDAY, DEC. 30 1946 Elections CLINTON Elections MONDAY, JAN. 6 1947 NOTICE Is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors for the Nomination of Candidates for the positions ol Mayor, Reeve, Councillors, Public Utilities Commissioner, and members of the Public Selma Beard, for the ensuing term, will be hold in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON - Monday, December 30, 1946 Between the hours of 12 o'clock noon and 1 o'clock in the afternoon, and a Public Meeting of Electors and citizens will be held in the Council Chamber at 8 o'clock in the evening, December 30, 1946. and if necessary, an election to fill the above nemed positions, or apy of them, will be held on Monday, January 6, 1947 at the following places, and by the following named persons, that is to say, in ST. ANDREW'S WARD At the Town Hall -E. L. Mittel], Deputy Returning Officer ST. JAMES' WARD At 13: Glidden's Shop, Victoria St. --R. B. Fitzsimons, Deputy R. 0. ST. JOHN'S WARD At Ed. Munro's Berber Shop -W. Wallis, Deputy Returning Officer ST. GEORGES WARD At R. L. Jervis' Office, Albert St. -Chas. Manning, Deputy R. 0. Commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until the hour of 'five o'clock in the afternoon and the resulta will be publicly declared in the Town Hall, on Tuesday, the 7th day of January, 1947 at 12 o'clock noon M. T. CORLESS, Clerk and Returning Officer 50-51-52-h C. V. COOKE Florist, Clinton Phones 66w and 66j THANKS TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR PIAIPRONAGE DURING 1946! HUGH R. HAWKINS PHONE 244 RESIDENCE 470