Clinton News-Record, 1946-12-12, Page 5`THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1946 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE 'FIVE News -Record. Classified Adlets Bring Quick Results OAISH RATE—(If paid by Wednes- --IdaY following date of insertion)—One cent a word first insertion (minimum 30 cents); subsequent insertions, each (rainiranm 25 cents); 10 cents extra or box number or for directing to NEWS -RECORD Office. FOR SALE UPRIGHT' PIANO. Apply Box "T", NEW1SeftpCO4lD. 50-51-b E3IGET-PIECE DININGROOM suite; ,would •sell separately. Phone 4'78W. 50-b •0111 BURNER, Lewis super -heater, good as new. Apply Blyth phone 27a-8. 50-p ON ROOT PULPEiR, new knives; .one cutter. Apply Joe Corey, phone • !80,3r12. . -50-p ' TWO ,STORiVI WINDOWS, size •30"x6'. Apply Mrs. Beacom, Town- send St. 50-p .01ARROTS FOR ,SA.LE—bushel lots, $1 per bushel. Robert W Cole, phone 906r24, 50-51-52-1-2-p SMALL QUEBEC HEATER in good condition. Apply Box "T", NEWS - RECORD. 50-b 11WD CHIFFON EVENING GOWNS, blue and white, size, 12-14, inexpen- sive. Phone 23-W. 50-p _LADY'S SHORTIECOAT—size 14, .practically new, fuchsia coloured with .gold trimming. Phone 683. 50-x ..ONE MILD'S TRICYCLE; one •,thild's go-cart; one pair brown velvet .-galashes, almost new, size 5-1/s. Phone 176. 50-b •-0110ICE •SILVER AND PLA.TINU1V1 Pox Scarves, priced $30-$100. Apply Noble Holland, phone Clinton 617r22. .. 48-49-50-&1- O OiNE AUTO TRAM, also ONE 10-20 with plow, disc and cultivator. Apply V. B. Thompson, 2Ye. miles -west of 'Clinton. • 49-50-p :SET OF TEAM eSLEIGIIS in good 'condition; set of one-horse delivery :sleighs. Apply Ernest Brown, Clinton, phone 19W. 50-p OVERCOAT, BOY'S, in good eon- dition, to fit Boy about 14 years, .dark g-rey in colour, price $5. Apply Box "C", NEWS -RECORD. 50-p 'CABBAGE— GOOD GREEN PEED or hens, by half ton or one ton lots, :one cent per pound. $1.15 per bus. ,ply George Hopson, 4th concession, oGoderich Township. 49-50-1, WESTINGHOUSE Electrie 'Motor, 134., H. P.; Massey -Harris Riteway -,milker, 2 single units. Reason for 'selling—cows have been sad, AippIy Arnold Rathwell, phone 90502. 49-50-p POULTRY FOR SALE MILK FED TURICEYS for Christmas APPlY George Colclough, R. R. 1, +01inten. 50-p 'PHONE 112W For Your Christmas tir locker capons or cockerels: milk - fed, 7-9 lbs., Gibson's, Ontario St. 49-50-b ACCOMMODATION WANTED ROOMS BY MARRIED COUPLE— no children (furnished preferred) on -or around the lst of January. George -Jarvis, operator, Roxy Theatre. 150-p :FOUR -ROOMED APARTMENT, un- -furnished, for permanent residents. Apply Box "L", NEWS -RECORD. 50-tfbpp GOOD 100 ACRE FARM, good build- ing, on main road, near town or • -tillage. Apply Box "11", NEWS - RECORD. 50-51-P "Ina. WANTED PROPERTY FOR SALE BUILDING LOT—corner of Queen and Jahn Sts, 132'x80'. Apply Douglas Andrews, phone 174M. 44btfb HOUSE — CONTAINING THREE apartments, two of them rented and one vacant and available for immed- iate ,ocmpa14ion,4 ,Appiy Larne J. Brown, phone 1/8, Clinton. 50-tfb FARIV1 FOR ,SALE — 100 ROMS on highway, good land, web built, hydro, drilled well with pressure •system, Priced to sell. Apply on prethises to Roy Lawson, two miles west of Sea - forth. 50-p MISCELLANEOUS ASTHMA SUFFERERS — ENJOY A good night's sleep without coughing and choking, as others are doing. For free information write F. Howey, 144 Catharine St. S., Hamilton. 28-tfb FLEECE LINE YOUR HOIV1E with blown Rockwool insulation. Saves fuel, fire proof. For free estimate and terms phone 4 Clinton, or write Rowland C. Day, 5 Thornton Ave., London, 36-37-38-39-40-41-41-43-44-p WANTED OLD AND DISABLED HORSES wanted for mink feed. Phone Gordon Ouclmore 907r12 or Elmer Trick 907r5. 41-btfb OLD HORSES, WILL PAY $1.50 per hundredweight. Will call and pick up same. Phone collect Jack Gilbert, 9361.-21 or Fred Gilbert, 936r32, Goderieh. ilebtfb HATCHING EGGS WANTED for 1947 Hatching Season. Flocks culled and bloodtested free of charge under Govermnent Supervision. Guaranteed premium plus hatchability premium paid. All breeds wanted. For full details write to Tweedle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. 49-50-b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HAVE YOUR `OWN BUSINESS or profitable side line. Raise Chinchillas for their valuable fur. Each pair meets exacting standards of fur qualityas judged by independent experts. Warranted to produce. Little area required for pens. Light, clean work. Write for facts. Springbank Chinchillas, 705 Little Grey St„ Lon- don, Ontario. 49-50-51-52-b AN OPPORTUNITY — Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive and between the ages of 25 and 55—have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable busi- ness of your own, For full particulars write today to the J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-0-16, 2177 Masson , Montreal, Que. 49-50-51-52-b LOST AND FOUND LOST — YEARLING HEREFORD heifer, tAlnycme knowing whereabouts please notify Proctor Palmer, phone 901r31. 49btfb LOST — SIVIALL • BLACK CHANGE Purse containing sum of money in vicinity of -Post Office. Reward. Edward McLeod, phone 907r13. 50-p LOST — A SUM OF MONEY lost Enklay, December 6; last noticed in Canada Packers Chopping Mill. Ap- ply Box "A", NEWS -RECORD. 50-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PERCHERON MARE four years old; 40 pigs ready to wean; two Polled Hereford 'Duns, nine months old. Apply •Ernest Brown, Clinton, phone low. 50-p THIRTEEN LITTLE PIGS — six weeks old Apply Ed. Faiqubai, R.R. 1, Clinton, plione 805r5. 50-1) 'PULL TIME WAITRESS NEEDED for lunch room. Good hours, good -wages, Glennie's Lunch. 50-P EIGHT LITTLE PIGS— six weeks old. Apply Roy Cantelon, phone 620r21. 50-p Gift Hat Ceitificates! To avoid giving the wrong size and colour in hats, we offer our cust- omers Hat Certificates, with small felt hat, neatly boxed. These certificates can later be exchanged at our store for ,a new Morgan HAT to suit HIS taste at YOUR price. .,. SWEATERS and JACKETS We have just received a new shipment of sweaters in eclat style, also a few jackets in black and red checks and plain colours. Fr that work jacket see our blanket cloths at a real bargain. SOCKS and TIES Although our DIAMOND SOCKS didn't last too long, we do' expect mote before Christmas. However we still have a good choice of fine socks and an array of smart ties. --- See our window displays for gift suggestions for HUI and for HER Pickett and Campbell QUALITY CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR Phone 25 Clinton roW.IvaNS.NhoWs. Tenders for Snow Plowing TOWN OF CLINTON Sealed Tenders wi� be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock, noon, MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1946 For the contract of Supplying and Operating a Truck with sufficient power to operate the Municipality's plow, to clear the snow from the streets. The lowest or any other tender not It eces8arily accepted 49-50-b 4141,,P.O!.7•••••••••41,4.1! M. T. CORLESS, Clerk and Treasurer, Town of Clinton. Notice to Creditors In the Estate of joint Valentine Diehl, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Gentle- man, Deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the Estate on or before the 23rd day of Decem- ber, A.D. 1946, after which date the assets will be distributed aro.ong,st the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. • DATED at Clinton, this 4th day of December, A.D. 1946. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ont. Solicitor for the said Estate 49-50-51-b .11,1M11011/910..deff!OMM. ROY N. BENTLEY Auditing and Income Tax Reports Bookkeeping Systems Installed Monthly Statements and Invoices Prepared Commercial and Private Typing, etc. Distributor of Office Supplies and Equipment PHONE 1070-R PO. Box 58 GODERICH I will be at the MacKenzie Hotel, Monday, Dec. 16, from 1.30 until 9.30 p.m. Prompt and courteous service 48-49-50-b TP....414,44.40...MANINIMWINPOWINIPMMIN MONSTER CHRISTMAS DANCE Sponsored by Clinton Fire Dept. Friday, Dec. 20 PROCEEDS TO PURCHASE NEW UNIFORMS Town—Hall CLINTON Dancing 9 p,m. to 1 a.m. Music By AL. WHITFIELD and His Nine -Piece Orchestra Novelty Dancing . Hats - Etc. ADMISSION: 50 cents 48-49-50-51-b lieumanc and. ;BACKACHE/ fi S,ciatit Paint •caock'ty 'Relieved by RUMACAPS PENNEBAKER'S DRUG STORE Specializing in Cemetery Work • Only BOX 373 PHONE 450 William Brownlie INSCRIPTIONS, REPAIRING, SANDBLASTING MEMORIALS WINGHAM, ONTARIO Orders should be placed as s'Oon as possible All Portable Air Equipntent 47-48-49-50-1, PLASTER I REPAIRING Plaster repairs promptly and neatly done A. French & Son Plastering Contractors Box 23 - Phone 187 WINGHAM - ONT. ESTIMATES FREE Specialists in Cornice Work and Decorative Plastering BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East., Phone 585 59-tf Batkins Locker Storage Per BoX FRESH FROZEN in heavy syrup STR/AWBERRIES 40c FRESH FROZEN RASPBERRIES ...... 40c FRESH FROZEN PEAS 30c FRESH FROZEN CORN ......... . . .. ...... . .. . . FRESH FROZEN BROCCOLI „., ....... "We Buy Bides" Frozen Foods are Better F 30c . 33c • °ode * OPENING DANCE * ORANGE BALL BLYTH Friday, Dec. 13 Auspices LOL 9,,03 BRUCE'S Orchestra Dancing in above hall every two weeks ADMISSION 50 cents, Ladies with lunch free 50-b CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. J. Harvey wish to express their thanks to their friends, and to their neigh- bors in Clinton, also their former neighbors at Londesboro, for' flowers sent, also for ,ears loaned and any other acts ,of kindness shown to them during their sad bereavement in the loss of their mother. 50-b CARD OF THANKS Mrs. W. H. (Bill) Draper, Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Draper and family, wish to take this opportunity of sincerely thanking their many friends and neighbours for the beautiful floral tributes, cars loaned and all other acts of kindness shown in their re- cent sad bereavement. 50-1, CARD OF THANKS Mr. ,and Mrs. George Stephenson wish to take this opportunity of thanking each and every person who helped in any way since the burning of their barn. 50-p CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this opportun- ity of thanking the people of Goderich Township for supporting me for coun- cillor at the polls on Friday last. (Signed)—GORDON A. ORR. 50-b CARD OF TPIANKS To the many friends, neighbours, and members of Ontario St. Church, congregation and choir, we wish to express our sincere thanks for the lovely gifts presented to us upon leaving Clinton. These will ever be remembered by us and are deeply appreciated . Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Kearns, Lois and Joyce. 50-p e— ROXY THEATRE CLINTON CAPITAL THEATRE GOlDERICH REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now -Playing — "The . Runaround" with Rod Cameron and Ella Raines Now Playing—George Formbly in "1 DIDN'T 'DO II"' Now Playing—"I DIDN'T DOT" starring George Formby Mon. Tues. Wed.—Dual Attraction 'The Adventtires of Rusty' ', A picture with universal appeal., the story of a lonely lad and his dog—Ted Donaldson and Margaret Lindsay. . ALSO — Here are the Bumsteads, wackier than ever in ' "Life With Blondie" Penny Singleton - Arthur Lake and Larry Simms Mon., Tues., Wed. John Hodiak - Nancy Guild and Lloyd Nolan with Lon Nova and Macgo Woode in the cast, present - • mg ga spine -chilling mystery. ... So mewhere in the Night, MON., TUES., WED. Bing Crosby and Ingrid Bergman In Lea MeCarey's greatest pro- duction. Showing each night will Commence at 7 o'clock sharp. "The Bell of St. Mary's" Thurs., Fri., Sat, "PINOCCMO". Walt Disney's superb fantasia of sound and colour returns in a triumphant revival. With a com- plete program of short subjects. P111151., FRI., SAT. • Rod Cameron - Ella Raines and Brod. Crawford—It's the story of a headstrong heiress and the pri- vate sleuth who pursued her. "THE RUNAROUND" Thurs., Fri., Sat. Charles Boyer - Jennifer Jones and Peter Lawford — Margery- Sharp's popular novel comes, to the screen, rich in charm, romance ,and gaiety. "CLUNY BROWN" Coming—Dorothy McGuire in "CLAUDIA AND DAVID" ComingThe Marx Brothers spend "A NIGHT IN CASABLANCA" Coming—Breakfast in Hollywood' with Tom Breneman Mat Wed. Sat, Holidays, 2.30 P.rn —. Matinees—Sat., Holidays, 2.30 p.m. BIRTHS ANDETISONIn Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, December 11, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. 0. K. Ander- son, Clinton, a son (Richard Howard.) GOVDER—,At Alexandra, Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Sunday, 'December 8, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Govier, Auburn, a daughter. GRAIG—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, December 12, 1946, to Mr. and 1VIrs. Robert Craig, Aub- urn, a daughter. GRIGG—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, December 12, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. William Grigg, Clinton, a son. YEA.TS—In Bucks, England, on Sat- urday, December 7, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Yeats (nee IMadelon &Eason), a daughter (Gwendo)yn), IN MEMORIAM LOVETT — In loving memory of Elizabeth Maud, who departed this life, December 14, 1938: "Sweet memories will linger forever, Time cannot change them, it's true; Years that may come cannot sever Our loving remembrance of you." —Ever remembered by her 'husband and family. 50-1, Who's Afraid of FRIDAY THE 13th? Big ChristmasDance TOWN HALL, CLINTON 9.30 p.m. to 1 a.nt. Featuring first appearance here of NORM CARNEGIE and his seven.piece Band, Stratford. SPECIAL PRIZES: Jitterbug Contest, donated by Holmes' Drug Store; Fox Trot, donated by Pennebaker's Drug Store; Step Dancing Contest, donated by Entertain- ment Committee; Door Prize, donated by John A. Sutter. SPONSORED BY CLINTON LAWN BOWLING CLUB NO ADVANCE IN PRICES GENERAL ADMISSION: 50 cents each 48 and 50-b NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' Lists, 1946, Township of Tuckersmith, County of Huron NOTICE is hereby given that 1 have complied with Section 8 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office, Township of Tuckersmith, on the 28th day of November, 1946, the lists of all persons entitled to vote in the said Munieipality at muni- cipal elections and that such lists remain there for inspection, and I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any mors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day of appeal being the 18th day of December, 1946. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Township of Tackersmith 1111MIMMININIIIII1111111111111111111111111116 50-b Don't be Disappointed *ORDER YOUR PLUMBING FIXTURES NOW* FOR USE WHEN SEWERAGE AVAILABLE HUGH R. HAWKINS PHONE 244 RESIDENCE 470 Expert Vulcanizing BringYour Tire Troubles To Us 24-HOUR SERVICE • Harry Davies Tire and Battery WHITE ROSE GASOLINE AND OIL ViCtOria St. Phone 460 • Clinton DEATHS COUCH—At his late residence, St. George Apartments, London, on Tuesday, December 10, 1940, Percy Lorne Couch, formeily of Clinton. Funeral from George E. Logan and Sons Funeral Home, London, Thursday afternoon, Dec. 12, to Clinton Cemetery. DALLAS—In Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on Saturday, December 17, 1946, John Dallas, Hensall, beloved husband of Ann Monteith, in his 83r4 year. Private funeral front family residence, Hensall, to Baird's Cemetery, Dec, 10, DRAPER—In Private Patients Pay,- ilion, Toronto General Hospital, on Sunday, December 8, 1946, Profes- sor William Herman Draper, M.A., in his 32nd year. Funeral from the Beattie Funeral Home, Rattenhury St. E., Clinton, Wednesday, Dec. 11, 1946, to Clinton ,C'ernetery. LEONARD—At his home near Bright on Saturday, December 7, 1946, in his 78-th year, William Leonard, brother of Frederick Leonard, Clin- ton. Funeral Monday afternoon, Dec. 9, to Ratho Cemetery. C LINTON c..ze±Errs] ON TAR.0 SPORTING GOODS OF QUALITY LAMINATED HOCKEY STICKS each $2 to $3 REGULATION PUCKS each 50c SKIS – TOBOGGANS and ACCESSORIES Expected Next Week STILL A FEW CHRISTMAS RECORDINGS AT 0 -UR RECORD BAR PeLuxe Heavy Wool SHIRTS Assorted Patterns $8.95 'A few pairs of Men's SKATING OUTFITS expected Saturday '"FOR WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE TUNE IN—Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. LORD SHALL BE SAVED," Rom. 10:13 RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR ETERNITY IS A LONG TIME TO SPEND IN JUDGMENT 14 is not the will of the Lord that any should perish but that all should come to a saving knowledge of Christ. C. V. COOICE Florist, Clinton Phones btow and 661 Christmas Trees 11 0 4! Full Assortment of NORTHERN SPRUCE and BALSAM • BRITISH COLUMBIA CEDAR SHINGLES * • DRY STOVE WOOD • 1 V. D. FALCONER • PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE PHONE 97 CLINTON • 50-51-b