Clinton News-Record, 1946-09-26, Page 5THURSDAY, SEPTEM,BER 26, 1946 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE News -Record Classified Adlets Bring One cent a word, cash, each insertion (minimum 25 cents); five insertions for price of our; 10 cents extra when replies directed to NEWS -RECORD Office or to a box nuenber. Adlets accepted up to.9 pen. Wednesday. Caeh rates apply up to 9 p.m. Saturday, following date of publication; 25 °elite extra if not so paid. FOR SALE BLA.01C ELECTRIC SEAL COAT (Rabbit), Size 14. Phone 281. 39-b 'MAPLE AND DRY ELM WOOD -- Apply to Lloyd Stewart, Ea. 1, Olin. • ton, 'phone 805r4. 88-39-b LARGE KITCHEN RANGE; in geed condition,. Apply A. Lucas, corner Dunlop and Erie Sts. 29-p 1936 OHEVRO,LErn TRIT,OK, one -and- -a -half ton, stock rack. Apply Fred 'Hurst, 11.11. 2, Seafoeth, Phone Sea - forth 8,51e22. 39-p OIRLD'S THREE-PIECE d,ark green 'Winter Outfit, six -eight years. Child's paddy green all -wool jersey dress, ,six -eight years, Phone 475. 39-1) FRESH LAKE ERIE HERRING and Whitefish; also smoked herring. John Toms, Bayfield, phone Hovey's Store, Clinton, 631e21. 36-37-38-39-p WE HAVE A NUMBER OF excellent wooden kegs, pans and buckets on hand at the present time. Beetliff Bros., Phone 1, Clinton. 38-39-b MASSEY-HARRIS WALLIS Tractor in need of engine repair. Rest of tractor in good condition. A good buy for anyone who needs a tractor and wants to buy reasonably and then repair it. Apply Mrs. S. R. .1VfaellIath, 40 East St, Goderich, 39-b -ACCOMMODATION WANTED 'WANTED TO RENT by responsible 'business people, house or apartments. Will pay six months rent in advance. Phone 114, Clinton. 39-40-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 150 NEW HAMPSHIRE PULLETS starting to lay. Apply A. Garen, 39-b 15 YORK PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. Apply William J. Dale, Clinton, phone Seaforth 841r21. 39-p ONE GREY MARE, WEIGHT 1,400 pounds. Apply 0. R. IMeock, •4th con- cession, Goderich Township. 39-p COVERNMENT Graded LEICESTER XXX ram lainbs, $25,; one XX at $22. Apply Oelin Lawson, Hayfield. 36-37-38-39-p 80 HYBRID PULLETS, five and a half months old. Apply. Russell Colclough, phone 906r4, Clinton. • 89-b PROPERTY FOR SALE LARGE BARN WITH STEEL ROOF and house to be wrecked and removed. Apply Mrs. S. R. MacaVfath, 40 East St., Goderiela FARM FOR SALE — 50. ACRES, good buildings, good water system, land in good state of cultivation. A1pP1Y NEWS -RECORD Office: 39-40-p TWO PRIVATE HOUSES WITH wat- er and electricity; Perrin Block, either buildings alone or buildings and prop- erty together; Land lmown as Inter- national Salt Block; also one lot in Clinton Cemetery. Apply A. J. Coop- er, Box 27, Goderich. 28-btfb WANTED 'TO BUY OLD HORSE'S and DEAD CATTLE. If dead phone at once. Phone collect to Jack Gilbert 93641 or Fred Gil- bert 936r32, Goderich. 33-btfb HELP WANTED YOUNG MAN WANTED TO WORK in Groceteria. Able to drive car or truck. Phone 111, Clinton. 39-1) WANTED FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED apartment or rooms wanted immed- iately by permanent couple with one child. Apply Box "W" NEWS- ItECORD. 39-40-b NOTICE OWING TO DISE,ASE among pigs at the -present time our York Boars will not be available for public ser- vice. C. V. Dale, W. J. Dale. 39-p MISCELLANEOUS SLEN,DOR TABLETS are effective. Two -weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at Pennebakee's Drug Store. 39-1, FLEEVE LINE YOUR HOME with blown Rockwool insulation. Saves fuel, fire proof. For free estimate and terms phone 4 Clinton, or write Rowland C. Day, 5 Thornton Ave., London, 36-37-38-39-40-41-41-43-44-p ASTHMA SUFFERERS — ENJOY A good night's sleep without coughing and choking, as others are doing. For free information write F. Howey, 144 Catharine St. S., Hamilton. 28-tfh AN OPPORTUNITY — Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55—have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable business of your own. For full par- ticulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept 0-0.1b, 2177 Masson St, Montreal, Que. 36-37-38-39-b Sales Lady Wanted We have an opening for a reliable sales lady desiring steady full time employment. Experience preferred but not necessary. APPLY IN PERSON AT MARTINS DEPARTMENT STORE CLINTON 39-b • When h1 Need Of Stove and Furnace Pipes Make Sure of Hand -Made Pipes — They Last HUGH R. HAWKINS Plumbing — a/eating — Skeet Motel Work Agent for Heels Firma* PHONE 244 INESEDENCII 4711 BOY'S WEAR We have just received a full stock of Boy's' Overalls, Windbreakers and Humphrey All -Wool' Breeches in sizes 6 to 14 years. We now have the agency for DEANS CLEANERS and DYERS, London All work guaranteed and insured Dry Cleaning in before Monday noon can be picked up, the following; Saturday. SUITS DRESSES 89C WE CLEAN ANYTHING Pickett and Campbell QUALITY CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR Agents for Tip Top Tailors, Cambridge Clothes, Scott alcHate s WrreN PHONE 25 CLINTON EXPERT VULCANIZING 24-HOUR SERVICE Bring Your Tire Troubles to Us Harry Davies Tire and Battery WHITE ROSE GASOLINE AND OIL Victoria St. Phone 460 Clinton BIRTHS CRITTER Palmerston General Hospital, on Tuesday, Septembee 24, 1946, to Mr. ad Mrs. Harvey 'Chute'. (nee Audrey Butler, Oliet- ton), Harriston, a daughter (Oath- . FINCH—Li Clinton Public Respite on Wednesday, September 25, 194 to Me. and Mos. Raymond Pine R,R. 1, Clinton, a son. REGIER—In Clinton Public Respite on Friday, September 20, 1946; t .M,r. and Mrs. Gerald Regier, Zuric a son (Philip Gerald). MARRIAGES BALL.DEXTERe-In Constauce Uni ed Church on Saturday, Septembe 21, 1946, by Rev. A. D. Pelmet Ethel Christena, eldest daughter o Mr. and Mrs. AUStill Dexter Stanley Dawson, only son of M and Mrs. Amos Ball. FISHER-JEWELL — In Oakdale United Church, on.Saturda.y, Sept. 21, by Rev. W. G. Wylie, former pastor of Benmillee United Chuech, Phyllis Isobel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Jewell, to Elmer B. Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs. .Arelnir Fisher, both of Beniniller, YOUNG-F15HER—In Oakdale .Unit- ed Church, on Satueday, September 21, 1946, by Rev. W. G. Wylie, for- mer' pastor of Benmiller United Church, Myra Lorrine, daughter of Me. and Mrs. Arthur Fisher, to James Franklin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Young, Goderich Town- ship. MISS JESSIE GRAINGER GRADUATES HONOUR BEFORE RETIREMENT Clinton Legion Hall wee the scene. of a very pleasant gathering on Wed. nesday evening last when about 40 1, members of the nursing profession, f), both those actively engaged in the h, profession and those who have retired, gathered to honour Miss Jessie I, Grainger. Miss Grainger is retiring 0 at the end of this month as supeein- h, tendent of ,Olintou Public Hospital s,ffter servn'g in that capacity since 1919. The gathering was composed mostly of graduates of the Hospital in Miss 'Grainger's time, The evening was pleesaetly spent in games and social chat and in 4. pleasantly reminisaing some of the more interesting things which had ° happened at the hospital clueing Miss Graingee's tenure of office. In behalf of the gathering, Mee. Gretta lVfustarci. Crooks read the fol- lowing. address to Miss Grainger: "We, your graduate nurses, have gathered here tonight to bid farewell to you as our supeeinteudent of nurses, If we could visualize as a whole your 27 yeaws of service, I am sure we would all say `you have been and are a wonderful women.' We know that the hospital which had been elosed during Dr. Gunners ab- sence overseas in 1914-18 had to be cleaned and put in order before the first patients could be admitted, and that you, with two girls whose only qualifications were willingness and courage, bravely started in to bring Older out of chaos. "As soon as the first rooms were ready the patients were waiting to be admibted. How well we remember our first patient, a little Shanahan lad admitted for anpendeelenny. From that day on Inc 14 years you carried the entire eesponsibility of the hos- pital on your shoulders without any graduate nurses on your etaff. We are all better women for having spent these years under your guidance." Mrs. Myrtle Batkin presented Miss Grainger with a lovely silver tea service. Miss Grainger, although taken by surprise, replied in a fitting manner. A delicious lunch was serv- ed and a social time was enjoyed by all present. DEATHS .STIRLING—In Brussels, on Thur - day, September 19. 1946, ,Samuel Stirling, formerly of Bayfield, son of the late Archibald Stirling and Mary Ann Gilmour, in his 91s4 year. Funeral from Brophey's Fun- eral Home, Goderich, September 20, to Hayfield Cemetery. CLINTON R. and C. S. PERSONNEL MARK BATTLE OF BRITAIN Valour of the intrepid members of the Royal Air Force and Royal Can- adian Air Force in the Battle of Britain six years ago, was commem- orated fittingly by personnel of Radar and Communications Sc'hool, Clinton, and Centralia Plying School, at an impressive service in Knox Presby- terian Church, Goderieh, Sunday morning of last week. The minister, Rev. Richard Stewart, officiated at the service, assisted by the R. and C, S. chaplain, Squadron Leader T, Dale Jones. - The entire section of the large auditorium was reserved for the RCAF units and veterans of the Can- adian Legion from all parts nf the "oenty,ti:nee oi all approximately rn. To , 1 Commit aro ni ticials ded. „ pesa le formed at the Legion Hall, and headed by the Blue Water Band, Goderich, marched to the church, "I could exhaust the English lang- uage in eulogy of those who lived and died in the Battle of Britain." Rev. Richard Stewart declared in welcoming the various units. "If the Battle of Britain had not been wan we would tiot today be represented at the peace conference." He paid tribute to the epic daring and courage against tremendous odds by "the few" 11110 rose against -wave after wave of the German Luftwaffe in defence of 13ritain on Sunday, September 18, 1940, After the service the parade form- ed on East St., marched around the square and took up positions before the cenotaph, where a brief service was conducted by Squadron Leader Jones. The salute for the march past was taken by Group Capt. ,McGowan. CARD OF THANKS Mee. john Diehl desires to thank her many friends and neighbors for their kind e)spressions of sympathy extended to her in her sad bereave- ment, also foe floral tributes and other acts of kindness. Special thanks to Rev. Lane and all those who took part in any way. 39-p IN MEMORIAM REID — In loving memory of my sister. Millie Reid, who passed away on September 16, 1942. "Whatever else we fail .to do We never fail to think Of you. You linger in our memory still, Not just to -clay but always will." —Sadly missed by her sister, Laura, and brother -in -Taw anci thea nephews. BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Plineess St. East., Phone 585 • 59-tf' tee -a-- a 3 ale-Lea/y:7 ' 4ilko,101!T,57z oseru1 CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKE FLORIST Phones 66w and 66j Batkins Locker ;Storage Quick Frozen. Cohoe Salmon FiJlelA per Ile 50e Cod Fillets per Ib. 35e Smoked Cod Fillets per lb. 35c Haddock Fillets per lb. 40c Sole Filete per 11). 456 FRESH FROZEN STRAWBERRIES in Heavy Syrup, per pkg. 406' FRESH FROZEN RASPBERRIES pkg., 40e FRESH FROZEN PEAS pkg. 30e WE 13ITY HIDES Frozen Foods are Better Foods CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Alice C. Govier wish to take this opportun- ity of expressing their appreciation for the flo-wers sent, cars loaned, and all otlidr expressions of sympathy shown them in their recent sad be- reavement, also for all kindnesses 8hOW11 to Mrs. Govier in her illness. 39-p CARD OF THANKS Ernest Adams wishes to thank all his many friends and neighbors for the dards and flowers sent to him and all other kindnesses shown during his stay in Victoria Hospital,"London. . 39-h CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mr, George T. Jenkins desire to thank their neighbors and friends Inc the many expressions of sympathy extended to them during their recent sad bereavement, also Rev. Andrew Lane 'cif Wesley -Willis Church and Mrs. Meiritt Nediger. Also to the many friends that sent floral tributes, to those loaning cars or assisted in any way, and sincere thanks to those acting as pallbearers and flower bearers. 39-p PLASTER REPAIRING Plaster repairs promptly and neatly done A. French & Son Plastering Contractors Box 23 - Phone 187 WINGH.AM - ONT. ESTIMATES FREE Specialists in Cornice Work and Decorative Plastering Income Tax Returns, - Bookkeeping, *Financial &Marmots' for Partnere; Business Mena Professional Men,. Garage Opera -tars - and others. ARTHUIr FRASER Telephone:Exeter' 17" PO. Box, No, 118 Temporary Office at the house of the late De. IL K Hyndnian, Aaron' Siteet,•Exeter 37-38.39-40-b Quick Results ROXY THEATRE • CLINTON — CAPITAL THEATRE • OOD'ERICH REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing—Dorothy Lamour hi, "MASQUERADE IN MEXICO" arbara Stanweelc No)::- Playing—BTHE BRIDE WORE BOO'IS ' In , Now Playing — "PARDON MY PAST' with Fred MacMurray Mn., Tues., Wed.—Two Features Myrna, Loy, Don Ameehe & Bobby Driscoll — Axt intense emotional drama with a swift and unique climax. ''ISO GOES MY LOVE" Gale Storni, Phil Regan and Ed- ward Sands—In a roisterous, hoist- eeoue tale of "SUNBONNET SUE" Mom, Tues., Wed.— , "DEVOTION" One of the great love stories of all time, the true and tender tale of the famous Bronte sisters — Ida Lupine, Paul Henreid and Olivia de Haviland Mon., Tues., Wed. Vivian Blaine, Dennis O'Keefe and Perry Como—With Carmen Mir - anda and a troupe of top-flight • enteetainere in a 'bright and breezy musical. "DOLL FACE" Thurs., Fri., Sat. Anna Neagle, Rex Harrison and Dean Jagger—A delightful war- romance in old England, a theeAl story you can't forget! . "A YANK IN LONDON" Thur., Fri., Sat. Dana Andrews, Richard Coote and George Tyne—Telling a story of friendshi .p and loyalty man to man, and without reservations, ations. "A WALK IN THE SUN" Thurs., Fri., Sat. Susanna Foster, Turban Bey and an Curtis—In the musical tale of a gal who .shocked the world's most shameless spot. "FRESCO SAL" Coming — "THE LOST WEEK- END" —.6 dult Entertainment Coming — "THE BANDIT OF SHERWOOD FOREST" Coming—Ida Lupino in "DEVOTION" Matinees—Sat, Holidays, 2.30 p.m. Mat.—Wed. Sat Holidays, 2.30 pm. Matinees—Sat., Holidays, 2.30 p.m. 001011•111, BLYTH Marks 90th Birthday Mrs. 11/faxy M. Metcalf celebrated her 90th birthday at her home iT1 Blytat, September 22. Mrs. Metcalf has lived alone since the death of her husband, 13 years ago; does all her own housework, and is active in the work of Blyth Anglican .Church. Re- cently she has been travelling be- tween Blyth and Clinton to visit her only daughter, Miss Ella Metcalf of Ottawa, who is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Mrs. Metcalf was MONSTER Social Evening Friday Sept. 27 Sponsored by LOL 710 CARDS from 8 to 10 pm. , DANCE from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. In the Lodge Room EVERYONE WELCOME - GOOD MUSIC - 38-39-p Gordon R. Hearn OPTOMETRIST Will be at the home of Mrs. B. C. Hearn, Clinton, OCTOBER 7, 8 and 9 PHONE 69 TOMATOES FOR SALE Excellent Quality Prices Reasonable The GOASOTt h tidally over; get pears- now! IF., W., ANDREWS PHONE 33; CLINTON 39-tfb TIME TABLE CHANGES EFFECTIVE Sunday, Sept. 29, 1946 and other specific dates. Full information from Agents. Canadian National Railways Open Sunday September 29 Winter (Supplies Available Batteries, Prestone Anti -Freeze, Chains and Heaters WELLS AUTO ELECTRIC Day Phone 349w Ontario St. Night Phone 349J Expert Electrical and Carburetor Repairs on All Makes of Cars Generators - Starters - Goodyear Tires - Hart Batteeles born at St. Pauls in Downie Town- ' dimensions appear to be about eight ships, and was enamied in Mitchell by 10 feet and six feet high m 1880, coming to Blyth as a beide 66 years ago. Boy Tree -Builders Along the boundary of Hullett and East W,awanosh, just inside the vil- lage limits, there is a grove of trees bordering what is known as Gypsy's Lane. In the centre of the grove is a beautiful beech tree. To a casual ob- server nothing out of the ordinary may be seen but as you look up into the branches you see a veritable "cabin in the sky" built by four boys around 13 to 15 years of age. The floor of the cabin is approxi- mately 20 feet from the ground and is laid on two-by-four scantling neatly bevelled at the corners. The walls, roof and cornice are all complete. The It would be interesting to watch the boys enter their cabin as there is no ladder, but perhaps more inter- esting to watch them make their exit when necessary. Nearby in another tree is another cabin under construction, being built by another group of boys, and a few feet farther on a cave is dug much the same dimensions as the cabin and used by still another group. All these dwellings, while they do not relieve the housing shortage, show great skill and hard, constructive work on the part of the boys and we need not worry for future carpenters, but the contractors who are held up for want of nails and lumber wonder where the boys are making their con- tacts. PROCLAMATION Daylight Saving I hereby proclaim that Daylight Saving Time. will remain in effect in the Town of Clinton until 12 o'clock Midnight Sunday, Sept. 30 to eliminate confusion in connection with church services. (SIGNED)— A. J. McMURRAY, MAYOR, Town of Clinton 39-b Clinton, Onte, Sept. 25, 1946 "SEEK YE THE LORD WHILE HE MAY n FOUND."--Isa. 55:6 "TO -DAY IF YOU WILL HEAR HIS VOICE, HARDEN NOT YOUR HEARTS."—Ileb. 13115 ME THAT COMETH UNTO ME I WILL IN NO WAY CAST OUT."—Sohn 6:37 , — JESUS SAVES — TUNE IN—Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR FLOOR SANDING With our new high-speed, dustless, floor -sanding machines, and wide experience in floor -finishing, Let Us Make Your Floors Like New CONSULT 115 TODAY J. CREE COOK Clinton Phone 23j Beautifying With Flite Why not do over that room now? We have a full line of this well known product ONLY $ug per 5 lb. package HAWKINS HARDWARE PHONE: Itusiness 244 Residence 5983 . • CLINTON Clinton Machine Shop Acetylene Welding and Cutting Electric Welding Machine Work General Repairing Operated by W. Seeley & Son PHONE 364 CLINTON 36-37-88-39-40-41-b Help Wante Female Clinton Knitting Knitting Company, Limited PHONE 117 — CLINTON 36-btfb