Clinton News-Record, 1946-07-18, Page 3THURSDAY, JULY 18,, 194 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE THREE Ey 'PEG" "Blessed are they which de hunger and thirst after tight- eousness: for they shall be filled." Only those who have lost their appetite realize what it means to sit detail ter a well Spread able and feel Haat theta ia nothing teen:king there. Thor e Who have' perhaps rietet niiersed a meat have no idea what it is like to not Want to eat' no atiatter aloPetiting the food' rea, be. When a persed loene his appetite he begins to aeel there is something the Wither With him and if the eats Mien' continues a elector is culled to see if iteMething thiniot be done, for Ade kind* that withbut eating and drinking a person cannot lith Woe TbEire are those Whet have, for being plank:he'd; gene on a, huegetstrike end he inatually died. Why? Be; eause theft ayathan requires teSarish- maiit arid it fella th receive it. In: order to mietain otir being we must vat. This applies not only to the human race but to everything which has life. The trees are just awning out inth leaf, wild flowers have been, and are in blown. We seller/I stop tri realize that they Waist have ..food in order to advance their grewth: It is said that' an ordinary beech tree will drink sixty-five' gal, lolls on a 'hot day. Some trees need mote. In,. some way unknown to Ili that water is drawn- to the top -most brancliesa We have seer; trees and .plants Which have withered and died — for the want of nourishment. There are few problems which are vexing the housewife at the present tinie like t'he problem of getting smite - about it but that we will be back agaio into World War HI. May God bring His spate into our hearts so nothing but peace will satisfy: Only in that way will we have the joy which comes with real peace. As this is being written the world is watching intently for the result Of the drOppitig of the fourth atomic bomb. GovetnMehts claim that it is necessary to knew just *hat will hap- pen if that tea rible agent cif destruc- tion is titotaced over cities, over ships anchored on the Water and the next wie We are told. will be exploded under the water Countries Must piepare themseees for the treachery of other despots hut the heart or onr Saviour must aehe a; He leaks down en the destree'tiveness of war. God intended that the odd Shouid oe like the Garden of Edeu. It %multi have been 'had it not been frustrated by sin and it is that same sin which Is causing the minutiae of the world to. day. People are hungry tor that which is opt:teed te God. We seek Pleasuret in: pleme and in doing thitgs in which Gori trill take. no part. The Wise mei of the ages have sehglit solittdo a keeping pepple from sin, hut the demon of the deitil Wive fought against them Mad in ariany cities haVe peeved victors'. If the mystery of the hunger for world unrest is progressing' We, roust not think it earinnt be solved. People say it will never be staved until Christ Mmes. We have no way Of telling that for tee are told in Holy Writ that to one knows the day aitir the hour When He will' appear an His' glory. It thing for the family to eat. The ety may be that wiil end the trouble but in all the countries of the world main the meantime, we can keep praying either, "Oh that those who have food lentneetly that Gad will do what He Saindlds'end some te us before tae [thinks best. We know not why all Aerie" dr MI the othet hand", "What ;thane things are happening-, but we can r .do without so I eaSietufraot n e will know some day. i ' to tlieee .wile fire starving an War "Not till the: looni , • . ti 'stricken areas?" • And the shuttles cease to fly, • We in Canada, and we Must thank Will God unfold the canvas, „ God for this, have Mae reason to And explain the reason why grumble During the cruel art of The dark threads are as needful war we have been sated from bomb- I In the Weaver's Waif* bend; ing and destruction. Our men Mid I As the threads of geld and: silver women, boys and girls, have fought; In the pattern He has planned." that we might have freedoM We There are those who have hungered have that to a Certain extent, but for invention. The result of that we together with the whole world hunger has given us the telephone, are hungering for peace. One crisis electricity, telegraph, the steam ships is no sooner passed safely when which ply the oceans. There are many trouble starts in some other part of others which could be mentioned. Per - the world. Ave people hungering for haps the greatest of all these is the war? It looks like it. atom bomb. If we are hungry for peace, God We mention important inventions will see that we get that, but as long and discoveries but none of these can as we keep quarreling in our homes, be compared with that greatest of our district, out community and our all hungers, that of our heading for individual countries, there is no doubt today "Blessed are they which do SINCE 1939 Amount paid io plant employees . DOUBLED Income Tax payments .INCREASED SIX FOLD .Profits paid to shareholders. . NO INCREASE AT ALL Year's paynaents.by Domialion Textile To plant employees To Income TAX To shareholders** Year ended March 31 1939 1946 Increase $4,503,785 $9,297,538 106%* 244,513 1,509,647 617% 1,485,842 1,485,842 NONE 438% out of tbis is wage rate increases; the remaitnog 88% is due to increased production since 1939. AS of June 12, 1946, there were 8,765 shareholders. DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED "Cotton. . the Master Fabric" IIAS NARROW ESCAPE WING -HAM -- MarisaY. Jeihnson, Jocal gatage Mans suffered engin inner/es when hist light cleiniery truck overturned in the ditch after sthiking loose gravel on the 16th coneeSsiant of West Watvanosh, on ISaairdear. Tiie cab of the thick Was severed from the body' of the Vehicle. * * FAIEHE.R. IN1URED BELGRAVE' Adant„ Robertson, elderly farmer of Eist Weevarteih, is in Wingham hospital suffering from injuries received when he Was knock- ed down while unhitching a teem of horses from a wagon. The front wheel passed over his 'shoulder, caus- ing 'a fracture, elevate broisea, and hand lacerations' andabrasions. He and his son, Alex, evere drawing in hay. They had backed the wagon out of the barn and were unhitching the team, prier to eonnecting the wagon to the traotor for reloading. • * * CLOTHING laRIVE SUCCESSFUL LUCKNOW --- In the National Clothing Drive, just completed, Luck - now residents contributed more than a ton and a half. It was shinned to the national headquarters. The Boy Scouts , did the work of canvassing the village. * .* * MINISTER iNSTALLED DAS/WOOD—Ail impressive ser - Vice Was held in Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood, on Sunday after- noon, when Rev. Louis Higene/1 was installed in his new charge. The sermon wasr delivered by Rev. A. F. Pollex, Sgebach's Hill; and the in- duction ceremony was conducted by hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled:" What a wonderful thought it is to feel that' our wishes according to God's plan Will be filled. • Very often we hunger for some- thing and we really do not know just what we do want we are content to follow the man with the muck rake as told us by Bunyan. He was busy raking dirt and sticks and over his head was an angel poised with a crown. How often we are just in the same position. We are content with the things of the world while Christ stands with hands outstretched offer- ing us the gift of Salvation which brings with it life everlasting with Him, It as estimated that the people of today who believe in Christ and thus are entitled to this great privilege are in the minority. What a blessing k will be for all concerned if the Cru- sade for Christ movement will make us all hunger for the love of God in our hearts and not only that but will make us eager to lead others to Him so that we will not have to stand alone when we 'come to the judgment seat of Christ H" we could only realize the joy of the Christian life, how much happier we would he. There is no pleasure like that of feeling that we are walking hand in hand with Jesus Christ who died, and rose again that we might live etern- aIln with Him and with those whom we , loved here on earth. When we hunger and thirst after righteousness we will search until we fiod food and drink to satisfy that longing. Where do we go in our quest to satisfy that hunger? There is only One who can do that Blessed are those who know it is Jesus Christ. He alone can give us the happiness we need. All we have to do is to believe on Him and except Him as out personal Saviour. When we have accepted Him that does not mean that we will hunger and thirst no more. We will, but we will know that in God's Word we will find satis- faction for that hunger. God's prom- ises are always true . and whatever Ile lids offered to us He will fulfill. To all of Christ's followers "a hunger for Goa is as real as their hunger for food," His promise says "Whosoever" and that word thank God mewls you -and it *holes me. There was once a. little girl who was blind and deaf from birth. She was told atout God by tench signs on the nalm of her hand .a.0 at once her face lifted up as she signaled ,back: "God! Is that what you call Him? I have known Him for a lezig time but never knew His, name." Would we by any chance. be asham- ed to let the world know that Christ was our Friend? If so' beware for 'if we feel that way about Aim the time will come when He will be ashamed of uh. The choice is ours. Jesus Christ will not force us to ac- cept Him but how happy we will be through the days th come if we say to Him in the Words Of the hymn writer: "Just as I am, Thou wilt receive, Wilt Welcome, pardan, Cleanse, relieve 0 Lairds of God, I come," Rev. Sohn Woelfle, pastor of Grace Lutheran Chnith, -Mitchell, assisted by Rev. Maamard Wittburg and Rev. W. Weritzlaff, LOgati. * *. • TO REPAIR SCHOOLS AUBURN—At the July meeting of the Trustees of West Werwamosh school area, the rate of labor on the fence and work on stehool grounds at S.S. No. 17 WAS fixed at 50 cents an hour. The board decided to call for tenders for the transportation of pupils from SS. No 14, to White - clam& school, and from S.S. No. 15 to No. 7 school in East Wawanesh. It was decided to call for tenders for painting the clasaroonts of numbers 2, 3, 4, and 17 'schools. * WINRGECHAahreTWIiinNghaemBN jar formed a recreational maitre, consisting of thefon:p oliowineegidiengprozDonisonaaRmit l rNeereatiohal eoun viee-president, Rev. Alex Ninuno; secretary, A. Garrett; treasu•rer, R. R. Hobden; public relations, Fred Russel. Town Council is in favor of such a movement to co-ordinate MI sport here and would grant $2,400 per year salary for a sports, director subject th receipt of a provincial gent of one-third of the amount * s • BEEK- FAIR REVIVAL 'GODERICH — The feasibility of reviving the felt fair in Goderich, was introduced to Board of Trade by Hugh Hill, a former executive. He said that the preterit situation does not lend itself to breeders' bringing in accredited herds and expose them to the danger of TB. He maggested thatthefiuilieeiBnoabrdavionfg rtadhee Goilsveernitsmeinnt- have the eounty of Huron TB. tested. * * * is CENTS PER TON. SEAFORTH •Seaforth Town Council hue decided that its allowance to coal dealers, selling coal to the municipality, would in future be 75 cents a ton. The council buys coal from the dealers on the basis of freight and other incidentals, adding the 75 coil* to cost price as the dealer's coinniission. * MINISTER INDUCTED BLUEVALE -- The induction of Rev. Arthur Hewitt was held in the United Church. Rev. W. A. Beecroft, Wingham, presided and addressed the minister. Rev. IL C. Wilson, Brus- sels, addressed the congregation and inducted the minister. 'P4(4! " iimiortimiork Enioy the Cool Breezes of Lake Huron Roller Skating In the Open Air Undet the Stars —NIGHTLY-- - AT — 'GRAND BEND'S Newest . . . . “WONDER GROVE" Operated by Dannister tros. NEW MODERN ROLLER RINK Skates Supplied "Wonder Grove" LUNCH BAR Tasty Barbecue SandWiches 10,000 SQUARE FEET litr SMOOTH TERRAZZO moog \ ADMISSION 35 CENTS $1010011.111114~ * * * WANT GUARANTEE GODERIOlit Goderieh Town Council referred to finance commit- tee a request that the municipality guarantee $12,000 toward constrne- tion of a temporary building to ac- commodate 20 more beds at Goderich hospital. A deputation from the Board explained to Council that the building would cost apps:oximatelY $22,000. County Council had given $10,000 toward this work. * * OBITUARY 1 MRS. MARY SPEIR Mrs. Mary McGrae, Seek, wife of .the late James SPeir, died at her home, Thomas St., Brussels, on Tues - dear'. She was in her 82nd year. Surviving are two daughters and two sons, Mrs. W. Q. Dunbar, Brus- sels; Wire Et T, Bell, Toronto; Has.. old and John Spelt, Brussels. , I The funeral 'service is being held * at her late home on Thursday after- nooti, followed by interment in Brus- sels Cemetery. , MISS EMILY HICKS Following a service at the home of her Sister, Mts. Robert Oke, Park St., GI:detach, Friday afternoon, jely 12, interment took place in Maitland Ceinethey, with Rev. B. II. Farr of- ficiating. Miss Hieks died at her home on Elgin Ave., Goderich, in her 83rd year, after an illness ef only two days. She was born in Belleville and had lived in Goderich Townshipi Clioton, Holmesville, and, for the past 20 years, in Goderich. She wasa mere - her of St. Georgia's Anglican Church and a faithful member of the W.A. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. Robert Oke, Goderich. , $300 PLOW MATCH -GRANT ance committee that a grant of $300 GODERliCH—Town Council endor- be made to Huron County plowing sed the reconunenadtion of the fir, match committee ,••••••••.••••••=gwrot CONTRACTS AWARDED MOAN — Liman Council at a special meeting to deal with tenders for the watersvorks system, awarded three contracts. Contract for the well and' pumping equtpantot was given to• Intetnatienat Water Supply Co., London; elevated water tank to the Horton 'Steel Works, Port Erie; water mains to Dick Construction and Eh- gitieering Co, Welland. .* CLASH wrrn WOINES LUCRINOW—Attracted by a com- motion in the barnyards while he was sharpening a mower knife in the gar- age, panic Carter inveatgated to find a paw of waves in the act of taking, a groundhog from his dog. The ani- mals closed in from each side, and weren't to be frightened off by &Ilk setting the dog on Baena nor by the wrenches and what -not he hurled at the marauders. Not till they had can- tured the groundhog, did they slink off over the hill to the swamp bel6w. +I, ISAAC. II, ROUSE Funeral services of the late Ietme B. Rouse were held Tuesday after: noon, jolt! 16, from the funeral °ballet of J., 11. Robinson, Reunite:a Mid were conducted by Rev. Andrew Lane, pastor of liNlesleylAWillis Unitd Church? Clinton, assiited by Rev. R. aticaillwary, Auguatine TJnited Church, Winnipeg: - Mr. Rouse was born in Oxford County in 1852, and in 1889 he Mar- ried -Sophie Robinson, failliston. For a number el yesrs. IVIr. Peri ewss commercial traveller, travelling ex- tensively across Canada from his headeparters hi Montreal. In -1901 he established an optical business in Hamilton, retiring in 198. There were Ulm children, May, the late wife of Rev. R. MeGiIhvary, now of Winnipeg, and Bernice, atm Hearit, with whom Mn Rouse bas made his home for the past six years. Surviving are his daughter, Mrs. Hearn, and five grandchildren; Gor- don Hearn, optometrist, Toronto; Jean Hearn, Toronto; Ruth and Bill Hearn, Clinton; and Flying Officer Donald MeGillwary, Winnipeg. Pallbearers were Frank Bryans W. II. Currie, Hamilton; Frank lainse, Brantford; H. R Ricker, Toronto; Gordon Hearn, Toronto; and Flying Oflicer McGillivary, Winnipeg. BUILD COOPERATIVE LUCKNOW Leveling of the ground has beet: completed at the site of where a new $10,000 Co -Operative plant is to be construeted by Lucknew District Co -Operative. The site is to the west of the 0104 tracks and just north of Jeynt's warehouse * * GRANTS TO FAIRS WEST WAWANOSII—As the July meeting ot West Wawanosh Town- ship council, J. D. Nivine and Russell Brindley requested eouneil to repair the Kirk Drain. Grants of $25 to Lucknow Fair and 5135 th Dungannon Fair were made. * * * DIES N LONDON DASH,Waiglar Funeral services were tonducted Monday afternoon at WILLIAM ALBERT GOOD Rev. IL Crondheilm, minister of Benmiller 'United. Church, officiated at the funeral services Saturday af- ternoon July 13, at the Brophey Funeral' Home, Goderich, and at the graveside in Colborne Cemetery, for William Albert Good, who passed away Thursday evening, July' 11 at his residence, Huron Road, Goderich, following a long illness, in his 67th year. Pallbearers were John Parrish, Gladstone Grigg, Wilhert Thoan, Wil- liam Stirling, Stanley Snider, and Worthy Young. A son of the late W. H. Good and Mary MeLarty Good, he had lived most of his life in Colborne; Town - Aim Mr. Good was twice married, his first wife having been Mande Sewell. Their two children, Baldwin and Edna, died in the influenza epi- demic of 1920. He is survived hy his second wife, the former Mary N. Houghton, anti by two sons and five daughters, Hisaild and Melvin, both Celborne ToWathip; Mrs Gladstone (Mary) Grigg, Clinton: Mrs. Wilbert (Hazel) Thom, Colborne Township; Ms, John (Minnie) Farrish, List- onrel; Mrs. William (Myrtle/ Stirling, Goderieh Township; and Miss Jean, at home. Thete are also three step- children, Charles Houghton, Colborne Township.; , 1Virs, Stanley (Gertie) Snider, Colborne Township; and Mrs. Worthy (Adelaide» Youeg, Hullett Township; as well. as 24 grandchild, ten, and one great grandchild. 11)*Pft97190-40. ROLL WAVE HAIR BRUSH ,202 Xexwtiouj /644 $2.95 $2.50 $3..96 .:444.0.4.44,Teeeot.tteettoitai*, PRO-PHY-LAC-TIC 'HAIR BRUSHES EVERY BRUSH eUARANTEED BLACIC PROIGN BRISTLE .. WHITE PROLON BRISTLE WHITE PROLON BRISTLE, PASTEL SHADES WHITE PR,OLON BRISTLE, JEWELITE COLORS WHITE BROWN BRISTLE, JEWELITE COLORS ROLL WAIVE WAITE PRCLON BRISTLE, Pastel Shades $3.50 ROLL WAVE wurrE PROLON BRISTLE, Sowelite Colors $3.95 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2 .23 $2.75 PRO-PHY-LAC-TIC COMBS POCKET COMB LADIES JEWEIATE=ALL COLORS LADIES TRANSPARENT and PASTEL GENTS ELACIC and COLORS GENTS BARBER STYLE LADIES CURL COMB LADIES JEWELITE LADIES TRANSPARENT and PASTEL LADIES DRESSING COMB 35e ' JEWELITE DRESSING COMB 50c 15c 25c NDE F. B. PENNEBAKER * SERVICE, DRUGGIST leattakalatanatrceat'staoatia4444naaelteeteatettelotteetteteasastarnateastasatatanstanarataiss PHONE 14 "MEW • RATZ REUNION About 300 of the descendants of the late Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Ratz, met hi Waterloo Park on Saturday last for the .first reunion held by the family in nine years Relatives gath- Med from several provinces in the Dominiot as well as several states in the Mien. The afternoon was Spent in games and wicial chat when each one had chance to greet former acquaint- ances and melte new ones. At the supper four, Willis.* Schmidt, Kit- chener, was chosen as president for the owing three years. The next reunion will be held in Olive years time. John A. Sutter, Mr. and Mrs. Ben- son Sutter, Miss Eileen Sutter and their guest Robert K. Boone, at- tended from Clinton. the Hoffman funeral home for Alex (Sandy) Latta, 71, former Stephen and a motion that they continue with Township farmer, who died in Is on- their plans to establish a recreation - doh. He had resided there for the al arena in Goderich was heartily poet year and a half. endorsed. The committee is headed * * by W. 4. Hodge. C. F. Chapman, chairman of finance, stated the cost of the building will be approximately $200,000. It is proposed to ask the Town Council to furnish $150,000, ago at a ideating of representatives and- the committee will campangn for 6£ various organizationt, was review- voltantary donations totalling $50,000. ed' at a tnablic meeting. Approval The rental of stores and offices, plus was unanimously given to the work gate receipt's, should cover all carry - done by members of the committee, ing charges. RF.CREATION CENTRE GODERICII—The work of Recrea- tional Committee, appointed a year Drive In and let us take care of your emergency tire needs. Ordei now for future delivery. J. P. MANNING PHONE 315 Clinton Breast of Lamb — 17c per lb. — 3 lb. per coupon Chuck Roast of Commercial Quality Beef - 24e per lb. — 21/2 lb. per coupon Blade Roast of Commercial Quality Beef - 25c per lb. -- 21/21b. per coupon Shoulder Roast of Commercial Quality Beef - 25c per lb. — 21/2 lb. per coupon fith and 7th Rib Roast of Commercial Quality Beef - 27c per lb. —2½ lb. per coupon Brisket Boil of Commercial Quality Beef - 14c per lb. — 21/2 lb. per coupon Hamburg Steak 23c per lb. — 2 lb. per coupon Beef Liver 18c per .11p. — not rationed Sweet Breads 25e per lb. — not rationed - Best Pric.es Paid For Hides C. D. Connell CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET PHONE 162 Member Independent Retail Butchers' Assn. & Retail Merchants' Assn. is • IBUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL H. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Fire Insurance Agett Representing 14 Fire Insurance . companies Division Court Office, Clinton FRANK FINGLAND, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor s Notary Public Albert St. Clinton • ARTHUR E. PARRY Commissioner, Etc., Eth. By Royal Warrant, H. C. MEM Barrister -at -Law Solicitor, Supreme Court of Ontario; Proctor in Achnirelty Notary Pnblic and CoMmiesioner. Office: MacKenzie House Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays and Fridays CHIROPRACTIC AUCTIONEERING EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be =an for sale dates at CLINTON NEWS,. RECORD or by phoning 203, Charger; moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. HAROLD JACKSON Licensed Auctioneer Speeialist in Pivot and Household Bala. Liceoseci in' Huron and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable, sods. faction guaranteed. For information etc. write or phone Harold Jackson R. R. 4, Seaforth, phone 14-66L *N.V. PERCY C. WRIGHT Liceataed Auctioneer Household, farm stock, implement* and Wirehred salee Special training and experieoce enables me to offer you sales service that is naost efficient arid satisfactory. Phone 001.22 Henna INSURANCE CHIROPRACTIC FOOT CORRECTION D. H. 1VIcINNES, D.C. Huron St. Phone 207 AecOuNTANek ERNEST W. HUNTER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 57 Bloor St. W. Toronto OPTOMETRY A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST McGregor, Clinton, R. R. 5; vice- president, Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm Eyes Examined and Glasses Pitted R. R. 1; Manager and secretary- GODERICH - PHONE 33 treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. DIRECTORS — Frank McGregor, DENTAL 'Clinton; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm. Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; W. El Archibald $eaforth. George Leitch, DR. D. C. GEDDES Clinton; E ' . j. Trewartha, Clinton: DENTIST Alex. MeEwing, Blyth; Hugh Alex. Lovett Block - Clinton ander, Walton; J. L,1VIaleue, •Seaforth. Hours: 9 aan.-12 0.111. AGENTS—John E, Pepper, Bruce- -• 1.30 lanl.-6 Pam field, R. R. 1; George A. Watt, Blyth, Telephone 170 1010 1; R. F. McKereher, Dublin. R.R. 1; I la, Prueter, Brodhagen. MEIVIORIALS Parties desiring to effect insurance Ceneetery NtemoaisoltrFiactoitlerslwlbe T.pRyotANlNonlaeideaFon ppliCation .anfttaboveoff, tddres- Clinton Shaverootns Open t'ridays. sed to their reapective pout offiees. See 3. 3. Zapfe, phone 103 Losses inspected by the director 1iv- 29-btfb ins neareet the point of lose. Insurance Protection Automobile, fire, wind, accident sickness, hospitalization. CheaPeai rates and most modern coverage. M. G. RANSFORD PHONE 180W CLINTON J. HUNK MacDONALD Representative METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE comPANy Phone 218 Clinton THE McKILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth OFFICERS 1946—President, Frank