Clinton News-Record, 1946-07-11, Page 6?AGE
. Itenis From
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Atkinson, Det-
roit were here over the week end
. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peters and
children are spending a couple of
'weeks at their cottage.
Dr. and Mrs. N. B. Alexander, Lon-
don, are at their cottage on Bayfield
' Mr. and Mrs. Guy Finout,- Buffalo,
were at their cottage in Jowett',
Grove over the week end.
Miss Donna Baker returned to Lon-
don on Sunday, after having spent the
-week with her grandparents. '
Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Qntirry, Hamil-
ton, are at their home in the village,
"Llandudno," for the Sunnner Seatfon
Mr. and Mrs. P. V. Martin and two
• daughters, Detroit, are at their Sum-
' xner home, "Boulder Lodge".
Clarence Johnston, Windsor, spent
a few days with Mr. and Mrs. George
Little last week. •
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Lewis, Dear-
born, Mich., are visiting their daught-
er, Mrs. Arthur Brisson, this week.
Jerome Bauer was the guest of Miss
Norma Taylor in Sarnia for several
days last week.
• Mrs. William Gray and Miss Alta
_Gray, Detroit, are guests. at tse home
of Misses A. M. and E. Stirling.
Miss Margarat •Bauer js spending
'a week at Oakwood visiting. Misa
'Sandra Lang, Waterloo.
' MISS' Betty Arnold, Waterloo, visit -
red Miss Therese Bauer at the family
• cottage last week.
Mrs. M. Fraser, Fort William arri-
ved on Friday to spend a vacation at
the Thomson home farm.
Mrs: II.• J. Joy and family, London,
are occupying their cottage on Tuyll
Mrs, R. J. Watson and Master Ed-
wards, Broadview, Sask. arrived on
Saturday. to visit her mother, Mrs. F,
A. Edwards. •
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burch and fam-
ily, Toronto, came on Saturday to
spend a holiday at the Mustard cott-
Rev. (Dr.) and Mrs. W. Barclay,
Hamilton, are occupying One of the
Heard cottages at Sunset Point for
the month of July.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ahrens, Det-
teit returned home Monday after
spending a week at their cottage
"Trail Blazer"
Prof. and • Mrs. H. Kalbfleisch and
two sons, Charles and Herbert, Land-
on, are at their Summer home in the
village. '
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dixon and Miss
Carrie Dixon, Brantford, are visiting
their daughter, Mrs. F. IL Paull, at
her sottage in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank -Jenkins and
son&Jim and Jack, Toronto are guests
of Mrs. William Greig at her cettage
in the "Poplars".
1VIrs. John Johnston, Goderich spent
a few days with her daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and ,Mrs. George Little
"Little Inn".
John Pearson, London, spent Sat-
urday in Bayfield en route to Goder-
ich Township to' visit his brother,
Ben Pearson.
Mr, and Mrs. W,alter G. Morley,
Bloomfield .Hills'Mich.; spent the
week end with the former's sisters,
Misses P. and L. -Morley, "Bitchcliff."
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nay, St. Marys
and lVfiss Mary May, Oakville, are eh-
cupying their summer ,home in the
' Mies Anna Drouin, Detroit, is at
her Stimmer Cottage "Hillcrest" for
the Season, lier guest for a week
is Mrs. J. F. Fitzsimmons, Detroit.
Mr. and 1VIrs. Carol Draeger and
son Don, Toledo, Ohio and Mr. and
Mrs. P. Ganter, New York, are visit-
ing the former's sister, Mrs. Lillian
Reg. Ball
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Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Haw and two
children, Donald and Dawna, Proton
spent the Dominion Day holiday week
end with Mrs. William. Heard, Blue
Water Highway. •
Samuel Gaylord, Lake Geneva, Wis,
arrived on Monday to spend the
Summer with his daughter, Mrs. R.
H. F. Gairdner. He travelled by
plane from Chicago to London where
Mrs. Gairdner met him. -
•.Rev. R. C Holmes returned to the
Rectory on Friday after having spent
a few days with his parents. MO.
Holmes and baby Billy remained in
St. Catharines for a longer visit.
Mr. and Mrs. 1Vi1lipan Bell and Mrs
Velett, Dearborn, Mich., returned
home after spending the past week
with Mr, and ,birs Cave Cook, "Loch-
arne Cottage". • ,
Dr. and Mrs,. W. J. Tillmann, Mrs.
J. Mahar and Barbara, London, Mrs.
J. Brent, Billy and Susan Brent Tor
, -
onto, and 1Vliss..Joanne Mason, Ottawa
raarese. at their cottage on Bayfield Ter-
Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Day, who have
been visiting their daughter, Mrs.
Lorne Cook, in Toronto returned to
iheir cottage "Hightop" last week.
They were aecompamed by their
granddaughter, Gail Cook.
Visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. E. J Bauer over the week end
were Ur. and 1VIrs. Frank Bauer and
two children, Julianne and John, Dav-
id and Ray Bauer and Bob Livings -
,on, 'Waterloo.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Earl Galster and
danghters Alma and Alice of Free-
mont Mich., and Bert Gelder and
11/Irs. C. Erikson of Holland, Mieh.,
spent last Thursday with Mr. and
Mrs. C. Scotchnaer. •
Guests at the home of Miss M. C.
Reid Sunday were -- Mr.. arid Mrs.
Ken Merner and family, Mrs. Robert
StePkerison and faintly, Ffillsgreen,
Mr. arid Mrs. Gordon Elliott and fain-
ily Thedford
Mre, M.. Freligh, Allenton, Mich.,
Ural Oliver Burke, Detroit, spent the
Week end with their sister, Mrs. John
'McClure. Mr. and. Mrs. Forest Mc-
Clure, Goderich „Township,- and *Mr.
and Mrs. Leslie MeClure, Seaforth, al-
so visited their Mother on Sunday.
Guetts at the "Little Inn" last week
were Frances Redman Concord,
Mary r. Redman and Mrs. Dora E.
Chadwick, Toronto, Mrs. ,Arnion Bra-
ndt, Huntington, Ind. Mr; and Mrs.
Charles Coates and daughter Detroit,
Mrs. 0, R. Holmes, London- Ont.
Capt. It. B. Johnston and Mei„John-
ston, Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, arr-
ived on Monday to take up residence
on Louisa Street: We.welcome them
to our midst. For Mrs. Johnston,
formerly Miss Evelyn Pollock. it is
a return to her native village.
Jim Lindsay came last week to
spend some time with Lindsay Smith
while recuperating after an accident
which he suffered in the middle of
March when he stepped in front of
a moving truck on Highway 7! near
Elginfield. He was a patient in St.
Joseph's Hospital, London for three
;Mrs. V. A. Burt, Misses Peggy and
Mary Lou and Ronald, London, and
Howard, Windsor, spent last week
end with the formers parents, Mr.
and Mrs.,F. W. Baker. Misses Peggy.
and Mary Lou Bureremainect to spend
the Summer with their grandparents.
Peggy who is a graduate, nurse of
St. Joseph's Hospital! Londoir recently
completed a course in surgical min-
ing at the New York Post graduate
Medical School. She returned to Lon-
don last week by plane.
Orange Church Servire
Members of L. O. L. No. 24 paraded
to, service at Trinity Church on Sun -
deli, morning. The Rector, Rev. R. C.
Holmes, preached a stirring sermon
basing his remarks on 2 Tim. 3. ver-
ses 16 and 17. -- '"All scripture is
given inspiration of God, and is pro-
fitable for doctribe, for reproof, for
correction, for induction in righteous-
ness: That the man of God may be
perfect, thoroughly furnished unto
all good works," He commended the
Loyal Orange Order for upholding the
Open Bible and stressed the great
necessity for daily bible reading.
Jowett's Grove
A,moungst those occupying cottages
in Jowett's Grove are: Mr. and Mrs.
R. Malloy and babe, Mr. and Mrs.
William Freeman and babe, Stratford;
Mr. arid Mrs. D. Higgins and family,
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Allen and family,
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. James Camer-
on and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. N. W.
McCallum and babe, Mr. and Mrs. B.
E. Foyston, Londen; Mrs. W. Raby
and Roberta, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Rob-
ichand and family, Mr. and Mrs. G.
W. Scott and famitY, Mr.-and'1VIrs. 0.
thriomine and family, Detroit, Mr.
and Mrs. S. DeBoer and family, Gro-
j3etter News SerViee
For Huron County!.
Tell yoUr friends they now can buy extra copies of Huron
-.County's popular weekly newspaper at the
folloWiing newstands:
Mrs. P. Weston's Store • 'Robinson's Store
R. N. Alexander's Store J. W. 11/IcCooPs Store
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Bartliffs' News -Record Office
Clinton News -Record
"The Home Paper With the News"
Five Cents a Copy By mail, $1.50 a Year
Medical Chief
Major-General C, P. Fenwick, C.B.,
C.B.E., M.C., ED, director general of
medical services for the Canadian
Amy in the late war who has been
named chief of medical services for
the Canadian Pacific Railway with
headquarters in Montreal.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R,oss have been
vis-iting Mrs. J. MacDonald,
The Sunday School picnic will be
held on Wednesday, July 17.
Missses Blanche Zapfe and Marion
Hill spent Monday in London.
Mfrs. Wanless, Windsor, is visiting
with Mrs. Wallace Haugh.
We are glad to report that 1VLiss
Martha MaeDenald, who has been ill,
is improving in health.
We are sorry_ to report that J. W.
Stackhouse is quite, ill, but at time
ef writing is a little improved.
' Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Berry and Miss
Genevieve Smith are Visiting- in Tor-
onto this week.
Rev. and Mrs. B.,,R.Stanway and
family are getting settled in the
The two children Of Dr. and Mrs.
Carman Haugh, Toronto, are visiting
their ,grandpareritstt7Mr., and Mrs.
Ctiiis. 'Haugh. • •
WASS NOTITIIL Collins, London, has
been visiting Mrs. McKenzie. On her
return she was accompanied by Miss
Mary McCully.
We understand that Joseph McCully
has disposed of his business to Mr.
Johnston, Preston, who expects to
take over the first week of August.
Baby Band Entertained
The W.M.S. of Brucefield United
Church entertained the Baby Band on
Tuescilly afternoon. There was a
good crowd, a splendid 'Programme
and delicious refreshments were serv-
Teacher Honored
On resigning fromrNo. 14 Stanley
Township ,, the teacher, ,Crameron
Henry, was presented with a lovely
cleat by the pupils. His one entrit-
nce pupil, Jaelt Rathwe,11.,, was succ-
essful in passmg.
• All Pupils Pass
Congratulations to lVfiss Edith ,Nle-
Clenaghan, S.S. No. 10 ,Stanley, who
had her class of six entrance pupils
successfully pass. The pupils ' are
Hugh Zapfe, Douglas McBeath, Ronn-
ie Patterson, Jim Aikenhead, June
Taylor, and Marjorie Mustard.
Minister Inducted
A large crowd was present on Fri -
dal night In Brucefeld United church
when Rev. E. R. Stanway was in-
ducted as minister of the charge. The
service was in charge of Rev. R. .A.
16rook, Hensel', who addressed the
people and Rev. Reba Hern, Varna
who addressed the minister. The
choir rendered special music. Fell-
owng the eervice a receptiin for Mr.
and Mrs. Stanway and family and
Miss Stanway was held in the base-
ment of the churlh. Delicious re-
freshments were served and a social
hour was enjoyed.
On Sunday, Mr, Stanway occupied
the pulpit of Brucefield church and
large congregations were present for
both morning and evening seriices.
sse Pointe Forms, Mich; 1VIrs. E. W.
Kendall, Amy Grace and Jane, Elm-
ira, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Promer and
David of Kitchener. .
A welcome home party was held
in the Town Hall on•Wednesday even-
ing in honor of L/Opl. Lloyd West-
lake, the last' of the veterans 'from
this community to return from Over-
seas, Mrs. James Ferguson President
of the Red Cross read an address
and on behalf of the Bayfield and
Community Active Service Committee
Mrs. David Prentice presented him
with a billfold containing a five dol.
lar bill. In a few well-chosen words
Lloyd expressed his thanks for the
gift and also for all the parcels and'
"cigs" he had received while Overseas
There was a large attendance and a
most' enjoyable evening was spent
in dancing to the maple of the Bay-
field Valley Fire. Orchestra, Carl
Houston was floor manager.
Funeral of Mrs. J. Pagel
The funeral of the late Mrs. Joseph
Pagel, • Detroit, Mich., was held on
Friday, June 28, from the' Rigly _
Funeral Home, Detroit, to Grand
La Ce 'Re
Miss Dorothy Smith London, spent
Sunday with Miss Kathleen Middleton
1Vbies Millie Weber, London, spent
the week end with Miss Evelyn Wise
Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Clifford, Detroit
Mich., spent'a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. William 1VieGuire.
Mrs. Clayton .Storey and son Marv-
in, London, are spending this week
with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dutot.
Our genial truck driver, Lloyd
Picot, is laid off for a while having
his tonsils removed.
Mrs.,Walter Schlutter and daughter
Balitmore, were calling on friends in
this district on Sunday. •
Miss Nell McDougall spent Sunday
with Mr. and. Mrs. Vie Elliott before
returning to Detroit that evening.
Mr. and Mrs. 13111 .11,1eAsh and fam-
ily spent tSuntlay with Mr, and Mrs.
Bob Stirling .1
•'Mrs. James Johnston is spending a
few weeks with her sister 1VIrs. J. D.
Leslie at the home of D. H. McNaugh-
ton, Bayfield. • .
Mrs. Lizzie Brown and Mr. and Mrs.
Pox and the latter's, sister, Goderieh,
were visiting friend s in this •vicin-
ity on Sunday.
Jack Stirling and friend ,returned
to Toronto on Sunday accompanied
.x3byayflIfiieslsd.Donna Tams and Mr. Lenard
-Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clark, Tor-
onto,' are spending a, few days with
Mr. and Mrs. William Wise and other
relatives in the vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. 3. D. Leslie, Los Gat-
os, Calif., D. H. McNaughton, Bayfield
and Mrs. James Johnston, were Sun-
day visitors at the borne of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred' Middleton. '
Mr. and 'Mrs, Al. Waldie, and Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Middleton, all of Strat-
ford, srpent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Middleton. Mrs. Ted Middleton
remained for a. week's holiday.
Haying Nearly Through
Haying is pretty -well through in
this part. The crop is on the light
side but of good quality.
• Teacher Honored
The pupils of S. S. No: -9 honoured
theieteacher Miss Phlyllis 1Vliddleton
by presenting her with a beautiful
boudoir lamp at the closing of. school.
Teaching Staff Complete
Goderich Torrnship School Area
Board held its meeting on June 27
at- Mb.. 6 school with all members
present: A teacher has been engag-
ed for No. 6, and the teachers at the
other schools re-engaged for the 1946
47 term.
The School Area picnic was held
June 21 at Kitchigarni Camp with
about 250 present. The Board of
Trustees would like to extend their
thanks to the ladies who arranged and
served the lunch.
. Results of the races were as foil-.
ows: Girls 5 years and under ---
Vicky Cluff, Judy Cluff, Joyce 'Sow-
erby, Clair Ann Puller Mary Helen
Yeo, and Eleanor Yeo; Boys 5. years
and under— Ronnie Pearson, Graham
Posthill, Fred, Lobb, Bobby Grigg,
Douglas Norman and George Reuger;
Girls 7 yeare,and under — joyee
Forbes, Joyce Johnston, and Sandra
•Williams; Boys 7 years and under --
Jack Norman, Arnold • Laithwaite,
Ken Farquhar; Girls 9 years anti und-
er — • Jacqueline Oluff, Da Grigg,
Eleanor Driver; Boys 9 Years and
und0 Lawerenhe JoneS„ Billy Wil-
son; Arnold Laithavaite;'Girls 12 years
and under — Joan Grigg, Lola .Tervis,
Lois Sowerby; Boys 12 years and
under — John Falconer, Jimmie
Rich], Doug Ju,nesi Girls 15 years
and under Doris Sowerby, . June
Sowerby, Eileen Pocock; Boys 15
years and under — Jack Tebbutt,
Bill Stevenson, Charles Orr; Young
ladies' race — Eileen Pocock, Doris
Sowerby, Wilda Wilson; Young men's
race '•—• Jack Tebbutt,' Charles Orr,
Verne Posthill; Teacher's race —
Helen Orich, Phyllis Middleton, Phy-
llis Ginn; Junior boy's wheel -barrow
race — Ken Neilson and Lawrence
Jones, Elmer Sowerby and Billy- Wil-
son, Teddy Reihl and Lloyd Fuller;
Senior iboy's wheel -barrow race —
Jac* Tebbutt and Louis Tebbutt, Paul
Armstead and Ted Johnston, Doug.
Reihl and Melville Harwood; Junior
Girls Three-legged Race —'Nola Sow-
erby and Vera Johnston, Helen Potter
and Doris Hutchins, Ila Grigg and
Dawn Grigg; Senior Girl's Three leg.:
ged Race --Helen Johnston and Cora
Driver, Isobel Faegan and Ada Crich,
Eleanor Fuller and Jean Fuller; Bey's
Three:legged Race — Ted Johnston
and Paul Arznstead, Doug Reihl and
Melville Harwood, Louis Tebbutt and
Doug Sonesr Boy's Sack Race— 13111
Ste,venson, Jim Mugford, LaWrence
Jones; Girls' Sack Race. --Joan
Grigg, Jean Fuller, .Shirley Jones;
Soda Biscuit Race Tommy Webster
Bruce MacDonald, :Andrew Neilson;
Tie Race —.Betty Sowerby and Billy
Wilson, Jean Puler and Jim Mug-
ford, Sybria Craddock and Keith
Webster; Junior Relay Race — No.
4 school, No. 1 school, No. 10 school;
Senior Relay Race — No. 4 school,
No. 1 school, No. 6 school; Juniof
Boys Running 'High jump -- Allan
Grigg, Lawrence Jones, Dave Webst-
er; Senior Boys Running:High -Jump
Jim Mugford, Jack Tehbuttt, Ted
Johnston; Junior.Girls Running High
Jump — Barbara NfacLonald, Agnes
Chisholm, Doris, Hutchens; Senior
Girls Running 'High Jump — Doris
Sowerby, Shirley Jones; Junior Boys
Runrung Broad • Tamp — Kenneth
Neilson, Lawrence Jones, Bruce S,wit-
er; Senior Boys Running Broad Jump
— Paul Armatead,, jack 'Pelibutt, Ted
wn matery. v. Victor Grulm,
of Olivet Evangelical Lutheran
Church, officiated.
• Mrs. Pafel, formerly Florence Eliz-
abeth Brown, was born in Bayfield,
a daughter of the late Joseph A.
Brown. In 1904 she moved to D'et-
reit and since had resided there.
MTS. Pagers death occurred in Mt.
Carmele. Hospital,' Detroit, and was
caused by a cerebral hemorrhage.
She was in her 56th year, She Was
a very talented singer and musician
and at the age of 14 was a soloist in
Bayfield Methodist
Surviving are her husband, Joseph
Pagel, six children, four of whom are
Mrs, Rita Stevenson, Detroit; Mrs.
Dorothy Gressett, Dallas, Texas; Mr.
Thomas McCieland and Joseph Pagel
Jr, both of Detroit; and nine grand-
children. She also leaves four broth-
ers and one sister — Jantes-A, Brown
Detroit; George Brown, Gocierich;
Lawrence Brown, Seaforth; and one
other; and MTS. Harry Ahrens. Tvvo
sisters and two brothers — Mrs. Wal-
ker Murray, Port Albert; Mrs. Albert
Cameron, Snowflake, Man., Lloyd
Burgess Brown and William Brown,
predeceased her,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Corbett, Dundalk,
srent the week end at the home of Mr
and Mrs, James Lockhart.
The nert meeting of Porter's Hill
• Community Club will be held Wednes-
day, July 17 at the home of Mrs.
James Co*, rather than at Mrs.
John McGuire's, as previously ann-
• It's Hollywood
Not all the wacky movie tales come
from Hollywood. • This one is frona
England, where the superspeetucle,
ctcaesar and Cleopatra," was in the
works for ages.
Seems that a couple of years back,
they hired a boy to play the part of
a 12 -year-old. The other day they
needed some "retakes," so they called
the boy in again. The make-up de-
partment was sorely put to A when
they tried to make -him lock like his
old self,' The very first thing they
had to do was give him a shave.
Miss Phyliss Vaughn, London,
spent the week -end in the village.
Melvin Brunsdco, London, spent the
week end at the home of his parents,
Mr. and TS. Bert Bruns on.
- Miss, Lawdy Young is visiting at
Brantford with her niece, Miss Edith
Brown. .
Mrs. Helen Haight, Toronto, is
holidaying at the -home of her parents
Rev. and 1VIrs. A. D. Penman.
Mrs. Lillie Webster and Jack spent
a few days with Mr. and Nfrs. John
Radford at their cottage in Bayfield.
Mrs. Harry Lyon is visiting at the
home 01 her daughter, Mrs. Arthur
Kerslake, Exeter.
Miss Jane .McCool is holidaying at
ivitheech000re of her cousin, Miss Phyliss
• Mrs. Bert Deer
Urn, visited with her
Mrs. Charles. Vodden
Mr. and IVIrs. Will Lyon and Gord-
on, Thorndale, visited at the home
family, Aub
parents-, Mr. and
over the week
the former's mother, 11/fxs, Elizabeth
1.1Yon, over the • week end.
1 ,Mrs. John Barker, Teronto ,and
1 Miss Jennie Fingland, Detroit, were
lweelt end -visitors at the home 6f Mr.
1 and Mrs. Sohn Pingland.
1 Bert Knox, Niagara Falls, is
, spending the summer holidays at the
!home of his grandparents, 1VIr. and
Mrs. William Knox.
Successful Youth Rally
1 A very successful Youth Rally was •
held in the Londesboro United church
Sunday evening under the auspiltes
lof the Mission Circle. Everrone en-
ijoyed the ,special speaker Rev. Sin-
' clair of Blyth and the ecial '
by the male quartette of Blyth,
• Bad Fire Averted .
What might have been a very dis,
astrouS fire took place Saturday
afternoon, • at Alex Well's chapping
mill. It was soon extinguished by the
help of the men of the village. Blyth
'Fire Brigade respcmded very quickly
but the fire was under control before
the Brigade arrived.
Outstandingly Good
Dr. Moffatt
Wishes to announce that after July 15, he will
not perform any further Dental treatment at Varna
but will continue in the future, to. render all such
services at his London Office only.
Tuckersmith School Area
Tenders Wanted
Tenders will be received until
194er for the Construction of a Cement sidevvalk at
each of No. 4, No, 5, and No. 7, schools from school -
hone to the road.
Sidewalk to be 3 feet Wide with a mihimum thick-
ness of 4 inches and blocked every 3 feet; construct-
ed of good clean gravel .and Portland Cement in
proportion of one part cement and five parts gravel.
Tenders to include all materials an,d labour, and con-
tract to be completed by September 1, 1946.
Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
For Further particulars apply to S. H. Whitmore,
Secretary, Tuckersmith School Area, R.R. 3, Sea -
forth. 28-29-b
Time Extended
Township of Tuckersmith
The time for reception of Tenders for construction of gaarge,
TownshiP of Tuckersmith, has been extended:t�
Saturday July 20; 1946, at 8 p.m.
SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed.
"Tender for the construction of a garage in the Township of Tucker -
smith" will be received for ,the construction -of a garage, 42'x50',
building to be either cement block or, solid wall with flat roof.
Plans, specifications, etc, can be seen at the office of the Clerk,
Tuckersniith, R,R, 4, Seaforth, Ontario. Each tender must be ac-
companied by a certified cheque on a Chartered Bank in Canada,
Payable to the order of the Township of Tuckersmith, etaial to ten
per cent of the amount of the tender. Cheques will be returned to
unsuccessful tenderers.
Lowest or any tender not negessarily accepted.
Clerk, Township of Tuckersmith
For Body and Fender Repairing
C. R. Crossman Body Shop
Rattenbury St. W., Just West of Bartliff's Bakeshop