Clinton News-Record, 1946-06-13, Page 4PAGE FOUR
T'HURSDA'Y, JUNE 10; 3�4
Women's and Church Affairsin Clinton and District
Qt7 1 D�C�1�14 D NOTES i' gown with white accessories, and a
s` corsage of pink and white carnations.
After the acception, the young couple
The regular meeting ea the Red
Shield Peacetime Auxiliary was held
Tuesday afternoon with 13 members
present. Quilting was . the order of.
the day.
We heartily thank the following for
donations; $2 from Mrs. Epps and 26
cents for membership fee; Tour yards
material and one rblouse from Miss
Laidlaw; one wool quilt bat and quilt
patches from Mrs. Tough; used cloth-
ing from Mrs. Groves and used cloth-
ing from a friend.
The ladies discussed plans for an
afternoon tea and shower for our
Dutch twins Pauline and Engiline.
More about this next week.
Ladies to serve next week are Mrs.
Leyburn, Mrs. Castle, Mrs. Cook,
Mrs; Leppington,
In `Notes from the Red Shield
Wbnten,'s Auxiliary, published in the
Salyation Army War Cry, the follow
ing is the write-up on the Clinton
`.'Clinton: Major Joyce Clark, the
Corps Officer of Goderieh, Ont., tells
an -interesting incident regarding the
R.S.W.A. group at Clinton (Outpost
of.'Goderich). An imaginary 6 -year-
old Dutch girl has been adapted by
the group.v Each member has taken
a- personal interest in the scheme and
contributed towards a eomplete outfit
for her. Articles include: hoayy *in-
ter coat, summer and winter under-
wear, stockings, sockees and hair
ribbons to match, skirt and' sweater,
flannelette and summer weight night-,
gowns, slippers, summer dresses,
scampers,and two sweet little pink
and white dresses for Sunday. The
wardrobe also includes two .pair flan-
nelette sheets, one pillow and pillow
slips, towels, wash -cloths and soap;.
one quilt. hankies, complete set of
toilet articles.
'The women of the Clinton group,
under the leadership of Mrs. N. W.
Trewartha, are now planning ward-
robes. for twins. This new venture
has increased interest, and we pass
it on as a suggestion to other groups.
Europe is desperate for clothing,
shoes and bedding. Our new prints
are in. Send for your supply today:
We have colored and white broad-
cloth, small prints, larger prints,
white flannelette, striped flannelette,
checked flannelette, white poplin (for
girls' blouses), and some fairly large
Pieces. of tweed (new) for boys' trous-
ers. And do not overlook the woo%;
our supply includes scarlet, maroon, ,
emerald royal blue,
graY, navy
and air force
blue. Thanks to. Clinton'
for a good suggestion." •
In a setting of white and mauve
lilacs, narcissus, and hemlock, Phyelis
Jean,,, youngest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs, William Proctor, formerly of
Clinton, and Garnet C. Mathieson, son
of the late Robert Mathieson, all of
Goderich, were married in the Baptist
Church, Goderich, at one o'clock Sat-
urday afternoon, June 1. Rev. Joseph
Janes, pastor of the church,'officiat-
ed, and Mrs. Ella Donaldson was at
the organ.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, was attended by Miss
1Viarion MacKay as maid of honor,
and by her cousin, Miss Donelda
Vanderburgh, ,Clinton, as bridesmaid.
Mise Betty Mathieson, mieee of the
bridegroom, was flower girl. The
bridegroom's bi•other, George Math-
ieson, was best man. Donald Palmer,
nephew of the bride, .and Joseph
O'Brien were ushers. •
The. bride 'looked chain -dug'' in a
Victoria model gown of white taf-
feta. A drop shoulder frill encircled
a yoke of white net: The dress was
fashioned' with moulded bodice with
buttons to the waist at the back, and.
a bouffant .skirt of 'floor length. She
wore matching mittens tapering to
points over the wrists. Herveil of
embroidered net fell froma coronet
headdress trimmed with seed pearls
in heart designs, and she carried a
cascade bouquet of pink Delight roses
and stephanotis.
The attendants were in floor -length
gowns of white lace net, with round
necklines, cap sleeves, and full skirts.
They wore halo hats of white mesh
and matching mittens, and carried
colonial bouquets of Talisman roses.
The flowerirl wore a floor -length
of1g white 42 an d e with drop
shoulder frill and full skirt. Th
bodice was trimmed with yellow and
white flowers, which also trimmed
her heart -shaped halo organdie head-
dress- She carried a nosegay of yet-
lout -snapdragon and white stephan-
otis. During the signing of the reg-
ister, Miss Gloria Palmer, niece of
the bride, sang "O Promise Me." She
wore a floor -length gown of pink
taffeta and a" corsage of Johanna Hill
A. wedding• reception took place at
the :Maitland Golf Club, where the
guests were received by Mrs. Proctor,
wearing a two-piece navy blue dress
with black and white accessories, and
a corsagee of red Briarcliffe •iarcliff - roses.
Mr's. George Mathieson assisted,
wearing a powder blue faconne crepe
Choose_• A Gift For Dad
For His Day
Sunday; June 16
Bill Folds,,.-., $1.00-$3.40
Pen -Pencil Sets ,$5.94
Plastic Belts $1.25
Leather Belts 49c - 85c
Plastic Suspenders 75c
Elastic Suspenders .,, $1
Fancy Socks .,. 25c-$1.00
Ties 50c - 65c - 79c
SPORT SHIRTS, S, M, L $1.00 - $2.75
SPORT JERSEYS 69c - $1.00 . 1.50 - 1.75
Assorted Colors -Small, Medium, Large
Standard Army Issue
Work Boot, built to give the
finest possible service.
Men's Work Socks
Three -Ply IBennl.iller Wool in Anklets for Summer,
and standard length
We will make them to your. specifications..
Thomas Churchill
Have Your Suit Pressed
For Father's Day
They say a man is judged by his clothes. A phone
call will help you keep neat_ and well-groomed.
Gliddon's Press :Shop
We Press While U Wait Five Day Service On Cleaning
We Call For and Deliver PHONE 115
left by motor for ,Manitoulin Island
the bride wearing a melon green wool
suit, with white accessories, and a
corsage of roses. " On their return
they will reside on Kingston St. God-
The marriage of Mary Annette
Merrill, only daughter el Mr. and
Mrs. ha II. Merrili, Goderich Town-
ship, to George Joseph Colelough,
only son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Uolclough, .Goderieh T'ownehip, was
solemnized in Ebenezer United
Church, Saturday afternoon at two
o'clock. Rev, C. Tavener, Holmes -
vile, officiated at the ceremony, in
an effective setting of -standards of
early summer flowers, snapdragons,
and carnations.
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride wore a gown of ivory silk
net over satin. The bodice had a
sweetheart neckline and short sleeves,
and she wore elbow -length gloves.
Her finger-tip veil, trimmed with
lover's knots, was held with a halo
of ivory satin ribbon. She worg a
triple strand of pearls, the gift of
the groom, and carried a cascade
,bouquet of bink Briarcliffe roses.
Miss Helen Phillips of Mitchell, cousin
of the bride, was mid of honour
She was dressed in a'gown of pin
net over satin,.with shoulder-Ieng
headdress of pink net and satin rib-
bon. Miss Lula Tyndall of Goderic
Township, was bridesmaid, wearing
gown of heavenly blue net over satin
with shoulder -length headdress
blue net and satin ribbon. Both at
tendants wore elbaw-leth gloves
and carried cascade bouquets of wi
Lnchantress earnations.
Mr. John merrill, twin -brother
the bride, waso
b d , groomsman, and Mr
Lwin Merrill, brother of the bride
and Mr. Alistair Murray, cousin
the groom, were ushers. Mr, Charli
Merrill, cousin of the bride, playe
the wedding music, and Misses Marg
aret and Bernice Lobb sang "0 Per.
feet Love", and "I Love You Truly,
The groom's gift to the maid of
honour and bridesmaid were gold
compacts; to the •groomsman and
organist, collar and tie slide sets;
and to the ushers, bar pins.
For her daughter's wedding, Mrs.
Merrill wore orchid crepe with ac-
cessories in white, and the bride
groom's mother had chosen a nav
erepe, with matching accessories
Their corsages were white Starlit
with silver knots.The
reeeption for 40 guests, was held
the home of the bride's parents, Th
bridal table was attractively decorat
ed in a pink and white color scheme
and was centred with the weddin
cake, flanked with pink candles i
crystal holders. The assistants wer
Misses Helen Crich, Isabel' Oakes
Joaphine Muir, Aileen McCartney
Beth Hayden, Phyllis Ball, with Mrs
Charlie Merrill as director.
Following the reception, the brid
and groom left amid showers
confetti, on a motor trip. to sen
their honeymoon in Niagara Fall
Toronto and Belleville, the brid
travelling in a turquoise blue e.
semble with brown accessories. Upon
their return they will reside on th
groom's farm on the 7th concession
Goderieh Township,
Guests at the wedding were front
Toronto, Kitchener, Goderich, Mit-
chell, Biuevaie and Clinton,
Following the'ceremony, Mr. and
Mrs. Colclough were persented with
a beautiful white Bible as a gift to
the first couple married in Ebenezer
Churpeh, which will celebrate its 60th
anniversary in September.
An arch of evergreens decorated
with mauve and white lilacs and bank-
ed with flowers, formed the back-
ground for a pretty June wedding in
the livingroom of the bride's cousins,
Mr.' and Mrs. Percy Riley, Clinton,
on Saturday, June 1, at 2,30 p.m.,
when Rev. Andrew Lane, pastor of
Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton,
united in marriage, Florence Eliza-
beth Jane, youngest daughter of
Joseph Garrett and the late Mrs.
Garrett, ,Clinton, and Reginald LeRoy
Miller, only son of Mr, and Mrs. Ed-
ward Miller, Goderieh Township.
The bride, given iii marriage by her
eldest brother, Gordon, of London,
entered the livingroom to the strains
of the "Bridal Chorus"t played by
Mrs. Argyle Lockhart, sister of the
groom, The bride looked lovely in a
floor-lentgh gown of white sheer with
a lace fitted bodice and a sweetheart
neckline, her three-quarter length Veil
was held by a halo of White flowers.
She wore the groom's gift, a strand
of pearls and carried a bouquet of
pink Delight roses.
Miss June Miller', sister of the
groom, was bridesmaid wearing a
floor -length gown of pink taffeta with
a headdeess of pink flowers and car-
ried a cascade bouquet of pink ear
A dainty, little flower• girl was
Miss Marjorie 'Young, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Young„ Lon-
desboro, dressed in a floor -Length
gown of yellow silk crepe. Her heatl-
dress was a wreath of yellow flowers,
and she carried an old-fashioned nose-
Exnost Garrett, London, brother of
the bride,- was best man.
The dining and living rooms were
attractively decorated with pink and
white streamers and white bells. The
bride'r table was centred with the
three -tiered wedding cake, pink tap.
ers and silver vases of lily -of -the -
The bride's aunt, Mrs. Joseph Web-
ster, received the guests, wearing a
dress of blue printed silk, assisted
by the groom's mother, Mrs. Edward
Miller, who chose a dress of rose
crepe. Both wore corsages of pink
The groom's gift to the bridesmaid
was a gold necklace, to the flower -
girl a gold ring, to the pianist an
ornament and to the best mean a bill-
During the signing of the register,
Mrs. Lockhart played "I Love You
After a reception, a wedding sup-
per, was served to some forty guests
by Miss Bertha Webster and Mrs.
Ralph Caldwell, cousins of the bride,.
and two girl friends, Mrs. Ken Mer-
rier and Mrs. Elmer McClinchey,
Amid' showers of beat wishes and.
confetti, the' happy couple left for a
trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls
and other points.
For travelling the bride wore an
Azure blue suit and black accessories.
On their return they will, reside on
the groom's farm ie .Goderieh Town-
_fee -
Coupons now valid aro sugar -
preserves 51 to S14• butter Rl
to R11, meat Mei) to M41. Butter
R1 to 119 and meat M29 to M39
expire June°30,
!�I�°���i�Pou pnlgm„u,niani�„n :nummoiiLlilnllll I�
Stewart Scott, Toronto, spent the
weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Fingland..
Mrs. O. e3. Moffatt, Ingersoll, was
with her ;mother, Mrs. W. Ii, Hellyar
over the weekend.
Rev. W. G.' (Evans, Ann Arbor,
Mich., 'visited last week with Dr. and
Mrs. J. S. Evans.
Miss Joyce Carter has accepted a
position in London at the Wendell
Holmes Book ,Store.
Mrs. R. L. Adair and daughter
Nancy, Toronto, are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. H. L., Tomlinson
George Cooper, Mitchell, visited his
aunt, Mrs. Gertrude Palmer and -fam-
ilyMr. ande Mrs, Clayton Col uhoua
and family, Science Hill, called on
selatives here recently.
Miss Carol Evans, Galt Hospital,
spent the weekend wtlh her parents,
Dr. and Mrs. J, S. Evans.
Mr. and Mrs. John Pridham, De-
, '•Fort, Mich:, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
k J. E. Cook over. the. weekend.
th Frank Trewartha, Cardinal, has
spent his holidays with his parents,
h Mr. and Mrs. Howard Trewartha.
a Pte. Fred Rezzp, Brockville, is home
for a seven-day furlough before get -
of ting his discharge from the Army.
Misses Helen .and Kathleen McGill,
, London, scent the :Weekend with their
nk parents, 'M2•, and. Mrs. James .MeGilh
0p1. and Mrs. John Cadieux and
of Archibald Phillips motored' to Ottawa
. Tor the weekend, 'returning. Monday
of Miss Effie Johnston, ' Windsor,
e spent a few days last week with her
d;uncle and aunt, Mr, and, Mrs. F. W.
„- 'Johnston. • -
Mr. and Mrs. William Hume,
George and David, Milton spent the
past weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Wil-
mer Wallis.
'Mac. Eban Alexander, Knoxville,
Tenn., is visiting her sister, Mrs. N.
W' Trewartha and other'relatives in
this vicinity.
Miss Ruth Hearn has been success-
- ful in passing her examinations in
Y Second Year at the Cortege of Optom-
• etre, Toronto.
Mrs. John r Turne Tuckersmi h and
Mrs. WilmerWa l sattended1 i the fun-
eral of Mrs.. Anne Burdett, Stratford,
on Friday last.
Rev. Norman Langford, Toronto,
was the guest while in town for Wes-
ley -Willis anniversary of Rev. and
Mrs. Andrew Lane.
Mr. and Mrs. George T. Gregory,
'oolcstown, spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. J. Mason, Wingham,
and Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Hellyar,
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hanley, Fit. Lt.
,nut Mrs. R. R. Hewson and T. G. N.
Cook have returned to Toronto after
•ttendng the funeral of their father,
the late Thomas H. Cook.
Miss 11. V. Irwin was in St. Thomas
m Tuesday attending the graduation
exercises of Alma College, when her
nese, Miss Doreen Vessey, St. Marys,
was among the graduates.
John A. McIntyre, son of Dr. and
Mrs. Harry A. McIntyre, Clinton, has
been successful in passing his First
Year pre -medical course at University
of Toronto with Second Class Honors.
Mrs. William Shaddock, Mrs, Herb-
ert Osbaldeston, Mr. and Mrs. John
Leiper, John Neiians and Clarence
Neiians are in Petrolia today attend-
ing the funeral of the late E. E.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Brown, Jack
and Helen, Pontine, •Mich, and Mr, and
Mrs. Ernest Crich, Ferndale, Mich.,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer
Wallis and other relatives over the
Mr. and Mrs. David Jennings and
little son Danny, Rio, Wisconsin,
spent several days as guests of Mr.
and Mrs. M. T. Corless. Three years
ago, when Mr. Jennings was taking
a course at Clinton Radio School, he
made many friends in town. These
St. Paul's W. A. Holds 8
Successful Meeting
The June meeting of St. Paul's
W. A. was held on Tuesday afternoon,
June 11, at the home of Mrs. Clifford
The meeting was opened by Miss
W, E. Thompson, who read a passage
of Scripture from St. John, using
Moffat's translation. The devotional
period, including the members' prayer
and W. A. Litany, was under the.
leadership of the president, Mrs. 11. M.
P. Bulteel. •
Mrs. J. G. McLay contributed sev-
eral .short poems, the theme of which
was a homely bit of philosophy.:
Mrs. L. M. 'McKinnon had charge
of, the Study Book, and the chapter
under discussion was "China Faces
the Future."
The July meeti•rg will be held in
conjunction with the Little Helpers'
annual party, The meeting closed
with the Benediction.
Clinton Artists Sing
At Goderich Music Club
Miss Coronna Wendorf and Mrs. H.
C. •Lawson were guest artists at the
closing meeting of Goderidh Music
Club for the, 1945-46 season. This
meeting took the form oe a banquet
in North St. United Church, Goderieh,
Friday evening last.
The programme included solos by
Miss Wendorf "One Alone" and "In
My Garden" and Mrs. H. 0, Lawson
singing "He Shall Feed His , Flock"
with Mrs. E, Wendorf accompanying.
Other artists were Misses Barbara
and Margaret Henry and Kenneth
The following officers were elected:
President, J. A. Snider; lst vice-presi-
dent, Mrs. M. Hetherington; 2nd vice-
president, Miss N. Colborne; secre-
tary, Miss M. Smibert; treasurer, E.
D. Brown; program, R. Henderson;
social convener, Miss P. Roope.
friends have given him and his wife
a warm welcome as they spend their
two week's vacation in Canada. Mr.
Jennings was recently discharged
from Active Service in Portland,
Mrs. W. N. Counter and two child-
ren, Calista and George, and Miss
Helen Nediger, motored to Wiarton
for the weekend, the guests of Mr.
andMrs. E E. Paterson, and .Miss
Mrs. William' Mezzohas'ret returned:
home from London where she has
been for the past few days with her
husband. Mr. Benzo underwent an
operation in Westminster Hospital,
and is still very il.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Oriel); Fern-
dale, Mich., with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
Brown and family, Pontiac, Mich.,
also Wilbur Huck, Macklin, Sask.,
were vistiors during the weekend at
the home of M.r and Mrs, Melvin
Cemetery memorials are more
than symbols of life that is
gone, They are the symbols of
loves and memories, ideals and
faiths that live forever.
It is fitting that such a symbol
should have the beauty and
permanence found in Granite
memorials. May we tell you
more about them?
Memorial Craftsmen
Clinton Showrooms Open Fridays
See Mr. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103, for
an appointment any other time
• (All .times mentioned below are Daylight Saving)
St. Paul's Anglican
REV. R. M, P. BULTEEL, Rector
Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist
Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader
8.30 A.M.--Holy Communion
10 A,M,-Sunday School
11 A.M.-.Morning Service, Junior
7 P.M: -Evening Service
Monday Confirmation Class, at
7.80 P.M.
Ontario Street United
RLEV. G. G. BURTON, Minister
Mr's, Edward Wendorf, Organist
B. J. Gibbings, Choir Leader
11 A.M.-"Magnificence Arrayed"
Near Noon --+Sunday School
2 P.M. -Turner's Church - Flower
Sunday; Special Programme
7 P.M. -."A Man of Keen Intelligence"
Sunday, June 28 --Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper.
Wesley -Willis United
Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and
Choir Leader
11 AM. -Flower Sunday and Child-
ren's Day.
12.10 -,Church School
7 P.M. -Evening Worship
REV. D. J, LANE, Minister
Mrs. Bert Boyce, Organist and
Choir Leader
10 AM. --,Sunday School
11 A.M.-"Deep Calleth, Unto Deep"
2.30 PMI. --Knox Church, Bayfield,
the Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per. Everybody welcome.
REV. C. C. ANDERSON, Minister
Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist
Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader
Bible School - 11 A:M.
Evening Worship at 7 P.M. with the
pastor in charge.
Wednesday at 8 P.M. the Mid -week
How have you •answered the greatest
question put to man? Read Matt.
27:22. The result of your answer
can be found in Roni. 5:23. The
Baptist Catholic Church invites
you to all its meetings.
Clinton. Gospel Centre
(Mennonite Church)
Pastor-1Mr. 0. CE'STNIGK
Services are being held in the
Legion Hall, above the Bank of Mont-
10 A.M.--+Sunclav School.
11 A.M.-Morning Worship
'7.30 P.M. -Evangelistic
8.45 P.M.--Singspiration Hour (for
all who like music and
Help us to establish a Mennonite
Church in Clinton; Our Creed -Christ,
Our Book - The Bible, Our Law -
Clinton Pentecostal
IbldV. F1. T. KENDRICK, Pastor
Thursday, 8 P.M. -.Worship, Service,
Evangelist Rev. C. 31. Gingrich
Sunday, 10 A.M.-Sunday School, S.
V. Cann, Supt.
11 A.M.-Communion
7.30 P.M. -Evangelistic Service -
Evangelist Rev. C. M. Ging-
rich preaching
Tuesday, 8 P.M. -Prayer Meeting
"Ye must be born again," Jahn 3:7.
ringagelnents Announced
Wesley -Willis W. A.
HaS Interesting Meeting
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart, Lon-
desboro„ announce the engagement of
their only daughter, Marion Theressaof
to Jack Gillean freeman, only son of
Mr, and Mrs. A. M. Neaman, London,
the wedding to take place in Jensnoon,
The Woman's Association :
Wesley -Willis Church mot in the
Church Parlour on Thursday after -
June 6. The president, Mrs,
M. Needger was in the chair, awl Mrs,
sworth was pianist,
The opening hymn was "God Loved
World of Sinners Lost"; 'Mrs.
Miller read the Scripture igs�.
son, and Mrs. Addison offered prayer.
The secretor ItIr
read the minuyte,s anddals Jefferson,
geve the
financial report, in the absence of the
The corresponding secretary, Mrs.
Charles Nelson, read several letters
of thanks from members who have
been ill.
The flower report wasive n b
Mrs. John Nediger, Jr. g n Y
Arrangements were completed for
a wedding reception whieh is to be
held in the church. During the pro -
gramme, Ann Freel sang very sweetly
a lullaby, ";Slumber Boat," aecomp-
anied by her mother, Mrs. W. G.
Mrs. Reg. Shipley contributed two
short readings, "What Do I Owe," and
The 47th Mile." The closing hymn
was I Am Thine, -0 Lord", and the
Mizpah Benedietion brought the meet -
ing to a close.
and BabyBan
Entertained bythe
W M.S.GordonG
The W:M.S: f
o Ontario S.t, United
Church met in the school hall, June
9, At this meeting the society was
pleased to have as guests the Missing
Band' and Baby Band and mothers.
The president, Mrs. G. G. Butron,
opened the meeting with a poem. The
devotional period was conducted by
Mrs. N. Carter. The theme of the
devotions was "Canada," The hymn,
0 Canada" was sung and the poem
"Canadian Born" was read. Bible
readings and prayer followed.
Mrs. H. Lawson gave a most inter-
eating chapter of the Study Book.
Miss Wiltse and Miss Jamieson
took charge of the very fine program
gven by the Mission Band as follows:
Chorus, Mission Band; recitation,
Marilyn Ashton; piano solo, Gail
Shearing; duet, ,Margie E. Lawson
and Marlene Jervis;. recitation, Shir-
ley .Ashton; duet, Ruth Glew and
Carol Gliddon; reading, Marjorie Stan-
ley; piano solo, •Shirley Proctor; re-
citation, Margie E. Lawson; chorus--•-
"Lallipo" by the' Mission Band.
A social hour 'was enjoyed by all.
Chocolate milk and
serve cookies being
d the little folks.
Read the NEWo3EOORD Adlets:
Dresses In Ov er Sl ZP.S
Shades of Rose, Green, Blue, and Tan, : with
White Floral Designs
Sizes 46 to 52
Priced at $4.95
• , `0m
^� a
In Navy,
r ,
Sizes 10 to
24? a,14,
ns Skirts
Sizes MUM,' ArLar is.,
Brown and Black, nciW
Slack Suits
14X in an assortment
of shades
Let us solve your
Baking Worries
We have a large variety of
- No Obligation - ,
Two Weeks' Service We Pick Up and Deliver •
All Work Guaranteed
Records and Record Players
The R. H. Cornish Electric Store, Goderich
The largest in Western Ontario, and one of the best
and most up-to-date record bars for your
musical needs.
All Popular, Classical Records
from 49c up
No matter what your musical needs are we will endeavour
to help you.
For those who haven't started a Record Library we will be glad
to assist you in making a choice.
For those who appreciate tonal quality, come in for a free
delmonstration and learn what a difference there is in record
Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention
The R. H. Cornish Electric, Goderieh
Phone 141 and 793