Clinton News-Record, 1946-05-02, Page 6pAtu Six
interesting Item
�r+�m Nems -Record's dura:
THUItS+DAY, MAX '2, 1946-
Miss Alice Drouin, Detroit, was at
her cottage in the village over the
Mr. and Mrs. H. Ahrens, Detroit,
spent Easter week at their cottage,
"Trail: Blazer."
Mrs. E. A. Featherston, left on
Wednesday to visit her daughter, Mrs.
Keith Leonard, in Toronto.
Prof. R. a Pemberton and family,
London, were at their cottage in the
village during the Easter vacation.
Miss Audrey : turv, on was t,e.
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Art Hourun,
l.derich Towesii,i, over the wee .1.
William Furter returned to Lon-
don after spending Easter week with
his grandmother, Mrs. W. J. Stinson.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Brisson, Grrsse
Pointe, Mich,, were at t:'eir cottage
• in the village for a few days last
Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Paull, Listowel,
were the guests of Mrs. N. W.
Woods on Wednesday and Thursday
of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stewart return-
ed to Hamilton on. Sunday after hav-
ing spent the Easter vacation at their
home on Louisa St.
Mrs. LeRoy Path and Master Ron-
ald have returned to New Dundee,
after having spent the Easter vaca-
tion at their home here..
Mrs. Finout and Miss Margaret
Finout, Buffalo, accompanied by two
guests, spent the Easter week at their
cottage in Jowett's Grove.
Pte. Ellen McKay, CWAC, is home
on pre -discharge leave. Her guest
over the weekend was Pte. Lil
Schweitzer, CW'AC, London.
Pte. J. W. Sturgeon returned home
on Saturday after having visited his
brother, Newton, and family, in Port
. Dover for a couple of days.
• Gruelling field tests ...
worse than the toughest farm
conditionsprove the
superiority of Goodyear
Sure -Gripe over all other.
tractor tires. These testa
show less slippage, more
work done, and definite
savings in time and operat-
ing costs. Let us equip your
tractor with Sure -Grips to-
day ".its the tire that
eaves 1 day's work in 6.
Phone 5
Mrs. Spencer Ervine returned home
on Sunday after having been with
her mother in Southampton and at-
tending the wedding of her sister.
Misses M. and J. Miller came to
their new home in the village on
Thursday and returned to Detroit on
Monday with• Miss Jessie Metcalf.
Miss Ethel Cameron,. Northville,
and her father, Donald Cameron, De-
troit, Mich., spent the weekend with
his sister, Miss Elizabeth Cameron.
Mrs. J. W. Jowett and household
have moved back to her home at The
Grove for the summer, after having
spent the winter at her home in the
Mrs. Victor Burt and Mary Lou,
returned to London on Sunday after
having spent the vacation with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W.
Mr, and Mrs. Angus McCrae, Joyce
and Kenneth, returned to London on
Sunday after having visited Mrs. Mc-
Crae's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
H, Johnston.
Capt. and Mrs. E, Kendall and two
daughters, who have been visiting
Mrs. Kendall's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. Jowett, left on Tuesday for
their home in Elmira.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Willits, Miss Jean
Willits, accompanied by Miss Shoe-
maker, Pleasant Ridge, Mich., were
at their cottage in the Bayfield High-
lands over the weekend.
Mrs. M. Wallace and Miss Ann
Drouin returned to Detroit on Sun-
day after having visited' the form-
er's mother, Mrs. William Howard,
during the Easter vacation.
Douglas •Gemeinhardt ' and family
have moved into yrs. Donald Mur -
ray's home on River Road. He will
continue his mechanical repair work
in a shop next the Cider Mill.
Miss Elane Denby was taken to
Clinton Hospital on Tuesday evening
where she underwent an emergency
operation for acute appendicitis. Her
friends in .Bayfield wish her a speedy
LAC Charles Parker, Trenton, Mrs.
Parker, Brantford, and Kenneth
Bryce. of Toronto Telegram staff,
visited the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John H. Parker, for several days
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. David Dewar and
Master George and Miss Elva Dewar,
returned to Toronto on Friday and
Mrs. Ernest Rehn to Detroit on Sun-
day, after having visited their par-
ents over Easter.
Mrs. R. Larson left on Saturday
to visit her sister, Mrs. Len Smith
London. She also attended the ses-
sions of annual meeting of the Wom-
en's Auxiliary of the Dicoese of Huron
held in St..Paul's Cathedral and
Cronyn "Memorial Hall this week.
At' Milsical Festival
Pupils of Bayfield Public Srhool
are taking part in the Musical Festi-
val being held in Goderich this week.
Daylight Saving
Announcement that daylight saving
time will go into effect in Bayfield
on Sunday, May 5, is made in an
article published on Page One today.
Welcome to 'Village
Mr. and Mrs. Reg. .Francis and
Babe, Thamesford, moved to the vil-
lage on Tuesday and are occupying
Rev. F. H. Paull's cottage. We bid
them welcome to our midst.
Ill in Hospital
The many friends of Miss Audrey
Brandon, who was taken to Scott
Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Sun-
day evening, wish her a speedy re-
Attended W.A. Meeting
Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Holmes, and
Bitty, aecompaniel by Mrs. E. Heard,
Hayfield, and Mrs. W. Colelough, of
Middleton, were in London on Wed-
nesday attending the W. A. annual
Veterans Reunite
Mrs. A. Johnston and son, Jerry,
Hensall, visited Mrs. William Sturg-
eon on Sunday. Jerry Johnston and
Jim Sturgeon were renewing ac-
quaintances. They first met when
they enlisted in the RCiR at Kitchener,
and were together in the army for
three years until Jim was wounded
Township of Stanley
The dumping of any waste material on the
roads in the Township of Stanley is strictly for-
bidden. Anyone doing so will be prosecuted.
By Order,
Township Council of Stanley
Fred Watson, Clerk
For Body Repairing
and Fender
Shopc. R. Crossman
Ratteubury St. W., Just West594 of Bartliff's Bakeshop
Mr. and Mrs. O. Dale Honored
A most enjoyable evening was spent
Tuesday, April 23, at the modern
home of Mr: and Mrs. Elgin Nott,
with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ferguson
assisting, when friends and neighbors
gathered to honor Mr. and Mrs.:Or-
ville Dale, prior to . their departure
for Seaforth.
The first part of the evening was
spent in social chat and progressive
euchre. Prize winners were: Ladies'
most games, Mrs. Eldon Crich; con-
solation, Mrs, Noble Holland; men's
most games, William Livingston;
consolation, Noble Holland.
After lunch, Mrs. Thomas Ferguson,
in behalf of the neighbors, read an
appropriate address in 'poetic style,
and Mrs. William Livingston present-
ed Mr. and Mrs. Dale with a beautiful
Chenille .bedspread and smaller gifts.
Mr. Dale, thanked them all in a
few well chosen words, after which
they all sang, "For They Are Jolly
Good Fellows," followed by a short,
humorous programme with Elgin Nott
as chairman.
while serving with the eighth army
in Italy.
Veterans Open Business
Grant Turner and Reginald Francis
have leased the Bayfield' Garage from
the Supertest Oil Company which
they took over from Douglas Gemein-
hardt on May 1. They enlisted as
privates in the artillery at London,
April 1, 1942, and met when they
took their Basle Training at Kitchen-
er. They got their advanced training
at Halifax, N.S., and both rose to
the rank of Sergeant. Francis be-
came Staff Sergeant in RGEME and
was motor vehicle inspector for MD. 6.
Turner was sergeant of motor trans-
port. They were together until Aug-
ust, 1944, when Turner reverted , to
private to go overseas with the in-
fantry. Following his training period
he went to England in March 1945
and was in France, Belgium, and Hol-
land. While serving in the latter
country he joined the Pacific Force
and came home with a draft in July
1945 for Pacifie' wining. In October
he was granted industrial leave to
work at Westlake's Garage, where he
was employed until the end of April.
He obtained his discharge from the
army January 30, 1946 . Reg Francis
is a mechanic and also a radio repair
The partners are busy re -decorating
the garage and getting their new
equipment installed. They hope to
be open for business towards the
end of the month. Mrs. Turner plans
to re -open the Log Cabin Lunch room
for the summer months.
Successful Carnival
The annual Easter Carnival held
in the Town Hall, Bayfield, on Wed-
nesday evening of last week under
the auspices of the Agricultural So-
ciety, was a huge success and greatly
enjoyed by approximately 350 people
who attended. The platform was
tastefully decorated with cedar and
red, white and blue crepe paper.
Bert Dunn acted as master of
ceremonies and music was by the
Bayfield Valley Five Orchestra with
Carl Houston as floor manager. A
large number were in costume both
fancy and comic.
The judges, Miss Jessie Metcalf,
Mrs. E. Kendall and J. M. Stewart,
awarded the prizes as follows: Ladies
fancy, 1st, Mrs. Charles Scotchmer
(Victorian Lady), 2nd, Mrs. Roy
Scotchmer (Indian Squaw); Ladies
comic, 1st, Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon (Plant-
ers Peanuts), 2nd, Tom Arkell, and
E... Mitchell (mother and baby);
Gents comic, 1st, Mrs. Prentice
(happy cotton picker); girls costume,
1st, Donna Sturgeon (Donald Duck),
2nd, Glen Sturgeon (Donald Duck),
3rd, Marion Makins (Easter Bunny);
Boys costume, 1st, Bobby Talbot
(Chickery Chick), 2nd, Howard
Scotchmer (Little Lord Fauntleroy),
3rd, David Middleton (cowboy).
The costumes were all good and
the task of ,fudging a difficult one.
Outstanding were the Donald Ducks
complete with feathers, webbed feet
and moving their beaks to quack. A
bit of comedy which caused great
amusement was the mother wheeling
the baby buggy around and her
attention to the oversized child. The
refreshment .booth in the basement
was a popular spot.
Four door prizes were won by Dan
Willis (two), Earl Willert and C.
Gemeinhardt. The spot prize went
to Mrs. Hutchings and Alvin Dutot.
Mrs. Rich. McWhinney, Crewe, spent
Sunday with Mrs. Fred Rosa.
Royce Phillips has returned from a
visit with friends at Brantford and
St• George.
Miss Josephine Weir is visiting her
aunts, Misses Annie and Margaret
Weir, Strathroy.
Mr. and Mrs. Beverly. French and
daughter have returned to Detroit,
after visiting the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Beadle.
Mrs. Gormley Thompson and soli
Bobby, have returned to Brampton,
after spending the past ten days with
the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mogi idge.
Returns ir'om Hospital
Mrs. Herb Mogridge has returned
home from Alessandra General and
Marine Hospital, Goderich, where she
underwent an operation.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood, Clinton,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Riley. •
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson and
Mrs. George Addison spent Monday
in London.
Mr. and Mrs. William Webster,
Lucknow, spent one day last ween
with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Lawson.
Mr. and Mrs. Angus McRae, Joyce
and Kenneth, London, spent Thursday
with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott.
Miss Donelda Adams returned home
Friday after attending the Teachers'
Convention in Toronto last week..
Visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. William Britton on Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Reekie, Patsy and
Peggy, London; Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Hoggarth and Jane, Wallaceburg;
Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacMillan, Mr.
Littlefoot and friend, London.
Presentation to Mrs. Dale
The W.A. and W.M.S. of Constance
United Church met in the School
Room of the Church for their Easter
meeting During the afternoon, Mrs.
Orville Dale, who has just moved to
Seaforth, was presented with a
beautiful lamp by Mrs. Frank Riley
on behalf of the W. A. An approp-
riate address was read by .Mrs. Earl
Lawson. Mrs. Dale made a suitable
reply, thanking' the ladies for their
Couple Honored
Friends and neighbors on Thursday
evening last gathered at Londesboro
Community Hallto wish Mr. and Mrs.
Kelso Adams, who recently returned
from overseas, congratulations and
best wishes. During the evening,.
Mr. and Mrs. Adams were presented
with a chest of silverware and a
magazine rack and end table. John
Thompsonmade the presentation. and
Mrs. Lorne Lawson read an approp-
riate address in poetical vein. It was'
signed on behalf of neighbors and
,Let The NEWS -RECORD quote on
your next printing requirements.
Successful Bazaar
The Ladin;' Guild of St. Mark's
Anglican Church' held a successful
bazaar and sale of home-made baking
in the Orange Hall on Saturday. The
sum of $75 was realized.
W. M. S. Thankofferin;
The Eatser thankoffeing meeting
of Knox Presbyterian W. M. S. was
held at the home of Miss Josephine
Weir on Thursday. The meeting was
in charge of the president and open-
ed it with prayer. The Scripture,
Psalm 111, was read by Rev. Runt.
11 )c_cnndl, who also offe;:ed pray -•r.
l he recrolery's report war given by
Mrs Fred Ross. A solo was rend-
ered I.y Miss J. Weir. The Eiisltr
message was given by Donald Ross,
who spoke on "The Glorious Victory."
Mrs. Wellington Good l'e'ad a letter
on the "Peace Thankoffering Fund."
It was decided to bring in the con-
tributions to this fund at the June
Mrs. Lawson 'closed the meeting
with prayer. Refreshments were
served by the hostess and Mrs. Herb.
(By our own correspondent)
W. I. Annual Held
The annual meeting of Kippen East
Women's Institute was held at the
home of Mrs. Albert Alexander Wed-
nesday evening, April 24. The meet-
ing opened with the Ode, Lord's
Prayer: Minutes of last meeting were
read and adapted. There was a report
on the District meeting by Mrs. Wm,
Plans were made for the annual
district meeting to be held in Eg-
mondville United Church, May 29, to
be an all day session. Delegates to
the annual are Mrs. Glenn MacLean,
Mrs. Alexander, Mrs. Wm. Kyle. It
was decided that no meeting is to be
held in May, but each member is
asked to attend the annual
The roll, call was an exchange of
flowers and slips. The motto, "Leave
your doors open to "Books" as you
would for your friends" by Mrs. Win-
ston Workman was both humorous
and interesting. The music included
solos by Mrs. E. Butt and Mrs. T.
Forsythe, accompanied at the piano
by Mrs. J. McGregor. A paper on
housecleaning hints was both inter-
esting and'"helpful. Reports of com-
mittees were given and adopted.
Election of officers presided over
by Mrs. R. Elgie, resulted as follows:
Hon. President, Mrs. H. McGregor;
President, Mrs. Glenn MacLean; lst
vice-president, Mrs. W. Kyle; 2m1
vice-president, Mrs. .J:- Sinclair; sec-
retary -treasurer, Mrs. A. Alexander;
directors, Mrs. T. Kay, Miss Grace
Tremeer, Miss Margaret McKay, Mrs.
Winston Workman; district director,
Mrs. T. Kay; Sunshine committee—
Mrs. W. Cole, Mrs. N. Long, Mrs. W.
Broadfoot, Mrs. J. McLellan; pianist,
Mrs. Broadfoot; auditors, Mrs. R.
Dalrymple, Mrs: Finlayson; conven-
ors—Agriculture and Canadian In-
dustry; Mrs. W. McLean; citizenship,
and health, Mrs. C. Eyre; historical
r•esearoh, Miss M. McKay; publicity,
Mrs. R. Dalrymple; home economics,
Miss G. Tremeer•; social welfare,
Mrs. W. Workman. Tea cups were
presided over by Mrs. Hugh Mc-
Gregor. Luncheon was served.
Mrs. Fee, Seaforth, visited with her
sisters, Mrs. M. Reid and Mrs. Chutor
or, Slunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin and family,
Londesboro, spent Sunday+ with Mrs.
Austin and Russell.
Mr. and Mrs. Hannah, Seaforth,
spent Sunday with the latter's broth-
er, Amos Keys and son Lloyd and
Mr. Horner, in company with his
mother, Mrs. Horner, and friends
from Zurich aelled on Mr. and Mrs.
Ings and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Horner
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Keys, Komoka,
spent the weekend with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Keys. Mrs.
Keys returned with them and spent
a few days.
Mrs. Clyde Soper and son Bobbie,
spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Soper and family, returning
Sunday with Clyde Soper and Anita.
Mr. and Mrs. David Soper are spend-
ing the week with their son. Harold
and Mrs. Soper. They are all from
Local School Closed
School will be closed this week ow-
ing to the Music Festival which is
being held in Goderich. Several of
the Varna pupils are candidates.
Attended Presbyterial
Mrs. Lee McConnell, Mrs. W. J.
Johnston, Mrs. Wat. Webster, Mrs.
Fred Reid and Mrs. B. Keyes, ladies
of the W.M.S. of the United Church,
attended the annual Huron Presby-
terial at Wingham last Thursday.
To Present Play
"Aunt Tillie Goes To Town," a
three -act play, will be presented by
Trinity Church Dramatic Club, Bay-
field, in Township Hall, Varna, on
Friday evening, May 10, under the
auspices of St.John's Anglican church.
Additional Housing
The housing situation in Varna is
becoming quite interesting. The work-
men are very busy these days on the
new residence of T. J. McAsh. Mr.
Stanlake, Grand Bend, is in charge of
the cement work. Orrin Howson also
has purchased a lot from Mr. Reid
and has moved a house from Goderich
Township and is digging a cellar. We
look forward with pleasure on all
these improvements.
(Intended for last week)
Miss Hazel and Lois ,Rapson spent
holidays at their 'home.
Miss Voilet Watkins is spending
Easter holidays at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Connell spent weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. E. Ellis.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vodden moved
to their new farm on Monday.
Mrs: Beatrice Lovett visited friends
in the neighbourhood over the holiday.
Miss Phyllis Ball, Toronto, spent
r holiday with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. Ball.
Jane, Mary and Richard Snell are
holidaying at the home of their sister,
Mrs. A. Betties.
Miss Eha Johnston visited her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnston.
over the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wright and
family spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Percy Gibbings.
' Master Ronald Osbaldeston, God-
erich. visited his' grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. Smith, last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayes, Betty
and Harry, spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. William Merrill
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lovett spent Mon-
day helping Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Hayter to move to their new home.
Mrs. George Herd of Kinloss, Miss
Marjorie Herd of Toronto, visited Mr.
and 'Mrs. Clarence Ball on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mason, Mrs,
C. Merrill and family, spent Sunday
at Brucefield with Mr. and Mrs. L.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Osbaldeston
spent Sunday at the home of the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
Visitors at Mason's on Sunday
were: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Totten of
Windsor; Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry Ford,
Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Mel Crich,
Ladies to Meet
Summerhill Ladies will meet on
Wednesday, May 8, 1996 at the home
of Mrs. William Lovett. Roll' Call
is to be answered by giving suggest-
ions on "how to spend our money.
The hosteesesswill be. Mrs. E. Ellis„
Mrs. C. Merrill, Mrs. G. Smith, Mrs.
F. Vodden.
(By our own correspondent)
I.O.O.F. Church Service
The I.0 0.F. will observe their
127th anniversary and will attend
divine worship at the United Church,
Sunday evening, May 5, at 7.30. Rev,
R. A. Brook will deliver the sermon.
All brethren are invited to attend.
Home From Hospital
Ronald Smith, who was admitted
to St Joseph's Hospital, London, some
weeks ago suffering from a fractur-
ed skull. has improved enough to re•
turn to his home in Hensall
Mrs. Miller Hartwick and daughter,
Margaret, Kincardine, spent a few
days last week with the former's
grandmother, .Mrs. William Consitt.
Elsie and George Smith, children al
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith, Hensall,
had their tonsils removed at Scott
Memorial Hospital, ,Seaforth, Thurs-
day. Dr. J. C. Goddard was the at-
tending physician.
Miss Jean Murray, Mr. and Mrs.
A. G. Smillie, Toronto, are spending
the summer months at their summer
home here
Successful Social
The young people of Carmel Pres-
byterian Church sponsored a con-
gregational social evening, Monday
evening, when a gathering taxing the
capacity of the church school room
enjoyed an evening of music and re-
freshments. James Mustard was
chairman. A hymn, followed by pray-
er offered by Bob Taylor, opened the
program. Then followed, a solo by
Shirley Bell; piano duet, Irene Ken-
nedy and Helen Forrest; readings,
Mrs. R. Simpson; vocal duet, Edit
Bell and Blanche Dougall; trombone
solo, Anderson Orr; vocal duet, May
and Evelyn Taylor; violin duet, Chas,
Forrest and Lawrence Baynham. The
social committee, convened by Helen
Moir, was in charge of refreshments,
and the program was in charge o
Irene Kennedy, Helen Forrest, and
Blanche Dougall.
Young People's Day
Young People's Day was observed
at Carmel Presbyterian Church on
Sunday last with services marks
with interest and enthusiasm. Larg
congregations attended the services
The morning service took the for
of a "Welcome Home and Thanks
giving" for service personnel of th
congregation. A large number o
veterans were , in attendance an
young people participated in the ser-
vice. Hymns were announced by Mis
'Margaret McGregor; Scripture les-
son read by Miss Audrey Dick; prayer
offered by Veteran Jack Bell. A choir,
composed of members of the Youn
People's Society, sang two anthems
with Mrs. Irene Kennedy at the con
sole. The minister, Rev. P. A. Ferg-
uson, preached from the text, "Is th
young man safe."
At the evening service the sam
order was observed with Don. Bell of-
fering prayer. A double quartets
sang, "Give Us P'eace." Guest speaks
was the Rev. Capt. John Anderson,
M.G. and Bar, overseas chaplain of
the Highland Light Infantry from
Galt and Western Ontario, and now
chaplain at Niagara Falls.
(Intended for last week)
Letter From Holland
The following letter of thanks was
received by Audrey Walsh, Hensall.
nine years of age, from ,Jacob and
F. Suit, Groningen, Holland, expres-
sing thanks for clothing sent by And
rey sometime last fall when the Red
Cross drive for clothing was on.
"We received your jumper and are
thanking you for it. We have a family
of ten children and are expecting the
eleventh before long. Six years while
the war was on we never got any
clothes at all and we were glad to
receive the jumper, which you no
doubt will understand. Tf you have
any more clothes to spare they would
come in very handy. We would like
cotton, safety pins and elastic because
we have nothing in that line left, We
have five beds and we haven't a pillow
slip for anyone of them. The war took
cute a bit from us. Our boy of ten
1 ad gangren in he ley and should
he? gone to the l.isin ar :hs Gsr-
rrans had it '.n• s 1 t,'rs as 1 linn
ajter four days f ,u:°erie•z h' passed
away. If you have anything to spare
and if it is rot rot p i••h +• e Ir. vie
it x.ld be ve thankfal. Tha, ldrg
son again and fast rig'. ds. From
J.r b and .1 ..r..."
Audrey is sending more clothes to
them in the near future.
]hiss Marion Stewart, London, was
none on Sunday. • I
Mrs. Kennedy, Toronto, is visiting of
her te, r. hes t.
•Mrs.sisR. Peck,MsCZuricarlh,-isStewarspending
a few days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Snell �
Mrs. Charles Watson spent the
weekend with her daughter, Mrs. J."I
Sinclair, Kippen.
Misses Fern Yungblut and Mary
Jervis spent Easter weekend in Tor- ,Mrs.
onto with friends. 'tune,
Mr, and Mr.s Edwin Wood, and Mr.
and Mrs. Allen Shaddick spent the
weekend in Toronto.
George McVittie, and Mrs. William
Hesk, are having electrical services
installed in their homes.
Misses Gail and June Manning
spent part of the Easter holidays
with Miss Helen Ball, Clinton.Mrs.
Mrs. Stanley Lyon, Frances and
Vera, returned home last Wednesday
from visiting friends in Dresden.
Mrs. Fred Morrell returned last
week to herhome in Toronto after
visiting M.r and Mrs. Harold Morrell.
Mrs. Ray Fisher and Master Ray-
mond Douglas, Galt, are visiting the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Snell. r
Mr. and Mrs. William Govier and
Mrs. Elizabeth Lyon, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lyon,
Mrs. Oliver, Barbara and Audrey,
and Miss Elizabeth Roger, Toronto,
visited with. Miss Elizabeth Mains
last week.
Master Billie Roberton, Seaforth,
spent part of the Easter holidays
with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Nott.
Ebel Va ngspenther East -
as -er
ervacation at the hone of her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Web-
ster, Clinton.
Miss Bertha Webster, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Partridge, Mr. and Mrs. Wally
Partridge, Toronto, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Meredith Young.
Mrs. Pete Crawford, and Sandra,
Miss Betty Cr;,awford and Charles
Cunningham, London, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. E. J. Crawford on Sunday.
Mission Ram! to Meet
The Mission Band are having their
ameeting . Sunday
thaevening, i May
evening, May 5, at 8 pm. All are
welcome to attend.
Business Change
Clifford Sundercock has' taken over
the egg grading station from Mr.
Norman Alexander. We wish Clifford
the best of success.
To Show Movies
Pictures will be shown in the Com-
munity Hall on Monday, May 6, at
2 p.m. for the school children, and
at 8.30 in the evening for adults, by
Hullett Branch, Federation of Agri-
W. M. S. Meets
The Easter thankoffering meeting
the W.M.S. was held in the Sundiu'
hof hhurn W-
nesdayScool afternoonromot
lastecwithch theopreeied-
dent, Mrs R. Townsend in the chair.
Two delegates were appointed to at -
tend the Presbyterial at Wingham.
Group No. 1. took charge of the
programme. Hytnn 112 was sung and
Mrs. Margaret Manning led in prayer.
William Hesk read the Scrip --
taken from Luke 24. The offer -
ing was taken by Mrs. Lillie Web.
stet; Mrs. William Govier gave a.
read g entitled, "Mother." Members
of the group gave a sacred drama,
"The Challenge of the Crocss," assist -
ed by a choir of the Mission Band
and Mission Circle. Those taking part
were Mrs. Penman, as "Evangel,'
George Moon, Mrs, M. Manning,
Mrs. L. Webster, Mrs. G. McVittie,:
Miss B. Kirk and Mrs William Lyon.
There was a good attendance and a.
splendid offering.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Sparks attended
e weddingof the latter's sister
Miss Margret Mahaffy,• to J. Rosi.
Taylor, in St. ,Marys, rently.
'°...., ""^
Mr. Radio Owners;
Do you need Batteries?
Lawson's Radio Service
R. R. 1, Clinton
Phone 841r23, Seaforth
Fifteen years' experience on all'
makes in Hullett, Tuckersmith, Cols,
borne and Goderich Townshins.. Bat -
series delivered free.
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6.50 1.85
Partial List of Narvo
Exterior Floors Furniture
Linoleum Refrigerators
Woodwork, Walls
Dealers in Hardware
Modern Ambulance Service,
Phone 361
Electric Wiring and Repairs
Contract Work Efficiently Handled
The most modern and efficient
ElectraCIinton cShop