Clinton News-Record, 1949-11-10, Page 4•
Presbyterian WA . Newlyweds Honored
Let's vPlans Potluck Supper By Council, Neighbors
The of Cliruton Presbyt g hhndiu WAPresbyter- Does lightning ever strike
ran Church This and That
A Woman's Viewpoint on
•By `MBA
Chu -h met at the home of twice in the game place? Maybe
Mrs. Robert McEwen, High St, I nelt, "but a000rding to opinions
on Tuesday afternoon, Novem- !voiced by the Robin Thompsons,
ber 1, with a very good attend- pheasant surprises really do.
ante. 1 Recently; the members of God -
Owing to the absence of the erich Township Council accomp-
president, Mrs. William Shaddock, anted by their wives, paid a visit
due to the illness of her father, I to the newlyweds. Evidently,
there is a vein. of Scottish 'senti-
ment in the group, as they pro-
ceeded to demonstrate Robbie
Burns'advice 'to see oursel's as
ithers see us," by the presentation
of a sparkling plate glass morror,
a gift both decorative and useful
WOMEN'S organizations are many of you know and they
always looking ,for new ways of are contradictory . . Hedy, aged
raising 'money • The Ladies' 21 years, a semi -semi Persian,
Guild of St, Paul's Anglican had much longer and thicker fur
Church -hit upon a unique idea- both last year and the year be- 1VIr. Neilans, the vice-president,
and a highly successful one— fore — which points to a mild Mrs. Lane, occupied the chair.
winter .`-BUT. Pandora, age The meeting opened with the
1, an almost Persian, whose singing of a hymn and Mrs. Lane
mother is the lovely cat in Fred read a portion of the -second
Ford's store, has outdone herself chapter of Second Timothy, `.fol-
lowed by a suitable, reading and
prayer. m the new home.
Mrs. Alan Maxwell, the. sem- More recently, the neighbors,
tory-treasurer; gave her reports. a jolly . group of people frorh
Letters of thanks for flowers and Maitland and 16tli Concessions,
cards were read. It was decided arrived to .offer their good will
on motion of Mrs. Roberton and in an evening of games, music
Mrs. Gibson thet the December and conversation.
meeting would take the form cif A highlight of the evening
a pot -luck supper in .;the Church was the reading of a very hum -
School Room. It was` also pointed
out that subscribers to the Glad
Tidings should pay their sub-
scription fee, 75 cents, to Mrs,
Shaddock as soon as possible.
After the roll call another
hymn was sung end the Lord's
Prayer repeated in unison.
The hostess was assisted in
serving a cup of tea by Mrs, Cook
and Mrs,.,. Maxwell and a social
half hour was enjoyed.
when they held a "talent" auction
Sale Thursday evening last . .
It was a sale of knitted wear,
sewing, hone baking, preserves,
and produce, with` Eddie Elliott this fall Her coat is twice
as an amusing auctioneer . . as long and thick as ever before
Rspecielly was this so in regards in -her life ... In fact the amount
to his ability to "model" the o•1 fur on her body makes her
ladies' and babies' articles twice as big es ordinary . .. So,
Eddie bought a baby's bed him-
self—we 'wonder why? But
then, who are we to talk, we
bid successfully on a couple of
small knitted articles, accoinpan-.
led by chueldes from friends and
a certain young lady sitting two column, we vowed not to write
rows in front So we had to about `the cats" . • . Then we
explain in a loud stage whisper had one request for a cat story
that we were attending e baby • . . And resolutions, they say,
shower in the near future . ere meant to be broken — so
Ken Colquhoun acted as clerk there you are, Grace .. .
and assistants at the sale were * :, *
Mrs. J. M. Elliott and Mrs. Lil- THE COUNCIL CHAMBER is
Ilan McKinnon . . . being put to good use this fall
* *• . • Once again it was the scene
of a highly successful bazaar and
ANYONE who enjoys the tea Saturday afternoon • This
scaterwit parts played by Billie time, it was sponsored by the MCS. Annie Brown Has
Burke in the movies today --or P Club, `
remembers her as a glittering
star of the silent films, will en-
joy her delightful biography en-
titled "With a Feather on My
Nose" . This' book is the cur-
ur- THE BAKING table, attractiv-
y on the non-fiction: . . shelf ely decorated with bouquets of
of Public Library 'mums end baking "cut-outs" on
* s a white tissue paper background,
THE, BIOGRAPHY, which is vra!s Iooked after by Mrs. F.
written with wit end charm, tells Mutch, Mrs. J. Leiper, Mrs. Mur-
ray Mrs. Henderson, Mrs. Cowan
and Mrs. S: Castle . . Mrs. F.
McDonald, Mrs. Eric Simms and
Mrs. R. Morgan were in charge
of the candy and apron table . .
The tea room was convened by
Mrs. Wilson and her 'assistants
through necessity, making a new' were Mrs. W. Mutch, Mrs. E. J.
career for herself in the talkies !Jacob, Mrs. N. Greig, Mrs. Wil -
There are many anecdotes son, Miss B. Gibson, Miss Emily
of that Brilliant era of the theatre Seruton and Mrs. T. Morgan.,.
now gone ... And of the famous * ,
people connected with it, such as THE CARD GAME, that has
Fames M: 'Barrie, Sir John Mrss.. Fiske, `Somersett been sweeping the United States
Mares, M
Forbes -R, the Barry -and Canada for the past half
Mau""than and Will Rogersyear, has hit Clinton with a bang
,r * * � this fall It is "Canasta,"
THIS• IS the time of year that which was originated in Monte -
the weather prophets are busy video, Uruguay, but became most
popular in Argentina . Charles
it looks like a hard winter . .
With such opposing evidence,
you can see how our days of
prophecy are over . .
P. 5. When we started this
which Mrs. Sam Castle, Jr., is
president . Mrs. D. J. Lane
received the many guests •
• her story from her rise to fame
on the London stage early in the
century • . . Then her debut to
Broadway as John Drew's leading
lady ... Her eighteen hectic years
as the wife of the "Great Zieg-
field" And after his death,
predicting the type of weather captivated by Can -
Goren, well 'known bridge ex-
winterwe likely to enjoy duringbse I became ca
months Theybase Acre1?
Can -
their predictions on Mother Na- I asta on a visit to Argentina last
ture and the habits of various ;year . . He delved into it with
aoimals, birds, etc. . . • scientific interest ... and on his
'return home, wrote a series of
* * u newspaper articles, which creat -
WE USED to conisder ourselves' ed so much interest that the
somewhat of a "prophet" too .. • , game soon became popular •
For twelve years we generally! �, r,
had a fairly good idea of the type CANASTA is a glorified rummy,
of winter in store We were but requires quite a bit more
able to figure this out from the q
thickness of the coat of. our Per- thought and skill . . . If you
sign tomcat named "Tiger" . . , have ever played rummy it is
If a mild winter was ahead, not hard to pick up• the rules . .
Tiger had a light silky coat, but It is played with two complete
for long and cold winters, Tiger decks of cards, plus four jokers
was one round ball of luxurious . and is best played with fou
thick fur players . . As so much depends
* i
' * w on the turn of the right card,
ALAS, it is not so today . is an uproarious game — quite
For we are buffeloed about the different from bridge . Loca
t ah d The reason is devotees find it stimulating and
Her 87th Birthday
orous address and presentation of
a beautiful walnut living room
table'which we hope the recip-
ients will use and enjoy for many
years to come,
Mr. and Mrs, William Hoggart
entertained on Sunday in hon-
our of the latter's mother, Mrs.
Annie Brown, who that day
celebrated her 87th birthday,
Mrs. Brown is enjoying excellent
health, and takes a keen interest
in the happenings of the clay.
Other members of her family
who were present to enjoy this
auspicious occasion were Mr. end
Mrs. Ed Yungblut, Londesboro;
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Curts, Thed-
ford; Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hog-
gart of the Base Line, and Ross
Hoggart, Hespeler.
Ontario St. WA Holds
Excellent Meeting
Ontario St. W.A. met on `Tues •
day, November 1, in the Church
i Hall with president, Mrs. C. H.
Venner, in the chair. The meet-
ing opened by singing hymn 497,
followed by reading Psalm 764
1 alternately, and Lord's Prayer.
The Devotional period was taken
by'Mrs• Wiltse, with the subject,
"The Sacrament." Various re -
:ports were read. Mrs. Radford
favoured the ladies with a lovely
instrumental, and Mrs. Normanto
Carter sang a very pleasing
which was much enjoyed. The
meeting closed by singing of a
hymn and Mizpah Benediction.
Engagements Announced
Mr. and, Mrs. C. V, Cooke,
Illinton, announce• the engege-
ment of their youngest daughter, f
Rose Elizabeth (Betty), to Rob-
ert Murray Harris, second son of i
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harris, R.R. 2,
Bayfield; the wedding to take
place in St. Paul's Anglican
Church on. Saturday, November
19. •
Services for Miss Elizabeth' A.
Haley, 90, were conducted Sat-
urday afternoon in Brophey's'
uneral home, Goderich; by Rev.
BeH. Farm, and- intermenh made
n • Maitland Cemetery:-
She was born in G;oderich
Township, and had lived i n
Huron County Loyal Orahge
Lodge will attend Divine Worship
in Wesley -Willis united Church,
Clinton, on Sunday, November
13, at 11 a.m. Members will form
up at the Lodge Room at. 10.30,
and the parade will be• led by
the Woodham Fife and Drum
Blyth Male Quartette delighted
• ,a large congregation in Wesley -
1 Willis United Church Sunday
morning, Oct. 30, with two num-
'r ! bers: "The Wayside Cross" and
When my life with the tide goes
t ! out," Mrs. M. J. Agnew accomp-
anying en the organ. Members of
:the Quartette are Irvine Wallace,
!Collegiate Institute, October 29.
tvm er ea
—we now have two cats—as play continuously
Be sure to
Bartliffs' Spotless Restaurant
We serve the finest coffee in. Town; Try a cup!
Headquarters for the finest
See Our "Clinton Day"
PEANUT BRITTLE, Reg. 50c lb. Special 35c
a• Special 15c
20c, 2 far 39
RAISIN LOAF, . Reg. 19c
OATMEAL DATE COOKIES, Reg. 25c doz. • . , • • Special
See Our Cake Special
Phone 1 -- -- d. Clinton
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Men and Missions
Sunday, November 13
The, 19th annual observance of
Men' and Missions Sunday, in
which all Protestant churches of
the United States and Canada
have been invited to . participate,
will occur on Sunday, Novem-
ber 13.
The single purpose of that ob-
servance is to influence the lay-
men of North America to support
more generously the missionary
work of their respective churches.
The obee'rvance ins sponsorekl
and promoted by the Laymen's
Missionary Movement of North
America, Inc. It is represented
in thousands of cities and towns
by either e local pastor or a
layman as Resident Chairman.
Rev. Archie Forsyth, is Resident
Chirman in Clinton. He is in-
viting every pastor 'to appoint
one of his laymen to speak
briefly on Christian Missions
preceding the morning sermon
on Sunday, November 13. This
year's theme is "Let's act now
for one world in Christ."
Wingham.and Chicago, but spent
most 'o1 her life in Goderieh,
where 'she was well known as • a
drestsmaker. She was a;; member
of St. George's Anglican Church,
Surviving are a. brother, John,'
Toronto; and a sister, Mrs, Louise
Forest, Sherbrooke.
Don't Wait!
Do It Now.
Make your. appointment to have
that portrait your loved ones
have so often wished .lar made
now. What a marvellous idea
for a Christmas Gift! Make it
a Fowler Bros. Portrait and be
sure of the best!
Hurry now and take advantage
of our FREE GIFT of twelve
Portrait Greeting Cards.
Fowler Brothers
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All Lamps in our Store on
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Also Extra Shades
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Regular 2.85 to 36.50
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In Our Hardware Department
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20% discount will be given on all Aluminum Ware
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This is a great opportunity to -secure Suitable Christmas Gifts for your friends
Funeral Directors
Phone 3618