Clinton News-Record, 1949-10-27, Page 4PAGE POUR CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Let's Chat A Woman's Viewpoint on This and That By MBA Santa Claus Caine early this year to the citizens of Clinton... It was like awakening to a new World after the first snow of the winter to look out and see the black ribbon of smooth pave- ment throughout the town . , and to see the difference in ap- pearance it makes to the main street end other highway streets , Of course, we know it wasn't Santa Claus — but the Ontario Government and ourselves — the taxpayers of the town who are responsible . • . Undoubtedly we will all feel it in next year's tax rate . . It is pleasant to know that the province -wide bad reputation Clinton has had for poor roads will fade into distant memory... Also the long suffering house- wives on Vinegar Hill, who have battled dust and mud for three years will have encouragement now when they clean verandas 'and windows , .a r Apropos of children playing on the highway—which we mention - last week, the ears and trucks are whizzing up and down the hill . , and mothers would be !Well-advised tq watch the play- ing habits of their children . . , a a IWe went down to London Sat- ,urday to see Western beat Var- sity and that was what happen- ed It was our first inter- ! collegiate game since we Ismer IWestern defeat Varsity in To- rcnto in 1939 ... end the first time we had been back to the Western stadium since — weld, since we graduated some years ago . , In our day, Western was the underdog in senior inter- collegiate football, with never more than four or five thousand loyal fans in attendance , , . The TALENT Auction Sale Sponsored by Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's Anglican Church THURSDAY, NOV. 3 at 8 p.m. Knitted Wear Sewing Home Balking Produce Handicraft Open to Public — No Charge • Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 43-b "HEIGH! HO! COME TO THE FAIR" COUNTRY FAIR Auspices of W.A. and Girls' Club in Wesley -Willis Church Lecture Room Saturday, October 29 from 3 to 6 p.m. — BOOTHS _ Fancy Work -- Aprons -- Novelties Home-made Baking - Christmas -boxed Home-made Candy AFTERNOON TEA - 45c MENU: Jellied Chicken, Salad and Relishes Bread end Butter. Cake, Tea Everyone Welcome 42-3-b e contrast was striking , Today they are the leading drawing card of the Union, as the record number of visitors to London testified . , , And are the team to beat according to buttons worn by the numerous Varsity supporters , , , r w In addition to the, usual colo and glamor associated with. col- lege football, the Governor- General, Viscount Alexander, kicked off at the beginning of the game And it wasn't a bad kick either . * r Definition . . . A wife is an illogical creature Who asks "Where did you have it last?' and goes there, and there it is! . Making history alive is the aim of a good history teacher We were interested to learn that this is being accomplished by Miss Jamieson in her Grade VII Social Studies class ... and that the News -Record has played a small part in it ... Miss Jamieson and her class are studying the pioneer life' of our district . , And the students are making scrap books with pictures, draw- ings of clothes and clippings of the Historical Sketches of Huron County, published in this' paper Too often in the past, we Canadians have been prone to look with distain on our short historical background, especially is this so everywhere in Canada, except Quebec But with some interest end. a bit of study, we soon find the life and strug- gles of our early pioneers are just as fascinating as those parts of American history glamorized by the movies . . More power to Miss Jamieson and any other teacher who can make us proud of the heritage that has made Huron County one of the finest THURSDAY, OCTOBER, 27, 1949 Presbyrteriala' VVMS Holds Thankoffering Ts meete ing annual Thankoffering of the WMS of Clinton (Presbyterian Church was held at Ithe home of Mrs. Charles Clifton. There was a good, attendance r (with guests from 'Stanley Town - !ship and Brussels. The president, Mrs. George Roberton, opened the meeting by giving some tlibughts on Thanks- giving. The ; devotional period. was in charge of Mrs. Robert Mc- Kenzie and ears, James Makies. One minute of silence was ob- served in memory of Miss Agnes Stirling who had attended the Thaukoffering of East year, the last meeting before her illness. Mrs, Lane sang "Wonderful Sav- iour." The guest speaker was Mrs. George Milne of Brussels, who gave a splendid address on Brit- ish Guiana, where she and her husband had worked in the Mis- sion - Field there. Mrs. t Milne described the climate, country, and people. Many of the people are like many in Canada in looks, behaviour and outlook. All in needof the Christian gospel. The treasurer, Mrs. James Makins, reported a liberal Thank - offering. Mrs. Clifton was assisted in serving refreshments by Mrs. Robert Scott, Mrs. John Snider and Mrs. James Makins. Beauty Salon located on ground floor in the Jervis Apartments Albert St,, next Roxy Theatre PERMANENTS FINGERWAVES SHAMPOOS FACIALS MANICURES Thelma Currie Phone 542J ASHTON'S for fast service PHONE 110 Attractive Chrome KITCHEN FURNITURE SEE THESE LOVELY PIECES IN OUR WINDOW! LONG-LASTING AND ECONOMICAL, TOO! Tables with Mother -of -Pearl top Chairs $45. ea, $9.15 to 10.95 with red, yellow or blue upholstering in leatherette or plastahide Kitchen Cabinets $79.25 white enamelled aa. Utility Cabinets $14,95, 18.95, 32.95 BALL and MUTCH PHONE 195 Hardware and Furniture CLINTON Pett ottal3 Mrs. E. E. Brown, Petrolia, is visiting her sister, Mrs. William Shaddoek. Miss Ruth Wilson was a week- end visitor with. Miss Dorothy Dennis, Brussels. Mrs. Normal Hathaway, Toron- to, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mm Caryl W. Draper. Mrs. (Rev.) Donald McLeod, Thamesville, was the guest of her aunt Mrs. W. T. Henry, over the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston, Toronto, visited last week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Johnston, N. W. Trewarthn is visiting his son-in-law and daughter, Rev. and Mrs. A. P. Addison, Iroquois, Falls, 'for a few days, Mrs. Elizabeth Walker, Kitch- ener, was a weekend visitor at the home of her son and daughter- in-law, Mr, and Mrs. George Walker. Mrs. John A. Sutter end son, Benson, spent the weekend in IToronto with the former's sister, Mrs. W. E. Floody, and Mr. and 'Mrs. E. P. Williams. Dr. and Mrs. Roy Stackhouse, Ridgeway, end Miss Ada Stack- house, Paris, were weekend visit- ors with Misses L. and O. Brig- ham and Mrs. Ada Adams. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Shearer, Virginia, Stuart and Wendy, of Bright, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middleton and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton, Mrs. Emma Sutter has return- ed to her home in Stratford after spending the past three weeks at the home of her son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sutter. Mrs. Chris Crozier, Mrs. Leslie Langworth end daughter. Patsy, Toronto, visited with their aunt, Mrs, Margaret Johnston and cousin, Mrs. C. Farquhar, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Batkin, Goderich Township, and Mr. and Mrs. Jock Cook, Goderich, spent the weekend visiting the ladies' uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Durst, Berkley, Mich. John Mcilveen is spending a well-earned rest at the home of his sister, Mrs. William Williams, alter retiring from the C.N. Rail- way. Before leaving Stratford he wee presented with an easy chair, cigarette stand and a club beg. Mrs. N. W. Trewartha returned on Wednesday last after spending six weeks on a trip to various points in the West, visiting in Edmonton and with her daugh- ter, Miss Wiihelmine Trewartha, at Vilna, Alta. places in the world to live .. . • For the third Saturday in a row the Town Hall was the scene of a bazaar and tea This last one was sponsored by the Ebenezer W.A. , , We were sorry not to, be there, but have, heard it was quite successful'...' We wish that the various organ- izations would have their press secretaries contact us, so we could g'v a few details to comment on. The large congregation attend- ing the Presbyterian anniversary Sunday evening were doubly re- warded when they heard a fine thoughtful' sermon by Rev, Ralph Bas , , And the excellent music by the choir end the Seatorth Male Quartette , . . The latter sang two numbers, which were beautifully rendered . ' Two entertainment treats were available to Clintonifins during the past week The concert, given by the RCAF Central Air Training Command Band, drew many from town to enjoy a pro- gram of classical. ,and modern American music .. 'Then, Mon- day, Laurence Olivier's "Hamlet" was shown at the local theatre The afternoon performance was sold out to the Collegiate Insti- tute and as there was only one evening show, many were disap- pointed in not seeing the great- est interpretation of Hamlet for eereral decades , It is to be hoped the management will try to have a repeat performance soon... 0 PRESBYTERIAN WA The WA of Clinton Presbyter- ian Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Robert McEwen, High St., Clinton, on Tuesday ) afternoon, November 1, at three o o'clock. d * " r h HOSPITAL AID MEETS b Clinton Hospital Aid will hold its regular meeting in the Coun- cil Chamber on Tuesday even- ing, November 1, at eight o'clock. St, Paul's Friendship Club Holds Meeting The Friendship Club of St. Paul's Anglican Church held its business meeting at the home of Mrs. Josephine Winter. The meeting opened with the Mem- bership Prayer and the Lord's Prayer, The minutes and treasurer's re- orts were read. The business f the evening was discussed. A elicious lunch, served by the ostess and Mrs. Vi. Habgood, sought the evening to a close. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, R. B. Camp- bell. with Mrs. Robert Draper assisting. Church Directory Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister Mrs. E. Wendori, Organist and Choir Leader • Sunday, October 30 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service "ATI Things Are Yours" 12.15—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Service, "Why we are Protestants" Wesley -Willis United Church 13ev. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday,. 11,00 a.m.—MorninOctoberg Worship "Happy is a World like This" 12.15—Church School 7.00 p.m,—Union. Service in the Ontario St. United Church. • A Welcome for Everyone. St. Paul's Anglican Church REV. R. PSI. P. BITLTEEL, Rector Mrs, Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader Sunday, (Masher 30 11.00 am—Holy Comnu nion and Sunday School. 7.00 nem—Evening Service Tuesday, November 1, at 3 p.m.— Ladies' Gelid in Owen Me- , m,ei'al Hall. Wednesday, November 2—Friend-. ship Club ,at the home of Mrs. R, B. Campbell. Presbyterian Church REV. D. J, LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader Sunday, October 30 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School. 11.00 tem—Divine Worship "The Unbelioved—but Jesus Despised," The Sacrament e.f Baptism will be administered. 2,30 p.m, -Service at Bayfield, All Welcome Baptist Church REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister J. R. Butler, Choir Leader Mrs, Ernest Adams, Organist Sunday, October 30 11.15 am—Sunday School 7.00 p.m—Evening Worship EVERYONE WELCOME Pentecostal Church Matilda St., South of CNR CLAYTON WARRINER, Pestor The Pentecostal Church • in- vites you to come to the special evening meetings, Thursday and Friday 'evenings of this week at 8 p.m. saiken WA LOUISA WINN Salvation for the Soul Divine Healing for the Body The — Baptism of the, holy Ghost and the Second Coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ HEAR MISS WINN SING THE OLD SONGS AND PREACH "THE OLD MESSAGE" Sunday, October 30 10,00a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Worship: 7.30 pm.—Evening Service, Miss Winn will preach at both servdoes. Thursday, 4, 30 p.m. — Sunshine Hour, Thursday, 8,00 p m.—Bible Study You are invited. Friday, 8 p.m.—Young People. Marks 'of Quality Ask for them by Name DRESSES -Hamptons, Colonial M idamazelle, UNDERWEAR.---HarveyWood's, Turn - bull's, Mercury. LINGERIE--Holeproof, Luxite, Su-lette, Pacemaker, La Deesse. BRASSIERES ---Gothic, Wonder -Bra, La Deesse, Even-Pul. GIRDLES and CORSELETTES--Lady Mac, NuBack, La De'esse. HOSIERY ---Gold Stripe, Holeproof, Phantom, Orient, Butterfly. 1 RWI N'S• For the Nurse or Waitress ' WHITE UNIFORMS by Hamptons in a variety of styles. WiNTE "r`.IZE NOW! Get your car ready for winter! We stock: PRESTONE and HOT SHOT ANTI -FREEZE Special Price on COMPLETE WINTERIZING Winter Front for various makes of Radiators JONATHAN HUGILL Super. test Service Station Phone 784W Residence 616r34 +..wan..,..+-.r.v+.,..n r.•..,.. +...++•....... Z COUNCIL CHAMBER, CLINTON Saturday, November 5 3--5 p.m. Sponsored by Girls' Club of Clinton Presbyterian Church — BOOTHS — Home -Made Baking Candy Apron AFTERNOON TEA 25 cents 43-4-b FREE ! ! One Dozen Portrait Greeting Cards just for snaking your appointment early! Portraits by Fowler Eros, are the ideal Christ- mas Gift. It cannot be duplicat- ed and grows more precious with each passing year. Phone Fowler Bros, now and be sure to receive your gift of twelve Portrait Greeting Cards! Fowler Brothers PHOTOGRAPHERS Phone 84 MCEwan's Clinton Also Studios in Mitchell and Stratford HEADQUARTERS for Work Gloves Heavy ocks New Lines -- Lower Prices LUGGAGE and LEATHER GOODS Clinton Phone 2 . IN PO