Clinton News-Record, 1949-10-20, Page 6ROE FARMS MILLING CO., ATWOOD, ONT.. PAGE SIX CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 194 'nteresti Items From News-Record's Correspondents NEWS OF BAYFIEL-D Representative: Miss Lucy R. Woods Phone Bayfield 45r3 Miss Beverly York, Lucan, was Suffers Heart Attack home over the weekend. John Toms who with his bro- Mrs. Slid Castle, Simcoe, is tiers, Charles and Malcom, was engaged' in fishing out of Gode- rich, suffered a heart attack and was taken to Alexandra Hospi- tal, Goderich, on Tuesday. It is hoped that he will soon improve and be able to return home. Toms Brothers have been forced to dock their tug "The Hariodell," in Goderich Harbour as the chan- nel is now too shallow in Bayfield to bring her to her berth. Trinity Club Meets Mrs. James R. Scott was host- ess for the meeting of the Trinity Club at her home on Wednesday, of last . week, Mrs. Maynard Corrie, President , was in the chair. Devotional exercises were conducted by the rector. Miss Berthena Sturgeon, secretary, read the minutes of the inaug- ural meeting: Three new mem- bers were present. After consid- erable discussion about ways and means of raising money, the Re- creational committee d'ecid'ed to sponsor a Hallowe'en dance to raise money to provide for bad- minton. Dainty refreshments were served et the close of the meeting. visiting Mrs. Ellen Howard. Miss : Gloria Westlake, London, was home for a couple of days over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bauer and Tommy, Waterloo, occupied their cottage over the weekend. Miss Elane Denby, London, spent the weekend 'with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Makins. Mrs. F. C. Gemeinhard left last week to visit her daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Knight, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Forbes closed their cottage far the season and returned to Waterford last week. Mrs. C. W. Brown who has closed her cottage, "The Briars" is visiting Mrs. N. W. Woods. Dr. and Mrs. W..Aberhert, Bill and Helen, London, spent the weekend at their Cottage. Prof. and Mrs. R. Torrens and family, London, were at their cottage over the weekend.' Mrs. A. S. Bishop, accompanied by her niece, Mrs. Toes, Kansas City. is visiting friends in Wind- sor. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Holmes and babe, Sarnia, and Miss Barbara Atkinson, Toronto, were in the village for a day recently. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McArthur, Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Scott over the weekend. Prof. and Mrs. R. K. E. Pem- berton and two sons, London, oc- cupied their cottage in Lakeside Park over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Miller and son, London, who have rented Mrs. J. Webster's house on Clan Gregor Square, spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Morley, To- ronto, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George King. Mrs. Lindsay Smith entertained twelve children on Saturday af- ternoon in honour of her son Ronald's eighth birthday. R. B. Johnston returned home on Friday after having undergone treatment in Clinton Public Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fraser, Jack and Mildred, returned home on Sunday evening following a mot- or trip through Ontario and Quebec. John Lindsay and Leslie El- liott motored to Toronto on Sun- day. On their return they were accompanied by Mrs. Lindsay and two children who were the guests of Miss Ellen Wayman last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ritchie, who have recently returned from a trip to Atlantic City, came on Monday to be with Mrs. Ritchie's Parents, Mr. and Mrs. George King. Mr. and Mrs. George Stirling and daughter, Pickford, Mich,, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Wallis end children, Rudyard, Mich., are visiting Misses A. M. and E. J. Stirling. Ladies' Guild Meets The Ladies' Guild of Trinity Church met at the home of Mrs. R. H. Geirdner on Thursday last. Mrs. Byrd Sturgeon, president, conducted the meeting. Mrs. S. McEwen, secretary, read the min- utes of the previous meeting. During the business discussion, it was decided to hold the Christ- mas bazaar on December 3. Rev. LaVerne Morgan read a chapter from The Life of' St. John. Fol- lowing the benediction the host- ess served refreshments. Bazaar Auspices of the W.A. of Varna United Church Township Hall, Varna Wed., Oct. 26 — BOOTHS — • Sewing • Baking • Produce • Candy Afternoon Tea from 3 to 5 p.m. 42-b VARNA Mr. and Mrs. Fred McClymont attended the funeral of their uncle, the late Rev. L. W. Diehl, in Thamesville, last week. Services Withdrawn The regular United Church service and Sunday School will be withdrawn on Sunday next owing to anniversary services at Goshen United Church. Rev. L. W. Diehl Passes The late Rev. Louis Diehl was born in Varna in 1865. He was educated in Verna Public School and attended Clinton Model School. He taught for three years then attended Huron College. His parishes included Holmesville, Summerhill, Middleton, Ailsa Craig, Port Burwell and Thames- ville. He retired from the ministry 14 years ago and since then has resided in Thamesville. He leaves his daughter, Flor- ence, and two sons, Wallace and Louis, all three living in Hamil- ton; also two grandchildren. Wallace Gordon and Lois FA- eaner, children of Wallace; a sis- ter, Mrs. Margaret McClymont, Varna, also survives. Services were conducted by Rev. C. J. Draper, rector of St. Stephen's Church, Thamesville, and Ven. Archdeacon H. P. West- gate, Monday evening, October 10, with interment in Aurora on Tuesday. EBENEZER Ebenezer WA Meets 'many songs of a high order. ,Toe Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt was host- ' Royal Bank Execut.ve'. Changes Karsh S. G. DOBSON Chairman of the Board Karsh Karsh JAMES MUIR T. H. ATKINSON President General Manager Election of Sydney G. Dobson to the Chairmanship of the Board of Directors of The Royal Bank of Canada is announced by the bank. Succeeding Mr, Dobson as President is James Muir, who has been General Manager of the bank since 1945. T. H. Atkinson, Assist- ant General Manager since 1943, succeeds Mr. Muir as General Manager. HOLMESVILLE WMS and WA Meet The monthly gathering of the WMS was held October 12 at the horns of Mrs. Elmer Potter. Mrs.' Walter was in charge' of the meeting. Following the opening hymn, Mrs. H. Cudmore read the Scrip ture, and prayer was offered by Mrs. Walter. Mrs. Cudmore end Mrs. Heard gave an interesting Thanksgiving paper. A reading on Christian Stewardship was contributed by Mrs. Huller, and Mrs. Tavener led in prayer. The study book chapter, "Literature for the Illiterate," was present- ed by Mrs. Walter. Mrs. W. Nor- man and Mrs. Freeman sang a pleasing solo. It was decided that the Fall Thankoffering be handed in at the November meeting, and that $95 be sent as this year's alloca- tion. A new study book is to be purchased for next year, The singing of a hymn concluded the meeting. The WA meeting followed, with the president, Mrs. W. Nor- man, in charge. Arrangements were completed for the coming bazaar to be held on Saturday, November 12, in the Town Hall, Clinton. A delicious lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. El- mer Potter and Mrs. F. Mul- holland. Successful Concert Many attended the fine concert staged in Holmesville United Church Monday evening by the Harbour Aires, a talented group of male choristers from Goderich. Under the direction of George Buchanan, the chorus, 25 in num- ber, delighted the audience with ass to the Woman's Association of Ebenezer United Church for the October meeting. The roll call was answered by the members bringing in their aprons to be priced for the bazaar which is being held on October 22. The minutes of the September.meet- ing were 'read and adopted. Fol- lowing the business session the Scripture reading was given by Mrs. C. Tebbutt, and Mrs. C. Tav- ener led in prayer. The chapter from the Study Book was taken by Mrs. M. Jones. A reading was given by Mrs. Ira Merrill and the meeting was closed by singing a hymn followed by the Mizpah Benediction. Skinny men; women gain 5,10,15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a thrill) Bony limbs 1111 out; ugly hollows illi up; neck no longer ecrewny; Sod,' loss halt - starved, slakly "bean—pole" look. Thousands at girls, woman, nen, who never could gain before, Ore now proud or shapely, healthy -looking bodies, They thank tko special vigor -building, desk-bWlding conic, Ostrcv, Its tonics, etlmulante invigorators, Iron, vitamin B,, calcium, enrich blood, Improve appetite and digestion so food gives you more etrongth and nourishment; put flesh on bare bones. Don't roar gaiting Mc fat, stop when you've gained the I, 10, 15 or 20 you need'for norms) weight. I:nets little, New "get acquainted" else only 00,. Try famous Ootrcx Tonle 'riblets for new vigor And added pounds, this very d&Y. At ail druggists. Used Car Bargains 2—'1948 Chevrolet Fleetline Coaches 1948 Chevrolet Sedan '1948 Chevrolet Coach 3-1947 Chevrolet. Coaches i 940. Chevrolet Special Deluxe Coach 1938 Oldsmobile, 5 -passenger Coupe 1935 Ford Sedan, with new motor 1935 'Plymouth Sedan 1934 Buick Sedan and many others Brussels Motors "THE HOME OF BETTER USED CARS" Convenient Terms Open Every Evening PHONE 73-X BRUSSELS Kelly was accompanist, with F/O L. J. Drake acting with capability as Master of Ceremonies. The choruses were interspersed with solo numbers. Sgt. A. R. Persa,n Clinton, accompanied by Miss Eileen Gliddon, Holmesville, de- lighted the audience with four violin selections. James Corran, Holmesville, contributed the two sacred songs, "There Were Ninety and Nine", and "When I Survey the Wond- rous Cross." Later in the pro- gramme, he again thrilled the listeners with "Macoushla" and "Irish Lullabye." Miss Gliddon was his accompanist. With Miss Mary Joyce Straugh- an, Goderich, at the piano, Ralph Henderson, Goderich, sang "The Lord's Prayer," and "Ole Man ROE %WAY EGG Nall ENRIGIIED TO BOOST EGG PROFITS You Can Get ROE Feeds From: H. CHARLESWORTH, Clinton A. J. MUSTARD, Br u/efield ORDER RESERVED 'SEATS NOW! ROYAL ,'galea eturiat 16R/6':;,.{"ISR FAIR mums OV. 15-23 Emu As the supply is limited, reserved seats must be obtained immedi- ately by out-of••town'visitors. RESERVED SEATS AFTERNOONS Friday, Nov. 10 to Wednesday, Nov.23 $1.00 including. general Admission Reserved Seals, Nights $ 1 dine general ednds.Ie, LONDESBORO Mr. and Mrs. Webb, Toronto, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Shobbrook. Miss Mary Ellen Prest, Mit- chell, spent Saturday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. TUCKERSMITH Ladies' Club Meets The October meeting of Tuck- ersmith Ladies' Club was held at the home of Mrs. Ernie Crich with 14 members and two visit- ors present. The meeting was opened with the singing of "See- ing Nellie Home" and the repeat- ing of the Lord's Prayer in unis- on. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read and the roll called. Letters of appreciation were read from Mrs. L. Reibling and Mrs. W. Pepper. Mrs. W. Roberts gave an account of Fred Sloman's work in Northern On- tario. It was decided to have a Hallowe'en party on October 28, The meeting closed with the Homemaker's Prayer. The next meeting will be in charge of Group Two. Enclose a elf-add,eased envelope Wlt4 your cheque or money Order to— ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR' Royal Coliseum, Toronto, Ont. River," as well as taking solo parts in chorus numbers, The audience showed its ap- preciation of this splendid music treat by hearty applause, and many warm compliments. The managing committee served lunch to the visiting artists at the con- clusion of the programme. Fred Prest. Mrs. Garnet Johnston end son David, Niagara Falls, spent the weekend with relatives in the village and community. Preaches Here Sunday Rev. Reba Hem, Varna, will preach the service in Londesboro United Church on Sunday, Oct. 23, at 10 a.m. Mission Circle Meets The Aimwell Mission Circle held its Thenkoffering meeting en October 12, at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Pipe with the presi- dent, Lois Wood, , in the chair, and Mrs. Brenton at the pian', The meeting opened with hymn 578, "Sing to the Lord of Har- vest." The treasurer's report was given by Francis Lyon. The roll call was answered by 18, mem- bers and eight visitors. The min- utes of lest meeting were read by secretary Thelma Shobbrook, Hymn 637, "The Lord's My Shep- herd," was sung, followed by the I.r', d's Prayer in unison. Doris Grierson read the Scripture, Lois Wood led in prayer. The offer- ing was taken up; hymn 649 sung. Mrs. Wood then gave Chapter 2 of the Study Book, Francis and Vera Lyon then favoured with a duett. Mrs. Grierson, guest speak- er, told some very interesting happenings while in Korea, The meeting closed with hymn 568, "The Day Thou gayest Lord is Ended," and Mrs. Grierson closed the meeting with prayer. Lunch was served by the hostesses: Mrs. Pipe, Mrs. Brenton, and Ann Fairservice. October 8, was very successful. SUMMERHILL 1 The programme consisted of a Ladies' Club Meets Summerhill Ladies' Club held its October meeting at the home of Mrs. Russell Neal, Clinton, with 23 members and four visit- ors present. The meeting opened with the singing of "The Maple Leaf Forever." Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Reports from the various committees showed that the bazaar, held on contest by Dorothy Blake, with Mrs. Penfound the winner; two poems by Mrs. Clarence Ball; and readings Gy Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. C. Farquhar. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Neville Forbes. The programme will be in charge of Mrs. G. Cornish, Mrs. Ed Farquhar, Mrs. N. Forbes, and the lunch committee will be Mrs. Keith Tyndall, Mrs. Allan Neal, Mrs. Sid Lansing and Mrs. Stephenson. "SALAIlit TEA Outstanding Quality • Delicious Flavour Bazaar EBENEZER W.A. are having a sale of Aprons, Candy, Home -Made Baking and Farm Produce in the Council Chamber, Clinton Town Hall Saturday, October 22, at 3 p.m. 42-b Tenders Called GODERICH TOWNSHIP HEREBY CALLS FOR TENDERS FOR THE SNOW -PLOUGHING OF TOWNSHIP ROADS FOR THE WINTER OF 1949-50. Tenders for the supplying of two (2) Trucks and the necessary equipment for snow -ploughing; one truck to be used mainly in the Clinton area of the Township, and the other in the Goderich section. Additional details to be obtained from the Road Superintendent. All tenders to be in the Clerk's hands by November 1st, and to be accompanied by a marked cheque for $100.00 (One Hundred Dollars). The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders will he received until November 1st, for the supplying of a bulldozer and plough for snow -ploughing, when required, and at the Road Superintendent's direction.. R. E. 'rHOMSPON, Clerk 41-42-b t Preferred by more users because they cost less to own ...to operate ... to maintain! 10 Yes, it's true! Truck users are buying more Chevrolet trucks each year because they cost less to own, to operate, to maintain. What more convincing proof could there be that Chevrolet Advance -Design trucks give more value! Come in and let us discuss your truck requirements) ADVANCE DESIGN TRUCKS !.aa7ka'6'•::.W ^�",a?.ai< �f Vii% A Product of General Motors Lorne Brown .M'botors