Clinton News-Record, 1949-08-11, Page 5irFrminAz 'AUG:1MT 11,1:90 CLINTON 'NEWS -RECORD PAGE News -Record Classified Adlets Bring Quick Results *CASH RATE. -(If paid by Wed- riesdey following .date of „inser tion)-sOne cent a word first in- sertion (rninimure"35 cents); sub- eequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra for box number or for direc- tion to 'NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED -15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday. APARTMENTS FOR RENT 'THREE -ROOMED. FURNISHED apartment, modern conveniences. Phone 19J 32eb, AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1942 OLDSMOBILE 6, deluxe lour -door sedan, :good condition, heater, defroster, clock, etc., new battery, tires good, must sell, getting new car, price $975. _Apply Mr,* Waters, Wellington St., Clinton. 32-p BABY CARRIAGES BABY CARRIAGE FOR SALE. Apply T. Jamieson, over Ruby and Bill's Snack Bar. 32-b BOARD WAND ROOM AND BOARD WANTED :for men. Parker Cqnstruction, phone 615r22. 32-p CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS; well turb, blocks or 4 ft. sec- tions. Immediate delivery. Har- old Emmerson, Box 433, Clinton, phone 394R. 33-3-p COTTAGES FOR RENT 1FULLY FURNISHED SUMMER Cottage for rent for August; has two ',bedrooms, hydro. At Iron Springs, 41/2 miles north of Bay- field. Reduced rates for month of September. Apply Miss Fier- , ence Cuningharne, Box 72, Clin- -ton, 32-b FRUIT FOR SALE DUCHESS APPLES, come end pick your own; Findlay Stove, in good condition; day bed, suit- able for porch or cottage. Phone 193, 32-b FURNITURE FOR SALE LADY'S DESK, recently refin- ished; some yards of wool car- pet; office stool. Phone 176. , 32-b HELP WANTED, FEMALE GIRL FOR LIGHT OFFICE work, air force preferred, Apply at job, Parker Construction, RCAF, Station, Clinton. 32-b HELP WANTED -MALE WANTED -PROJECTIONIST TO take charge of National Film Board circuit in Huron County. Previous training not necessary. Duties to commence Sept. 12. Send tenders ,and references to W. V. ,Roy," scretary, Huron County Federation of Agriculture, Box 310, Clinton. 32-b HOUSES FOR SALE MODERN TWO-STOREY Eight - roomed house, instil brick siding, new furnace, new three-piece 'bath connected with sewer, double garage, barn and number of lots. Apply Ross Fitzsimons, phone 559W. 31-P-tfb LIVESTOCK FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare's orchard, mile north,,of town. Will work odd days, harvesting, etc. es. . 29 -37 - FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE there is ;a new Singer Sewing Centre located on the Square in Goderich. New cabinet and port- able machines, also treadles. Re- pairs to all makes. 30btfb ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for Mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone eollece Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Goder- tele2btfb •LOST AND FOUND ESTRAYED TO MY PROPERTY, lot .36, concession 2,. HRS, Tuck- ersmith, one Holstein heifer weighing 1,000 or 1,100' pounds, August 6. Owner may'claim same by proving property and paying expenses. Eldon O'Brien, phone Clinton 615r33. 32-p PIANO TUNING v; PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRS to all makes. Cleaning, de-moth- ing, free estimates. Write or phone William N. Gould, 314W, Clinton. 1-btfb SEED FOR SALE CORNELL SEED WHEAT, free from smut and cockle. $2.25 per bushel. R. W. Cole, phone 906r24. 31-2-p CORNELL SEED WHEAT, clean- ed and treated. Priced reason- able. Bob Peck, Rai. 1, Zurich, phone Hensall 96r15, 32-3en . TRAILER FOR SALE .• NEW TWO -WHEEL Farm Trail- er, complete with stock rack, 600x16 tfres, 4ei8' bor. Apply Fred Chapple, R.R. 3, Kippen, phone Seaforth 651r23, 32-b CARD OF THANKS Mrs. T. D. Holloway and Mrs. A. J. Holloway wish to express their sincere thanks and apprec- iation for all beautiful floral tributes, all cards and messages,' and ell other kindnesses so thoughtfully expressed in their recent sad bereavement. . 32-p CARD OF THANKS Mrs. R. J. Woods, Lucknow, wishes to thank all those who were so kind, and all those who attended the funeral of her sis- ter, the late Mrs. William Rath - well, and those' who sent flow- ers. It was very much apprec- iated. 32-b CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Margaret Farquhar wish to thank all her friends who remembered her during her long illness with flowers, fruit and cards, and also to thank those who sent flowers, loaned cars, and assisted in any way in their bereavement. 32-p SEAFORTH - The tank of a gasoline truck driven by Donald Wallace slid off the truck and into the ditch es he tried to avoid a calf that had run onto King's, Highway 8, ahead of the truck, about two miles and a half west of Seaforth. Some of the gasoline was lost in the accident. GOOD FOUR-YEAR-OLD Hol- stein cow, milking well; three chunks of pigs, Alex SParkei, fourth concession, Bayfield. 32-b EIGHT REAL GOOD PIGS, seven weeks old. Joe Potter, RM. 3, Clinton, phone 907r2. 32-p NINE PIGS, SEVEN WEEKS old. Douglas Farquhar, phone 805r5. 32-b TEN PIGS, SEVEN WEEKS OLD. Apply T. Booth, R.R. 3, Clinton, phone 91Ir16. 32-p FARMS FOR SALE SMALL: FARM with comfortable house end bank barn; good wood - lot; well watered; well suited for small farming 'and grassland. Apply Box "M", NEWS -RECORD. 28btfb NOTICES NOTICE - ANYONE FOUND trespassing on Part Lots No. 41, 51, both sides of river, Tucker - smith Township at any time hereafter will be prosecuted by order of the owner, A. E. Parry. March 31, 1949. 24-28-p BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East Phone 585 CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion K. C.Cooke FLORIST Phones: 66w and 66j BARBED WIRE SPECIAL!! • • • , Reg. $5.85 per spindle $• 'e 41) • • •• Hardware and Plumbing Phone 244 Clinton .1111•1•MMON1111•, 42•11=1.) BIRTHS COOKE--In Clinton 'Public Hos- Pital, on Saturday, August 6, 1949, to Mr. end leers. Kenneth -C. Cooke, Clinton, a daughter (Lynda Bee). DUNCAN - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, August 4, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Ian Dencan, Clinton, a son (William John). FORREST--At the Stephan Nurs- ing Home, Hensall, on Wed- nesday, August 3, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Forrest, Hay, twins, a son and a daughter. GLEN -In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, August 6, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glen, R.R. 5, Clinton, a son (William Gordon). LANGMAID. -ea he Hotel Dieu, Windecir, on Saturday, August 6, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Bane Langmaid, Windsor, (nee Mar- iam Snell), a daughter (eusosia Elizabeth). . MARRIAGES BEATON-BELLIn St. And- rew's -United . Church, Bayfield, on Saturday, August 6, 1949, by Rev. Peter Renner, Evelyn Lorraine, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry Bell, Bayfield, to Beverley Ross - well, elder sin of Mr. and Mrs Beverley Beaton, Goderich, LAVERTY-DOIG- At the home '�f 'the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Doig, Tuckersmith, by Rev. James Elford, Marg- aret Elizabeth (Betty) Doig, to John Laverty, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Laverty, Owen Sound. • DEATHS MANAGHAN - In Windsor, on Wednesday, August 10, 1949, Margaret Haydock, beloved wife of Clarence Mankaghan. Rest- ing at Ball and Mutch Funex3a1 Home, High St., Clinton, on S,teaarday, for service, Satur- day afternoon, August 13, at 2.30 o'clock, to Clinton Cerae- exy. SCOTCHMER-At her home, Lot 21, Concession 12, Bronson Line, Stanley Township, o Wednesday, August 10, 1949, Alma Galster, beloved wife of John Scotchmer, Sr., , in her 69th year. Resting at her late residence where the funeral will be held on Friday after- noon, August 12, at 2.30 o'clock, to Bayfield Cemetery. VODDEN-In Clinton, on Satur- day, August 6, 1949, Sarah Williamson, beloved wife of William A. Vodden, in her 82nd Year. Funeral from the Bali and Mutch Funeral Home, High St., Clinton, on Monday, Aug- ust 8, thence to the McKillop Funeral Home, Brampton, for service on Tuesday, August 9, to Brampton Cemetery. o Agricultural Picture Is Growing Brighter The agricultural scene was growing steadily brighter in On- tario this week, in spite of earlier handicaps and fears of farmers that crop yields would be far below normal. The weekly crop report of the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture noted lower yields in spring grains,but indicated an improve- mentin t n the over-all picture, Bruce County, for instance, re- ported good prospecst far clover reed, and excellent yields of grain: , In neighboring Grey County the army worm had fled, and grain crops were giving aver- age yields. All over the province second crop clover and hay look- ed good to agricultural repre- sentatives. Threshing was near completion in most areas, with yields higher than expected, although below normal in some areas. CHECK PEDLARS'. 'BY NEW BYLAW; COUNCIL ACTS (Conte -ewe from Page One) and will be repayable with int - rest over a period of five years. Sewerage Debentuie Bylaw No. 1$ for 1949, to auth- orize the issue of sewerage de- bentures, of approximately $18,- 000, was given two readings prior to approval by the Ontario Muni- cipal Board. This debenture, which will bear a coupon rate of thede per cent per annum and will be repayable alter a period of 15 years, will clean up the remaining expenditure of the sewerage system. Repairs Completed In the absence of Ald. Nediger, Aid. Czech reported for Prop- erty Committee indicating com- pletion of the repairs to found- ations of Town Hall -and Public Library. Mayor Hatih directed a meeting of. the Property Com- mittee at a time -when Mitcheel McAdam can be resent to check the detail of the bill presented. In the report on officers and their ' duties, Constable David Elliott's request for holidays to start September 5 is being ar- ranged by the Police Committee. Ald. A. Garon reported for the Hospitalization Committee. Re- porting for the Special Commit- tee he stated plans were under way for the disposal' of old uke- less machinery at about $15 per ton. Fire Truck. Coming .Ald. Dr. G. S. Elliott reported for the Fire and -Water Com- mittee and suggested telephoning Bickle-Seagrave Limited, Wood- stock, to urge' delivery of the fire truck. This was done Tuesday morning, and the truck is ex- pected to be here about the middle of September. Ald. H. E. Hartley, for Ceme- tery Committee, stated the Water supply was limited, and a tank full to replenish the old reservoir was necessary. He suggested running a few tile and, putting a catch basin to conserve some of the overflow during the wet period. Aid.' N. W. Trewartha read the Finance Committee report for July. He, also presented the Treasurer's half -yearly statement of receipts and expenditures, and the estimated revenue and dis- bursements from July I to De- cember 31, 1949, Clinton Public Utilities -Com- mission presented an account of $32.30 for labour on Joseph St. It is being held for Investiga- tion and may be the responsibil- ity of Weston Construction Co., Limited, contractors for the sewerage system. A complaint of drain trouble, received from Glen Lockhart, Rattenbury St. West, was refer- red to the Street Committee, Subsidy Confirmed A letter was received from the Chief Municipal Engineer of the Department of Highways confirming the 50 per cent sub- sidy of cost of installation and annual maintenance of the pro- posed signal system at the junc- tion of King's Highway 4 (London Road) and Canadian National Railways, in the southern part of the town. The Department of Highways street improvement audit report was received and read. A note of thanks and apprecia- tion was received from Mrs. Sadie Falconer for the floral presenta- tion at the time of the decease of her late husband, Appeal for assistance from the Committee of the Emergency Fund for Britain, which was read at the last regular meeting, was again read and ordered filed. A communication was received from the office of the Commis- sioner of the °thane Provincial Police concerning the pension plan for police men. Clinton may Special 33: % Off 25 Pair Men's Summer Slacks sizes up to 44 Clearance Shoe Sale Just in time for school opening, we are clearing 75 pair of Boys' Oxfords. Black or, brown in sizes to 53/2. Reg. up to $S.Q0 per pair. To clear at $2650 pr, evTd,041,0,11,414.0.41,' .04,••••••qINANNIMAINNOWNI,MAN'e~.1.041,0"1,4411•4•41. N RUNNING . MEN'S 'SHOES OXFORD'S - • Misses,tland Children's 25 Pairs Black Oxfords • . Sizes 5 to 2 t Leather ,(Yr .crepe so -les Entire Stotk • " • To Clear Z5% ff • '$2. 95 pr.. •41,9,4`09,41,01.,*(.. . Pict , ETT i ArrOw Shirts 0 Cargen's.Luggage' 0 Stetson flats PHONE 25 CLINTON ,Creaionommerwranwa. ROXY THEATRE CLINTON CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH Now Playing: WALLACE BEERY as "The Mighty McGurk" - MON., TUES., WED. - DENNIS MORGAN DOROTHY MALONE "ONE SUNDAY' AFTERNOON" - TECHNICOLOR - THURS., FRI., SAT. - Roy Rogers in "GAY RANCHERO" with Jane Frazee - Andy Devine NATURAL COLOUR August 22nd: MA and PA KETTLE be precluded from the grant as there is no pension plan. The! Clerk was directed to contact the proper department to deter- mine the possibility of securing some portion of the grant in question. Confirmation of the cost of re- locating the loading chute at the stockyards was received from Canadian National Railways. In reporting for the Street Committee, Reeve G. W. Nott and Ald. Melvin Crich spoke to the matter of disin trouble on Rattenbury St. near Glen Lock - hart's. It was decided to hold the regular September meeting of Council on Tuesday evening, September 6; due to Labor Day falling on Monday, September 5. a REV. H. C. WILSON COMMENCES HIS MINISTRY (Continued from Page One) of North St. Methodist (now United) Church. He matriculat ed from St. Marys Collegiat Institute end graduated from tilt Faculty of Theology, Victori University, Toronto. He wa ordained in 1925. Even prior to his ordination Mr. Wilson was serving in th Tobermory charge, Bruce Penin sula, remaining there for tw more years. He became ministe of the United Church at Oak land, near Brantford, and after eight years there, served in th same cape city .at Auburn fo seven years and at Brussels to the past seven years. He ha been 14 years in Huron County Rev. Mr. Wilson had a success ful pastorate. at Brussels. He he been secretary of Huron County Library Co -Operative (formerly Board) since 1941. A charter nember of Brussels Lions Club he served as president in 1947 48, and is a Past Master of St John's Lodge, A.F. and AM. No 284, Brussels, A veteran of World War I Rev. Mr. Wilson enlisted as a "buck" private with tire Me Battalion from Stratford, and wa discharged with the non-commis- sioned rank of Sergeant. Mr. Wilson was married to Miss Laurel Shaw, daughter of a Methodist minister, the late Rev E. A. Shaw, and Mrs. Shaw, for- merly stationed at Benmiller She herself was born at Hayfield They have two ehildren, a daughter, Miss Ruth Mary Wil- son, teacher in the public school at Gad's Hill, north of Stratford; and one son, John H. Wilson, who has just completed his Hon- our Matriculation course at Brussels High School. During this summer vacation, he has just successfully completed a course in cadet instruction at Camp Petawawa, and is now a fully - qualified instructor. AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS of the Estate of the late Samuel Kemp, from his former residence, Ontario Street, Clinton, on 'Saturday, August 13 NOW: Roy Rogers & Jape Frazee in "GAY RANCHERO" Trucolor Mon., Tues., Wed. --Two Features Paulette Goddard, Henry Fonda, Dorothy Lamour, James Stewart, Fred MacMurray & Victor Moore as they appear in Benedict Bo- geen's great feast of fun "ON OUR MERRY ' WAY" Virginia Grey, Larry Olsen and Grant Mitchell More laughs then a barrel of monkeys in this - gay new Cinecolor hit "Who Killed Doc Robbin" -- THURS., PRI., SAT. - Larry Parks - Marguerite Chap- man - Victor Jory-An adventur- ous story of the greatest swords- man in France and the boldest lover in Paris. In Cineeolor. "THE GALLANT BLADE" Coming: "LITTLE WOMEN" in Technicolor with June Allyson ormemememeseee REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW: Gene Autry and Technie color "STRAWBERRY ROAN" - MON., TUES., WED... -se Dennis Morgan, Dorothy Malone and Janis Paige -Bright, cheer- ful and melodious, loaded with the songs of memory and filmed hi, glorious Technicolor, • . • One Sunday Afternoon • - THURS., FRI, SAT. - JACKIE (Butch) JENKINS A Star is born -- Butch is terrific "BOYS' RANCH" Coining: "WALK A CROOKED MILE" • Villiiirr-nommarreelmerammlornieliworrIEWISISEsammarriarniegmwsver THE GIFT'0-F GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE Rom. 6:23 "Ho, every. one 'that thirstetth, come ye to the waters, and he that bath no money: come ye, buy, and eatf yea,. come, buy wine and milk without money and without price." -Isaiah 55:1. TRUST THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND RECEIVE ETERNAL LIFE. CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53, Calif.- 'ealeemeesaseasilias Londesboro B -A's Trim henmiller 8-7 (By Jack Webster) Londesboro B -A's and Benmil- ler played the third game in the WOAA Intermediate "C" group series in the best three games out of five to determine the group winner in Londesboro on Friday night with the result that Lon- desboro won .8-7. This was the best game of the series. Benmiller grabbed a four - run lead in the first inning and _ then held the B -A's scoreless for a three innings. e Londesboro came barns strong a in the fourth frame to tie the e score and from then on it was a fight to the finish. Lee scored , the winning run for the B -A's e in the eighth. - In the ninth inning things 0 looked very black for the B -A's ✓ for a few seconds when with - two out and one man on base, Jenkins, the Benmiller short - e stop, came up and banged out r what looked like a safe hit to ✓ left field. However, Millar's s eyes followed the ball all the way and he managed to catch it _ just before it hit the.ground, to s retire the side and give B -A's the game. Carter and Bloor pitched for Londesboro and West- lake and Fisher for Benmiller. Legionettes Defeat . Brussels Girls 19-5 Clinton Legionettes added an- other win to their five victories 1 by defeating Brussels 19-5 in s Clinton Community Park Thurs- dey last. JoAnne Castle, pitching for Clinton, racked up seven strike- outs and walked one batter. Al- len pitching for Brussele struck out three and walked five. Jo- Anne Castle and Bette Woolfrey • hit homeruns for Clinton while Jeanne Jewell knocked a four - bagger for Brussels, Brussels: H. Allen p, Jewell c, Porter lb, B Allen 2b, Stephen- son 3b, Raymond ss, Carter If, Willis of, Black rf, Clinton: JoAnne Castle p, Shir- ley Proctor c, Bette Weooifrey lb, Carol Gliddon 2b, Dorothy Me.naghan 3b, Ruth Glew ss, Kay. Sharp lf, Marie Lee cf, Shirley Ashton rf. Umpires: Alex Wilson and Bill Nediger, Clinton. 0 DISASTROUS DIVE GRAND BEND - A dive into t1/2 feet of water from the pier hely severely injured James Sullivan, 16, Grand Bend. Rush- ed by ambulance, under police escort, to Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, the youth was found to have received a dislocated neck - possibly broken - which par- alyzed his body. at 1 p.m. sharp, the following: Three bedroom suits, complete; 2 single beds; spool bed (an- tique); several mattresses; inner spring mattress; feather tick; small chest of drawers; large walnut chest of drawers; 6 -piece walnut living room suite; 2 wal- nut settees; walnut ladder back chair; dining room extension table, and 6 chairs; cabinet radio; New Home sewing machine; oak secretary: piano bench; piano stool; 2 oak dining -room chairs; oak. arm eh air (antique); Ax- minsetr rug 12ecl 0' 6"; rug 12'sr.9'; several rocking chairs; lawn chair; Victorian arm chair; corner hall seat; hall rack; 2 hall trees; fernery; small wardrobe; aero - pack suitcase.; Servel Electrolux refrigerator, 7 cu. ft. cap. (with guarantee); Moffat grill (nearly new); 2 electric irons; 2 2 -burner electric 'plates; 2 1 -burner elect- ric plates; Beatty electric wash- ing machine; Princess Pat mod- ern range; oil stove; oil heater; Eureka vacuum cleaner; carpet sweeper; -floor lamplarge dres- sing table; 2 medicine cabinets; hand -made wooden bowls; book ends and candle sticks.; child's piano; child's rocking chair; child's arm chair; child's set of dishes sideboard; 8 -day clock 3 weight clocks; 3 alarm Clacks drafting table; blue print table drapes and cords; curtains and rods; card table; 3 small tables; drop leaf table; kitchen table; kitchen cupboard; ironing board; quilting frame; curtain stretcher on legs; 2 kitchen tables; linens; quilts; sheets; pillow cases; pil- lows; ctiehiens; scatter rugs; pictures; books; dishes; glass- ware; silverware; cooking 'uten- sils: carpenter's tools; hydro pole; battery charger; large heat- er; Quebec heater; lawn mower; wheel barrow;garden tools; quantity of fruit and canned goods and numerous Other articles. TERMS --CASH Frank Donnelly, KC., Executor Miss E. Kemp, Executrix Edward W. Elliott. Auctioneer BOWLING BITS (By MWS) , Forty-eight ladies from Exeter, Seaforth, Stratford, Wingham,, Mitchell and Clinton participated in the Trebles tournament.. on Wednesday last with prizes. M- ing to Mrs. J. Innes, Clinton; Mrs. Hare, Wingham, skipped by Mrs. . Johnson, Winghem, first; Mrs. B. Boyce, Mrs. G. W. Nott, Clinton, skipped by Miss F, Matthews, Seaforth, second; Mrs. H. Fair - service, Clinton, Mrs, Hobdone skipped by Mrs. Duval, Whig - ham, third; Miss Park, Seeforth, Mrs. Pollen, skipped by Miss Brown, Exeter, consolation. * 5 ei A goodly number played in the mixed jitney on Tuesday even- ing. Harold Vodden, Blyth, won the special novelty prize. Other • winners were Mrs. G. W. Note Mrs. B. Sutter, Bert Gliddon, James Denholm, Blyth. S Members take note of the Mix- ed rebles to be held on Monday evening, August 15. Anyone wish- ing to bowl, contact Mrs, M. Elliott, Notice to Creditors In the estate of VICTOR DOUGLAS FALCONER, late of Clinton, Ontario,Merchant. Creditors anothers having claims against the above estate are required to send full particu- lars of such claims to the under- signed. Exetutor on or before the 1st day of September 1949, after which date the estate's assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims that have then been received, THE CANADA TRUST COMP- ANY, London, Ontario, Executor, by F. FINGLAND, K.C, Solicitor, Clinton, Ontario. 32-3-4-b ASHTON'S for fast service PHONE New Modern Beauty Salon. OPENING IN CLINTON EARLY, SEPTEMBER For your convenience this shop wilt be located do'w'n town and will have new and modern equip - me -nit. • WATCH FOR OPENING DATE 31-p • ....0.•••••••••••••••• • ! . •••••."''•••••,. 2.'"f• 4 I New Arrivals in i WORK BOOTS forr Men and Boys Choice of GREB'S 1 VALENTINE'S HYDRO CITY SHOE -- at -- LUGGAGE and LEATHER t - AIKEN'S K. W. •Coinunoun, Clerk. t Phone 2 • - ' Clinton 32-b ninimenim."•~44,44~0~0~.44.41/41,14,4~"ne.wm".•~04,0•04,