Clinton News-Record, 1949-07-07, Page 4PAGE FOUR
TI•i'ij1MDAY, 'JULY 7. 194a
Mothers' Study Group
Holds Good Meeting
The June meeting of the
Mothers' Study Group of Wes-
ley -Willis United Church was
held at thehome of Mrs. Reg.
Shipley, with Mrs, Waldron in
charge. The meeting opened with
a hymn and the repeating of the
Lord's Prayer. Mrs H. Currie
reed a poem.
0Mrs. William Murch presented
gifts to Mrs. Gordon Ross and
Mrs. F. G. Lawrence, two active
members who are leaving shortly
to take up residence elsewhere.
This brings to five, the number
of members who have left town
during the past year.
Several interesting articles were
read and discussed and the meet-
ing was brought to a close with
the singing of a hymn and the
benediction. The hostess, assist-
ed by Mrs. G. Lockhart and Mrs,
?H. Currie served dainty refresh-
ments. During the social hour,
Lynne Shipley, small daughter of
the hostess, sang a solo,
The September meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. J. A.
Addison with Mrs. Thompson
and Mrs. W. Grigg as hostesses.
Herbert Harrison
Heads Stirling Clan
The Stirling Reunion was held
on June 18, at Harbour Park,
Goderich, with 60 registering
during the day. The weather was
ideal for a picnic and everyone
enjoyed the dinner, after which
the program committee took
over and the usual sports and
were run off. The presi-
dent, Fraser Stirling, then took
over and the following officers
were installed for 1950: President,
Herbert Harrison, Exeter; secre-
tary, June Miller, Clinton; sports
committee, Mrs. Fraser Stirling, !
Mrs. Reg. Miller, Mrs. William
Stirling, Mervyn Lobb and Don- ,
old McKenzie, Mrs. Warner was
to look after tea and lemonade.
Youngest child present was Ada
Janette Lobb, daughter of Mr. 1
,and Mrs. Mervyn Lobb. Oldest
;lady present was Mrs. Betties,
Goderich, and the oldest gentle-
man was William Stirling, Gode-
rich. Family coming the •longest
( distance, Dan Gillies, Ripley.
After singing God Save the
King, everyone enjoyed the bal-
ance of the afternoon chatting
and having a good time.
We have just received a quantity of
42 inches wide
Priced at . , .
89c yard
Small Patterns a Specialty
50c yard
36W — PHONES — 36J
eee-004`,"`" "' " ured silk dress with black acces-
r caries and a corsage of pink Peter
ebbiiilIi assiste ceostuines. Mrs, Horg-
u assisted, ,costwned In a green fig-
ured crepe dress with black ac-
cessories and a corsage of pink
Pe Fisher' carnations, The sorles, and corsage of pink roses
sages of pink butterfly roses.\
Following the reception, ehe
couple "left on a motor trip's to
Muskoka, for which the bride
donned a suit of pale blue gab-
ardine' with navy and white aces -
dining room was decorated in and carnations. On their return,
LAYTON—GREEK mother wlio wore a grey figured Pink and white. The bride's table Mr. and Mrs. Warren will reside
A pretty wedding took place silk dress with pink and grey was centred with a three-tier in London.
on Saturday afternoon, June 18, accessories and corsage of But- wedding cake and silver candle Marian McMillan; es maid of hon!,
at the parsonage . of Ontario St. terfly roses, holders. with pink and white or who wore salmon pink moire
United Church, Clinton, when The bride's table, tastefully candles and roses. The guests taffeta. Miss Doris Holmes wag
Rev. W. 3.,. Woolfrey united in decorated, was centred by the numbering about 30 were served bridesmaid, in apple greet taffeta McEwen and Mrs. McCowee for
marriage Jean Alma, daughter of three-tier wedding cake, flanked by Misses Margaret and Helen and Miss Shirley Busby, as junior a short worship service. Mrs.
Mr. and Mts. Robert Greer, Bay- by pink and white tapers. About Rogerson, Dorothy Walters and bridesmaid, wore primrose yea- John Snider, secretary, reported
field, and Robert Keith Leyton, 49 guests were present. ,Elizabeth Townsend: low taffeta. All wore matching that a bale containing a layette,
son of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Lay- The groom's gift to the bride ( For a motor trip to St. Cath- headdresses and parried colonial quilts and gifts for Cecilia Jef-
Presbyterian WMS
Hear Synodical Report
meeting of'the=
The June m WMS
of Clinton Presbyterian • Church,
was held at the home of Mrs,
John McCowan; ,Stanley Town-
ship, with home helpers and
visitors present.
The president, Mrs. .George
Roberton, called on Mrs. John
ton, Tuckersmith.
The bride looked lovely in a
gown of white embroidered silk
net with halo headdress and white
lace mittens. Her flowers were
red rages with white streamers.
The bride was attended by her
sister, Mrs. Glen Layton, who had
chosen a frock of mauve lace and corsage of American Beauty roses.
nylon: Her flowers were pink Upon their return, Mr. and Mrs.
'roses. Glen Leyton was the best Anderson will reside in Mitchell.
man. " We join in extending congrat-
Foli°wing a reception for about illations and best wishes to the
(20 guests held at the Commercial young couple.
Hotel, Seaforth, the couple left ' e * *
on a trip to Niagara Falls and CUNDY—TYNDALL.
fiinto the United States. They will Rev, W. J. Woolfrey officieted
reside on the bridegroom's farm at the marriage of Nora Arlettaed the trousseau while Mrs. E. By Junior Choir
in Stanley Township. Tyndall and Albert Peter Cundy Townsend and Mrs. H. Dalrymple
at high noon, on Saturday, July
LIDWELL—GLEW • 2 1949„ The bride is a daughter
Ontario Street United Church of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tyndall,
parsonage, Clinton, was the set- Goderich Township, . and the
ting on Saturday, July 2, for a groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs,
pretty bridal ceremony when Martin Cundy, Galt. The cere-
Elinor Florence, eldest daughter mony was performed in an at -
of Mr. and Mrs Harold F. Glew, tractive setting of summer flow -
was united in marriage to Regi- Ars and spruce trees on the lawn
nald Vance Lidwell, only son of of the home of the bride's parents.
Given in marriage by her fath-
er, the bride was attractively
gowned in floor -length ivory
satin, ending in a train. Her long
was a three -strand pearl neck-.artnes, Niagara, N.Y., Hamilton,
lace; to the bride's attendants, Barrie and Owen Sound, the
china cups and saucers' and to bride donned a navy blue 417001
bouquets a'f blue, yellow and frey Indian School, valued at.
mauve shasta daisies: • .25.23, had been sent to the sup -
1y secretary of the Presbyterial
the best men and ushers, �bil1•folds. gabardine. suit with navy and pink The best man was Gordon An enjoyable solo was contri-
For their wedding , trip to 'accessories and a corsage of pink
Warren, brother of the groom. bated by Mrs. John Cairns. High -
Reg. : Lawson and Jack Warren lights and impressions of the
Niagara Falls and other points Butterfly roses. They will reside g
south in' the United States, the on . West William St., Seaforth. were ushers. recent Synodical meeting were
bride wo'e a grey gabardine suit I Guests were present from To- At the reception at Knotty Pine given by Mrs. Lane, voicing Miss
with burgendyaccessories and ronto, London, Brantford, Gode- Inn, the bride's mother received Pelton's, field secretary's, chal-
rich, Seaforth, Clinton and in a gown of apple green, figured lenge to send help to the native
Winthrop. mesh with black and white ac- churches in Formosa and India,
Prior'to her daughter's wedding, cessories. The groom's mother which despite their difficulties
Mrs. Walters was hostess at her chose pale blue mesh with black are determined to finance their
home, Monday, June ,13, forhear accessories and each wore cor- own work but will welcome as -
trousseau tea honourirrg her —o sistance from the Mother Church,
youngest daughter, Amy. The ladies of Stanley assisted
In the afternoon, Misses Loisthe hostess in serving refresh -
Crich and Gladys Pepper display- Fine Music Recital ments.
Mrs. Allan Maxwell and Mrs,
William Shaddock expressed ap-
preciation to Mrs. McCowen and
neighbours, and all those taking
part in an enjoyable and profit-
able meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lidwell. Rev.
W. J. Woolfrey officiated at the.
The bride wore a becoming
suit of pearl grey gabardine with veil was held in place with a
navy accessories and corsage of
Peerless roses. She wore a single
strand necklace of pearls with
matching earrings, the gift of the
groom She was attended by Miss
Kathleen Glew, her sister, wear-
ing a brown and white checked
suit, and a corsage of Talisman ing• braided velvet headdress and
roses. carried a colonial bouquet of pink
William Freel, London, was Rapture roses.
groomsman. The groom was supported by
For a reception et the Clinton ,Jack Tyndall, brother of the
Grill, the bride's mother received, bride,
wearing a flowered navy frock Mrs. Jack Little, Clinton play -
with corsage of white carnations
and navy accessories. The groom's
sister, Mrs. Thomas Landesbor-
ough, London, gowned in navy
crepe, assisted her.
Following the reception, Mr.
and Mrs. Lidwell left on a wed-
ding trip to the Georgian Bay
Have Your
by experts
Protect Your Investment
Jack Little
Phone 335-W
Sturdy, Attractive, Folding
From $2.50 up
Hardwood frame, plain canvas seat and back . ea. $2.50
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Hardwood frame, canvas back and double can-
vas seat ea. 4:15
Painted white with water-repellent can-
vas ea. 6.85
Hardwood frame, striped canvas, with canopy
and footrest ea. 7.95
Aluminum frame, striped canvas ea. 10.50
See Our Folding
... with removable tray .. ea. 7.00.
Good Quality
HAMMOCKS at $9.00
Ball and Mutch
Phone 195
seed pearl headdress She carried
a cascade bouquet of red. Peerless
The bride's only attendant was
her sister, Miss Mary Tyndall,
who wore a floor -length gown
of sky blue taffeta with match -
poured tea and Misses Annetta,
1Vladelon and Elizabeth Town-
send and Dorothy Walters served,
A programme of exceptional
interest to a large and enthus-
In the evening, Misses Mona iestic audience was the music
Reid Shirley Jones and Marg- recital given in the Parish Hall
aret Rogerson displayed the gifts of St. Paul's Anglican Church
and trousseau while Mrs, E. Mc- on Monday evening, June 28, by
Gregor and Mrs. H. Dalrymple the Junior Choir and pupils of
poured tea and Mrs. L. Walters, May R. MacKinnon, R.M.T.
Mrs. E. Townsend and Miss Helen
Rogerson served.
The table was centred with a
three-tier wedding cake and the
rooms were decorated with pink
and white streamers and roses.
Against a background of flow-
ers, each number was greeted
with rounds of applause, as the
children av evidence of their
talent and training. The beauty
of tone, and clarity of diction,
together with the composure of
these young people, marked
them for greater efforts in the
An added feature of the even -
In a candle -lit setting of white ing was a group of three delight -
gladioli and pink carnations at ful songs by Mamie MacKinnon.
Metropolitan United Church, Lon- , Those taking part were: Coral
don, Doris Aivina, only daughter of Williams, C. Counter, K. Living -
Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Lawson, ston, M. Cartwright, M. Liver-
R.R. 1, Clinton, was united in more, C. Livermore, J. Ladd,
marriage to Edward Fletcher M. Ladd, Jane McCool, M. Re-
Warren, son of Mrs. L. Warren, fausse, Faye Aikenhead, Bob
London, and the late G. S. War- Livingston, Jack Morgan, R. Mor-
gan, S. Jenkins.
ed the wedding music end ac- ren, formerly of Manitoulin
companied the soloist, Miss Irma Island.
Wallace, Blyth, who sang "I'll Performing the double -ring
Walk Beside You" at the signing , ceremony was Rev. G. W. Goth.
o1 the register. . I Wedding music was played by T.
Following the ceremony a re- C, Chattoe and Mrs. Howard
ception was held on the lawn (Ferguson sang "The Lord's
when the bride's mother received Prayer" and "Because." '
district. wearing a powder blue crepe and Given in marriage by her
On their return they will re- lace frock with matching acces- father, the bride wore a gown of,
side in Ottawa, where the groom caries. She was assisted by, the white slipper satin with fitted
is' stationed with the RCAF, groom's mother who had chosen bodice and long full skirt extend -
k " * a blue flowered silk frock with ing into a slight train. Tiny lace
ANDERSON—STURGEON black accessories. Each wore a rosette caught up the skirt front
(By our Bayfield correspondent)'corsage of pink Virginia carna-
On the anniversary of her tions. The guests included only
parents' wedding, Saturday, June members of the immediate far-
25, at twelve o'clock, Jeanne lilies.
Later the young couple left on
o short honeymoon, the bride
travelling in an aquamarine sum-
mer suit with navy accessories.
On their return they will reside
in Leamington.
Lucille Sturgeon, youngest dau-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Edward. Sturgeon, Bayfield, be-
came the bride of Francis John
Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Anderson, Science Hill.
St. Andrew's United Church,
Bayfield, beautifully decorated
with pedastels of summer flow-
ers against a bank of fern made
a pretty setting for the double -
ring ceremony which was per-
formed by the pastor, Rev. F. G.
The charming bride entered the
church on the arm of her father.
Her lovely gown was of ivory
duchess satin, the quaint' hoop
skirt being caught up to show a
ruffled petticoat of chantilly lace.
The tight -fitting bodice had a
nylon yoke edged with lace,
caught with seed pearls, and
fastened down the back with tiny
buttons, and the long sleeves
ended in lily points on her hands,
Her floor -length veil of embroid-
ered illusion net fell from a
sweetheart headdress fashioned of (
satin ribbon and seed pearls. She
carried • a cascade bouquet of
white sterlite roses and fern. Mrs.
Dennis Bisback, Clinton, sister of
the bride, was matron of honour.
She was gowned in orchid taf-
feta fashioned with sweetheart
neckline, puffed sleeves and long
full skirt. She wore a matching
headdress and mittens and carried
a colonial bouquet of yellow
gloria roses and fern. The brides-
maids were similarly attired, Miss
Shirley Anderson, sister of the
groom in yellow taffeta and
carrying cream Lestra Hibbard
roses and Mrs. Stuart Sturgeon,
sister-in-law of the bride, in
spring green taffeta and carrying
Peerless red roses.
The best man was Alvin And-
erson, brother of the groom, and
the ushers were Stuart Sturgeon,
brother of the bride, and Harvey
Sperling, cousin of the groom.
Mrs. Oliver Welsh, Clinton,
played traditional wedding music.
Miss Viola Fraser, Clinton, sang
"Sweet Mystery of Life," before
the ceremony and "I'll Walk Be-
side You through the Years,"
during the signing of the register.
A reception followed at The
Little Inn, the bride's mother
received the guests wearing a
dress of white crepe and lace
with navy blue accessories and
a corsage of pink butterfly roses.
She was assisted by the groom's
* * *
Before standards of pink and
white peonies, roses and fern, at
the home of the bride's parents,
Tuckersmith Township, on Sat-
urday, June 18, 1949, Amy Paul-
ine, youngest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Francis E. Walters, and
Donald Eugene Horne, only son
of Mrs. Margaret Horne, Seeforth,
exchanged rings in a wedding
ceremony conducted by Rev. W.
J. Woolfrey, Clinton.
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore a floor -length
gown of white flowered satin with
short train, deep round yoke of
net trimmed with pearls, fitted
bodice, long pointed sleeves, full
skirt and bustle back. Her long
veil was held by a halo of net
and pearls. She wore a sapphire
necklace and earrings, the gift
hof the groom, and carried a
shower bouquet of pink Butter-
fly roses and stephanotis.
The bride was attended by her
sister, Eileen, Brantford. She was
(gowned in a long yellow flowered
marquisette dress with short puff
(sleeves. She wore elbow mittens,
and a yellow headdress holding
her hip -length veil, She carried
a cascade bouquet of yellow
Gloria roses. Two nieces of the
bride, Patricia Twyford, Toronto,
and Sherron Walters, London,
were flower girls, wearing long
green organdie dresses trimmed
with pink and green shoulder -
length veils, end carrying nose-
gays of pink and white carna-
The groom was attended by
Alvin Regie(, Seaforth.
The wedding music was played
Ly Miss Mona Reid, Seaforth, and
during the signing of the register,
Miss Shirley Jones, Goderich,
sang "Because."
The gift to the bridesmaid was
a pearl bracelet, to the flower
girls, a single strand of • pearls,
to the groomsman, a wallet, and
to the pianist and soloist, a 'cup
and saucer.
Following the ceremony a re-
ception was held at the bride's
hone, where Mrs. Walters re-
ceived the guests in a grey fig -
Cool Comfortable
Chambray Shirts,
Helmets 8i Straw Hats
for protection and
to reveal lace ruffles on the petti-
coat. A matching satin headdress
with cluster of orange blossoms
held a floor length veil of silk
net. She carried a cascade of
pink butterfly roses and steph-
antotis. Her only ornament was
a double strand of pearls, the
gift of the groom.
The bride was attended by Miss
Church Directory
Baptist Church
REV. A. FORSYTH, Minister
Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist
J. R. Butler, Choir Leader
Sunday, July 10
11,00 a.m.—Worship Service and
Sunday School. (during July
and August the worship ser-
vice will be held at 11 a.m.)
Pentecostal Church
Matilda St., South of CNR
Sunday, July 10
10.00 a.m.—Sunday School
11.00 a.m.—Worship:
"The Love of God"
7.30 p.m.—"Jesus Christ — The
Son of Man"
Thursday, 4.30 p.m. — Sunshine
Corner, A Children's Hour;
8.00 p.m.—Bible Study.
You are invited.
During July, St. Paul's Anglican
and Presbyterian Churches
join in worship in
Presbyterian Church
REV. D. J. LANE, Minister
Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, July 10
9,45 a.m.--Service at Bayfield
10.00 a.m.-Sunday School
11.00 e,m Divine Worship:
"In the Hands of God"
All Welcome
Murphy Lodge LOL and Huron
Lodge LOBA will attend Divine
Worship in Ontario St. United
Church on Sunday evening, July
10. They will parade from their
lodge rooms to the church and
will be led by Bannockburn Pipe
Band. Other places where this
Pipe Band will play are at the
Glorious 12th in Brussels on
Tuesday, and at the, Seaforth
Lions Frolic on Friday; July 15.
GODERICH — Danny Wilson,
three, was saved from injury when
his grandfather, Elliott Drennan,
pushed him out of the way of a
falling piece of coal. The two
were standing near the CNR
bridge here when a large piece of
coal fell from a passing train.
During July, Wesley -Willis and
Ontario St, congregations
will worship in
Ontario St. United
REV, W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister
Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist
and Choir Leader
Sunday, July 10
10.00 a.m.—Sunday School
11.00 a.m.-Morning Service,
'Vipers in' the Camp"
7.00 p.m.—Eventng Service
"Brothers All"
Members of Murphy Lodge,
LOL and Huron Lodge LOBA,
will attend in a body.
9.45 a.m.—Service at Turner's
during summer months.
The Church of
Jesus Christ .
'of Latter Day Saints
Elder Ray b. Jenks has left
Clinton district and has been re-
placed by Elder Lorne Smith,
Champion, Alta., who is assist-
ing Elder Evan G. Hunter, San
Francisco, Calif.,' in this district.
To get in touch with those Elders,
phone Clinton 159.
Caldwell Towels '
In Plain Solid. Colors
Green, Blue, Grey, A +t•
Mauve, Red, -,
Yellow 4 Y tt
and also other
Bath Size -- Guest Size & Face Cloths
to match
Pillow Slips — Values to '1.95
$1.00 per pair
Don't forget the
Your Candid Wedding Pictures
are real treasures of your wed-
ding day; for they capture the
excitement, the gaiety, and the
informality of the very happy
Have Fowler Bros. make you an
album of Candids . . . they'll be
priceless in the years to come!
9owte t / cotfie ii
Phone 84 McEwan's Clinton
Also Studios in Mitchell and Stratford
at Bartlitts
Try Our Delicious
Let Us Do Your Baking This Summer.
Why Stand Over a Hot Stove?
Bakers and Confectioners